Sanatorium-resort treatment: who is entitled to it for free, how to get it. Who is eligible for a free trip to the sanatorium?

How to get a free trip to the sanatorium

(answers to the most FAQ)

The information provided is advisory in nature. Please find out the exact information from the relevant authorities!

What categories of citizens are entitled to free trips to sanatoriums?
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget), having
. Invalids of war,
disabled people,
disabled children;
participants of the Great Patriotic War(hereinafter - WWII),
combat veterans;
military personnel who served in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the active army, during the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service during the specified period ;
persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”; persons who worked during the Second World War at air defense facilities, local air defense facilities, and in the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear boundaries of active fronts, operational zones of active fleets, in front-line areas of iron and highways; crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Second World War in the ports of other states.)
2. Patients who need further treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets). Provided to working citizens immediately after inpatient care, at the place of their registration. The list of diseases and the procedure for obtaining a voucher are determined by regional (local) regulatory documents. For Moscow residents, this is Moscow Government Decree No. 591-PP dated July 27, 2010.
3. Employees and pensioners of some departments and departments (for example, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the UDP of the Russian Federation, the Office of the Mayor and the Government of Moscow, the Federal Tax Service, etc.) in accordance with departmental regulatory documents (not considered here, to obtain them you must contact your department).

What will I have to pay when receiving a discounted voucher to a sanatorium?

When you receive a voucher through the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and a voucher for rehabilitation, you will be fully paid for a sanatorium-resort voucher for a period of 18-24 days to a sanatorium located on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as the cost of travel there and back. ABOUT medicines, which you take constantly, you need to take care of yourself and in advance.
Departments and departments establish the procedure for financing and the amount of payment for sanatorium-resort treatment of their employees and pensioners independently. For clarification on the procedure for providing benefits, you need to contact your department.

Which sanatorium will I be given a voucher to?

Not all sanatoriums accept patients on discounted vouchers.
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget), you will be able to get a trip to sanatoriums that have entered into an agreement with the FSS. These are sanatoriums from different resort regions Russian Federation.
2. Patients who need follow-up treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets). The voucher will be provided to a local specialized sanatorium that provides after-care services for such patients and is included in the list of local regulatory documents. The list is reviewed regularly. Most likely, you will be sent to a local sanatorium, because... this is the most rational for rehabilitation.
3. Employees and pensioners of some departments and departments are provided with preferential vouchers to sanatoriums belonging to this department or department.

What is the duration of the discounted voucher to the sanatorium?
The duration of sanatorium-resort treatment as part of the set of social services provided to citizens in a sanatorium-resort institution is 18 days, for disabled children - 21 days, and for disabled people with diseases and consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries - from 24 to 42 days. ( the federal law RF No. 178-FZ dated July 17, 1999)
For rehabilitation, vouchers are provided for up to 24 days. For this period, the patient is extended sick leave.

What do you need to do to get a free trip to the sanatorium? What documents are needed?
1. At the expense of the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) of the Russian Federation (from the federal budget)

To obtain a voucher, you need to contact the attending physician of a medical institution at your place of residence. In the presence of medical indications and there are no contraindications for sanatorium-resort treatment, the doctor will fill out a certificate for obtaining a voucher (Form No. 070/u-04), containing the following information: name of the resort, profile of the sanatorium, recommended season (valid for 6 months).
With this certificate and an application for a voucher, you must contact the regional office of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.
In addition, to obtain a ticket to Spa treatment it is necessary to submit: documents confirming the inclusion of a citizen in the appropriate preferential category (certificate, ITU certificate on establishing disability, etc.); individual rehabilitation plan for a disabled person, a certificate confirming the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services (issued at the pension fund branch), passport.
Within two weeks the Foundation will inform about the possibility of providing sanatorium-resort voucher corresponding to the declared treatment profile, indicating the date of arrival.
The sanatorium-resort voucher is issued in completed form with the seal of the executive body of the Social Insurance Fund and with the note “Paid for from the federal budget and cannot be sold.”
After receiving a sanatorium-resort voucher, but not earlier than 2 months before the start of its validity period, you need to obtain a sanatorium-resort card at the clinic that issued the certificate for obtaining the voucher.
After the end of the sanatorium-resort treatment (no later than 30 days), you need to return the return voucher to the clinic, and the sanatorium will return the tear-off voucher to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

2. Patients who need further treatment after hospitalization (from regional budgets).
A free rehabilitation voucher is provided only to working citizens, at their place of registration, immediately after inpatient care.
The need is determined by the medical commission of the relevant medical institution in accordance with the PROCEDURE for sending workers to aftercare (rehabilitation) immediately after inpatient treatment to specialized sanatoriums (departments), approved by order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation dated January 27, 2006 No. 44
For a period of rehabilitation treatment The patient's sick leave is extended for up to 24 days.

The information provided is advisory in nature. Please find out the exact information from the relevant authorities!

Free trips under the Mother and Child program allow thousands of children from all regions of the country to visit the sanatorium with their mother every year. Families that are considered to have many children, or where there are children with health problems, may receive this opportunity.

Since 2010, the powers to distribute vouchers have been vested in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and in each region the program is implemented in its own way. This means that the conditions for providing such vouchers in the regions of the country differ, and detailed information should be found out in the clinic or department social protection population at the place of residence.

Each region has its own subordinate sanatoriums or commercial organizations medical profile, with which relevant government contracts have been concluded through the placement of a state order. Many of these organizations work under the “Mother and Child” program - they provide sanatorium and resort services to children in need of treatment and provide the opportunity to be accompanied by their parents. For example, Moscow has about 130 sanatoriums and health camps for children and teenagers. In addition to the implementation of tours to on a commercial basis For certain periods of the year, the city Department of Culture offers free trips to these institutions to children on benefits based on Moscow and federal documents.

The general principles of obtaining a free voucher to the Mother and Child sanatorium have been preserved since 2010. These include the procedure for obtaining and a set of documents.

Sanatorium-resort treatment: who can qualify for a free trip

The “Mother and Child” tour can be provided free of charge to children with health problems. These can be both disabled children and children registered at clinics. Sanatorium-resort treatment involves a complex of health-improving activities. Children suffering from chronic diseases and defined as a frequently and long-term ill child can receive a referral for a voucher from a pediatrician or specialist. When making a plan dispensary observation In clinics, the item “Sanatorium-resort treatment” is usually indicated, according to which you can receive free health program You can in any of the sanatoriums of the Russian Federation. Free vouchers to the Mother and Child sanatorium are usually issued to children over 4 years old. However, if the child younger age discovered chronic illness, he also has a chance to get a ticket.

The procedure for obtaining a voucher through the clinic

If a child is often sick and needs sanatorium-resort treatment, a ticket to the Mother and Child sanatorium can be requested free of charge through the clinic. To do this you need:

  • obtain the necessary certificate from the pediatrician in form No. 070/u-04
  • fill out an application form (available on the website of the regional health department);
  • Next, a copy of the medical insurance policy and the child’s birth certificate are provided.

If the mother is required to accompany her and the selected sanatorium operates under the “Mother and Child” program, then the parent’s documents must be submitted. The clinic itself must submit your documents to the Ministry of Health for inclusion in the program.

It is important to take into account that during popular seasons, when there are many vacationers, there may not be places in the sanatorium. It is best to apply for the fall and winter periods.

There is one more moment. If a child applies for sanatorium treatment on the recommendation of the attending physician, he must receive health resort card, where the results of the examinations will be indicated, general tests, expert opinions, fluorography, ECG.

When else can they give free trips?

The “Mother and Child” program, which gives the opportunity to go to a sanatorium for free, is provided to children who are under the supervision of social protection authorities.

In this case, the list of documents is more extensive. It includes:

  • child's birth certificate;
  • parent's passport;
  • documents that confirm the difficult situation in the family (certificates of income, certificates of family composition);
  • medical certificates (general tests, certificate from a dermatologist, test results for enterobiasis);
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • insurance certificate of compulsory medical insurance;
  • certificate of a mother or father of many children (for large families);
  • a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the death of a serviceman (for children of deceased servicemen);
  • pension certificate or certificate of receipt of a survivor's pension;
  • conclusion of the local pediatrician;
  • certificate for obtaining a voucher.

In this case, a package of documents must be submitted to the Ministry of Health and an application must be written for permission to process personal data. The application must be made no later than six months before the desired travel date. As in the previous case, it is better to choose the season in winter or autumn, when the flow of vacationers is not so large. You can look for a sanatorium yourself from the presented list of available establishments working under the “Mother and Child” program. Based on the results, a health resort card must be issued.

The trip is free, but what about the road?

Free trips to the Mother and Child sanatorium do not require payment for travel to your destination. Typically these costs are borne by the child's parents.. However, there are still exceptions. If the child is from a family where the income is below the subsistence level, social protection can compensate for travel costs. Money is issued upon return from the sanatorium. This question should be clarified in advance; you may need to provide any documents to the social security authorities. The Social Insurance Fund can pay for travel for a child with a disability. This question also needs to be clarified in advance.

You can find out about the availability of places in sanatoriums of the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense by clicking on this link. The military profession is associated with great physical and psychological stress, and often with risks to life and health, therefore the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed a social protection program for department employees, one of the main aspects of which is the coverage of sanatorium and resort services. Where, in addition to relaxation, you can improve your health and cure a number of diseases.

Important! In connection with the entry into force of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 654 “On amendments to the Procedure for sanatorium and resort provision in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” paragraph 3 (How to issue a voucher) of this article has lost its relevance. Since December 22, 2018, the distribution of vouchers is handled directly by the administration of the sanatoriums. It is to the selected sanatorium that you must send an application for a voucher. Discount vouchers are distributed according to the time the application is received. Since applications are submitted electronically, the time is indicated automatically, eliminating any possibility of out-of-turn distribution. Registration of applications for the next year begins at 00:00 on November 1 of the current year and continues until the limit is completely exhausted discounted vouchers. Information about the availability of places in the sanatorium is provided at.

You can find out about changes in prices for vouchers to military sanatoriums.

Who is eligible to receive a discounted voucher to a military sanatorium?

The provision of preferential vouchers to military personnel and civilian employees of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is regulated by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2011 No. 333, with amendments and additions dated March 9, 2016. The following are entitled to preferential sanatorium and resort services:

  • Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation serving under a contract, military pensioners; members of their families; persons who are dependent on them.

Note: officers and warrant officers who have retired to the reserve receive the right to preferential sanatorium and resort services, provided that their period of service before retirement was at least 20 years.

July 4, 2018 V.V. Putin promised to quadruple the number of free trips for military children.

Important! Under family members in this case This includes only children (up to 18 years of age; up to 23 years of age, provided they are studying at a university on a stationary basis) and spouses of military personnel, as well as persons who are dependent on persons in the preferential category.

  • Widows (widowers), parents retirement age and children of military personnel who died (died) during their service.
  • Veterans of the Great Patriotic War and military operations (all benefits).
  • Military personnel who did not take part in hostilities, but were military service in the period from 06/22/1941 to 09/03/1945 for at least 6 months, as well as those awarded orders and medals for service during the specified period.
  • Persons working in war time at air defense facilities, construction of defense and military facilities, crew members of ships interned in June 1945 in foreign ports.
  • Family members of deceased or deceased WWII participants and equivalent categories of citizens.
  • Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad.”
  • Civilian personnel of military units, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Defense (only if established by an industry agreement between trade unions of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense).

Important! Military pensioners entitled to free sanatorium and resort services receive free vouchers only if they do not work anywhere at the time of submitting the application.

Important! The bank of applications for free and discounted vouchers for the next year is formed from November 1 of the previous year. Since 2016, a personalized system for recording incoming applications for vouchers has been in place, which makes the distribution procedure transparent. But this date may change, so you can subscribe to our news below and receive an email notification about the start of sales.

On the websites of sanatoriums information about the availability of available places is displayed. If you find a suitable option after the specified period, you should contact the department for sanatorium provision of the Ministry with an application indicating the sanatorium and the date of arrival you are interested in, or directly to the sanatorium voucher sales department by phone indicated on the website.

If there are grounds for providing a discounted voucher to a sanatorium, follow these steps:

  • Check out the Russian military sanatoriums on the website. Select an institution that suits the profile of your disease and the expected date of arrival..
  • Go through an examination (commission) at the clinic at your place of residence or at medical institution, in which you are registered. After this, obtain a certificate from your local general practitioner in form No. 070/u-04.

Important! Certificate No. 070/у-04 is valid for 6 months. If more time has passed from the date of receipt of the document to the trip to the sanatorium, you should contact the medical institution for a certificate again.

  • Contact in person or via the Internet the regional department for sanatorium provision of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation or the Main Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by mail (Znamenka St., 19, Moscow, 119160). Fill out an application in the established form, if desired, indicate your spouse, children or dependents with whom you are planning a vacation in a military sanatorium, and together with certificate No. 070/u-04, give it to the department employees (send by email).
  • The department must approve or reject the application within 30 working days, with a reason. After this, you should obtain a resolution to issue a voucher from this organization. If the application was submitted online, a notification will be sent to Email indicating the date of arrival and the discounted cost of the tour. The notice must be printed and presented to the resort upon arrival.
  • On the day specified in the notice (resolution), you must arrive at the sanatorium, having with you Required documents.

Important! If respectfully For reasons (described in Order 333, paragraph 23) you cannot take advantage of the discounted voucher within the time period specified therein, you should write a standard application for its cancellation. At the same time, the right to sanatorium-resort services is retained. And you can return the funds.

For military personnel:

  1. Military ID.
  2. Vacation ticket.
  3. If available, a passport.

For military pensioners

  • Passport.
  • Pension certificate with a note indicating the right to social guarantees.

Sanatorium-resort treatment of disabled people is a social service provided by the state at the expense of the regional budget.

Who is eligible for sanatorium services?

Characteristics of social services

The meaning of social benefits

A beneficiary who has a chronic disease has the right to collect all the necessary documents and apply for individual treatment. An important point When completing the referral, all validity periods of the papers will be observed.

The rehabilitation program may include physiotherapy, massage, psychotherapy, manual manipulation, physical therapy, mud therapy and reflexology.

Thus, a budget voucher gives the right to use free health services. Drug therapy, climatic conditions and special procedures significantly improve the health of persons with disabilities.

Additional service of the FSS of the Russian Federation

Since 2018, the FSS of the Russian Federation has launched a new social project that allows you to receive an electronic coupon for simplified issuance of a train ticket for travel to the place sanatorium treatment. The coupon itself is issued at the request of the beneficiary directly at the territorial divisions of the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.

Then, with such a coupon, you can either go directly to the railway ticket office and receive a ready-made railway ticket there upon presentation of your passport. Or issue an electronic ticket online through the Russian Railways website (, having previously registered there. V the latter case everything can be done without leaving home.

All categories of beneficiaries who are entitled to free pass to the place of treatment using vouchers from the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and regional executive authorities in the field of healthcare. Provided that the beneficiary has not refused the package of social services in in kind. Otherwise, he will only be entitled to monetary compensation from such NSO.

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Russian legislation distinguishes a large number of so-called preferential categories citizens. They have the right to receive various types state aid. These include the provision of free vouchers to medical and health institutions, available to pensioners, large and low-income families of labor veterans, etc.

Rules for allocating preferential vouchers

The procedure for issuing preferential vouchers to sanatoriums is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the laws, namely:

  • 178-FZ “On state social assistance”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Health No. 328.

There are some rules for providing the described measure social support from the state.

  1. Sanatorium-resort treatment is fully paid for from the state budget at the regional level.
  2. To register in the queue to receive it, citizens are required to provide documentary evidence of their right to benefits.
  3. Receiving a referral to a sanatorium is possible only with the direction of the attending doctor.

IMPORTANT! Since the vouchers are issued to the beneficiary himself, after using them he is obliged to provide confirmation of the fact of use by him. This requirement was introduced to prevent sales, gifts and exchange of travel documents.

What institutions can you go to for health improvement?

Since the described measure of assistance is provided at the state level, vouchers are provided only to those institutions that have the appropriate agreement. You should not count on obtaining referrals to any private institutions.

Vouchers are issued to holiday homes under the following conditions:

  • an agreement must be concluded with the institution;
  • the sanatorium must be located within the territory of our state (the specific location in the region does not matter);
  • issued travel documents are not always directed to an institution located in the region of residence of the beneficiary;
  • persons who are military pensioners, or are somehow connected with the RF Armed Forces, can receive vouchers for treatment only in departmental sanatorium and health institutions.

IMPORTANT! The difference between departmental sanatoriums and state ones is that the former are financed by the Ministry of Defense.

Who is entitled to free trips to the sanatorium?

List of persons who are entitled to receive free holidays in medical and health institutions:

  • persons who took part in the Second World War;
  • citizens with incapacity for work due to the presence of any disability group (including childhood disabilities);
  • military personnel (including reserves) who have the status of combat veterans;
  • persons who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • citizens on pensions;
  • persons working in hazardous industries with technical features labor providing Negative influence on the state of the human body.

They can count on receiving vouchers to certain conditions and after providing documents confirming their right to this benefit.

Terms of service

Discount vouchers are issued no more than once a year in the relevant medical field. If a citizen does not want to use his right to preference, then he can receive monetary compensation along with it. Its size may vary in different regions of the country. The opportunity to receive the described benefit is available only to those citizens who do not maintain official labor activity and are supported by the state.

IMPORTANT! A beneficiary can receive a trip only under one preference. This means that if he has the right to receive it on two grounds, then he can only use one.

How to get a ticket to a sanatorium for a pensioner for free

First of all, citizens should register in the preferential queue to receive a voucher to the sanatorium. This procedure is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Collection of the required documentation package.
  2. Submitting an application.
  3. Awaiting its review.
  4. Delivering a verdict.

If the submitted application has been reviewed and approved, the citizen receives a referral for vacation or compensation (at his choice).

Visiting a doctor to get a voucher is mandatory procedure. At the doctor's appointment, a certificate is issued indicating the need for sanatorium-resort treatment. The document is drawn up according to the universal form 070/u-04.

Queue for vouchers

It is necessary to understand that registration in the queue does not imply immediate receipt of benefits. The citizen will be informed when it is his turn to receive the benefit. Find out the current position in general procedure The queue can be found on the official website of the FSS.

Where to get it

To apply for the described preference, all citizens are required to contact the social security service office at their registered address. You can submit your application in one of the following ways:

  • through personal contact;
  • through multifunctional centers;
  • by mail;
  • on the official state reference and information Internet resource State Services.

Persons who are military personnel receive travel documents from the Department of the Ministry of Defense in their city.

The application is processed on average about 20-30 calendar days, after which a verdict is rendered. If a positive decision is made, the pensioner is registered in the queue to receive a voucher.

Design rules

To complete an application for registration in the queue, the collection and provision of the following set of documentation is required:

  • passport or any other document capable of identifying the applicant;
  • certificate of a citizen receiving a pension;
  • any document confirming the right to receive benefits;
  • referral from the treating doctor.

For persons with disabilities, you will additionally need:

For the military additional document is a military ID.

As soon as the citizen’s turn comes, he will be able to pick up his voucher. You can use it at any time within the time limits indicated on the document. Immediately before departure you will need to obtain a medical certificate. At the sanatorium and medical institution itself, you will also need to present a passport, a compulsory health insurance policy and the voucher itself.

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