Remedies for excessive sweating. How to choose the best sweat remedy

Deodorant will protect you well from the smell of sweat on a typical day, when you get into the shower no later than eight in the evening, but in real heat, while playing sports, on a long journey or with strong excitement, he is losing ground.

Why Dry Ru can be used any day

The sweat glands of the armpits are practically not involved in thermoregulation. This is quite logical: in order to cool the surface, moisture must evaporate well. The armpits, due to lowered hands, are a closed environment, from where moisture evaporates poorly.

Therefore, when, under the influence of Dry Ru, the sweat gland ducts under the armpits (and also on the palms and feet, if necessary) narrow and sweat ceases to be released, the thermoregulation of the body does not suffer from this: sweat glands sweat is released throughout the body, it evaporates freely from the surface of the skin, cooling the body.

As far as damage to the skin or sweat glands is concerned, all Dry Ru products are clinically tested and absolutely harmless. They do not dissolve in the pores, do not penetrate the body and do not affect its systems and organs. Over time, aluminum-protein compounds are simply excreted from the body.

Without the smell of sweat and cheap perfume

We are accustomed to antiperspirants with a fresh or sweet smell, especially when we sweat. In this case, a sticky film often appears on the skin or white coating, which, among other things, remains on things.

Dry Ru Ultra Sweat Remover has neither color nor sticky consistency, so you can safely apply it not only on the armpits, but also on the palms and feet. Do this at night before bed and you won't have to worry about sweat stains or sweaty palms for the next few days.

Those wishing to acquire an effective and inexpensive remedy from sweat under the arms in a pharmacy a lot. In such specialized stores, each drug is genuine, which is confirmed by quality certificates and other documents. The natural desire of the consumer is to use real products, not fakes.

Is not easy pathological reaction, this is a full-fledged disease, to which certain causes lead. Ideal remedy from sweating should counteract precisely the primary factors in the development of this problem.

Before choosing a drug, you must:

  1. Acquainted with pharmacological action and direction of the funds.
  2. Decide on the reasons increased sweating.
  3. Choose the most suitable means for the type of impact.
  4. Select a drug with minimal side effects.

Sometimes to achieve maximum result from the use of the drug, attention should be paid even to the form of release of the drug. Spray cans with medicine are suitable for some, ball or regular ointment formulations are suitable for others.

What to look out for

Increased sweating according to medical terminology called hyperhidrosis, in pharmacies you can buy a lot of varieties of drugs that help to cope with this disease. New deodorized preparations not only cope with the problem perfectly, they have perfumed components in their composition. Additional components are responsible for pleasant attractive fragrance tools, which allows you to use it in any situation.

Choosing an individual medicine that prevents hyperhidrosis, you must:

determine the type of drug. By virtue of individual characteristics some people better fit conventional antiperspirant medical purpose, it is better for someone to use a pencil or medicine in a ball device, others will prefer a spray;

  • choose the appropriate intensity of exposure. All funds differ in duration of action. Some function for 12 hours, the positive effect of the action of others reaches 72 hours;
  • in the presence of individual sensitivity to individual components of the drug, it is necessary to choose alternative means.
  • Sometimes hypersensitivity to deodorants practically does not manifest itself in the form of symptoms, but the person feels the constant presence of discomfort.

List of the most popular

If the cause of excessive sweating is not a disease or other possible violation in the performance of the body, then the use of deodorant will be the most effective way to eliminate this problem on hot days. With pathological medical reason this ailment, remedies with healing effect sold in regular pharmacies.

Allocate a whole group medical preparations, which help to cope with the problem of sweating:

  1. Algel is able to eliminate sweating.
  2. For some, a regular salicylic-zinc-based ointment is suitable.
  3. Specialized paste Lassara.
  4. Reducing sweating provides even.
  5. Ointment Formogel.
  6. Dry Dry tool.

Each drug must be selected taking into account the cause of the disease, as well as individual preferences and tastes.

Dry Dry

The drug is produced as a conventional deodorant, but refers to specialized medical products. It is implemented, equipped with a ball-type applicator. The healing effect lies in the ability to reduce the size of the pores of the axillary zone, which reduces the amount of sweat produced.

This unique ability does not affect performance. sebaceous glands. It is recommended to use the product once a week, applying the composition to the problem area. This gentle mode of use is sufficient to reduce perspiration to normal levels.

Algel has a similar positive effect, which does not violate the established process of functioning of the sebaceous glands. Clogged pores cause a slight accumulation of sweat under the skin. This substance is easily redirected circulatory system for highlighting in other areas inaccessible to prying eyes.

The drug is considered completely harmless because it has no negative effects. Natural processes are not affected. Excess accumulated sweat is quickly distributed to other parts of the body, which makes general process sweating almost imperceptible.

Salicylic-zinc ointment

The composition has been used to eliminate the excessive effect of sweating for several centuries. positive impact provide the main components of the composition - zinc oxides and salicylic acid. Individual intolerance to these components should be avoided, otherwise the remedy is completely safe.

Characterized by an innovative formula that allows you to cope with the problem of sweating based on therapeutic impact on skin glands. Due to the presence of aluminum chloride in the product, when in contact with the skin, odor is blocked and activity is limited. sweat glands.

When diagnosing a running form, you must use the tool often enough. Over time, the performance of the glands normalizes, which reduces the frequency of use.

The packaging of the product, subject to the course of treatment, stretches for six months. Complete absence contraindications and the possibility of treatment during the current pregnancy make the medicine quite versatile.

The highly effective and at the same time concentrated drug Formidon must be used very carefully for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. The composition of the drug is based on synthetic carcinogens (formaldehyde, for example), which can cause significant harm if the dosage is incorrect.

The effectiveness of the product allows you to cope with sweating in the shortest possible time, but such indicators are accompanied by big list contraindications:

  • individual sensitivity;
  • the presence of any inflammatory process;
  • excessively dry skin;
  • pregnancy.

Pasta Lassara

The drug is characterized by a complex effect on the disease excessive sweating. At the same time, it normalizes the performance of the sweat glands and eliminates all kinds of negative pathological processes in the problem area. Suitable for use on any part of the body.

The presence of potato starch in the composition provides a strong absorbent effect, which reduces the moisture in the armpits. The presence of zinc oxides limits the spread of pathogens. salicylic acid molecules

prevent excessive active work sebaceous pores. The medicine is sold without the necessary prescription and has an affordable cost. You can buy pasta in a pharmacy of any format and size.

Pasta Teymurova

A fairly common drug in the fight against hyperhidrosis various stages and forms. The formula of the paste is based on components such as zinc oxide, talc compounds and salicylic acid, which is effective in combating this problem. The tool has an absorbent effect, which sufficiently dries the skin of the armpits. Additional property pastes - antiseptic effect on problem areas.

The components of the composition also include potent and toxic molecules of formaldehyde and lead compounds. Such additives limit the use of the product during the feeding period and when carrying a child. Possible concomitant symptom the use of the drug is a burning sensation, but a similar picture of treatment is observed in a small part of patients.

Average prices

If you focus on the selection of medication for sweating on average cost drugs, it is necessary to build on the neglect of this disease. If the disease manifests itself as initial symptoms without distinguishable inflammatory processes, drugs should be selected with approximate cost 100-150 rubles. This price range corresponds to the average effectiveness of the drug.

When ascertaining the advanced form of hyperhidrosis, the cost suitable drugs can vary between 300-500 rubles. This price must be paid for effective drug with clear instructions and fast complex effect.

Instructions for use

Start treatment based on medical preparations should only be done after consultation with a specialist. After passing the initial examination and establishing an individual intolerance to various components medication can be started. But after choosing a certain tool, you should follow the instructions that fully regulate the mode of use of the composition.

It is necessary to apply expensive ointments once every 7-10 days, which is due to the prolonged action of the concentrated components of the drugs. If aggravated by use, it is possible to provoke the development of complications and other negative processes. The ideal time for applying any drug is evening, because at night with minimal intensity.

Apply medicinal formulations should follow certain rules:

  1. Apply sprays exclusively on washed skin surface.
  2. The frequency of each form of release varies depending on the composition of the drug. The spray can be used several times a day, pastes and ointment formulations are much less common.
  3. Limit spraying of formulations in the area near the eyes, mucous membranes.


Many people at different ages are concerned about excessive sweat formation in the axillary areas, which is accompanied by a certain discomfort in everyday life.

Considering the causal relationships that cause the occurrence of hyperhidrosis, the following are distinguished:

  1. Violation in the diet. Excessive amount of spices, heavily seasoned food is a direct cause of this disease. Spices provoke improper functioning of the sweat glands.
  2. Predominantly in wardrobe synthetic clothing. This tissue stimulates the activity of the sweat glands, which is accompanied by strong secretion sweat. Sometimes observed inflammatory process in this area.
  3. The period of weakening of the body is menopause or ongoing pregnancy.
  4. Strong nerve strain or endocrine disruptions lead to this ailment.
  5. Frequent panic attacks the patient has a systematic anxiety state.

When diagnosing hyperhidrosis, it is important for a specialist to exclude the possibility of a causal relationship of this pathological process with a more serious disease. Sometimes sweating acts as a symptom of diabetes mellitus, of various stages kidney failure, tuberculosis infection (when sweating during sleep), certain cardiac diseases.

Many people experience problems with sweating throughout their lives. There are many reasons for this: stress, hot weather, infectious diseases. But for some, this problem has been bothering for many years, causing inconvenience at work, when communicating with people or when intimacy. To solve this unpleasant phenomenon use effective means from sweat.

Sweating is a normal physiological process in the body, the main task of which is to prevent the body from overheating, release excess water and toxins. But in some cases, this system fails, and pathological sweating occurs, which is called hyperhidrosis.

There are a lot of reasons for hyperhidrosis, here are some of them:

  1. infectious diseases (tuberculosis, brucellosis, sepsis, etc.);
  2. violations endocrine system(hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, menopausal syndrome);
  3. diseases of the nervous system (parkinsonism, consequences of a stroke);
  4. oncological diseases.

The ideal option in case of prolonged sweating, especially if it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, is to contact a general practitioner. Only a doctor can correctly determine the cause of excessive sweating and choose an adequate treatment. When there is no opportunity to see a doctor, patients choose their own treatment by buying sweat remedies in pharmacies.

The most popular and effective sweat remedies

The list of sweat remedies is getting wider every year. The development of drugs to protect against sweat and odor is carried out not only by pharmaceutical companies, but also by manufacturers of cosmetics and perfumes. Further in the article will be listed drugs and folk remedies that deserved for for a long time applying respect and reputation.

Drugs for sweating, which can be bought at the pharmacy:

  1. Deodorants and antiperspirants from various manufacturers of perfumes and cosmetics. The products of this group are suitable for people with mild sweating, as they contain few substances that help reduce sweating. Most commonly available as a spray or roll-on, they contain a fragrance that masks sweat odor and antibacterial agents. These products for the smell of sweat are freely available without a prescription, you can buy not only in pharmacies, but also in household chemicals and cosmetics stores.
  2. Special means against sweat. This group is represented by preparations containing metal salts: aluminum and zinc. These metals, getting on the skin, bind to the proteins of the epidermis, forming complex organic salts, which in turn close the excretory ducts of the accrine and apocrine sweat glands. These drugs include: "Maxim", "DryDry", "Odaban", "Klima". These drugs have various forms release and content of metals, from 15 to 30%. Before choosing a drug in this category, you should consult a dermatologist. Application usually begins with the lowest concentration. The use of such remedies is usually safe, but sometimes there are side effects: allergic reactions and hydradenitis. Purulent inflammation sweat glands, or hidradenitis. appears when antiperspirants are applied to dirty skin infected with Staphylococcus aureus or others pathogenic bacteria. Aluminum salts, closing the excretory ducts of the glands, leave the infection inside the gland, where it is provided ideal conditions for reproduction. Therefore, before using the above remedies for sweating, it is necessary to remove hair from the problem area (armpits, anogenital area, perineum), wash the application area with antibacterial soap, and only then apply the product.
  3. Preparations containing formaldehyde. This group of drugs includes very well-known drugs Formagel i Formidron. Formaldehyde, which is part of them, has an unpleasant characteristic odor. The drug itself has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect, and also actively suppresses the function of the sweat glands. The drug is applied to clean skin after hygienic shower for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with water. This procedure is carried out once a week. Since formaldehyde has toxic properties, it strongly affects the liver, kidneys and nervous system, it is not recommended long-term use these drugs. Despite the possible side effects, the drugs have proven to be an effective remedy for sweat.
  4. Pasta Lassara. This drug is used to treat pressure sores, weeping ulcers on the legs with thrombophlebitis and diabetes, as well as to suppress the sweat glands. Salicylic acid and zinc oxide, which are part of the preparation, have an antiseptic, drying and keratolytic effect. The paste is applied to the armpits or legs, even in the presence of pustules and macerations, 2-3 times a day. Does not require rinsing with water. The use of the paste often causes side effects such as dizziness, pruritus, redness at the site of application.
  5. Pasta Teymurova. This is another fairly good and proven drug for sweat protection. It contains a lot of components, in many ways similar to Lassar's paste: zinc oxide and salicylic acid, but there are additional components - lead acetate and formaldehyde. Therefore, this drug has the properties of both Lassar paste and Formagel, and can naturally cause side effects of these drugs. This drug is applied to problem areas (armpits, feet, palms) once a day after a shower on dry skin. The duration of treatment is set by a dermatologist, depending on the severity of the course of the disease, and usually the course of treatment takes from 15 to 30 days, until a stable remission occurs.
  6. Means from sweating of armpits "DryDry". For today it is the best remedy from perspiration of armpits and legs. Despite the higher price than competitors, this drug has excellent reviews from patients and doctors. This antiperspirant contains aluminum salt, which blocks the sweat glands, and denatured alcohol, which tans the skin and kills bacteria. The line of drugs "DryDry" is quite wide: there is a release form for people with sensitive skin with the absence of denatured alcohol in the composition, a special foot spray, and a preparation with a maximum content of aluminum salts, for very sweaty patients. But as always, there are contraindications and side effects. Aluminum accumulates in the tissues of the body, is difficult to excrete, has a nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic effect, therefore, during the treatment with DryDry, it is necessary to regularly see a dermatologist.
  7. Galmanin. This is another drug excessive sweating armpits. Produced in the form of a powder-powder. It contains the already known zinc oxide and salicylic acid. The drug has an antiseptic effect, suppresses the production of sweat by closing their excretory ducts. IN rare cases causes allergic reactions in the form of redness, itching and burning in the area of ​​application.

Folk remedies for sweat

A heavily sweating person always stands out in the crowd, and not only with wet yellow circles in the armpits, but also with a sometimes very strong, unpleasant smell. Since applying long time medical supplies from the smell of sweat, allergic reactions and side effects occur, patients often resort to traditional medicine.

So what kind of remedies for underarm sweat are sold in a pharmacy:

  1. Decoction of oak bark. Raw materials for the preparation of this medicine are sold in many pharmacies (in order not to search around the city, you can order it in an online pharmacy). To prepare a decoction, you need 5 tablespoons of raw materials, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Next, the resulting infusion is put on the stove, and boiled for half an hour. Already obtained with a cold decoction of oak bark, cotton swabs or gauze are moistened and applied to problem areas. Oak bark has a tanning and antiseptic effect. Such procedures are carried out 2 times a day on clean skin for 2 weeks.
  2. Chamomile helps to get rid of armpit sweating. This is a very cheap, common and effective remedy for dealing with a variety of skin diseases. The use of infusions of this healing herb help get rid of sweating bad smell and pustules for a short time. Also on this herbal preparation extremely rare allergic reactions. For cooking healing decoction it is necessary to pour 3 tablespoons of chamomile with a pharmacy glass of boiling water, then stand for 1-2 hours. After cooling the broth, add 1 teaspoon to the resulting broth. baking soda. Use this solution to treat the armpits, feet, or other problem areas 2 times a day for three weeks.
  3. Infusion peppermint is also a good remedy from excessive sweating and unpleasant odor. To prepare the infusion, pour 3 tablespoons of chopped dried leaves mint 0.5 l of boiling water and leave to infuse for a day. With the resulting infusion, wipe the armpits and other parts of the body 2 times a day for two weeks. Sweating becomes much less, and the body smells pleasantly of mint.

Body-positive people say that wet spots in the armpits and the smell of sweat are normal and natural. But anyway modern man differs in many ways from the savage, and by acquiring the best pharmaceutical remedies for sweat under the armpits, he strives to get rid of both of them, making a lot of effort.

For temperature rise environment the body reacts in the usual and natural way - increased sweating: this is how the system of protection against overheating manifests itself. Basically, sweat is released in several areas, one of which is the axillary zone.

Pharmacy remedies for sweating in the armpits

Modern pharmacology offers a lot of remedies if armpits sweat - both innovative and time-tested. They can be purchased without a prescription and thus solve the problem with wet stains on clothes and unpleasant amber.

Some people decide on special injections that relieve the problem not temporarily, but forever, because they completely suppress the functions of the sweat glands. But this method is considered quite dangerous (the natural regulation of body temperature is disrupted), so in the absence of an urgent need, it is better not to resort to it and limit yourself to drugs.


Our mothers and grandmothers also used this preparation for the smell of sweat under the arms. The product not only dries the skin perfectly, but also forms on top skin film that cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is this invisible film that creates an obstacle to sweat and gets rid of wet armpits.

But it is worth knowing the opinion of experts: doctors believe that caution when referring to this remedy is necessary. This need is due to the presence in the composition of the drug of such a component as formaldehyde. Prolonged use has Negative influence on the nervous system, mucous membranes and even reproductive functions.

An additional danger is the ability of formaldehyde to accumulate in the body upon penetration, which can subsequently provoke the appearance and growth of malignant neoplasms.

Dry dry

Another effective treatment for underarm hyperhidrosis is a colorless, long-acting liquid called Dry-Dry. Unlike many similar products, deodorant is not applied before going out, but at night - before going to bed.

The body must first be prepared - thoroughly washed and wiped dry. There is no need to worry about the fact that the drug can leave traces: Dry-Dry dries quickly and does not stain clothes, but it works for a very long time - a whole week.

After this period, you need to give the skin a rest for a day or two, after which the deodorant can be applied again. This will be enough to reduce perspiration, and the unpleasant smell completely disappears.

This tool acts on the pores of the skin, narrowing them, so that the armpits remain dry. However, one should not think that the work of the sweat glands will suffer from this - the secretions are simply sent to other areas of the skin.

The main form of release is a regular bottle equipped with a roll-on applicator.

Pasta Lassara

Works great for hyperhidrosis. The pharmacy drug has a significant antiseptic effect. The main part of the composition of this paste is made up of ingredients such as petroleum jelly, starch and zinc oxide. For achievement good effect the drug is applied to the skin in a thin layer for 30 days.

In normal cases, Lassar paste has no contraindications and side effects, however, women in interesting position however, it is not recommended to use the remedy. You can not apply the paste on the armpit or other part of the body during the period of feeding the baby.

Powder Galmanin

An excellent tool in the fight against sweating, which will allow you not to worry if your clothes are wet from sweat in the place of the armpits. Active ingredients powders are zinc oxide, starch, talc and salicylic acid.

This combined remedy, which assumes topical application. Thanks to salicylic acid powder Galmanin receives antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, and drying of the skin is achieved by exposure to zinc oxide. It's not hard to see why powder is high on the list of products to combat excessive sweating.

Salicylic-zinc ointment

The composition of the drug is similar to Galmanin powder, only salicylic-zinc ointment is available in the form of a paste. The ointment dries the skin well, has enhanced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

However, applying the composition to large areas of the skin can lead to the opposite effect, that is, increased hyperhidrosis, so this is not recommended. The ointment has a rather extensive list of contraindications, which includes not only traditional pregnancy, but also anemia, and stomach ulcers, and poor blood clotting.

Pasta Teymurova

It is one of the most popular drugs in the fight against excessive armpit sweating. It contains not only lead and talc, but also glycerin and lead. In addition, the ointment contains acids and formaldehyde, due to which it acquires antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. In general, a drug with such a multicomponent composition very actively prevents sweating.

The paste should be rubbed into clean and well-dried skin, and do this for three or four days. Use by pregnant women is not recommended.

It should be noted that because of its composition, pasta is prohibited in a number of European countries, however, its danger has not been proven in the CIS: the medicine continues to delight many people with its effect.

If, when using the ointment, a slight burning sensation appears, you should not worry - this is a normal manifestation.

Ointment Formagel

The product is registered with the Ministry of Health. It is recommended to use the ointment without fear: the composition will dry the skin and slow down the process of sweating. However, when applied, both minor side effects (for example, dryness, burning or itching of the skin) and allergic manifestations are possible.


Cream-deodorant "Lavilin" - another great tool that lasts for 14 days. It contains tocopherol, vitamins and plant extracts, which act very gently and at the same time so effectively that the cream can be used before active sports exercises or other physical activity.

Aluminum oxide, which is in the composition of the product, does not completely eliminate sweating, but significantly reduces its intensity, without exerting any negative impact on the body's thermoregulatory system.

sweat linings

Both sexes use absorbent underarm pads. It is impossible to notice them under clothes due to their thinness, but they allow you to get rid of wet spots and make it possible not to worry about violation of thermoregulation.

Comfortable shape and efficiency make them more and more popular, especially with pretty ladies who need confidence in their own attractiveness.

Men and some women suffer seriously from the problem of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), while each person thinks that he is the only one in the whole world. The problem does not allow us to live in peace, enjoy life and be in society: we constantly think that everyone will certainly notice these annoying wet spots on our clothes and want to stay away from us. But do not worry, hyperhidrosis is perfectly treatable, you can easily prevent all its manifestations, while doing it without surgical intervention using simple means from increased sweating.

What is hyperhidrosis?

This problem is high sweating, which manifests itself mainly on armpits, palms, legs, sometimes - in other zones. It seems to us that this does not require special attention, since the reason lies, most likely, in poor hygiene. At the same time, we all know that sweating is a normal function of our body. Its purpose is to regulate human temperature body.

At the same time, the humidity of the armpits, feet and palms, constantly sweating, cause inconvenience and considerable discomfort, their presence plunges us into complexes. And it seems that to eliminate an unpleasant odor and reduce hyperhidrosis, cosmetologists came up with a long time ago safe means from increased sweating, but everything is not so simple: data cosmetic preparations are not always able to help.

Symptoms and causes of hyperhidrosis

Some women and men are worried all the time and armpits. Consider the reasons for such intensive work of the sweat glands. When it comes to armpits, these are:

  • malnutrition, a large number of seasoned with spices, spicy food in the diet - the components of various spices provoke inflammation of the sweat glands;
  • synthetic clothing that stimulates perspiration and enhances odor;
  • period of menopause or pregnancy;
  • violations or failure in the nervous or endocrine system;
  • panic attacks, feelings of anxiety.

Speaking of legs, this case the smell of sweat can give off various unpleasant odors. The development of these odors are prerequisites such as:

  1. Overheating of the feet caused by wearing tight tights or socks that are too warm.
  2. Wrong footwear. It includes not only uncomfortable or small-sized shoes, but also made from low-quality, non-natural materials.
  3. Physical activity and sports. While exercising, it is very difficult to control sweating. To do this, you can choose special high-quality shoes and observe hygiene.
  4. Wearing undried, damp shoes that create the effect of a steam room.
  5. The occurrence of a fungus, skin diseases, in addition, a high level of stress - all this must be treated with the use of medicines.

We should separately talk about the high sweating of children and adolescents: it is caused by the first imperfection of heat transfer, as well as interruptions in the amount of calcium in the body. In adolescents, hyperhidrosis is often considered a consequence of puberty and an imbalance of the nervous system.

It must be remembered that hyperhidrosis is a harbinger of serious diseases, including:

  • diabetes mellitus (high sweating is observed in the upper body area, while the skin in the lower part is too dry);
  • kidney failure;
  • tuberculosis (sweat mostly in sleep);
  • cardiological diseases;
  • constant moisture of the palms and armpits indicates vegetovascular dystonia.

The most common types

Mostly high degree sweating manifests itself:

  • on the palms - plantar hyperhidrosis;
  • in the armpits - axillary;
  • the whole body is covered with perspiration - idiopathic hyperhidrosis;
  • on the soles of the feet - palmar.

Level of manifestation

Also, excessive sweating can be classified according to the level of its manifestation:

  • those around, with its mild manifestation, mostly do not notice the signs of hyperhidrosis in the patient, but he himself already feels slight discomfort, because wet spots on his clothes can reach a diameter of 15 cm;
  • the greater stiffness of the patient's behavior is characterized by an average degree, since during the day a person needs to change clothes several times (especially in the heat), while in the armpits the diameter of wet spots increases to 25 cm;
  • a severe manifestation is characterized by the fact that sweat flows down the patient's body in streams, while spreading an unpleasant odor and being marked with huge spots on clothes, which is why others do not seek to communicate with the patient.

Who to turn to for help?

Once you discover that simple hygiene procedures and the use of conventional antiperspirants does not have the desired effect, while you continue to sweat profusely, you need to consult a doctor. A logical question arises: "Which doctor should I contact with this delicate issue so that he would recommend an effective remedy for excessive sweating?". Choose:

  • Try to go to a dermatologist - he will prescribe physiotherapy for primary hyperhidrosis (electrophoresis, iontophoresis, radiation therapy) or an effective antiperspirant.
  • The surgeon may advise you to remove the sweat glands in the armpit area in order to completely eliminate the discomfort. Patients after this operation feel incredible relief, while not everyone dares to go under the doctor's knife for the sake of such comfort.
  • By visiting a beautician, you can inject Botox into the armpit area. Thus, you will forget about hyperhidrosis for at least six months. Expensive, yet effective. He will also be able to pick up effective remedies for you with increased sweating under the arms.

Required tests

With the slightest suspicion that hyperhidrosis is not an independent disease, but a consequence of a serious illness, you need to make an appointment with your therapist. He will definitely prescribe tests for you, including:

  • blood chemistry;
  • general tests (urine, blood);
  • determination of thyroid function;
  • analysis for HIV and hepatitis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • Thyroid ultrasound.

Based on the results of the tests passed, you will be referred to a narrow-profile doctor, depending on the disease that is suspected (phthisiatrician, endocrinologist, oncologist, cardiologist or neurologist).

How is hyperhidrosis treated?

Hyperhidrosis can be cured different ways, among which:

  1. Cosmetic solution of this problem by injections of various special preparations that block sweat.
  2. Surgical intervention by excision of sweat glands.
  3. The use of cosmetics with high efficiency against sweat.
  4. Use medicines, which help to improve the emotional state of a person and moderate his increased sweating.
  5. Folk remedies to reduce sweating, which are based on herbs, decoctions and other methods. They saved people a few decades ago.

Treatment at home

It should be noted that without contacting a cosmetologist or surgeon, you can try to cope with such a problem as increased sweating on your own. Treatment folk remedies can alleviate your condition. Appropriate cosmetic product and the method can be anything. Moreover, if none of these means helps to the end, you need to use an integrated approach.

We will take a closer look at the methods that any of us can apply when we find ourselves with a problem of excessive sweating.

Pharmacy funds

Before prescribing certain remedies for excessive sweating, it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to avoid possible negative consequences.

Main pharmaceutical products that reduce the level of sweating are these groups of drugs:

  • Depending on the exact cause of hyperhidrosis, a doctor may prescribe a course of tranquilizers. These remedies for excessive sweating are used if excess moisture in the armpits is the result of psychological stress and constant stress. In this case, "Gidazepam", "Diazepam", "Phenazepam" are effective, helping to eliminate the feeling of fear and anxiety. The course lasts up to 4 weeks, while the drugs in pharmacies are dispensed by prescription.
  • Appoint also sedatives plant origin. Their action is aimed at reducing nervous excitability, normalizing emotional state. You can start with medicines that are not addictive - this is motherwort or valerian tincture, as well as belladonna tablets, such as Belloid, Bellaspon, Bellataminal. These drugs can resist neurosis, neurogenic disorders and irritability, which very often turn out to be provocateurs of high sweating.
  • Effective enough to use a disinfectant and antiseptic from increased sweating of the armpits, for example, "Formidron" and "Formagel", Teymurov's paste and "Urotropin", which are applied with tampons, while the result from their use is immediately visible and lasts up to two weeks.
  • Drugs of the anticholinergic type, which affect the productivity of the glands, and also inhibit their work. This achieves a reduction in sweating. The drugs "Oxybutin", "Clonidine", as well as beta-blockers are very effective. Wherein long-term use these funds can be fraught with excessive drying of the mucous membranes, problems with urination and frequent constipation.

Cosmetic preparations

When looking for the best remedy for excessive sweating, you should also consider the following antiperspirant deodorants:

  • Maxim is a gel-like American antiperspirant, completely hypoallergenic, and one bottle lasts almost a year. It is important to follow the instructions: the product should be applied to the skin of the armpits before going to bed, while the skin should not be shaved for at least 48 hours.
  • Dry dry is a Swedish liquid deodorant that eliminates perspiration and does not disturb the body. natural processes. Armpits, palms and feet remain dry for several days, including after bathing. The product at the same time makes it possible to sweat in a normal volume, completely eliminates the smell. It must be applied, like the above drug, a couple of times a week.
  • Odaban is a deodorant spray. It can be applied to any sweating areas of the body, without exception, during pregnancy in particular. It eliminates hyperhidrosis, and also reduces its effects (irritation and diaper rash), which are considered constant companions of high sweating.

Remedies for increased sweating: reviews

It is also worth paying attention to the opinion of those who have already successfully dealt with this problem. Judging by the reviews, despite the fact that these remedies for excessive sweating are considered cosmetic, you are unlikely to find them in a regular store, therefore, immediately go to the pharmacy. The great advantage of these drugs is their highest efficiency(after a single application 5-7 days of dryness), ease of use, as well as cost-effectiveness (3-7 months).

Among the shortcomings, users distinguish a rather considerable cost, as well as high content metals in the composition of drugs that clog the sweat glands. The latter factor mainly scares girls, and they are afraid to buy these products, fearing that their use can cause serious illness.

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