Cough tablets (thermopsis). Instructions for the drug, use, price. List of inexpensive but effective cough medicines

How to choose inexpensive ones effective tablets Every person should know about dry cough. Cough is a specific defense of the body, which is a symptom of the disease. Even when coughing severely, people do not always seek help from a doctor, preferring to treat themselves.

Any medications for it should be prescribed only by the attending physician. If the cough does not go away, then you can use a number of inexpensive but effective drugs: thermopsol, mucaltin, rengalin, thermopsis, fluimucil. They will reduce spasm, inflammation, and cleanse the bronchi of pathogens.

However, the cough sometimes persists for up to several weeks, causing great discomfort to the patient and causing complications. That is why it is so important to know what disease caused the cough, what is the best way to treat it, and which cough tablets are inexpensive but effective. From the article you will learn about which cough tablets are inexpensive but effective, and for which type of cough you should use them.

Cough tablets - instructions for use for adults and children

Cough tablets (that's what they are called) are affordable medicine which helps get rid of common symptoms of diseases respiratory tract, a cough reflex accompanied by the release of mucus or so-called dry mucus.

Available in the form of tablets for oral administration, gray in color. greenish tint with dark splashes. The tablets are packaged in cell packs in a cardboard box with attached instructions.

Each tablet of the drug contains active ingredients - thermopsis grass powder 6.7 mg. and sodium bicarbonate 250 mg., as well as a number of excipients - potato starch and talc.

Cough tablets - instructions: purpose, method of use and side effects

Correct use of “Cough Tablets” is the key Get well soon. Dosage for different ages:

  • The instructions for use state that children over 12 years of age are prescribed the drug 1 tablet 2 to 3 times a day. Treatment time usually does not exceed five days. If the course is completed, but the cough remains, the decision to extend therapy can only be made by a doctor. If it occurs, before choosing cough tablets that are inexpensive but effective, you should undergo medical examination to clarify the diagnosis;
  • Adults also take 1 tablet 3 times a day, the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 5 days. With the doctor's permission, the number of tablets can be increased under the constant supervision of medical personnel.

Since thermopsis grass has an effect that irritates the gastric mucosa and nerve endings, an overdose of the drug can provoke severe nausea and vomiting. To eliminate the problem, gastric lavage is used.

This drug is not prescribed to small children, as they may react to its composition, and also in children it is very high sensitivity To various means, nauseating. The vomiting center, which is not fully formed, quickly reacts to the irritant and the medicine becomes the cause severe vomiting and the appearance of allergic reactions.

Cough tablets are prescribed to patients orally for the symptomatic treatment of respiratory tract diseases accompanied by obsessive paroxysmal and unproductive cough, namely:

  1. Laryngitis- inflammation of the mucous membranes of the larynx, usually associated with a cold or such infectious diseases like measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough;
  2. Bronchitis- disease respiratory system, in which the bronchi are involved in the inflammatory process;
  3. Pneumonia, pneumonia- inflammation of the lung tissue, usually of infectious origin with predominant defeat alveoli (development of inflammatory exudation in them) and interstitial lung tissue;
  4. Laryngotracheitisinflammatory disease with combined damage to the larynx and trachea, the occurrence of which is caused by a viral or bacterial infection;
  5. Bronchiolitis- an inflammatory disease that affects exclusively small bronchi(bronchioles);
  6. Tracheitis- inflammation of the trachea. Infectious tracheitis is caused by the same pathogens that cause rhinitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis: staphylococci, streptococci.


Any form of the drug containing thermopsis extract is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Pulmonary diseases with a tendency to hemoptysis (tuberculosis, lung cancer);
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Acute form pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis;
  • Periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (including a history);
  • Respiratory failure.

Hypertensive patients should be especially careful when taking thermopsis-based medications, since during treatment there is a high probability of an increase in blood pressure. Under the supervision of a physician and only when indicated, the drug is prescribed to children under 12 years of age.

Side effect

The presence in a patient of individual intolerance to the active components of the thermopsis herbal medicine, as well as the use of doses exceeding the recommended ones, can lead to the development of such adverse reactions from the body:

  • Allergic reactions (itchy rash, acute urticaria, angioedema, less often - anaphylactic shock);
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Paroxysmal pain in the abdomen (upper part and umbilical area).

If you use the herb with licorice in syrup for a long time or in the wrong doses, then the likelihood of bromism phenomena increases: frequent cough, lethargy, nasal congestion and rhinorrhea, apathy, decreased memory properties, acute conjunctivitis, vomiting, skin rashes. In this case, the medication is discontinued and symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

An analogue of the drug “Cough Tablets” are Thermopsol tablets, however, before changing the prescribed treatment, the patient must consult a doctor. The price of the drug “Cough Tablets” in pharmacies is on average 60-70 rubles per package.

special instructions

Cough tablets are not prescribed for the treatment of children under 12 years of age, since clinical experience there is no use, and the safety of the drug has not been established.

For better discharge viscous sputum during therapy with cough tablets, the patient is advised to drink plenty of alkaline drinks.

The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and the patient’s ability to drive a car.

Interaction of the drug with other drugs

Cough tablets are not recommended to be prescribed simultaneously with antacids, enterosorbents, astringents, since the latter can reduce the absorption of thermopsis herb alkaloids in the gastrointestinal tract, respectively. therapeutic effect cough tablets will be reduced.

Drugs containing codeine should not be prescribed simultaneously with cough tablets, as this leads to the formation of a large amount of sputum and its accumulation in the lumen of the respiratory tract.

Use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Data regarding the safety of Cough Tablets for pregnant women and the fetus are not provided and it is unknown whether treatment can adversely affect the intrauterine development of the child. Considering these data, cough tablets are contraindicated for use at all stages of pregnancy.

The active ingredients of the drug can be excreted in breast milk and enter the baby's body, so cough tablets should not be taken by nursing mothers. If treatment with the drug is necessary, you should decide on stopping lactation or consult a doctor to select another effective and safe medicine From cough.


With prolonged use of cough tablets in large doses, the patient may experience signs of overdose, which are clinically expressed by nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, and stool upset.

If signs of overdose appear, treatment with the drug is stopped, the stomach is washed, activated charcoal or any other enterosorbent is given orally and, if necessary, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

Inexpensive and effective cough tablets for children and adults

When choosing cough tablets that are inexpensive but effective, the patient faces important issue, which generation of antihistamines to purchase. You should not choose medications on your own. First of all, visit the clinic and consult a doctor. He will make an accurate diagnosis, determine your type of cough and prescribe appropriate treatment. It can be dry or wet. This review of inexpensive cough tablets will help you better understand medications. Let's find out what cough tablets exist that are inexpensive but effective.

Cough tablets for children

Coughing attacks that constantly torment a child immediately require referral to a specialist. Visit a doctor at the clinic or invite him to your home. The doctor will determine the type of cough and prescribe the necessary medicine. Don't self-medicate! List of cough medications for children:

  • An expectorant;
  • Indications: cough with viscous sputum;
  • Suitable for children from 2 years old. It is important to consider dosage, body weight and age;
  • Price: from 30 rubles.


  • Action: antitussive and expectorant;
  • Available in packs of 30 tablets;
  • Indications: different types cough;
  • Contraindications: bronchitis with difficult sputum discharge, and other bronchial diseases;
  • Side effects: weakness and drowsiness;
  • Can be used in the treatment of children under 1 year of age, following the instructions;
  • Price: from 200 rubles.


  • Antitussive and bronchodilator;
  • Available in the form of drops, syrup and tablets;
  • Indications: acute cough of various origins;
  • Contraindications: sensitivity, pregnancy, lactation;
  • Side effects: nausea, allergies, diarrhea, dizziness;
  • Can be given in the form of drops to children up to 2 months, syrup - up to 3 years, tablets - from 6 years;
  • Price: from 160 rubles.

Wet cough tablets

At wet cough more sputum is produced. In addition, it is very viscous. It is difficult to clear the secretions; there is a feeling that it is impossible to clear your throat. Can also be used inexpensive tablets cough medicines, which are both a thinner and an expectorant. If you have to fight an illness without medical care, you need to know what inexpensive but effective cough tablets exist on the market and their price. Here is a short list of drugs for wet cough:

Dry cough tablets

Dry cough is painful. It is not accompanied by mucus production, which makes it debilitating. Cough tablets for adults are prescribed with a targeted effect against dry cough and to improve and increase the removal of sputum. Inexpensive drugs effectively eliminate cough in a short time. Cough tablets, inexpensive but effective, are divided into three main groups: antitussive, mucolic, expectorant. Here is a short list for dry cough.

Cough tablets are a drug from the mucolytic group. Given antitussive consists of the main component - thermopsis ( extract of the plant of the same name) and auxiliary – sodium bicarbonate. Drugs in this group are used for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is to reduce the viscosity of sputum, stimulate the formation of liquid secretion by the bronchial glands and accelerate its removal from the airways. A special feature of cough tablets based on thermopsis is the reflex type of action. Thermopsis in moderate doses irritates the gastric mucosa, which reflexively leads to activation of the bronchial glands. In addition to the above effects, the alkaloids contained in thermopsis lead to stimulation of the respiratory center of the brain, which ultimately leads to an increase in blood oxygen saturation.

Sodium bicarbonate has strong mucolytic properties. After absorption into the blood this substance penetrates through the epithelium of the bronchi into their lumen and reduces the acidity of mucus. At the same time, its liquefaction occurs. As a result, less viscous mucus coats the airways and has a protective effect on their inflamed areas. Cough receptors, closely located in the trachea and large bronchi, are less likely to be excited and, accordingly, less likely to cause cough impulses. The cough, which was initially frequent, dry and painful, becomes rare, wet and less painful.

It is important to note that the drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, as it can cause disruption of the proper formation of the respiratory center and lungs of the fetus, thus increasing the risk of respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn. The drug is also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, since its use is associated with the risk of persistent disorders. gastrointestinal tract.

Types of medication, commercial names of analogues, release forms

One tablet of the drug contains 6.7 mg of thermopsis, 250 mg of sodium bicarbonate, as well as starch and talc. The same combination of active ingredients is not available in any form other than tablets.

This drug is available on pharmaceutical market under the following names:

  • cough tablets;
  • thermopsol;
  • antitusin.

Manufacturers of cough tablets

Commercial name
Manufacturer country Release form Dosage
Pharmstandard Thermopsol Russia Pills Cough tablets are prescribed 3 times a day during or after meals.

Optimal dose for an adult

Maximum single dose is 0.1 g based on the active substance ( 14 tablets).

Maximum daily dose is respectively 0.3 g of active substance ( 44 tablets).

Children over 12 years old the drug is indicated 3 times a day, half or a whole tablet, depending on the severity of the underlying disease.

Dalkhimpharm Cough tablets
Tatkhimpharmaceuticals Cough tablets
Chimpharm Cough tablets The Republic of Kazakhstan
Ternopil FF JSC Antitusin Ukraine

The mechanism of therapeutic action of the drug

As stated earlier, cough tablets are a reflex drug. Thermopsis, which is the main component of these tablets, in moderate doses causes irritation of the gastric mucosa. In response to irritation, the gastric mucosa increases the production of liquid secretion for the purpose of self-defense. Because the this effect mediated by influence vagus nerve, then similar effects develop in other areas of its innervation, that is, in the bronchi, heart, intestines, etc. Under the influence of this nerve, the secretion of liquid mucus by the bronchial glands increases and the activity of the transport function of the respiratory epithelium increases. The respiratory epithelium consists of many microscopic villi that are capable of contracting and relaxing, performing unidirectional oscillatory movements. The direction of movement of the villi is from the smallest bronchioles to the nasal cavity. In this way, sputum is removed along with dust particles and microorganisms settled on its surface.

In moderate doses, cough tablets cause increased activity of the respiratory center, which leads to an increase in breathing rate and oxygen saturation of the blood. However, in high doses, thermopsis causes nausea and even vomiting due to excessive irritation of the gastric mucosa and activation of the vomiting center in the brain.

Thin sputum is released from the lungs much better than thick sputum. In this regard, the drug contains a component such as sodium bicarbonate, which has a direct diluting effect on already formed mucus clots. As a result, a large amount of liquid mucus envelops the airways. This, in turn, partially reduces the irritation of cough receptors, abundantly located in the respiratory epithelium. As a result, the cough is reduced and becomes productive ( coughing up phlegm) and less painful.

For what pathologies is it prescribed?

Cough tablets, in addition to their main obvious use, are prescribed for the treatment of diseases accompanied by thickening of sputum.

Use of cough tablets

Name of the disease Mechanism therapeutic effect Dosage of the drug
Acute respiratory viral infections Cough tablets cause a reflex increase in the secretion of the bronchial glands.

The already formed thick sputum has an alkalizing effect, leading to its softening.
In parallel, under the influence of the drug, there is an increase in the frequency of oscillatory movements of the villi of the respiratory epithelium.

Thus, the removal of mucus from the lumen of the bronchi is accelerated.

In addition to the above effects, cough tablets affect certain structures of the brain.

IN therapeutic doses the respiratory center located in the brain stem is stimulated, and in high doses the vomiting center is irritated.

Optimal dose for adults is one tablet 3 times a day.

Optimal dose for children over 12 years of age is half - one tablet 3 times a day.

Children under 12 years of age, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women the drug is contraindicated.

Maximum permissible single dose for an adult in terms of the active substance is 100 mg, which equates to approximately 14 tablets.

Maximum daily dose is 300 mg in terms of thermopsis ( 44 tablets).

It must be borne in mind that taking such high doses of the drug is dangerous, since it useful action increases slightly, and side effects increase tenfold.

Cough tablets are taken after meals, otherwise the risk increases side effects from the gastrointestinal tract.

The duration of the course of treatment is dictated by the severity of the specific disease, but on average it is 3–5 days.

Spicy and Chronical bronchitis
Broncho-obstructive pneumopathy
Acute tracheitis
Acute and chronic laryngitis

Contraindications for use of the drug

Cough tablets have the following contraindications:
  • allergic reactions to the drug in the past;
  • childhood less than 12 years;
Allergy that developed once on certain substance, lasts for the rest of your life. In most cases, with many years of absence of contact of the body with an allergen, the number of specific antibodies circulating in the blood decreases. However, throughout life, memory cells remain in the blood, which can develop allergies even many decades after the initial reaction. This feature must be kept in mind and not use cough tablets if they previously caused allergies in the patient.

In the respiratory tract, excess mucus plays a negative role, but the mucus of the stomach and duodenum has a protective effect on the epithelium and is therefore considered beneficial. Since the use of cough tablets leads to a decrease in the viscosity of mucus, it also decreases protective properties. Acidic environment gastric juice more aggressively affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, leading to erosive gastritis, the formation of new ulcers and the opening of old ones.

Due to the fact that the children's stomach is less resistant to various types of aggressive factors, it is not recommended to prescribe drugs to children that reduce the protective properties of mucus, in particular, cough tablets.

Pregnancy and lactation are also contraindications to the use of cough tablets, since the latter are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Having penetrated into the blood circulation of the fetus, thermopsis can cause disturbances in the development of the lungs, in particular those associated with the release of surfactant, as well as make undesirable adjustments in the formation of the respiratory center of the brain.

How to use the medicine?

Cough tablets are prescribed exclusively to adults and children over 12 years of age. The optimal dose for an adult is one tablet every 8 hours. For children, it is recommended to take half to a whole tablet every 8 hours. It is necessary to take the drug after meals with a small amount of water in order to reduce its negative effects on the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum. The average duration of treatment varies from three to five days. During this period, it is necessary to increase the daily fluid intake to two and a half liters per day or more due to the fact that the effect of the drug is associated with an increase in fluid loss through the lungs. If there is a fever, the volume of fluid consumed should increase to three to four liters per day.

Renal failure and liver failure of varying severity lead to retention of the drug in the body and an increase in its concentration in the blood. This, in turn, increases the risk of adverse reactions.

Possible side effects

The following side effects of cough tablets are distinguished:
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • allergic reactions.

Nausea and vomiting

Data adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract are a consequence of a decrease in the viscosity of mucus on the surface of the stomach and duodenum under the influence of thermopsis extract and sodium bicarbonate. The mucus on the surface of these organs exhibits protective properties against the aggressive influence of acidic gastric juice. Nausea and vomiting are signs that mucus reserves are depleted, and the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice irritates the columnar epithelium of the organ. Nausea can also occur due to the influence of thermopsis extract on the vomiting center of the brain. This effect is possible when using high doses of the drug.

Stomach ache

Abdominal pain develops for the same reason as nausea and vomiting. However, in this case pathological process develops further, leading to damage to the mucosal epithelium. As a result, erosions and peptic ulcers appear, in severe cases complicated by perforation of the organ.

Allergic reactions

It must be recognized that hypersensitivity reactions to thermopsis-based cough tablets develop extremely rarely, however, in people predisposed to allergies, such reactions can occur.

The most common manifestations of allergies to cough tablets are:

  • angioedema ( Quincke's edema);
Urticaria is most mild with medical point view as a manifestation of allergies. It develops when exposed to an allergen ( in this case cough tablets) into the digestive tract. After some time, on average from 15 minutes to 2 - 3 hours, a pinpoint rash with a diameter of no more than 1 - 2 mm appears on the skin of the abdomen, back, thighs, perineum, elbows, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin. Often the appearance of a rash is accompanied by skin itching of varying intensity, most severe in areas of heavy rash. As the allergy progresses, single elements of the rash merge and form blisters with a diameter of up to 20–30 cm.

Angioedema ( Quincke's edema) is a fairly common manifestation of an allergic reaction. According to statistics, every eighth inhabitant of the planet has suffered from this type at least once in his life. allergic edema. Its peculiarity is the initial defeat of loose, unformed connective tissue, located around the lips and eyes, in the earlobes, cheeks, interfascial spaces, scrotum and labia. Accordingly, the above parts of the body swell first.

Another feature of this edema is the fact that its spread in most cases occurs from top to bottom - starting from the periocular tissue and mouth and moving down. Once the level of the cricoid cartilage of the larynx is reached, there is a risk of swelling spreading to the vocal cords. This is dangerous because the swollen ligaments close, stopping the flow of air into the lungs. In the absence of breathing, the patient’s skin and mucous membranes turn blue, and after 1–3 minutes ( for athletes up to 4 – 5 minutes) comes unconsciousness. If medical assistance is not provided, the patient dies no later than 8 to 10 minutes from the moment the glottis closes.

Based on the rate of progression of edema, acute and chronic form pathology. The acute form leads to closure vocal cords in a period from 5 to 30 minutes. Chronic edema develops from 30 minutes to 12 hours. Accordingly, in the first case, the promptness of providing the necessary medical care determines the likelihood of the patient’s survival. In the second case, the patient has more time to seek help, so the prognosis for such an allergy manifestation is much better.

Anaphylactic shock
Anaphylactic shock or anaphylaxis is perhaps the most severe manifestation of an allergy to any substance. This reaction develops when even a small amount of allergen enters an overly sensitized body. As a result, a lightning-fast reaction of allergen binding by antibodies circulating in the blood develops, accompanied by the release of a large amount of biologically active substances that expand blood vessels. As a result, generalized vasodilation leads to a sharp decrease in blood pressure. In the most severe cases arterial pressure becomes zero. For this reason, the supply of oxygen to the brain stops, the patient falls into a coma, the depth of which increases every minute. Lack of necessary medical care leads to the death of the patient in an average of 5 – 6 minutes.

Interaction with other drugs

Cough tablets are not recommended to be prescribed together with drugs that have a central antitussive effect. The most prominent representative of this group is codeine. Complication similar treatment is the accumulation of mucus in the respiratory tract and the maintenance of the inflammatory process.

The combination of cough tablets with antibiotics is positive, since they increase the concentration of the latter in the lumen of the bronchi and lead to better destruction of pathogenic microbes.

Approximate cost of the medicine

The price of cough tablets may vary in different regions Russian Federation. The reason for the difference in cost is the difference in the quality of the raw materials from which the medicine is made, various technological costs, transportation costs, markups from pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies, and much more.

Cost of cough tablets in various regions of the Russian Federation

City Price ( 30 pcs.)
Moscow 88 rubles
Kazan 84 rubles
Krasnoyarsk 72 rubles
Eagle 81 ruble
Rostov-on-Don 75 rubles
Samara 74 rubles
Stavropol 84 rubles
Khabarovsk 95 rubles
Chelyabinsk 83 rubles

The most common disease in the autumn-winter period is the common cold. It can be treated in just a few days, but residual effects in the form of a cough can bother you for a long time. If left unattended, complications may develop, so you need to promptly resort to drug treatment.


  1. Buy pills from cough. This is an inexpensive, time-tested antitussive that contains codeine, licorice root and other active ingredients. Tablets from cough are an analogue of the well-known medicine "Codelac", but in terms of cost they compare favorably with it.
  2. Accept pills from cough, if you are bothered by a painful dry or wet, but very frequent cough. Codeine, which is part of the drug, acts on the cough center in the brain, thereby suppressing the cough reflex.
  3. Take one tablet of the medicine no more than three times a day. If the cough only bothers you at night, a single dose of medication before bed will be sufficient. It is not recommended for young children to take this drug due to the inconvenient release form for them. If you still decide to give your baby pills from cough, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and carry out treatment under his supervision.
  4. Don't accept pills from cough longer than a week and a half. The drug can be addictive, so if treatment does not help, you should consult a specialist. Perhaps a different treatment strategy and a different medicine are needed.
  5. Read about the contraindications for taking the medicine. If you have bronchial asthma or respiratory failure, the drug may be harmful. Taking pills from cough Also not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Codeine, which is one of the main components, penetrates the placenta and into breast milk.
  6. Monitor your body's reaction to the medicine. IN in rare cases patients are concerned about nausea caused by individual intolerance to the drug. Also sometimes pills from cough cause an allergic reaction that manifests itself skin itching and urticaria.

New pharmacological drugs are not always the best remedy for respiratory diseases. For example, the long-known cough tablets with thermopsis are still in great demand and popularity due to their effectiveness and, most importantly, natural ingredients medicine.

Thermopsis herb tablets

The legume plant in question, also called mouse grass, is known for its expectorant properties. Therefore, its decoctions and infusions were used for various bronchopulmonary diseases.

The secret is that the leaves and stems of this herb contain many biologically active substances, most of which are alkaloids. They are essentially poison natural origin, but in small doses have therapeutic effect on the human body.

Thermopsis cough tablets are based on the use of powder prepared from the plant and sodium bicarbonate. Combinations of these substances produce a long-lasting effect, which consists in increasing the discharge of pulmonary secretions and simultaneous liquefaction of sputum.

Thermopsis lanceolata – cough tablets

The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows:

  • increased tone of bronchial smooth muscles;
  • increased activity of the epithelium lining the surface of the respiratory tract;
  • increased secretion of sputum;
  • stimulation of the respiratory centers;
  • decreased viscosity and thickness of mucus.

Indications for prescribing the tablets are complex therapy of any diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by the formation of difficult-to-discharge secretions in the lungs and bronchi.

It should be noted that the drug has quite a lot of contraindications:

  • intolerance to thermopsis and other ingredients of the drug;
  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach;
  • age up to 12 years (infancy, primary school);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

It is impossible to use cough tablets with thermopsis in the treatment of children, because they do not yet know how to expectorate mucus. Considering that the medication increases its secretion, this can lead to impaired respiratory functions.

These cough tablets are prohibited for pregnant women to take because one of the alkaloids can lead to miscarriage or miscarriage.

Naturally, the presence of plant poison in the tablets makes their use impossible during lactation, because the child can be poisoned by breast milk.

Side effects often include various allergic reactions and nausea. The latter effect appears due to the effect of thermopsis on the vomiting centers.

How to take cough tablets with Thermopsis?

It should be remembered that the medication is prescribed only after achieving adolescence(12 years old). The dosage for children is not much different from the portions for adults, sometimes only the number of doses is reduced to just 2 times a day.

Here's how to take cough drops with Thermopsis:

The course of treatment, as a rule, does not exceed 3-5 days, but can be extended to a week at the discretion of the doctor.

The method of application can be chosen arbitrarily. Some people prefer to take small amounts of tablets clean water. Resorption is more effective, because this way the active components of the drug enter the body faster. circulatory system, bronchi and lungs, respectively, the therapeutic effect is more likely to appear.

"Mukaltin": reviews from doctors and patients

Dry cough and its symptoms always cause us a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. Therefore, I want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Frequent cough usually accompanied by painful sensations, which can be eliminated with the help of various expectorants. For example, you can use “Mukaltin” to treat cough, reviews of which are most often positive. Although this remedy It is inexpensive (the price of the medicine is approximately 20 rubles per package), it is quite effective.

Indications for use

When should you take Mukaltin? The drug is intended to relieve unpleasant symptoms caused by respiratory diseases such as bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia and some others. As a rule, these diseases are accompanied by very unpleasant severe cough and occur most often in children. A young body cannot always resist various seasonal viral diseases. In addition, children are constantly in kindergartens and schools, where due to the large number of people, infection occurs en masse.

Parents usually try not to subject their children to treatment medicines and more often resort to folk remedies, but in some cases without medical intervention there's simply no way around it. Because the risk of complications that no one wants increases.

If treatment with medication is necessary, preference should be given not to synthetic drugs, but to those medicines that contain mainly herbal components. This is especially important in cases where the medicine is to be taken by a small child. "Mukaltin" for cough contains a medicinal herb - marshmallow. The roots and seeds of this plant have medicinal properties.

Natural cough remedy

Althaea grows in many countries of Eurasia. His beneficial features people discovered it in ancient times and began to use it in folk medicine as an effective expectorant with mucolytic properties.

Infusions based on marshmallow are used to treat inflammation in the respiratory tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, bladder and kidneys. Marshmallow contains a mucous substance that reduces pain when coughing, inflammation in genitourinary system and intestines. The medicinal plant helps alleviate symptoms of diarrhea, stomach ulcers and dysentery. Warm infusion of marshmallow can be used to gargle and oral cavity for inflammation of the gums, tonsils, etc.

It is advisable to take "Mukaltin" (cough tablets) in case of acute respiratory viral infection with cough or influenza. For small children suffering from cough, "Mukaltin", the price of which is quite low, will significantly relieve unpleasant symptoms. Since it contains natural ingredients, parents can give it to their children without any worries. However, it should be taken, like any other medicine, only after the recommendation of a doctor and strictly according to the instructions.


Why is it recommended to take Mukaltin? Reviews about the medicine indicate that it is an excellent remedy against cough "Mukaltin" occupies a leading position among all drugs that have an expectorant effect.

In addition, thanks to its main component, Mukaltin also has anti-inflammatory properties. After taking the drug, the sputum becomes less thick. This allows the bronchi to begin intensively getting rid of it. Improves expectorant effect sodium bicarbonate, also contained in the tablets.

For whom is Mukaltin contraindicated?

In what cases should you not take Mucaltin? The instructions for the drug contain a number of contraindications and restrictions on use. For example, it should not be used if you have an open ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. If a person has other diseases, it is necessary to take the drug under the strict guidance of a doctor, following the instructions for use. "Mukaltin", which usually has good reviews, is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for babies under 1 year of age.

Mucaltin has few side effects, and they occur rarely. In some cases, nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, or an allergic reaction may occur after taking the drug. People suffering diabetes mellitus, should take Mukaltin with caution, since it contains sugar. The medicine should not be taken together with cough suppressants. This can lead to phlegm accumulation and, in some cases, even pneumonia.

Is Mukaltin dangerous for health?

Can this product cause harm? to the human body? According to clinical research, "Mukaltin" will not cause serious harm to health if taken in accordance with the doctor's recommendations and according to the instructions. The only side effects of the drug are nausea, vomiting and allergic reactions. Even less often, people taking Mucaltin experienced a feeling of discomfort in the stomach.

In any case, it is important to remember that Mukaltin is a medicine. Therefore, you need to take it strictly following the instructions for use. And to get rid of a cough faster, while taking Mucaltin you should consume more water, do inhalations, special compresses and rubbing, and also do not forget about healthy way life. Compliance with these simple rules will get rid of cough quickly enough.

"Mukaltin" during pregnancy

It is important to note that the drug can be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, it should be remembered that the medicine "Mukaltin" in this case can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Self-medication during pregnancy and breastfeeding may cause harm in equally both mother and child. Therefore, it is not recommended to take the drug on your own without a doctor’s instructions.

"Mukaltin" is relatively harmless and safe for the health of the fetus. It can be taken at any stage, with the exception of the first trimester of pregnancy. Since it is at this time that the child begins to develop all internal organs, and taking any medications can affect this process.

Treatment of children's cough

It is believed that "Mukaltin", reviews of which confirm this, great harm cannot harm the child's body. The drug is contraindicated only in small children under 1 year of age. For a child older than this age, the doctor may prescribe this medicine for the treatment of cough, determining the dosage and course of administration individually.

Typically, children are prescribed to take these tablets three times a day for 10-15 days. It is not recommended to start treatment on your own. Parents who want to know how to take Mucaltin correctly should ask their pediatrician.

Helpful information

The instructions for this drug contain full information about how to take it correctly for adults and children. It says that the tablets should be taken 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts on average 7 days, until the person begins to cough well.

It is important to remember that “Mukaltin” for cough should under no circumstances be taken simultaneously with cough suppressants. These include products containing codeine. They will contribute to the accumulation and retention of mucus in the respiratory tract, which will result in dangerous consequences.

"Mukaltin", the instructions for which contain all the information about the drug, have been used to treat coughs for a very long time. A drug long years competes with expensive drugs. Its main advantage is its low cost (about 20 rubles per package). Despite the fact that the tablets are quite inexpensive, they effectively cope with their task - quickly remove mucus from the bronchi.

Method of use of the drug and its analogues

“Mukaltin” treats dry cough equally effectively in both adults and children. The main thing is to take into account the specifics of using the drug. So, adults and children over 12 years of age should drink Mukaltin 1-2 tablets 3 times a day before meals.

Children under 12 years of age should take 1 tablet 3 times a day. It is recommended to first crush the medicine and dissolve it in warm water to make it easier for the child to swallow it.

The duration of treatment with this drug depends on how soon the sputum begins to come out and the person can cough up easily. As a rule, the course is 10-15 days. If necessary, the doctor can extend it. It is also recommended to discuss the admissibility of taking it with other medications with your doctor.

Is it possible to replace the drug with another drug? "Mukaltin", the price of which is much lower than existing analogues, is sold in pharmacies. Medicines with similar properties are also presented there. They all belong to the same group of pharmacological drugs and therefore have approximately the same effect. These products can replace "Mukaltin":

  • Althea syrup;
  • "Gerbion";
  • "Doctor Theiss";
  • plantain tincture;
  • "Thermopsol".

special instructions

It is important to know that marshmallow plant mucus forms a film on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which has a clear therapeutic effect, and also helps to increase the duration of exposure to other medications.

How to store "Mukaltin"? Tablets should be kept in a dry and cool place.

The medicine is not contraindicated for drivers and people working with complex devices and mechanisms.

"Mukaltin" cannot be taken with drugs that contain codeine, due to the likelihood of sputum accumulation.

Before taking Mucaltin, you should consult your doctor.

Situations requiring contact with a specialist

If coughing attacks cannot be overcome for a long time or if wheezing occurs in the lungs, you should immediately consult a specialist. Sharp rise temperature, as well as pain in chest symptoms that get worse when coughing are a good reason to visit a doctor. Along with this, the appearance of yellow-green sputum with unpleasant smell. In the cases listed above, you should not hesitate to contact a specialist, otherwise dangerous complications may arise.

Taking the drug correctly according to all doctor's instructions will help you quickly get rid of cough. The natural components of the medicine will help eliminate phlegm and start breathing deeply again.

Cough tablets: instructions for use.

The slightest hypothermia of the body leads to the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi. A cough occurs. It's protective unconditioned reflex body. By coughing, your body tries to get rid of mucus in the bronchi, which interferes with proper breathing. Help the immune system and nervous system Cough tablets will help remove phlegm. Domestic, inexpensive and effective drug.

What do cough tablets contain? The instructions will help you figure this out. They contain: codeine, sodium bicarbonate, licorice root, Thermopsis lanceolata herb.

Codeine is a derivative of morphine. It is an extract of opium alkaloid, therefore it acts as an analgesic. It also has an antitussive effect, affecting the cough center in the brain.

Sodium bicarbonate, also known as baking soda, is used in the drug as an antiseptic.

Licorice root is the underground part of a perennial herbaceous plant. The extracts contained in it are irritating endocrine glands. Irritation leads to expectoration of mucus in the bronchi. Softens irritated lung membranes and heals ulcers.

Thermopsis lanceolata. The herbaceous part of this plant contains essential oils and alkaloids. Gives an expectorant effect, acts on bronchial tissue.

That is why cough tablets are used to treat coughs of various natures in adults and children over 2 years of age.

Cough tablets, instructions for use

Make sure that the drug is always in your first aid kit. It should be taken at the first symptoms of cough, whatever its origin.

Cough tablets - how to take? Take one tablet three times a day. If the cough begins to worsen at night, take the tablet before bed.

How to take cough tablets? The duration of taking the drug should not exceed ten days. Codeine may be addictive. If no positive effect is observed, you should stop taking cough tablets.

Are you taking cough drops? The instructions contain all contraindications, and also indicate all allergic reactions that may be caused by the drug. Be careful if you:

  • pregnant. The components tend to penetrate the placenta and affect the development of the fetus. It is especially dangerous during the first three months. The formation of a child’s organs and organ systems can occur with significant disruptions;
  • you have uterine hypertonicity (threat of miscarriage). The components of the drug have an effect on the level of the hormone oxytocin;
  • breastfeed. Codeine passes into breast milk and acts on the cough center. This may cause a decrease in the newborn's breathing rate.

Side effects

There is an individual allergy to the components of cough tablets. It is expressed in redness and itching skin, changes in breathing.

Overdose symptoms: headache, drowsiness, decreased muscle tone and respiratory rate. Symptoms can be neutralized activated carbon, gastric lavage with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). At in serious condition the patient requires hospitalization with the administration of atropine.

Pay attention to taking cough tablets if you have kidney failure, glomerulonephritis or pyelonephritis. Since the kidneys are not working at full capacity, codeine breakdown products are not completely eliminated. Intoxication of the body occurs.

Cough tablets should not be taken together with sleeping pills, psychotropic drugs, or heart medications. It is also not recommended to take pills unless prescribed by your doctor. But this applies to any drug.

Thermopsis grass with soda. Cough tablets with thermopsis: composition, action, application

Probably many people remember inexpensive cough tablets based on thermopsis with soda 7 from Soviet times. Similar drug Often in pharmacies they gave it instead of change. Although this remedy was inexpensive, it was effective in treating cough. Some doctors also prescribe similar tablets to their patients to improve sputum discharge during bronchitis, tracheitis, flu and colds.

How to explain the popularity of the drug

Thermopsis tablets with soda 7 are still popular. If you carefully examine the packaging, you are unlikely to find a large list of ingredients. This will only make many people happy. One tablet of the drug contains sodium bicarbonate and thermopsis herb. All components are natural. For those who don't know, sodium bicarbonate is just regular baking soda.

The drug does not contain flavoring additives, dyes and other chemical components that are found in more expensive cough remedies. In other words, these tablets can be safely classified as natural medicines.

Thermopsis lanceolata or mouse plant

This plant mainly grows in the lowlands of Western and Eastern Siberia. Thermopsis grass, instructions for use of which are listed below, is poisonous plant. The plant contains tannins, vitamin C, saponins, alkaloids such as thermopsidine, thermopsin, anagyrine, pachycarpine, methylcytisine, cytisine and others. All of these components have a complex effect.

For example, methylcytisine and cytisine stimulate breathing, and pachycarpine has a depressant effect on the nerve nodes of the nervous autonomic system. In fact, thermopsis is a weed that is very difficult to remove. However, this plant has found use in both traditional and folk medicine.

Medicinal properties

Thermopsis herb, tablets of which can be found at the pharmacy, is a great help not only for coughs. Preparations based on this plant also have other effects:

  1. Increases the tone of the uterine muscles.
  2. Ganglioblocking.
  3. Antihelminthic.
  4. Excitation of the vomiting and respiratory centers.
  5. Expectorant.

It is worth noting that the drug perfectly helps clear mucus from the airways during a wet cough. But these are not all qualities. The drug makes dry cough productive.

How do the pills work?

Thermopsis herb with soda can enhance the secretion of mucus directly in bronchial tree. In this case, there is an increase in the activity of the ciliated or, in other words, ciliary epithelium. As a result, it only helps remove phlegm. In addition, the drug increases the tone of bronchial smooth muscles.

A drug based on this plant enhances breathing. This occurs due to stimulation of the respiratory center. This action also enhances the effect and promotes the rapid release of sputum.

It is worth considering that after taking thermopsis-based tablets, there is a significant increase in the amount of mucus, as well as an increase in cough. The medicine makes the sputum less viscous. As a result, mucus is more gently removed from the respiratory tract.

Soda, which is part of the drug, also has a thinning effect on sputum.


Like any medicine, thermopsis herb, the price of which is not so high, has contraindications. First of all, it is prohibited to use this drug for pneumonia and bronchitis infants. This is especially true in cases where mucus simply floods the lungs, and the child is simply unable to cough up. It is very dangerous. The drug in this case only aggravates the patient’s condition and floods the lungs with even more phlegm. This poses a danger not only to the health, but also to the life of the child.

Also, preparations based on thermopsis herb are contraindicated for those who suffer from peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. Such drugs strongly irritate the mucous membranes.

Some people may experience individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Thermopsis contains pachycarpine. This substance stimulates contractions of the uterine muscles, increasing their tone. It is for this reason that thermopsis-based drugs are contraindicated in pregnant women. Taking such drugs can lead to premature termination of pregnancy.

How to properly take thermopsis herb with soda

Instructions are usually included with the drug. This cough remedy is considered natural and the cheapest. After just 5–7 days of taking the drug, the cough almost completely disappears. It is not recommended to use tablets for more than the specified period. The entire course requires only a few packages of the product.

Thermopsis grass and soda in tablet form have a slightly sour taste. The drug does not cause negative emotions in children who do not particularly like to take medications.

According to the instructions, cough medicine based on thermopsis herb should be taken three times a day, one tablet. The course should be no more than seven days.

It is better to give children, starting from the age of two, not tablets, but an infusion of herbs. It is prepared at the rate of 0.1 grams per ½ cup of boiling water. You need to give it a teaspoon at a time. Children over 12 years of age can also be given the tincture three times a day, a tablespoon.

Mechanism of action of tablets

Thermopsis herb with soda perfectly fights cough. However, not everyone knows how this drug works. After taking the tablets, the active ingredients are gradually absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. From here the medicine enters the blood, and then into the lining of the trachea and bronchi. Here the drug has irritant effect. As a result, the reflex secretion of bronchial secretions increases. At the same time, the patient begins to cough frequently, which helps to quickly clear the airways.

Features of the drug

Thermopsis herb in the brain excites not only respiratory center, but also an emetic, which is located very close. This is why vomiting and nausea may occur after taking the medicine in large doses. As for small children, they are not able to expectorate mucus. A large amount of mucus simply accumulates in the lungs. As a result, the opposite effect can be observed.

In addition, the herb stimulates uterine contractions. Previously, this property of the plant was widely used in medicine. A drug based on thermopsis was used to stimulate labor. Even the use of cough tablets can provoke premature termination of pregnancy in women.

It is worth remembering that the drug also has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes. digestive tract. It is for this reason that those who suffer from peptic ulcers and gastritis should not take medicine based on thermopsis herb.


Thermopsis grass with soda is a medicine. It should not be considered harmless. You need to take the drug according to the instructions. Do not use the product when coughing uncontrollably. Before using the tablets, you should consult your doctor. You should not self-medicate. It should be remembered that in large doses, cough tablets based on this plant can cause vomiting and nausea. Of course, when used correctly, the drug is absolutely harmless. The main thing is to follow the rules of admission. Thermopsis herb tablets with soda are an excellent remedy that has an expectorant effect if used strictly according to the instructions.

Cough tablets – a combined herbal medicine for complex therapy respiratory diseases.



The effect of using Cough Tablets is due to the active components included in its composition:

  • Thermopsis herb, thanks to the alkaloids it contains - cytisine, methylcytisine, pachycarpine, anagyrin, thermopsin and thermopsidine, reflexively increases the secretion of the bronchial glands and has a mild irritant effect on the receptors of the gastric mucosa. In addition, having an expectorant effect, it has a stimulating effect on the respiratory center;
  • Sodium bicarbonate helps reduce the viscosity of sputum, while simultaneously stimulating the secretion of the bronchial glands.

Release form

The medication is produced in the form of greenish-gray flat-cylindrical tablets containing Thermopsis lanceolata herb in powder form (6.7 mg) and sodium bicarbonate (250 mg). 10 tablets per package.

Analogues of cough tablets

An analogue of the drug active components is Thermopsol. Analogs of Cough Tablets based on their mechanism of action include medications:

  • Syrup - Amtersol, Bronchipret, Prospan, Linkas, Gedelix, Prothiazine expectorant, Herbion, Doctor Mom, Cooka, Coldrex broncho, Pertussin, Stoptussin-Fito, Theraflu KV, Travisil, Tussamag, Fitolor, Eucabal;
  • Vegetable raw materials – Anise fruits, Marshmallow root dry extract, Ledum marsh shoots, Chest collection No. 1-4, Elecampane rhizomes and roots, Oregano herb, Licorice root, Pine buds, Thyme herb;
  • Extract for oral administration – Antiasthmatic medicine according to Traskova’s prescription;
  • Oral drops – Bronchicum, Bronchipret;
  • Elixir – Bronchicum;
  • Pastilles – Bronchicum S, Eucalyptus-M, Doctor Mom, Linkas Lor, Fitolor;
  • Powder for preparing a solution – Cough mixture for adults, Cough mixture for children;
  • Tablets – Mucaltin, Pectusin, Travisil.

Indications for use of cough tablets

The medication, according to the instructions, is prescribed as part of complex therapy for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases that are accompanied by a cough with difficult to separate sputum, including bronchitis and tracheitis.


Cough tablets, according to the instructions, are contraindicated for use:

  • During exacerbation peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum;
  • In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the medication.

and period breastfeeding are also contraindications to the use of the medicine.

In pediatrics, cough tablets can be used in children at least 12 years of age.

How to use cough tablets

For adults, cough tablets, according to the instructions, are prescribed one tablet three times a day. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed five days.

Children are allowed to use cough tablets from 12 years of age. adult dosage. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

In case of an overdose of cough tablets, children and adults may experience digestive disorders including vomiting and nausea. In these cases, symptomatic treatment is required.

Drug interactions

In addition, the simultaneous use of cough tablets with medicines that contain codeine, as well as with other antitussive medicines, should be avoided, as this makes it difficult to clear sputum.

Side effects of cough tablets

According to the instructions, when using Cough Tablets, nausea may occur, and if there is a predisposition, allergic reactions may occur.

Storage conditions for cough tablets

Cough tablets are classified as over-the-counter herbal medicines with a shelf life of no more than 4 years under standard storage conditions.


Cough accompanies many diseases. To treat the disease there are various drugs– tablets, syrups, suspensions, lozenges. For the treatment of children, many specialists prefer to use syrups. However, some children do not like the taste of the drug and refuse to take it. Then cough tablets and lozenges are an alternative.

From 2-3 years of age, medications in tablet form can be used to treat a child’s cough.

Types of cough medicines for children

In this regard, the selection of tablets and lollipops for the child should be done by a doctor. Some medications are only suitable for treating wet coughs, while others are aimed at relieving dry coughs. Depending on the principle of action, cough medicines are divided into several types:

  1. Antitussives. Eliminates the cough reflex. They are divided into means of central and peripheral action. Peripheral antitussives reduce the sensitivity of respiratory receptors and coat the mucous membrane. Drugs in this group are used for severe attacks of dry cough. The central ones affect the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for coughing. The symptom is suppressed at the central level.
  2. Expectorant medications. Aimed at accelerating the removal of mucus from the body. They are divided into mucolytic drugs (help thin out thick mucus) and stimulating expectoration (increase the severity of the cough reflex and increase sputum production).
  3. Combined drugs. They contain several active substances that act in different directions.

How to choose an effective drug for a child?

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The selection of medications for a child should be carried out by a specialist, since the wrong choice of medication may not only not have the desired effect, but also harm the patient.

Various factors are taken into account when prescribing cough medicine. First of all, you need to determine the type of cough. Some remedies are used only for dry coughs, others only for wet coughs.

The disease that caused this symptom is of great importance. Elimination of cough occurs in parallel with the treatment of the underlying disease. Cough medications are most often used in complex treatment Therefore, drug compatibility should be taken into account. When choosing a medication for a child, take into account the age and individual reaction to the components of the drug.

Remedies for dry cough

If a child has a nonproductive cough, measures are taken to make the symptom productive. However, sometimes severe attacks do not allow the baby to sleep normally and take a lot of energy from him. In such situations, agents are used that eliminate the cough reflex, soften the throat and relieve irritation of the mucous membrane.

Tablets and lozenges do a good job of this. Regular tablets are used to treat children over 4 years of age. Absorbable medications can be used earlier and are absorbed more quickly by the body.

Any treatment for a child, including tablets, must be supervised by an experienced specialist.

The tables below provide a list of some medications for the treatment of children and brief instructions for use.


NameCompoundIndications for useDirection of actionFeatures of applicationAge
Doctor Momlicorice, menthol, emblica, ginger
  • pharyngitis
  • tracheitis
  • bronchitis
  • laryngitis
Facilitates transition nonproductive cough in the wet1 piece each up to 5 times a day at intervals of 4 hoursfrom 12 years old
FalimintacetylaminonitropropoxybenzeneIrritating reflex coughAnti-inflammatory, antitussiveAs prescribed by a doctorfrom 4 years old


NameCompoundIndications for useDirection of actionFeatures of applicationAge
Dr. Theisessential oils, plant extracts, ascorbic acidupper respiratory tract treatmentRelieve inflammation, soften dry throat.3-5 pcs. per day for 14 daysfrom 12 years old
Strepsilsmenthol, amylmetacresol, dichlorobenzene alcohollaryngitis
AntisepticUp to 8 lozenges per day, every 3 hoursfrom 6 years old
Carmolisessential oilscoldsActivates the removal of mucus from the bronchi, relieves inflammation.4-6 pcs. per day for 2 weeksfrom 6 years old

Tablets for oral administration

NameCompoundIndications for useDirection of actionFeatures of applicationAge
Libexinprenoxydiazine hydrochlorideNonproductive cough accompanied by severe attacksAntitussiveDepending on the age and weight of the patientfrom 2 years
Omnitusbutamirate citrateNonproductive coughAntitussive, anti-inflammatory1 tablet 2 times a dayfrom 6 years old
Erespalfenspiride hydrochlorideRespiratory system diseasesBronchodilator, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodicAt the doctor's discretionfrom 18 years old

Wet cough remedies

Productive cough medications are aimed at facilitating phlegm production. Expectorant tablets are used to thin mucus. Drugs are selected taking into account the disease and the intensity of symptoms. Some medications enhance the anti-inflammatory effect of drugs that are used in complex treatment. The following medications are prescribed for wet cough.

Children from 2 years old can use:

  1. ACC (more details in the article:). The main substance is acetylcysteine. It promotes the removal of viscous sputum. The tablets dissolve in water, daily dose depends on the age of the child.
  2. Thermopsol. Thanks to herbal components, it has an effective expectorant.
  3. Mukaltin (more details in the article:). Comprises medicinal herbs. Normalizes mucus production. The drug treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor individually.

  1. Rengalin. Absorbable tablets consist of antibodies to morphine, histamine, and bradykinin. Single dose is 1-2 tablets, the frequency and duration of use is determined depending on the causative agent of the disease.
  2. Bromhexine. It contains bromhexine hydrochloride, which effectively copes with thick sputum. Children under 6 years old are prescribed half a tablet 3 times a day, from 6 to 14 years old - a whole tablet.

From 6-7 years old, the following drugs can be used:

  1. Lazolvan. Active substance– ambroxol. The product enhances the effect of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. It is taken 2-3 times a day for 5 days. The dosage is calculated depending on the age of the patient.
  2. Pectusin tablets are approved for children over 7 years of age. Consists of menthol and eucalyptus. Used as lozenges. Prescribed 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  3. Ascoril (more details in the article:). Thanks to salbutamol, guaifenesin and bromhexine, the drug is used both in the absence of sputum and in its productive production. The duration of treatment with the drug is 7 days.

From the age of 12, it is allowed to take the drug Cough Tablets (with Thermopsis lanceolata herb). The medicine is inexpensive means. It is produced in paper packaging of 10 pieces. The tablets effectively combat both types of cough. The duration of treatment is 3 days. Dosage for children – 1 tablet up to 3 times a day.

Precautionary measures

When choosing a medicine for children, it is necessary to take into account that some drugs cannot be taken at the same time. Antitussive tablets should not be used together with medications that stimulate the production of sputum. This combination can lead to serious illnesses respiratory tract. A large amount of mucus will be produced, but the body will not be able to get rid of it.

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