Mental illnesses: a complete list and description of diseases. Neuropsychiatric disorders in children

Due to special factors, be it a difficult family atmosphere, genetic predisposition or traumatic brain injury, various mental disorders may occur. When a child comes into the world, it is impossible to understand whether he is mentally healthy or not. Physically, such children are no different. Violations appear later.

Mental disorders in children are divided into 4 large classes:

1) Mental retardation;

2) Developmental delays;

3) Attention deficit disorder;

4) Autism in early childhood.

Mental retardation. Developmental delay

The first type of mental disorder in children is oligophrenia. The child’s psyche is underdeveloped and there is an intellectual defect. Symptoms:

  • Impaired perception and voluntary attention.
  • Narrowed lexicon, speech is simplified and defective.
  • Children are led environment, and not with your motivation and desires.

There are several stages of development depending on IQ: mild, moderate, severe and deep. Basically, they differ only in the severity of symptoms.

The causes of such a mental disorder are a pathology of the chromosome set, or trauma before birth, during childbirth or early in life. Maybe because the mother drank alcohol during pregnancy and smoked. Reason mental retardation Infection, falls and injuries to the mother, and difficult childbirth may also occur.

Developmental delays (DD) are expressed in impaired cognitive activity, immaturity of the individual compared to healthy peers and a slow pace of mental development. Types of ZPR:

1) Mentally infantilism. The psyche is underdeveloped, behavior is guided by emotions and games, the will is weak;

2) Delays in the development of speech, reading, and counting;

3) Other violations.

The child lags behind his peers and learns information more slowly. The ZPR can be adjusted, the most important thing is that teachers and educators are aware of the problem. A child with a delay needs more time to learn something, however, when the right approach it's possible.

Attention deficit disorder. Autism

Mental disorders in children can take the form of attention deficit disorder. This syndrome is expressed in the fact that the child concentrates very poorly on a task and cannot force himself to do one thing for a long time and to the end. Often this syndrome is accompanied by hyperreactivity.


  • The child does not sit still, constantly wants to run somewhere or start doing something else, and is easily distracted.
  • If he plays something, he can't wait for his turn to come. Can only play active games.
  • He talks a lot, but never listens to what they say to him. Moves a lot.
  • Heredity.
  • Trauma during childbirth.
  • Infection or virus, drinking alcohol while pregnant.

Exist various ways treatment and correction of this disease. It can be treated with medication, it can be treated psychologically - with training. child to cope with his impulses.

Autism in early childhood is divided into the following types:

- autism, in which the child is unable to communicate with other children and adults, never makes eye contact and tries not to touch people;

- stereotypes in behavior when a child protests against the most minor changes in his life and the world around him;

- speech development disorder. He does not need speech for communication - the child can speak well and correctly, but cannot communicate.

There are other disorders that can affect children of different ages. For example, manic states, Tourette's syndrome and many others. However, they all occur in adults. The disorders listed above are typical specifically for childhood.

The concept of mental disorder in children can be quite difficult to explain, let alone define, especially on your own. Parents' knowledge is usually not enough for this. As a result, many children who could benefit from treatment do not receive the help they need. This article will help parents learn to determine warning signs mental illness in children and will highlight some options for help.

Why is it difficult for parents to determine the state of mind of their child?

Unfortunately, many adults are unaware of the signs and symptoms of mental illness in children. Even if parents know the basic principles of recognizing serious mental disorders, they often have difficulty distinguishing mild signs of abnormalities from normal behavior children. And the child sometimes does not have enough vocabulary or intellectual baggage to explain his problems verbally.

Concerns about stereotypes associated with mental illness, the cost of using some medications, and logistical complexity possible treatment, often delay the timing of therapy, or force parents to explain their child’s condition as some simple and temporary phenomenon. However, a psychopathological disorder that is beginning to develop cannot be restrained by anything other than proper, and most importantly, timely treatment.

The concept of mental disorder, its manifestation in children

Children can suffer from the same mental illnesses as adults, but they manifest them in different ways. For example, depressed children often show more signs irritability than adults, who tend to be more sad.

Children most often suffer from a number of diseases, including acute or chronic mental disorders:

Children suffering from anxiety disorders such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobia and generalized anxiety disorder, clearly show signs of anxiety, which is a constant problem that interferes with their daily activities.

Sometimes anxiety is a traditional part of every child's experience, often moving from one developmental stage to the next. However, when stress takes an active role, it becomes difficult for the child. It is in such cases that symptomatic treatment is indicated.

  • Attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder.

This disorder typically includes three categories of symptoms: difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity, and impulsive behavior. Some children with this condition have symptoms of all categories, while others may have only one sign.

This pathology is serious disorder development that appears in early childhood - usually before the age of 3 years. Although symptoms and their severity are prone to change, the disorder always affects a child's ability to communicate and interact with others.

  • Eating disorders.

Disorders eating behavior- such as anorexia and gluttony - enough serious illnesses threatening the life of a child. Children can become so preoccupied with food and their weight that it prevents them from focusing on anything else.

  • Mood disorders.

Affect disorders such as depression and depression can lead to the stabilization of persistent feelings of sadness or sudden changes moods much more serious than the usual variability common in many people.

  • Schizophrenia.

This chronic mental illness causes the child to lose touch with reality. Schizophrenia often appears in late adolescence, from about 20 years old.

Depending on the child's condition, illnesses can be classified as temporary mental disorders or permanent ones.

Main signs of mental illness in children

Some markers that a child may have mental health problems are:

Mood changes. You should pay attention to the dominant signs of sadness or melancholy that last for at least, two weeks, or severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships at home or at school.

Too strong emotions. Acute emotions of overwhelming fear for no reason, sometimes combined with tachycardia or rapid breathing - serious reason pay attention to your child.

Uncharacteristic behavior. This may include sudden changes in behavior or self-image, as well as dangerous or out of control actions. Frequent fights using third-party objects, desire harm others are also warning signs.

Difficulty concentrating. Characteristic manifestation similar signs are very clearly visible at the time of preparation homework. It is also worth paying attention to teachers’ complaints and current school performance.

Unexplained weight loss. Sudden loss appetite, frequent vomiting or laxative use may indicate an eating disorder;

Physical symptoms. Compared to adults, children with mental health problems may often complain of headaches and stomach pains rather than sadness or anxiety.

Physical damage. Sometimes mental health conditions lead to self-injury, also called self-harm. Children often choose far inhumane methods for these purposes - they often cut themselves or set themselves on fire. Such children also often develop thoughts of suicide and attempts to actually commit suicide.

Substance abuse. Some children use drugs or alcohol to try to cope with their feelings.

Actions of parents if a child is suspected of having mental disorders

If parents are truly concerned about their child's mental health, they should contact a professional as soon as possible.

The clinician should describe the present behavior in detail, focusing on the most striking discrepancies with more early period. For getting additional information before visiting a doctor, it is recommended to talk with school teachers, class teacher, close friends or other persons who spend some long time with the child. As a rule, this approach is very helpful in making up your mind and discovering something new, something that a child would never show at home. We must remember that there should be no secrets from the doctor. And yet - there is no panacea in the form of tablets for.

General actions of specialists

Mental health conditions in children are diagnosed and treated on the basis of signs and symptoms, taking into account the influence of psychological or mental disorders on the child's daily life. This approach also allows us to determine the types of mental disorders of the child. There is no simple, unique or 100% guaranteed positive result tests. In order to make a diagnosis, the doctor may recommend the presence of related specialists, for example, a psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, psychiatric nurse, mental health educators or behavioral therapist.

The doctor or other specialists will work with the child, usually individually, to determine first whether the child actually has a disability. normal condition mental health based diagnostic criteria, or not. For comparison, special databases of child psychological and mental symptoms are used, which are used by specialists all over the world.

In addition, the physician or other mental health case manager will seek other possible reasons, explaining the child’s behavior, such as a history of previous illnesses or injuries, including family ones.

It is worth noting that diagnosing childhood mental disorders can be quite difficult, since expressing their emotions and feelings correctly can be a serious challenge for children. Moreover, this quality always varies from child to child - there are no identical children in this regard. Despite these challenges, an accurate diagnosis is an integral part of proper, effective treatment.

General therapeutic approaches

Common treatment options for children who have mental health problems include:

  • Psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy, also known as “talk therapy” or behavior therapy, is a way to treat many mental health problems. Speaking with a psychologist, while showing emotions and feelings, the child allows you to look into the very depths of his experiences. During psychotherapy, children themselves learn a lot about their condition, mood, feelings, thoughts and behavior. Psychotherapy can help a child learn to respond to difficult situations while healthy coping with problematic barriers.

  • Pharmacological therapy.
  • Combination of approaches.

In the process of searching for problems and their solutions, specialists themselves will offer the necessary and most effective option treatment. In some cases, psychotherapy sessions will be quite sufficient, in others - without medicines there will be no way around it.

It is worth noting that acute mental disorders are always easier to treat than chronic ones.

Parental help

At such moments, the child needs the support of his parents more than ever. Children with mental health diagnoses, just like their parents, typically experience feelings of helplessness, anger and frustration. Ask your child's doctor for advice on how to change the way you interact with your son or daughter and how to cope with difficult behavior.

Look for ways to relax and have fun with your child. Praise him strengths and abilities. Explore new techniques that can help you understand how to calmly respond to stressful situations.

Family counseling or support groups can be a good help in treating childhood mental disorders. This approach is very important for parents and children. This will help you understand your child's illness, his feelings, and what we can all do together to help. maximum help and support.

To help your child succeed in school, keep your child's teachers and school officials informed about your child's mental health. Unfortunately, in some cases you may have to change educational institution to school, training program which is designed for children with mental problems.

If you are worried about mental health your child, consult with specialists. No one can make a decision for you. Don't avoid help because you are ashamed or afraid. With the right support, you can find out the truth about whether your child has disabilities and can explore treatment options, thereby ensuring your child continues to have a decent quality of life.

The child's psyche is very sensitive and easily vulnerable, so many provoking factors can cause mental disorders at such a young age. The clinical severity of symptoms, their duration and reversibility depend on the age of the child and the duration of the traumatic events.

Adults often attribute pathology of development and behavior to the child’s age, believing that over the years his condition can normalize. Oddities in mental state usually attributed to children's whims, age-related infantilism and lack of understanding of things happening around. Although in fact all these manifestations may indicate mental problems.

It is customary to distinguish four groups of mental disorders in children:

  • autism spectrum disorders;
  • mental retardation;
  • attention deficit disorder.

What can trigger a mental disorder?

Mental disorders in childhood can be caused by many reasons. On mental health the child is influenced by psychological, social and biological factors.

This includes:

  • genetic predisposition to the occurrence of mental illnesses;
  • organic brain lesions;
  • conflicts in the family and at school;
  • dramatic life events;
  • stress.

Children can often react neurotically to their parents' divorce. In addition, children from disadvantaged families are more likely to develop mental problems.

Having a sick relative can lead to mental disorders. In this case, the cause of the disease may affect the tactics and duration of further treatment.

How do mental disorders manifest in children?

Symptoms of mental illness are:

  • fears, phobias, increased anxiety;
  • nervous tics;
  • obsessive movements;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • mood lability, emotional imbalance;
  • loss of interest in usual games;
  • slowness of body movements;
  • thinking disorders;
  • isolation, depressed mood for two weeks or longer;
  • auto: self-harm and suicide attempts;
  • which are accompanied by tachycardia and rapid breathing;
  • symptoms of anorexia: refusal to eat, inducing vomiting, taking laxatives;
  • problems with concentration, hyperactive behavior;
  • addiction to alcohol and drugs;
  • changes in behavior, sudden changes in the child’s character.

Children are more prone to nervous disorders during age crises, namely at the ages of 3-4 years, 5-7 years and 12-18 years.

Under one year of age psychogenic reactions are the result of unsatisfaction of the basic vital needs: sleep and food. At 2-3 years old, children may begin to suffer due to excessive attachment to their mother, which leads to infantilization and developmental inhibition. At 4-5 years of age, mental illness can manifest itself in nihilistic behavior and protest reactions.

You should also be wary if the child experiences developmental degradation. For example, the baby’s vocabulary becomes scarcer, he loses already acquired skills, becomes less sociable and stops taking care of himself.

At the age of 6-7 years, school is a stressful factor. Often mental disorders in these children are manifested psychosomatically by deterioration of appetite and sleep, fatigue, headaches and dizziness.

In adolescence (12-18 years), mental disorders have their own characteristics of symptoms:

  • The child becomes prone to melancholy, anxiety, or, conversely, to aggressiveness and conflict. A common feature is emotional instability.
  • The teenager shows vulnerability to other people's opinions, outside assessments, excessive self-criticism or inflated self-esteem, and disregard for adult advice.
  • Schizoid and cyclical.
  • Children demonstrate youthful maximalism, theorizing, philosophizing, and many internal contradictions.

It must be remembered that the above symptoms do not always indicate the presence of a mental illness. Only a specialist can understand the situation and determine the diagnosis.

Treatment options

It is usually very difficult for parents to decide to visit a psychotherapist. Recognition of mental disorders in a child is often associated with various restrictions in the future, ranging from the need to attend a special school and ending with a limited choice of specialty. Because of this, changes in behavior, developmental features, and personality quirks that may be symptoms of mental dysfunction are often ignored.

If parents want to somehow solve the problem, treatment often begins at home using alternative medicine. Only after long-term failures and deterioration of the offspring’s health does the first visit to a qualified medical specialist take place.

It is believed that deviations in mental development child to distinguish in early age impossible, and any inappropriate behavior is considered as a childish whim. However, today specialists can notice many mental disorders already in a newborn, which allows treatment to begin on time.

Neuropsychological signs of mental disorders in children

Doctors have identified a number of syndromes - mental characteristics children most often found in at different ages. The syndrome of functional deficiency of subcortical formations of the brain develops in the prenatal period. It is characterized by:

  • Emotional instability, expressed in frequent changes mood;
  • Increased fatigue and associated low work capacity;
  • Pathological stubbornness and laziness;
  • Sensitivity, capriciousness and uncontrollability in behavior;
  • Long-term enuresis (often up to 10-12 years);
  • Underdevelopment of fine motor skills;
  • Manifestations of psoriasis or allergies;
  • Appetite and sleep disorders;
  • Slow development of graphic activities (drawing, handwriting);
  • Tics, grimacing, screaming, uncontrollable laughter.

The syndrome is quite difficult to correct, since due to the fact that the frontal regions are not formed, most often deviations in the child’s mental development are accompanied by intellectual disability.

Dysgenetic syndrome associated with functional deficiency of brain stem formations can manifest itself in childhood up to 1.5 years. Its main features are:

  • Disharmonious mental development with displacement of stages;
  • Facial asymmetries, irregular teeth growth and imbalance of body formula;
  • Difficulty falling asleep;
  • Abundance age spots and moles;
  • Distortion of motor development;
  • Diathesis, allergies and disorders of the endocrine system;
  • Problems in developing neatness skills;
  • Encopresis or enuresis;
  • Distorted pain threshold;
  • Violations of phonemic analysis, school maladjustment;
  • Selectivity of memory.

The mental characteristics of children with this syndrome are difficult to correct. Teachers and parents must ensure the child’s neurological health and the development of his vestibular-motor coordination. It should also be taken into account that emotional disorders intensify against the background of fatigue and exhaustion.

The syndrome, associated with the functional immaturity of the right hemisphere of the brain, can appear from 1.5 to 7-8 years. Deviations in the mental development of a child manifest themselves as:

  • Mosaic perception;
  • Impaired differentiation of emotions;
  • Confabulation (fantasizing, fiction);
  • Color vision disorders;
  • Errors in estimating angles, distances and proportions;
  • Distortion of memories;
  • Feeling of multiple limbs;
  • Violations of stress placement.

To correct the syndrome and reduce the severity of mental disorders in children, it is necessary to ensure the child’s neurological health and pay attention to Special attention development of visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking, spatial representation, visual perception and memory.

There are also a number of syndromes that develop from 7 to 15 years due to:

  • Birth trauma cervical regions spinal cord;
  • General anesthesia;
  • Concussions;
  • Emotional stress;
  • Intracranial pressure.

To correct deviations in a child’s mental development, a set of measures is required aimed at developing interhemispheric interaction and ensuring the child’s neurological health.

Mental characteristics of children of different ages

The most important thing in development small child up to 3 years of age is communication with the mother. It is the lack of maternal attention, love and communication that many doctors consider to be the basis for the development of various mental disorders. Doctors call the second reason genetic predisposition transmitted to children from parents.

Period early childhood called somatic when development mental functions directly related to movement. The most typical manifestations of mental disorders in children include digestive and sleep disorders, flinching when harsh sounds, monotonous crying. Therefore, if the baby is anxious for a long time, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will either help diagnose the problem or allay the parents’ fears.

Children aged 3-6 years develop quite actively. Psychologists characterize this period as a psychomotor period, when the reaction to stress can manifest itself in the form of stuttering, tics, nightmares, neuroticism, irritability, affective disorders and fears. As a rule, this period is quite stressful, since usually at this time the child begins to attend preschool educational institutions.

Ease of adaptation to children's team largely depends on psychological, social and intellectual preparation. Mental disorders in children of this age may arise due to increased stress for which they are not prepared. It is quite difficult for hyperactive children to get used to new rules that require perseverance and concentration.

At the age of 7-12 years, mental disorders in children can manifest themselves as depressive disorders. Quite often, for self-affirmation, children choose friends with similar problems and ways of expressing themselves. But even more often in our time, children replace real communication with virtual communication. in social networks. The impunity and anonymity of such communication contribute to further alienation, and existing disorders can quickly progress. In addition, prolonged concentration in front of a screen affects the brain and can cause epileptic seizures.

Deviations in the mental development of a child at this age, in the absence of a reaction from adults, can lead to quite serious consequences, including disorders of sexual development and suicide. It is also important to monitor the behavior of girls, who often during this period begin to be dissatisfied with their appearance. In this case, it may develop anorexia nervosa which is heavy psychosomatic disorder, capable of irreversibly disrupting metabolic processes in organism.

Doctors also note that at this time mental disorders in children can develop into the manifest period of schizophrenia. If you do not react in time, pathological fantasies and overvalued hobbies can develop into delusional ideas with hallucinations, changes in thinking and behavior.

Deviations in a child’s mental development can manifest themselves in different ways. In some cases, parents' fears are not confirmed, to their delight, and sometimes the help of a doctor is really necessary. Treatment of mental disorders can and should be carried out only by a specialist who has sufficient experience to diagnose correct diagnosis, and success largely depends not only on correctly selected medications, but also on family support.

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Both psychological, biological, and sociopsychological factors are included in the list of things that can cause mental disorder at an early age. And how the disease manifests itself directly depends on its nature and the degree of exposure to the irritant. A mental disorder in a minor patient can be caused by a genetic predisposition.

Doctors often define the disorder as a consequence of:

  • limited intellectual abilities,
  • brain damage,
  • problems within the family,
  • regular conflicts with loved ones and peers.

Emotional trauma can lead to serious mental illness. For example, there is a deterioration psycho-emotional state child as a result of the event that caused the shock.


Minor patients are susceptible to the same mental disorders as adults. But diseases usually manifest themselves in different ways. Thus, in adults, the most common manifestation of the disorder is a state of sadness and depression. Children, in turn, more often show the first signs of aggression and irritability.

How the disease begins and progresses in a child depends on the type of acute or chronic disorder:

  • Hyperactivity - main feature attention deficit disorder. The disorder can be identified by three key symptoms: inability to concentrate, excessive activity, including emotional activity, impulsive, and sometimes aggressive behavior.
  • The signs and severity of symptoms of autistic mental disorders are variable. However, in all cases, the disorder affects the minor patient's ability to communicate and interact with others.
  • A child’s reluctance to eat and excessive attention to weight changes indicate eating disorders. They're in the way Everyday life and are harmful to health.
  • If a child is prone to losing touch with reality, memory loss, and inability to navigate time and space, this may be a symptom of schizophrenia.

It is easier to treat a disease when it just begins. And in order to identify the problem in time, it is also important to pay attention to:

  • Changes in the child's mood. If children feel sad or anxious for a long time, action needs to be taken.
  • Excessive emotionality. Increased severity of emotion, for example, fear - alarming symptom. Emotionality without justified reason may also cause problems heart rate and breathing.
  • Atypical behavioral reactions. A signal of a mental disorder may be a desire to harm oneself or others, or frequent fights.

Diagnosis of mental disorder in a child

The basis for making a diagnosis is the totality of symptoms and the degree to which the disorder affects the child’s daily activities. If necessary, related specialists help diagnose the disease and its type:

  • psychologists,
  • social workers,
  • behavioral therapist, etc.

Work with a minor patient occurs in individually using an approved symptom database. Tests are prescribed primarily for the diagnosis of eating disorders. Must be studied clinical picture, history of illnesses and injuries, including psychological ones, preceding the disorder. There are no accurate and strict methods to determine a mental disorder.


The dangers of a mental disorder depend on its nature. In most cases, the consequences are expressed in violation of:

  • communication skills,
  • intellectual activity,
  • correct reaction to situations.

Often mental disorders in children are accompanied by suicidal tendencies.


What can you do

In order to cure a mental disorder in a minor patient, the participation of doctors, parents, and teachers is necessary - all the people with whom the child comes into contact. Depending on the type of disease, it can be treated using psychotherapeutic methods or using drug therapy. The success of treatment directly depends on the specific diagnosis. Some diseases are incurable.

The task of parents is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and provide detailed information about the symptoms. It is necessary to describe the most significant discrepancies between the child’s current state and behavior and previous ones. The specialist must tell parents what to do with the disorder and how to provide first aid during home treatment if the situation worsens. During the therapy period, the parents’ task is to provide the most comfortable environment and complete absence stressful situations.

What does a doctor do

As part of psychotherapy, a psychologist talks with the patient, helping him to independently assess the depth of his experiences and understand his condition, behavior, and emotions. The goal is to develop the correct reaction to acute situations and freely overcoming the problem. Drug treatment provides for the following:

  • stimulants,
  • antidepressants,
  • sedatives,
  • stabilizing and antipsychotic drugs.


Psychologists remind parents that the family environment and upbringing have great importance when it comes to the psychological and nervous stability of children. For example, divorce or regular quarrels between parents can provoke violations. Mental disorder can be prevented by providing constant support to the child, allowing him to share his experiences without embarrassment or fear.

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Arm yourself with knowledge and read a useful informative article about mental disorder in children. After all, being parents means studying everything that will help maintain the degree of health in the family at around “36.6”.

Find out what can cause the disease and how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about the signs that can help you identify illness. And what tests will help identify the disease and make a correct diagnosis.

In the article you will read everything about methods of treating a disease such as mental disorder in children. Find out what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medications or traditional methods?

You will also learn what can be dangerous untimely treatment mental illness in children, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent mental disorder in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find on the pages of the service full information about the symptoms of mental disorder in children. How do the signs of the disease in children aged 1, 2 and 3 differ from the manifestations of the disease in children aged 4, 5, 6 and 7? What is the best way to treat mental illness in children?

Take care of the health of your loved ones and stay in good shape!

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