The drug Cortexin is indicated for use. Cortexin for newborns and children up to one year old. Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

Nootropic drugs are widely used in pediatric practice for improvement brain activity, activation of metabolic processes in the brain. One of the frequently prescribed drugs is Cortexin, which is suitable even for newborns. It helps reduce the child’s lag in neuropsychic development by stimulating cognitive processes: speech, thinking, memory. In addition, babies tolerate taking this quite well. medicine.

Action and composition of Cortexin

Cortexin is a nootropic medication related to protein bioregulators. Same name active substance- a complex of soluble polypeptide fractions extracted by vinegar extraction from the cerebral cortex of pigs and large cattle.

The component easily overcomes the barrier between circulatory system and the central nervous system, penetrating through the capillaries of the brain to nerve cells. This allows the drug:

  • protect neurons from harmful effects free radicals, lack of oxygen, increase resistance to toxic substances;
  • improve the cognitive functions of the brain, making it easier for the child to perceive and remember information, learn, and concentrate;
  • reduce excessive activity of epileptic centers in the cortex cerebral hemispheres, thereby preventing convulsive phenomena;
  • slow down oxygen oxidation fatty acids, increasing the survival of neurons under hypoxic conditions;
  • intensify metabolic processes in the central nervous system, improving the functionality and active state of the cerebral cortex.

The drug is produced in the form of a lyophilized white-yellow powder, which is intended for making a solution. There are no other forms of release, including tablets and capsules, in the Cortexin line of medications.

Cortexin is a nootropic drug used from the first days of life

In pharmacy chains you can find two types of medicine: for adults and for children. They are no different except for the amount of powder in the ampoule (10 and 5 mg, respectively). Both options are suitable for treating young patients, however the right dosage the doctor must choose.

Indications for use

Cortexin is used to treat conditions such as:

  • damage to brain cells and tissues of various origins;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • decreased ability to learn and remember;
  • delayed mental or motor development;
  • cognitive impairment;
  • encephalitis of an acute or chronic nature;
  • increased fatigue;
  • delay in the formation of speech skills;
  • severe symptoms in cerebral palsy;
  • hydrocephalic syndrome.

The popular name of the medicine is “talker”, since after using it, a previously silent child begins to actively talk, quickly remember new information, and easily memorize poems. Stuttering disappears, and speech becomes smoother and clearer.

Doctor Komarovsky about “memory medicine” - video

Cortexin for newborns and children up to one year old

The perinatal, or perinatal, stage begins from the 28th week of intrauterine development and ends a week after birth. At this time, the fetus faces numerous dangers: hypoxia, infections, intoxication, etc. And childbirth itself is also a dangerous event for the child.

Perinatal damage to the central nervous system is a fairly common diagnosis among newborns. Such children experience a slowdown in the rate of mental and motor development, and subsequently develop problems with speech. A good prognosis largely depends on how and when treatment began.

Cortexin is prescribed from the first days of a child’s life so that PPCNS does not develop into serious illnesses central nervous system in the form of cerebral palsy or epilepsy. Thanks to natural origin the drug has no effect toxic effects and acts quite gently, so most often it takes several courses to achieve a satisfactory result.

Instructions for use: how to dilute and inject Cortexin

The dosage and frequency of taking the medication are prescribed by the pediatrician based on the child’s body weight. It is strictly prohibited to make adjustments to the prescribed course of treatment at your own discretion - this can only worsen the child’s health condition.

Intramuscular injections are best done in outpatient setting, however, sometimes parents are forced to give their child injections themselves. Therefore, questions are often asked: how to inject Cortexin and how to dilute the powder.

  • 0.5% novocaine solution;
  • isotonic 0.9% sodium chloride solution;
  • injection water.

For children, injections with saline or water are more suitable. Novocaine helps reduce the pain of the procedure, but significantly increases the likelihood of developing allergic reactions. Therefore, diluting Cortexin with an anesthetic is only allowed if the child has difficulty tolerating nootropic injections and does not have access to novocaine.

Novocaine anesthetizes the injection, but can provoke allergies

To properly dilute the powder, you must:

  • draw the injection solution into a syringe, pierce the stopper of the ampoule with the medicine with a needle and pour the collected liquid into it (direct the needle towards the wall of the bottle to avoid foaming);
  • remove the syringe (leave the needle in the stopper) and gently shake the contents of the ampoule until the drug is completely dissolved;
  • attach the syringe and draw the required amount of a homogeneous solution into it (it is better to choose a new needle for injection, since the old one could become dull when injecting liquid).

The injection must be given in the first half of the day. The fact is that Cortexin can have a stimulating effect, so an evening injection can lead to problems with sleep at night.

It is strictly forbidden to divide the powder into parts; you should dilute the entire contents of the bottle and only then select the volume required for a single administration to the child. The remaining solution is thrown away; for the next injection you need to repeat the algorithm described above.

If a child becomes ill during treatment with Cortexin, you should consult a doctor about discontinuing the medication. Usually when high temperature and others obvious signs colds, nootropic injections are stopped until full recovery baby.

Duration treatment course is 10 days. Therapy can be repeated after 3–6 months.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The nootropic drug is prohibited for use if the child has an individual intolerance to cortexin or glycine (an auxiliary component).

The instructions for the drug indicate that the drug does not have side effects, however, reviews from parents show that in some cases Cortexin causes in children:

  • allergic reactions (in the form skin rashes, itching, swelling);
  • nervousness, tearfulness.

Undesirable consequences more often appear when using novocaine to prepare an injection solution. If the powder is diluted with saline or water, the likelihood of allergic reactions is significantly reduced.

How to replace Cortexin

Cortexin does not have complete analogues containing the same active substance. In the pharmacy chain you can purchase substitute medications that have a similar effect, but they contain other components. Remember that nootropics can only be used after consulting a pediatrician.

Substitute drugs - table

Name Release forms Active substance Indications Contraindications Price
solution complex of peptides derived from pig brain
  • dementia syndrome of various origins;
  • traumatic injuries of the brain and spinal cord;
  • delay mental development in children;
  • hyperactivity and attention deficit in children.
  • acute renal failure;
  • status epilepticus;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.
from 570 rubles
solution piracetam
  • complex treatment of hypoxia and the consequences of birth injuries;
  • dropsy of the brain;
  • mental retardation;
  • complex treatment of dyslexia, attention deficit disorder.
  • severe renal failure;
  • intolerance to piracetam.
from 23 rubles
suspension pyritinol dihydrochloride monohydrate hypersensitivity to pyritinol from 615 rubles
syrup calcium salt of hopantenic acid
  • cognitive impairment in organic lesions brain;
  • enuresis;
  • perinatal encephalopathy;
  • mental retardation of varying degrees;
  • impaired mental function;
  • specific speech disorders;
  • learning disability;
  • hyperactivity.
  • severe kidney disease;
  • phenylketonuria;
  • intolerance to components.
from 357 rubles
solution deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood
  • perinatal damage to the central nervous system;
  • failure cerebral circulation;
  • head injuries;
  • impairment of speech and motor skills;
  • impaired mental function.
  • intolerance to components;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • oliguria, anuria.
from 515 rubles

How can you replace Cortexin - gallery

Encephabol is one of the most well-known and frequently prescribed nootropic drugs for children. Pantogam is a nootropic agent with neurometabolic, neuroprotective and neurotrophic properties Piracetam is used in the treatment of children with minor problems with brain function. Actovegin belongs to the group medicines, which affect tissue metabolic processes Cerebrolysin is a drug that stimulates neurometabolic processes

Doctors' opinion

On medical forums there are conflicting reviews and opinions of specialists about nootropics in general and Cortexin in particular. Some doctors consider “brain drugs” a real panacea, while others point to the unproven effectiveness of such drugs.

Neurologist Victor Koss approves of the use of nootropics in the treatment of neurological diseases:

If translated literally, it turns out to be “brain nutrition.” As a rule, it is assumed that the cells of the cerebral cortex can absorb the necessary amino acids, vitamins and microelements to maintain vital functions. The effectiveness of using nootropics has been proven by practice in neurology; today, preparations of amino acids and peptides are very popular.

Pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky points out that nootropics are widely used in pediatric practice, but only in the territory of the former Soviet Union:

Despite the vast experience of use, despite the many discovered in experiments positive properties, despite the extreme attractiveness of the identified pharmacological effects and the breadth of indications for use, so, despite all this, no one has been able to substantiate the benefits and effectiveness of nootropic drugs using evidence-based medicine methods to date.

Cortexin– a polypeptide agent with optimal, balanced composition polypeptides and neurotransmitters, which have a tissue-specific effect on the cerebral cortex. The drug reduces the toxic effects of neurotropic substances, improves the learning ability of patients, increases cognitive abilities (nootropic effect), and activates reparative processes in the central nervous system. It also has anticonvulsant and cerebroprotective effects. Cortexin promotes rapid recovery functions of the central nervous system after stressors.

Cortexin normalizes the ratio of excitatory and inhibitory amino acids in the brain, regulates the content of dopamine and serotonin. Other mechanisms of action are restoration of the bioelectrical activity of brain cells, influence on oxidative stress(antioxidant effect) and GABAergic effect.
Pharmacokinetic parameters cannot be determined, since the L-amino acids and neuropeptides included in the drug have an average half-life of about 3 minutes, which makes it impossible to determine the absorption, excretion and distribution of peptide residues.

Indications for use

· Neuroinfections (bacterial and viral),
cerebrovascular accident,
· traumatic brain injury,
· encephalopathy of various etiologies,
asthenic syndrome,
· V complex therapy encephalitis and encephalomyelitis (acute and chronic forms),
epilepsy (as part of complex therapy),
suprasegmental autonomic disorders,
Impaired thinking, memory, decreased learning ability,
· cerebral palsy,
· delayed speech and psychomotor development in childhood.

Mode of application

Created for intramuscular injection. The contents of 1 bottle are dissolved in 1-2 ml of solvent before administration. As a solvent, you can use water for injection, or 0.9% sodium chloride solution, or 0.5% procaine solution. Administer 10 mg once daily to adults for a course of 5-10 days. In pediatrics: children weighing more than 20 kg – adult dosage, children up to 20 kg (can be prescribed from the first days of life) – 5 mg 1 time per day. The course of treatment is 5-10 days. If necessary, a course of introductions cortexin can be repeated after 1-6 months.

Side effects

Hypersensitivity reactions are possible (rare).


If there is a history of allergic reactions to cortexin and other components of the drug.


Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs

Used in complex therapy. There were no reports of adverse interactions.


Clinical picture of overdose cortexin not described.

Release form

Lyophilized powder in 10 mg bottles. Intended for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration.

Storage conditions

In a place protected from moisture, at a temperature of 2-10°C.


Active Ingredient: cortexin.
Others: glycine.


The drug does not affect psychomotor reactions, so it can be prescribed to drivers and people working with complex technology.

Main settings

ATX code: N06BX20 -

One of the most significant achievements in the development of domestic medicine is the lyophilisate Cortexin, which promotes treatment various pathologies appearing in the human brain. This nootropic drug is still often used in pediatrics.

Cortexin instructions

The composition of the drug includes glycine and the active substance. The use of the presented medicine in pediatrics is often associated with therapy cerebral palsy. It is possible to treat a baby’s critical condition due to postpartum or intrauterine damage to the central nervous system. Cortexin - instructions for use contain information according to which the pharmacological action of the drug is used for:

  • deterioration of children's memory;
  • encephalopathy;
  • complications of stroke;
  • delay speech development child;
  • cerebral circulatory disorders.

Cortexin - side effects

The use of the drug is well tolerated and rarely provokes Negative consequences. Sometimes they can only occur when using Cortexin - side effects, which should be mentioned in the instructions:

  • slight redness at the injection site, but it quickly disappears, as evidenced by patient reviews;
  • An allergic reaction occurs rarely; it is caused by individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Cortexin - contraindications

Like many medications, Cortexin has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

How to dilute Cortexin

Many patients who are prescribed to inject this lyophilisate intramuscularly are interested in the question of how to dilute cortexin? Cortexin's instructions contain the same rules for use and dilution of the drug for adults and children. A bottle with one dose of medication is diluted with the following solvents: novocaine, sterile water for injection or physiological special solution.

All solvents can be purchased for a small price at the pharmacy, since they are not included in the package with the drug. It is better to buy solutions bottled in small containers of 5 ml or 2 ml (ampoules or bottles). This requirement is due to the fact that the liquid for diluting the lyophilisate must be sterile. According to the instructions, dilution should be carried out as follows:

  • take a sterile syringe with a needle;
  • open the ampoule with the solution;
  • lower the needle into the bottle and draw the required amount of solvent (1 – 2 ml);
  • remove the foil from the stopper on the medicinal product;
  • pierce the stopper with the needle of a syringe that already contains a solvent;
  • lower the needle to the middle of the ampoule with lyophilisate;
  • press slowly on the syringe plunger;
  • release the solvent into the medicine;
  • It is necessary, without removing the needle, to gently shake the bottle to completely dissolve the powder;
  • a homogeneous solution can be used for injection.

How to dilute Cortexin

The drug itself is available in powder form. For intramuscular injections, you should use a special solution. How to dilute Cortexin? The use of lidocaine is not recommended. Only the following liquids can be used:

  • 0.5% procaine;
  • 0.5% novocaine;
  • injection water;
  • 0.9% physiological or sodium chloride solution.

Novocaine is an anesthetic, so it reduces the pain of the injection, although it increases the risk of developing allergies. It is better to use water for injection or solution. One bottle of medicine requires 1 or 0.5 ml of liquid. This solution should be taken to treat an adult. For a child, 2 ml of solvent should be used. Although only a doctor can determine the exact proportion.

How to inject Cortexin

The drug is approved for use in newborns. Often adults and children are given injections by a specialist, but sometimes you have to give injections yourself, so the question arises, how to inject Cortexin correctly? If your doctor has prescribed a drug for you or your child, you should familiarize yourself with the specifics of using the drug and strictly follow the instructions. You cannot change the frequency of use or dosage on your own - this can harm your health. The regimen for using the medicine is as follows:

  • the drug is administered once a day (morning or evening);
  • the product should be used immediately after dilution; Cortexin should not be stored open;
  • the medicine is administered slowly, because rapid penetration can provoke severe pain;
  • intramuscular injection for infants it is done in the front surface of the thigh, and for adults in the buttock;
  • Course duration – 10 days.

Price for Cortexin

Nootropic drug domestic manufacturer is classified as prescription drugs, i.e. it should only be available with a doctor's prescription. How much does Cortexin cost? Minimum cost this tool is approximately 90 rubles per bottle. The lowest price for a package of 10 vials is 1000 rubles. You can replace the drug with analogues: Cortexiphan and Mexidol. Today, medicine can be found in an online catalog, ordered and inexpensively purchased in an online store with home delivery. The price in this case will be even lower than in the pharmacy.

Video: Cortexin for children

Cortexin is one of the most popular drugs used to treat brain pathologies. It is actively prescribed for cerebral blood flow deficiency, conditions after head injuries, decreased cognitive abilities, encephalitis, meningitis, and post-stroke conditions.

In pediatrics, the drug is used for hyperactivity syndrome, as well as attention deficit, autism, and speech retardation. Purpose of the article: to acquaint the reader with the features of the use of the drug, restrictions on its use and its analogues.

The medication belongs to the group of nootropic drugs. It is used in neurological patients to relieve symptoms of brain dysfunction. International generic name: Polypeptides of the cerebral cortex of cattle.

Prices, forms and components

The drug is produced in the form of bottles with dry contents. The active component of the drug is polypeptide fractions. Vials can contain 5 and 10 mg of Cortexin. The medicinal product is intended for injection only. It is a powder that must be dissolved before administration. There is no tablet form of the product.

The main active substance is cortexin. It is isolated from the cerebral cortex of cattle or pigs no older than one year old. Additional substance Glycine is considered.

Animal polypeptides are substances isolated specifically from the brain tissue of young individuals, in contrast to deproteinized dialysate, which is made from blood plasma. The material is cleaned, making it safer and as hypoallergenic as possible. The polypeptides are used to produce a lyophilisate suitable for injection.

Table 1 - Cost of Cortexin

How does it affect the body?

Polypeptides have positive influence to the cerebral cortex. The patient experiences an increase in cognitive abilities, memory improves (short-term, long-term). After injury or inflammatory processes restoration of brain function occurs faster, brain conduction improves nerve impulses. In the post-stroke state, the patient begins to speak faster, and paralysis and paresis are relieved much more easily.

In children, polypeptides stimulate speech function and help relieve signs of hyperactivity. Children's memory and attention improve, and their ability to learn increases.

Glycine, which is part of Cortexin, is essential amino acid. It improves the conduction of impulses along nerve fibers. The restoration of nerve tissue occurs much faster after compression, damage, or an inflammatory reaction. Glycine improves mood. This property is very useful for patients with neuroses, panic attacks, hyperactivity, vegetative dystonia.

Glycine increases blood circulation in the brain, which is very important for patients with a deficiency of blood flow to the brain tissue.

The product reduces intoxication when taking psychotropic medications and prevents the formation of free radicals. Cortexin increases the resistance of brain cells to hypoxia. During treatment, the convulsive activity of epileptic foci in the brain decreases. Inhibitory processes in brain tissue and the synthesis of inhibitory and excitation mediators are normalized. The metabolism of polypeptides has not been fully studied. It has not yet been possible to accurately determine the route of elimination of the drug.

Indications, restrictions on use

Cortexin has its own indications and limitations for use. Before prescribing the drug, the doctor must conduct an examination and collect anamnestic data. Indications for use:

Cortexin is not prescribed for intolerance to the components of the drug, during pregnancy, or breastfeeding. In children, the drug is used only as indicated.

Rules for using the medicine

The difficulty of using Cortexin lies not only in the selection correct dosage, but also in the correct dilution of the medicine.

How to dilute?

Before injection, Cortexin must be diluted with sterile solutions. Novocain, saline solution, and special injection water are suitable for dilution.

The injection is quite painful. Some patients do not tolerate injections well. When administered to children, Cortexin is diluted with Novocaine, which can significantly reduce pain syndrome.

The negative side of this combination is increased risk allergic reactions, as well as low effect of therapy. Doctors recommend diluting the drug better saline solution or injection water. In this case, the absorption of the drug is much higher, and allergies develop less frequently.

Substances for dissolving dry matter:

  1. Novocaine 0.5% 1-2 ml.
  2. Injection water 1-2 ml.
  3. Sodium chlorine 0.9% 1-2 ml.

Water and saline solution should be taken in small ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ml. This allows for maximum sterility when administering the drug. Cortexin is diluted with 1-2 ml of solvent.

Breeding rules:

The prepared solution cannot be stored for more than 20 minutes, otherwise it becomes unsterile. If the storage time is exceeded, another solution should be made. Cortexin cannot be combined into one syringe with other drugs, since such interaction has not been fully studied.

Intramuscular administration

The medicine must be administered intramuscularly. The injections should be given once every day. Dosage for adults – 10 mg. It is better to use 10 mg ampoules. For a child weighing more than 20 kg, the dosage corresponds to an adult. For babies weighing less than 20 kg, the dosage is selected at the rate of 0.5 mg per 1 kg of weight. It is better for children to use 5 mg ampoules.

Course therapy with Cortexin is 10 days. Therapy can be continued with a second course after a break of 3-6 months. In post-stroke patients, the medicine is prescribed 10 mg twice a day. The course of treatment lasts 10 days. Therapy is repeated after 10 days.

It is better to administer the drug into morning hours, as it can cause stimulation of the central nervous system. When the medicine is administered in the evening, the patient's sleep may be disturbed. If a dose of the drug was missed, then a double dosage is administered. The subsequent injection is carried out as directed. Intravenous administration medications are not allowed.

Negative reactions of the body

From side effects When studying the effect of the drug, only allergic reactions were identified. The reason for this response of the body is the presence of foreign components of cattle blood in the medicine. They are not absorbed well by all patients.

Allergies occur especially often in babies under 1 year of age, since the immune system is not yet perfect. Allergies can manifest themselves in the form of rash, urticaria, conjunctivitis, and Quincke's edema. When allergic reaction treatment is stopped.

There is an opinion that after using the drug, children may develop diabetes mellitus. Therefore, before using the medicine, you need to collect a complete medical history. hereditary diseases. Also, after administration of the drug, an attack of convulsions may occur. If convulsive activity or an increase in blood sugar occurs, the administration of the medication should be stopped and a full examination should be performed.

During clinical trials, there were no signs of overdose in the subjects. There is evidence that the medicine does not dull attention. You are allowed to drive a car and operate machinery during the course of treatment.

For vegetative-vascular dystonia

In patients with vegetative dystonia, the drug is used in therapeutic dosages. It is permissible to prescribe medicine for puberty. The course of therapy is 10 days. Cortexin is administered daily.

The drug helps reduce anxiety, enhance attention and memorization. Adolescents have an increased desire and ability to learn. Headaches and migraines go away, tachycardia due to stress is stopped. Patients complain less of cardiac pain. With VSD, they are caused by stress and neurosis.

Cortexin reduces the excitability of the nervous system, which relieves cardiac syndrome. With the use of the medicine, patients' arterial pressure, the cause of which is a violation of vegetation.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug should not be used during pregnancy. During clinical trials, not enough data were obtained on the effect on the body of pregnant patients, as well as on the fetus. Another reason for refusing treatment with Cortexin is high risk allergic reaction. The immune system women during pregnancy is reduced, which provokes the occurrence of allergies, even if there were no signs of allergies before pregnancy.

The medicine is also not used in nursing patients. The drug may get into breast milk. When prescribing therapy breast-feeding It's better to stop. You can maintain lactation by regular pumping. After treatment is completed, breastfeeding can be resumed.

Alcohol compatibility

The drug is often taken as a treatment for alcoholism. This is due to the fact that Cortexin increases the tone of neurons and neutralizes the effect of ethanol on the brain. According to clinical research, the use of the drug for a hangover significantly alleviated the condition of patients and significantly reduced the craving for alcohol.

Patients noted that during treatment, clarity of consciousness remained, mood improved, and it was during this period that many patients decided to give up alcohol completely.

It is worth remembering that Cortexin can be used for treatment alcohol addiction, but continued drinking during therapy seriously worsens the patient's condition.

Cortexin is not compatible with alcohol, so drinking alcohol-containing drinks during treatment is not recommended. Medicine when combined once with ethyl alcohol loses its therapeutic effect.

With prolonged use, the body begins to intensively absorb formaldehydes, which are formed during the metabolism of the drug. A patient who combines alcohol-containing drinks with Cortexin develops alcohol intolerance, severe withdrawal syndrome, obsessions, and changes in consciousness.

Use of Cortexin in pediatric practice

Cortexin has no age restrictions. It can be used even in newborns. Indications and restrictions for the administration of Cortexin in children have their own characteristics.

When is the appointment indicated?

General indications for pediatric patients:

  • head injuries;
  • epileptic activity;
  • brain hypoxia;
  • vegetative dystonia;
  • delayed neuropsychic development;
  • encephalitis;
  • infantile paralysis;
  • infectious damage to brain tissue;
  • increased intracranial pressure.

Use in newborns

During the neonatal period, the medicine is used to correct the post-hypoxic state caused by hypoxia or asphyxia during gestation (umbilical cord entanglement, large quantity amniotic fluid in Airways). Hypoxia in children can also occur with very long period birth (more than 15 hours). U smoking women babies are often born with severe hypoxia due to the constant intake of carbon dioxide, nicotine, and tar through the umbilical cord.

Cortexin facilitates the restoration of brain tissue and improves brain function. Early use of Cortexin can reduce the likelihood of developmental delays and decreased speech function. Timely treatment hypoxia helps to avoid hyperactivity syndrome, attention deficit disorder, abrupt changes mood, depression, aggression in children 2-5 years old and older.

Cortexin is indicated for children with hyperactivity syndrome, stuttering, tics, and epilepsy. During treatment, patients' speech function improves, stuttering stops, and the frequency of tics decreases. The child becomes calmer, there is no aggression or whims for no reason.

The medicine is not used for:

  • the baby is allergic to the components of the medication;
  • insufficient kidney function;
  • identifying foci of degeneration in brain tissue of hereditary origin.

Dosage and features of therapy

The drug is administered intramuscularly. In children over one year old, the injection is given in the deltoid muscle; in children under one year of age, the injection is given in the anterior thigh muscle group.

Injection is best done early in the morning (7-8 hours). This will increase the effectiveness of therapy and reduce the likelihood of unwanted manifestations.

The injection solution is heated to 25-30 °C before use. The product causes pain when injected. If the child does not tolerate pain well, then the drug must be diluted with Novocaine (Table 2). If the injections are tolerated normally, it is better to dilute the lyophilisate with saline or injection water ( healing effect higher).

Table 2 - How to dilute Cortexin for children

Course therapy lasts up to 10 days. The drug is not administered if the child has hyperthermia. It is better to start treatment after the high fever has subsided.

In childhood, undesirable effects may occur that differ from the effects in adults. Children are more likely to have allergies ( skin rash, urticaria, Quincke's edema). During therapy, children may become whiny and have trouble sleeping. Sometimes there may be retardation increased excitability, aggression. If undesirable symptoms appear, the medicine should be discontinued or replaced with another drug from the same group.

Drug analogues

The drug has structural and non-structural analogues, that is, they differ in the active substance. Drugs may also differ in the form of production. Let's look at the main analogues and substitutes.


Known injectable structural analogs of Cortexin include:

Among the drugs based on other active ingredients are the following:

Substitutes in tablets

There are no structural analogues of the drug in tablet form today, but you can choose products with other active ingredients. They have similar properties, but taking these medications is much more convenient. They increase blood flow in the brain, increase conductivity nerve fiber. With the use of medications, memory and attention improve. For children, tablet forms are used only as indicated.

Tablet substitutes for Cortexin can be considered:

  1. Armadin. It is produced on the basis of hydroxypyridine succinate.
  2. Cytoflavin. Produced on the basis succinic acid, nicotinamide, riboflavin.

Country of origin


Product group

Nervous system

Nootropic drug

Release forms

  • pack of 10 bottles 5 ml bottles (10) - cardboard packs.

Description of the dosage form

  • Lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration in the form of a powder or porous mass of white or white with a yellowish tint.

pharmachologic effect

Nootropic drug. Contains a complex of low molecular weight water-soluble polypeptide fractions with molecular weight no more than 10,000 Da, isolated from the cerebral cortex of cattle or pigs not older than 12 months of age. Penetrates through the blood-brain barrier directly to nerve cells. The drug has nootropic, neuroprotective, antioxidant and tissue-specific effects. Nootropic effect Improves higher functions brain, learning and memory processes, concentration, stability under various stress influences. Neuroprotective effect Protects neurons from damage by various endogenous neurotoxic factors (glutamate, calcium ions, free radicals), reduces toxic effects psychotropic substances. Antioxidant action Inhibits lipid peroxidation in neurons, increases the survival of neurons under conditions of oxidative stress and hypoxia. Tissue-specific action Activates the metabolism of neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system, reparative processes, helps improve the functions of the cerebral cortex and the general tone of the nervous system. Mechanism of action The mechanism of action of Cortexin is due to the activation of neuronal peptides and neurotrophic factors of the brain; optimization of the balance of metabolism of excitatory and inhibitory amino acids, dopamine, serotonin; GABA-ergic effects; a decrease in the level of paroxysmal convulsive activity of the brain, the ability to improve its bioelectrical activity; preventing the formation of free radicals (products of lipid peroxidation).


The complex composition of Cortexin, active substance which is a complex of polypeptide fractions, does not allow for conventional pharmacokinetic analysis of individual components

Special conditions

Cortexin® should be used only as prescribed by your doctor. The bottle with the dissolved medicinal product must not be stored or used after storage. The Cortexin® solution is not recommended to be mixed with other solutions. There are no specific effects of the drug upon first use or upon discontinuation. If an injection is missed, it is not recommended to administer a double dose, but to administer the next injection as usual on the scheduled day. No special precautions are required when disposing of unused drugs. Effect on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery. The use of the drug does not affect the performance of potentially dangerous species activities requiring special attention and quick reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms). Overdose Currently, no cases of drug overdose have been reported.


  • 1 fl. complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions with a molecular weight of not more than 10,000 Da (cortexin) 5 mg Excipients: glycine - 6 mg (stabilizer).

Cortexin indications for use

  • In complex therapy following states and diseases: - cerebrovascular accidents; - traumatic brain injury and its consequences; - encephalopathy of various origins; - cognitive impairment (including memory and thinking disorders); - acute and chronic encephalitis and encephalomyelitis; - epilepsy; - asthenic conditions; - suprasegmental autonomic disorders (vegetative-vascular dystonia); - decreased learning ability; - delayed psychomotor and speech development in children; - critical conditions newborns with perinatal damage to the nervous system; - various shapes cerebral palsy.

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