The ovulation test is positive. Decoding the results of a one-time test. Calculation of the day of ovulation

IN Lately Various ovulation tests, offered by several manufacturers, have become available in pharmacies. These products have already gained popularity among many women. What are they for, and how can they be useful to the fairer sex?

Ovulation is the most important point in the functioning of the female reproductive system. Ovulation in gynecology means the moment when the egg leaves the ovary and begins its movement through fallopian tube, where she should meet the sperm. Since the lifespan of an egg is short - no more than 2 days, the period of ovulation is the most favorable moment for conception.

As a rule, during one cycle (lasting from 21 to 35 days), the egg is released from the ovary only once, but there are cases of double or triple ovulation. However, ovulation is a phenomenon that does not happen every day. And that is why many women strive to find out at what point it will come. Is it possible to do this?

How can you determine the moment of ovulation?

Some women may feel certain physiological signs, indicating the imminent onset of ovulation. This may include slight pain in the lower abdomen, slight vaginal discharge, increased sexual desire. However, all these signs are purely individual and cannot be used as a reliable criterion.

To determine the moment of ovulation in gynecology, various methods can be used:

Particular attention should be paid to the last method. It is quite simple and at the same time effective, which made it possible to develop a number of tests based on it that can be used at home.

Luteinizing hormone (LH) is a hormone that is synthesized in a woman’s body immediately before ovulation (one to two days). Thus, its increased concentration may indicate that ovulation will take place in the coming days. The highest concentration of the hormone is found in urine or saliva.

Due to this circumstance, several portable systems have been developed to detect hormone concentrations. The chemicals contained in these systems react with LH and make its presence known through visual signals.

Let's consider the operating principle of such systems using the example of a simple strip test. The ovulation test includes several disposable paper strips with a reagent applied to them. It is enough to moisten one such strip in urine, and in a few minutes it will give the result. The appearance of a strip on a piece of paper will mean a high level of the hormone and, as a result, a high probability of ovulation within a few days.

In order for an ovulation test to show the correct result, a woman should adhere to several simple rules. Firstly, you should not use the very first urine after waking up for testing. Optimal time for urine collection – from 10.00 to 20.00. In addition, you should not drink a lot of fluid before urinating, as this can dilute the urine and reduce the concentration of the hormone. In addition, repeat testing is recommended to increase the reliability of the results.

Ways to use ovulation tests

What can an ovulation test be useful for? Firstly, it can be useful for women who passionately want to get pregnant. After all, ovulation and the few days preceding it are the most favorable period for conception.

Some women use tests as a means to plan the sex of their child. There is a theory according to which sperm carrying the male chromosome are less tenacious, but more mobile compared to sperm carrying the female chromosome. Therefore, the closer to the moment of ovulation sexual intercourse was performed, the greater the chance that the egg will be fertilized by a male sperm.

In other cases, an ovulation test can be used by women who, on the contrary, want to avoid pregnancy. After all, after two days after ovulation, sperm will no longer be able to fertilize the egg. However, this method requires more frequent testing, and given that test strips cost some money, it is associated with some material costs. In addition, this method of protection cannot be called very reliable. After all, ovulation tests report only the concentration of LH, and not the moment of ovulation itself. Not to mention the high probability of obtaining false negative results due to non-compliance with the testing methodology or poor-quality (expired) test strips.

Types of testing systems for PH

In total, the pharmaceutical industry produces several testing systems:

  • using disposable strips,
  • using disposable cartridges,
  • jet systems,
  • electronic devices with disposable strips,
  • optical instruments to determine LH in saliva.

Testing with disposable cartridges is much like testing with strips. The only difference is that a drop of urine must be dropped into one window of the cartridge, and the result will be displayed in the other window.

The device with disposable strips is similar in principle to devices for testing blood sugar levels. A strip soaked in urine is inserted into a special connector, and the test result appears on the indicator. Read on the official Frautest website about what types of ovulation tests exist.

Carrying out an ovulation test, instructions

Let us describe in more detail the method of testing for PH using disposable strips (strip tests). The most popular ovulation tests of this type are produced under the brand names Frautest, Eviplan, Solo.

Typically, an ovulation test includes several strips for testing for LH. Some also come with additional pregnancy test strips.

Test strips are removed from the packaging immediately before testing; they should not be stored unpacked. To start the test, place the urine in a clean and dry container. By the way, many kits are equipped with special containers for urine. Then the strip should be immersed in the urine for about 5 seconds, then pulled out and placed in a dry place.

Normally, the test strip should be white. A few minutes later ( exact time It’s better to look in the instructions, but usually no more than 10 minutes) the strip may change its appearance.

Possible options for changing the strip:

  • there are no lines - poor quality or expired test;
  • only one (control) line appeared - no LH;
  • one line appeared and next to it a pale second line - there is no LH or its concentration is very low;
  • a control line appeared, as well as a second line, darker than the control or the same intensity as it - high concentration LH, ovulation should be expected.

Optical testing systems

Special mention should be made about optical systems that determine the concentration of LH not in urine, but in saliva. They are essentially small microscopes designed to examine droplets of saliva. Analysis results in some of these devices can be provided automatically. In other devices, it is necessary to manually compare the pattern visible in the eyepiece with the template. It has been established that in case high level LH in saliva under a microscope becomes visible a certain structure, similar to a tree leaf or a snow crystal. In general, optical instruments are considered more reliable than systems based on chemical urine testing. In addition, they are much more convenient - after all, it is not always convenient for a woman, especially a busy one, to carry out some manipulations with urine. The disadvantage of such devices, however, is their high price. However, given that devices of this type are reusable, they can be cheaper than traditional strip tests.

Can ovulation test strips show a positive result during pregnancy?

Theoretically, this cannot happen, but in practice such a phenomenon still occurs. The reason for this is that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), released during pregnancy, is similar in structure to LH. Therefore, the LH test may mistake hCG for LH. But this curiosity most likely indicates the low quality of the test for PH.

When should you start testing for ovulation?

You can, of course, carry out the test every day throughout menstrual cycle, but in most cases this is irrational from a financial point of view (one test strip costs at least 60 rubles, and with an increase in quality, and as a result, accuracy, its price naturally increases). Therefore, most women calculate the approximate time of the onset of ovulation. As a rule, ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. That is, if a woman’s cycle is normal and lasts 28 days, then ovulation usually occurs on the 14th day. The first day of the cycle is the day the menstruation begins.

However, the exact time of ovulation is impossible to predict (otherwise there would be no need for any tests). The following factors may influence the timing of ovulation:

  • infectious diseases,
  • psychological and emotional condition women,
  • changing weather conditions.

Also, the time of ovulation may “go astray” after childbirth, abortion, or as it approaches menopause. It is for this reason and because it is best to know about ovulation in advance, it is best to start testing a few days before the expected date of this event. Most experts recommend starting testing on the 11th day of your period. In this case, you can conduct not one test per day, but two, every 12 hours. If the cycle length is more than 28 days, then it is recommended to start testing 17 days before the start of the next menstruation.

In the event that a woman’s cycles have different durations, then it is necessary to focus on the most short cycle. That is, if a woman has cycles of 26 and 32 days a year, then it is better to assume that the expected day of ovulation is the 13th day. Or you can subtract 17 days from the minimum cycle and start testing from that day.

Is testing always reliable?

In what cases are false positive tests possible? LH levels may increase not only due to upcoming ovulation, but also due to ovarian wasting syndrome, hormonal dysfunctions, renal failure, postmenopausal. Also, the level of the hormone is highest in morning hours– this is why it is not recommended to take the first morning urine for testing. In addition, tests can also respond to increased level thyroid-stimulating hormone, as well as phytohormones that can enter a woman’s body with food.

All this suggests that relying only on tests is not the wisest decision. Other diagnostic methods, for example, ultrasound, have greater reliability compared to rapid tests.

It's just wonderful that the majority modern women prefer . They take this very seriously. After all, a planned pregnancy prevents unnecessary accidents. That is, examination of the health of spouses before pregnancy, healthy image life, proper nutrition significantly reduces the risk of the baby not only infectious diseases, but also various pathologies. External factors at the same time, they also have a minimal effect on the unborn child during a planned pregnancy. When planning a pregnancy, future parents are fully and comprehensively prepared for the birth of a child.

To conceive a child, certain conditions must be met. First, you need an egg ready to conceive a child. It must mature, that is, pass ovulation(is the maturation of the egg). Secondly, sperm are needed (viable, with good physical activity). Thirdly, you need an environment suitable for conceiving a child (in a woman’s fallopian tube, conditions are usually ideal). When all three conditions are combined, conceiving a child is not difficult.

First, the egg matures. It is viable for 48 hours, after which time it dies. During ovulation, a woman’s body is fully prepared for conception - hormonal system provides the body with everything the necessary hormones. Because of this, women are created in the internal genital organs ideal conditions for sperm to stay there, which, by the way, can exist there without harm to themselves for four to five days.

During intercourse seminal fluid enters the woman’s internal genital organs, and sperm strive with all their might to the egg. It is quite far away. Sperm must travel through the vagina to the cervix, which opens slightly during ovulation, then half of the sperm goes into one fallopian tube, another to the second. Those sperm that have chosen the right path overcome "tunnel" fallopian tube and approach the egg. They combine and secrete a special substance that “breaks through” the dense shell of the egg. And only one sperm gets inside and merges with the egg.

So, one of the conditions for conceiving a child is it's ovulation day . When it starts and when it ends can be determined.

Calculation of the day of ovulation

The day of ovulation can be determined by several methods.

At calendar method a woman must write down the beginning and end on the calendar. If the menstrual cycle is 28 days, then ovulation begins around the thirteenth to fourteenth day. With the calendar method, a more accurate day of ovulation can be found out only after five to six months. Because during this time, data about the cycle is taken and then calculated using a special formula.

During (temperature is measured rectally), data is also recorded over several cycles and then analyzed.

A blood test for the ovulation hormone takes a long time, and the result is usually provided after ovulation.

An ultrasound specialist will tell you quite accurately when ovulation occurs. Ultrasound examination shows ovulation very well. But again, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, pay a lot of money, get an appointment...

Special tests are very effective in determining the day of ovulation.

The essence of the ovulation test

A woman's body contains approximately four hundred eggs at birth. Two hundred eggs in each ovary. Only one egg matures each month. As it matures, certain female hormones are produced ( estrogens). They tend to accumulate. And during the day of ovulation, a woman develops hormone lutein– this is the essence of the ovulation test. Lutein can be found in both a woman’s blood and urine. Tests to determine ovulation "work" similar to pregnancy tests - just hold the test in a glass of urine, one or two stripes will appear.

Tests to determine ovulation are quite affordable- You can buy them at every pharmacy. They most often look like strip stripes. Many different pharmaceutical companies produce such tests. Tests for determining ovulation have different sensitivity, different equipment and different costs. More sensitive ovulation tests, complete with instructions for use, are more expensive than regular strip strips. Information about such tests for determining ovulation (those without instructions) can be found on the Internet, but the essence of the ovulation test does not change.

When is the best time to take an ovulation test?

Before calculating the day of ovulation using a test, calculate the duration female cycle. Typically the menstrual cycle lasts 28 calendar days. But for some it lasts longer, for others less. Then calculate the approximate day of ovulation. Take the shortest menstrual cycle as a basis. For example, 28 days - from the beginning of menstruation to the beginning of the next menstruation. Ovulation will begin approximately on the eleventh day and may continue for a week. Why a week? You only have two days to ovulate. But these two days can "fall out" for any of seven days. Considering that sperm remain viable for five days, plus two days of ovulation, this results in a week when there is.

On what day after menstruation should I take an ovulation test? You can calculate the day of ovulation using a test from the eleventh to the eighteenth day of the menstrual cycle.

But women do not always have a stable menstrual cycle. Very often it is irregular. It depends on the characteristics of the female body, work endocrine system, nervous work, a turbulent family situation, due to frequent stress or a shifting work schedule.

In this case, if a woman wants to conceive a child, there is no need to spend extra money on tests to determine ovulation. First, on the second or third day after the end of menstruation, it is better to undergo ultrasonography. It will show how the egg has “grown”. The doctor who conducts such studies will advise when it is best to start using ovulation tests in order to.

It is better to do tests to determine ovulation twice a day - after sleep and before bed.

Instructions for using the ovulation test

  1. Count the length of your menstrual cycle. It is best to do an ovulation test seventeen days before the start of your next menstruation (with a regular menstrual cycle). If your menstrual cycle is irregular, use your shortest menstrual cycle as a guide.
  2. Collect the urine in a clean cup, open the ovulation test and lower the test strip to the desired level (or drop urine onto the test) into the urine for five seconds. Then remove the dough from the cup and place it on a dry, clean surface. After ten minutes, evaluate the test result.
  3. Urine for testing should not be the very first one. Due to the fact that there is the highest concentration of hormones. The test will show an incorrect result. The best time to collect urine is around ten o'clock in the morning and around eight o'clock in the evening.
  4. Before testing, it is better not to urinate for four hours.
  5. For the sake of correct result It is better not to drink a lot of liquid before the test.
  6. You need to open and remove the test from the package immediately before testing. It is better not to touch the special part of the test with your hands so that the result is reliable.

How to find out the result of an ovulation test?

The test to determine ovulation has a control strip. It always appears.

Negative result: the test line does not appear or appears weaker than the control line. This means that the amount of lutein in the body has not reached the required concentration, and ovulation has not yet occurred.

Positive result : The test strip is the same color as the control strip or darker. This suggests that the concentration of lutein in the body is high enough, and ovulation will occur within 48 hours.

No result: There is no control or test strip. This indicates that the test is most likely defective or has expired.

The test showed ovulation, but it didn’t happen - why?

This happens when the hormonal system malfunctions, when using certain hormonal medications, immediately after childbirth (when the woman’s hormonal system has not yet recovered), with hormonal diseases. During pregnancy, an ovulation test will also show a positive result, because the hormone lutein is very similar to the hormone human gonadotropin.

Types of tests to determine ovulation

Ovulation tests are very similar to pregnancy tests. The essence of the ovulation test is exactly the same as that of the pregnancy test. Types of ovulation tests - strip test, test cassette, inkjet test, reusable test, electronic test.

Test strip. This test is the simplest and cheapest of its counterparts. It is made of paper impregnated with a special reagent. The downside of this test is that it is not very accurate.

Test cassette. It looks like a plastic box with a window. You need to drop urine on it, the result will appear in the window. A fairly reliable ovulation test, at a price slightly more expensive than a strip strip.

Jet test. This test does not have to be placed in a glass of urine, but can simply be placed under a stream of urine. It is very sensitive and reliable.

Reusable test. It is a device with a set of test strips. These strips need to be dipped into urine and inserted into this device, which will show the result.

Electronic ovulation test. This test differs from other ovulation tests in that it reacts to female saliva. The saliva is placed under the lens and the pattern is assessed under a microscope or sensor (included in the kit). What the pattern means is indicated in the instructions. Electronic ovulation test is expensive, but it is the most accurate test for ovulation.

Most importantly, when determining ovulation, do not forget that ovulation tests only show the level of lutein, and not ovulation itself. Ovulation may begin a little later or a little earlier.

Ovulation test - which is the best?

Frautest, Eviplan, Pharmaco and Clearblue– companies that produce the best ovulation tests.


This five-day test will help a woman with a regular cycle determine the day of ovulation. The Frautest test is considered one of the most reliable. One package contains five sachets of strips and instructions for use.

A fairly sensitive test - 30 mIU / ml - a positive result is determined 40 seconds after testing. Negative result – after 10 minutes.

Frautest has thoughtfully packaged both an ovulation test and a pregnancy test together, which is very nice. In addition to five ovulation tests, these “double” kits contain two pregnancy tests, seven cups and instructions for the tests.

In addition to strip strips, Frautest produces cassette tests for determining ovulation. They are very convenient for irregular menstrual cycles, because the package contains as many as seven cassettes. The cassette must be held under stream of urine for several seconds.


This brand produces strip strips for determining ovulation and inkjet tests. Their sensitivity is 25 mIU/ml. The application is similar to that of the Frautest ovulation tests. But the result is visible after five minutes.

The package of Eviplan inkjet tests contains five cassettes. Instructions with questions and answers are also included. Very hygienic for testing, Eviplan inkjet tests always provide accurate results.


The Pharmasco company produces inkjet and strip tests. There are 5 pieces in a package with jet dough. The kit includes instructions where a special table will help you determine the day to start testing.

The strip test package contains five test strips, instructions for the ovulation test and a small gift - a free sensitive pregnancy test.


This manufacturer produces a digital ovulation test. The Clearblue Ovulation Test is considered the most sensitive (and therefore the best) test for determining lutein hormone levels. The manufacturer indicates that the accuracy of the ovulation test is 99%. The result is determined in three minutes. During operation, the test strip indicator begins to blink.

The cost of this electronic test is quite high - seven hundred rubles.

Ovulation test - benefits

Ovulation test - this is a very convenient form for calculating the day of ovulation. Neither the calendar method of calculating the day of ovulation, nor the measurement of basal body temperature, nor computer calculations and mobile applications. All of them are approximate and conditional. And almost all of them are inconvenient for a woman. But the essence of the ovulation test is that it’s still chemical analysis production-based female hormone lutein.

An ovulation test can be done at home, and even at the workplace. It's very easy to dip the strip into a glass of urine and then evaluate the result. The test will show a positive result much faster, a negative result a little later.

Almost always, the package with an ovulation test comes with instructions, and some tests are equipped with both cups for collecting urine and tests for determining pregnancy.

Manufacturers of tests for determining the level of lutein in urine indicate on the packaging that test accuracy is 99% . And it is true. If the concentration of lutein in the urine is high enough, the test strip appears at the same level as the control strip - just as bright and clear. If there is not enough female hormone lutein in the urine, the test strip will be pale and indistinct.

There are times when the stripes do not appear at all. Then the test can be considered invalid. It either expired or was defective to begin with.

Planning the gender of the child

Knowing the day of ovulation, it is possible. The doctor has a theory Landrum Shettles.

The sex of the unborn child is determined by the chromosomes of the sperm. If a sperm carries a male Y chromosome and it fertilizes an egg, it will be a boy; if a sperm carries two X chromosomes, it will be a girl. “Male” sperm with a Y chromosome are more mobile than “female” sperm with an X chromosome. And the “female” ones, with the X chromosome, are much more viable and stronger.

Dr. Shettles offered to create conditions for a boy to be born. And if parents want a girl, they need to neutralize sperm with the Y chromosome (they are not so strong and tenacious).

To do this, we determine the day of ovulation (preferably using a test). If you want to conceive a boy, plan to have intercourse two days before ovulation, during ovulation, and two days after ovulation. On all other days it is possible to conceive a girl.

This method was effective in three cases out of four.

Dear women! Don’t skimp on your health, especially in such an important matter as planning a pregnancy. Because a woman, unlike a man, has a limited time for conceiving, bearing and giving birth to a child. Childbearing age women is not endless. Especially after thirty-five years, when you count every day, expecting a long-awaited pregnancy.

Ovulation test is a modern effective method definitions favorable period in order to conceive a child. This method is very simple, and any woman can put it into practice.

Not only can this test work for its intended purpose in helping to plan a pregnancy, but it can also be used as a method natural contraception, helping to identify days when it is best to avoid intimacy.

The principle of the test is based on determining as accurately as possible the moment when ovulation occurs. Ovulation refers to the phase of a woman's menstrual cycle when the egg matures, becomes ready for fertilization, and is released. dominant follicle into the fallopian tubes, where it can meet the sperm.

The test is based on the fact that before ovulation female body is happening sudden jump level of luteinizing hormone (LH), which is most easily detected for testing in urine. And this jump in hormonal background occurs 24-36 hours before ovulation begins. The point of the test is to accurately determine the moment when the level of luteinizing hormone in the urine is at its highest.

Types of tests

The following types are most often encountered and used in practice:

  • The test strip is very similar in appearance to a regular pregnancy test. It needs to be lowered for 5-8 seconds into a clean container with urine, and then placed on a flat and dry surface. You can view the test result in 3-5 minutes.
  • The midstream test must, after first freeing it from the protective cap, be placed under a stream of urine for 5 seconds, while the urine should fall on a special surface, which is indicated by arrows or otherwise. After completing this procedure, the test must be placed on a dry flat surface, before closing the cap back. The result can be seen in 10 minutes.

There are more advanced versions of the ovulation test, including electronic ones. But they are quite expensive, although they differ in the most accurate results. It is best to carry out testing with their help several days in a row at the same time (preferably not in the morning, but before lunch, and you should refrain from going to the toilet for 3-4 hours).

How to use an ovulation test is described in detail in the instructions for use, and the method of use directly depends on the type of test.

General instructions for using the ovulation test

Step 1. When is the best time to take the test??

If a woman has regular periods and the cycle length is the same every month, then the approximate day of ovulation can be easily determined. It occurs 14 days before menstruation, but you need to start testing to determine the LH surge in the urine a little in advance - 2-3 days before expected ovulation or even earlier. Thus, from the first day of the next menstruation, you need to count back 16-18 days on the calendar - this date will be the day when you need to start doing ovulation tests.

If monthly cycle each time has a different length, then to calculate the day to start testing you need to focus on the shortest cycle in duration.

It is advisable to carry out testing in the first half of the day, but do not use the first morning urine for the test.

Step-2. Which test to choose?

You can choose any test available at your pharmacy. The most common are Frautest, both in the form of test strips and cassettes. Most often there are several pieces in a set, and this is very convenient, since they can be used for testing over several days.

Step-3. How do an ovulation test correctly?

To do this, carefully study the instructions and do everything exactly as it is written. There may be two options depending on the selected test:

  • or lower the test strip into the container with urine to the mark,
  • or place the marked area of ​​the test cassette under a stream of urine.

In both cases, the procedure takes about 5 seconds, after which you need to place the test on a dry, flat surface. You can see the result in about 5 minutes.

Step-4. How to decipher the test result?

To determine the result, you need to compare the resulting strip with the control one. If they are the same in brightness, then the test gave a positive result, and ovulation will occur very soon (in about 24-36 hours). This means that in a day or two you can successfully become pregnant. If the strip is paler than the control one, then ovulation is still far away, and it’s worth checking retest in 12-24 hours.

When can pregnancy be determined after ovulation?

Many women are interested in when to take a pregnancy test after ovulation, that is, how quickly you can get reliable results of tests and analyses. The thing is that the level of the hormone, the content of which indicates the presence of pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - does not increase as quickly as LH before ovulation, and the fastest reliable results can be achieved only by taking a blood test. With the help of such an analysis, it is possible to determine the onset of pregnancy 6-10 days after ovulation, that is, even before possible menstruation.

The level of hCG in urine is two times lower than in the blood, and the maximum level of this hormone will be reached only 8-10 weeks after pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended to use pregnancy tests only after a delay in menstruation, that is, 15-16 days after ovulation and later.

Ovulation tests - How to determine at home?

If a woman wants to calculate the most favorable time for conception, she can resort to the most convenient and in a reliable way- do an ovulation test. During ovulation, a follicle ruptures in one of the ovaries and abdominal cavity a ripe and ready for fertilization egg is released.

At this time, a number of changes occur in the woman’s body, preparing it for possible pregnancy. Including 24-36 hours before ovulation, the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine increases sharply. By determining the amount of this hormone in the urine using a test, you can calculate the time of ovulation. An ovulation test, like a pregnancy test, is done using freshly collected urine. For example, Frautest is one of the most effective tests on the market, has a sensitivity of 15 mIU/ml and is available in several versions to increase the accuracy of the test. The effectiveness of this method depends on how regular the woman's menstrual cycle is.

With a regular cycle, ovulation occurs approximately in its middle (See “Signs of ovulation in women”). How to calculate the days of ovulation with an irregular cycle can be read in the article “Favorable days for conceiving a child.”

When to take the test?

The high level of luteinizing hormone required for a positive ovulation test lasts about a day, so it is recommended to test twice a day. After all, it may happen that the hormone level reaches its peak in the morning, and the test is done only in the evening - by this time the hormone level may already have decreased.

The approximate time when you should start taking an ovulation test can be determined by the formula:

  • cycle duration minus 17.

That is, if the length of a woman’s menstrual cycle is constant, the test can be started 17 days before the start of menstruation. Therefore, with a cycle of 28 days, the test should be performed on the 11th day, with a cycle of 35 days - on the 18th.

How to do an ovulation test correctly?

When conducting the test, you must follow some rules:

  • not to accept medications containing luteinizing hormone;
  • do not use first morning urine for testing;
  • 1 – 4 hours before the test, limit fluid intake;
  • the test must be carried out any time from 10 am to 8 pm;
  • the test should be carried out every day at the same time;
  • do two tests a day, morning and evening;
  • do not throw away tests from previous days; by comparing tests (the brightness of the second strip), you can determine at what specific moment ovulation occurred (test with the brightest strip).

How to “read” test results?

Ovulation tests, like pregnancy tests, have two zones. One shows the suitability of the test for use, the second contains a control line on which chemical reagent, sensitive to luteinizing hormone. A positive result can be determined by the second line, the brightness of which in this case will match or be darker than the control (if the second line is pale, then continue doing ovulation tests). This means that in the next 24-36 hours the egg will be released from the ovary and will be ready for fertilization.

How to choose a test?

Tests can be in the form of test strips, which are immersed in a container of urine, or in the form of jet systems, which are placed under a stream of urine (or also immersed in a container). The time it takes to see test results depends on the brand. It can range from three minutes to half an hour.

The brand is very popular when determining the time of ovulation Frautest. These tests come in the form of strip and inkjet tests and are 99% reliable. The kit contains 5-7 tests. This is exactly how much it may take to determine the moment of ovulation. Inkjet tests are characterized by the same high reliability. ClearPlan. The same company produces similar electronic tests. Inkjet tests and test strips, which can be purchased either in sets of 5-7 pieces or individually, are produced by the company OVUPLAN. The disadvantage of tests is their price, because for reliability testing needs to be carried out more than one day, and often even a week.

Be aware of anovulatory cycles

If you were unable to determine the time of ovulation in one menstrual cycle, do not be upset. It often happens that even healthy women with regular cycle Ovulation does not occur in any month. This cycle is called “anovulatory”. Usually it happens once or twice a year (but not in a row). If ovulation is not detected for two or three months in a row, this is a reason to consult a gynecologist.

Many women feel when they are ovulating. At this time the viscosity increases vaginal discharge, rises sexual desire, pain may be felt in the ovarian area. However, to effectively plan a pregnancy, you cannot rely on these sensations. It is necessary to regularly conduct an ovulation test, which will make it possible to determine the most favorable moment for fertilization.

Why carry it out?

Ovulation is the moment when an egg ready for fertilization is released from the follicle located in the ovary, into the abdominal cavity, and then into the fallopian tube. Here it will unite with the sperm, resulting in the formation of a zygote. It will move to the uterus, where it will occur further development pregnancy.

In order to accurately determine the time of release of the female reproductive cell from the ovary and best time for conception, it is very convenient to use a special test strip. This simple study will help a couple plan a pregnancy.

Operating principle

Ovulation can be determined using the usual home test, which is sold in any pharmacy. The research principle is based on precise definition concentration of luteinizing hormone in urine. The level of this substance in women fluctuates depending on the period of the menstrual cycle. Immediately before ovulation it reaches its maximum values.

An ovulation test makes it possible to register such an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone, the peak of which will indicate the onset of ovulation. It works on the same principle as a pregnancy test. It uses other substances that respond to increased concentrations of luteinizing hormone, rather than human chorionic gonadotropin.

There are commercially available devices for determining luteinizing hormone in saliva. They are more convenient, designed for repeated use, but are more expensive.

A positive ovulation test indicates that the most best moment for conceiving a future baby occurs in the next 2 days.

Some women use this testing to determine " dangerous days» with the calendar method of birth control. However, the effectiveness of this method is low. Sperm that enter the woman’s genitals can linger there, “waiting” for the release of the egg. Therefore, you can get pregnant even if you have sexual intercourse before the egg is released.


Most tests contain 5 strips. This is due to the fact that it is extremely rare to calculate the moment of ovulation at once, and repeated studies significantly increase the accuracy of diagnosis.

What day is the right time to take an ovulation test?

Testing should begin on the eve of the expected release date of the egg. It is necessary to determine the duration of the menstrual cycle and subtract 17 days. If the cycle lasts 28 days, the study should begin on the 11th day, counting from the first day of menstruation. At irregular menstruation You need to take the average value of 4 or even 6 cycles in a row as a basis.

How to use a test to determine ovulation?

Each box contains detailed instructions. All you need to do is place the test strip in a container with warm urine or place it under the stream when urinating, then dry and store. The next strip is used in exactly the same way at the same time. This is repeated until a positive result is obtained.

  • do not drink water or other liquids for 4 hours;
  • do not urinate at least 2 hours before testing;
  • do not use the first portion of urine received in the morning;
  • The best time for testing is from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Ovulation test results

After completing the study, a woman can get the following indicators:

  • absence or very weak line (much paler than the control line) – the test is negative;
  • There are both strips, not counting the control one - the test is positive.

If the test is negative, it means it will still be some time before the egg is released.

If the test shows two stripes, this indicates the possible release of the egg from the follicle within the next 12-48 hours. The brighter the second stripe appears, the greater the concentration of luteinizing hormone, and the closer ovulation is. A positive result lasts 1-2 days, rarely for 3 days.

If none of the stripes are visible, this is a sign that the test is unusable.

A positive test confirms the highest fertility during the menstrual cycle. If a woman is trying to get pregnant, she needs to plan sexual intercourse within the next 3 days after ovulation.

False test results

It may happen that the test result is positive, but ovulation does not occur. Substances that react to the concentration of luteinizing hormone in the urine are very sensitive. Therefore, there is a slight chance that they will detect a slight increase in the concentration of the hormone.

Most effective method confirm ovulation - ultrasound examination of the ovary. Many women measure at the same time as testing. This is a simple and informative way to find out at home about the onset of ovulation. The temperature in the rectum rises the next day after this. Combined with testing, this gives an accurate result.

Sometimes, despite negative result, ovulation still occurs. This is usually due to failure to follow the instructions for using the test. The study should be carried out at the same time, during the day or evening. In addition, the cause may be an irregular cycle, and then other methods are used to determine the time of release of the egg.

Contraindications for use

Results may be distorted by hormonal drugs prescribed to a woman for gynecological diseases( , and others). However, in most cases these medications also have a contraceptive effect, so you will not be able to get pregnant while taking them.

Ovulation tests are not performed during pregnancy or after menopause.

The best ovulation tests

Test kits from various companies can be purchased at pharmacies. Let's look at some of them.

Digital test on ovulation Clearblue

Shows the result with 99% accuracy. It consists of a plastic case and a test module. Before starting the test, you need to remove both parts of the test and insert the strip into the body until it clicks. Then you need to wait for the flashing symbol to appear on the device body. It will indicate that the test is ready to use.

Clearblue Ovulation Test

Next, you need to collect a portion of urine in a dry, clean container and place the absorbent part of the strip in it for 15 seconds. You can simply place the end of the test module under the stream when urinating for 5 seconds, but there is a danger of getting the device itself wet.

The body can be placed on a flat surface or held with the sampler facing down. You can't lift it upside down. After half a minute, a flashing signal will appear indicating that the result is ready. After this, you need to take out the test, remove the cap from it and wait 3 minutes.

After this time, a “smiley” will appear on the device body. This means that ovulation has occurred, and the best time to conceive is the next 48 hours. If the circle remains empty, it means the hormone level is normal. After this, you need to throw away the strip and repeat the test the next day.

There is no need to pay attention to the stripes that appear on the test module. You can find out the result only on the device display. It displays for 8 minutes.

The digital ovulation test is highly accurate. When using it, you do not need to independently evaluate the brightness of the stripes. This makes Clearblue one of the best products in its segment. It costs more than regular strips, but it is more convenient to use and more reliable.

Frautest for ovulation

If a woman has a reason not to use electronic device, and test strips, Frautest will suit her. The kit contains 5 strips for determining luteinizing hormone, as well as 2 tests for diagnosing pregnancy. In addition, there are 7 urine containers, which increases ease of use.

Test strips for determining ovulation "Frautest"

The strip should be immersed in the container with urine in the direction of the arrows to the Max mark; there is no need to immerse it deeper. After 5 seconds, you need to take out the strip and place it on the edge of the container with urine to dry. Colored lines will begin to appear within a minute, but final assessment is made after 10 minutes. If 2 bright stripes appear, the test is positive. It is not recommended to evaluate the result after 30 minutes or more.

The test is a one-time use; after use, it and the urine container must be thrown away.

Other popular test strips are Eviplan, Ovuplan, Femiplan.

Tablet tests

Devices that combine ease of use and accuracy - tablet or cassette.

Tablet (cassette, inkjet) ovulation test “Femitest”

These are reusable devices that detect ovulation in urine. It is enough to place the device window under the stream, and after a while one or two stripes will appear on the screen. Examples of such tests are Frautest, Evitest, Ovuplan Lux, Femitest cassettes.

Electronic test that determines the level of estrogen in saliva

Considered the most reliable. Hence its high cost. The principle of its operation is to examine a drop of saliva under a microscope. Before ovulation, salt crystals begin to form in it, first forming horizontal and vertical lines, and at the moment of ovulation - a pattern resembling a fern. If ovulation has not occurred, the saliva sample contains only individual grains - “sand”.

The readings of this test are independent of luteinizing hormone levels. Therefore, it is especially suitable for women with hormonal imbalances.

The simplest device in the series is the MaybeMom microscope. It is equipped with good optics and gives reliable results in 98% of cases. The OVU test allows you to examine not only saliva, but also cervical mucus. Eva-Test is a mini-laboratory, fully computerized and independently producing ready-made ovulation data.

Test microscope “Maybe Mom” for determining ovulation by a drop of saliva

Electronic tests that determine ovulation using saliva are considered the most accurate. Compact microscopes are easy to use and convenient. They are reusable, so there is no need to constantly buy test strips. You need to examine saliva in the morning, before drinking water and brushing your teeth.

Some devices, such as Eva-Test, make it possible not only to determine ovulation, but also to protect against pregnancy and to notice the threat of miscarriage in time. This ovulation test shows pregnancy at 1 week of pregnancy. It can help in diagnosing gynecological diseases and even determine the sex of the unborn baby. Although consumer reviews indicate some inconvenience of the device, the need to reconfigure it and the high price, for some women it is best suited.

The Vesta device also belongs to this category. Manufacturers claim that such devices also show “safe” days, hormone levels during menopause, possible reason lack of menstruation.


What is the probability of pregnancy on fertile days?

Your ability to get pregnant will vary from cycle to cycle, and different women. It depends on many conditions, such as the age of the woman, her partner, general state health and lifestyle. On average, the probability of pregnancy on the day of ovulation is 33%.

What is the difference between using most ovulation tests and the Clearblue Fertility Monitor?

Most ovulation tests measure the release of luteinizing hormone, which occurs approximately 24 to 36 hours before the egg is released. They help clarify the 2 most fertile days of the cycle - before ovulation and during this process. The Clearblue Fertility Monitor digital test determines the level of two hormones - luteinizing hormone and estrogen. It reveals up to 5 extra days, when a woman may become pregnant while detecting a rise in estrogen.

I recently stopped taking birth control pills. Could this change the outcome?

No, this will not affect the results. But if a woman has only recently stopped taking hormonal agents, she may have irregular cycles. This leads to difficulties in determining the start date of testing. Therefore, it is better to wait until 2 consecutive cycles have passed without contraceptives, and only then start using ovulation tests.

My cycle is outside the range shown in the instructions. How do I know when to start testing? When to test for late ovulation?

If the cycle is less than 22 days, testing should begin on the 5th day, counting the first day of menstruation. If the cycle is more than 40 days, testing should begin 17 days before the expected start of menstruation and continue testing even after 5 days.

I used the clearblue test for several months in a row and did not get pregnant. Maybe I'm infertile?

It happens that healthy woman unable to get pregnant for many months. A doctor should be consulted after a year of unsuccessful attempts if the woman is under 35 years old. If she is 35-40 years old, this needs to be done in six months. If a patient over 40 years of age has never taken contraception and has not become pregnant, she urgently needs to go to a gynecologist.

I did all 5 tests according to the instructions, but still did not detect ovulation. What to do?

If your cycle length changes by more than 3 days monthly, you need to start new packaging test. If the cycle is normal, it means that it was non-ovulatory, that is, there was no release of an egg. It will no longer be possible to get pregnant this month, but this normal phenomenon for the female body.

Do I need to use all the tests in the set?

No. You can stop testing after ovulation and save the remaining strips for your next cycle.

I did the test incorrectly, what should I do next?

The best solution is to conduct another test on the same day, 4 hours after the failed one. During this time, you need to drink less and not urinate. If the urine was collected in a plastic container, you just need to take another strip and carry out the analysis immediately.

When are your chances of getting pregnant highest and lowest?

The peak possibility of conception occurs on the day of ovulation and the day before it. High probability pregnancy appears 4 days before. Outside of these 6-7 days, the possibility of getting pregnant is low.

What is the difference between ovulation days and “fertile” days?

Ovulation is the release of the female reproductive cell from the follicle; this happens 12–16 days before the start of the next period. A woman is most capable of conceiving on the day of ovulation and on the previous day.

“Fertile” days are the time of the cycle when pregnancy can occur. Due to the fact that sperm remain in the female body for several days, they can “wait” for the egg. Therefore, “fertile” days are considered the day of ovulation and 5 days before it.

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