Are chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide the same thing, and which is better? Thrush and its alternative treatments: douching with hydrogen peroxide

Leading active image life, it is easy to get injured. This happens especially often in the summer, when life is filled with interesting activities fresh air, and the skin is not protected by clothing.

Why do you need to treat even small abrasions?

Abrasions, scratches, cuts, burns, no matter how minor, require immediate treatment. Otherwise, they may become infected and will have to undergo long and serious treatment. Everyone needs to know: wounds treated in the first hour or two fester earlier and heal faster than those treated much later.

The issue of treatment is most acute in cases where soil, animal or human excrement gets into the wound, or when non-sterile dressing material is used to dress an open wound. Moreover, the wound does not have to be deep - a puncture, splinter, abrasion (for example, on the foot), cut, bite, etc. can become an entry point for infection. open fracture, as well as frostbite and burns. With such pollution, there is a danger of anaerobic microbes being introduced into the thickness of damaged tissue (they do not need air to live), which can cause both tetanus and gas gangrene. This is very dangerous for human life!

Why shouldn't antibiotics be used?

Antibiotics are not used for either initial or subsequent wound treatment! They act only on bacterial flora; the wound may contain bacterial, fungal, and mixed microflora. In all these cases, antiseptics are used to treat wounds. They can act not only on bacteria, but also on viruses, fungi, and the tuberculosis bacillus. In addition, microbes are less likely to develop resistance to antiseptics.

How to use antiseptics correctly?

Antiseptics do not accelerate wound healing, they only eliminate microbes - factors that slow down the process of tissue regeneration: they take away oxygen and nutrients. You also need to know that misuse antiseptics can slow down healing, so each of them has a specific role in each phase of the wound process.

What are the most common antiseptics for treating wounds, and how to use them correctly?

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Only 3% of its concentration is used to treat wounds (6% causes severe skin burns; sterile instruments are only stored in it). Is an excellent tool for primary processing wounds: with the foam that is formed during its application, particles of dirt, dead cells, and so on are mechanically removed. Shows minimal bactericidal effect. It can be used to treat wounds both on the surface of the skin and on the mucous membranes. It is worth knowing how to treat a wound with hydrogen peroxide without causing a skin burn. It is also used for subsequent treatments of purulent wounds or those in which there is a high probability of the appearance of anaerobic flora. It is better to treat the wound with a pulsating stream of peroxide, rather than applying it to the wound surface, after moistening gauze or cotton wool with it. Wetting the bandage on the wound with peroxide makes it less painful to remove.

    Hydrogen peroxide should not be used on healing wounds - it causes a burn to young scar cells, which slows down the regeneration process. It is also not used for deep wounds and is not injected into body cavities.

    The wound should not be treated simultaneously with peroxide and acidic or alkaline compounds, as well as penicillin. When potassium iodide reacts with hydrogen peroxide, free iodine is released. One significant point: hydrogen peroxide is very sensitive to storage in light - its antibacterial properties are inactivated within 24 hours, especially if the container with it has been left open. You can store opened peroxide in the refrigerator, where there is no light for about a month, closed - for 2 years at a temperature of 8-15°C.

  2. Furacilin aqueous solution(alcohol solution of furatsilin is used mainly for the treatment purulent inflammation ear). It is bought either in pharmacies where there is a prescription department (where they can still prepare the medicine from the components prescribed by the doctor), or in the form of tablets in any pharmacy, then the solution is prepared independently: 10 tablets are dissolved in 1 liter hot water, and then cool the resulting liquid. They treat wounds on both the skin and mucous membranes, pouring a thin stream over the wound. It can also be applied to a dry wound dressing to make it easier to remove. A solution of furatsilin is used for initial treatment of the wound, and in case of danger of suppuration, as well as in case of suppuration. The finished solution is good for about 14 days, but it must be stored in a dark glass jar at a temperature of 8-15°C, protected from light.
  3. Alcohol. At a concentration of 40 to 70% it exhibits disinfectant properties, above 70% it exhibits tanning properties. Not applied to mucous membranes. The edges of the wound, previously washed at the stage of primary treatment, are treated with ethyl alcohol. After this, a second antiseptic is applied - a dye (brilliant, iodine) and a sterile bandage is applied to the wound.
  4. Chlorhexidine digluconate. Available in the form of a solution. It has a fairly wide spectrum of action: it affects not only bacteria, but also viruses, protozoa and fungi. It is used for the initial treatment of wounds after it has been cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, and for the treatment of purulent wounds. You don't need to use it for this. a large number of, a few milliliters are enough, which are drawn into a syringe from which the wound is watered.
  5. M Argansovka. A weak solution of this powder in saline solution (it should be barely Pink colour) is used for washing wounds (both on the skin and mucous membranes) as both primary treatment and festering ones, especially when there is a danger of anaerobic microorganisms entering the wound. Before washing wounds, you need to prepare a fresh solution each time.
  6. Iodine. Available as alcohol solution. They only treat the edges of the wound so as not to cause a burn. Iodine should not be used if hypersensitivity to iodine increased function thyroid gland, thyroid adenoma, dermatitis, kidney diseases.
  7. Z Elenka. This is a coloring solution of antiseptic on alcohol based. It is used to treat only the edges of wounds, without getting on damaged tissue. Has a drying effect. It is used before the period when fresh scar tissue begins to appear in the wound, and even more so they try not to get on it, so as not to burn it and slow down the healing process.
  8. Fukortsin. Coloring antiseptic. Can be applied to the edges of wounds on both the skin and mucous membranes. Has less drying effect than brilliant green and iodine. In the treatment of wounds it is used much less frequently than they are.

Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide are not the same thing at all. Both drugs are unpatented, cheap, available in pharmacies, acting against fungi, bacteria and viruses.

A fairly similar description and selective use raise the question: is this the same remedy as hydrogen peroxide or not?

What is Chlorhexidine

Chlorhexidine has bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal properties. It is most often used as an antibacterial, antiseptic and disinfectant. Antiseptic drugs are also prepared with Chlogexidine. Due to wide range effects on bacteria, fungi, viruses and mild irritating effects on the mucous membrane and skin, the drug is widely used in medicine:

  • its effect is reduced or neutralized in the presence of organic alkaline substances, in particular soap;
  • V bacterial cells Chlorhexidine damages the membrane, which leads to the death of pathogens;
  • Chlorhexidine is highly soluble in organic solvents such as dichloromethane.

Chlorhexidine was initially used in veterinary medicine and was also tested as a cure for malaria. Later it began to be successfully used to combat bacteria.

The chemical hydrogen peroxide is considered one of the most effective disinfectants. The effectiveness of peroxide is even greater when used in concentrated form. Available in the pharmaceutical network in a concentration of 3-10%.

The starting substance is very powerful, and chemical composition quite simple - a water molecule made of hydrogen and oxygen with an additional oxygen atom. The substance is colorless and odorless. Due to the intermediate formation of atomic oxygen, it is a very good oxidizing agent, which is used in the laboratory in the form of aqueous solutions in various concentrations.

It is used not only in medicine, but also in household and for cosmetic purposes, disintegrating after a reaction into simple substances - water and oxygen.

What do Chlorhexidine and Hydrogen Peroxide have in common?

Some common properties of peroxide and Chlorhexidine are used in the professional medical field, Chlorhexidine is used as an analogue of hydrogen peroxide and vice versa:

  • antiseptic - destruction of bacteria and microbes on the surface being treated;
  • disinfectants - destruction of pathogenic organisms (except spores) outside human body;
  • bactericidal - destruction of microorganisms on living tissue.

Used for processing:

  • surgical field;
  • wounds and cuts;
  • applications, rinses and washes;
  • sterilization of medical instruments;
  • clothes, bandages, napkins.

Using hydrogen peroxide or Chlorhexidine, the substance can be interpreted as both a disinfectant and an antiseptic depending on its concentration and time of contact.

Peroxide is related to Chlorhexidine by some other general characteristics, both means:

  • are a colorless liquid;
  • have no odor;
  • do not relate to medicines;
  • in pharmaceutical sale they are presented as an aqueous solution;
  • usually do not cause irritation;
  • well tolerated by tissues.

Additionally, hydrogen peroxide and Chlorhexidine have similar contraindications, namely:

  • allergy;
  • sensitivity to drugs;
  • dermatitis.

What is the difference between Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide

In Chlorhexidine, the starting substance is a secondary dichlorine-containing biguanide, a white crystalline powder.

The chlorhexidine compound is stable.

Mainly used in medicine, very widely in dentistry.

The most frequently studied drug, more than 3000 studies have been devoted to it scientific publications. Available in the form of creams, gels, ointments, tablets, suppositories and solutions.

Concentration aqueous solution ranges from 0.05 to 0.2%.

The main difference between Chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide is its ability to suppress the development and reproduction of bacteria, accelerating wound healing.

Peroxide, on the other hand, is unstable. The starting material is the simplest peroxide. It is sometimes called hydrogen peroxide. It does not have bacteriostatic properties; during antiseptic treatment it damages surrounding healthy cells, slowing down wound healing. This is a liquid with metallic taste highly soluble in water, ether or alcohol:

  • limited use in medicine and dentistry;
  • Available only in the form of an aqueous solution;
  • the concentration of the drug sold by pharmacies is 3%;
  • helps stop bleeding from cuts;
  • may cause burns to mucous membranes.

Hydrogen peroxide and Chlorhexidine, the difference between them:

  • Chlorhexidine inhibits the development of caries;
  • in endodontics, dental canals are washed with Chlorhexidine;
  • V postoperative period used for oral hygiene;
  • removable dentures are kept in Chlorhexidine solution;
  • it is used to treat ENT diseases;
  • released toothpaste, including Chlorhexidine;
  • used for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections;
  • included in veterinary products;
  • used in medicines in the form of a bigluconate solution;
  • non-toxic, if swallowed it is completely eliminated from the body;
  • Wipes and sponges are impregnated with chlorhexidine for professional and household use;
  • also impregnate the clothes of patients and medical personnel;
  • its 7% solution is included in the list of vital necessary medications WHO directive 2013;
  • not compatible with iodine;
  • neutralized by an alkaline composition.


  • at long-term use affects taste buds and stains the tongue, tooth enamel and fillings Brown color. The changes are reversible and completely disappear after cancellation;
  • using the product for more than 2 weeks may have a depressing effect on beneficial bacteria and change the microflora of the oral cavity;
  • limited use during pregnancy;
  • Under 18 years of age, Chlorhexidine should be used with caution.

What is the difference between hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine:

Widely used in various fields:

  • in the textile industry;
  • water and wastewater treatment;
  • in the production of pulp, paper and detergents;
  • used for chemical synthesis;
  • in metal production and mining;
  • in crude oil refining;
  • in food production, hydrogen peroxide is used to disinfect surfaces;
  • in livestock production: feed processing; food supplement.

Peroxide for cosmetic purposes:

  • bleaches hair;
  • serves as a detoxifier.

IN for domestic purposes hydrogen peroxide:

  • cleans the surfaces of windows, mirrors, furniture;
  • whitens linens and clothes;
  • removes stains.

Hydrogen peroxide neutralizes mold and fungi, including those affecting house plants.

Disinfecting vegetables and fruits with a 1:1 solution with water increases the shelf life of products.

Which is better: Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide

In addition to the general ability to disinfect, be an antiseptic, or have a bactericidal effect, drugs have individual characteristics. Of the two agents, only hydrogen peroxide is capable of:

  • instantly destroy bacteria, microbes and viruses along with spores, for example, anthrax;
  • help administer therapy similar to hyperbaric oxygen therapy;
  • peroxide revives aquarium fish;
  • it acts as a deodorant and astringent;
  • peroxide helps stop bleeding;
  • bleach hair or lighten tooth enamel.
Therefore in home medicine cabinet It is better to store both funds and use them on a selective basis, depending on the situation.

When is Chlorhexidine better, or what can’t hydrogen peroxide do? When to treat an infection:

  • gonococcus;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gingivitis;
  • cystitis.

Apply the application to the wound or treat the interdental space.

IN next video– educational information about the action of various antiseptics, including hydrogen peroxide:


Chlorhexidine solution - effective antiseptic long-acting against bacterial infections mucous membranes, wounds, cuts, accelerating healing processes. It is not addictive and does not provoke the development of resistance of microorganisms to its effects. Side effects harmless and reversible.

From a therapeutic point of view, despite a number of general properties, hydrogen peroxide is a very different drug from Chlorhexidine. It does an excellent job of cleaning an inflamed wound, softening clots of pus and blood and helping to remove them. But it is contraindicated for regular use due to the ability to destroy the structures of living tissues being treated and act as a toxin when taken orally.

Thrush or candidiasis is one of the most common diseases in the world caused by the fungus Candida albicans. This microorganism is part of normal microflora mouth, colon and vagina.

The appearance of thrush does not indicate its presence, but the proliferation of fungus in large quantities for a number of reasons. More common in women of fertile age. Every second woman is faced with this disease, which is unbearable in its symptoms.

Thrush often appears in women before menstruation, and the more allergic the woman, the more a strong character manifestations.

There are 2 types of causes leading to thrush. These are exogenous and endogenous.

Endogenous causes include:

  • weakened immune reaction: untreated STIs, pregnancy, diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic diseases of organs and systems of the body;
  • endocrinological disorders: diabetes, obesity;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • wearing synthetic pads daily;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • diet violation: eating food with increased content carbohydrates, abuse of fried, canned and smoked foods;
  • psychosomatic phenomena such as severe stress.

Exogenous causes:

  • sexual contact with an infected Candida fungus, under a number of circumstances (low resistance of your body, disrupted hormonal levels);
  • in case of close contact with a patient with candidiasis, use general hygiene products;
  • in the first year of life.

Often thrush does not come alone, and along with it there may be infectious diseases, such as Trichomonas, gonorrhea, chlamydia. Therefore, complaints may not be standard, however, there are symptoms characteristic only of thrush.


Symptoms of candidiasis:

  • white, “curdy” discharge from the genital tract;
  • itching and burning in the genital area;
  • pain during urination, as urine begins to corrode the inflamed membrane;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • swelling of the genital mucosa.

3 forms of candidiasis:

  1. Candida carrier.
  2. Acute course.
  3. Chronic form (or recurrent).


Each woman has her own methods of dealing with this disease. You need to know that this may be caused by insufficient dosage of the drug, timing, or an irresponsible approach to quality treatment.

Therefore, it is important to discuss each method you are considering with your doctor! Self-medication is dangerous even with alternative ways treatment. Douching with hydrogen peroxide for thrush is one such method.

is a method of treating the vaginal mucosa with medications or special herbs. Douching is used for many gynecological diseases. This procedure can be done either in a hospital or at home.

Used to treat thrush different methods and means, these could be: herbal teas, soda, medications, boric acid, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide has a detrimental effect on many bacteria, fungi and viruses, creating an unfavorable environment.

Hydrogen peroxide or peroxide is an environmental product, so it is non-toxic and hypoallergenic. Peroxide practically does not cause painful sensations upon contact with mucous or wound surfaces.

What do you need to know when douching with oxygen peroxide?

  • You can douche with peroxide diluted with water; It is strictly forbidden to douche with the whole preparation (you can get burns);
  • the concentration should be: 1 tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter of water;
  • the solution temperature should not be higher than 40 C;
  • prepare the solution fresh each time;
  • do not douche for more than 15 minutes;
  • uncontrolled use of this method can disrupt the vaginal microflora;
  • peroxide is not used as a prophylaxis;
  • Treatment of thrush with hydrogen peroxide can only be successful in combination with antifungal drugs prescribed by the doctor.

In order to understand whether the peroxide treatment method is suitable for you, you need to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications.


  • candidiasis;
  • putrefactive processes in the vagina (more common with STIs);
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • ulcerations of the vagina and vulva.


  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • postoperative period;
  • menstruation;
  • cervical erosion;
  • acute course inflammatory processes genitals.

How it works?

The peroxide solution releases oxygen, which is an oxidizing agent and affects Candida fungus and other bacteria. The oxidative process slows down the growth of fungi, and thrush is treatable.

All this only with integrated approach with the use of antifungal drugs.

  • swelling of the genital organs;
  • copious discharge;
  • itching, burning;
  • pain (spastic)

At similar symptoms follows in as soon as possible visit a gynecologist to adjust the treatment. Most often, such complaints can be detected when using a concentrated solution.

There are many advantages to using hydrogen peroxide for thrush, as a douche, but you should not be zealous, as it can kill pathogenic flora, you can also destroy the normal biocenosis of the vagina.

Therefore, after douching, suppositories should be administered to normalize the balance of microflora.

Step 1

First you need to select an item for douching. This could be a bulb with a tip, a syringe, or an Esmarch cup. The selected item should be used only for its intended purpose (it is unacceptable to consider them as enemas; the syringe is new, disposable, without a needle.

Step 2

Wash the external genitalia warm water.

Step 3

Douching is best done in the bath. Lie in a comfortable position and spread your legs bent at the knees. This way you will better irrigate the entire vaginal mucosa and, above all, in this way you will ensure the correct direction of the water stream.

Step 4

You should insert the tip no more than 7 cm and gently, under slight pressure, squeeze the bulb. The solution is introduced slowly.

Before each douching, instruments must be disinfected.

Exists Several treatment regimens using peroxide douching:

  • Douching once a day for a month, in combination with taking antifungal drug inside.
  • Douching 2 times a day for a week, in combination with taking an antifungal drug orally.

Already after the first douching, you can notice the result: they decrease discomfort caused by thrush - itching, burning, and decreased discharge.

What can replace hydrogen peroxide?

Aseptolin, catapol, sanguiritrin, hexicon, vagotil, miramistin, chlorhexidine.

All these remedies must also be taken with caution and only after consultation with a specialist.

Preparations that are used in the treatment of candidiasis: suppositories, tablets, capsules, ointments, creams. There isn't much active substances that can cure the disease: Clotrimazole (canesten clotrimazole), Miconazole (klion-D), Isoconazole (gyno-travogen), Itroconazole (rumicosis), Nystatin (polygynax, terzhinan), Natamycin (pimafucin), Ketoconazole (mycosoral).

5 ways to avoid thrush

  • It is necessary to closely monitor your well-being and constantly monitor your diet, focusing on vegetables and fruits in the summer and natural products in winter (replace all juices with compotes made from frozen berries, do not exclude meat dishes from the diet).
  • Use individual means hygiene, change the towel 1-2 times a week.
  • Detergents must be special, intended for intimate hygiene. Regular soap contains alkali, which negatively affects the microflora of the genital organs.
  • Control the intake of fried and smoked foods, canned food and foods with a high content fast carbohydrates(buns, sweets) and salt.
  • If thrush does appear, strictly follow your doctor's instructions.

Tar and ammonia, yeast and weeds, potassium permanganate and sleeping coffee - gardeners feed their plants with everything. And the effect is amazing, and, importantly, it costs a penny, or even nothing at all. We invite you to add one more to this list pharmaceutical product- hydrogen peroxide. For plants, this product plays the role of an aerator, fungicide, gets rid of harmful microorganisms and strengthens the root system.

Hydrogen peroxide for the garden: principle of operation
H2O2 is hydrogen peroxide, or, as it is more often called, hydrogen peroxide. According to the formula, as well as according to appearance, we can say that peroxide is almost water. “Almost” consists of one oxygen atom, and this compound is very unstable: the “extra” atom is easily separated from the molecule, and its oxidative functions are manifested. So, if you spill peroxide on a wound, free oxygen will destroy the tissues of pests - microbes, spores, and the wound will be considered disinfected. The same thing happens with pathogens on plants and in soil.

But that is not all. Watering with hydrogen peroxide saturates the soil with “extra” oxygen, that is, it serves as an aerator.

You can also use peroxide to improve the quality of water for irrigation - it oxidizes organic matter, pesticides, and promotes rapid weathering of tap chlorine.

Hydrogen peroxide for flowers, seedlings, seeds and plants
Treating seeds with hydrogen peroxide
You've probably tried more than once to soak seeds in potassium permanganate to etch them before planting. It turns out that hydrogen peroxide can fully replace potassium permanganate.

To do this, the seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in 3% peroxide (this is the concentration that is most often found in our pharmacies), after which they are washed with water and dried.

If we are talking about slow-germinating seeds - eggplant, parsley, carrots, beets - you can take a weaker solution (about 5 ml per glass of water), but let it sit for a day or a little less. Thanks to this, the seeds will germinate faster. Treatment of seeds with hydrogen peroxide is completed by washing and drying.

Hydrogen peroxide for seedlings
In order for the seedlings to grow strong and the root system to develop actively, it is watered with a peroxide solution (25-30 g of peroxide per 1 liter of water). Peroxide for seedlings is used regularly, but not constantly, replacing one watering every 1-2 weeks.

More weak solution you can spray “dejected”, weak, sick-looking seedlings (20 g per bucket of water). Peroxide works especially well against blackleg and root rot.

We also mention here that peroxide can be added to water for rooting cuttings.

Watering plants with peroxide
As is the case with others pharmaceutical drugs, which the gardeners themselves thought of using, there is no one to ask the exact proportions of peroxide dilution. Some people replace all watering with H2O2 solution, others occasionally add a couple of drops per liter of water. Therefore, experiment, monitor your plants and, if necessary, adjust the recommendations given here.

Feeding plants with peroxide at the rate of 10 ml per liter of water can be considered universal, safe, and the “golden mean”. With such a rather weak solution, you can regularly water the beds and flower beds - this will invigorate the plants, saturate the soil with oxygen, thanks to which the roots will be able to more effectively absorb soil micro- and macroelements, the peroxide will corrode the dying plant tissues on which pathogenic microflora settle.

If you do not intend to water with peroxide regularly, you can make a more concentrated solution - 20-25 grams of peroxide per liter of water.

Feeding with hydrogen peroxide will also help plants that suffer from stagnant water and whose roots suffer from rotting. To do this, prepare liquid phosphorus fertilizer, and add 1 tbsp per liter of finished fertilizer. peroxide. Spill the solution 2 times a week until the danger passes.

Peroxide will be very useful for flowers in pots where the soil has not been changed for a long time. The concentration is the same, the effect is immediate.

Spraying with hydrogen peroxide
To treat late blight, add 4 tbsp to a bucket of water. l. iodine and 2 tbsp. l. peroxide. And if instead of iodine you add 2 tbsp. alcohol, you can get excellent remedy against pests of garden crops - aphids, scale insects, scale insects.

Peroxide for the garden is indispensable for beds with herbs. Take one and a half to two tablespoons of healing liquid per liter of water and spray the plants not only from the outside, but also by lifting the leaves, reaching the stem. In response to this, the leaves of garden inhabitants will acquire a rich green color, and the plants themselves will get stronger.

As you have seen, an extraordinary assistant is hydrogen peroxide. It can be used in greenhouses suffering from mold, in aquariums where a lot of dead vegetation has accumulated, and on any crops that look depressed.

Hydrogen peroxide is a product that has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect. It is used to treat all kinds of wound surfaces, and it also helps to stop bleeding. Peroxide is used only for external treatment.

Indications for use:

  • cut wounds;
  • puncture wounds;
  • cuts;
  • for animal bites;
  • purulent-septic wounds;
  • gargling for sore throats;
  • treatment of the nose for rhinosinusitis;
  • destroys old blood residues;
  • as an antiseptic, it destroys microorganisms in the wound itself;
  • used for rinsing the mouth for diseases of the mucous membranes;
  • used for bleeding;
  • in gynecological practice for the treatment of various infectious processes.

Treatment of the wound with hydrogen peroxide is done using a napkin or swab. Only 3% H2O2 composition is used, if the wound is 1-2 cm, you cannot pour the drug solution directly onto the wound area, since extensive wounds, where deep layers are affected, the solution may enter directly into the circulatory system.


  1. Individual intolerance to the drug;
  2. Having an allergy to peroxide.

Side effects: Slight tingling and burning sensation in the wound area.

Treatment of a wound with hydrogen peroxide:

  • First of all, you need to remove clothing, then wash the wound thoroughly with warm water and soap.
  • We wash the wound from the very center, then move to the edges of the wound surface.
  • After treatment, you can fill the affected area with hydrogen peroxide, without using cotton pads, as the villi may remain in the wound and cause a secondary process.
  • We treat the edges of the wound with iodine solution. This will not contribute to infection of neighboring parts skin.

Signs of secondary infection:

  1. The edges of the wound become bright red and the edges of the wound surface become swollen;
  2. the skin around the lesion becomes purple;
  3. body temperature will be high;
  4. with a long process, symptoms of general intoxication.

Wound treatment:

Often victims think that they can treat the wound at home and go to the doctor with the presence of pus in it. If it's a small cut, you'll need to get started first. hygiene procedures and be sure to wash the wound.

It is recommended to fill shallow wounds with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, not only wet it, but treat it generously. The peroxide solution will always foam during processing., while the smallest particles are removed from the affected area. Moreover, this good method disinfection. After treating the wound surface, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the affected area and secure it with an adhesive plaster.

Hydrogen peroxide treatment open wounds should begin with stopping bleeding by any in an accessible way. When the surface of the wound does not require suturing, it is permissible to treat the wound at home. Foreign objects are removed from the surface of the wound: dirt, torn clothing, but under no circumstances should you go deep into the wound.

If medical care Not yet, we start processing by washing our hands.

  1. It is necessary to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide and the edges of the wound with iodine solution. Do not allow the iodine solution to penetrate into the wound surface.. After this, we put napkins or bandages on the surface; if there are none, then just clean linen.
  2. If the bleeding is minor, we apply a pressure bandage to the bleeding vessel. If the bleeding intensifies, apply a tight bandage 5-7 cm above the wound site; you can put any soft object under the wound.

During the first few days, blood clots must be removed from the wound area, then thoroughly treated with peroxide, after which it is possible to apply gauze bandage with ointment, for example, “Levomekol” or a pure aloe leaf.
The best option treatment and treatment of open wounds will be the method of suturing. Such wounds always heal faster and there is less risk of secondary infection.
We treat a purulent wound only with gloves.

Treatment of the source of inflammation:

Rinse the wound two or three times in a row with hydrogen peroxide, then you can change to another antiseptic. Purulent surfaces cannot be treated with water, as water causes secondary infection, and the use of alcohol increases the pain.

Cannot be lubricated purulent wounds ointments or creams. Do not apply cotton pads to purulent wound surfaces, as lint from the cotton remains. After treatment, apply a clean sterile napkin (preferably with Vishnevsky, aloe or Levomekol ointment) or a bandage. Next you need to fix everything well.
Wounds of 1.5-2 centimeters with pus are subject to mandatory medical supervision.

Specialty: General Practitioner
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov in 2010

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