Cardiovascular dystonia in children. Treatment of VSD in children. The danger of the disease and its prevention

Vegetative vascular dystonia (VSD), or neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD), or autonomic dystonia syndrome(SVD) is a common disease characterized by dysregulation of vascular tone, the functioning of internal organs, and metabolic processes in the body by the autonomic nervous system. Vegetative dystonia “blooms magnificently” in adolescence, but quite often occurs at an earlier age.
The term “vegetative-vascular dystonia” is currently somewhat outdated. We deliberately left it out because most practitioners are used to it and still use it actively, and you will encounter it often. The correct name for this disorder would be “vegetative dystonia syndrome,” abbreviated as “SVD,” which more accurately reflects the essence of the lesion.

The role of the autonomic nervous system in the human body

The autonomic nervous system regulates the functioning of internal organs and is responsible for many functions in the body: it is involved in maintaining heart rate, breathing rate, body temperature, sweating, etc. Its role is precisely in regulating the functions of organs and systems. That is, it can give orders to the vessels to increase blood pressure, the stomach to produce gastric juice, the heart - to beat faster or slower, etc., when circumstances require it, for example, when there is a change in physical or mental activity.

Let’s say some kind of stressful situation or fear arose. How the body will react to this: the heart will beat faster, breathing will become faster, blood pressure will increase, the person will prepare for active work(hit-and-run situation). But in this case, digestion is not necessary at all, so the signal to the stomach will be: stop producing gastric juice. The department of the autonomic nervous system, which is called the sympathetic, is responsible for this type of response.

Another situation: a person ate a hearty meal and dozed off. Digestive processes are actively working, and blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate will be reduced. These reactions are triggered by a couple sympathetic division autonomic nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system is responsible for controlling all these processes, bringing external signals to the internal organs. Thus, it communicates internal organs with the external environment.

On the one hand, it maintains the constancy of the internal environment of the body ( constant temperature body, pressure, heart rate, etc.), on the other hand, adapts the body to changed conditions when required.

Violation of the autonomic nervous system leads to the fact that the regulation of the internal organs becomes inadequate. At the same time, reactions to external stimuli of internal organs and systems occur at the wrong time and place. For example, to stress, when the situation requires complete mobilization, the body can produce an asthenic reaction (weakness, low blood pressure, fainting) and is not capable of fighting - physical and mental stress. Manifestations are a reflection of disruption of the autonomic nervous system.

Let us repeat once again that the autonomic nervous system is responsible for the function of the organ. Therefore, it is important to understand that with vegetative dystonia, a poorly functioning organ is not sick, its structure is not changed, only the mechanisms that regulate it suffer. The functioning of the organ will be fully improved if the regulatory influence of the autonomic nervous system is restored. True, unfortunately, there is often a situation when a doctor, without understanding it, makes a diagnosis vegetative-vascular dystonia, and the child actually suffers from some organic disease. Therefore, if autonomic dystonia is suspected, a serious and thorough examination of the patient is required.

Causes of development of vegetative dystonia syndrome

  • Hereditary predisposition. The child’s relatives suffer from vegetative dystonia, and the more severe the disease in the ancestors, the worse its manifestations for the descendants.
  • Features of the constitution (physique).
  • Unfavorable course of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Puberty aggravates the course of the disease or provokes its onset.
  • Characteristic features of the patient’s personality (high anxiety, fears, tendency towards hypochondria, depression, negative attitude towards life, etc.).
  • Social factors (stress, disorders, overwork, reduced physical activity, unfavorable emotional and psychological environment in the family or school, overprotection or reduced attention to the child due to illness or absence of parents, parental alcoholism, etc.).
  • Injuries and damage to the nervous system (tumors, toxic lesions, etc.).
  • Some are spicy and chronic diseases(kidney, heart, liver diseases, mental disorders and etc.).

Forms and clinical manifestations of vegetative dystonia syndrome

Autonomic dystonia syndrome can occur as an independent disease - the primary form, in this case the autonomic nervous system is directly affected. It may be a consequence (one of the symptoms) of some disease of the nervous system or somatic diseases (for example, diabetes, renal failure, spinal cord or brain injury, etc.) - secondary form.

The diagnosis, as a rule, indicates the cause of vegetative dystonia syndrome. For example, autonomic dystonia puberty, or post-traumatic, or against the background of residual organic damage to the central nervous system, etc. The doctor can also note which part of the autonomic nervous system is affected: sympathetic or parasympathetic.

Autonomic dystonia is usually assessed by the leading clinical manifestation: arterial hypertension, cardioneurosis, respiratory neurosis, etc. Depending on the leading syndrome, the clinical form is also distinguished. Most often, the disease involves breathing, the cardiovascular system and digestion.

Changes in the heart and blood vessels. In life, parents most often encounter these forms autonomic dystonia syndrome in children.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (or neuro-circulatory dystonia, or vegetative dystonia) of the hypotonic type. The predominant symptom is low blood pressure.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia(or neuro-circulatory dystonia, or vegetative dystonia) by hypertensive type. The leading symptom is increased blood pressure.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (or neuro-circulatory dystonia, or vegetative dystonia) of the cardiac type. Heart rhythm disturbances come to the fore (see details “”).

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (or neuro-circulatory dystonia, or vegetative dystonia) of a mixed type. This form may present symptoms of the above forms in various combinations, that is, the child reacts to different stressful situations either an increase or a decrease in blood pressure.

Changes in breathing. Respiratory neurosis is manifested by a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath. Against the background of normal calm breathing, frequent deep breaths may suddenly occur. Or it is possible that the child inhales deeply and fully, but cannot completely exhale the air.

Changes in digestion. Children complain of nausea, lack of appetite, heartburn, diarrhea or hiccups. A very characteristic and common complaint is chest pain, which children describe as “heart pain.” These pains may worsen during swallowing. Such pain is associated with spasms (spastic muscle contractions) of the esophagus, but not with heart disease.

Violation of thermoregulation. Thermoneurosis is characterized by the fact that the child constantly has a low temperature of 37-37.5 ° C during the day (this increase is called subfebrile condition), and at night the body temperature is normal. Moreover, the temperature measured in different armpits may differ. In addition, children do not tolerate cold, drafts, dampness, are cold and may even experience chills.

Urinary disorders. Urination may be rare, in large portions, and the stream is weak; emptying the bladder requires effort, “straining.” Possible incomplete emptying, urine leakage in drops after the main urination. Sometimes the situation is the opposite: urination is frequent, in small portions, the child constantly runs to the toilet. But in this situation it is important not to miss the infection urinary tract, therefore, a complete urological examination is necessary (visiting a nephrologist, taking urine tests, ultrasonography kidneys, etc.).

Emotional and neurotic disorders. Expressiveness of emotional and neurotic disorders in patients with vegetative dystonia is different. Of course, not all of the symptoms listed below may appear, but some of them will always be present to varying degrees of significance.

  • Unreasonable anxiety, inexplicable restlessness, internal tension.
  • Fears are groundless and unfounded. Fear of getting sick, fear of death, fear of losing control over the situation, fear of losing loved ones, etc.
  • Decreased mood, tearfulness, apathy, loss of interest in life.
  • Hysterics.
  • Hypochondria. Such patients love to be sick. They like to get examined, consult with different doctors, discuss their ailments and read medical literature on these topics. They are always looking for symptoms of some disease and find them. They tend to give their illness the status of extreme significance.
  • Feeling of weakness, lethargy, tiredness, exhaustion. Because of this, some children cannot study at school or do poorly and cannot cope with the normal school load.
  • Appetite disturbances (increase or decrease).
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Depressive states.

Most children with depressive conditions complain of pathological bodily sensations in various parts of the body, most often in the head and chest (heart area) - senesthopathy. Patients call them “pain” and regard them as a sign of a somatic disease. Even doctors can mistake senestopathies for somatic disorders. However, senestopathies are only unpleasant subjective sensations of the patient, not associated with any somatic disease.

Senestopathies usually appear both with physical fatigue and with excitement; they can be episodic, but, as a rule, they are repeated day after day. The characteristics of pain can be very different and usually do not fit into the classic clinical picture of any disease. When a child describes his “pain,” his story is usually vague and vague. “Pain” often changes in intensity and location. For example, colic occurred in the chest, yesterday on the left, today on the right. Tomorrow colic may be replaced by a “bursting” or “aching” pain “in the heart.”

Sometimes a child describes pain as an unusual sensation: “I feel the heart”, “the hand”, “I feel the brain” or “something is in the way”, “extra”. There can be a lot of options here: “heaviness”, “expanding”, “squeezing”, “seething”, “stirring”, “shrinking”, “heat”, “baking”, “cold”, “needles”, etc. If there are an abundance of complaints about senestopathies, it is necessary to consult a child with a psychiatrist.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the form of the syndrome, the patient in the clinic has a combination of one or another of its manifestations, and not necessarily one patient has all of the above symptoms.

The severity is assessed by the number of symptoms encountered and their severity. If there are few signs (up to 10), they speak of a predisposition to the disease, or vegetative lability of the patient.

Vegetative crises

A vegetative crisis, or panic attack, is an attack of acute anxiety, panic, hysteria, accompanied by various unpleasant reactions of the body and sensations. Having survived vegetative crisis, the patient usually describes this condition as a sudden “choking”, or “attack of palpitations”, or “ heart attack" The attack is characterized by a sudden onset and rapid development, within 10 minutes.

During a vegetative crisis, the following may occur:

  • Palpitations.
  • Sweating.
  • Chills and trembling.
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
  • Pain or discomfort in the area of ​​the heart.
  • , weakness, faintness.
  • Acute fear for one's health, fear of death or madness.
  • Waves of heat or cold.
  • There may be convulsive twitching in the limbs, disturbances in gait, vision, speech, and voice.
  • The patient may fall into.
  • The patient may also experience various sensations: lack of air, “lump in the throat,” numbness or tingling in various parts of the body, weakness in an arm or leg, “arching of the body,” “tickling,” “goose bumps,” “electric tingling,” etc. .
  • In addition, the patient usually experiences unpleasant emotions: melancholy, hopelessness, depression, self-pity, etc.

During a crisis, not all of the above effects will necessarily occur, but rather some of the signs, a combination of several of them.

The following factors can provoke vegetative crises:

  • Discord or stressful situations in the family (divorce, death of loved ones, accident), conflict situations at school, with friends, teachers.
  • Hormonal changes during puberty, the onset of sexual activity.
  • Changes in meteorological conditions, overheating in the sun, excessive physical activity, etc.

Vegetative crises are very characteristic of vegetative dystonia syndrome, although in mild cases they may not exist. Probably, each of us at least once in our lives experienced a similar state of fear and panic in some acute situation. It is important to understand here that in the case of vegetative dystonia syndrome, panic attacks are repeated with a certain frequency, patients can wait for them, fearing their onset. The child may even develop a neurosis associated with the fear of a recurrence of the attack. He begins to avoid places where he cannot be helped (transport, being away from home alone, etc.) and circumstances in which he will find himself in a difficult situation in the event of an attack (for example, a teenager meeting a girl or fear of performing in front of an audience, etc.). This greatly spoils the quality of life of such patients: they cannot ride the subway, visit theaters, be alone for a long time and, as a result, become socially maladjusted.

Parents may have the feeling that the child is deliberately, deliberately, out of spite, provoking his bad feeling And vegetative crises. These assumptions are not without foundation. Children can blackmail adults with their condition without even realizing it, subconsciously, seeking their favor or attention. Such children are very sensitive and sensitive to various circumstances, acutely experience loneliness and, of course, require increased care from adults.

Diagnosis of vegetative dystonia in children

As we see, manifestations autonomic dystonia syndrome very diverse. They are difficult to understand and easy to get confused, I’ll tell you a secret, even to a doctor. Parents will have to visit a huge number of specialists, starting with an ENT doctor and a cardiologist, ending with a neurologist, psychologist, and maybe even a psychiatrist, take a lot of tests, undergo a lot of additional functional examinations, including an ECG. electroencephalography, rheography, etc., before getting to the bottom of the truth. The only consolation is that vegetative dystonia, although it greatly spoils the patient’s life, in most cases is not fatal and, with some effort on the part of the parents, can be well corrected.

On the other hand, autonomic dystonia syndrome should be taken seriously. After all, without understanding it, you can miss a really serious organic disease. The diagnosis of autonomic dystonia is established by exclusion. That is, all possible organic lesions and infectious diseases that occur with similar symptoms. In addition, the sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the higher its effectiveness. If you find any signs of SVD, be sure to undergo examinations and visit specialists, whatever your pediatrician recommends.

It is important to correctly determine the form of the lesion and find out which part of the autonomic nervous system is predominant. Because different manifestations of vegetative dystonia are treated differently. For this purpose, special testing of the patient’s vegetative status is carried out.

Treatment of vegetative dystonia in children

Treatment of vegetative dystonia long-term, complex and always individual. Here it is necessary to take into account a lot: the age of the child, his character, the form of the disease, the severity of symptoms, the duration of the disease. Of course, during treatment, the doctor will influence the main manifestations of the disease: reduce blood pressure with arterial hypertension or increase tone with asthenia, correct heart rhythm disturbances, etc. However, especially if severe course, the main thing in therapy will not be drugs, but not medicinal measures.

Set up a daily routine.
- Sleep at least 8-10 hours at night, and, if necessary, nap during the day.
- Walking on fresh air at least 2 hours a day. Prolonged exposure to the sun is contraindicated.
- Alternation of physical and mental stress.

Physical education classes.

Preferred sports: walking, running, tennis, badminton, swimming, cycling, skating, skiing, dancing. Not shown: wrestling, boxing and power types sports (barbell). You can’t completely give up physical education and sports, you just need to select the load individually. If a child is so weak that he cannot attend physical education classes at school, he must engage in physical therapy (physical therapy) in the clinic.

  • The child's nutrition should be complete, but without overeating. Reduce table salt consumption, fatty varieties meat, sweets, with a tendency to increase blood pressure - tea, coffee, Coca-Cola, chocolate, cocoa. Vegetables and fruits, cereals, legumes, vegetable oil, and herbs are very healthy.
  • Creating a normal psychological climate in the family and school.
  • Massage.
  • Psychotherapy. Treatment with hypnosis. Autogenic training.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Music lessons (classical music, but not rock music).
  • Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, electrosleep, solarium, baths, paraffin or ozokerite applications on the cervical region).

Medicines are prescribed only if the measures described above do not help. It is important to understand that “miracle pills” will not help or will only temporarily alleviate the patient’s condition if you do not establish a healthy lifestyle. The selection of medications is strictly individual and is carried out by the attending physician depending on the clinical form and severity of the disease. Typically, children with vegetative dystonia are observed either by a neurologist or a cardiologist, and mild forms can be treated by a pediatrician.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that vegetative-vascular dystonia a very important, pressing problem of childhood. Of course, disorders of the autonomic nervous system may not be so serious, and not all signs of autonomic dystonia may appear. However, parents definitely need to pay attention to it, because its presence greatly affects the child’s quality of life.

In the article we discuss vegetative-vascular dystonia in children. We talk about its classification, reasons for its appearance, and main features. You will learn how diagnosis occurs, what treatment methods are used, and preventive measures.

VSD in children

VSD is a complex of sympathetic disorders of the autonomic nervous system, against the background of which there is a violation of the tone of blood vessels. The disease often occurs in childhood and adolescence against the background of various stresses and experiences, hormonal changes in organism.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in both adults and children suggests only a secondary syndrome, and not an independent disease. Development occurs against the background of homeostasis disturbances. Diagnosis and treatment of VSD in children is carried out the following departments– pediatric neurology, pediatric cardiology, pediatric endocrinology, pediatric gastroenterology and others.

If you suspect vegetative-vascular dystonia in a child, you should seek qualified medical help. The condition often provokes the development of other diseases in children - arterial hypertension, stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma and others.


Vegetative-vascular dystonia is a very multifaceted disease. In children, the disease can take a variety of forms and manifest itself with one or completely different pronounced symptoms.

To prescribe the correct treatment, it is not enough just to diagnose VSD; doctors also need to determine the form of vascular dysfunction. There are several types of condition, depending on the defining criterion.

Depending on the causes of development, the following forms of vascular dystonia are distinguished:

  • neurotic;
  • infectious;
  • hormonal;
  • hereditary;
  • mixed.

Types of VSD depending on the nature of the violations:

  • sympathicotonic;
  • vagotonic;
  • mixed.

According to the scale of distribution of vegetative reactions they are distinguished:

  • generalized form;
  • systemic form;
  • local form.

Vegetative-vascular dysfunction in children occurs in the form of neurotic, cardiac, respiratory or nutritional syndrome.

According to the type of course, latent, permanent and paroxysmal forms are distinguished. The severity of VSD is defined as mild, moderate or severe.

Reasons for development

Most often, vascular dysfunction in children develops against the background of a genetic predisposition to the disease. The hereditary factor is activated when the functioning is impaired individual parts autonomic system as a result of the negative impact of external or internal factors.

The occurrence of VSD in newborns in most cases is caused by various complications of pregnancy in the mother or difficult childbirth. In such situations, the baby’s health is at risk; the likelihood of developing vegetative-vascular dystonia increases if the following conditions are present:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • toxicosis in late stages;
  • birth injuries;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • rapid or, conversely, protracted labor.

In children younger age, preschoolers, schoolchildren and adolescents, the occurrence of vascular dysfunction can provoke disruptions in work endocrine system, infectious diseases, somatic and neuroinfectious diseases, allergies. Even such common illnesses, how caries, pharyngitis, tonsillitis can cause the development of VSD. Disturbance of homeostasis often occurs due to traumatic brain injuries, as well as constitutional abnormalities.

Mental and psychological reasons play an equally significant role. What else can trigger the development of VSD in a child:

  • conflicts in family and school;
  • increased parental care when the child is deprived of free space;
  • regular stress;
  • excessive workload at school;
  • disruption or lack of daily routine;
  • hyperactivity.

Most often, vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs in adolescents. This occurs during the onset of puberty, when the mechanisms of many processes in the body change, primarily in the functioning of the endocrine system. Physiological reasons complemented by misunderstandings in the family and school, conflicts, youthful maximalism, falling in love and other conditions characteristic of adolescence.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of VSD in children are determined by the type of syndrome that occurs against the background of the disease. Medical practice knows about 30 types of groups of manifestations of dysfunction; children are most likely to develop neurotic, cardiac, respiratory or nutritional syndrome.

With neurotic syndrome there are following symptoms pathological process:

  • sleep disorders;
  • fatigue and increased fatigue;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • deterioration of memory and concentration;
  • mood changes;
  • feeling of anxiety and fear;
  • development of various phobias;
  • hysterics;
  • depression.

In cardiac syndrome, a predominance of symptoms of dysfunction is noted cardiovascular systems s. In children and adolescents it is observed different kinds arrhythmias, arterial hypertension or hypotension develops.

Respiratory syndrome includes breathing disorders, which are especially pronounced during physical activity, but the symptoms do not go away even when the child is at rest, for example, in sleep.

How to determine that a baby has VSD with respiratory syndrome:

  • the child periodically takes deep breaths and feels that he does not have enough air;
  • hard to tolerate cold or heat;
  • often feels body chills.

It is most difficult to recognize VSD if a child develops an eating syndrome, which is difficult to attribute to a disruption of the nervous system and a decrease in vascular tone. However, vegetative-vascular dystonia can develop in the form of an eating disorder.

Symptoms of eating syndrome in VSD:

  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • decreased or increased appetite;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • pain in the abdomen, independent of food intake.


At the first suspicion of vegetative-vascular dystonia in a child, you should consult a doctor. First of all, the child should be shown to a pediatrician; the attending general practitioner will refer him for examination and consultation with a pediatric neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, or ophthalmologist, depending on the manifestations of the disease.

To determine autonomic tone, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • 24-hour cardiac monitoring;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • slant test.

The presence of central nervous system disorders is determined through the following diagnostic procedures:

  • rheovasography;
  • rheoencephalography;
  • electroencephalography.

During diagnosis, doctors exclude other diseases that have similar symptoms. VSD is differentiated from infective endocarditis, hypertension, rheumatism, asthma.

Treatment methods

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children is complex. When choosing treatment tactics, doctors take into account the cause of the disease, as well as the most pronounced signs of vascular dysfunction.

The basis of treatment is non-drug methods. It is imperative that parents review the child’s work and rest schedules, sleep, nutrition, and physical activity. Treatment also includes eliminating stress, emotional overstrain, and working with a psychologist and psychotherapist.

In addition to the transition to a healthy lifestyle and normalization of the basic regime, children are prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures.

Procedures that are included in the complex of treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children:

  • neck massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • electrophoresis;
  • galvanization;
  • circular shower;
  • turpentine, pine or carbon dioxide baths.

Children are prescribed exercise therapy. From sports activities you can choose swimming.

Drug therapy is carried out only as prescribed by a pediatric psychoneurologist. The child may be prescribed antidepressants and tranquilizers as medications.


First of all, the prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children includes the separation of work and rest regimes, good sleep, proper nutrition, moderate physical activity, avoidance of stress, emotional and physical stress.

To prevent the development of dysfunction, harmonization of the child’s development is important. The flip side of lack of attention is its overabundance, which can also provoke psychological disorders at the baby's. It is important to take care of the child, but at the same time not violate his personal boundaries.

You will learn more about the treatment and prevention of VSD in children in the following video:

What to remember

  1. VSD in children often occurs as a result of hereditary predisposition, subject to the negative influence of internal and external factors.
  2. With vegetative-vascular dystonia in children, neurotic, cardiac, respiratory or nutritional syndrome occurs.
  3. The basis of treatment is the normalization of work and rest regimes, physiotherapy and exercise therapy procedures.

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Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children is a complex of symptoms that serves as an indicator of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The first manifestations can be observed in children at an early age. Over time, they progress to more serious forms that are difficult to treat.

Disruption of the autonomic nervous system

Thanks to the autonomic nervous system, body temperature and blood pressure are regulated, blood supply to organs, metabolic reactions, heart activity, contraction of smooth muscles of organs and sweat glands.

Various disorders of this part of the nervous system are represented by organ dysfunction and are visualized in the form of fainting, seizures, crises and various manifestations of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, heart, reproductive, urinary system and temperature balance. This affects overall well-being, and therefore, with a slight change in the surrounding comfort factors, the body begins to react with pathological manifestations - lethargy, weakness, irritability, decreased performance, weather dependence, and sleep disorders.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia in children

According to statistics, vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents and children is diagnosed in 25–45% of cases. However, these data cannot be called accurate, since with minor manifestations and mild flow illness, many parents do not go to the doctor and try to treat the child on their own.

Most often, various disorders with VSD in children are consequences of social adaptation. As the child grows, he adapts to new conditions: the first trip to school or kindergarten, increased intellectual and emotional stress, lack of rest, limitations in self-expression, poor nutrition, polluted air and other unfavorable factors.

There are the following main causes of VSD:

  • complicated pregnancy;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • pathological childbirth;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • infectious diseases;
  • nervous tension and stress;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • sleep disturbance.

An unfavorable course of pregnancy with toxicosis, infections, alcohol consumption, as well as its interruption can lead to the formation of VSD even during infancy.

Manifestations of vascular dystonia

Dystonia in children at an early age affects various systems body, so the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the baby’s regular crying for no reason, allergic rashes, shallow sleep, bloating, regurgitation, refusal to eat, insufficient weight gain, diathesis, persistent diaper rash. As a rule, these symptoms occur in combination.

In older children, manifestations of VSD are complemented by fearfulness, tearfulness, increased susceptibility to viral and infectious diseases, isolation and increased impressionability. Vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents is characterized by nightmares, increased fatigue, fainting, regular headaches, and pallor.

In addition, VSD is manifested by various specific syndromes:

  • cardiac or cardiac crisis - manifested by sharp sudden pain in the heart, pressure surges, arrhythmia, tachycardia or bradycardia, sweating, sleep disturbance, feeling of lack of air, extrasystole;
  • vegetative-vascular crisis- appears with chest pain, headaches, palpitations, dizziness, unreasonable fear, a feeling of aortic pulsation, increased pressure and temperature, pallor, hyperemia of the skin in certain places, sweating. After a while, a peak occurs - the urge to urinate and chills, after which asthenia occurs. This is expressed in lack of motivation, fatigue, indifference, muscle weakness, decreased attention and concentration;
  • pulmonary or respiratory syndrome - shortness of breath on exertion and at rest. It is easy to hear, because when there is a lack of air, the child tries to breathe loudly. Suffering acid-base balance and respiratory function;
  • thermoregulatory syndrome is a persistent low-grade fever that can last for months even in the absence of an infectious disease. First, temperature jumps are observed under certain conditions or when the environment changes, after which the temperature does not decrease over a long period;
  • neurotic syndrome- This gradual development symptoms: first, mood decreases and sleep is disturbed, after which unreasonable ambitious behavior, suspiciousness, mental instability and various fears are possible.

VSD in adolescents and children is dangerous because it can provoke the formation of various phobias, mental disorders, inappropriate behavior and pathological functioning of internal organs.

How osteopathy treats vascular dystonia in children

In traditional medicine, VSD is a pathological picture in which a person suffering from this disease experiences frequent headaches, low or high blood pressure, excessive fatigue, decreased endurance and performance, and general malaise. This understanding of the disease is correct in many respects, but in osteopathy it is not broad enough.

For an osteopathic doctor, vegetative-vascular dystonia - complex disorder, which consists in a mismatch in the activity of the central nervous system. Therefore, pathological processes are not limited to headaches, changes in blood pressure, or any other single symptom.

In conditions designated by the term “VSD”, disorders manifest themselves in the nervous and cardiovascular systems, in the glands internal secretion, internal organs, metabolism, etc.

The main diagnostic tool of an osteopathic doctor is his own hands. Thanks to the fingers, the specialist is able to identify disorders in the body and detect pulsations. Similar manifestations quite often they cannot diagnose even when using instrumental high-tech methods. Temperature, mobility and tissue density in certain areas will tell about the causes of the pathological process in children.

Osteopathic treatment of vascular dystonia

To eliminate pathological manifestations of VSD traditional medicine suggests adherence to a healthy lifestyle and a certain diet, as well as drug therapy. Such recommendations are useful, but can only give temporary results. Osteopathy has a serious arsenal of effective therapeutic techniques that are aimed at eliminating the main cause of the disease.

Osteopathy is a relatively new direction of medicine that can determine and eliminate the real cause of abnormalities and resume normal functioning of the body. In a healthy person, blood vessels expand and contract as needed by the body in each specific situation. The reaction of blood vessels to internal and external influences during VSD becomes inadequate (if you stand up abruptly, your vision will darken and you will feel dizzy). This happens when the blood vessels do not react correctly to changes in body position, so less oxygen reaches the brain than necessary.

Also, the command may be distorted during its transmission. One of the central nodes of the central nervous system is located in the solar plexus. When for some reason the diaphragm muscles spasm, the process of impulse transmission is disrupted, and the vessels of different organs begin to receive incorrect instructions.

An osteopathic doctor will help you figure everything out and establish the real reason pathological process. He sets himself the task of not only ridding the patient of the pathological manifestation of the disease, but also completely eliminating the causes of the disease. If the violations did not lead to serious and serious illnesses, thanks to osteopathy you can eliminate them very quickly and easily.

Using special techniques, a specialist is able to relieve spasms and tension and restore normal control of the vascular system. After several painless and comfortable procedures, the signs of VSD disappear. The child begins to live a normal life, and most importantly, he becomes protected from various diseases in the future. Since vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents is especially susceptible to osteopathic treatment and corrections to eliminate pathological disorders One session of procedures is enough. Long-term therapy may be required if more severe changes occur.

Prevention of VSD in children

To cope with the problem, parents and their children need to follow a number of recommendations:

  • establish correct mode day;
  • take walks in the forest, park, near bodies of water;
  • sleep more than eight hours;
  • do morning exercises;
  • Children will also benefit from cycling, swimming, ball games, and table tennis;
  • Parents should create the most comfortable and calm environment at home so that the child can relax after a tiring day.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in adolescents has a fairly favorable prognosis. As a rule, the problem resolves itself with age. The only danger is high blood pressure, which can in the future lead to the formation various pathologies. To avoid this, children should be monitored from an early age, paying attention to any signs of vascular dystonia that appear and, as preventative measures, begin to follow a diet and exercise.

Vegetovascular dystonia is medical term, regarding which there is much controversy.

Some doctors claim that this is a disease associated with a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Others believe that this is not a pathology, but a borderline state between normality and deviation.

A doctor's diagnosis of VSD in a child - what is it, what are the symptoms and signs of the pathology, is treatment required?

Causes of development of VSD in childhood and adolescence

Most doctors believe that VSD- a special condition in which there is a violation in the regulatory function of the autonomic nervous system in relation to the adequate functioning of organs.

As a result, a disorder of vascular tone occurs - their vital activity decreases.

As a result, the process of blood circulation, oxygen supply and nutrients to vital important systems organs. The overall work of the whole body slows down.

Reasons why it may develop VSD in children:

  • hereditary and genetic factors determine the development, severity, severity of VSD;
  • stress, a combination of psycho-emotional factors - strong physical and mental stress, family problems, melancholic personality type, tendency to worry, depression;
  • in the form of a large flow of information;
  • hormonal surge- this factor is typical for children 12-13 years old who have entered puberty;
  • physical inactivity- lack of physical activity and exposure to fresh air;
  • injuries, the effects of toxic substances on the body;
  • severe pregnancy, childbirth- according to statistics, 70% of children with VSD were born as a result of premature, prolonged or rapid labor;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions causes disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system.

Most of the reasons that trigger the development of dystonia in children and adolescents are external, independent of the internal state of the body. Although heredity plays an important role.

Symptoms and signs of vegetative-vascular disorders

Dystonia in children is possible following types:

  • hypokinetic- blood pressure below normal, frequent fainting, general lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy;
  • hyperkinetic- it is characterized by increased blood pressure, rapid pulse, disturbance normal rhythm palpitations, pain in the occipital and temporal regions;
  • cardiac- complaints about heart function dominate: aching pain, a feeling of tingling, heaviness in the left side of the chest, tachycardia;
  • mixed- the listed signs can be combined and periodically change in severity and intensity.

In children and adolescents, the autonomic nervous system is not yet fully formed. Symptoms are blurred due to frequent mood changes and behavioral characteristics.

There is a list of symptoms, the appearance of which should alert and suggest the development of VSD syndrome in children:

  • changes in behavior- sudden change of mood for no reason, loss of interest in favorite activities, anxiety for no reason, apathy;
  • changes in the skin- their color changes, blue or blush may appear. Possible problems in the form of severe dryness and flaking, or acne and increased oiliness. The vascular pattern changes;
  • slowing down the processes of puberty;
  • sleep problems- daytime drowsiness, insomnia;
  • disturbances in thermoregulation processes- causeless sudden decrease or increase in body temperature;
  • violation respiratory processes - breathing becomes shallow, inadequate, shortness of breath appears, breathing changes from rapid to slow;
  • indigestion- appetite decreases, the process of salivation slows down, nausea and a feeling of a lump in the throat may occur.

The listed symptoms should serve as a guideline for seeking medical help.

The sooner the exact cause of such changes in the child’s well-being is established, the greater the chances of complete relief from VSD in the future.

VSD is characterized by the occurrence of crises, in which sudden weakness occurs, the skin turns pale, sweat appears, and a feeling of anxiety and fear appears. This condition often frightens the child; he begins to fear a repetition of the crisis.

The program “Secrets of Health” about the causes and signs of VSD in children and adults:

Correct diagnosis - who to contact, how to examine

The most early signs Dystonia often occurs in children in preschool age(4-5 years). Parents notice frequent shifts mood, lack of appetite, complaints of headaches, etc.

During adolescence Fainting and weakness may occur. If you have such complaints, you should contact your pediatrician.

The doctor conducts an initial examination of the child, measuring weight, height, examination oral cavity, measuring body temperature, listening to breathing; talks about disturbing symptoms and their severity.

As the situation with complaints becomes clearer, the most pronounced the doctor writes a referral for consultation with specialists:

  • cardiologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • neurologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • endocrinologist

Standard and differential diagnosis

Making a diagnosis in children and adolescents is often difficult. However there are standard procedures and examinations, allowing us to determine whether there are changes in vegetative processes and how deep they are. The procedures allow you to determine and general state organism, activity of leading systems.

Accurate diagnosis - vegetative-vascular dystonia- is placed only on the basis of objective data from all examinations, which will confirm that there are no somatic diseases causing unpleasant symptoms.

Standard diagnostics establish how adequately the cardiovascular and respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract. They also reveal the degree of brain activity and the processes occurring in it - excitation and inhibition.

Differential diagnosis is no less important, because dystonia is similar in symptoms to others, more dangerous conditions, which can develop from childhood or be congenital:

List of examinations

The key to success is a competent, carefully planned examination. Algorithm for examining a child with VSD syndrome: carry out first clinical tests - and expanded blood, determine the reading of C-reactive protein.

Based on their readings, one can judge the degree of weakening of the body and the presence of inflammatory processes.

  • ECG - electrocardiography;
  • Holter monitoring;
  • pharmacological and orthostatic tests;
  • EEG - electroencephalogram;
  • rheovasography;
  • computed tomography;
  • nuclear magnetic resonance research.

In case of severe complaints about the gastrointestinal tract, an FGDS is mandatory.- gastroscopy, during which the entire tract will be examined - from the esophagus to the initial part of the small intestine.

All information received is carefully studied and discussed by medical personnel; This way the diagnosis is confirmed or refuted.

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Successful treatment tactics

Comprehensive treatment of dystonia. In its absence, the condition can progress and worsen, leading to the development of persistent neuroses and chronic diseases, including those associated with changes in the structure of the cerebral cortex.

Therapy for vegetative-vascular dystonia includes non-drug and drug treatment. They can do without medications if the course is mild, without crises, fainting, or panic attacks.

Therapy without drugs includes:

Drug therapy includes application:

  • nootropic drugs- they normalize brain activity and improve the quality of metabolic processes. This is Noopept;
  • stimulants plant origin - increase the activity of processes occurring in the nervous system - tincture of ginseng, eleutherococcus;
  • antipsychotics- they reduce severe reaction to environmental irritants, general level of anxiety (Sonapax);
  • drugs for correcting metabolism- have a beneficial effect on the general condition, increase the quality of life; the safest of this group are Elkar, Magne B6;
  • biologically active additives - restore overall tone. Children and adolescents are often prescribed Vetoron, Kudesan, and Multi-tabs.

Complex treatment helps to significantly improve the child’s condition and completely eliminate the appearance of vegetative crises in 3-5 months.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky believes that vegetative-vascular dystonia- not a pathology. This is a natural state of a fragile nervous system.

According to Evgeniy Olegovich, incompletely formed vessels in a child’s body periodically come into a state of tension - tone.

Causes- unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, excessive loads physical plane, stress. This causes headaches, tearfulness, apathy, and problems with appetite.

Komarovsky argues that this condition should be treated not with medications, but formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle:

  • hardening from an early age;
  • staying in the fresh air;
  • physical activity according to age;
  • restriction in watching TV, refusal to use a computer.

Dr. Komarovsky about VSD in children:

Preventive measures that are not required special effort, will significantly reduce the risk of developing VSD in a child.

Prevention should be carried out in the following areas:

  • harden a child from an early age- walking barefoot, sleeping with the transom open, dousing with water - all this strengthens the immune system, heart and blood vessels;
  • learning to have a clear daily routine- sleep and rest, eating should be carried out at strictly allotted times;
  • preventing the development of physical inactivity- get your child interested in sports that interest him, help him find a hobby in order to avoid endless sitting at the computer;
  • training in personal hygiene- it is important to set guidelines for daily brushing of teeth, washing hands before eating, and taking a shower.

One of the main preventative measures- creating an emotionally comfortable environment.

Parents should pay attention to their children, provide assistance in resolving conflicts and support. Avoiding stress and mental stress allows children and adolescents to strengthen their nervous system.

A specialist will talk about the prevention of dystonia in children in this video:

Dystonia is not considered serious leading to serious complications or death. However, it can worsen the child’s general condition, preventing him from developing normally and communicating with peers.

With an adequate approach, this problem can be easily eliminated, the main thing is to trust the doctors at the first manifestations.

In contact with

Vegetative-vascular dystonia today is extremely common among both adults and children. Even advanced research methods cannot reduce the prevalence of the disease. With this pathology, the tone of blood vessels is disrupted, which leads to changes in the activity of various organs and systems of the body.

A condition in which vascular tone is “unbalanced” due to dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is defined as vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD). The pathology is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms from the area of ​​the nervous, endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular systems. Until the age of three, the disease does not manifest itself, after which girls are most susceptible to the disease.

If you suspect that your child has this disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. In the future, the disease can lead to various complications such as bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers and hypertension.

When examining a patient, the causes of the disease, its main symptoms and possible factors risk. Special attention is devoted to the prevention and treatment of dystonia. VSD in children is manifested by intense contraction of the bloodstream - hence many systemic disorders. VSD is often diagnosed in clinically healthy children.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Features of the autonomic nervous system in children

  • Structural and functional characteristics.

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) in newborns is characterized by its immaturity. The process of formation of the ANS occurs as the child grows up. For this reason, reactions do not proceed as quickly as in adults; there is a gradual maturation of synapses (connections) of the nervous system.

In newborns, spontaneous activity of neurons is observed, since their membrane is more permeable to sodium ions. Biological substances and impulses coming from the central nervous system play an important role in the maturation and formation of the function of peripheral ganglion cells.

The main features of the ANS in the first years of development:

  • excessive excitability;
  • lack of stability of reactions of the autonomic system;
  • severe severity of symptoms and rapid agitation.

In children, especially in infancy, there is instability in indicators of ANS function, especially heart rate and respiration. The stability of autonomic reactions begins to develop in the second year of a child’s life.

  • The process of maturation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves.

In children of the first years of life, the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system plays a key role in regulating the functions of internal organs. The parasympathetic department begins to be involved in reflex reactions from the third month of life. At the age of 3 years the influence vagus nerve severe enough that respiratory arrhythmia begins to appear, but the predominant influence of the sympathetic nervous system persists until the age of 7 years. However, despite the fact that in newborns the tone of the vagus nerve is still weak, during this period the oculocardiac Aschner-Dagnini reflex can be observed.

  • The mechanism of tone formation.

In the formation of the tone of the vagus nerve, afferent impulses from various reflexogenic zones, including proprioceptors, play an important role. This is confirmed by the fact that the lack of movement in children is accompanied by insufficient expression of the tone of the vagus nerve.

Important in the formation of the tone of the vagus nerve is the impulse from the baro- and chemoreceptors of the vascular reflexogenic zones. The maturation of the central and peripheral parts of the autonomic and somatic nervous system leads to the formation of the tone of all parts of the central nervous system, including the sympathetic and parasympathetic centers.

To assess the severity of the tone of the ANS sections in children, cardiac reflexes and dermography are used.

  1. Cardiac reflex - pressure on the eyes for 20-60 seconds causes the pulse to slow, blood pressure to decrease, and breathing to slow. The reflex appears quickly (after 3-5 s) or slowly (after 8-10 s). The effect is considered positive if the impulse slows down by 4-12 beats per minute, and sharply positive - by more than 12 beats.
  2. Dermographic reflex - irritation of the skin with the help of strokes causes the appearance of white or red stripes after 5-10 seconds. The disappearance of white stripes is observed after 5-12 seconds, while the severity of red stripes begins to decrease after 3 minutes. The intensity of the severity and duration of preservation of white stripes indicate an increase in the tone of the sympathetic part of the circulatory center, and red stripes indicate a decrease in its activity.

What is VSD?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) are symptoms of various clinical manifestations, which affect all kinds of organs and systems. As a result, deviations occur in the structure and function of the central and/or peripheral parts of the autonomic nervous system.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is not an independent nosological pathology, but together with other pathogenic stimuli it can provoke the development of many diseases and conditions, most often based on psychosomatics (arterial hypertension, coronary disease hearts, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer etc.). Autonomic changes determine the development and course of many diseases in childhood. In turn, any disease, including somatic disease, can potentiate autonomic disorders.

Classification of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Until now, a traditional classification of vegetative-vascular dystonia has not been developed. When formulating a diagnosis, as a rule, the following are taken into account:

  • causal factors;
  • type of autonomic disorders (vagotonia, sympathicotonia, mixed);
  • prevalence of autonomic disorders (general, systemic or local form);
  • systems and organs that are most actively involved in the development of pathology;
  • functional state of the autonomic nervous system;
  • severity (moderate, moderate, severe);
  • nature of the disease development (periodic, constant, paroxysmal).

Symptoms of VSD in children

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by numerous, often striking subjective manifestations that do not correspond to weaker ones objective signs this organ pathology. The clinical picture of vegetative-vascular dystonia largely depends on the direction of autonomic disorders.

  • Vagotonia

In children with this pathology, the following hypochondriacal complaints are identified:

  • fatigue;
  • decreased ability to work;
  • memory problems;
  • sleep disorder (difficulty falling asleep, drowsiness);
  • lethargy;
  • indecision, timidity;
  • depressive state.

A decrease in appetite may be detected in combination with excessive body weight, poor tolerance, poor tolerance to stuffy rooms, feeling of cold or lack of air, periodically occurring deep breaths, feeling of a “coma” in the throat. Vestibular disorders are also noted: dizziness, pain in the legs (usually at night) or in the abdomen, nausea, unreasonable marbling of the skin, acrocyanosis, increased oily skin, a tendency to retain fluid, turning into swelling under the eyes, frequent urination, excessive salivation, spastic constipation , allergies.

Cardiovascular disorders are manifested by pain in the heart, bradyarrhythmia, a tendency to lower blood pressure, an increase in heart size, and a decrease in the tone of the heart muscle. Electrocardiography determines sinus bradycardia(bradyarrhythmia).

  • Sympathicotonia

Children with sympathicotonia are characterized by:

  • mood variability;
  • increased sensitivity to pain;
  • quick distraction from classes;
  • various neurotic conditions.

With sympathicotonia, hot flashes are often complained of. An asthenic body type with increased appetite, pale and dry skin, strong white dermographism, cold feet and hands, numbness and paresthesia in the morning, causeless fever, poor heat tolerance, polyuria. There are no respiratory problems, vestibular disorders are rare.

Cardiovascular disorders appear in combination with tachycardia, increased blood pressure at normal size heart and its loud tones. The ECG often shows sinus tachycardia.

Video: Symptoms of VSD in a child

Concomitant pathology

Much for a child more dangerous than pathology, which can develop against the background of autonomic dysfunction:

  • Arrhythmia
  • Graves' disease
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Itsenko-Cushing syndrome
  • Mental disorders
  • Defect or change in the functioning of the heart muscle
  • Infectious and inflammatory heart disease

Pathology can accompany a large number of syndromes (about thirty). When, during senesthopathy, pain is detected in different points of the body (“wandering pain”), its intensity and location may change.

Causes of VSD in children and risk groups

External irritants may cause:

  • stressful situations in the family;
  • inclusion of new foods in the diet;
  • mental stress due to large quantity information coming from curriculum At school;
  • frequent updating of household items;
  • poor adaptation to the accelerating pace of life.

Additionally, doctors point to genetic predisposition, but this factor only increases the chances of developing the disease and never acts as the main reason for the appearance of VSD in children.

The risk group includes children born as a result of problematic births, premature babies, as well as those whose mothers suffered during pregnancy. infectious diseases. Possible damage central nervous system, developmental abnormalities during pregnancy and early childhood not only form various psychological problems, but also VSD.

One of the most common reasons psychological trauma- difficult psychological situation in the family. The risk of developing the disease increases tenfold in families where there is one parent, parents abuse alcohol/drugs, are isolated from children, or are overprotective.

Allergic reactions, bad climate or weather, the unfavorable environmental situation in the region also increases the risk, especially against the background of psycho-emotional stress, poor nutrition or hormonal disorders.

Diagnosis and identification of the causes of the disease is complicated by the fact that children perceive the disease very subjectively, and their complaints are sometimes far from the actual development of the pathology. For example, when a child has a headache, he may simultaneously complain of abdominal pain and vice versa.

Diagnosis of VSD in children

When identifying the above symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia in a child, it is recommended to go to the clinic, where the following doctors will check him:

  • pediatrician;
  • cardiologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gynecologist (girls);
  • urologist (boys).

Doctors diagnose VSD after the assumption of damage to organs of a different nature has not been confirmed. A set of instrumental studies is prescribed: electrocardiography, Dopplerography, rheovasography, rheoencephalography. These procedures help to localize damage to the autonomous system.

Treatment of VSD in children

Since the child is very sensitive to various stresses, he needs to be protected from all kinds of experiences. Peace, mutual respect and love should rule in the family, and one should in every possible way refrain from any emotional influence. Sometimes even positive, but extremely strong, emotions are harmful.

Children with VSD need to plan weekdays and weekends, balance physical activity with rest. It is extremely important to maintain a positive mood, prefer non-pharmacological methods of treatment, but, as a last resort, do not refuse traditional ways impact.

You should definitely pay attention to the dosage prescribed by your doctor - you should not give the full dose, since the desired effect is achieved gradually.

Children suffering from VSD should be regularly screened for at least once every six months, especially in the off-season.

Non-pharmacological therapeutic effects

Excessive use sedatives may cause unnecessary health problems for the child. Therefore, it is always better to start treating VSD in children with non-drug methods of influence. In fact, this therapy is considered the main one.

  • regular exposure to fresh air;
  • reducing the workload (lessons are completed intermittently);
  • healthy complete diet nutrition;
  • reducing the time spent by the child on the computer and other electronic devices, Related information flows(cell phone, TV);
  • drinking clean water;
  • sleep at least 9 hours;
  • music lessons;
  • therapeutic massage and electrophoresis;
  • acupuncture;
  • psychotherapy;
  • water therapy;
  • physiotherapy.

Herbal medicine is also recommended - the use of lemon balm (neurotic form of the disease) and chamomile (dyspepsia). Physiotherapeutic electrophoresis with bromine (used in the collar area) and electrosleep are effective.

Other herbs that may help treat VSD in children:

  • Siberian ginseng;
  • Aralia;
  • coltsfoot;
  • ginseng;
  • valerian;
  • hawthorn.

Vitamin complexes are a good help in the treatment of VSD in children.

Among the useful sports:

  • tennis;
  • swimming;
  • skates;
  • skiing;
  • outdoor games.

Drug treatment

Medicines prescribed by a doctor are not always taken from a group of drugs with non-pharmacological effects. If a child is able to lead a full life, doctors most often prescribe a balanced combination of medications.

Drug therapy for VSD in children may include the following drugs:

  • blood circulation stimulants;
  • neuroprotectors;
  • antioxidants;
  • blockers;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers.

All medications are prescribed by a doctor individually. There is no “universal” set of medications. Self-medication should be avoided, as this can lead to irreparable consequences for the child’s health.

Antidepressants and tranquilizers are prescribed only in extreme cases, most often the emphasis is on sedatives.

Prevention of VSD in children

Preventive measures include not only the correct daily routine and normalization of the psychological climate in the family. Doctors recommend balancing the patient’s daily diet. In particular, you need to use more legumes, berries, grains, fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils, nuts and dried fruits.

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