Is it worth adopting a kitten if there is a small child in the house? Is it possible for a baby and a cat to be in the same house? To be or not to be…

Relationship between cat and baby. As soon as a baby appears in your home, your attention completely switches to him. If a cat already lives in your house, then it is very difficult to immediately understand the pet’s attitude towards the new family member. At first, you need to make sure that the cat does not stay with the child without the presence of adults and does not enter his room.

However, you should introduce pet with the baby in the first days of his life. To do this, you can let the cat sniff the baby’s things so that she can make sure that the child does not pose any threat. It doesn’t hurt to visit a veterinarian to rule out fungal and other diseases in the cat that could pose a danger to the child’s developing immunity. This is also useful for determining whether your baby is allergic to cat hair. Nowadays, allergies in children are very common, and in this case, most likely, you will have to get rid of the animal.

During the period when the child begins crawl, you need to make sure that attempts to play do not seem like a manifestation to the cat, and she does not attack your child. Parents of children of this age often complain that the child was scratched.

Cat and older children

As soon as children grow to the age when they can independently control their behavior, it is necessary to explain to them that the animal also deserves respect and careful attitude. The cat litter box and food area should be off-limits for the child. Children should not be left alone with animals.

It is worth noting that communication with a furry friend in early age is very useful. If you don’t have a cat yet, and you are just planning to adopt one, then it is best to take a small kitten. This way they will grow, develop and look after each other together. Such communication will help the baby become more independent. Over time, he will understand that animals must be treated with great care.

It's very important to explain to kid that a cat is not a toy. Very often, children torture cats by dragging them from corner to corner, dressing them in doll clothes, or playing for too long. IN in this case the animal may become aggressive and adults must prevent this.

The dangers that cats keep within themselves

Homemade cats They can also be spreaders of dangerous diseases. Eating raw fish and meat, by hunting flies, as well as walking near outdoor shoes, cats can pick up helminthiasis (worms) and so on. In cats, this disease is asymptomatic, but the risk of spreading this disease to people, and especially children, is quite high. To avoid this situation, parents must carry out worm prevention at least 2 times a year.

Also animal can become infected with toxoplasmosis, which is extremely dangerous, especially during... Future mom can become infected with toxoplasmosis when cleaning the cat's litter box. This disease in itself is not dangerous for the mother, but can have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus.

Next disease, which is not life-threatening, but quite unpleasant is ringworm. Infection occurs through direct contact with a sick cat. In case of infection, a person develops scaly spots that have a round shape. So that you and your child are not exposed to this disease, your pet should be vaccinated.

The most dangerous disease, carried by cats, is feline rabies. This disease is caused by a neurovirus, which is transmitted through a bite with saliva. The disease is incurable and if symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Also cats may cause a disease called "cat scratch". This disease is infectious, and it occurs when bacteria enter the baby’s injured skin. The disease is spread by cats whose bacteria are located in the oral cavity. By licking your paws, the infection gets to your claws. Infection of a baby can occur when a cat bites or scratches it. At the site of the bite or scratch, a spot appears, and then a blister, which subsequently bursts and forms an ulcer. Then there is an increase lymph nodes and temperature rise. Treatment takes place at home with plenty of fluids and antipyretics.

It is worth noting that cats They can also be carriers of other diseases, such as salmonellosis or chlamydia. If your pet shows any signs of illness, it is better not to approach the animal and protect it from contact with children.

Precautionary measures

First of all, you should keep cat, her toilet and food area is strictly clean. If the cat is fluffy, then it is necessary to brush it regularly so that the hair does not get into the child’s mouth.
Must visit regularly veterinarian and carry out worm prevention for both the cat and your baby. If suddenly your cat can go to the toilet in in the wrong place, then you should strictly ensure that the child does not touch cat feces, and immediately wash the floor thoroughly with a special disinfectant.

Do not allow baby There is cat food(it is worth noting that all children try to taste it), remove bowls with cat food away when the pet has eaten and, conversely, remove children's food from the table. The products you feed your baby should be stored out of reach of your pet.

While the cat is feeding The baby should not be nearby, as the pet may not like it.
The cat should not be left alone with the child.
If all of the above rules are followed, then the animal will bring only joy to your home.

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Parents who decide to have a cat in the house always face main question– how their child will react to her appearance. On the one hand, the appearance of a cute pet can bring a lot of positive emotions to the younger family member, but on the other hand, cat hair can lead to an allergic reaction. Before making a final decision, each family must weigh the pros and cons and understand whether they are ready to take on such responsibility.

So to positive aspects The arrival of a new family member - a cat - in the house concerns, first of all, the cat's ability to heal. Many psychologists and even doctors say that cats can have a calming effect on a child; next to them, the baby will forget about all illnesses, and the baby will fall asleep much calmer and faster.

For parents who want to instill in their little child a sense of responsibility and love for the people around him, a cat will simply be an indispensable assistant. True, here it is more advisable to take a small kitten, which will grow with the baby. The kitten will certainly require attention and care for itself, and the child will take great pleasure in caring for it. So, together with mom or dad, the baby can bathe the animal or feed it, all this will teach him to treat his four-legged friend with warmth and trepidation.

Talk about what good mood a child whose house has a cat is over-provided for. A cat will always entertain your baby and make him laugh and smile as often as possible.

Of course, all these advantages are rather psychological; it is the presence of a cat in the house that will allow a child to grow up kind and affectionate. However, it is also necessary to understand that a cute and harmless-looking animal can bring a lot negative consequences for a child.

Firstly, cats often cause allergies, the presence of which can only be determined after a special medical examination. That is why more and more people are trying to get Sphynx cats, which are a hypoallergenic cat breed.

Secondly, the cat may scratch or bite the baby, which will cause fear in the child. If the child repeatedly faces attacks from pet, he may even develop a certain phobia in relation to this type of animal. Such problems can be avoided if games with the cat take place under the close supervision of parents.

A well-known childhood habit is to taste everything, including cat food. If this food enters a child’s body, it can cause stomach upset and diarrhea.

Only parents can answer the question about whether it is necessary to have a cat in the house or not. Despite all the negative aspects of having a furry pet in your home, there are undoubtedly more advantages. Communication with a cat will allow the child to develop attention, logic, and give him the first skills of communication and caring for his loved ones.

It is important to choose the right cat breed that is suitable for a particular family, familiarize yourself with the rules for keeping a given animal, its character, and also decide on the age of the cat. Small kittens require more care from their owners, but for the child they are of increased interest and enable the baby to develop comprehensively.

Is it possible to get a cat if you have Small child

An animal in the house, in particular a cat, is always news. But is the news sad or good? The sad news can only be in some aspects of a cat’s stay at your home, in the apartment - damaged furniture, broken pots of indoor flowers and other small things. But these troubles can be avoided, and after reading the article to the end, you will understand why. But this is all nothing compared to the problem that families with a small child face. It doesn’t matter if it’s a young family, but there is a small child living in the house. Is it possible to have a cat if there is a small child in the house? This is the question that worries many families with children. Let’s try to figure it out, weigh all the pros and cons of friendship between a kitten or cat and small children. Read the article and draw the right conclusions.

A cat in the house is a positive thing for a baby

1. The child is in excellent spirits.
It's no secret that during a child's childhood, parents try to do everything possible to see a smile on their baby's face more often. Who would like it if a child constantly cries and is dissatisfied with something? So some parents even try to walk on their heads, but so that the child smiles and does not be sad. If there is a cat in the house, the child will have no time to be sad. A cat will always distract a child from the sad moments of his young life. And if the cat is restless and is accustomed to constantly moving, then all sorts of somersaults with its participation are guaranteed. The child will not miss this and will always be in high spirits, with a smile on his face. And if there is more than one cat or kitten in the house, then there is unlikely to be a place for sadness at all.

2. Development of responsibility in the child.
It is thanks to a cat that you can instill self-confidence in a child. Responsibility for a cat from early childhood builds self-confidence in a child. We can say unequivocally - friendship in early childhood with a cat will only have a positive impact on the future character of your son or daughter. Naturally, it would be great to buy one that is not already on its feet. adult cat or a cat, a kitten is best. Growing up together will have a positive effect on the child. Caring for a kitten, grooming and trying to train it - all this will not pass by the formation of personality little man. Gradually, the baby will begin to notice that not all of his innovations in relation to the kitten are pleasant to him. He will begin to analyze and think about why this is so and how to make the kitten feel good. Taking care of our little brothers will instill in the child kindness, care, self-confidence and, most importantly, responsibility.

3. About intimate life the child learns from the cat
Don't be surprised, but this is true. If a cat grows in the house, and not a cat, then, most likely, the child in the future will become an involuntary witness mating games cats. And the awkwardness of young parents at the moments when they are asked the question: “Where do children come from?” will disappear by at least half. The child will have the opportunity to see and understand what childbirth is. Half of the questions will disappear by themselves, or it will be easier to explain to a child using the example of a cat. Of course, if the child is very impressionable, then you should not let him in at the moment of lambing itself. In general, the cat’s pregnancy period itself will be quite enough. Believe me, the child will gain enough knowledge.

4. Healing with a cat
There are two opinions about the healing capabilities of cats. Some believe in the cat's ability to heal, others are skeptical. But, by searching for information about a cat’s ability to heal, you can find many facts from doctors and scientists who directly state that the cat still has the ability to heal. You've probably noticed that when a cat lies on a person's sore spot, the pain either goes away or subsides. And the very purring of a cat has a calming effect on a person. If a child has problems sleeping, place a kitten or cat next to the baby, caress it so that it starts purring and the child will instantly fall asleep.

If you look back at what we have listed, you can see purely psychological nuances, the development of the child. Recent studies have proven that if a cat or kitten lived in a family while a child was growing up, then the son or daughter will grow into a kind and gifted person.

But not everything is as colorful as we would like. As with any good thing, you can always find a negative. The situation is the same with cats and children. What kind of negativity can a cat bring with it to a house where there is a small child? Let's try to figure it out.

1. Allergy from cats.
An allergy to cats is a major nuisance that should be feared and practically nothing can be done about it. It is almost impossible to find out for yourself whether you are allergic to cats or not; you will have to contact medical workers. A blood test will help determine allergies. In a few days the result will be known. But allergies are not the “end of the world.” The world of cats is so vast that there are hypoallergenic cats- sphinxes. A wonderful breed of cat that gets along well with children.

2. Aggression from the cat.
In fact, domestic cats are very kind and sweet animals. But, nevertheless, a child can get injured from a cat. The injuries are not fatal, but unpleasant. Aggression most often appears due to accidents, or due to the child’s ignorance of certain nuances of behavior with cats. You must explain what can be done in relation to the cat and what it does not like. And, nevertheless, there is always the possibility of an accidental provocation of a cat - a child stepped on a tail or paw, accidentally pressed the cat hard, etc. But if parents are always near their child, then you can always keep the situation under control.

3. Cats carry all sorts of diseases.
This is both myth and reality. If a cat is constantly at home, in an apartment and does not have access to the street, then there is no need to worry about what the cat will bring into the family, and first of all, some kind of disease on the child. The likelihood of all kinds of diseases and infections appearing in the house through a cat is if the cat is walking and visiting trash bins, meeting with infectious cats and cats. And then, not all the infection can spread to the baby if the child follows basic hygiene rules - washing his hands after playing with the cat. But if you don’t care about hygiene, you can easily get sick with peritoneum or toxoplasmosis from such cats.

4. Cat food and baby.
There is a possibility that the child will want to try the cat's food. Children are interested in everything, and finding out whether a cat’s food is tasty is no exception. Nothing bad will happen, but cat food can cause stomach upset. All responsibility lies on the shoulders of the parents. Hide food in places where the child cannot reach. Supervise your child while feeding the cat.

So is it possible to keep a cat when there is a child in the house?

To sum up everything that has been written above, we can say unequivocally that communication with a kitten or cat is more beneficial to children than harmful. With a cat, a child not only develops logical thinking, but also gets to know nature better. Develops self-confidence, caring and kindness.

To avoid a lot of problems with the kitten, it is not recommended to buy from strangers. Such kittens can not only be sick, but also aggressive. By buying a kitten from non-professionals, such as catteries, you endanger not only the child, but also yourself. What can we say about the furniture, it will be all torn apart. It’s no secret that street “sellers” of cats and kittens work only for profit. For such people, the main thing is to sell the kitten quickly; they do not have time to raise a kitten. You can generally remain silent about vaccination.

Professional catteries are another matter. There are very few professional nurseries now. For example, the Moscow cattery Nefertee is one of the few professional catteries. Here the kitten will be taught both the scratching post and the litter box. When purchasing, you no longer worry about the furniture or that the kitten will shit outside the tray. The kittens are all vaccinated and guaranteed not to be sick. When you buy from such nurseries, a lot of problems with the kitten have already been solved for you. When choosing a cattery, take it very seriously; there are also scammers among catteries.

Has a kitten appeared in your family with a small child? Do you draw idyllic pictures of two cute babies hugging each other? Do all your cats and dogs that you loved so much come to mind? Touching to tears! Don't flatter yourself! Now more for a long time, peace will be something unattainable for you.

How it really happens

So, a little bundle of “happiness” appeared in the house. The first emotions of the whole family are absolutely predictable: “Lovely”, “How cute”, “Look how they play” and the like.

  1. “How does it work”;
  2. “Love, love like that”;
  3. “Mine means mine.”

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

1. How does it work?

The curiosity of young children sometimes goes beyond all boundaries. In their quest to understand everything in more detail, children often take apart and break their toys, trying to understand what is inside them. Many adults believe that this is a sign of spoiling, but this statement is not entirely true. It is from this point of view that the baby views his little furry friend. Looking at the kitten and trying to “disassemble” it, the child unwittingly causes pain to the pet. As a result, the animal squeaks, the elders swear, and the would-be researcher himself cries. He really doesn't understand what he did wrong.

Advice: Take your pet in your arms, sit the baby on your lap and tell him about what little kitty as alive as himself. He also feels pain and knows how to love. Give an example of how recently a child fell and hurt himself. Explain that it also hurts the kitten when it is offended. Tell your child that a small animal must be treated with the same care as its mother treats it. Show how to hold the animal correctly so as not to hurt it, how to scratch behind the ear to calm the pet. Explain that very soon, if the baby does not offend your pet anymore, they will become best friends.

2. Love, love like that

Babies have no limitations in their feelings of love and adoration. If he loves someone, then with all his soul. How does a child usually express his feelings towards his mother? Hugs tightly. What is the difference between a beloved mother and an adored living soft ball of fur? In the understanding of the baby, these two creatures are absolutely equal. This means that such expressions of love will be pleasant for the pet. The result is that the frightened, “flattened” animal screams heart-rendingly and scratches, and the amazed baby, completely confused, tries again and again to catch the fugitive and try once again to prove his love to him.

Advice: Explain to your baby that kittens do not like to be hugged like that. The animal enjoys being close to its friend and loves gentle scratches behind the ears. Tell him that the pet also loves him very much, and when he feels pain from hugs, he gets scared.

3. Mine means mine

Rightly believing that his new toy should belong only to him, the baby tries to spend all his time with the kitten. This is certainly not a bad thing. But sometimes, the pet can’t even eat in peace or get some sleep. In addition, the child throws a tantrum over the fact that one of the household members allowed himself to pick up or stroke the animal. For young children, such a manifestation of selfishness is normal. After all, they are accustomed to the fact that no one has anything to do with their toys, no one plays with them, and no one needs them.

Advice: Constantly explain to your child that an animal is not just his toy. This creature is now also a member of the family with its own needs and desires. If you are going to feed your pet, do it while the baby is eating or sit down with your child near the kitten’s bowl and watch how the pet eats. Repeat to your child that when your pet is eating, you should not touch him. Some animals react negatively to everything around them while eating and can injure the baby. In addition, this will foster care for a close and beloved creature. When putting your baby to bed, do not allow your pet to go to bed with you. Explain to your child that while he sleeps, his friend will also rest, and then they will play happily together again.

Advice: Show your child what games kittens like to play. Make a beautiful bow from rustling fabric on a long rope. Try to ensure that the rope itself at the place where the baby will hold it is comfortable and does not cut the handle. Play with your kitten and show him how much he likes to chase a toy. Build a scratching post for your pet together with your baby. There are many options, they can be found on the Internet or in special books. Build an impromptu house for your pet. Cover soft cloth and explain to your baby that the animal must sleep in its own crib. After all, every member of the household has their own bed in the house. Go to the pet store together and choose a beautiful toy for the kitten. In general, explain to your child that the kitten has his own games that you can play together.

What awaits mothers when a kitten appears in the house?

And now we can talk about how difficult the life of parents will become from the moment a child appears in the house. new member family - kitten. There is only one piece of advice here - have a lot of patience. For a very long time you will be explaining, separating, smearing brilliant green, calming, feeding, running around with a cloth, stitching up, and so on.

Get ready for the fact that every minute you will be afraid not only for your scratched and bitten child, but also for the animal that they are trying to crush or stuff into washing machine. Only when opening his eyes in the morning will the child rush to his little friend, completely not responding to your admonitions about the morning toilet and pajamas. Now you will need to watch every second to make sure nothing happens. If previously victorious exclamations from the nursery were an expression of delight at an interesting cartoon or the way a car made a turn around a chair, now it can be something more serious. For example, a completely frightened kitten tied to a toy train racing along the rails can cause such a storm of emotions in a child.

Now you will need to ensure not only that the baby is well-fed and clean, but also that the animal has time to do its daily chores in a timely manner. It’s not enough to accustom your cat to the litter box; you also need to give her the opportunity to run to the toilet or a bowl of food. You will have to take on all the worries about these two kids. After all, another helpless little one appeared in the house and needed care and guardianship.

Cat in the house - advantages

IN educational process animals play a big role. Communication with a pet develops such qualities in a child as:

1. Sociability

For a child who in early childhood needs communication more than ever, the appearance of a new friend will be simply necessary. The kitten will now become a partner in all his fun and games. They will watch cartoons together, listen to their mother read books to them and play. In addition, children who have pets tell their friends in kindergarten about them. These stories, as a rule, arouse interest and admiration among peers. The baby, having become the center of attention of his friends, simply glows with pride and joy.

2. Discipline

If a child grows up next to a pet, he can clearly see that the cat washes itself after eating or goes to the toilet in the tray. Looking at the behavior of his furry friend, the child involuntarily begins to feel embarrassed that he, as his mother says, is “grimy” or “blew his pants.” In addition, if you teach your baby to feed and care for his pet, then in the morning, before he eats himself, he will definitely feed the kitten.

3. The ability to be compassionate

How upset kids get when they see their pet suffering! To tears! Does the kitten want to eat? The child runs headlong to his mother and asks to pour him some milk. The pet meows behind a closed door, the baby rushes to his rescue. But again, compassion is a feeling that should be explained by the parent. Using the example of those cases that happened to the child himself and how painful or scared he was then.

Cat in the house - cons

There are not so many negative aspects to having a small pet in the house where a child lives, but they do exist.

1. Worms

Most parents are afraid that with the appearance of an animal in the house, the child may have worms. The answer is ambiguous - maybe, but it can be avoided. A cat walking outside brings dirt on its paws into the house or can become infected with worms from other animals. In this case:

  • Do not allow the animal to go outside. This is a common occurrence in multi-story buildings;
  • Wash your animal's paws thoroughly after a walk;
  • Bathe your cat weekly with special products;
  • Buy special drugs from worms for cats.

And, of course, the indispensable daily cleaning in the house. And also, do not allow your child to kiss the animal, this increases the risk of worms significantly.

2. Allergies

If one of the elders in the family is susceptible allergic reactions on animal fur, then having a pet is definitely not worth it. Not only will this household be forced to suffer from attacks, this will be an additional provocation for the development of allergies in the baby. After all, doctors prove that allergies are a hereditary disease.

3. Health

I won't say anything new, animals are carriers of many infectious diseases. If you don't follow general condition pet and its health, you can acquire a lot of problems related to the health of the child and the whole family.

4. Hygiene

The baby’s hands already have to be washed frequently. And now you will need to constantly make sure that he does not take cookies or candy from the table with the hands with which he was just petting the pet. In addition, a cat leaves fur everywhere in the house. Now wet cleaning will need to be done almost every day.

We are responsible for those we have tamed

Your baby will definitely be delighted with any animal you take into your home. However, how do you yourself feel about this prospect? Will you be able to maintain hygiene in your home and accept the fact that the problems will now definitely double? After all, you don’t take an animal for a day or two, this creature will live with you long years. It takes a lot of patience to teach a kitten to go to the litter box or not to climb on the table. Did not work out? Where will you put the animal that has become unnecessary? Throw it in the trash? What example will this be for the baby?

Weigh all the pros and cons of this situation, accept only correct solution. It is better to deny your child every minute of joy now than to upset him later with your dislike for the pet and suffer yourself.


In front of everyone negative aspects, a lot of energy and nerves that will have to be spent on a new household member, there are definitely more advantages in this situation. After all, children grow up and their furry friends grow up with them. Very soon the little ball of fur will become an adult, smart cat who will become best friend your child and the favorite of everyone around him. Teach your baby to properly care for the kitten, understand his wishes and love him. After all, humanity begins to develop from an early age.

Many future and current parents often have a question: are a child and a cat compatible? Moreover, you can be interested in this topic based on two opposing positions: there is already a cat in the house and a baby will appear soon, or a child is already growing in the family and there is a desire to have a cat. The actions of the parents depend on the order in which the pet and child appeared in the family, so let’s look at these situations in more detail, but first let’s talk about the myths associated with cats and children.

Myth 1. Cats steal the breath of babies.

These fictions are popular among the older generation from the outback, who believe that cats get close to defenseless babies and take away their breath and strength. But sensible people understand that the presence of a cat in a child’s cradle can be explained by not just one, but several reasons. Cats are curious, and, therefore, if a new little person appears in the family, then it is necessary to get to know him. To do this, they get closer to the sniffling little bag and sniff it. In addition, representatives of the cat family love warmth and limited space, so they are not at all averse to sleeping in a cozy baby cradle or crib.

Myth 2. Cats are bad to small children.

Of course, if a cat has lived in your house for a long time and is accustomed to receiving a certain amount of attention and affection, with the arrival of the baby he will initially feel deprived, but a healthy, well-mannered cat will never “sort things out” with a new family member. Even if the animal does not feel much sympathy for the child, most likely it will simply try to avoid the baby.

Myth 3. A cat can infect a child some illness

Being afraid of diseases from cats is the same as being afraid to go outside. Yes, cats are carriers of many diseases, and there is always a possibility of infection from them, but no one has canceled the rules of living together with animals. If the baby and the cat do not eat from the same dishes, do not kiss and sleep in the same bed, then the problem of cat diseases can be avoided. The child must clearly understand that a cat is not a soft toy and that after interacting with it one should always wash their hands, and the cat must be accustomed to its own place of eating and sleeping. It is unacceptable for a cat to sleep in a crib or have access to children's household items. If you follow these rules, then soon both will be accustomed to order and no difficulties will arise.

There is a cat in the house, a child is planned

Young families without children often get a furry pet and manage to get used to it by the time pregnancy occurs. Giving someone a cat because of an expected addition to the family is not an option for everyone, and there is no point in doing so. You can only be afraid of any malicious actions on the part of a cat if the animal is mentally unbalanced and poorly brought up. If the cat is healthy, then in the worst case he will simply ignore the baby, and in the best case he will become his reliable friend and protector.

In the “cat and newborn” pair, the animal takes an active position, and very often it is able to give the baby not only new tactile sensations. There are cases when cats taught babies new skills - for example, they pushed their nose into the palm and thereby provoked an important grasping reflex, and cats also calm the child with their purring and soft fur.

It is very important at the first stage to form the right relationship between this couple. The main points are given below:

  • When a baby is brought into the house, it is necessary to give the cat the opportunity to get to know the new family member - examine, sniff, listen;
  • You cannot drive a cat away from a child by screaming, because he will still try to get to know the baby, and it is better to let this happen in front of the parents;
  • If an animal tries to climb into a cradle or crib, then you need to prohibit it from doing so in a calm, even voice;
  • You can't treat a cat like a child's toy. Remember that your furry pet- also a family member, which means he must be treated accordingly;
  • To prevent jealousy, give your pet at least a little time - scratch behind the ear, feed, pet, that is, in every possible way let him understand that your love for him has not diminished.

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