How many grams of cinnamon can you consume per day? Cinnamon: the benefits and harms of your favorite fragrant seasoning. Composition and use of cinnamon: its beneficial properties and harmful qualities. Cinnamon - beneficial properties and contraindications

Everyone probably associates the unique smell of cinnamon with warmth, comfort, fragrant homemade baked goods, and pleasant evenings spent with family. Despite the popularity and spread of this spice, we know too little about it. It's time to fix this and fill the gap.

So let's talk about what are the benefits of cinnamon, how best to use it, how to store it and how it helps you lose weight.

Cinnamon is the dried bark of an evergreen tree., which grows in South-East Asia, predominantly in Sri Lanka, and are also grown commercially in India, Brazil, Vietnam, Egypt and China. It is worth noting here that Ceylon cinnamon is valued higher than Chinese cinnamon.

In ancient times, cinnamon was highly valued and was often given as a gift to rulers and monarchs. By the way, I advise you to read the history of cinnamon (on Wikipedia, for example), it is quite fascinating.

Cinnamon as a spice It is used primarily for the preparation of desserts, liqueurs, chocolate, candies, and various warming drinks, marinades. In the Middle East, cinnamon is added to meat dishes.

Cinnamon in cosmetology– essential oil is made from cinnamon, which is widely used in perfumes and cosmetics. It is indispensable in fragrances, as it is believed to impart an “oriental” note.

Cinnamon in medicine– ointments and warming creams are made based on cinnamon. Cinnamon essential oil is added to cold and flu medications. Cinnamon has been proven effective in treating type 2 diabetes.

cinnamon tree

Cinnamon - beneficial properties

What few people know is that cinnamon is not just aromatic spice, but a real storehouse of useful substances.

Cinnamon is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Used for weight loss, strengthening the immune system, treating colds, gastritis, and relieving joint pain due to arthritis.

Cinnamon is very good for diabetics as they reduce blood sugar levels. It improves brain function and acts as a tonic for the whole body. Helps eliminate nervous pressure, calms, improves memory.

Thanks to its ability to improve blood circulation, cinnamon stimulates the acceleration of metabolism and reduces the risk of heart attacks.

Speaking about the benefits and the dangers of cinnamon, It is worth mentioning that, like turmeric, it reduces blood clotting, which can be both a plus and a minus. On the one hand, it is good, as it prevents blockage of blood vessels, on the other hand, it should not be consumed at least 2 weeks before surgery.

For indigestion and nausea you can easily get rid of it if you drink a glass warm water with honey and cinnamon.

For joint pain– mix 1 teaspoon of honey and the same amount of ground cinnamon. If the mass turns out to be too hard, then you need to add a little warm water so that the consistency resembles a paste. This mixture is used to massage the joint that is bothering you. At the same time, it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water with 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1-2 times a day half an hour before meals.

Some more properties of cinnamon:

  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • is a natural aphrodisiac;
  • Cinnamon is very useful for hair, as well as in masks against acne on the face;
  • improves the well-being of those with high blood pressure.

Cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon is actively used in combination with diets by those who wish. It is an excellent assistant in this difficult task, as it promotes the conversion of sugar into energy and also improves performance. digestive system and the intestines in particular.

Read also:

Of course, this doesn't mean you can safely eat cinnamon rolls and wait until your waist becomes as thin as a model's. You always need to remember what to lose weight and most importantly, then the weight did not return, you need to stick to it healthy image life as much as possible. And of course, no cinnamon rolls or pies, but you can still treat yourself to baked apples with cinnamon :).

We will write about recipes for weight loss with cinnamon in the next article, stay tuned.

For those interested in the topic of losing weight, read also how you can lose weight with the help of another healthy spice:.

Cinnamon essential oil - benefits

Cinnamon essential oil has a strong piquant aroma, it is very useful for those who need relaxation and restoration of vitality, and restoration of immunity.

Some healthy recipes with cinnamon oil:

Warming foot baths– in order to warm the feet and relieve fatigue, add 2 drops of cinnamon oil and 5 drops of rosemary oil to several liters of water.

Massage mixture– 25 ml oil grape seeds, 2 drops cinnamon oil, 2 drops oil. A massage with these oils will warm you up and relieve muscle pain.

Room spray– if you don’t like the artificial smell of regular deodorants, this recipe is for you. In a vaporizer jar (approximately 250 ml) add 1 drop of cinnamon oil, 3 drops of basil oil and 5 drops of lemon oil. It is this mixture that will relieve you of fatigue and lethargy.

Cinnamon - contraindications

It is not recommended to consume more than 3 tablespoons of cinnamon per day, otherwise there is a high risk of acute allergic reactions. And German scientists even calculated that healthy man should not consume more than 0.1 milligram of cinnamon per 1 kg of body weight per day. So, if a person weighs 60 kg - his permissible norm cinnamon per day is: 0.1*60 = 6 mg.

Cinnamon should not be consumed along with medications that increase blood circulation., such as, for example, asprin. Cinnamon has similar action and some kind of “overdose” may occur and even bleeding is possible.

Despite the fact that the benefits of cinnamon for diabetics have been proven by experts, before starting a diet with cinnamon, you should consult your doctor to eliminate any health risks.

How to choose and store cinnamon

Real and Chinese cinnamon- What's the Difference?

When buying cinnamon, pay attention to the origin, real cinnamon has scientific name Cinnamomum zeylanicum. However, there is a species of related tree that looks like cinnamon- This Chinese cinnamon or cassia(Cinnamomum aromaticum). The bark from this tree is often passed off as real cinnamon, and the packaging is labeled “Indonesian cinnamon.”

Real cinnamon sticks are thinner and easier to break. It's more fragrant

Most of the cinnamon sold in the mass market is actually Chinese cinnamon or cassia bark. Therefore, if you want to buy real cinnamon, which is more aromatic and healthier, then the easiest way is to focus on its origin. If the country of origin is indicated as Sri Lanka, or at least Brazil, the chances that you have real cinnamon in your hands are much higher.

Since cinnamon is sold both in ground and in the form of sticks, we recommend that you first choose the form that is most convenient for you, depending on the purpose of its use. Of course, cinnamon sticks are much more aromatic and pleasant, but it cannot be used everywhere.

I suggest you look interesting video program “It's Healthy to Live!” about the benefits and harms of cinnamon:

Cinnamon is one of the most delicious and favorite spices, which gives many products a special flavor. Her beneficial features were known back in Ancient China, when for just one kilogram of cinnamon powder, the rich paid doctors a whole bag of gold coins. Is cinnamon good for you? to modern man, we will learn from this article.

Beneficial properties of cinnamon for everyone losing weight

Cinnamon can boast of its unique composition, which includes substances such as cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic alcohol. The first fights the formation of blood clots in the human body, and the second provides strong antiseptic effect.


Cinnamon effectively lowers blood sugar levels, so it is incredibly useful for weight loss, and also as a pleasant bonus for those suffering from diabetes. Its rich sweet aroma allows you to deceive the stomach for a while and confirm it in the thought that it is full. In addition, all nutritionists know the fact that cinnamon can increase metabolism by almost 20 times!

Useful substances in cinnamon

  • cinnamaldehyde;
  • essential oils;
  • cinnamon alcohol;
  • monosaccharides and diasaccharides;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • dietary fiber and proteins;
  • vitamins A, B, C, E and PP;
  • various macro and microelements.

Cinnamon also helps remove harmful toxins from the body, eliminate toxins and improve intestinal function. Is cinnamon with honey good for you? Still would! Nothing can replace the enormous benefits for everyone losing weight. aromatic tea with cinnamon and honey. But remember that honey should only be eaten as a bite with a hot drink; under no circumstances should it be dissolved in tea. Cinnamon will help significantly reduce weight and normalize cholesterol levels.

For whom is cinnamon harmful?

  1. Internal bleeding;
  2. Individual intolerance;
  3. Early pregnancy;
  4. High blood pressure and heart disease;
  5. Liver and kidney diseases;
  6. It is not recommended to eat while taking medications.

How much cinnamon can you eat per day?

Moderation is always necessary in everything, so you should not be overzealous in consuming cinnamon. Just 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon is enough to give your favorite dish the delicate and aromatic taste of this oriental spice.

How to choose and store cinnamon correctly

Quite often, unscrupulous manufacturers dilute cinnamon powder with powdered sugar. That is why it is recommended to buy whole cinnamon sticks and grind them into powder yourself using a blender. Before purchasing, pay attention to the strength and richness of the aroma of cinnamon sticks. If they smell weak, then most likely you have a stale product, the benefits of which are very doubtful. Fresh cinnamon will smell strong, sweet and spicy.

In order to preserve the beneficial properties of cinnamon for long time, store it in a glass container, tightly closed and hidden in a dark closet away from moisture and sun rays. To prolong its freshness and benefits, you can store cinnamon powder in the refrigerator.

Healthy recipes with cinnamon

Cinnamon can enrich the taste and aroma of almost any dish, but it is especially tasty to add a pinch of this wonderful spice to meat, poultry, mushroom and meat marinades, as well as all kinds of sweet baked goods and confectionery products.

Baking an apple with cinnamon

Simply the perfect dessert for anyone struggling with... overweight, but cannot resist sweet and aromatic dishes. Get ready for this delicious dish very fast and easy. We will need several apples, as well as honey, cottage cheese, raisins, figs, nuts and berries. You can choose any of these ingredients that suit your taste. Wash our apples thoroughly, cut off the top and carefully remove the core. Now we put any of the indicated products inside the apple, for example, cottage cheese, honey and nuts. Next, sprinkle the apple with cinnamon, cover with the cut top, like a lid, and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Coffee with cinnamon for slimness, energy and health

All lovers of strong, rich coffee can treat themselves to another delicious and useful recipe coffee. To do this, put 2 teaspoons of ground natural coffee in a Turk, add a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg and 1-2 dried cloves. Add the required amount and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. The longer the coffee is brewed, the richer and richer its taste will be. Once the drink begins to bubble and rise rapidly, quickly remove it from the heat and pour into a cup. You can add preheated cream or a spoonful of vanilla ice cream if you are not concerned about the calorie content of such a drink. This divinely delicious coffee will give you a boost of energy and positive emotions for the whole day!

Which is widely used in cooking. It has been valued since ancient times for its healing properties. Many people associate the aroma of cinnamon with comfort and warmth, delicious homemade baked goods. Therefore, most housewives constantly buy this spice. But do they only buy cinnamon? Most likely, almost no one knows that there are two identical spices - cassia and cinnamon. You need to figure out how to distinguish them. After all, the most widely sold spice is cassia - a low-quality and often harmful substitute for this spice.

Benefits of cinnamon

It is no coincidence that this spice has been known and popular since ancient times. It was used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. It was believed that cinnamon calms and gives peace, warms and cures colds. In addition, this spice invigorates, gives good mood and improves memory. It contains a lot of manganese, calcium, iron and fiber. And the special substance eugenol helps accelerate tissue regeneration and wound healing.

Modern medicine has proven medicinal value cinnamon. This spice has the following properties:

How to use cinnamon correctly

This spice is most often used in cooking. Everyone is familiar with the smell of baking with cinnamon, which is associated with comfort and tranquility. But this seasoning is also successfully added to desserts, drinks, salads, and main courses. Especially popular are cinnamon coffee, apple pie or baked chicken.

There are several recipes for using cinnamon to treat various diseases:

  • Brew half a teaspoon of powder and a pinch of black pepper with a glass of boiling water, cool slightly, add a spoonful of honey and drink for flu or cold;
  • if you mix a spoonful of honey with half a spoonful of cinnamon, this mixture helps with nasal congestion and cough;
  • an infusion of cinnamon with honey, consumed on an empty stomach, helps reduce weight;
  • A glass of kefir with a teaspoon of cinnamon in the morning helps improve digestion and normalize blood pressure.

Cinnamon can also be used in cosmetology. When mixed with honey, the powder brightens the skin and makes it softer. When added to hair masks, it accelerates hair growth.

Types of cinnamon

This spice is highly valued and widely distributed. But the process of obtaining real cinnamon is very labor-intensive, and the trees whose bark is taken to produce it grow only in a few places. Therefore, both cassia and cinnamon are most often found on sale. Few people know how to distinguish them from each other. Usually people do not realize that there are 4 types of cinnamon, of which only one is truly valuable:

  • Ceylon cinnamon, or quinamon, is a real expensive spice;
  • Indonesian or Chinese cassia;
  • Malabar brown, or tree cinnamon, also called “cassia vera”;
  • cinnamon, or spicy cinnamon.

In addition, cinnamon substitutes are often used commercially and in food production: Burmese or bay cinnamon, as well as cinnamon extract.

Ceylon cinnamon

Both cassia and real cinnamon have a spicy aroma and add flavor to baked goods. But only spice from a tree growing in Ceylon, on the island of Sri Lanka and in South India brings benefits. This is the most valuable type of cinnamon - Ceylon. It has a rich, delicate aroma and a light brown hue. These cinnamon sticks are thin and fragile and crumble easily.

For its production, young trees 1-2 years old are used. A thin layer of inner bark is removed from them. It is dried in the sun and hand-wrapped into tubes. Then it is cut into sticks about 12 cm long or ground into powder.

Characteristics of Cassia

Despite the fact that this particular spice is presented on the shelves of our stores in 90% of cases, few people know this name. What cassia is is known mainly by culinary specialists and those who are seriously concerned about their health. This seasoning is made from trees related to cinnamon, but with slight differences. They grow in Vietnam, Indonesia and China. To produce cassia, whole pieces of bark are taken from trees that are at least 7 years old. That is why the sticks of this seasoning turn out to be so hard and rough, and its smell is sharp and bitter.

Why is cassia dangerous?

There would be no need to try to find out whether you bought real cinnamon, because the aroma of the fake is still pleasant. But in fact, constant consumption of cassia is dangerous to health. It contains very a large number of tannins, and most importantly, coumarin. Its content exceeds the permissible limit by 1200 times. In cassia it is present in amounts of more than 2 g/kg.

Coumarin is called differently rat poison and is quite poisonous to humans. If consumed frequently, it accumulates and damages the liver and kidneys. A person begins to experience headaches, indigestion, and dizziness. It became known that dangerous dose coumarin for baby preschool age contained in 4 cinnamon cookies. For an adult, 6-7 mg of cassia, that is, a fifth of a teaspoon, is toxic.

The main differences between cinnamon and cassia

At first glance, these spices are not different, which is why there is such confusion. Most people don't realize that both cassia and cinnamon are commercially available. What is the difference between them can be understood by studying their characteristics in detail. Since people most often buy powder, you need to know how they differ. Real cinnamon is more light color, has a subtle pleasant aroma, slightly sweet. Cassia, on the other hand, is dark, even with a reddish tint, smells more sharply, and leaves a bitter aftertaste.

Cinnamon and cassia sticks

It is in this form that this spice is more useful. Flour or starch is often added to the powder to make it more crumbly. In addition, during storage, ground spice loses its aromatic and taste qualities. And the sticks make it easier to compare cassia and cinnamon.

How to choose real cinnamon

In most cases, people purchase this spice in sealed bags, so they cannot determine the color, much less smell it. In this case, you need to first look at the name and country of manufacture. Real Ceylon cinnamon is produced in Sri Lanka. China, Vietnam, Indonesia, and even more so other countries are producing cassia. A conscientious manufacturer will also correctly indicate the name of the product: Cinnamomum zeylonicum is real cinnamon, and Cinnamomum aromaticum is fake.

In addition, it would not hurt to pay attention to the price: real cinnamon cannot be cheap, it is usually 5-10 times more expensive than cassia. The expiration date is also important. After all, after a year of storage, cinnamon loses its properties and aroma.

How to Test the Quality of Cinnamon at Home

What should those who just found out that cinnamon and cassia exist? How to distinguish a fake product at home from an already purchased product? You can look at the color so that it is not very dark, smell it. But the most informative way is to take a little powder and drop a drop of iodine into it. Real cinnamon will hardly change color, but cassia will turn dark blue. You can also determine it by taste. Cinnamon is sweetish-spicy, has a mild taste and delicate aroma. Cassia smells more strongly, bitter and pungent. And if you pour boiling water over a little powder, the cinnamon residue will become jelly-like and red-brown.

Now you know that cassia and cinnamon are very similar. How to distinguish them? If there are sticks in front of you, then you need to try to break them. Ceylon cinnamon is fragile and breaks easily, while cassia is dense and rough. The fake will be a strip of thick bark, slightly curled, often only on one side.

Now you know that both cassia and cinnamon are available for sale. It’s quite easy to remember how to distinguish them. Therefore, you can take advantage of all the beneficial properties of real noble cinnamon.

Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree. Today the spice is available in every store, although in fact it is not real spice. There are two main types of cinnamon: Ceylon, also known as “real” cinnamon, and cassia, a product obtained from the Cassia cinnamon tree. This is what people most often call “cinnamon”, which you can buy in the supermarket. The beneficial properties of cinnamon lie in its pleasant, rich aroma of a sweet and warming nature. The spice is used as an additive to sweets, baked goods, coffee, drinks, as well as various dishes. It is also used in medicine due to some medicinal properties.


Cinnamon is made by cutting the stems of the cinnamon tree. Inner cortex extracted and its woody parts removed. When the bark dries, it curls into rolls, which we used to call cinnamon sticks. They can be ground to form a powder. The rich aroma of this spice comes from the oily part of the bark, which contains large amounts of a substance called cinnamaldehyde. It is the one that is most important for human health.

The healing purposes of cinnamon have been known to mankind for a long time. Traditionally, this spice has been used to treat entire groups of diseases, including:

  • respiratory infections;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Is cinnamon really good for you? This spice is known as a natural anti-inflammatory agent, as well as a substance that can improve cognitive function when overworked. Other beneficial properties of this spice for the human body allow it to be used for prevention. various pathologies, among which:

Anti-inflammatory properties

The high popularity of cinnamon in medical practice associated with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect this spice. Inflammation is a necessary reaction of the body in response to infection, but if chronic, it can cause tissue damage. The anti-inflammatory properties of cinnamon have also been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and positive influence for blood markers. The spice is often used to normalize increased blood pressure V folk medicine.

Cinnamon at regular use reduces total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides, while HDL cholesterol remains within normal limits. Recent studies have found that a dose of just 120 mg of cinnamon per day helps stabilize blood lipid levels in men and women, maintaining the amount of “good” cholesterol. Thanks to this property, the spice is very useful for people with overweight body, as well as a predisposition to atherosclerosis - the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls blood vessels.

Cinnamon, insulin and diabetes

Insulin is one of the essential hormones regulating metabolism and energy consumption in the body. It is responsible for transporting sugar from the blood into cells. Some people have high insulin resistance, which is a sign serious pathologies such as type II diabetes. It has been proven that consuming cinnamon can significantly reduce resistance, helping insulin do its main job.

Cinnamon is well known for its ability to lower blood sugar levels, and not only by reducing insulin resistance. The spice reduces the amount of glucose entering the bloodstream immediately after eating. The substances contained in the spice slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates in digestive tract. The spice has another important property: it imitates the action of insulin in the blood, causing cells to absorb glucose much more slowly. Thanks to the combination of these anti-diabetic properties, consuming cinnamon can reduce fasting blood sugar by up to 10-30%. To do this, it is enough to consume 1-6 grams of cinnamon per day (about 0.5-2 teaspoons).

Prevention of cancer with cinnamon

Cancer - serious illness characterized by uncontrolled cell growth. Cinnamon is known to have good prospects for use in the prevention and treatment of cancer. The anti-cancer effect of the spice is known to reduce the growth of malignant cells, as well as prevent the formation of blood vessels in tumors. A study in mice with colon cancer found that cinnamon is a potent activator of detoxifying enzymes that protect against further development oncology. Cinnamon activates protective antioxidant reactions in intestinal cells.

Antibacterial and antifungal properties of the spice

Cinnamaldehyde, main active ingredient this spice helps fight different types infections. Cinnamon oil effectively treats infections caused by fungi. Cinnamaldehyde may also inhibit the growth of certain bacteria, including Listeria and Salmonella.

The bactericidal properties of the spice can help get rid of tooth decay and bad breath. Like peppermint, one of the beneficial properties of cinnamon is that it can also be used as a natural flavoring in chewing gum, and also as an ingredient in tooth powder. Cinnamon can also be used to treat toothaches, problems with teeth and gums.

Cinnamon is also widely used in cosmetology. Due to the pleasant aroma of the spice, it is used as an aromatic additive to various means– shampoos, conditioners, natural soaps, face masks. In perfumery, cinnamon is used to produce perfumes, colognes, and sachets.


Cinnamon is consumed in small quantities, which makes it difficult to talk about the health hazards of this spice, especially when it comes to true cinnamon. But unlike it, the cassia variety contains significant amount a compound called coumarin, which is considered harmful to the body. If coumarin is consumed in large quantities, it can be toxic to the liver. It is also not recommended to use cinnamon if you are prone to food allergies.

Dietary properties

As a product obtained from natural source, cinnamon contains a large amount of vitamins, trace elements and minerals. The spice contains almost all valuable vitamins, including retinol and beta-carotene, B vitamins, ascorbic acid(vitamin C), tocopherol (vitamin E), vitamins K and PP.

Among the macro- and microelements in cinnamon, the leader is calcium, which forms the basis of this substance (1002 mg per 100 g of cinnamon powder). The spice also contains 15% magnesium, 8% phosphorus, 46% iron, 34% copper. Manganese competes with calcium in cinnamon content - its amount is 873%. The spice also contains a small amount of zinc (15%) and selenium (5%).

The dietary properties and benefits of cinnamon lie in the low calorie content of this product combined with its excellent taste qualities. Because of its naturally sweet flavor, adding cinnamon to ready meals and drinks will help reduce the amount of sugar consumed, thereby reducing the glycemic load of food. The anti-diabetic properties of cinnamon described above help cope with cravings for sweet foods. This is a very valuable property of the spice for dietary nutrition for the purpose of losing weight.

Calorie content

One of the advantages of cinnamon over sugar is its minimal calorie content. One teaspoon of cinnamon contains only 19 kcal, and 100 g of the spice contains 247 kcal. This allows you to use the spice as an alternative to sugar in coffee, fermented milk products, oatmeal and fruit.


This spice has virtually no contraindications. A small amount of cinnamon powder added to sweet dishes, baked goods and drinks is not capable of harming human health. The exception is people prone to allergies. Some doctors recommend using cinnamon with caution for people who have the following characteristics:

  • bleeding disorders;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis with increased acidity gastric juice;
  • high body temperature, fever.

Is it possible for pregnant or breastfeeding women

Theoretically, cinnamon has no effect negative influence on the health of a pregnant woman and unborn child, if consumed in moderate doses. However, abuse of this spice increases the tone of the uterus and can cause premature birth in women who have problems with pregnancy and a history of miscarriages.

The nutritional value

For 100 g of cinnamon powder there is:

Vitamins, minerals and trace elements:

A 15 mcg
IN 1 0.022 mg
AT 2 0.041 mg
AT 4 11 mg
AT 5 0.358 mg
AT 6 0.158 mg
AT 9 6 mcg
C 3.8 mg
E 2.32 mg
TO 31.2 mcg
RR 1.332 mg
Potassium 431 mg
Calcium 1002 mg
Magnesium 60 mg
Sodium 10 mg
Phosphorus 64 mg
Iron 8.32 mg
Manganese 17.466 mg
Copper 339 mcg
Selenium 3.1 mcg
Zinc 1.83 mg

How to use

Cinnamon is used in the form of whole sticks of twisted bark, as well as in ground form. Typically, cinnamon is used as a spice for sweet dishes, desserts and baked goods. During the preparation of sweets flour products– buns, bagels, cookies, gingerbread, muffins – they are sprinkled with ground cinnamon at the very end of the cooking process.

In the cuisines of eastern peoples, cinnamon is used as an additive to meat dishes, rice side dishes (pilaf) and other products. Unlike European culinary traditions, cinnamon is added at the very beginning when preparing oriental dishes, heated in a dry frying pan along with other spices. Cinnamon is especially often used in Indian dishes, where it is part of a special mixture of spices - garam masala.

Cinnamon sticks are included in classic recipe mulled wine and other hot drinks alcoholic drinks based on wine.

Cinnamon goes perfectly with natural black coffee. The warm aroma of the drink blends perfectly with the warming scent of cinnamon. Only chocolate can complement it, which is also great due to the sweetish aroma of cocoa. Another food that cinnamon goes well with is apples. A popular sweet dish - charlotte with apples - requires the addition of cinnamon at the end of baking.

Cinnamon goes well with natural honey. The mixture of these ingredients has an excellent warming effect, which is why it is used for treatment colds.


Cinnamon should be stored in an airtight non-metal container in a dry place protected from direct sunlight. It is not advisable to leave the spice in an open container, because... Over time, the aroma of the spice may weaken.

One of known properties The benefit of cinnamon is that it can be used to preserve food. Because cinnamon has antibacterial abilities and also acts as an antioxidant, it can be used as a preservative in many foods without the need for chemicals and artificial ingredients.

How to choose

Ideal for preparing sweet and meat dishes you need to use “real” Ceylon cinnamon. The real spice can be distinguished from its cheaper analogue, cassia, by its color and smell. Cassia sticks have a richer brown color with a reddish tint. While the real spice has a light brown uniform color. The smell of real cinnamon is not as intense as that of cassia, it is warmer and softer.

If you can't find true cinnamon, you can use cassia. It must be selected carefully, avoiding broken and crumbled sticks.

What goes with it?

The pleasant, warming aroma of cinnamon is ideal for many products. Traditionally, cinnamon is combined with the following products:

  • sweet pastries, shortbread dough;
  • apples, pears;
  • natural honey;
  • raisin;
  • citrus;
  • red sweet and semi-sweet wine;
  • natural coffe;
  • chocolate.

Cinnamon is a popular spice used to prepare sweet dishes, desserts, baked goods, mulled wine, coffee and other popular products. At the same time, this spice is known for its therapeutic effect due to anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, cardioprotective and antidiabetic properties.

I’m sure everyone is familiar with cinnamon and we use it exclusively as an aromatic spice. Do you know that it not only adds aroma and taste to the dish. The beneficial properties of cinnamon and its contraindications have been known since ancient times, using it for health and beauty.

Everyone knows the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite, whose charms neither mortal nor celestial could resist.

One of the legends describes that Aphrodite wore a belt, and it was in it that the power of her love lay. A magical aroma emanated from the belt, so much magic was concentrated in it that even Great Hera She borrowed it more than once in order to captivate Zeus even more. Aphrodite sewed into this belt aromatic spice- cinnamon and she herself went down to Earth for it.

Cinnamon - beneficial properties and contraindications

Cinnamon is still considered the No. 1 spice for a romantic dinner, being the most powerful stimulant of women's charms. In order to attract attention and win over the chosen one, cinnamon has always been added to a drink or food. Apparently it's not just that Victorian era In the language of flowers, cinnamon meant “My destiny is in your hands.”

Cinnamon was such a valuable spice that disputes over the ownership of the territory where it grew more than once spilled over into hostilities.

But I don’t think that wars would be fought just because of the romantic characteristics of this spice. In ancient times, poems were dedicated to her and she was accessible only to rulers and their entourage.

Why was it so valued and is still valued to this day? aromatic cinnamon. This is what we will talk about today.

Before we start talking about the beneficial properties of cinnamon and its possible contraindications, let's first figure out what kind of spice this is and what kind of plant cinnamon is.

Cinnamon - how it grows, how it is collected

Cinnamon is a plant, or more precisely, a shrub from the laurel family. Most often found in southern India and Sri Lanka. It has oblong-oval leaves about 18 cm long. Bunches of flowers form inflorescences and have a greenish tint.

One might assume that such a fragrant spice is made from flowers. But no, the flowers of this plant have an unpleasant aroma. To prepare the spice, the bark of this shrub is collected. But it's not that simple.

First, it is grown for 2 years, then it is cut off at the root, new shoots grow and the bark is taken from these shoots. But to prepare the spice, the entire bark is not used, but only the inner, thin layer, which is cut off and, when dried, curled into tubes.

The most popular are 4 types of plants and, accordingly, spices:

  • Ceylon - aromatic, slightly hot with a sweetish taste, another name is kinamon or noble cinnamon- the best and most valuable;
  • Malabar - has a pronounced bitter taste;
  • cinnamon - with a spicy taste and pungent odor;
  • Chinese - not very fragrant, hot and sharp, another name for cassia or Indian.

Benefits of cinnamon for human health

The beneficial properties of cinnamon for human health are evidenced by its valuable composition, and now you will see this for yourself, read on.

Quite a high-calorie spice - 247 kcal per 100 g. product. The composition includes a large amount of carbohydrates, exceeding the content of fats and proteins.

Cinnamon is very rich in useful substances:

  • Vitamins - A, group of vitamins B, C, E, K, PP.
  • Mineral composition - iron, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, selenium.
  • Cinnamon also contains a lot of fiber, tannins, gum, resin, pectin, coumarin, from 2 to 3.5% essential oil, consisting of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol.

Impressive, right? So let's find out what effect cinnamon has on human health and what its benefits are.

People with diabetes mellitus Helps lower blood sugar levels and activates insulin production. For more detailed information, watch the video.

Cinnamon for hypertension

Cinnamon helps prevent cardiovascular diseases; it is indicated for the prevention of strokes, heart attacks and other circulatory disorders. Is vasodilator, prevents the formation of blood clots. Reduces the level bad cholesterol in blood.

For health, it is enough for hypertensive patients to take less than a teaspoon of spice per day, but not pure form, but as an ingredient healthy drinks and dishes. As a quick measure to normalize blood pressure in case of hypertension, it is recommended to drink the following drink:

Mix a pinch of cinnamon with a spoonful of honey and dilute it in a small amount of warm water.

This drink will prevent the development of a stroke and soothe headaches.

Benefits of cinnamon for women

In addition to the above beneficial effects on the body, there is something that concerns women specifically:

But it is precisely this property of cinnamon that makes it a product that should not be consumed by pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriage.

  • For nursing mothers, tea with cinnamon and milk can improve lactation.

Benefits of cinnamon for men

Has its own beneficial influence cinnamon and on the male body:

  • Regular consumption of the spice not only prevents prostatitis, but also facilitates the treatment process.
  • spice helps accelerate glucose metabolism, which increases the production of testosterone, which is so necessary for normal erectile function.
  • With age, men's blood gradually thickens, and cinnamon can thin the blood, which reduces the risk of heart attacks and congestion in the pelvis.
  • cinnamon is a natural and strong aphrodisiac that can tone and invigorate a man, increase his libido and sexual performance.

Benefits of cinnamon for weight loss

Cinnamon is also known as a means of helping with weight loss:

  • this spice accelerates metabolism, including the metabolism of carbohydrates, preventing them from being converted into fat;
  • cinnamon slows down the digestive processes in the stomach - it important property for those who want to lose weight - with the support of spice, it is easier to wait until the next meal without additional snacks;
  • including cinnamon in the diet reduces glycemic index food by 18 - 29%, and this is also important for weight loss;
  • cinnamon can increase metabolism;
  • nutritionists claim that cinnamon reduces cravings for sweets and that losing weight with cinnamon is much easier.

Cinnamon is also in demand in cosmetology due to its healing effect on the skin of the face, body, hair, has an anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates metabolic processes in skin cells, all this is due to the presence of antioxidants and tannins in cinnamon.

So the area of ​​application of cinnamon is quite extensive - cooking, traditional medicine, cosmetology, aromatherapy.

Cinnamon will be appropriate in fruit salads, cereals, hot drinks, good in baking, it can be used for home preservation due to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

In aromatherapy, cinnamon is used to increase performance and improve memory.

In cosmetology to soften, lighten hair, improve skin condition.

In folk medicine in the treatment of colds, to strengthen the immune system, in the treatment of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and many other diseases.

A separate story is the benefits of honey and cinnamon - scientists different countries Having studied these two products, we came to the conclusion that this combination - honey and cinnamon - has a beneficial effect on the entire body, strengthening it, slowing down the aging process of the body, improving the quality of life and increasing life expectancy.

Here it would be nice to move on to recipes, but there were so many of them that I decided to separate them into a separate article, so stay tuned to the blog.

But the topic is not finished yet, because we have not yet talked about the dangers of cinnamon and whether it exists.

Harm of cinnamon to human health

Despite so many advantages, there are also disadvantages, although they are much fewer. And despite its beneficial properties, cinnamon can also cause harm to human health, so you shouldn’t eat cinnamon with spoons, it’s still a spice and it only serves as an additive to our diet.

  • I said earlier that it helps with stressful situations, depression, but if you overdo it with spice, the opposite effect can occur, apathy and depression can only intensify.
  • A healthy person can use cinnamon without fear for their well-being, but as I said, within reasonable limits. There are no clear recommendations - how much - apparently it is assumed that it is quite difficult to overdo the spice. But some sources have information - no more than 1 teaspoon and not at one time.
  • Doctors recommend using cinnamon carefully and not often for people with high blood pressure and people with heart disease, but you shouldn’t give it up at all, because it lowers cholesterol and reduces the formation of blood clots.
  • Pregnant women should not consume this spice as it can cause uterine contractions and thereby cause miscarriage or premature birth.
  • It is better not to give cinnamon to children under 3 years old, so it is prohibited for nursing mothers. Children under 12 years of age should use cinnamon with caution.
  • It is recommended to exclude cinnamon from the diet for people with low blood clotting, as well as people with individual intolerance.

In any case, if you have any chronic disease and if you have doubts whether you can use cinnamon or not, it is better to consult your doctor.

There is one more disadvantage, but it does not apply to real Ceylon cinnamon (Ceylon Cinnamon). This minus applies to cassia (Cassia Cinnamon). No, cassia also has beneficial properties.

What's the matter then? But the point is only in one substance - coumarin, which is part of cinnamon. Coumarin useful substance and thanks to this substance, cinnamon reduces blood clotting and, accordingly, reduces the risk of blood clots. But excessive consumption of coumarin has a very unfavorable effect on the condition of the liver and kidneys.

For comparison, Ceylon cinnamon contains 0.004% coumarin, which is enough to make cinnamon useful product. Cassia contains much more coumarin - 5%.

The conclusion suggests itself - we buy Ceylon cinnamon, but... whether it is in our supermarkets is a big question. It is said that most of the cinnamon sold is cassia, as it is much cheaper and more readily available.

If you do not often use cinnamon, then cassia will not harm you, but if it is constant in your diet and if you want to use cinnamon for treatment, then you need to be more careful when choosing this spice.

How to distinguish real cinnamon from cassia

With cinnamon sticks it is somewhat simpler - Ceylon cinnamon sticks, as a rule, are tightly twisted, since thin inner layer bark. The cassia stick has very few curls and is thicker in appearance. A Ceylon cinnamon stick can be easily broken by hand and ground into powder. Doing this with cassia is quite problematic.

But with ground cinnamon it’s much more difficult, but mostly we sell ground cinnamon. Then we look at the packaging - pay attention to the Latin name - “Cinnamomum zeylonicum” is Ceylon cinnamon, “Cinnamomum aromaticum” is how cassia is labeled. You also need to pay attention to the country of origin - if Ceylon, Sri Lanka, then this is what we need, but if China, Indonesia, Vietnam - then it is cassia. It is also not recommended to buy cinnamon from Germany, the USA, Israel, it does not grow there, but whether they will sell expensive Ceylon cinnamon is a question...

Already purchased cinnamon can be checked using iodine - you need to drop a few drops of iodine on the cinnamon and if it turns dark blue, then it is cassia; Ceylon cinnamon is practically not colored.

Another way that one cinnamon may differ from another is the price; Ceylon cinnamon will be many times more expensive.

How to store cinnamon

Cinnamon should be stored in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid away from light and moisture. Ground cinnamon retains its beneficial properties for six months, in sticks - for a year. If you want to keep it longer, then you need to keep it in the refrigerator.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

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