Cardiac arrest and cerebral coma: clinical death from a medical point of view. What is the difference between coma and clinical death? Coma clinical death biological death

Third stage of death

Clinical death is a state of the human body when there are no primary signs life - breathing stops, the heart stops working, there are no visible signs of activity of the central nervous system (a person is unconscious). This condition may seem inexplicable, but only at first glance, if it is considered in isolation, on its own.

In reality, clinical death is the third, penultimate stage of the dying process, naturally connected with the previous and subsequent stages. The first stage is the preagonal state, when a person feels general weakness, his consciousness is confused, general behavior is sluggish, blueness of the skin (cyanosis) or pallor, difficulty determining blood pressure, weakness or absence of pulse in the peripheral arteries.

The second stage is the agonal stage, better known as agony. This is a period of sharp intensification of activity in almost all parts of the body, which mark its decisive attempt to return to normal condition. Most often characteristic external sign agony is deep short breathing, often accompanied by wheezing. Usually consciousness is no longer present, since the functioning of the central nervous system is seriously impaired, but periods of return to a conscious state are possible.

Clinical death represents the third stage, when the body actually gives up and turns off its “life support system.” During this period, which on average does not exceed five minutes, doctors have the opportunity to bring a person back to life - during this time in cages human body the accumulated supply of necessary substances and, most importantly, oxygen is spent.

After these five minutes, the most “hungry” cells for oxygen, the brain cells, begin to collapse, after which human recovery is almost impossible. This means the onset of the fourth stage of dying, biological death, when there are no longer any options for returning to life.

How is clinical death different from coma?

Often one can observe the identification of clinical death with another condition human body, known as coma. These are similar in content, but still not identical concepts. Coma is, first of all, a severe pathological condition in which the main negative aspect is the progressive depression of the functions of the central nervous system, that is, a violation of a person’s reaction to external stimuli and loss of consciousness. In the future, the coma can develop into a deep coma, leading to brain damage.

Coma in its initial form can be one of the signs of clinical death. However, clinical death, unlike coma, is not only a loss of consciousness, but also a cessation of heart contractions and cessation of breathing.

In a coma, a person is unconscious, but retains the instinctive ability to breathe and his heart is beating, which is determined by the presence of a pulse in the main arteries. Often, in cases of clinical death after resuscitation, a person goes into a coma of varying degrees of depth. After this, all that remains is to wait for signs that can be used to determine whether the doctors managed to bring the patient out of the state of clinical death before he suffered brain damage or not. IN the latter case the person falls into a deep coma.

Intangible aspects of clinical death

But in our time, clinical death is no longer known because of its physiological significance, oddly enough, but in connection with psychological and ideological aspects. The fact is that the mental sensations experienced by a certain part of people who have experienced a state of clinical death have become widely known, and which in the pseudo-scientific press are called near-death experiences.

Most often they come down to a standard set: a feeling of euphoria, lightness, relief from physical suffering, seeing a visual image of light at the end of a dark tunnel, seeing previously deceased loved ones or religious characters, seeing a picture of one’s body from the outside, and the like. For religious or mystical people, near-death experiences during clinical death are evidence of the existence of the other world and immortality of the soul.

Official science explains such experiences exclusively by physical reasons.

First of all, doctors pay attention to the fact that an insignificant part of those who have experienced clinical death remember some sensations in this state - about one person out of five hundred. However, given that in the United States alone several million people experience clinical death every year, the number of cases of near-death experiences much. This leads to the fact that in the public consciousness the set of what a person “should” see during clinical death is already well known, which leads to self-hypnosis and memories that did not actually exist. Finally, doctors say that near-death experiences are hallucinations caused by changes in the functioning of the brain during clinical death: for example, the famous image of a dark tunnel with light at its end is explained by a decrease in blood flow to the eyes and a state of “narrowing” of visual perception.

Meanwhile, loved ones crying over the deceased distract the soul from reflection, which, according to esotericists, has a negative effect.

What do those who experienced this phenomenon remember?

Experts agree that not many people who stood in the middle of the path from life to death can return and tell what happened to them, what they experienced there.

Some people can remember everything in detail. For others, only certain fragments of the Supreme Court are reflected in their memory; they say that their whole life flashed before them in a split second. Some people don’t remember anything at all.

According to psychologist E. Kübler-Ross, who specializes in patients who had clinical death, only 10% of respondents remembered what happened and could report what happened. For other specialists, this figure is about 15-35%.

  • But be that as it may, after experiencing clinical death, anyone begins to perceive this life differently. People understand that life after death exists, they cease to be afraid of death, and acquire many good qualities. This is the purpose of clinical death: it is a very serious means used by Higher Powers to guide a person along the right path.

In everyday life, angels communicate with humans through their inner voice. But when he doesn’t want to listen to this voice, then they can organize his own meeting with himself.

The most famous scientist who studied the features of clinical death is Roland Moody. He was closest to realizing those phenomena that are evidence of the existence of life after death.

Moody was the first to seriously claim the existence of an afterlife. He actively promoted the idea of ​​the “other world” from which patients returned after clinical death. The scientist published the book “Life after Death,” which became a bestseller in many countries; this work made Moody famous. He also studied another equally interesting issue - travel to past incarnations.

The scientist interviewed more than one and a half thousand people and carefully analyzed their stories. As a result, Moody pointed out 11 main aspects of what a person feels and realizes when he finds himself on the very edge.

Having analyzed the testimony of people who experienced clinical death, he established the most common facts about what a person sees in such a situation - sometimes he sees himself from the outside, rushes along a corridor or tunnel, at the end of which he sees light, sees departed loved ones, remembers the most important moments of life, feels freedom and does not want to go back.

At the same time, some doctors believe that such experiences are a kind of hallucinations caused by disturbances in brain activity at the stage of dying: for example, a tunnel with light is nothing more than a consequence of deteriorating blood flow and visual impairment.

After Moody, interest among scientists in issues of clinical death rapidly increased. Clinical death is “accepted” by many scientists who do not deny “life after death.”

For example, one of the Russian research institutes has been studying and trying to answer the question for many years: what is clinical death? Domestic experts organized the following experiment: while a person was alive, they were weighed on ultra-precise scales. When a person was in a state of clinical death, his body weight decreased by 21 grams. Based on this, scientists came to the conclusion that the soul has such weight.

If a person can live without food for a month, without water for several days, then the interrupted access of oxygen will cause breathing to stop within 3-5 minutes. But it’s too early to talk about final death right away, because clinical death occurs. This condition occurs when blood circulation and oxygen transfer to tissues stop.

Up to a certain point, a person can still be brought back to life, because irreversible changes have not yet affected the organs, and most importantly, the brain.


This medical term implies simultaneous termination respiratory function and blood circulation. According to the ICD, the condition was assigned code R 96 - death occurred suddenly for unknown reasons. You can recognize being on the verge of life by the following signs:

  • There is a loss of consciousness, which entails a cessation of blood flow.
  • There is no pulse for more than 10 seconds. This already indicates a violation of the blood supply to the brain.
  • Stopping breathing.
  • The pupils are dilated, but do not react to light.
  • Metabolic processes continue to occur at the same level.

Back in the 19th century, the listed symptoms were quite enough to declare and issue a person’s death certificate. But now the possibilities of medicine are enormous and doctors, thanks resuscitation measures may well bring him back to life.

Pathophysiological basis of CS

The duration of such clinical death is determined by the time period during which brain cells are able to remain viable. According to doctors, there are two terms:

  1. The duration of the first stage is no longer than 5 minutes. During this period, the lack of oxygen supply to the brain does not yet lead to irreversible consequences. Body temperature is within normal limits.

The history and experience of doctors shows that it is possible to revive a person after a given time, but there is a high probability of the death of most of the brain cells.

  1. The second stage can continue for a long time if the necessary conditions are created to slow down degenerative processes with impaired blood supply and oxygen supply. This stage is often observed when a person spends a long time in cold water or after an electric shock.

If action is not taken to bring the person back to life as soon as possible, then everything will end in biological care.

Causes of the pathological condition

This condition usually occurs when the heart stops. This can be caused by serious diseases, the formation of blood clots that clog important arteries. The reasons for the cessation of breathing and heartbeat may be as follows:

  • Excessive physical activity.
  • A nervous breakdown or the body's reaction to a stressful situation.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Choking or blockage respiratory tract.
  • Electric shock.
  • Violent death.
  • Vasospasm.
  • Serious illnesses affecting the blood vessels or organs of the respiratory system.
  • Toxic shock from exposure to poisons or chemicals.

No matter the cause of this condition, during this period resuscitation should be carried out immediately. Delay is fraught with serious complications.


If we consider the entire body as a whole, then the period of preservation of normal viability is different for all systems and organs. For example, those located below the heart muscle are able to continue normal functioning for another half hour after cardiac arrest. Tendons and skin have a maximum survival period; they can be resuscitated 8-10 hours after the death of the body.

The brain is most sensitive to oxygen deficiency, so it suffers first. A few minutes are enough for his final death. That is why resuscitators and those who happened to be close to the person at that moment have a minimum amount of time to determine clinical death - 10 minutes. But it is advisable to spend even less, then the health consequences will be insignificant.

Introduction to the CS state artificially

There is a misconception that an artificially induced coma is the same as clinical death. But this is far from true. According to WHO, euthanasia is prohibited in Russia, and this is artificially induced care.

Induction into a medically induced coma is practiced. Doctors resort to it to avoid disorders that can adversely affect the brain. In addition, a coma helps to carry out several emergency operations in a row. Finds its application in neurosurgery and treatment of epilepsy.

Coma or drug-induced sleep is caused by the administration of medications only as indicated.

An artificial coma, unlike clinical death, is completely controlled by specialists and a person can be taken out of it at any time.

One of the symptoms is coma. But clinical and biological death, it's perfect different concepts. Often, after being revived, a person falls into a coma. But doctors are confident that the body’s vital functions have been restored and recommend that relatives be patient.

How is it different from coma?

The comatose state has its own character traits, which fundamentally distinguish it from clinical death. The following distinctive features can be mentioned:

  • During clinical death, the work of the heart muscle suddenly stops and breathing movements stop. Coma is simply a loss of consciousness.
  • In a comatose state, a person continues to breathe instinctively; one can feel the pulse and listen to the heartbeat.
  • The duration of the coma can vary, from several days to months, but the borderline vital state will turn into biological withdrawal in 5-10 minutes.
  • According to the definition of coma, all vital functions are preserved, but may be suppressed or impaired. However, the outcome is the death of first the brain cells, and then the entire body.

Will the comatose state end as the initial stage of clinical death? complete care whether a person is from life or not depends on the speed of medical care.

Difference between biological and clinical death

If it so happens that at the moment of clinical death there is no one near the person who could take resuscitation measures, then the survival rate is practically zero. After 6, maximum 10 minutes, complete death of brain cells occurs, any rescue measures are pointless.

The undeniable signs of final death are:

  • Clouding of the pupil and loss of luster of the cornea.
  • The eye shrinks and eyeball loses its normal shape.
  • Another difference between clinical and biological death is a sharp drop in body temperature.
  • Muscles become dense after death.
  • Corpse spots appear on the body.

If the duration of clinical death can still be discussed, then for biological death there is no such concept. After the irreversible death of the brain, the spinal cord begins to die, and after 4-5 hours the functioning of the muscles, skin, and tendons stops.

First aid in case of CS

Before you start resuscitation actions, it is important to make sure that it is the CS phenomenon that occurs. Seconds are allotted for the assessment.

The mechanism is as follows:

  1. Make sure there is no consciousness.
  2. Make sure the person is not breathing.
  3. Check pupil reaction and pulse.

If you know the signs of clinical and biological death, then diagnose dangerous condition will not be difficult.

The further algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. To clear the airways, to do this, remove the tie or scarf, if any, unbutton the shirt and pull out the sunken tongue. In medical institutions, breathing masks are used at this stage of care.
  2. Give a sharp blow to the heart area, but this action should only be performed by a competent resuscitator.
  3. Conducted artificial respiration And indirect massage hearts. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be performed until the ambulance arrives.

At such moments, a person realizes that life depends on competent actions.

Resuscitation in a clinical setting

After the ambulance arrives, doctors continue to bring the person back to life. Carrying out ventilation of the lungs, which is performed using breathing bags. The difference between this type of ventilation is the supply of a mixture of gases with an oxygen content of 21% to the lung tissue. At this time, the doctor may well perform other resuscitation actions.

Heart massage

Most often, closed cardiac massage is performed simultaneously with ventilation of the lungs. But during its implementation, it is important to correlate the force of pressure on the sternum with the age of the patient.

In children infancy The sternum should not move more than 1.5-2 centimeters during the massage. For school-age children, the depth can be 3-3.5 cm with a frequency of up to 85-90 per minute; for adults, these figures are 4-5 cm and 80 pressures, respectively.

There are situations when it is possible to carry out open massage cardiac muscle:

  • If cardiac arrest occurs during surgery.
  • Pulmonary embolism occurs.
  • Fractures of the ribs or sternum are observed.
  • Closed massage does not give results after 2-3 minutes.

If cardiac fibrillation is determined using a cardiogram, then doctors resort to another method of revival.

This procedure may be different types, which differ in technique and implementation features:

  1. Chemical. Potassium chloride is administered intravenously, which stops fibrillation of the heart muscle. Currently, the method is not popular due to high risk asystole.
  2. Mechanical. It also has a second name: “reanimation strike.” A regular punch is made to the sternum area. Sometimes the procedure can give the desired effect.
  3. Medical defibrillation. The victim is administered antiarrhythmic drugs.
  4. Electric. Used to start the heart electricity. This method is used as soon as possible, which significantly increases the chances of life during resuscitation.

For successful defibrillation, it is important to correctly position the device on the chest and select the current strength depending on age.

First aid for clinical death, provided in a timely manner, will bring a person back to life.

The study of this condition continues to this day; there are many facts that even competent scientists cannot explain.


Complications and consequences for a person will depend entirely on how quickly help was provided to him and how effective resuscitation measures were used. The faster the victim can be brought back to life, the more favorable the prognosis for health and psyche will be.

If you managed to spend only 3-4 minutes on revival, then there is a high probability that there will be no negative manifestations. In the case of prolonged resuscitation, the lack of oxygen will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the brain tissue, up to their complete death. To slow down degenerative processes, pathophysiology recommends deliberately cooling the human body at the time of resuscitation in case of unforeseen delays.

Through the eyes of eyewitnesses

After a person returns to this sinful earth from a suspended state, it is always interesting what can be experienced. Those who survived talk about their feelings like this:

  • They saw their body as if from the outside.
  • Complete calm and tranquility ensues.
  • Moments of life flash before your eyes, like stills from a movie.
  • The feeling of being in another world.
  • Encounters with unknown creatures.
  • They remember that a tunnel has appeared that they need to go through.

Among those who experienced such a borderline state are many famous people, for example, Irina Panarovskaya, who became ill right at the concert. Oleg Gazmanov lost consciousness when he was electrocuted on stage. Andreichenko and Pugacheva also experienced this state. Unfortunately, the stories of people who experienced clinical death cannot be 100% verified. You can only take my word for it, especially since similar sensations are observed.

Scientific view

If lovers of esotericism see in stories a direct confirmation of the existence of life on the other side, then scientists try to give natural and logical explanations:

  • Flickering lights and sounds appear at the very first moment the blood flow through the body stops.
  • During clinical death, the concentration of serotonin rises sharply and causes peace.
  • The lack of oxygen also affects the organ of vision, which is why hallucinations with lights and tunnels appear.

The diagnosis of CS is a phenomenon that is interesting to scientists, and only thanks to high level medicine managed to save thousands of lives and prevent them from crossing that line where there is no turning back.

Clinical death is a deep depression of consciousness due to significant hypoxia of the brain with a sharp decrease in general or regional blood flow, hypoxemia (lack of oxygen in the blood) or various effects on the stem centers of respiration and circulation. The most common cause of clinical death is a sharp decline pumping function of the heart due to fibrillation, ventricular flutter or other rhythm disturbances with very high frequency ventricular responses (the so-called hyperkinetic type of circulatory arrest). Somewhat less frequently, clinical death is based on a significant decrease in the frequency of ventricular responses (hypokinetic type) or complete cardiac arrest. It may also be based on electro-mechanical dissociation, myocardial ruptures, cardiac tamponade, occlusions or ruptures great vessels and many more other. In clinical death, unlike coma, not only consciousness is absent, but also signs of effective heart contractions and breathing (or it is represented by agonal ineffective types - “breathing”, “gasping” - breathing). In a coma, a person is unconscious, but breathes, the pulse is detected in the main arteries (although various degrees inhibition of these functions). In the process of emerging from clinical death (especially if resuscitation is delayed), the victim may go into a coma of varying depths. As a rule, most patients, upon emerging from clinical death, go through a state of coma (sometimes very briefly). And vice versa - comatose patients can experience episodes of circulatory arrest similar to clinical death.

Clinical death is when the body lives, but the brain no longer exists. Oh, and why do you need this at night? A person can come out of a coma, but clinical death - the word speaks for itself.

nothing - the result is a corpse

Whether they managed to bury it or not, that's all that matters.

Coma is when a person is unconscious for a long time. And if they don’t bring you out of clinical death on time, then, strictly speaking, SKICK!

Clinical death is when a person dies, but doctors manage to revive him. The longest clinical death is 28 minutes! And coma is when it’s just human brain Nashto does not react, in short, the person is in deep sleep!

In clinical death, there is no reaction to external stimuli, for example, a flashlight on the pupil, a needle prick, lack of breathing, etc. In a coma, a person breathes and the nervous system is turned off. I'm not a doctor, I just think so

These two conditions are similar, but the difference is that you can recover from clinical death quickly or die immediately, but you can lie in a coma for several years. I think in time before death.

Clinical death.. this is cardiac arrest.. after a course of resuscitation the patient is alive.. but coma.. this is life.. but like a plant: the heart beats.. but the brain does not work.. or at half capacity.. and the computer supports the person. honey. equipment. both are not very pleasant... but they can go hand in hand... coma can occur after wedge. of death.

clinical death is when the heart stops, but the person is saved, and coma is resuscitation... without death)))

all clear? 🙂 clinical death is, yes, cardiac arrest, and without resuscitation measures it will no longer start, and after such, a person sometimes comes to life.. And coma is a shutdown of the control of the central nervous system (CNS) over all organs and systems, the vital functions of the body are maintained indeed, it is hardware, but the heart beats on its own - its innervation is autonomous.. Coma can be of varying depths, on which both the amount of support for the body and the further prognosis depend.

clinical death is a terminal condition. which ends either in biological death. coma. or restoration of consciousness. coma is not yet a fact that the brain is dead

The previous speaker is wrong. And you can get out of clinical death, the main thing is to have time. It lasts 5-7 minutes. If you revive a person in the last minutes, he will simply exist.

The main signs and incredible consequences of clinical death

If a person can live without food for a month, without water for several days, then the interrupted access of oxygen will cause breathing to stop within 3-5 minutes. But it’s too early to talk about final death right away, because clinical death occurs. This condition occurs when blood circulation and oxygen transfer to tissues stop.

Up to a certain point, a person can still be brought back to life, because irreversible changes have not yet affected the organs, and most importantly, the brain.

Manifestations of clinical death

This medical term implies the simultaneous cessation of respiratory function and blood circulation. According to the ICD, the condition was assigned code R 96 - death occurred suddenly for unknown reasons. You can recognize being on the verge of life by the following signs:

  • There is a loss of consciousness, which entails a cessation of blood flow.
  • There is no pulse for more than 10 seconds. This already indicates a violation of the blood supply to the brain.
  • Stopping breathing.
  • The pupils are dilated, but do not react to light.
  • Metabolic processes continue to occur at the same level.

Back in the 19th century, the listed symptoms were quite enough to declare and issue a person’s death certificate. But now the possibilities of medicine are enormous and doctors, thanks to resuscitation measures, may well be able to bring him back to life.

Pathophysiological basis of CS

The duration of such clinical death is determined by the time period during which brain cells are able to remain viable. According to doctors, there are two terms:

  1. The duration of the first stage is no longer than 5 minutes. During this period, the lack of oxygen supply to the brain does not yet lead to irreversible consequences. Body temperature is within normal limits.

The history and experience of doctors shows that it is possible to revive a person after a given time, but there is a high probability of the death of most of the brain cells.

  1. The second stage can continue for a long time if the necessary conditions are created to slow down degenerative processes with impaired blood supply and oxygen supply. This stage is often observed when a person is in cold water for a long time or after an electric shock.

If action is not taken to bring the person back to life as soon as possible, then everything will end in biological care.

Causes of the pathological condition

This condition usually occurs when the heart stops. This can be caused by serious diseases, the formation of blood clots that clog important arteries. The reasons for the cessation of breathing and heartbeat may be as follows:

  • Excessive physical activity.
  • A nervous breakdown or the body's reaction to a stressful situation.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Choking or obstruction of the airway.
  • Electric shock.
  • Violent death.
  • Vasospasm.
  • Serious illnesses affecting the blood vessels or organs of the respiratory system.
  • Toxic shock from exposure to poisons or chemicals.

No matter the cause of this condition, during this period resuscitation should be carried out immediately. Delay is fraught with serious complications.

Duration of clinical death

If we consider the entire body as a whole, then the period of preservation of normal viability is different for all systems and organs. For example, those located below the heart muscle are able to continue normal functioning for another half hour after cardiac arrest. Tendons and skin have a maximum survival period; they can be resuscitated 8-10 hours after the death of the body.

The brain is most sensitive to oxygen deficiency, so it suffers first. A few minutes are enough for his final death. That is why resuscitators and those who happened to be close to the person at that moment have a minimum amount of time to determine clinical death - 10 minutes. But it is advisable to spend even less, then the health consequences will be insignificant.

Introduction to the CS state artificially

There is a misconception that an artificially induced coma is the same as clinical death. But this is far from true. According to WHO, euthanasia is prohibited in Russia, and this is artificially induced care.

Induction into a medically induced coma is practiced. Doctors resort to it to avoid disorders that can adversely affect the brain. In addition, a coma helps to carry out several emergency operations in a row. Finds its application in neurosurgery and treatment of epilepsy.

Coma or drug-induced sleep is caused by the administration of medications only as indicated.

An artificial coma, unlike clinical death, is completely controlled by specialists and a person can be taken out of it at any time.

Coma as a consequence of CS syndrome

One of the symptoms of clinical death is coma. But clinical and biological death are completely different concepts. Often, after being revived, a person falls into a coma. But doctors are confident that the body’s vital functions have been restored and recommend that relatives be patient.

What is the difference between clinical death and coma?

The comatose state has its own characteristic features that fundamentally distinguish it from clinical death. The following distinctive features can be mentioned:

  • During clinical death, the work of the heart muscle suddenly stops and breathing movements stop. Coma is simply a loss of consciousness.
  • In a comatose state, a person continues to breathe instinctively; one can feel the pulse and listen to the heartbeat.
  • The duration of the coma can vary, from several days to several months, but the borderline vital state will turn into biological withdrawal in 5-10 minutes.
  • According to the definition of coma, all vital functions are preserved, but may be suppressed or impaired. However, the outcome is the death of first the brain cells, and then the entire body.

Whether a comatose state, as the initial stage of clinical death, will end in the complete death of a person or not depends on the speed of medical care.

Difference between biological and clinical death

If it so happens that at the moment of clinical death there is no one near the person who could take resuscitation measures, then the survival rate is practically zero. After 6, maximum 10 minutes, complete death of brain cells occurs, any rescue measures are pointless.

The undeniable signs of final death are:

  • Clouding of the pupil and loss of luster of the cornea.
  • The eye shrinks and the eyeball loses its normal shape.
  • Another difference between clinical and biological death is a sharp drop in body temperature.
  • Muscles become dense after death.
  • Corpse spots appear on the body.

If the duration of clinical death can still be discussed, then for biological death there is no such concept. After irreversible death of the brain, the spinal cord begins to die, and after 4-5 hours the functioning of muscles, skin, and tendons stops.

First aid in case of CS

Before starting resuscitation, it is important to make sure that the CS phenomenon is occurring. Seconds are allotted for the assessment.

  1. Make sure there is no consciousness.
  2. Make sure the person is not breathing.
  3. Check pupil reaction and pulse.

If you know the signs of clinical and biological death, then diagnosing a dangerous condition will not be difficult.

The further algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. To clear the airways, to do this, remove the tie or scarf, if any, unbutton the shirt and pull out the sunken tongue. In medical institutions, breathing masks are used at this stage of care.
  2. Give a sharp blow to the heart area, but this action should only be performed by a competent resuscitator.
  3. Artificial respiration and indirect cardiac massage are performed. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be performed until the ambulance arrives.

At such moments, a person realizes that a person’s life depends on competent actions.

Resuscitation in a clinical setting

After the ambulance arrives, doctors continue to bring the person back to life. Carrying out ventilation of the lungs, which is performed using breathing bags. The difference between this type of ventilation is the supply of a mixture of gases with an oxygen content of 21% to the lung tissue. At this time, the doctor may well perform other resuscitation actions.

Heart massage

Most often, closed cardiac massage is performed simultaneously with ventilation of the lungs. But during its implementation, it is important to correlate the force of pressure on the sternum with the age of the patient.

In infants, the sternum should not move more than 1.5-2 centimeters during a massage. For school-age children, the depth can be 3-3.5 cm with a frequency of one minute; for adults, these figures are respectively 4-5 cm and 80 pressures per minute.

There are situations when it is possible to perform an open massage of the heart muscle:

  • If cardiac arrest occurs during surgery.
  • Pulmonary embolism occurs.
  • Fractures of the ribs or sternum are observed.
  • Closed massage does not give results after 2-3 minutes.

If cardiac fibrillation is determined using a cardiogram, then doctors resort to another method of revival.

Defibrillation of the heart muscle

This procedure can be of different types, which differ in technique and implementation features:

  1. Chemical. Potassium chloride is administered intravenously, which stops fibrillation of the heart muscle. Currently, the method is not popular due to the high risk of asystole.
  2. Mechanical. It also has a second name: “reanimation strike.” A regular punch is made to the sternum area. Sometimes the procedure can give the desired effect.
  3. Medical defibrillation. The victim is administered antiarrhythmic drugs.
  4. Electric. An electric current is used to start the heart. This method is used as soon as possible, which significantly increases the chances of life during resuscitation.

For successful defibrillation, it is important to correctly position the device on the chest and select the current strength depending on age.

First aid for clinical death, provided in a timely manner, will bring a person back to life.

The study of this condition continues to this day; there are many facts that even competent scientists cannot explain.

Consequences of clinical death

Complications and consequences for a person will depend entirely on how quickly help was provided to him and how effective resuscitation measures were used. The faster the victim can be brought back to life, the more favorable the prognosis for health and psyche will be.

If you managed to spend only 3-4 minutes on revival, then there is a high probability that there will be no negative manifestations. In the case of prolonged resuscitation, the lack of oxygen will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the brain tissue, up to their complete death. To slow down degenerative processes, pathophysiology recommends deliberately cooling the human body at the time of resuscitation in case of unforeseen delays.

Clinical death through the eyes of eyewitnesses

After a person returns to this sinful earth from a suspended state, it is always interesting what can be experienced. Those who survived talk about their feelings like this:

  • They saw their body as if from the outside.
  • Complete calm and tranquility ensues.
  • Moments of life flash before your eyes, like stills from a movie.
  • The feeling of being in another world.
  • Encounters with unknown creatures.
  • They remember that a tunnel has appeared that they need to go through.

Among those who experienced such a borderline state are many famous people, for example, Irina Panarovskaya, who became ill right at the concert. Oleg Gazmanov lost consciousness when he was electrocuted on stage. Andreichenko and Pugacheva also experienced this state. Unfortunately, the stories of people who experienced clinical death cannot be 100% verified. You can only take my word for it, especially since similar sensations are observed.

Scientific view of clinical death

If lovers of esotericism see in stories a direct confirmation of the existence of life on the other side, then scientists try to give natural and logical explanations:

  • Flickering lights and sounds appear at the very first moment the blood flow through the body stops.
  • During clinical death, the concentration of serotonin rises sharply and causes peace.
  • The lack of oxygen also affects the organ of vision, which is why hallucinations with lights and tunnels appear.

The diagnosis of CS is a phenomenon that is interesting to scientists, and only thanks to the level of medicine it was possible to save thousands of lives and not reach the point beyond which there is no turning back.

The information published on the site is intended for informational purposes only and in no way calls for independent diagnosis and treatment. To make informed decisions about treatment and use of medications, consultation with a qualified physician is required. The information posted on the site is obtained from open sources. The portal's editors are not responsible for its accuracy.

What is the difference between coma and clinical death?

Clinical death is the cessation of life. - 2 years ago

Coma is close to normal sleep. That is, the person is simply sleeping. The subconscious forces him to be in this state. It’s just that a person has lost the meaning of life and decided to rest a little until the meaning is found. But clinical death is death; this condition is removed by sudden actions, such as cardiac stimulation, etc. and here the meaning of life somehow has nothing to do with it, a person from such a state without outside help it won't work anymore.

What is the difference between coma and clinical death?

What is the difference between coma and clinical death?

Coma is close to normal sleep. That is, the person is simply sleeping. The subconscious forces him to be in this state. It’s just that a person has lost the meaning of life and decided to rest a little until the meaning is found. But clinical death is death; this condition is removed by sudden actions, such as cardiac stimulation, etc. and here the meaning of life has nothing to do with it, a person will no longer get out of such a state without outside help.

Clinical death refers to a condition associated with the absence of hemodynamically effective contractions of the heart and blood circulation, against the background of which anoxia of the brain quickly develops, which leads to the cessation of its functioning within a minute. Within 2-3 minutes changes in nerve cells the brain is still reversible (with hypothermia this time is extended), and then the cells begin to die, so after 4-6 minutes of lack of blood circulation it is no longer possible to restore the full functioning of the brain. Thus, clinical death is a very short-term state that quickly turns into biological death.

Coma is depression of consciousness and brain activity, which is associated with organic or metabolic changes, which may be reversible or irreversible, can also ultimately lead to brain death - but generally develops much more slowly. The activity of the brain stem fades especially slowly, so that vital functions do not begin to be disrupted immediately.

I think you know the answer. Death is cardiac arrest, clinical death is temporary death. Coma is not death, a person is in an unconscious state while the heart is working, it is possible that his life is supported by drugs and devices.

If clinical death is not pumped out in time, minutes count, oxygen supply to the brain, etc. then biological death occurs. From which, unlike the clinical one, there is no turning back.

And coma is just a dream, blackness from which there is a chance to crawl out.

Sometimes doctors even put especially severe cases into an artificial coma. So that the person gets well soon.

With any type of coma, the heartbeat and blood circulation are preserved to one degree or another; breathing in some types of coma (for example, trauma to the diaphragm) can be practically unnoticeable, or even completely absent, then ventilators are connected. In clinical death, both breathing and heartbeat stop completely; this is the main difference. Again, a person cannot come out of a state of clinical death on his own, but he can come out of a coma.

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Clinical death

Differences between coma and clinical death

It has not yet been scientifically proven or even documented what a person feels in a state of clinical death. People who believe in God believe that a person’s soul, during clinical death, hovers above the body and rushes to heaven, i.e. is on the way to the afterlife. This phenomenon is called near-death experiences, in which there is a feeling of peace, a feeling of flying through a tunnel and absolute calm.

Atheists define clinical death simply as the body’s reaction to a disruption in vital activity, in which a person cannot feel anything, since the work of the brain and heart stops. Some consider being in a state of coma or anesthesia to be a phenomenon of clinical death. However, from a medical point of view, all these processes are not so.

The third stage before death

From a medical point of view, clinical death is the third stage of dying, in most cases a reversible process in which a person is on the verge of life and death. Scientists have discovered whole line signs of clinical death. These include: cessation of breathing (apnea), which is visible to the naked eye (determined by movement chest person), cardiac arrest (asystole), which is determined by two carotid arteries, complete cessation of the body's reflexes and large enlargement of the pupils.

If this is clinical rather than biological death, there will be a slow but noticeable reaction of the pupils to light. This sign is the highest indicator of life, which indicates that the brain is still functioning, which means that the person is still alive.

Without the help of doctors, it is impossible to get out of the state of clinical death, so doctors have only 3-6 minutes to save a person.

Back to life

The only way to bring the body back to life is cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR). It is divided into two stages: basic CPR and advanced CPR.

When conducting basic resuscitation It is necessary to ensure airway patency and give the victim an indirect cardiac massage. This stage is initial and can be carried out by non-professional rescuers who find themselves next to the victim.

Advanced life support consists of the same activities that basic CPR includes, but with the use of appropriate resuscitation equipment and medications. This type CPR should only be performed by specially trained medical personnel.

Tip 5: Are the stories of people who have experienced clinical death true?

Paranormal experience

A terminal state is a condition in which the human body is on the verge between life and biological death. It lasts from several seconds to several minutes, although longer cases are known. World literature describes a lot of examples when people who returned to life after clinical death talked about an extraordinary adventure - flying into infinity in a bright pristine light, meeting with long-dead loved ones and a voice that comes not from a specific point, but from all sides.

A scientific view on the problem of near-death experiences

Researchers are trying to figure out what people actually see at the moment of clinical death. First of all, it is worth noting that clinical death is officially considered a reversible stage, and not something out of the ordinary. At these moments, there is a lack of breathing, cardiac arrest, and lack of reaction of the pupils to stimuli. Cases of restoration of all vital functions after short-term death are not uncommon in world practice, but only a small percentage of patients claim that they saw something “on the other side.”

On the other hand, after experiencing hallucinations, a person is confident in the existence of life after death, his religious beliefs in this matter are unshakable. Having experienced a terminal state, he unconsciously convinces himself that he has seen the afterlife “with his own eyes.” Next, his brain completes the disparate puzzle into a whole picture, largely thanks to the means mass media and stories of “eyewitnesses” in pseudo-scientific literature. In this case, the words of a clinical death survivor copy another story heard earlier.

Tip 7: Is there life after death? Experiences of clinical death survivors

Scientists have conducted research and identified a list of the most common scenarios. Individual sensations were both independent and in a group with others.

1. Long corridor

We were lucky enough to see the passage of a corridor with light at the end of the path in 42% of cases. People saw something divine there, or their relatives who had died.

2. Absolute love

69% of people experienced a wonderful feeling of absolute love.

3. Telepathic abilities

65% of subjects showed incredible abilities to communicate non-verbally with people or creatures.

4. Joy, admiration

In 56% of cases, they experienced admiration from meeting divine creatures and joy from meeting relatives. People were happy to be there.

In 56% of cases, people said that they saw the highest deity - God. Surprisingly, even 75% of those who were convinced atheists felt his presence.

6. Absolute knowledge

The ability to gain immense knowledge of the Universe was diagnosed in 46% of subjects. This feeling was like knowing everything, what, why and why is happening. Upon returning to the real world, this ability was lost, but the feeling of omniscience was imprinted in the memory.

62% of respondents saw their entire lives ahead of them in moments. Some are lucky to see absolutely everything, others – only the most pleasant moments.

8. Afterlife

Many noted that there is not only Hell and Heaven, but also various stages, spheres of the afterlife that they have visited (46%). Those who visited Hell noted that it was very difficult to be there.

9. The line that divides the world of the dead and the living

46% of respondents talked about some kind of barrier that divides the worlds. It is impossible to get to another world if the creatures guarding it do not let you through. And the opportunity to choose the world of the living or the dead was not given to everyone; in other cases, luminous beings decided.

10. Ability to foresight

In some cases, people were shown events that would happen in the future (44%). Such knowledge helped people when returning to life.

While many people report similar feelings when returning to life, they are all unsure about the things that happened to them at the time of death. At the same time, it is proof of life after death.

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