Useful properties of strawberries and wild strawberries. Contraindications for eating strawberries. Strawberries with cheese and herbs

Hello girls! Summer has come!! We meet strawberries. or in other articles. And today we’ll look into the properties of this berry. What else does it have besides aroma and amazing taste?

Composition and calorie content of strawberries

Experts claim that our berry is simply saturated with vitamins and minerals. Let's list them:

Vitamins- almost all vitamins of the group B (B, B1, B2, B6, B9), A, C, E, K and PP .

Microelements - iron, magnesium, iodine, potassium, quite rare manganese, flint and copper, fluorine, calcium, cobalt, molybdenum.

Carbohydrates - glucose, fructose, pectin substances, sucrose, fiber.

Acids - folic acid, organic acids (glycolic, shikimic, citric, salicylic, quinic, succinic and malic).

Essential oils and flavonoids .

You and I know that many vitamins are destroyed during processing. That's why it's so important to eat fresh greens.

Daily intake of strawberries to replenish vitamin C: about 100 g (if in pieces, then 4-5 medium-sized berries). And 5-6 strawberries contain the same amount of vitamin C as 1 large orange.

Daily intake of strawberries to replenish potassium: 270 mg (8 medium-sized berries).

Calorie content of strawberries about 36-39 Kcal per 100 g of berries.

Medicinal properties of strawberries

Strawberries have many beneficial properties. Therefore, in order not to forget about any of them, I will tell you sequentially from head to toe.

1. Scientists claim that strawberries enhance brain function and improve memory, and are an additional remedy for the treatment of vitamin deficiency, hypertension, gout and for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

2. Potassium found in strawberries normalizes eye pressure.

3. Gargle with a tincture of strawberry leaves during a sore throat or cold. Rinse the nasopharynx to remove inflammatory processes. Strawberries destroy influenza viruses, pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci. The same tincture is useful for rinsing your mouth for stomatitis. Phytoncides are not removed nice smell from mouth.

4. Due to the presence of salicylic acid, it is a diaphoretic and mild laxative.

For infusion let's take 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh strawberries, brew with 1 cup of boiling water , leave for 30 minutes. in a thermos, strain and take 0.5 cups before meals.

5. Strawberries are allowed to be eaten by both those with diabetes and people suffering from obesity, since strawberries slow down the absorption of carbohydrates by the intestines and thereby lower blood sugar levels.

6. Phosphorus and calcium strengthen both teeth and bone tissue.

7. Strawberry pulp contains collagen, which fills the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

8. Strawberries are an excellent whitening cosmetic product that removes freckles and any age spots.

9. Replenishes the lack of iodine in the body.

10. Berries strengthen the walls blood vessels, and also reduce cholesterol levels, prevent the formation of blood clots, lower blood pressure, and strengthen the heart muscle. Anthocyanins are substances that are used to prevent stroke.

11. Substances in strawberries normalize salt metabolism, removing salts and fluid from the body.

12. Fresh berries are considered a natural diuretic and help with liver diseases, gastritis, stomach ulcers, and remove kidney stones (to do this, drink on an empty stomach 5 - 6 tbsp. tablespoons squeezed strawberry juice ).

13. Strawberry pulp applied to the skin helps with diathesis and copes with eczema (scabs, suppurations, ulcers).

14. An infusion of strawberry leaves is believed to help with bleeding from hemorrhoids(externally in the form of washings or enemas) and also with uterine bleeding or with heavy menstruation.

15. Strawberries cleanse the intestines well (from pathogens of intestinal infections) and thus affect digestion.

16. Actively affects iodine metabolism in Graves' disease.

17. B folk medicine Strawberries have always been consumed for anemia (anemia) or diarrhea.

18. Strawberries improve the condition of joints: relieve aches in the joints, stop the development of arthrosis, prevent cramps, treat arthritis and rheumatism. To do this, I advise you to eat 1.5 kg of strawberries every day for one week.

19. Strawberries speed up metabolism, in other words, normalize metabolic processes. As a result, wounds heal faster and the body rejuvenates.

How to prepare infusions:

from leaves: 2 tbsp. pour boiling water over spoons of crushed strawberry leaves , leave for 40 minutes in a thermos, strain.

from fruits: 2 tbsp. Place spoons of berries in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Strain.

Contraindications for eating strawberries

1. Strawberries, like many red berries or vegetables, are allergenic berries. Therefore, it is not recommended to give strawberries to children under 7 years of age, or only give them a little at a time and monitor the skin reaction. Pregnant women should not eat strawberries either, as their future children may develop allergies.

2. It is prohibited for use by people with gastrointestinal problems, since strawberry seeds can severely irritate the mucous membrane of the tract, and also due to an excess of fruit acids in the composition.

3. Heart patients also need to be careful with strawberries, as they contain substances that can lower blood pressure.

4. Hypertensive patients taking drugs based on enapril, be careful!! This drug, in combination with strawberries, creates a decent load on the kidneys.

5. And one more warning!! With increased secretion gastric juice, ulcers and gastritis, hepatic or gastric colic and appendicitis, as well as exacerbation of the following diseases: osteoporosis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, gastroduodenitis, limit strawberry consumption.

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It’s impossible not to love strawberries, because their sweet pulp and intoxicating aroma beckon you to take another berry that resembles a heart.

However, this berry is famous not only for its taste, but also for its solid set of vitamins and microelements that help saturate the body with beneficial properties, as well as relieve many diseases. They say that 7 kilograms of this berry contains the annual requirement of vitamins, which are so necessary for a person at any time of the year.

Humanity has known about the benefits of strawberries for a long time, because back in Ancient Rome it was used not only as a delicacy, but also as a medicinal plant. Although at that time strawberries were used, growing in forests, which, from 1300, it was in France that they began to actively replant them in garden plots and in royal gardens.

At that time, strawberry juice was used not only as a delicacy or medicine, but also as a paint, which was used for writing manuscripts or painting miniatures.

But in 1750, by randomly crossing several varieties, strawberries were born, in the form that is familiar to our contemporaries, namely a sweet, aromatic and large berry with a unique composition beneficial properties.

Of course, even at that time strawberries grew not only in France, but also in other countries with warm climates, but now, thanks to significant achievements in the fruit industry, this berry is grown almost all over the world, from the USA and Mexico, to Germany and Korea. That is why strawberries can be enjoyed all year round, although their ripening period is in late spring and summer.

The berry has become so widespread not only because of its special taste, but also because of its beneficial properties, which can be called unique.

Strawberries contain the highest percentage ascorbic acid, namely 86% of the daily value per 100 grams, which allows not only to increase immunity and normalize metabolism, but also to forget about cancer.

100 grams of strawberries contain:

  • 330% of the daily norm of silicon, which is responsible for the formation bone skeleton a child and the bone strength of an adult.
  • 264% of the daily norm of boron, which is involved in the work of the central nervous system and promotes the production of certain types of hormones, and also lowers blood glucose levels.

In smaller quantities, strawberries contain vitamins such as:

  • B1 - 2% daily value per 100 grams,
  • B2 - 3%,
  • B3 - 4%.

Microelements included:

  • cobalt - 40% per 100 grams,
  • vanadium - 22.5%
  • copper - 13% per 100 grams of berries.

It should be noted that, despite the sweetness of strawberries, they can hardly be called high-calorie, since 100 grams of the product contains only 41 kilocalories, unlike other berries. This is explained by the fact that strawberries consist mainly of water - 87%, albeit sweet, which, thanks to its unique composition, is very quickly divided into fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and then instantly absorbed.

By the way, strawberries also contain fatty acid, which hardly anyone knows about. So, berries contain 17% Omega-3 in total and this is per 100 grams. This element is not produced by the body itself, but it is necessary to fight cholesterol, normalize metabolism, improve brain function and prevent heart disease.

Medicinal properties and health benefits of the body

Of course, thanks increased content ascorbic acid or vitamin C, strawberries are most useful for the prevention of colds, because it is strawberries that help form antibodies that defeat infectious diseases and improve immunity.

The aromatic berry is very useful if you want to lose weight, because thanks to strawberries excess fat is not absorbed, and cholesterol does not accumulate.

Strawberries are very useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular stomach ulcers and intestinal infections, since it also has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. The berry can also help with kidney disease, as it has a diuretic effect. Its effect favorably extends to the urinary tract.

Strawberries also help with diseases of the cardiovascular system, because this berry has a beneficial effect on health, can normalize blood pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and act as a prophylactic against anemia and other diseases. And, in addition to the above properties, strawberries can rid the body of excess liquid and decomposition products.

I would like to note that the sweet berry will have a beneficial effect on depressive states, neuroses and simply loss of strength, not to mention hidden possibilities influence potency, it’s not for nothing that strawberries are considered an aphrodisiac. It has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system.

Strawberries can rightfully be called practically a panacea for many diseases, because the influence of even one berry spreads literally at the cellular level, because strawberries are also responsible for cell division.

Contraindications and harm

But, despite its many positive properties and many fans, strawberries also have contraindications. For example, 100 grams of berries contain 14% arsenic, so you certainly shouldn’t eat literally kilograms of strawberries in one sitting.

It is important to remember that strawberries, which have a bright red color, can also be a strong allergen, therefore, you need to follow the norm, even medicine can become poison if consumed in excess.

It is worth remembering that there are some acids in strawberries that can harm people suffering from chronic ulcers or gastritis; accordingly, in the presence of such diseases, it is advisable to limit the consumption of berries, but not completely eliminate them.

Considering that strawberries are most often used in genetic engineering, in the pursuit of new varieties, it is better to eat berries not imported, but grown in your own garden, and, moreover, only in the summer season. In winter, for its ripening and preservation, chemicals are used that are unlikely to be useful, even against the background of the impressive composition of vitamins of the berry itself.

Application in cosmetology for facial skin

Strawberries are used not only to treat many internal diseases, and for skin problems such as eczema.

Strawberries are actively used in cosmetology. In particular, thanks to the acids contained in strawberries, you can whiten your skin by getting rid of age spots and freckles, which tend to increase in size at the beginning of summer.

Due to the presence of vitamins in each berry, strawberries can be used as nourishing mask, both in its pure form and with the addition of sour cream or other berries, regardless of skin type.

The strawberry mask will soften and moisturize dry skin, relieve oily skin from excessive rashes and shine, and nourish combination skin with beneficial substances.


Strawberries are not only a delicacy, but also medicinal plant, which is used to prepare decoctions, tinctures, masks, and the compositions include not only berries, but also leaves, stems and inflorescences.

  • You can prepare a strengthening decoction from strawberries, which will not only improve your well-being, but also help with colds.

For the decoction you only need 100 grams of berries and 200 grams of boiling water, which you need to pour over the berries and let it brew for half an hour.

  • To treat the liver, you need to use pure, freshly prepared juice.

By the way, to prevent liver disease, juice will also help and for this you just need to drink half a glass in the morning and on an empty stomach in the summer.

  • You can also use strawberries as the main ingredient for a medicinal cocktail for anemia.

You will need 0.5 liters of homemade yogurt and a kilogram of berries. This drink will boost your immunity and improve your appetite.

  • Strawberries are widely used to treat skin diseases.

For eczema, you will need strawberries crushed into a pulp and placed on gauze, which is then placed on the site of inflammation; by the way, for acne and sunburn, this recipe can also be used, because strawberries have regenerating properties, and not just anti-inflammatory.

  • I would also like to recall the discovery of Chinese scientists who found that daily use berries prevent the development of cancer.

Strawberry jam

Strawberries are useful not only for fresh, it can also be used as jam or jam with the same success.

For example, a few spoons of jam for a cold can cause a diaphoretic effect and lower body temperature, not to mention the ability to overcome respiratory tract infections.

Strawberry jam will be an excellent storehouse of vitamins, which the body lacks in winter.

Making jam is not at all difficult. To do this, you need sugar and berries, which should be used in a ratio of 1 to 1. Then bring to a boil three times, stirring carefully with a wooden spatula. The third time, the jam must be brought to a boil and boiled for about 5 minutes in order to preserve the integrity of the berries and vitamins.

How to select and store?

Everyone knows that strawberries are a delicate berry not only in taste, so you need to not only know how to choose them, but also how to store them.

Of course, it is best to have your own garden bed where nitrates are not used, but if you don’t have one, then when buying strawberries you should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • the berries must be whole without obvious damage to the pulp;
  • strawberries should be ripe and bright red in color;
  • The texture of the strawberries should be firm, not soft and overripe.

You should pay attention to the tail of the berry, since a freshly picked berry cannot have withered leaves. Shouldn't be on strawberries dark spots and white pulp inside. Such signs will indicate that strawberries have been treated with saltpeter.

Strawberries sold in supermarkets are often exported from abroad, which means they are subject to chemical treatment for long-term storage. Berries sold during the season by neighboring grandmothers are unlikely to be subject to such manipulations.

Storing strawberries also has its own nuances. In particular, berries can only be stored in the refrigerator, in a dry and sealed container, but no more than 2 days. It is also advisable not to wash the berries before storing, as they will release juice and turn into mush.

It is worth remembering that the berry contains a lot of glucose and sucrose; accordingly, it can ferment if stored improperly and cause undesirable consequences with the intestines. That is why it is not worth storing fresh berries in large quantities. To do this, there are several ways to preserve both the beneficial properties of strawberries and their taste.

Does it lose its healing properties with various treatments?

You want to enjoy strawberries not only during their ripening season, but also at other times of the year, which is why the berries are subjected to in various ways storage, from banal jams and jams, to whole berries in the freezer. At the same time, the taste of strawberries remains almost the same, but are the beneficial properties preserved?

Frozen strawberries

Of course, strawberries can be stored frozen, because this is the least troublesome way of winter harvesting. To do this, just rinse the berries, dry them with a paper towel, and then place them in an airtight container or bag.

It is best to use dry freezing, because this way the berries will freeze faster and lose less juice. In winter, the berries can be thawed and used for compote or homemade yogurt, which will still be useful, since the beneficial properties of the berries are not lost when quickly frozen.


You can also save strawberries in dried form; to do this, you need to cut them into several parts and then dry them either in a special dryer or in a regular oven at 45 degrees for 40 minutes. Then the berries should be distributed into linen bags, which should be stored in a dry place and not in the sun.

With such processing, some of the beneficial properties will be lost, and the calorie content will become higher, because the moisture will evaporate, but, nevertheless, strawberry pieces will help cope with winter colds or depression.

What else is healthy about strawberries?

Much has been said about the beneficial properties of strawberries, but not only the berries, but also the leaves, inflorescences, as well as the stems and tails have similar properties. For example, from 2 heaped tablespoons of inflorescences and 0.5 liters of boiling water, you can prepare a wonderful strengthening decoction that will not only improve immunity, but also help cope with colds. From the chopped stems you can prepare a paste that will help heal cuts, burns, or stop bleeding.

Useful properties of leaves

And from strawberry leaves, which are no less useful than the berries themselves, you can prepare a decoction that will help make women’s ailments less painful, and also prevent weakness and general loss of strength.

The leaves can be used as an infusion for tea, because this drink will not only lift your spirits, but also help you lose weight.

You can use strawberry leaves in the form of tea for arthritis, because in this way you can get rid of swelling and also remove salt deposits.

Healing recipes from leaves

A few thoroughly washed strawberry leaves will help stop the bleeding. You can rinse your mouth with a tincture of the leaves to strengthen the enamel and relieve inflammation of the gums. You can prepare vitamin tea from the leaves, of which you need very little, just 2 tablespoons crushed and 0.5 liters of boiling water. The drink will boost immunity, tidy up the nervous system, and normalize blood pressure.

It’s not for nothing that strawberries are called a panacea for all diseases, because these sweet berries can cure not only the body, but also the soul. The sweet pulp gives pleasure and lifts the mood, and the beneficial substances saturate the body and relieve diseases. Such a combination is rare in berries, especially in those that are also considered a symbol of love.

In almost any summer cottage you can find delicious and healthy berries and fruits, but strawberries are the most common. She takes root well in our conditions and does not require excessive care.

Let's find out why exactly the fruits of the plant are valued, how they can be eaten and what contraindications we should not forget about.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Today, summer residents grow many different varieties of strawberries, each of which has its own individual characteristics. Of course, in terms of calorie content, the fruits will differ somewhat from each other, but these differences are not critical. Anyway, per 100 g collected berries account for only 41 kcal, combining 0.8 g of protein, 7.5 g of carbohydrates, 0.4 g of fat.

In addition, we should not forget about such useful components, as (about 1.2 mg), - 1 mcg, - 2 mcg, - 140 mcg, etc. Organic acids in strawberries are about 1.3 g, - 40 mg, - 18 mg, - 16 mg, - 18 mg. We also cannot help but recall the presence large quantity vitamins: (5 mg), (0.03 mg), (0.5 mg), (0.3 mg), (0.06 mg), (20 mcg), (60 mg), (0.5 mg ).

Did you know? Strawberries are considered to be a berry, although in fact they are not. From a botanical point of view, it is considered a polynutlet - a receptacle with small yellow nuts “scattered” over the surface.

The benefits of strawberries for the body

Strawberries are definitely very useful product, and its benefits are noticeable both in relation to adults and children. The main value lies in its rich mineral and vitamin composition, thanks to which it is possible to increase the protective functions of the human body. For example, strawberries contain as much as 60 mg per 100 grams, which is significantly more than the same.
This component is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Together with the other above components, vitamin C not only strengthens the general health, but also helps the body recover from illnesses.

Among other things, the described “false berry” has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and even fights constipation. However, this is still far from full list strengths strawberries, because their specific positive impact it affects the male, female and children's bodies, which we will talk about later.


Few people know, but regular seasonal Eating strawberries reduces the risk of heart attack among the fair sex, which in itself is a significant advantage, even if you don’t look at exactly what vitamins it contains.

Upon closer examination of the composition of this “not quite a berry”, it is easy to notice the presence of flavonoids in it - substances that help dilate blood vessels and prevent the formation of plaques on their walls, which, in turn, reduces the risk of developing such a popular female disease as varicose veins .
Thanks to a significant number folic acid, strawberries can be considered an indispensable product on your table in preparation for conception and in the first stages of pregnancy, when the formation of the fetal neural tube occurs. Moreover, the soft fiber contained in the composition helps improve intestinal function, which is especially important for so-called “toilet problems” (pregnant women usually complain more about constipation).

The diuretic effect of strawberries ensures a gentle and rapid removal of excess fluid from the body, without increasing the load on the kidneys. This property is especially useful in late pregnancy, when the likelihood of swelling is especially high. Therefore, if you are not yet sure whether pregnant women can eat strawberries, then you can rest assured about their effect on the body.

Important! In everything you should know when to stop, especially if a pregnant woman is prone to allergic reactions or manifestations of dermatitis. Depending on the strength of manifestation of such conditions, we can talk about either reducing the amount of berries consumed, or complete refusal from her. You should only choose berries picked in season, otherwise there is a serious possibility of purchasing products with extremely undesirable chemical additives.

Strawberries help non-pregnant women fight obesity and pronounced because it is a good component of a wide variety of diets. If you wish, you can even arrange fasting days for yourself on just strawberries, eating about 1.5 kg per day. Believe me, the results will not take long to arrive.
And finally, one cannot help but remember the wonderful cosmetic properties a berry loved by many. There are just a lot of recipes for making strawberry masks that can make the skin elastic, whiten it and tighten stretched pores. If you cook strawberries correctly, you will have an excellent remedy for eliminating some skin diseases(for example, depriving), as well as the fight against.

It is recommended for an adult to eat at least 5 kg of these fruits in one season, but if you don’t have time to do this, don’t be upset. If properly prepared for the winter, you can enjoy strawberries even in the cold season (usually they are frozen).


Main benefit strawberries for the male sex lies in its ability increase libido and sexual activity , which can be achieved thanks to high content. It is he who has a beneficial effect on the organization of work hormonal system, therefore, the relevance of strawberries in the treatment of problems such as prostatitis, impotence and adenoma is beyond doubt.

We must not forget about the benefits of these fruits in strengthening, which is important for both women, men and children. In all these cases, the mentioned vitamin C promotes the production natural protection body and increases its resistance to viruses.
Men who regularly consume strawberries (during their ripening season) are much less likely to suffer from problems with the digestive system and liver, since the “false berries” contain substances that help to tone the organs and cleanse them of toxins.

Strawberries can be eaten with anything, not only fresh, but also dried or in the form. The tails from the fruits are also useful in the household, because in dried form they can be easily brewed together with tea, thanks to which it will not only acquire a more pleasant smell, but will also saturate the body with such important vitamin C, and will also replenish iodine reserves. The main thing is to perform the drying process correctly and prevent mold from appearing.

Did you know? In some cases, strawberries help to cope with, since they contain substances close to the components of the familiar aspirin. Therefore, if your head starts to hurt and you don’t have any pills at hand, just eat a few handfuls of these aromatic fruits.


We have already found out how strawberries are beneficial for men and women. female body, but this berry is very loved by many children. Its benefit for the younger generation, as in other cases, is to strengthen the body’s immune forces and the ability to relieve inflammation, which is especially useful in the treatment of stomatitis and sore throats (freshly squeezed strawberry juice or an infusion prepared from the leaves of the plant is used for gargling).
Another question is at what age and how often can you give your child strawberries, introducing them into the baby’s diet. Here the opinion of pediatricians is almost unanimous, because most of them claim that best time for such an addition to the main menu - berry season after the baby's first birthday. At this time, the child’s digestive system is already improving its functioning, and the immune system will not react so strongly to red foods.

As when introducing any other product into the diet, with strawberries it is also worth observing certain rules of caution:

  • Feeding is administered to the baby in small portions in order to warn in time unwanted reactions for a new product;
  • It is advisable to give your child strawberries in the first half of the day and not combine them with other “new products” in the diet;
  • keep a close eye on any allergic manifestations or a change in stool.

Simply put, to begin with, just a few small berries a day will be enough, and it is better to combine them with the milk porridges already familiar to the baby. and other products based on it neutralize the effects of allergens, which means there will be much less chance of getting an allergy.

Important! Before giving strawberries to your baby, it is recommended to scald them with boiling water, pour clean hot water over them and wait until it steeps. If the baby’s body reacts well to the resulting juice, then you can then add a little pulp to the water, and then fresh berries. However, in any case, do not give your baby more than 2-3 pieces per day.

What can be done and what can be combined with

Strawberries are great for preparing a wide variety of dishes and preserves, although they will be no less tasty when eaten raw. It can be ground together with other fruits and berries, added to milkshakes or porridges, and also used to create a wide variety of desserts, including baked goods. Some housewives regularly use it to prepare fruit salads and even first or second courses, but the season of this berry is quite short, so it is advisable to have time to prepare it for the cold period.

Folk recipes

IN alternative medicine there is simply a mass healthy recipes, helping a person cope with various problems of the body. Usually they are all based on the use of various medicinal herbs, so you may be surprised by the possibility of using ordinary strawberries for these purposes. For the preparation of medicinal potions, not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the plant are suitable, which also have a number of beneficial properties, and in order to eliminate possible negative effects on the body, it is enough to know about the existing contraindications.

Strawberry leaf tea

Dried leaves of the described false berry are the first raw material for preparing aromatic and fragrant strawberries, although the fruits and even roots of strawberries are considered no less popular.

To prepare tea, first of all, you need properly prepare plant leaves, collected in August or September, when fruiting has already completed. The drying process takes place in the traditional way - in a shaded and well-ventilated place, after which the raw materials are put into glass jars and the neck is closed with a clean paper sheet (as alternative option Canvas bags will also work). Immediately before use, the already dry leaves are broken into 2-4 parts and teas and infusions are prepared from them.

Important! For brewing strawberry leaves, a porcelain teapot is best, in which two large leaves should contain approximately 1 cup of boiling water to prepare tea.

As soon as the tea in the teapot is well infused (usually this takes 5-10 minutes), you can add honey or sugar to it to make it tastier to drink 2-3 times a day. Such a drink will contain a large amount of vitamin C, have a mild diuretic effect and promote. That is why it is often recommended to people suffering from inflammatory diseases. Bladder, congestion in the gallbladder, and flu.

Diuretic infusion

If you have problems with the kidneys or urinary system, to prepare an infusion, take 100 g of sugar for 1 kg of freshly picked berries and, after stirring, place it in a container to drain the juice. The result is a very tasty sweet drink, almost ready to drink (you just need to pour the juice into a separate container). The finished infusion is consumed 100 g half an hour before meals. Regular use such a drink will allow remove the stones and drive away urolithiasis , just finish it full course reception lasting one month.

In addition, another recipe based on strawberries or fruits will help increase urination and eliminate swelling. All you need is to place a small handful of berries in a saucepan and pour one glass of boiling water over them, after which the mixture is left to steep for 30 minutes, drained and consumed 100 ml before meals (three times a day).

Infusion for insomnia and neuroses

Who would have thought, but strawberries are an excellent remedy for eliminating neuroses and combating. In this case, you can simply eat a handful of fresh berries before bed, and prepare a special healing infusion, in which, in addition to the mentioned fruits, other useful ingredients will be used.

For example, the following recipe is very successful: for 1 glass of strawberries you will need 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, 3 tablespoons of water, a tablespoon, and the same amount of dried fruit. The preparation of a healing potion occurs as follows: within several hours cereals infuse in water, after which pureed strawberries and sour cream are added. The resulting mixture must be stirred very well and only then add chopped nuts and dried fruits. Of course, such a dish will have to be prepared daily, but you can eat it in two or three servings, several hours before.

Homemade face mask recipes

In addition to internal use, the benefits of strawberries are also manifested when they are applied externally, especially in the facial area. This berry can be prepared either using it alone or in combination with other components, but in any case it will be very beneficial for the skin.
Many women on own experience convinced of all the advantages of these fruits, because they are, indeed, capable of bleach skin covering, eliminate pigmentation, tighten pores, eliminate acne and simply nourish the skin for its best appearance.

Important! Before you decide to prepare a strawberry mask, make sure there are no skin damage, allergic reactions or rosacea. It is better to first test the finished product on the wrist, and if no reaction follows (itching, rash, etc.), then you can safely proceed to applying the mask to the face.

The most simple option To prepare a strawberry mask, you will need to grind the pulp for further application to the face and décolleté. The finished mixture is left for 10 minutes. If you have dry or sensitive skin, then it is better to pre-mix the pulp with thick cream or sour cream, then use ready-made mixtures several times a week. Strawberry hair masks can give them shine and a healthy look, protecting them from hair loss. In this case, cook healthy mixture can be done as follows: the crushed pulp is mixed with burdock or, with the addition of cream, after which the resulting thoroughly ground mass is applied to and put on a plastic bag, additionally wrapping the head in a towel. The mask is washed off after 1-1.5 hours, using your usual shampoo.

In fact, there are a great many similar recipes, and you can either simply put a few pieces of ripe, fresh strawberries on the area around the eyes (for about 10 minutes), or use ingredients such as cream, vegetable oils etc. One of the most popular options would be mixing strawberries with sour cream, and average duration Leave the mask on the face or décolleté for approximately 10-20 minutes.

Did you know? On our continent, the plant that is popular today appeared only in the 18th century. Strawberries were brought here from South America, Although wild strawberries(a very close relative of hers) our ancestors have been collecting since time immemorial.

Contraindications and harm

No matter how well they speak about a particular product, we should not forget about possible contraindications for its use, because what is ideal for some people may not be suitable for others. This statement undoubtedly applies to strawberries, and it’s not just about a possible allergic reaction.
So, to the main ones contraindications for use This “not quite a berry” should include:

  • the possibility of the mentioned allergic manifestation;
  • application medicines at hypertension(if taken at the same time, strawberries will inhibit kidney function);
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum, gastritis (small strawberry grains irritate the already inflamed walls of organs);
  • hypertonicity of the uterus in women during pregnancy (the mentioned plant itself has a tonic effect, and in this situation this can lead to serious problems);
  • lactation period in women (up to the baby’s seven-month age, since allergens can enter the child’s body along with mother’s milk);
  • children up to one year of age (after this, strawberry puree can be introduced as complementary foods, but only in small quantities to avoid an allergic reaction).

Besides this, to avoid possible troubles associated with the consumption of strawberries, it is important to remember a few simple rules: before eating, always wash the fruits well, even if they seem clean to you, mix them mainly with dairy products (in this case, oxalic acid will bind with the calcium present in strawberries and protect bone tissue from destruction). Also, you should not eat berries on an empty stomach (possible stomach irritation) or get carried away with them too much, eating a large amount at a time.

In general, seasonal strawberries are a good storehouse of useful vitamins, which, if possible, should be stocked up for months in advance, and to protect yourself from any problems, just listen to the above recommendations.

Refreshing and invigorating strawberry - one of the types of nutmeg strawberries with small fragrant fruits. They do not creep along the ground, like strawberries, but stretch upward on stalks.

Based on data from the Larousse Gastronomic Encyclopedia, the berry received its name because round shape- from the word “tangle”.

That is, any strawberry is a strawberry, but not any strawberry is a strawberry.

Fresh strawberries are eaten for dessert with sugar or whipped cream. Strawberries are put into ice cream and fruit salads. The berries are also used to make mousses, soufflés and chocolate. Open pies are made with it, compotes and jam are made.

Strawberries contain vitamins C, B and PP.

Composition 100 gr. strawberries as a percentage of the daily value is presented below.


  • C – 98%;
  • B9 – 6%;
  • K – 3%;
  • AT 12%;
  • B6 – 2%.


The calorie content of fresh strawberries is 32 kcal per 100 g.

Like all colorful berries, strawberries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making them healthy.

For the immune system

Vitamin C from strawberries strengthens the immune system, protecting the body during flu and cold season.

For the musculoskeletal system

Strawberries combine two chemical compounds– and quercetin. They remove toxins from muscle tissue humans, prevent arthritis and joint pain.

For the cardiovascular and endocrine systems

Minerals from strawberries stimulate the production of NrF2 protein, which lowers blood cholesterol levels. Strawberries are good not only for the heart, but also for endocrine system. It prevents the risk of diabetes.

Potassium and magnesium from strawberries strengthen the cardiovascular system and protect against hypertension.

For the nervous system

Strawberries contain fisetin, which stimulates brain function. You can improve the quality short term memory if you eat a small portion of strawberries every day for eight weeks.

Fisetin from strawberries fights Alzheimer's disease and other diseases of old age.

This antioxidant destroys breast cancer cells, enhancing the effect of anti-cancer drugs.

For touch system

Vitamin C and other antioxidants from strawberries reduce the risk of eye diseases and normalize intraocular pressure.

For digestion

Strawberries are an effective tool in the fight against excess weight and stimulate the burning of accumulated fat.

For the urinary system

The berry is a good diuretic, allows you to remove excess fluid from the body and improve kidney function.

Effect on pregnancy

Folic acid or vitamin B9, which is found in strawberries, is prescribed to pregnant women for an easy pregnancy.

For the integumentary system

Vitamins and fruit acids from strawberries improve complexion and skin texture.

  • allergy. The berry may cause skin reactions, because . People prone to allergies may experience a rash, redness and itching;
  • pregnancy. During pregnancy, doctors do not recommend consuming strawberries in large quantities to reduce the risk of allergic reactions in the fetus;
  • gastrointestinal diseases. Strawberries should not be consumed during exacerbations of peptic ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Harm of strawberries

Strawberries are not harmful to the body, but they can cause an allergic reaction if you eat a lot of berries at once.

How to choose strawberries

When choosing berries, pay attention to color saturation and aroma. The berries must be dry and ripe, without yellow spots and with green tails.

How to store strawberries

Strawberries cannot be stored for a long time. Keep fresh berries in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Do not wash the berries before storing them because they will release juice and lose their flavor.

The benefits and harms of strawberries depend on how you prepare the berries. Eat it fresh - then the composition and calorie content of strawberries will remain unchanged!

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