Production of baby food. Technological line for the production of canned fruits for baby food

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The main raw material for of this product is a high-quality cereal flour, specially manufactured in accordance with all standards and safety indicators for the production of baby food. Flour is delivered to the plant in four-layer 30 kg bags, in which it is stored at the plant under certain conditions.

Before starting the production line, flour is loaded into technological bins (3) using bag unloaders (1) and loading screw conveyors (2). There are 5 units of such bunkers - for different types flour. The bunkers are equipped with filling level sensors and a system to prevent arching. According to the given technological recipe, flour (each type separately) is fed from the bins by dosing screws (4) to the weighing terminal (6). Dosing error is no more than 1%. The loading of hoppers is controlled from the control panel 5, the dosing complex from the control panel 8, which are located directly next to the equipment. When the specified weight parameters of all components are reached according to the recipe, the raw materials are unloaded into the mixer (7) to achieve uniformity of the entire mass. The mixing cycle lasts 2-5 minutes (depending on the specified parameters). Then the raw materials, using a screw conveyor (9), are loaded into a sifter (10), which is equipped with a magnetic separator.

The next stage is extrusion. Using a screw conveyor (11), the mixture of raw materials is loaded into the extruder storage hopper (12), from where it is dosed into the extruder loading housing. With the help of a dosing pump that supplies water to the extruder loading housing, the raw material is moistened. Due to intensive thermomechanical treatment, the raw material receives the necessary amount during its stay in the extruder body (5-7 seconds). sanitization and During the process under the influence of significant shear rates, high speeds and pressure, a transition of mechanical energy into thermal energy occurs, which leads to changes in the quality indicators of the processed raw materials of varying depth, for example, protein denaturation, gelatinization and gelatinization of starch, as well as other biochemical changes that are useful for better absorption by the child. The product is cut directly at the matrix using a mounted cutting device. All operation of the extruder is controlled from the control unit (13). An exhaust hood (14) is installed above the extruder to remove steam.

The resulting semi-finished product is delivered by pneumatic conveyor (15) to the storage hopper (16). Next, the semi-finished product enters the crusher (16) to be crushed into porridge. Then the crushed mass is loaded into a technological storage bin (20) using a screw conveyor (19). These processes are controlled from the control unit (18).

From the storage hopper, a screw conveyor (21) loads the porridge into the weighing terminal (24). Depending on the technological recipe, additives in specified quantities are loaded into the weighing terminal from containers for dry additives (22) through screw conveyors (each type separately: vitamins, dried fruits, etc.) into the weighing terminal for further mixing with porridge in the mixer ( 25). Upon completion of the mixing cycle (2-5 minutes), the product is fed by a screw conveyor (26) into the feed hopper of the filling machine. The process of dosing and mixing the components is controlled by the control unit (23).

In the filling machine (27), the product in a given weight range is packaged and packed into a bag. Then the packaged product, using an outflow conveyor (28), enters an automatic packer into a cardboard box (29) for packaging in cardboard containers and printing the production date and other information. At the exit from the cartoner, the packaged product, using a horizontal conveyor (30), enters the packaging table (31) for placement in a group transport container. Packing is carried out by packing workers. The product, packaged in transport containers, is transported to the storage warehouse by a horizontal conveyor (32) finished products.

Supply of communications to production workshop(connection points):

1 – Power supply 3ph, 380V 50 Hz; Total consumption 7.5 kW/hour. Compressed air; consumption by vibration fans 1000 l/min. Water for washing.

2 – Power supply 3ph, 380V 50 Hz; Total consumption 145 kW/hour.

Water for washing; for cooling the extruder up to 150 l/hour.

Compressed air; consumption by pneumatic conveyor 1000 l/min.

3 – Power supply 3ph, 380V 50 Hz; Total consumption 7 kW/hour. Water for washing.

4 – Power supply 3ph, 380V 50 Hz; Total consumption 4 kW/hour. Water for washing. Compressed air; total consumption up to 1500 l/min. Nitrogen (for packaging machine).

5 – Power supply, 220V 50 Hz; Total consumption 5 kW/hour. Compressed air; total consumption up to 1000 l/min.

The line consists of:

Electricity: 170 kW

Water consumption (extruder cooling): up to 150 l/h

Name Description of work Col.
1 Bag opener Unpacking bags of raw materials for further transfer to bunkers 5
2 Screw conveyor Moving raw materials into bunkers - automatic feeding 5
3 Raw material bunkers (5 m 3) Storage bins with filling sensors 5
4 Screw conveyor Supply of raw materials to the weighing terminal 5
5 Raw material supply control unit Switching on conveyors, indicating filling sensors on bins, switching bins
6 Weighing terminal Moving between bins, stopping under them and collecting grain by weighing 1
7 Mixer Mixes raw materials 1
8 Control block Control of dosing complex, mixer, sifter 1
9 Screw conveyor Feeds raw materials from the mixer to the sifter 1
10 Sifter Sifts raw materials 1
11 Screw conveyor Feeds raw materials to the extruder 1
12 Extruder Production of semi-finished products 1
13 Extruder control unit Control of raw material supply, main drive speed and cutting device rotation speed, heating temperature 1
14 Hood Steam removal and suction 1
15 Pneumatic transport Moving a semi-finished product 1
16 Storage hopper Serves for storing semi-finished products 1
17 Crusher-grinder Grinds semi-finished products 1
18 Control unit for crusher and pneumatic transport Enabling the movement of products from the hopper to the crusher, grinding and moving the semi-finished product into the hopper 1
19 Screw conveyor Feeds the crushed semi-finished product into the storage hopper 1
20 Storage hopper Serve to accumulate different types of product 1
21 Screw conveyors Dry additives conveyed by auger 4
22 Containers for dry additives

Storing additives before further serving

(vitamin mixture, fruit powders, milk powder)

23 Ingredient mixing control unit Turning on the power supply, indicating containers for dry additives, supplying dry additives, filling the mixer with products, feeding into the machine
24 Dispenser Dispenser for bulk ingredients 1
25 Mixer Mixes crushed semi-finished product and additives 1
26 Screw conveyor Moving with a screw for further packaging of the product 1
27 Filling machine Product packaging 1
28 Transfer node Moving packages from a filling machine (film) to a machine for packing into a cardboard box 1
29 Automatic carton packer Automatic machine for packing bags into cardboard boxes 1
30 Horizontal conveyor Moving packaged products to the packaging table for packaging in bulk packaging (boxes)

Marketing research of the baby food market in Russia from SuccessBrandManagement. From the material you will learn the key parameters of the industry: market capacity, main players, forecasts, as well as how interesting this segment is for small businesses and whether it makes sense to engage in the production of baby food in the current market conditions.


The baby food market is growing positively. Even despite the general slowdown in consumption and the 2014 crisis, sales of baby food are increasing. Growth is driven by supply and demand drivers. This category of the food industry is an essential product, so baby food is best supplied with sales through all retail and wholesale sales channels.

Briefly about the market

The baby food market is segmented by product type and consumer age.

The production of baby food is divided into several segments:

  • Dairy and fermented milk products
  • Milk formulas
  • Baby juices
  • And etc.

Diagram 1. Production of baby food by segment, as of 2014, % of production, thousand tons. Source: According to Rosstat

In physical terms, the leading segments are purees (27.1%) and mixtures 20%; children's fermented milk products and fruit juices took third place with shares of 17.2% and 16.2%. In fact, formula and fermented milk products for children act as specialized clinical nutrition, which is most in demand on the market.

Breast milk substitutes are the largest segment in monetary terms, but only because of the high price. As you can see, in physical terms this is not largest segment. But this segment is also the leader in terms of growth rates + 9.4% in 2014 in volume terms.

The baby water segment is growing very actively - 11.3% in volume terms and 18.2% in monetary terms. And there is comparatively less competition in it than in other segments of baby food.

Juices and tea have the lowest growth rates (1.7% in volume terms).

Market indicators

Market growth continues to be driven by to a greater extent(72%) due to imported products.

Diagram 2. Market volume, thousand rubles, 2011-14. Source: federal Service statistics and calculations

The growth of Russian consumption in 2014 was about 10-12%.


Considering that the embargo in 2014 did not affect baby food from Europe, then, undoubtedly, the leaders remained the same:

  1. Switzerland (up to 40% of all imports)
  2. Netherlands (up to 25%)
  3. Germany (up to 10%)

They import mainly dry mixes and vegetable purees.


In 2014, the top three countries exporting Russian baby food were: Kazakhstan - 50%, Ukraine - about 25%. Kyrgyzstan -15%.


The competitive situation in the baby food market can be called quite tense. Several domestic companies and importers are leading here. The market is consolidating, gradually adopting the Western model, when there are only a few large players on a national scale in the industry.

There are 41 enterprises from 26 regions of Russia operating on the market.



OJSC "Baby food" Istra-


(Moscow region)

Netherlands, Holland

Frutapura Nutricia, Nutrilon, Baby, Baby, Top-Top

Adapted milk-based infant formulas

And soy based following brands:


"Babyluck 2"

"Babylac soy"

"Baby with an improved recipe"

"Baby from 6 months"

"Baby Instrinsky" (instant).

Fortified milk and dairy-free porridges “Nutritsia-Malyshka” (instant).

CJSC "Company Nutritek"

(Moscow region)

"Nutrilak", "Vinny", "Kroshka"

Formulas - breast milk substitutes, baby water, purees, cereals, juices

LLC "Nestlé Russia"

(Moscow region)

Poland, USA

Switzerland, Netherlands

Nestogen, Gerber

Dairy-free porridge

Milk porridge

Mixtures with prebiotics

Single- and multi-component purees

Vegetable and fruit purees

Mashed potatoes with cottage cheese, yogurt, cream,

Meat puree

Vegetables with meat

Russia - Kaliningrad, Germany, Austria


Basic and medicinal milk formulas

Herbal teas for babies and mothers

Dairy and dairy-free porridge

Vegetable, fruit and meat purees

Drinking baby water



Milk formulas

New Zealand

Nanny (Bibikol)

Milk formulas

JSC "Heinz-Georgievsk"

(Moscow region)

Milk formulas

Puddings for pregnant and nursing mothers

Dairy and dairy-free porridges

Fruit, vegetable, dairy, yoghurt and meat purees

cookies (6 cereals)

Children's noodles

LLC "Baby food plant "Faustovo" (Moscow region)

Grandma's basket

baby food

canned vegetables

canned meat and vegetable

OJSC "Unimimilk Company"

(Moscow region)

Bio Balance


Summer day

Biocottage cheese


Juices and fruit drinks

Baby milk

Meat puree

Meat and vegetable puree

Vegetable puree

Fruit and milk puree

Fruit puree

JSC "Gardens of Pridonya"

(Volgograd region)

"Golden Rus'"

“Gardens of the Don Region”, “Mine”, “Juicy World”, “Spelenok”

Juices, nectars, juice drinks

Puree on plant based

Cereal smoothies

Baby purees

Mineral water

Dry instant porridge

LLC Ivanovo baby food plant

Purees (fruit, fruit and vegetable, fruit with cottage cheese, with yogurt, with cream, vegetable, meat and vegetable, fish and vegetable)

Porridge (milk, milk with fruit, low-allergenic porridge, porridge without milk)

Juices (clarified, juices with pulp, nectars)

Experimental baby food plant, Wimm-Bill-Dan branch

(Kursk region)

Fermented milk baby food

Vegetable puree

Homogenized fruit and fruit and vegetable purees for children's nutrition early age

Reconstituted fruit juices for feeding young children

Teddy Bear

Dairy and fermented milk products

The 4 largest brands are market drivers:

  • Danone - dairy and fermented milk products,
  • Nestlé - mixtures, porridges,
  • PepsiCo - juices,
  • Progress.

They produce 70% of baby food products.

Importers have occupied the niche of breast milk substitutes by 90%, since there are practically no domestic producers in Russia. The primary reason for this is that there are not enough Russian raw materials for these products, and customs duties on imported raw materials are higher than those on finished products.

New organizations producing baby food in 2014

  • September 2014 - Danone bought and reconstructed a dairy plant in Yekaterinburg. Lines for the production of baby food were installed. The level of investment is more than 800 million rubles.
  • OJSC "Modest" in the Altai Territory. Serves the demand of the Altai Territory, Novosibirsk and Kemerovo region. In 2014, the company increased production capacity by 22.2%. The modernization of the lines cost over 25 million rubles.
  • Nestlé, Vologda. Launch of new lines - 20 types of baby cereals. Investments 2.5 billion rubles.
  • Enterprise "Leader-A", Gudermes in Chechnya. In 2015, it is planned to open a workshop for the production of baby food. The planned production capacity is 15 thousand jars per hour.

New enterprises are opening, and global brands also invested in Russia in 2014, despite political problems in the country. There is a course towards complete import substitution in the country, and for imported products, Russian production will allow you to slightly reduce the cost of your goods. Still, price influence forces consumers to reconsider their tastes and choose not the products of market leaders.

This is clearly seen, as at the beginning of 2015, the Internet ratings showed the TOP 5 consumer preferences:

  1. Humana
  2. Friso
  3. Heinz
  4. Babushkino Lukoshko
  5. Nanny (Bibikol)

Products from Russian manufacturers are one and a half to two times cheaper than those from importers, Therefore, now the buyer increasingly trusts domestic manufacturers that meet the price / quality criteria.


In the baby food market, the mid-priced product segment has an advantage.

Diagram 4. Price segmentation of the baby food market in the Russian Federation, %, 2014

The opening of baby food production creates great prospects, since the equipment for creating infant formula can also be used for the production of dairy products and canned meat. The starting capital for the purchase of equipment and rental of premises will not exceed 10 million rubles.

In the early nineties, our country experienced a rapid increase in sales of children's clothing and formula, which is directly associated with sharp growth birth rate. There are 2 segments of baby food on the market: “Breast milk substitutes” and all kinds of complementary foods. Complementary foods occupy the majority (80%) of this area. This is obvious, because they are necessary in the diet of children under 3 years of age. The leading position (a quarter of the total) among them is occupied by baby purees. “Breast milk substitutes” make up only the remaining 20%.

Registration and organization of business

Having decided to register your grocery business, do not forget that an enterprise of this type will require not only a registration application, but also a final certificate from the sanitary and epidemiological service, which means you will have to tinker with papers. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. The first thing to do is to throw at least rough plan actions. To do this, you need to consider the following points:

  • Type of products manufactured;
  • Importers of raw materials;
  • Rent of premises that comply with sanitary and fire safety standards;
  • Hiring a security agency to protect your business;
  • Purchase of a minimum number of units to start work;
  • Recruitment of people: HR department, workers, etc.;
  • Calculating costs and profits, it is advisable to calculate the time it will take for the enterprise to pay for itself, taking into account rent and security fees + other expenses;
  • Sales channels.


  • Milk formulas. They are divided into partially and fully adapted, that is, maximally repeating the composition of breast milk.
  • Fruit and vegetable mixtures. According to the degree of crushing, they are divided into homogenized mixtures, mixtures of coarse and fine grinding.
  • Grain mixtures. This includes flours, multigrain cereals and other flour products.
  • Meat and fish mixtures, mostly canned. According to the degree of crushing, they are divided into coarse mixtures (for babies over 9 months), in the form of purees (from six months) and homogenized (also from six months). Canned meats are divided into 2 groups:

Table 1

Percentage of raw materials, no more:
Meat55 35
Fatty (fats, oils)5 8
Vegetable 30
Milk protein 5
Cereals5 10

The numbers speak for themselves: in 2010, the average price for 1 kilogram of baby food was 530 rubles!

Types and cost of raw materials

  • Dairy: Milk, including dry milk, sour cream and more. The average price for milk in Russia does not exceed 60 rubles/liter.
  • Grain: flour and all kinds of cereals. Average prices are shown in Table 2.

table 2

Groatsaverage price, rub/kgVegetables and fruitsAverage price, rub/kg
Wheat7 Potato5,25
Peas8,25 Beet5,25
Buckwheat11 Pumpkin3,5
Corn7,25 Carrot7,5
Oats6 Apple29
Semolina15,5 Pear45
  • Fruits and vegetables: vegetables, fruits and berries. Average prices are shown in Table 2.
  • Meat. Average prices are shown in Table 3.

Table 3

Meat and poultryAverage price, rub/kgFishAverage price, rub/kg
Beef120 Zander130
Pork130 Cod85
Mutton250 Tuna165
Chicken75 Hake110
  • Fish. Average prices are shown in Table 3.

Selection of raw material suppliers

Particular emphasis should be placed on the purchased raw materials, because the quality of the output directly depends on them.

Please note that the purchased raw materials must be:

  • High-quality, which means grown in appropriate conditions;
  • Not genetically modified;
  • Without the use of chemicals, especially harmful to young children;
  • Hermetically delivered to your factory so that no dangerous bacteria enter the raw materials during transportation;
  • Produced by a company that has proven itself in the market and has positive reviews;

You will have to acquire several suppliers, because even a small factory will need a lot of different raw materials, which were discussed in detail above.

Technology and equipment

Main stages of production:

  • purchase of raw materials and their subsequent inspection;
  • preparation for production;
  • direct production of products;
  • packaging and packing of the finished product.
  1. Milk formulas

Let's divide production into 2 stages:

  • All stages of raw material preparation, up to drying;
  • Drying stage and all other operations.
  • After the raw materials are delivered, they are prepared, sorted into categories and cooled in storage rooms. Before manufacturing, it is subjected to heating and separation. The milk is pasteurized, normalized according to the MFA and homogenized. Afterwards, solutions of ferrous sulfate and lactose are added to it, preheated and purified. Next, all this is processed at 105±10 degrees Celsius, add necessary ingredients. Afterwards the mixture is homogenized again.
  • The raw materials are dried in 3 stages at a temperature range:
  • 20-40°C;
  • 20-40;
  • 10-12°C.

The final mixture is mixed with other ingredients and goes for packaging.

Average milk consumption is 8.7 tons per 1 ton of dry equivalent.

When producing fermented milk products, the raw materials are fermented for several hours: yogurt - 5-8, kefir - 10-13, cottage cheese - 11-14.

To start the production of infant formula you need:

  • Separators. Price – 100-200 thousand rubles;
  • Vacuum deodorization machines. Price – 600-650 thousand rubles;
  • Normalization baths. Price – 150 thousand rubles;
  • Pasteurization baths. Price – 150 thousand – 1 million rubles, depending on the dimensions;
  • Homogenizer-plasticizer. Price – 400-750 thousand rubles;
  • Vacuum evaporation plant. Price – 250-350 thousand rubles;
  1. Fruit and vegetable mixtures

Stage 1 is identical. Sorting (unsuitable fruits are thrown away) and cleaning of raw materials. After cleaning, the raw materials are thoroughly washed and crushed, then boiled and sealed, then crushed in a grinding machine to puree and homogenized. The resulting mass is heated to 85°C and packaged in airtight containers. The total loss of raw materials is no more than 40%.

To start the production of fruit and vegetable mixtures you need:

  • Washing machine. Price – 300-550 thousand rubles;
  • Steam thermal unit. Price – 250-750 thousand rubles;
  • Fruit and vegetable crusher. Price – 50-75 thousand rubles
  • Wiping machine. Price – 300-450 thousand rubles;
  • Boiler. Price – 75-100 thousand rubles;

On average, the production speed can exceed 5,000 cans per hour.

  1. Grain mixtures

Let's look at the whole process step by step:

  • First, the grain is cleaned of impurities using special units, then it is passed through vibrating sieves to sift out excess particles;
  • Next, various grains are mixed to obtain a specific product, while adding sugar and vitamin mixtures. Using an electromagnetic separator, the mixture is screened out from impurities, then the finished product is packaged in the following packages: cardboard boxes, paper bags and cans.

More details are described in GOST R 52405-2005.

To start the production of grain mixtures you need:

  • Unit for grain peeling. Price – 100-300 thousand rubles;
  • Unit for fine grinding. Price – 150 thousand rubles;
  • Sifter. Price – 10-15 thousand rubles;
  • Auger dryer. Price – 250-300 thousand rubles;
  • Aspirator for removing impurities. Price – 75-150 thousand rubles.
  1. Canned meat and fish

Stage 1 is exactly the same - initial preparation and subsequent processing of raw materials.

Stage 2 – preparation of secondary raw materials: seasonings and oils.

Stage 3 – Slicing, chopping and straining the meat.

Stage 4 – packaging and sterilization of finished products.

To start the production of meat and fish mixtures you need:

  • Defrosting chambers. Price – about 300-500 thousand rubles;
  • Units for deboning meat. Price – manual – 100-150 thousand rubles, automatic – 300-600 thousand rubles;
  • Shredding machine. Price – 100-350 thousand rubles;
  • Unit for cutting chickens. Price – 100-150 thousand rubles;
  • Freezers. Price – 100-150 thousand rubles.

The following secondary equipment is also needed to improve the process:

  • Filling and dosing machines. Price – 1-1.5 million rubles;
  • Seaming machine. Price – 250 thousand – 2 million rubles;
  • Autoclave. Price – 100 thousand – 1.5 million rubles;
  • Tar washing machine. Price – 500-800 thousand rubles;
  • Labeling machine. Price – 100-500 thousand rubles;
  • Tank with a volume of 10 m3. Price – 500 thousand – 1 million rubles;
  • Pump. Price – 25-75 thousand rubles;
  • Reception container with a volume of 1000-1500 liters. Price – 250-350 thousand rubles;
  • Belt conveyor. Price – 20-30 thousand rubles per 1 meter of tape.

Premises requirements

Any factory must meet many sanitary and fire safety requirements. Let us list the main ones for this area. There must be a working ventilation system. There must be some type of ventilation or system to maintain air temperature and humidity. A separate ventilation system must be installed in each separate household space, for example, bathrooms, laboratories, warehouses. The air entering the factory must be purified through fine filters (source of sanitary rules and regulations - 05). Warehouses with raw materials, as well as finished products, should be located as far as possible from overheating and direct sunlight.


If you want to open this business, you will need to obtain a registration certificate. To do this, you need to prepare a registration application (filled out in a strictly accurate form), documents of a technical regulatory nature and necessary instructions(certified according to form SE-3). In addition, you will definitely need a consumer label, a copy of your trademark and an act sampling. Don’t forget about providing the conclusions passed in relation to the finished product.

Organization of production and investment

Creating a well-functioning production of any type from scratch is an incredible task for those new to this business. If you are one of them, then there is no need to rush. Start with less labor-intensive and resource-intensive products, preferably designed for long-term storage and popular among clients. Yes, the income will be less, but this particular direction has enormous potential. The main thing is not to spread yourself thin. Gradually purchase new equipment and expand the range of products created.

The starting investment for units is 8-10 million rubles, depending on the region. When producing 90 tons of puree, which is equivalent to 360 thousand cans, at a production rate of 6,000 cans/hour per month, 300,000 kg of raw materials will be consumed, and final amount will be 6-7 million rubles + rent for the premises and its security. For 5000 kg of infant formula – around 700 thousand rubles. The average price for a jar of puree weighing 0.25 kg in a store is 20-50 rubles, milk formula weighing 0.4 kg is 100-175 rubles.

As an example, a factory with an area of ​​500 m3 requires 1.5 million rubles of start-up capital, the annual profit is 1.2 million rubles. Taking into account rent, security fees and other expenses, such a business will pay for itself in 15 months.

Sales of goods

The baby food market has been developing for many years, and during this time many companies have emerged that have an excellent reputation and have proven themselves to be responsible manufacturers. You should develop products on several fronts in order to at least somehow compete with them if you want real returns. A couple of tips:

  • Expand your assortment whenever possible. As an example, produce products for children of different age categories, so as not to lose your clientele, because the children are growing up.
  • Give Special attention packaging. Firstly, she must look nice and have all the necessary information, as well as a couple of tips for use. Secondly, it must be airtight. Third, provide containers with spoons and tubes for convenience.

The main distribution channels are supermarkets and specialized stores with children's products.

Video: Production of baby food

How to open a baby food business?

One of the most profitable business areas is the production of baby food. Given the increase in the birth rate and food costs per child in a family, the demand for it is constantly growing. Creating your own production is quite difficult and time-consuming. But large investments (not only material ones) are justified by profitability and numerous opportunities to improve production and product quality.

Types of baby food

Baby food is very diverse. The following types are distinguished:

1) Dairy based. Baby food of this type is intended to replace breast milk during the first few years of children's lives. In turn, it is divided into:
- adapted
- partially adapted
- dry
- liquid
- adapted
- fresh
- fermented milk

This group also includes all kinds of curds, yoghurts, and milk. Such products are suitable for older people.

2) Cereal based. This category includes porridges that are enriched with vitamins and given to children as complementary foods.

3) Vegetable and fruit based. These products include purees and baby juices that can be given starting from 3 months of age.

4) Meat products: canned food based on meat or fish. They are nutritious and high in calories, and can be fed to children from 7 months.

5) Dietary products. They are divided into subcategories and given to those children who have problems with their body.
- lactose-free
- gluten-free
- with bifidobacteria
- based on protein hydrolysis

Baby food as a business

The production of baby food as a business is a rather complex task. Therefore, at the first stage, it is better for novice entrepreneurs to focus on those products that are not only in great demand, but also have a long shelf life along with a simple technological process.

Of the advantages, the prospects for the equipment should be highlighted separately, because it is intended not only for the production of baby food products , but in general for release fermented milk products and canned meat.

To open such a business you will need a large number of starting capital: about 8 million rubles (excluding equipment). It is very difficult to predict specific income, but in general the picture looks like this: if you produce 90 tons of baby puree, which is 360 thousand jars of 250 g each (that is, about 3 thousand jars per hour), then at least 130 tons will be required per month raw materials. The costs will be at least 3 million rubles.

If we take milk formula as an example, then the production of a ton will require raw materials with a total cost of 114,000 rubles. At the same time, a jar of puree costs no more than 20-25 rubles, and a jar of milk mixture costs no more than 140 rubles.

Production technology as starting a business

The most important thing you should pay attention to when starting a business is the technology for producing baby food. It includes several stages:

  1. Reception of raw materials.
  2. His check.
  3. Purification of raw materials.
  4. Preparation.
  5. Mixing, dosage.
  6. Packaging.
  7. Packaging of the finished product.

But the production of each type of food has its own characteristics. For example, infant formula has two stages of processing. First, the raw materials are received, then cleaned, sorted, and cooled. Before production itself, it is heated and separated. After this, the milk is pasteurized, normalized and homogenized. The raw materials are diluted with milk sugar, heated and cleaned. At temperatures above 100 degrees, the mixture is processed, vitamins are added to it and homogenized. In subsequent stages, the mixture is dried on special installation. Then it is mixed with the other components and packaged.

Fruit and vegetable mixtures go through the following stages.

1) Preparatory. The raw materials are sorted, cleaned of rotten fruits, and seeds and seeds are removed from good fruits.

2) After cleaning, the raw materials are washed, crushed, and all useful elements must be preserved.

4) Then it is mixed, sent for heating and homogenized if necessary.

5) The mass is heated to 85 degrees, loaded into a container and sealed.

Grain mixtures have the following production technology. The grain is cleaned using magnetic installations and passed through special sieves. Before sifting, the cereal is steamed. Then it is crushed and sifted again. Next step: mixing the porridge components. An electromagnetic separator checks mixtures for unnecessary impurities. Afterwards it is packaged in boxes, bags, and jars.

Canned food and production stages

1) The raw materials are processed (meat and fish are separated from the bones) and cut into pieces.

2) The raw materials are crushed and mixed with the components.

3) Then it is filtered, blanched, homogenized, and air is removed.

4) The last stage is packaging and sterilization for half an hour at a temperature of 120 degrees.

Raw materials for production

Raw materials are purchased from suppliers either in Russia or abroad. Milk of any consistency, sour cream, butter and cream are used as dairy raw materials. Grain raw materials include cereals and flour. Meat raw materials include all types of poultry, offal and meat. All berries, fruits and vegetables serve as fruit and vegetable raw materials. A large assortment of fish is purchased from fish raw materials: ocean, freshwater, sea.

Equipment and premises for production

Obviously, all technological process must be carried out at the factory, which, in turn, must meet all types of safety requirements. The room must be equipped with a ventilation system. The workshop must be equipped various types ventilation, as required by hygiene. All warehouses, laboratories, and household premises are equipped with separate ventilation systems.

According to SanPiN, the air that enters the room must pass through cleaning filters. All products should not be kept near heating devices or in direct sunlight.

Equipment needed for production baby food, and namely products from fruit and vegetable raw materials.

1) Washing machine – 300,000 rubles.
2) Crusher – 50,000 rub.
3) Steam thermal unit – 500,000 rubles.
4) Blancher – 70,000 rubles.
5) Wiping machine – RUB 350,000.

Equipment necessary for the production of porridges.

1) Grain hulling machine – 200,000 rubles.
2) Sifter – 12,000 rubles.
3) Grinding unit – 150,000 rubles.
4) Screw dryer – RUB 300,000.
5) Aspirator – 70,000 rubles.
Equipment intended for the production of canned food.
1) Defrosting chambers – 300,000 rubles.
2) Machine for grinding raw materials – 150,000 rubles.
3) Refrigeration chambers – 150,000 rubles.
4) Units for deboning meat – 200,000 rubles.
5) Mixing/salting unit – RUB 250,000.

General equipment.

1) Seaming machine – 500,000 rubles.
2) Autoclave – 600,000 rubles.
3) Washing machine – 400,000 rubles.
4) Labeling machine – 200,000 rubles.
5) Packing machine – 1,000,000 rubles.
6) Pump – 40,000 rub.
7) Tank – 650,000 rubles.
8) Belt conveyor – 25,000 rubles. per meter
9) Scales, carts, loaders, saws.

Employees and positions

It will be necessary to hire a large number of employees for operational positions.
- Loaders
- Engineers
- Helper workers
- Cleaners
- Accountant
- Packers
- Packers
- Technologists
- Warehouse managers
- Security guards

The number of employees depends on the size of the enterprise. Although everything is automated, people will still be needed to manage the process.

Important documents

To open such a business you need to obtain a certificate of state registration. The following documents will be needed:
1) Application for registration,
2) Technical documentation,
3) Consumer label,
4) Product test results,
5) Sampling report,
6) A copy of the trademark.


All manufactured products reach store shelves through intermediaries. Target Audience are the parents. Products can be supplied not only directly to supermarkets, but also to specialized children's stores.

How to attract customers and increase sales?

Considering that there are already many manufacturers who have proven themselves with the best side, you can increase sales and attract customers with the help of some tips.

1) We must try to constantly expand the range and release new products.

2) It is important to take time to pack. It should be comfortable and airtight.

3) Packing should be carried out in small jars, to which straws or spoons should be additionally attached.

The production of baby food is a complex process that requires not only initial knowledge and experience, but also large financial investments. Therefore, you should not create an enterprise thoughtlessly. You must first soberly assess your strengths, level of awareness, and only then begin to develop a strategy for creating an enterprise.

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