Chamomile for bathing a newborn: beneficial properties, correct proportions and methods of preparation. How to brew chamomile for bathing

Expert answer:

The first time a newborn can be bathed only after the wound on the navel has healed - approximately two weeks after birth. Chamomile is very good for bathing a baby, as it takes excellent care of his very delicate skin and relieves various irritations. But don’t get carried away with just chamomile. By bathing your child twice a week, as is necessary at this age, you can alternate various herbs who have antiseptic properties. Great for newborns are string, mint, oak bark and others. medicinal plants. But before you use this or that herb for the first time, including chamomile, you should do an allergy test. The skin on the inside of the child’s elbow is lightly moistened with the prepared decoction. Make sure it is warm but not hot. Watch for several hours to see if any redness appears on the handle. If negative reaction no, the broth can be used for bathing. Before preparing the decoction, determine the size of the bath you will use. This is necessary to know to determine the required amount of chamomile. For a baby bath, a liter of decoction is enough for bathing in a regular bath, when the child bathes with his mother - two to three liters. Please note that only a special variety is brewed - medicinal chamomile. This is a low plant with small flowers. You can buy it already dried at a pharmacy or collect and dry it yourself, but only strictly following the rules for collecting and drying medicinal plants. We start preparing the broth two to three hours before bathing. This way we will keep it fresh. Grind dry chamomile. Pour a tablespoon of herbs into a thermos, if you don’t have one, then into another container, and pour a liter of boiling water. Let the broth brew for several hours. Before bathing, filter the liquid using a bandage or gauze and add it to the bath. You can also use unboiled water for bathing. It is only important to comply temperature regime liquid +37 °C. Accordingly, to bathe a baby together with an adult, the bathtub is filled two-thirds full, and the amount of herbs and boiling water for preparing the decoction is doubled.

During the first baths, you should not rub the baby’s skin with a washcloth or use any detergents. The duration of the first procedure is about five minutes. Each time the bathing is slightly extended. The maximum time for bathing newborns in herbal infusions is a quarter of an hour. After bathing your baby, take him out of the bath and wrap him in a soft terry towel. Do not rub your baby's skin, just gently blot the water on his body. Then dress the baby. Do not use any after herbal baths. maintain the effects of chamomile for longer.

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Moms and dads pay attention to children's hygiene Special attention. It is necessary that the newborn’s skin is clean, because in infants it is very sensitive to factors external environment. If the child's body is dirty, the baby may have health problems. Mandatory hygiene procedures for children include bathing. Water treatments with herbs help children's body cope with the impact of negative phenomena on him. How is chamomile useful for bathing babies, and how to bathe a newborn in chamomile? Like many herbs, chamomile helps strengthen the baby's immune system; this herb disinfects the water in which the baby bathes.

Before we touch on the question of how to bathe a newborn in chamomile, let’s find out what beneficial properties it has. pharmaceutical chamomile. This medicinal plant, if it is used in preventive measures, helps to cope with various problems. Before you pour chamomile hot water in a separate container. Know that chamomile infusion preserves beneficial features only for five hours after brewing.

A medicinal plant that is added to baby’s bath water has therapeutic effect. Useful components chamomile enters the body through the skin, therefore:

– diaper rash, irritation, inflammation or itching disappear;

– toxins are removed from the body;

– dead cells on the surface of the skin are removed, so oxygen flows through it better;

– improves sleep, calms down nervous system;

– the child eats better.

You can start adding chamomile decoction to the baby’s bathing water two weeks after birth, when the umbilical wound has already healed well. How to brew chamomile for baby's bath? Buy herbs at the pharmacy or use those that you have collected and dried yourself. First, apply a couple of drops of the decoction to the newborn’s arm or leg. This way you can check if your child is allergic to chamomile. After 30 minutes you will see if there is a reaction. If not, you can add the decoction while bathing.

Chamomile infusion for bathing babies

So, we are preparing a chamomile infusion for bathing a newborn. Take a deep porcelain or enamel bowl. Put a tablespoon of herbs in it. Brew it with a liter of boiling water and let it steep for 1.5–2 hours. To keep the broth warm, you can brew it in a thermos. Before bathing your child, strain the chamomile infusion through cheesecloth (you do not want the twigs and leaves to get into the water). Then add the infusion to the child. You can prepare a chamomile infusion in advance. But do not forget that the beneficial properties chamomile infusion only lasts for five hours. You should not overuse bathing your baby in chamomile. When preparing the decoction, adhere to the required proportions. Herbal infusion should be colored, but not very strong. According to doctors' recommendations, 30 grams of decoction should be used to bathe a newborn. Just because you added more doesn't mean it will be better. After all, a child may develop an allergy. In addition to chamomile, you can brew lemon balm, mint, calendula or oak bark. Each bath of grass can be alternated.

When chamomile is added, the temperature of the water in the bath should be no more than 37 degrees. Bathing a baby takes about 15 minutes. During bathing, make sure that the newborn does not swallow water or freeze. Add chamomile and other herbs to your baby's bath no more than three times a week.

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Bathing a newborn in chamomile water is very beneficial. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and medicinal properties. If you brew herbs correctly and regularly perform the procedures, you will reduce the risk of getting colds, neurosis, dermatitis, as well as. Pediatricians may also recommend brewing chamomile tea for your child. It helps with colic in newborns.

website 2017-06-03

Bathing is a necessary ceremony for a newborn baby, the function of which is not to wash away dirt. Water procedures harden, calm, relax muscles, and improve appetite. Babies have thin skin. If the skin is clean, pink, and tender, this is an indicator of health. Pediatricians advise adding herbs to bathing water, including chamomile, which has long been known for its healing and antiseptic qualities. Such herbs need to be brewed correctly.

The benefits of bathing a baby in chamomile decoction

Z healthy newborn babies need to be bathed daily. This is an important procedure for them and most babies enjoy it very much. If all the rules are followed and the temperature of the water and air is comfortable, the baby will have great fun. He moves actively, “squeezes” his arms and legs in the water, gets tired, wants to eat and sleep.

Chamomile has anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory effects

Children's skin is thin and sensitive. U small child Irritation, diaper rash, redness, and prickly heat can easily appear. To avoid this if possible, add chamomile infusion to the water. Bathing in such a solution is useful, since the flowers contain up to 1% essential oil, which contains chemical compound chamazulene. It has an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect, relaxes muscles, and promotes tissue healing. Chamomile contains organic acids, vitamins and biologically active substances, useful for children's skin, which have medicinal properties:

  • calm the nervous system;
  • relieve irritation, inflammation, itching, allergic reactions;
  • reduce diaper rash;
  • strengthen the immune system, increase appetite, improve sleep.

Chamomile added to the bath disinfects the water. Usually newborn babies tolerate it well, but before bathing your child, consult your pediatrician

Chamomile can sometimes cause an allergic reaction in infants. To check this, you need to do a test: apply a drop of chamomile infusion to the child’s hand and wait for half an hour. If there is no allergic reaction, then the infusion can be used.

How to prepare a chamomile bath for a newborn

To bathe your baby, add chamomile infusion to a bath of water. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon dried flowers;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Pour, cover and leave for one and a half to two hours. After this, be sure to strain so that you don’t get any inclusions. You can prepare the infusion in a thermos, then it will be hot. It is not recommended to leave it for more than five hours, it will disappear useful qualities plants. A tablespoon (30 g) is enough for a small baby bath. If you use a bath for adults, you will need 2-3 times more infusion, proportional to the volume of water.

Chamomile infusion is added to a baby's bath

You can take filter bags purchased at the pharmacy, which contain crushed flowers or powder from them, and brew with boiling water. To do this you will need:

  • 2 filter bags;
  • 0.5 liters of boiling water.

Proper bathing of a baby with chamomile herb

It is better to start daily bathing after the umbilical wound has healed, usually 5-7 days after birth. Until then, you can simply wipe the baby with a cloth soaked in water. Before you start, be sure to wash the baby bath with soap and clean the large bath thoroughly baking soda. Then fill and add strained chamomile infusion and dilute. The overall temperature should be 36–37 o C.

When the baby is one month old, you can combine bathing with hardening, gradually lowering the temperature by one degree per week and bringing it to 28–30 o C.

Bathing is not washing, if you have added an infusion of herbs, do not use detergents. The first time the procedure should not last more than five minutes. Each subsequent time, the time is gradually increased, bringing it to a quarter of an hour. You can swim for 40 minutes, but then you need to monitor the temperature of the cooling water. Place the baby in the bath carefully, on a diaper, legs first, gradually immersing the entire body, holding the head. Be careful not to get water into your mouth. Stroke the baby with your hands, wash all the folds.

You can bathe your newborn after the navel has healed.

After bathing, wrap your child in a towel without rinsing. If soap or other detergents are used for washing, you can then rinse the baby with chamomile infusion. It is not recommended for babies to bathe with herbs every day; three times a week is enough. Doing so better evening so that you can feed the baby and put her to bed.

You should not bathe your baby on vaccination days or if the child has a fever.

Chamomile and string for bathing a child: the required dosage and proportions

For bathing babies, you can use various specially designed herbal teas. In them, the beneficial properties of plants complement each other. Chamomile and string - the most common antiseptic composition. The series reduces skin inflammation, rashes, and helps get rid of crusts on the head. It is recommended to add it to water for babies no more than once a week, as the cycle dries out the baby’s skin. Required ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon mixture of string and chamomile;
  • 1 liter of boiling water.

Pour in, leave for one and a half to two hours, then strain. The string can also be purchased in bags and brewed with boiling water. Pharmacies sell various preparations that can be used for bathing. infants: soothing, strengthening, relieving colic. You need to start with one herb so that the baby gets used to it. Don’t forget to check for allergies and consult a pediatrician.

Herbs for bathing babies - photo gallery

Doctor Komarovsky: how to bathe a baby correctly - video

Medicinal herbs are useful, but they cannot be said to be harmless. Infusions for bathing should be used carefully and carefully, after permission from the pediatrician. Constantly observe how the baby reacts. The main thing is that this procedure brings benefit and pleasure to the child.

Bathing a baby for the first time after the maternity hospital is an exciting and memorable event for a young family. For elimination skin problems To calm the baby, pediatricians recommend adding decoctions and infusions to the bath medicinal herbs. Chamomile is a proven natural antiseptic. The use of this plant in children's baths has been practiced for decades and is no less in demand today. In addition, adding an infusion or decoction of this product complements water procedures with a pleasant light aroma.

The medicinal plant of the Asteraceae family unites more than 20 species, the most famous of which is chamomile, which is actively used in cosmetology and medical purposes. However, using herbal ingredients for newborns, it is important for parents to consider the possibility of them causing allergic reactions. It is equally important to follow the recommended proportions of the decoction for preparing baths.

The beneficial properties of chamomile have been known for a long time. It contains anthemisic acid, essential oil, glycosides and others useful material. Thanks to this combination, the plant is used to treat, cleanse and care for the baby’s skin. Chamomile infusion added to bathing water will help with the following skin problems:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • will help get rid of allergic rashes;
  • reduce burning and itching;
  • reduce areas of redness and rashes;
  • will moisturize the skin and provide it with the necessary protection.

Chamomile is classified as natural antiseptics, therefore it is used as a bactericidal and emollient. Except positive influence on the skin, the plant is characterized by other benefits.

A bath with chamomile has a calming effect. After the procedure, the baby will be much calmer, his sleep will be stronger and longer.

Flower decoction has an excellent effect on mucous membranes and heals wounds. It is often used to rub the eyes. The solution is also indispensable for hair, it makes it soft, silky, improves growth, and helps cope with seborrheic crusts and flaking. Taking a bath with chamomile stimulates the release of toxins, strengthens the immune system, and increases appetite.


When deciding to bathe your child in a bath with the addition of chamomile decoction or infusion, you must take into account a number of contraindications and restrictions for the procedure. It is not recommended to add herbs to bathing water in the following cases:

  • when there is no redness or irritation on the baby’s body, i.e. the skin is clean without damage;
  • if the baby’s skin is dry and flaky, adding chamomile infusion will aggravate this situation;
  • if the toddler has an allergic reaction to the components of the herbal decoction.

Bathing in chamomile or without adding herbs is prohibited after vaccination, as well as in case of hyperthermia (increased body temperature). Pediatrician Komarovsky insists on the need to bathe children in normal tap water, heated to desired temperature. From a doctor’s point of view, adding herbs is a measure to calm the mother. Healthy baby does not require the creation of special greenhouse conditions. But if parents consider this measure necessary, and the baby enjoys bathing in water with decoctions, you can practice such water procedures, observing the duration of the course.

How to properly brew chamomile herb for bathing newborns

Medicinal chamomile can be prepared independently or purchased at a pharmacy in the form of herbal packets or dry crumbly raw materials. The product is available in terms of cost, which depends on the form of release of the product. You can buy chamomile in tablets. How much raw material is required also depends on the form of release.

How to prepare a decoction and infusion from a bag

Chamomile in bags is convenient because it does not need to be strained. The finished decoction or infusion can be diluted in the bath. To make an infusion, pour 1 filter bag into 200 ml of water at room temperature and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. To prepare a decoction, a bag placed in liquid is also prepared in a water bath. Duration heat treatment- 30 minutes.

How to prepare a decoction or infusion from dried herbs

It is cheaper to brew chamomile in the form of a loose mixture, but the solution will require straining. To prepare the decoction, use 15 grams of herbs, which should also be cooked for 30 minutes in a water bath. To prepare the infusion – 10 grams of crushed dry plant, pour 200 ml boiled water. Under a tightly closed lid, cook in a water bath for 30 minutes. You can infuse chamomile in a thermos.

Dried chamomile herb can be stored for no more than 2 years. It is not recommended to store the prepared decoction/infusion. Always use freshly prepared solution. No more than 12 hours should pass from the moment of preparation to adding to the bath.

Rules for bathing a baby with chamomile

In order for bathing to bring benefits and positive emotions to the baby, the procedure should be organized according to all the rules and in accordance with safety precautions. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • Before you start swimming, do an allergy test. To do this, soak the sponge in a concentrated chilled chamomile decoction and apply it to the elbow of the toddler. If a rash or redness does not appear in this area within an hour, feel free to bathe the baby in the prepared solution.
  • Duration of the first water procedures should not exceed 5–10 minutes; as the baby grows, the time will increase; after six months, bathing can last about 30 minutes.
  • For the first 2–3 weeks after the maternity hospital, it is better not to bathe a newborn, but to dry and hygiene procedures. As soon as the umbilical wound has healed and the clothespin has fallen off, you can practice taking baths.
  • The temperature of the water into which the decoction is added should be 36–37 °C.
  • Place a diaper at the bottom of the bath.
  • Chamomile goes well with other herbs. As an additive, use string, mint, etc.
  • Gels, shampoos, and baby soap are not used when using herbal baths. Components of cosmetic products neutralize beneficial properties herbal decoctions and infusions.
  • You should not brew or add chamomile to your bathing water every day. Herbal medicine for baths is used 1-2 times a week.
  • After water procedures with the addition of a decoction, the child should not be rinsed.

When bathing, it is better to avoid washcloths and ladle. Gently and carefully wash the folds by hand, do not forget about caring for the genitals. After water procedures, the baby should be wrapped in a diaper and a warm, soft towel.

It is worth emphasizing that pediatricians recommend using decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs if you have severe skin problems. How long to bathe in herbs depends on the dynamics of healing of the lesions.

Various herbs are used to bathe babies, especially newborn babies. The presence of herbs in the bath ensures disinfection and allows you to avoid boiling the water. In total, about thirty types of herbs are used, which bind harmful substances, neutralize impurities and neutralize the microflora of water and skin babies.

Herbal baths help strengthen immune system, removes toxins and harmful substances from the body, increases appetite, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.

Grandmother's herbs are successfully used as an external and internal remedy for various ailments and diseases. Herbal decoctions have an invaluable calming effect. Mint, lemon balm, and violet help you sleep better, soothe and give balance to the nervous system.

Chamomile is one of the most common herbs that is readily used by a huge number of people. They drink chamomile, make various mixtures and masks from it, and bathe in the decoction. This unattractive plant has a number of healing properties: soothes, disinfects, nourishes, moisturizes and many others.

When to bathe

Bathing should begin after complete healing. umbilical wound. In other words, from the second week of the baby’s life. Chamomile is most often used to bathe babies. How to brew chamomile for a baby’s bath correctly?

This plant very rarely causes an allergic reaction, so mothers are more willing to use it for water treatments. But first you should do a test. After preparing a little decoction, you need to anoint the baby’s hand or foot with it. After half an hour, you can notice the result. If there is no redness or peeling on the skin, then the baby can safely be bathed in chamomile.

The broth should be brewed shortly before bathing, about one and a half to two hours. The decoction can be infused for up to five hours - then it begins to lose its beneficial properties. For infusion, you should use a container that can store heat (thermos or covered kettle).

Not being able to dry chamomile yourself to prepare baths, you can purchase the herb at the pharmacy. But you only need to buy it at a pharmacy, which guarantees the radiological and chemical safety of the collection.

The herb should be brewed in porcelain or enamel containers. Usually thirty grams of herb are taken for a bath. More high concentration may cause an allergic reaction. All chamomile can be brewed with boiling water in a small container and then simply added to the bath.

How to bathe

Water should not exceed 37° Celsius. The bathing itself should last no more than fifteen minutes. It is better to start with a short period of time, gradually increasing the duration of water procedures. Herbal baths are shown as additional remedy bathing. Therefore, you should not abuse them. A sufficient amount is taken two to three times every week. Care must be taken to ensure that water does not get into the child's mouth.

After swimming in herbal decoction Don't rinse the baby clean water. It will simply wash away the entire effect. Chamomile has disinfecting properties, so there is no need to wash it off the body. In addition, the calming aroma will help the baby sleep better, and healing properties will be able to express themselves better by immersing themselves in delicate skin child.

Herbal baths are used not only as a means of treatment, but also as a preventive measure. colds. The advantage of such water procedures is that they can be used almost from the first days of a new person’s life. Allergic reaction very rarely bothers babies - this is another plus of herbal baths.

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