Preserving and strengthening human health is the primary task of humanity. Factors that strengthen and destroy health

Preserving and strengthening human health is the primary task of humanity. Today, against the backdrop of an unfavorable environmental situation, economic and social instability, the health problem is especially acute.

The above factors directly affect the incidence rate, life expectancy, level of physical development, and also adversely affect the condition mental health, which in turn entails negative changes in the area of ​​creating healthy, stable family relationships.

The foundations of modern views on the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of humans and society were laid by ancient philosophers and doctors. In particular, Pythagoras defined health as the harmony of all elements human body, making up his spiritual and physical life.

A healthy person not only has no physical illnesses or defects, but feels completely well physically, mentally and socially. Bad habits, poor diet, stress negatively affect health, so the more healthy image The life a person leads, the greater his chances of maintaining and strengthening his health.

Factors of maintaining and promoting health

Main factors influencing health:

Judge for yourself, if a person cannot influence biological (age, heredity, gender, type of constitution, etc.) and geophysical (temperature and humidity, landscape, flora, etc.), then the influence of socio-economic ( the state of the environment, working conditions, living conditions, lifestyle, etc.), and therefore psychophysiological factors can be corrected both by society as a whole and by each person personally.

Ways to preserve and improve health

The main condition for strengthening and maintaining health is a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle implies a whole set of behavioral norms: a balanced diet, physical activity, giving up bad habits, controlling emotions, increasing the level of medical knowledge, maintaining good hygiene, healthy sexual behavior, living in accordance with circadian rhythms, harmony with nature, positive thinking and much more. – the key to good physical and psychological health.

Scientific evidence suggests that, provided the above standards of behavior are observed, most people can maintain health and significantly increase their life expectancy.

Factors negatively affecting health:

  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • poor nutrition;
  • drugs;
  • frequent use of medications;
  • working conditions harmful to health;
  • stressful situations (they also negatively affect health);
  • unfavorable material and living conditions.

If a person gets rid of risk factors for the occurrence and development of many diseases, then he maintains and strengthens his health.

IN different cultures There are numerous health improvement systems, ways and methods of health promotion. In the East, traditionally, greater importance is attached to the spiritual, psychological component; in the West, significant attention is paid to strengthening a person’s physical health.

Ways to preserve human health:

  • optimal (walking, running, during which all muscles work, the lungs are ventilated, and the heart contracts rhythmically);
  • hardening and steam room (this is a system of special training of the body’s thermoregulation processes, which increases the body’s resistance to hypothermia or overheating);
  • periodic cleansing of the body;
  • refusal of chemicals;
  • Qigong is a Chinese system of healing the body;
  • yoga;
  • aromatherapy;
  • sea ​​water and mountain air.

These are the main ways to stay healthy. By applying these methods and systems for maintaining and promoting health, any person can successfully resist negative factors modernity.

2.2. Factors that promote health

A healthy lifestyle greatly contributes to the reasonable satisfaction of a person’s physical and spiritual needs, the formation of a socially active personality who is responsible for their health. Among the components of a healthy lifestyle, the main ones can be identified (Figure 1). The first step to creating a personalized healthy lifestyle system is to develop strong motivation. You cannot achieve a healthy lifestyle without a deep understanding of its necessity.

A person must be firmly convinced that there is simply no other way to health. When listing the components of a healthy lifestyle, life mode can be put in first place. The life of every person passes in the mode of time distribution. Part of the time is spent socially necessary activities, the other part is devoted to personal needs. For example, a student’s daily routine is determined by the class schedule; the military man's harsh daily routine; the mode of a working person at the beginning and end of working hours.

Scheme 1. main components of a healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle includes:

    • Life mode
    • Rejection of bad habits
    • State of the environment
    • General hygiene of the body
    • Optimal motor mode
    • Balanced diet

Mode This is the established routine of a person’s life, which includes work, nutrition, rest and sleep.

A working person lives in a given rhythm: he must certain time get up, perform your official and other duties, eat, rest and sleep. And this is not surprising, all processes in nature are, to one degree or another, subject to a strict rhythm: the seasons alternate, night follows day, day comes to replace night. Rhythmic activity is one of the basic laws of life and the basis of any work. A rational combination of regime elements ensures more productive human work and a high level of health. It can be said that in labor activity a person’s entire body participates, since the labor rhythm sets the physiological rhythm. At certain hours, the body experiences stress, as a result of which metabolism increases, blood circulation increases, breathing quickens, and then a feeling of fatigue appears. At other hours and days, when the load decreases, rest begins and the body’s strength and energy are restored. Proper alternation of work and rest is the basis for high human performance.

The famous Russian physiologist N. E. Vvedensky (1852 1922) noted that they get tired not so much because they work a lot, but because they work poorly and do not know how to organize their work. He put forward a number of conditions for achieving high performance, and therefore high level health: gradual entry into work; thoughtful and practiced consistency in work; correct distribution of daily, weekly, monthly and annual load. Uneven workload, haste in some periods and inactivity in others are equally harmful. In restoring working capacity, the most effective is active rest, which allows you to rationally use your free time. Alternation of types of work, a harmonious combination of physical and mental labor, physical education provide effective recovery strength and energy. A person needs to rest every day, using free time to strengthen his health. Sleep is one of the most important forms of daily rest. Carried enough normal sleep health is unthinkable. The need for hay is individual for each of us. it depends on the age, lifestyle, and type of nervous system of a person. Sleep primarily contributes to the normal functioning of the central nervous system. Lack of sleep, especially systematically, leads to overwork, and sometimes exhaustion of the nervous system, and illness of the whole body. Sleep cannot be replaced by anything; it is not compensated for by anything. Maintaining a sleep schedule is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. To be healthy and productive, you need to develop the habit of getting up and going to bed at the same time, and learn to fall asleep quickly.

The most important condition for a healthy lifestyle is optimal motor mode. Movements, the need for which is determined by the growth patterns of the body, are an indispensable condition normal development, general strengthening health, formation and correct posture and mastery of basic motor skills. In order to become strong and dexterous, resilient and efficient, you need to regularly engage in physical labor, physical education and sports. The ability to perform physical work depends on the degree of muscle training. Physical education and sports primarily increase muscle strength. In a trained person they thicken muscle fibers and all muscles in general are strengthened. Regular training helps improve coordination and automation of muscle movements, increasing performance. A trained person, tired of work, is able to quickly restore his strength. Physical education also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skeleton. Posture changes, movements become coordinated, the person becomes more dexterous. Increased muscle work significantly increases the need for oxygen, i.e. it contributes to the training of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, the development of the heart muscle and muscles chest. when a person is active, his mood improves, the feeling of vigor does not leave him for a long time, which ultimately leads to an increase in the vital activity of the whole organism. Lack of exercise, as well as a decrease in physical activity, adversely affects health. A person develops weakness of skeletal muscles, then weakness of the heart muscle occurs, and disturbances in functioning are observed of cardio-vascular system. At the same time, fat accumulates in the body, atherosclerosis develops (a chronic disease manifested in damage to the inner wall of the arteries and poor circulation), performance decreases, resistance to infections decreases, and the aging process accelerates. The era of scientific and technological revolution led to a decrease in the share of manual labor due to mechanization and automation of labor processes. The development of urban transport and means of transportation such as elevators, escalators, moving sidewalks, the development of telephones and other means of communication have led to widespread sedentary lifestyle, physical inactivity and decreased physical activity. The main ways to combat the consequences of physical inactivity are all types physical activity: physical education, sports, tourism, physical labor. Regular physical education and sports, daily morning exercises, physical education at work, walking, and tourism are designed to compensate for motor starvation. Occasional exercise doesn't do the trick because it tends to target one muscle group. Strengthen physical fitness, only specially designed complex physical exercises allow one to develop proportionately and diversifiedly. however, while doing physical education, participating in sports games and hiking, it should be remembered that all these activities can be beneficial for the body only if the physical activity corresponds physical development. Excessive physical activity can cause no less harm to a fragile body than a sedentary lifestyle. Important element healthy lifestyle general hygiene body. It includes body care, hygiene of clothes and shoes, and strict adherence to the daily routine. Body care is primarily associated with maintaining cleanliness. skin. The human body contains large amounts of sweat and sebaceous glands, which produce about 0.5 liters of sweat and about 20 grams of fat per day. In addition, there is a continuous renewal of cells in the surface layers of the skin. But dirty skin can accumulate microorganisms harmful to human health, which can lead to various diseases, including fungal ones. When the skin becomes contaminated, the excretory ducts also become clogged. sweat glands, and the body’s ability to thermoregulate is impaired. Wearing clean clothes is equally important. A person who strives to maintain a healthy lifestyle understands well how important it is to follow a daily routine. Those who adhere to the regime develop a clear rhythm of body functioning, and this increases performance and creates best conditions to restore strength.

Uneven living, working and living conditions, and individual needs of people do not allow us to recommend one regime option for everyone. However, everyone can create a daily routine for themselves, based on the basic principles: various types activities at strictly defined times, proper alternation of work and rest, regular meals. The daily routine has not only health-improving, but also educational significance. Compliance with it fosters such qualities as discipline, accuracy, organization, and determination. A person rationally uses every hour, every minute of his time, which significantly expands the possibility of a versatile, meaningful life. When organizing a daily routine, you should alternate mental and physical work, and make more extensive use of active rest to restore performance. The level of human performance is largely determined biological rhythms.

Biological rhythms These are periodically repeated changes in the nature and intensity of biological processes and phenomena in the human body. They develop in close interaction with the environment and are the result of adaptation to those factors that are renewed with a clear periodicity within a certain time (rotation of the earth around the Sun and its axis, fluctuations in illumination, temperature, humidity, tension electromagnetic field land.

A person’s performance during the day changes in accordance with daily biological rhythms and has two rises: from 8.00 to 12.00 in the morning and from 16.00 to 18.00 in the afternoon. At night, performance decreases. It is useful for every person to know their individual rhythm of performance. It is not difficult to determine. The so-called “larks” work energetically in the first half of the day, and the so-called “night owls” in the evening. “Larks” feel drowsy in the evenings. They go to bed early, but also wake up early, while night owls, on the contrary, fall asleep late, and it is a big problem for them to get up at the usual hours for early risers.

Following a daily routine reduces this problem, however. Strict adherence to the regimen ensures high performance and a cheerful state for a long time. The next element of a healthy lifestyle is hardening. Modern man protected from direct effects on the body of such atmospheric factors as temperature fluctuations, humidity, etc. But why then do many people begin to get sick after getting their feet wet, getting hypothermic, or, conversely, being “overcooked” in the sun? A person who has hardened his body from an early age and accustomed it to temperature changes can more easily endure heat and cold.

Hardening This is a set of techniques that are systematically used to train the body’s resistance to environmental temperature fluctuations.

Hardening is a powerful healing tool. With its help you can avoid many diseases and long years maintain the ability to work, the ability to enjoy life. The role of hardening in prevention is especially great colds. Hardening procedures reduce their numbers by 2-4 times, and in in some cases They help to get rid of ailments altogether. Hardening has an effect on the body restorative action, increases the tone of the central nervous system, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism. When starting hardening, we must remember that this is not a one-time, but a systematic action. 2-3 months after the cessation of hardening procedures, the previously achieved level of body resistance begins to decline. The most common form of hardening is the use of cool air. At any time of the year, long walks, hiking, and sleeping indoors with an open vent or window are good. In the cold season, skiing, skating, and slow hardening running outside in lightweight clothing are recommended. Increasing resistance to low temperatures Doing morning exercises outdoors or in a thoroughly ventilated area also helps.

The most powerful hardening factor is water. In addition to temperature, water has an effect on the skin and mechanical impact, which is a kind of massage that improves blood circulation. Hardening can be carried out in the form of *tyranny or dousing with water. One of the hardening factors is sunbathing. They cause vasodilation, enhance the activity of hematopoietic organs, and promote the formation of vitamin D in the body. But the sun must be used with great caution. You can sunbathe only before 11-12 o'clock in the afternoon or after 16 o'clock, when the sun is not so active. The most important component of a healthy lifestyle is balanced nutrition. Rational nutrition is impossible without observing two Basic Laws, the violation of which is dangerous to health.

First Law - balance of received and expended energy. If the body receives more energy than it expends, i.e. we eat more food than necessary, we become fat. Overweight leads to the development of atherosclerosis, coronary disease heart, diabetes and many other ailments.

Second Law correspondence chemical composition diet physiological needs body. Nutrition should be varied and meet the body's needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber. Rational nutrition is considered as one of the most important criteria healthy lifestyle. It provides a person with energy and substances from which the body is built and which regulate metabolic processes. If a person eats incorrectly, irrationally, his body begins to malfunction, and some diseases can even lead to fatal outcome(for example, atherosclerosis, already mentioned above, which develops against the background of excessive accumulation of cholesterol contained in fatty foods). It is recommended to eat at least four times a day. On average, it takes about three hours to digest it, so you need to eat it after about 3.5 -4 hours. If you always eat at the same time, the body prepares for food intake in a timely manner: digestive juices are secreted. As a result, food is well digested.

First rule healthy eating : You should always eat at the same time.

A person's daily diet must be strictly balanced. It must contain sufficient quantities and optimal ratio all the substances necessary for the body. And for this he needs to be diverse. It should include the most different groups: grains, legumes, animal products (low-fat), vegetables and fruits.

Food contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, water, and all of them are needed by the body.

Proteins contained in animal products, meat and fish, are called animal proteins. A growing organism especially needs them. Animal proteins are used to build muscles, skin, brain, internal organs. Children absorb animal proteins contained in milk and dairy products well. That is why there must be milk in the diet. Plant proteins are found in peas, beans, and bread.

The body needs to replenish energy costs. And carbohydrates and fats help with this. Carbohydrates are found in cereals and bread, potatoes and other vegetables, and sugar. Fats are divided into vegetable and animal. For example, butter is an animal fat, and sunflower oil is a vegetable fat.

A special place among our vital nutrients occupy vitamins. It is not for nothing that the word “vitamin” itself comes from Lat. She is life. Vitamins belong to a diverse group of organic compounds chemical nature, necessary for human nutrition in negligible quantities compared to the main nutrients (fats, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals). At the same time, they are of great importance for normal metabolism and life activity in general. Vitamins are involved in all biochemical processes occurring in our body. They ensure the proper functioning of the endocrine glands, hormonal activity, increased mental and physical performance, and maintain the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors (temperature changes, infections, intoxications). In spring and late winter, the body experiences a lack of vitamins. This can lead to the development of pathological conditions such as vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis.

Avitaminosis this is the most severe form of vitamin deficiency. Vitamin deficiencies develop in the absence or significant deficiency of a particular vitamin in food, causing diseases such as scurvy (with a lack of vitamin C), rickets and osteoporosis (with a lack of vitamin D).

For hypovitaminosis slight lack of vitamins, the following are observed: unpleasant phenomena, such as decreased immunity, sleep disorders, poor health; the person loses working capacity and complains of memory loss. Not only a deficiency, but also an excess of vitamins, or hypervitaminosis, is dangerous.

A person needs minerals: iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc. Minerals found in the most common foods: cabbage, apples, milk, fish. But most of all a person needs water. Did you know that all organs human body does water saturate? In the brain, for example, up to 80% water, in muscles 76%, in bones 25%. Without water, no life processes will occur. A person can live without food for weeks, without water for a few days.

The second rule of healthy eating : food should be varied.

Rational nutrition ensures proper growth and formation of the body, helps maintain health, high performance and prolong life.

Currently, the issue related to food consumption is relevant. genetically modified products (GMP). Each of us faces the choice of eating such food or not. In order to make the right choice, you need to have information about these products.

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs, transgenes) are plants and animals into whose genes an alien gene has been artificially introduced. The hereditary material of such organisms is modified by the method genetic engineering. Changes are made in order to give the plant some beneficial features: pest resistance, frost resistance, yield, calorie content, etc.

Main question - Are such products safe for humans?

So far it remains unanswered. Some scientists have already concluded that active consumption of genetically modified foods is associated with certain risks. For example, the use of transgenic food can lead to the formation of new pathogenic bacteria, against which the effect of common medications will be powerless. Environmentalists also fear that genetically altered forms of plants could accidentally enter wildlife, which will lead to catastrophic changes in ecosystems.

From September 1, 2007 in Russian Federation Mandatory labeling of food products containing more than 0% of components obtained using GMOs has been introduced. The labeling must contain the following information: “genetically modified products,” or “products obtained from genetically modified organisms,” or the product contains components of genetically modified organisms.”

By purchasing food products, you should carefully study what they are made of, especially pay attention to the information written in small print.

Integral components of a healthy lifestyle are the conscious rejection of bad habits and the fight against various risk factors that have an adverse effect on the human body. Ideally, a healthy lifestyle does not involve giving up bad habits, but their initial absence. Bad habits primarily include smoking, addiction to alcohol and drugs. As L.N. Tolstoy accurately noted: “It is difficult to imagine the beneficial change that would occur in all human life if people stopped stupefying and poisoning themselves with vodka, wine, tobacco and opium.”

Of no small importance is the health and state of the environment. Violation of at least one of the natural components leads to a restructuring of the existing structure of natural-territorial complexes. Pollution of land surfaces, water bodies and the atmosphere has a detrimental effect on human health. In particular, the “ozone hole” effect affects the formation malignant neoplasms, air pollution - on condition respiratory tract, and pollution of water bodies is fraught with rapid spread various infections. Negative changes in the environment greatly worsen general state human health, reduces people's life expectancy.

Speaking about factors affecting health, one cannot fail to mention heredity.

Heredity, this is the property inherent in all organisms to repeat the same signs and developmental features in a series of generations; the ability to transmit from one generation to another the material structures of the cell containing programs for the development of new individuals from them.

Man is a great miracle of nature. The rationality and perfection of his anatomy and physiology, his functionality, his strength and endurance are amazing. Gradual evolution has provided the human body with inexhaustible reserves of strength and reliability, which are due to the redundancy of the elements of all its systems, their interchangeability and interaction, the ability to adapt and compensate.

The realization of the potential inherent in the human body depends on the lifestyle, on the habits that a person acquires or develops purposefully, on the ability to wisely manage potential health opportunities for the benefit of himself, his family and the state of which he is a citizen.

A healthy lifestyle allows you to significantly reveal those undeniably valuable personality qualities that are so necessary in the conditions of modern dynamic development. We are talking about high mental and physical performance, social activity, and creative longevity. A conscious and responsible attitude towards health as a public good should become the norm of life and behavior of all people.

Questions for self-control:

1. Highlight the main components of a healthy lifestyle.

2. What is the role of the regime in ensuring a healthy lifestyle?

3. What are biological rhythms?

4. What does a person’s performance depend on?

5. this is the role physical culture in ensuring a healthy lifestyle?

6. Formulate the basic principles of rational nutrition.

7. How does the state of the environment affect human health?

8. What is heredity?

9. What personality traits does a healthy image reveal?

Used Books:

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Textbook for colleges, Kosolapova N.V., N.A. Prokopenko. M-Academy, 2017 -336c

He who is strong in body can endure both heat and cold.

Likewise, someone who is mentally healthy is able to endure anger,

and grief, and joy, and other feelings.

Epictetus, I-II AD

Health Promoting Factors

Health is a fundamental value and the key to human well-being and longevity. This is the totality of physical, mental, social qualities and properties of each individual, which are the main components in life, existence and implementation in society. While a person is healthy, he does not think about or care about himself, and when diseases and pathological conditions appear, he, unfortunately, spends a lot of time, effort and money on his recovery, however, this is not always possible.

Below are a few useful tips, which will help you and your loved ones maintain and strengthen their healthy state of the body.

Daily regime

One of the conditions for maintaining health is the observed order of work, rest, sleep, and nutrition. A clear and correct workday schedule greatly facilitates any activity, allows you to make the most of all the capabilities of the human body, and experience less stress. Everyone’s living conditions and professional activities are different, and everyone can create a schedule that is convenient for themselves. Any overwork is a result wrong mode day. Eating, sleeping, hygiene procedures must be performed at the same time. Thanks to the rational distribution of time during the day, the body experiences normal load, the expended forces are restored faster and more fully, the body wears out less.

Personal hygiene rules

Simple daily truths: keeping the body clean, caring for the mouth, nails and hair, washing hands before eating, choosing clothes and shoes according to the season from natural materials, using only individual household items. And only a few can boast that almost everyone does this regularly.

Physical activity

IN modern society office work, computer technology, production automation, and driving a car significantly reduce a person’s need for movement. People leading a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle may experience various complications: scoliosis, osteochondrosis, muscle tissue dystrophy, hypertonic disease and other diseases. Let's not forget about the problem of our time - overweight. In the absence of the necessary physical activity, an increase in body weight occurs and this leads to the development of the most various pathologies endocrine and cardiovascular systems. Regular physical activity increases a person’s endurance, the body’s resistance to disease, and improves mood. This could be daily exercise and walking, or any sports, family games, dance or fitness classes.

Balanced diet

A person must receive a certain amount of nutrients from food (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, essential amino acids, vitamins, some fatty acids, minerals and trace elements), otherwise his health will not be at the best level.

Reasonable nutrition implies several basic rules: the ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be 1:1:4; rational calorie content, the indicators of which depend on age, gender and characteristics of work activity - the correspondence between the calorie content of food that a person consumes and the energy that his body expends; frequency of meals: at least 3 times a day for an adult; food quality: complete proteins, sufficient amounts of fiber, vitamins, microelements, minimal amounts of refractory fats; quality of food preparation: sufficient heat treatment, limitation of fried, spicy, hot; salt restriction.

Try to include daily diet more fruits, vegetables, fish, as well as products made from wholemeal flour. This will saturate the body with the substances necessary for normal functioning. In addition, such food will strengthen your immune system and improve your well-being.

Healthy sleep

A good night's sleep allows all organs and systems of our body to rest after a hard day's work. An adult should sleep at least eight hours. It is very useful to take a short walk in the fresh air before going to bed, and then ventilate the room. Calm, deep sleep Eating too late also prevents it, so dinner should be no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Psycho-emotional component A person in modern society faces stress every day: at home, at work and on the roads; the ability to resist them and not develop them conflict situations- there is our mental and social health.

A person should live in peace with himself and society, do things that give him pleasure, in which case he will be much more likely to maintain his health.

Try to relate more simply to troubles and everyday troubles. If problems suddenly arise in your life, solve them quickly, without putting it off until later.

Hardening the body

IN Everyday life for a person, it is of great importance to harden the body to increase its resistance to adverse environmental influences (increasing immunity, improving functional systems) and as a result, the ability to resist diseases. The main goal of hardening is to accustom the body to sudden temperature fluctuations, increase its resistance to infections, and develop immunity to diseases, in particular colds.

Natural environmental factors that are widely used to harden the body include air, water and solar inhalation. The choice of hardening procedures depends on a number of objective conditions: time of year, state of health, climatic and geographical conditions of the place of residence.

Air hardening helps to increase the tone of the nervous and endocrine systems. Under the influence of air baths, digestion processes are improved, and the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is improved. Being in the fresh air improves general health body, influencing emotional condition, causes a feeling of vigor and freshness. Clean Fresh air contains a sufficient amount of oxygen for the body and promotes a cheerful, active mood and high performance. It is advisable to combine time in the air with active movements: in winter - skating, skiing, and in summer - playing ball and other outdoor games.

Don't forget, your health is only in your hands. Admit to yourself whether you are really doing everything in your power to preserve and strengthen it.

Move more, eat right, smile more often! Be healthy!

Science has studied various ways and means of maintaining and promoting health. Based on research results, it is possible to identify the main factors that promote health. The basics of a healthy lifestyle are a system of rules and regulations that everyone must follow and implement. We all worry about our health and want to live a long and happy life in hopes of avoiding serious illnesses. The relevance of a healthy lifestyle today is due to changes in the rhythm of life, food quality and environmental degradation.

Key Health Factors

Health and a healthy lifestyle are interconnected concepts, since a person’s well-being directly depends on a person’s lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle is a complex concept; it includes the following components:

  • physical activity;
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • hygiene;
  • proper and balanced diet;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • quality rest and sleep;
  • hardening.

To generalize a little, there are three main keys to health. The author of the project “Mikhail Sovetov’s School of Health” writes about them.

These health factors actually make up the life of a person who leads a healthy lifestyle.

Role various factors In promoting health, each person determines for himself, as well as the definition itself, what it means to be healthy, what are the signs of a healthy person. Depending on this understanding, a person sets goals and objectives for himself and selects means of maintaining and strengthening health.

But is it possible to change your lifestyle instantly? For example, expert and healthy lifestyle consultant Bretta Blumenthal believes that consistent implementation into lifestyle is necessary useful components. The 52 steps method is designed for a year. In his book “A Year Lived Correctly. Brett's 52 Steps to a Healthy Lifestyle tells the story that you can't quickly change stable habits; consistent steps are required. And these small steps inevitably lead to big changes. Using the 52 step method, in a year you will become a completely different person. Health will become your way of life. And even after childbirth, women can quickly restore their ideal body and feel great. This is beautifully written in the book “Fitness Mom” by Arina Skoromnaya.

At the same time, with the help of special tricks you can become more attractive now. Try to adjust your figure just by choosing the right clothes. This course contains all the tricks of this method.

Compliance with elementary rules should become a habit, and then become a reflection of the person himself, part of his character and nature. You can get such advice by reading this book about fitness by Denis Semenikhin, which can actually be a guide through life.

Influence of factors on health status

The following main factors influence a healthy lifestyle:

  • environment and ecology – 20%;
  • heredity and genetics – 20%;
  • healthcare system and access to treatment – ​​10%;
  • lifestyle – 50%.

These are the main points that determine a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and observing all its rules and regulations helps strengthen the immune system, the full development of all systems of the human body, including, as well as prolonging youth and activity for many years.

Interesting and simple recommendations, how to improve the quality of life in his book “Myths about Health. Where do diseases come from? Russian journalist and TV presenter Igor Prokopenko and doctor medical sciences, Professor Sergei Bubnovsky.

This topic has attracted the close attention of scientists especially in the last two decades, with the development of scientific and technological progress and information technology. Facts about a healthy lifestyle indicate that it was two or three decades ago that people began to be replaced by machines. Let's take, for example, the same automatic washing machine. If previously you had to make an effort and wash your clothes by hand, now while the laundry is in progress, you have the opportunity to lie on the sofa with a glossy magazine or spend an extra hour on social networks. This also applies to the manufacturing sector. Previously people worked in the fields, on farms, in factories, and now more than half of the workforce has been replaced by automated machines that do all the work instead of a person, thereby freeing him from physical labor.

Along with a decrease in physical activity, it affects well-being Negative influence economic factor. In a market economy, every entrepreneur tries to reduce production costs and saves on everything. First of all, this affects the quality of products consumed by people. Hence the bad environment, mass diseases and many other problems that determine a healthy lifestyle.

Poor health, stress, depression, decreased immunity are largely the result of a person’s lifestyle.

Benefits of physical activity

Promotion of a healthy lifestyle includes various contributing factors, among which one of the main ones is sports and physical activity. With the development of information technology, machines have deprived a person of most of his work, thereby significantly reducing his physical activity.

Why is hygiene important?

A beautiful, clean and well-groomed appearance indicates feeling good and health status. Basic hygiene rules will help maintain health and raise the level of vital energy. Regular hand washing protects against many infectious diseases caused by bacteria and microbes.

The condition of the body depends not only on hand washing. There are also other factors of a healthy lifestyle that will prevent many diseases. This includes taking a shower every day (preferably a contrast shower), brushing your teeth twice a day, manicure and pedicure, and other hygiene procedures.

Proper nutrition is an important factor in health

Rational and balanced nutrition is a principle of nutrition, the essence of which is to follow a diet and consume healthy and healthy foods.

Human health depends on compliance with:

  • predominate in the diet vegetable fats over animals;
  • use only dietary varieties meat;
  • the main part of the diet is fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • refusal of sweets, carbonated drinks, fast food and other unhealthy foods;
  • number of meals – 5-6 per day in small portions;
  • do not eat two to three hours before bedtime;
  • do not eat stale food, hunger is better than spoiled food;
  • drink enough clean water;
  • monitor the calorie content of foods (it should not exceed daily energy consumption);
  • refusal alcoholic drinks, coffee (instant) and strong tea;
  • avoidance of fried and fatty foods.

Following all these simple rules will help you quickly regain your shape, strengthen your immune system, tighten your body and improve your well-being. We wrote about strengthening the immune system with vitamins in the article. For those who have radically decided to fight for slimness - an effective video course with analysis " difficult cases"and expert advice.


Factors that promote health include hardening the body. Disease prevention has a positive impact on a healthy lifestyle. The main preventive measure is hardening. This can be dousing with cold water, diving into an ice hole, regular visits to baths and saunas, contrast showers and other procedures aimed at strengthening the immune system and the body's defenses.

Preventive measures

TO preventive measures relate:

  • increasing immunity (a set of measures aimed at improving the functioning of all vital systems of the human body);
  • physical activity, sports;
  • mental activity (brain simulators);
  • hardening;
  • prevention of stressful situations;
  • body weight control;
  • regular medical examinations, etc.

Modern medicine has another type of prevention and healing. This method involves healing music set to the sounds of nature. Sounds high frequency directly interact with specific areas of the brain, causing biochemical resonance in the production of hormones and neuroregulatory peptides, which results in significant improvements in the implementation various functions brain and, as a result, improved health. From this link you can download the disk itself and a description of the technology. As they say: combine business with pleasure.

Health facts

Motivate to maintain a healthy lifestyle Interesting Facts that:

    • The sound of an alarm clock has less detrimental effect on hearing than the scream of a small child. Doctors advise avoiding noise above 85 decibels to preserve your hearing acuity in the future.
    • Regular consumption of honey and other bee products helps improve brain function, improves memory and reaction speed.
    • Sport is health, but everything should be in moderation. Intense exercise for more than two hours a day can cause poor stress tolerance, chronic fatigue and apathy.
    • According to the results of studies conducted by Canadian scientists, it has been proven that people who do not follow a daily routine and do not get enough sleep are more likely to suffer from obesity.
    • Mental exercise helps prolong life and brain activity, and also prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease.
    • Refusal of salt or the maximum reduction in the daily amount, according to American scientists, significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases, due to which life is extended by an average of 6 years.

Let’s say that an illness has occurred, but there is no way to quickly get to a doctor. What to do? Regularly updated to help you reference book of medicines for quick and convenient selection of medications for the disease you specified and pharmacies where they are available. It is easy and convenient to use.

The most interested researchers in the topic of health improvement will be interested in familiarizing themselves with the “general theory of health.” This research area is called: valeology. This direction studies physical, spiritual and moral principles that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health in a complex. Read more about valeology in the article on our website.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is not that difficult. In this matter, the main thing is desire and correctly set priorities. The quality and duration of his life depends only on the person.

Health is one of the most important life values ​​of a person, the key to his well-being and longevity. Understanding the content of the word “health” has gone through a number of stages. Initially, health meant the absence of any diseases, and healthy was considered a person who has no signs of illness (no pain anywhere, normal temperature). Indeed, if a person does not complain about anything, works without going to the doctor, those around him have the right to consider him healthy.

The most complete definition of the concept of health is: health is the totality of physical and spiritual qualities and properties of a person, which are the basis of his longevity and a necessary condition for the implementation of his creative plans, highly productive work there for the benefit of society, the creation of a strong family unit, the birth and upbringing of children.

Ill health, illness can manifest itself in the most in a variety of ways and so urgently that a person immediately begins to regret his lost health. The most well-known and unpleasant sign of ill health is pain. It can be dull, sharp, pulsating, shooting, stabbing, pressing, burning, etc. Another sign of ill health is poor health, weakness, malaise, which interferes with or prevents the ability to fully perform the usual work. Another sign of ill health is impaired activity individual organs, for example, sharply rapid heartbeat during work and shortness of breath at rest, coughing and wheezing in the lungs, heaviness in the liver, etc.

What environmental factors, as well as features of human behavior, contribute to the preservation and strengthening of his health?

The first factor that improves health is a clear and correct daily routine. A person must do not only what is necessary, which is directly prompted by his natural needs (eating, sleeping), but also what is good for health (physical exercise, etc.). Thanks to a clear regimen, the body experiences less stress, the expended forces are restored faster and more fully, and the body wears out less. A person’s inability to force himself to adhere to a specific and clear daily routine is a sign of disorganization, weak character, and lack of will.

The second factor that improves health is high physical activity and sufficient physical activity.

In the process of development of human society and the emergence of classes, a contradiction between physical and mental labor appeared and became entrenched. At the same time, the most difficult, exhausting physical labor fell to the lot of the exploited; labor was not a joy. The opportunity not to engage in physical labor was regarded as a privilege. It is no coincidence that Russian boyars wore caftans with long sleeves: this emphasized their high social status and the ability to do nothing with their own hands. This, by the way, is where the expression “carelessly” was born, i.e. doing work carelessly, without effort, somehow. Labor periods of rest were very short and random: in order to somehow feed themselves, they had to work almost all the time. And as a result, in the everyday consciousness of people there is an idea that physical activity is bad, and the opportunity to live without physical effort is good.

But ask any person a question: what is the main sign of a living thing? The correct answer is “the ability to move independently.” Without movement there is no life, and in one form or another it is inherent in any living creature, regardless of its degree of complexity. As the great Russian physiologist I.M. emphasized. Sechenov, “all infinite diversity external manifestations brain activity ultimately comes down to just one phenomenon - muscle movement.”

Man has reason to consider himself the “king of nature” because he is able to comprehend its laws and use them in his own interests, but he cannot disobey them. Always and everywhere, attempts to obey the laws of nature have been disastrous for man, and it cannot be otherwise.

In recent decades, diseases of the cardiovascular system have become one of the main causes of premature death, especially in developed countries.

What happens during physical inactivity? Firstly, the activity of the heart is weakened. Secondly, metabolic disorders occur, one of the manifestations of which is the accumulation of excess body weight. Thirdly, they are developing degenerative changes(dystrophy) of muscle and other tissues. Fourthly, a violation of the normal relationship between muscular and mental efforts leads to excessive stimulation of the central nervous system. As a result of all this, the body’s resistance to infections and mental stress, to various types of overloads decreases, performance decreases, and the aging process accelerates. Ultimately, diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, and diabetes mellitus develop.

A person must learn: constant feasible physical activity is necessary and very useful, it not only does not deplete the body, but, on the contrary, makes it more resilient and stronger, more resistant to diseases.

The third factor that improves health is constant communication with nature, the use of its beneficial factors - fresh air, water, sun. Clean, fresh air contains a sufficient amount of oxygen for the body and promotes a cheerful, active mood and high performance.

In addition to the beneficial effects on humans of the already mentioned natural factors physical nature, just being in the lap of nature provides the opportunity for psychological relaxation, relieves nervous tension well, and calms. Switching from active work and socializing for a while to a quiet stay in the forest, spending rest picking mushrooms, berries, and fishing is very useful. There are no other ways of relaxation that could compare with these in terms of the degree of beneficial effects on the human psyche.

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