Damage to enamel. How to restore the enamel structure at home: the structure of the tooth coating, symptoms of damage and restoration

Every day our teeth are exposed to destructive factors. Enamel - the armor of teeth - may not always resist the influence of these factors. Gradually it becomes thinner. The tooth begins to decay. How you can stop tooth decay, read this article.

External and internal causes of enamel destruction

There are many factors that influence the decay of our teeth. External factors include:

TO internal reasons destruction includes:

  • Lack of fluoride and calcium.
  • Poor nutrition, diets.
  • Disruptions at the hormonal level.
  • Heredity.
  • Exposure to any medications.

Tooth decay: general causes

There are also common causes of enamel destruction. They can affect women, men and children:

Knowing the reasons leading to the destruction of enamel, it is much easier to prevent trouble.

Symptoms indicating enamel damage

Tooth decay does not occur immediately. This is a long process that can be slowed down or stopped. You should pay attention to the slightest change in oral cavity. What are the symptoms of this phenomenon?

Bacteria, penetrating into the hole, will soon cause pulpitis. If you do not start treatment at this moment, then complete destruction tooth crowns. Treatment in this case is long and expensive, because installing pins is not an easy process. Pin teeth may consist of various materials, fasten differently. Only an experienced dentist can resolve such issues.

Tooth decay in children

Unfortunately, enamel tends to deteriorate not only in adults, but also in children. Already when a child reaches two years of age, obvious symptoms of the disease may be observed. Very often, destruction occurs in children who are bottle-fed.

The formula often contains too many carbohydrates, which are converted into organic acids in the child's mouth. They can lead to demineralization of the enamel, because children's teeth are still so weak. It is very difficult to find out that demineralization occurs in the oral cavity, because the process is hidden from view.

If the mother has a metabolic disorder during pregnancy, the child will also suffer from this. Poor nutrition during gestation, severe toxicosis in the first trimester, some past illnesses can lead to problems such as underdevelopment of enamel or improper development of the crown shape.

It is imperative to maintain personal hygiene in a home with a small child. Often parents, without noticing it themselves, spoil their baby’s teeth by passing on theirs to him. pathogenic bacteria. Do not share cutlery, lick a pacifier, or kiss your child on the lips too often. All of this can cause tooth decay.

Children's saliva has a low level of alkali content. This means that saliva cannot perform its mineralizing function. It is for this reason that many children's teeth begin to decay very early.

Why is enamel destroyed in women?

Scientists have found that women's enamel is destroyed more often than men's. This is facilitated not only common factors, but also purely women's reasons. Among them:

Why do men's teeth decay?

Of course, men's teeth deteriorate due to common reasons. But there are also special factors inherent specifically to males.

It is men who often experience mechanical tooth decay. This is due to the characteristics of the professions, dangerous species sports, and sometimes simple aggressiveness.

Moreover, men fewer women They take care of their teeth, having the habit of opening corks with them and gnawing nuts. Men smoke and drink alcohol more. This leads to demineralization of the enamel.

Prevention of complete tooth decay

The destruction of enamel occurring in the oral cavity is an unpleasant phenomenon. This makes it worse aesthetic appearance smiles. In addition, bacteria get into cracks and chips, which can cause additional diseases. How to prevent complete tooth decay?

You definitely need to brush your teeth. This must be done regularly, and not occasionally. No one canceled visiting the dentist once every six months! Take control of your habits - do not chew hard objects, do not bite threads, do not open lids with your teeth, limit seeds and nuts in your diet.

If you see the slightest changes in your mouth, make an appointment with your dentist immediately.

To strengthen enamel, taking vitamins and increasing the dose of foods containing calcium is helpful. Eat more fish, greens and dairy products. You can also visit the dentist and strengthen your teeth in his chair with fluoridation.

How to treat?

The destruction of the tooth crown is an irreversible process. Therefore, it is always better to take care of your teeth correctly, preventing disease. But if there is still destruction, treat it urgently! How to restore a tooth?

  1. If you have a chipped small piece cutting edge or tooth crumbling is observed, build-up with photopolymer composites is used.
  2. If the destruction of the crown is significant, pins or intra-root inlays are used.
  3. With the help of veneers, you can hide defects in the smile area.
  4. If the tooth is severely damaged (more than 70%), then treatment consists only of installing a crown.
  5. If a wisdom tooth is decaying, a specialist will most likely prescribe its removal. This tooth does not take part in chewing food and is a potential breeding ground for bacteria, so there is no point in preserving and treating it.

Despite the apparent strength of enamel, there are a huge number of factors that can lead to its destruction. Remember that monitoring the condition of your teeth and caring for them properly is always easier than treating them!

Tooth enamel consists of 96% calcium, phosphorus and other inorganic substances. The remaining 4% is water and protein compounds. Over time, the covering of teeth becomes thinner naturally due to the lack and leaching of microelements, in particular calcium salts. When the condition of the enamel deteriorates, bacteria and acids penetrate the dentin, causing caries and other diseases.

Unfortunately, tooth enamel is unable to regenerate on its own. However, in the arsenal modern dentistry available effective procedures for its restoration and saturation with useful elements.

Methods for restoring tooth enamel

Depending on the nature of the damage, they are used to restore the enamel. following methods.

  • Fluoridation. The surface is treated with professional varnish with high content fluoride to seal cracks and scratches.
  • Enamel implantation. In order to mask irregularities and improve color, the tooth is coated in layers with a synthetic composition similar to natural dental tissue.
  • Filling. The technology is used in cases of chips and fractures. Using photopolymer composites, the doctor builds the tooth to the desired size.
  • Veneering. Ceramic linings are fixed to outside dentition for the correction of aesthetic defects.

All of the listed procedures for restoring tooth enamel in Moscow are carried out in almost every clinic. The most affordable is fluoridation - from 60 rubles per tooth. The installation of veneers is considered the most expensive - from 10,000 rubles for one microprosthesis.

How to restore tooth enamel at home?

Restoring tooth enamel at home is only possible to a small extent. Folk or pharmaceutical products unable to compensate for the entire deficiency of inorganic components. The only advantage of improvised methods is their affordable cost. The primacy in efficiency clearly belongs to professional procedures in a dental clinic.

Means for strengthening tooth enamel

There are many in various ways strengthening tooth enamel at home using grandma's recipes or appropriate medications from the pharmacy.

Products to strengthen tooth enamel

Products for strengthening tooth enamel contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth. White cabbage, oranges and kiwis are rich in vitamin C and amino acids that break down pigmented areas. Hard cheeses, cottage cheese and milk saturate dentin with calcium to strengthen tooth enamel. Sesame seeds, celery and parsley will help effectively rid your smile of plaque. It is also recommended to rinse your mouth with tincture of chamomile and calendula, wipe your teeth with a mixture of seaweed, basil and sage or add eggshell powder to food.

Toothpastes with fluoride

Fluoridated toothpaste for restoration of enamel Curasept ADS 705 - best prevention caries. Fluoride helps strengthen and remineralize tissues, prevents the appearance of small spots and “seals” scratches.


Hydroxyapatite is part of natural tooth enamel. Toothpastes with this substance are today considered the most effective means restoration of enamel. Hydroxyapatite crystals fill cracks and damage, thereby restoring the tooth surface.


Theobromine is a substance obtained from cocoa beans. According to clinical research company Theodent, it not only has a strengthening effect on the enamel, but also provokes the regeneration of dental tissue.

Firming gels and mousses

Pharmacy gels and mousses strengthen tooth enamel by mineral elements, maintaining the balance of oral microflora. The Biorepair teeth strengthening kit includes not only a restoring gel, but also a special mouth guard, which is very convenient and increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

Vitamins B and D improve absorption useful components into the body and have a positive effect on the condition of the enamel layer, gums and bones. Found in foods such as eggs, beans, wheat germ, fish, vegetable oil and etc.

What is the cost of restoring tooth enamel?

The cost of restoring tooth enamel using home methods is low, healthy foods, ordinary hygiene products, infusions and herbs can be purchased at any pharmacies and stores without compromising your budget. For specialized pastes and gels you will have to pay a little more - from 400 rubles per tube.

Professional methods mask aesthetic defects and prevent further tooth decay. Homemade - help strengthen the enamel layer. However, it will not be possible to completely restore the health of damaged enamel. Will help maintain its integrity simple rules- preventive dental examinations, proper nutrition and giving up bad habits.

Enamel is the thinnest but strongest layer of the tooth that covers and protects it. Tooth enamel consists of the following components:

  • minerals,
  • calcium,
  • phosphorus.

As a person ages percentage the composition of the enamel changes, it becomes thinner. This leads to the development various diseases. Find out how you can strengthen tooth enamel in this article.

What causes damage to tooth enamel?

When the enamel is damaged, it inner layer(dentin) is exposed. Dentin contains a huge amount nerve endings, which is why the tooth becomes sensitive to cold, hot, and other irritants.

In addition, without enamel, teeth begin to quickly deteriorate. Enamel, unlike bones, does not have the ability to recover, so even a minor chip or crack can cause serious damage to a tooth. Enamel does not contain living cells that can repair themselves. Its damage or thinning is an excellent condition for the development of the carious process.

Why is enamel destroyed?

Enamel destruction can occur for the following reasons:

  • heredity,
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in dry mouth, heartburn, vomiting,
  • fluoride deficiency in enamel,
  • improper oral hygiene,
  • taking some medicines: aspirin, antihistamines,
  • bruxism (teeth grinding),
  • problems with saliva production: not enough saliva leads to dry teeth, making them vulnerable to infection,
  • plaque contains food debris and bacteria that release special toxins that destroy enamel. As a result, it wears out faster, and the possibility of developing a carious process increases significantly,
  • excessive consumption of foods that destroy enamel: carbonated water, sweets, sour foods.

Symptoms of enamel damage

  • increased tooth sensitivity: cold, hot, sour foods and even cold air cause pain,
  • When a tooth is damaged, dentin is exposed and becomes more vulnerable to external factors, so the tooth may (turn yellow or blacken),
  • chips and cracks appear,
  • formation of carious cavities.

How to strengthen teeth enamel: 5 reliable ways

If you want to strengthen your enamel, the following methods will come to your aid and must be used in combination:

Proper nutrition

Include the following foods in your diet that help strengthen your teeth:

  • Dairy

Milk, cheese, kefir, and yogurt contain a lot of phosphorus and calcium, which ensure remineralization of enamel. In addition, dairy products contribute to the normal production of saliva, which has a protective function. For people with lactose intolerance, calcium-fortified soy milk is suitable.

Dairy products are a source of calcium, which is certainly good for tooth enamel.

  • Strawberry

Contains a lot of vitamin C and antioxidants. Helps keep both teeth and oral mucosa in order. Strawberries contain malic acid, which naturally cleans the surface of teeth from plaque and also has a mild whitening effect.

Who would have thought, but strawberries perfectly cleanse teeth of plaque, thereby strengthening tooth enamel

  • Celery

Contains a large amount of fiber, which makes it possible to effectively clean the surface of teeth from plaque. It is very useful to chew celery slowly, this way you will not only clean your teeth, but also provide an excellent massage to your gums, as well as stimulate saliva production.

  • VitaminD

This element plays an important role in the regulation of proteins that create tooth enamel. This is a fish, fish fat, egg yolk.

  • Sesame

Contains abrasive particles that help clean enamel from bacteria. Sesame contains a lot of calcium. You can add a handful of sesame seeds to the salad, it is very tasty.

  • Parsley

This green has powerful antibacterial properties, preventing the development of infection in the oral cavity. You can add it to salads, or you can just chew it.

  • Vitamin K

Promotes bone growth and absorption useful substances. Helps strengthen teeth in combination with vitamin D (cabbage, broccoli, egg yolk, hard cheese).

  • Tea

Tea leaves contain large amounts of antioxidants and fluoride. Green tea contains a special substance - polyphenol, which prevents plaque from attaching to the surface of the teeth.


Strengthening the enamel involves saturating it useful microelements. For these purposes, several methods are used in dentistry:

Teeth absorb fluoride through their surface, which is why to saturate the enamel with fluoride, they apply various gels, pastes containing of this substance. Special ones are also used, which are filled with a special fluoride-containing gel. Such devices are worn at night.

In addition, special applications are used: individual wax casts are made. They are filled with a substance containing fluoride and applied to the teeth.

There is a special technology that allows you to restore teeth with cracks and chips. For such purposes, materials are used that are most similar in composition to natural teeth. They connect to the tooth at the cellular level, penetrating the enamel and filling all the voids.

Fluoridation of teeth before and after photos


To restore enamel in this case, substances are used that closely resemble the composition of saliva. Stay tuned, a full article on remineralization will be published soon. Read the separate article here.

Folk remedies

You can strengthen the enamel using proven folk methods:

  • rinse your mouth with saline solution before going to bed,
  • slowly chew the white pulp of the lemon peel,
  • Brush your teeth with the mixture once a week activated carbon and water,
  • massage your gums with a soft brush, this will ensure a rush of blood to the mucous membrane,
  • chew carrots, apples, celery, these products naturally clean the surface of your teeth from plaque,
  • rinse your mouth with a solution of propolis tincture and warm water,
  • Spend 1-2 times a year,
  • use floss (dental floss),
  • rinse your mouth with water and oil tea tree(3 drops of oil per glass of water),
  • drink enough clean water.

Correct prevention

  • Brush your teeth regularly with a quality toothpaste
  • don't indulge in sweets
  • Don't overdo it with whitening toothpastes
  • treat dental diseases in a timely manner
  • eat dairy and dairy products
  • limit your consumption of coffee, tea
  • quit smoking.

Restoring tooth enamel is a procedure for which people most often turn to clinics that specialize in cosmetic dentistry. Let's look at what restoration is, the features of this procedure, what is the price of snow-white teeth and is it possible to restore tooth enamel at home?

Tooth enamel (TE) is the most hard fabric, despite the fact that it is very thin and transparent. It performs a protective function and covers the teeth. Often, it is called a mineral cap, which will keep your teeth snow-white and healthy. The main part is 97% minerals, 35% calcium and 17% phosphorus. Please note that depending on a person's age, the percentage of minerals may change and deplete.

Damaged tooth enamel leads to caries and tooth decay. Its disadvantage is the inability to regenerate itself. Therefore, restoration of tooth enamel is dental procedure, which is carried out by professional dentists-cosmetologists using various means and procedures.

The causes of tooth enamel destruction are varied, some depend on lifestyle and place of residence, others on heredity. But there are several reasons that most often force patients to seek a restoration procedure.

  • Bad habits: smoking, alcohol, sweets. This not only has a devastating effect on the GE, but also puts the entire body at risk. And the sugar residues on the teeth that remain after eating candy or chocolate overnight come into direct contact with the teeth and immediately destroy tooth enamel.
  • Improper, unbalanced nutrition is a problem not only of malfunction digestive system And gastrointestinal tract, but also the cause of damage and wear of the electronics. Because of poor nutrition a violation occurs acid-base balance, and stomach acid can get on your teeth, destroying the enamel.
  • Carbonated drinks and lemon are another cause of damage and further recovery tooth enamel. Even the most harmless tea with lemon leads to damage and yellowing of the earth. Citrus fruits are also harmful to tooth enamel because their acidity destroys tooth protection.
  • Sudden changes temperatures cause rapid damage to tooth enamel. To do this, just take a sip of hot tea and immediately wash it down with a glass of ice water or eat ice cream. You've probably noticed how such a temperature change in foods makes your teeth "twist".
  • GE can also be damaged mechanically. Causes mechanical damage: malocclusion, grinding of teeth, incorrect treatment teeth and, of course, all kinds of injuries.

There are many reasons why it is necessary to restore tooth enamel. If you don't want to lose yours beautiful smile and healthy snow-white teeth, then you need to restore your teeth enamel. Don’t forget that GE does not recover on its own, and ignoring the problem leads to irreversible consequences such as tooth loss.

Tool for restoring tooth enamel

A product for restoring tooth enamel allows you to strengthen your teeth and restore them protective properties at home. That is, thanks to products for tooth enamel, you can take care of the restoration procedure yourself. The means are gels and toothpastes, rinsing solutions. There are also folk remedies for restoring tooth enamel.

A small damage to the GE can disrupt the functions of the tooth and cause, in addition to pain, a lot of inconvenience. Tooth enamel can be restored using special means without resorting to the help of dentists. Please note that the price of such a restoration will be much lower than the same procedure in the doctor's chair.

Let's look at what products are used for dental restoration and how to carry out the procedure.

  • Special toothpastes - these products for restoring tooth enamel contain large amounts of calcium and fluoride. That is, we can say with confidence that regular use of such pastes will help restore tooth enamel, although this method takes time.
  • Another remedy for restoration is the most common toothpaste with useful minerals. It is enough to apply this paste to the earth and leave it for a couple of minutes. This will allow minerals penetrate deeply into the tissues of the teeth.
  • In addition to using products to restore enamel, gum care is very important. Regular gum massage improves blood circulation.
  • When restoring tooth enamel, it is very important, in addition to using special medicinal products, lead a healthy lifestyle and include healthy foods in your diet. As a product, choose food that contains a lot of calcium and helps strengthen teeth, for example, cottage cheese, milk.

In order not to have to look for means to restore tooth enamel, it is very important to carry out regular prevention of destruction of the teeth. How to protect teeth from demineralization and how to keep teeth healthy? Let's look at a few preventive methods, which will prolong the life of your teeth and make them strong.

  • Rinse your mouth with water and, if possible, brush your teeth immediately after eating. This procedure is recommended not only to protect the tooth, but also to protect the tooth itself.
  • Choose for yourself the right brush for teeth. Do not rub your gums until they bleed, as this will not help clean the enamel, but on the contrary, it will damage it and the gums. Change regularly toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • “Train” your GE by eating solid foods and foods that are rich in minerals and vitamins: dairy products, greens, fish, vegetables and eggs. Avoid or reduce your intake of sweets and eliminate sugar-based foods from your diet.
  • Do not use toothpastes with a whitening effect, as they significantly and very quickly destroy tooth enamel. This is especially true for people with sensitive teeth. If you still want to whiten your teeth and preserve the enamel, then use whitening toothpastes no more than twice a year.
  • See your dentist regularly. Since it is the doctor who will help you identify problems and prescribe timely treatment. Remember that the destruction of the earth's initial stage much easier to restore than neglected and destroyed enamel.
  • Reduce your use of chewing gum. Despite the fact that they freshen breath and protect teeth from caries, they contain sugar, which means they slowly destroy tooth enamel. Besides, chewing gum– this is the main problem of fallen fillings.

Your dentist will help you choose effective products for restoring tooth enamel. Do not forget that some products can cause allergies, so consultation with a doctor is inevitable.

Recovery with folk remedies

Restoring tooth enamel using folk remedies is very popular and effective. And this is not surprising, since snow-white smile and healthy strong teeth this is the dignity of any person. When restoring tooth enamel using folk remedies, do not forget that the enamel is easily damaged, and it will not be restored without your help or professional help. dental care. I use methods traditional medicine, take your time, as haste and the desire to see the result faster will only harm the restoration procedure.

Let's look at methods and recipes that allow you to restore tooth enamel using traditional methods.

  • The most radical method is a procedure using white pulp from lemon zest. The method is effective, but it should not be abused. Collect the soft white skin and chew it or rub it on your teeth. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for up to 7 days, it all depends on the degree of damage to the enamel.
  • Often used for restoration and whitening baking soda. But it is recommended to use this product no more than once a week, since the substance is highly abrasive.
  • Folk remedies recommend restoring tooth enamel using activated carbon. For cooking medicinal mixture, mix a couple of crushed charcoal tablets with water. You should end up with a liquid paste that you need to use to brush your teeth every three days.
  • Fast folk remedy- This is hydrogen peroxide. But there is a danger in using this method, since after peroxide the density of the earth's elements suffers greatly.
  • Fruits and vegetables will cope well with the task of restoration, for example, strawberries and wild strawberries. Wash the berries thoroughly, mash them and apply to your teeth, hold for a couple of minutes. After this procedure, the teeth must be carefully brushed with toothpaste.
  • Another folk remedy for strengthening tooth enamel is milk. Also, tea tree oil is perfect for these purposes; by the way, products based on it are considered the most effective. Take a glass of water and add a couple of drops of oil to it, rinse your mouth with this mixture. This will strengthen and destroy harmful bacteria and get rid of unpleasant odor from mouth. Regular use of this method will protect teeth from periodontal disease and caries, and prevent gum inflammation.

Remember that preventing dental disease and keeping your mouth clean is much more effective than treatment. Take care of your dental health, avoid carbonated drinks, coffee and sweet water with dyes. Rinse your mouth regularly after meals and do not drink drinks that are too cold or hot. Don't forget to visit your dentist.

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