Unique face masks based on alginic acid. Alginic acids distribution in nature Behavior in aquatic systems

Alginic acid is a polysaccharide, a viscous rubber-like substance extracted from brown algae (kelp). Is integral part cell walls of brown algae, from 15 to 25%. Alginic acid is insoluble in water and most organic solvents. Has a unique ability to bind water molecules: One part alginic acid adsorbs (absorbs) 300 parts by mass of water, which allows it to be used in dietary supplements (to cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals).
Alginates are not digested in the human body and are excreted through the intestines. Thanks to his unique property sorb and not digest, alginic acid, having entered into a compound, removes heavy metals (lead, mercury, etc.) and radionuclides from the body.
The widespread use of alginates is due to their good tolerability and harmlessness, which therapeutic effect for immunodeficiencies caused by burns and stress. It has been proven that their use helps reduce toxemia and enhances regeneration burn wound, stimulates the activity of B-lymphocytes and macrophages.
Alginate preparations promote phagocytosis, which ensures their antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral activity.
Compounds based on alginic acid attract (sorb) and thereby make immune complexes circulating in the blood inactive when an excessive amount of them is formed and the body does not have time to cleanse itself of them. Their damaging role has been proven in many diseases. Alginic acid-based salts also bind excess immunoglobulins (E), which are responsible for the development of acute allergic reactions and diseases.
They stimulate the synthesis of local specific defense antibodies (class A immunoglobulins), which in turn makes the skin and mucous membranes respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract more resistant to pathogenic action microbes
Salts based on alginic acid are successfully used in complex therapy for diseases of cardio-vascular system. Their healing effect due to anticoagulant, antioxidant and hypotensive effect. They reduce blood cholesterol levels and have an antispasmodic effect. Received positive results treatment in patients with coronary artery disease, myocardial dystrophy, and in patients with rhythm disturbances.
Taking alginic acid salts helped reduce the dose of basic drugs in the treatment of these pathologies, and also ensured the removal of autoantibodies and circulating substances from the body. immune complexes, playing one of the main pathogenetic roles in the development of heart and vascular diseases.
The properties of alginic acid determine its sorption and hemostatic effect. This is best demonstrated in relation to radionuclides and salts heavy metals, which is confirmed by numerous studies by Russian and foreign scientists.
In the experiment, the sorption of strontium and cesium radionuclides was up to 90%, which has already made it possible to widely use preparations based on alginic acid.
Alginic acid salts (alginates): Does not change water-salt balance, do not absorb hydrogen sulfide into the intestines, which is necessary for peristalsis, do not undergo metabolic transformations in the body, are not toxic and are excreted from the body within 24-48 hours.
Taking alginates helps to weaken intoxication, reduces the content of toxic digestive products and reduces the content of toxic digestive products and reduces food and infectious allergic reactions.
Data from numerous clinical trials confirm high efficiency salts of alginic acid for various disorders of intestinal microbiocenosis, which when modern level dysbacteriosis is most relevant.
Even in small quantities, alginates exhibit antimicrobial effect, suppressing the activity of pathogenic microorganisms such as staphylococcus, fungi of the genus Candida and promoting the development of normal microflora.
Alginates are used most successfully for the prevention and treatment of diseases digestive system. The ability of alginic acid and its salts to stop bleeding is widely used in the treatment of ulcerative and erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
When taken orally, alginates have a moderate antacid effect, when interacting with hydrochloric acid gastric juice form a gel that covers the mucous membrane like a “gastric bandage”, protecting it from further exposure of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, stopping bleeding. Alginates have a beneficial effect on the functions of the liver, pancreas and kidneys.
The revealed anti-radiation properties of alginic acid salts during external irradiation and significant antidote ability allow alginate preparations to be considered one of the most effective anti-radiation agents. These drugs have proven themselves to be effective in treating individuals who took part in the liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.
Biocomposites Calcium + and Detox contain salts of alginic acid.
. By monitoring the content of heavy metals and radionuclides in the body, we perform the most important condition active longevity and health.

For quotation: Vasiliev Yu.V. Gaviscon as an alginate derivative in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease // Breast Cancer. 2012. No. 15. S. 800

IN last years there is a trend towards an increase in the prevalence and incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in the population of various countries [Vasiliev Yu.V. et al., 2007]. This fact makes it extremely important timely diagnosis of this disease and optimal treatment of patients. In diagnostics and GERD therapy Russia has currently achieved some success. This was facilitated by the introduction into the practice of examining patients of modern endoscopic methods and treatment with proton pump inhibitors and/or histamine H2 receptor antagonists. However, the use medicines these classes do not always make it possible to solve all the problems associated with the course of GERD, including its complications, primarily with the development of Barrett's esophagus and its subsequent transformation into adenocarcinoma of the esophagus, which is facilitated by pathological (long-term) gastroesophageal reflux (GER) .

Alginates and alginic acid. As a result of research to develop new methods of treating patients with GERD, the idea of ​​​​using preparations from seaweed was proposed. These plants were the first life form to leave a fossil imprint in rocks. Miraculous power seaweed has been known since ancient times: in Ancient China they were used to treat abscesses and malignant tumors, and in India - like effective remedy in the fight against certain gland diseases internal secretion. Mention of healing properties seaweed can also be found in the notes of the great Russian explorer S.P. Krasheninnikov, made by him after an expedition to Kamchatka in the 18th century: “The Kuril Islands soak this herb in cold water and drink from the great rez.”
IN early XIX V. Stanford discovered alginic acid in some marine plants. So, its content is brown algae of the kelp family ranges from 15 to 30%.
Currently, there are four main groups of seaweeds, including green (Chlorophyceae), brown (Phodophyceae), blue-green (Cyanophyceae) and red (Rhoclophyceae). Many seaweeds contain salts of alginic acid - alginates (for example, alginates K, Ca, Mg are obtained from brown algae kelp). To date, alginates have not been found in plants living on Earth (outside a liquid permanent habitat). That's why seaweed- the only raw material source for the production of alginic acid and its salts.
Alginates are powerful sorbents of radionuclides, heavy metal salts, fatty acids, cholesterol, various allergens, bacterial, fungal and viral toxins, have a noticeable immunomodulatory effect by restoring balance immune reactions, remove excess circulating immune complexes from the body, stimulate phagocytosis, and restore the activity of cellular receptors. Alginates have wound healing properties and accelerate rehabilitation after injuries, surgical operations and childbirth. The combination of immunomodulatory and sorbing properties in them ensures the success of antiseptic and sorption therapy of chronic diseases.
Why do algae need alginic acid? The fact is that normal flow Various biochemical reactions are interfered with by ions of various metals that penetrate into the cell through the algae membrane. The algae cell membrane (membrane) cannot fully protect the cell from the penetration of metal ions. That is why alginic acid is necessary, which binds ions that have penetrated into the cell, and the cell releases the resulting alginates onto the cell surface. Thus, the cell continuously produces alginic acid and is thereby cleared of metal ions that are toxic to it.
Widespread use of alginates in production activities human is associated with such properties as viscosity, swelling ability; Potassium and sodium alginates in water form colloidal solutions. Alginic acid is a long chain of fiber-forming polyuronic acids. They consist of two different monomeric units (mannuronic and hyaluronic acid) in different proportions. Alginate fibers are not digested by the human body, but are excreted through gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). Like other natural polymers, alginic acid is insoluble in water and in most organic solvents. In addition, it has a remarkable ability to adsorb water (almost 300 times its own weight), as well as ion exchange properties.
When an excessive amount of such immune complexes forms in a person’s blood, his body does not have time to cleanse himself of them. Their excess amount in almost all organs damages vascular wall the smallest blood vessels and causes an inflammatory response. This occurs in many diseases ( bronchial asthma, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, glomerulonephritis, chronic hepatitis, myasthenia gravis, autoimmune anemia, thrombocytopenia). Alginates are capable of sorbing (binding) excess amounts of a special class of immunoglobulins (E), which play a role in the development of acute allergic reactions and diseases.
Alginic acid salts (sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium) have unique immunostimulating and excellent anti-radiation properties. Alginates specifically and selectively bind and remove from the body, for example, strontium ions. It turned out that strontium cations, regardless of whether it is a stable element or a radioisotope, have the same specific affinity for alginates. Alginates bind strontium isotopes and are removed from the body, releasing calcium ions in return.
It has long been experimentally and clinically established that with the help of alginates it is possible to stop local bleeding and stimulate healing ulcerative lesions mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. The mechanism of these processes is based on the reaction of neutralization of gastric juice with sodium alginate. Alginic acid, which is formed in the form of a viscous gel, envelops the gastric mucosa, protecting it from further exposure to hydrochloric acid and pepsin, which has a positive influence to stop bleeding. Thus, alginates act not only “mechanically”, but also participate in the digestion process, neutralizing hydrochloric acid.
Alginic acid itself swells during digestion, exerting a gentle enveloping effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, while at the same time helping to significantly weaken pathological reflexes, including pain. The enveloping effect of alginic acid helps to delay the absorption of water in the intestine, which leads to normalization of stool. The safety of alginates has been assessed by the FAG/WHO "Joint Expert Committee on food additives(JECFA), which established the acceptable daily intake as “unrestricted” for alginic acid and its salts.
Gaviscon. Appearance on pharmaceutical market In Russia, the drug Gaviscon, which belongs to the group of alginates and has a different medicinal effect (unlike proton pump inhibitors, histamine H2 receptor antagonists, antacids and prokinetics), has aroused significant interest among doctors, primarily gastroenterologists.
Gaviscon - oral suspension (mint), which contains: active substances(sodium alginate - 500 mg, sodium bicarbonate - 267 mg, calcium carbonate - 60 mg). Pharmacodynamics of Gaviscon: when taken orally, the drug, as observations have shown, quickly reacts with the acidic contents of the stomach. In this case, an alginate gel is formed, which prevents the occurrence of GER, i.e. penetration of stomach contents into the esophagus. Essentially, when Gaviscon comes into contact with stomach acid, a viscous, foamy layer with an almost neutral pH is formed on the surface of the stomach contents, making it difficult for gastric reflux to enter the esophagus. This is the first study conducted in Russia to study the effectiveness of Gaviscon in the treatment of men and women with GERD aged 32 to 53 years ( average age patients - 45.4±5.7 years), primarily in eliminating heartburn and pathological gastroesophageal reflux, showed the feasibility of using this drug in the treatment of GERD. Before treatment, according to endoscopy, in almost all patients, according to endoscopic classification, most often used in the Central Research Institute of Geology, revealed GERD in the stage of reflux esophagitis (only one of these patients had erosions of the esophageal mucosa). Within 2 weeks. Patients were treated with Gaviscon 4 times a day as monotherapy. respectively, 20 ml every 30 minutes. after three main daily meals and before bed.
The effectiveness of Gaviscon has been proven in 84% of patients: while taking the drug, the pH of the contents of the esophagus does not change, and the functioning of digestive enzymes. When assessing the data obtained, we took into account that gastroesophageal reflux can be considered pathological only in cases where the frequency of its occurrence is more than 50 times a day or when the pH reaches 4.0 or lower numbers, exceeding 4.2% of the total recording time . To standardize the conclusion of daily pH measurements, the generalized De Meester indicator is traditionally used, an increase of more than 14.72 indicates the presence of GERD. The study showed that after taking 20 ml of Gaviscon, there was no pathological reflux (pH<4) в течение 3,5 ч .
Gaviscon therapy had a positive effect even in the presence of alkaline reflux. Analysis of the results of eliminating the main clinical symptoms identified before treatment of patients with Gaviscon, including heartburn, showed the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of GERD: heartburn decreased and/or disappeared during treatment with Gaviscon in 2.4 ± 0.8 days, belching with air - within 3.2±4 days, regurgitation - 2.8±1.7 days.
The study showed the effectiveness of eliminating gastroesophageal reflux in patients with GERD already on the first day of taking Gaviscon (according to 24-hour pH-metry), as well as the main clinical symptoms of GERD within 2-3 days. These facts indicate the advisability of using this drug in the treatment of GERD. One of the main advantages of Gaviscon has also been confirmed - the ability to prevent the contents of gastroesophageal reflux, including acid, pancreatic enzymes, bile and pepsin, from entering the esophagus. Considering the effectiveness of Gaviscon in eliminating gastroesophageal reflux and, in fact, heartburn, this drug is advisable to use in the treatment of GERD (in the presence of main and extraesophageal symptoms), as well as in the complex treatment of reflux esophagitis of any etiology and in the presence of episodic heartburn in healthy individuals.
Gaviscon forte in the treatment of GERD in pregnant women. Heartburn and GER are common symptoms of GERD in pregnant women (45-85%). These symptoms, often mild or moderate, usually disappear after delivery. But heartburn can be more distressing than other potentially more serious conditions and, if left untreated, can disrupt sleep and digestion, with adverse effects on a mother's emotional well-being. An additional but little discussed consequence of regurgitant disease is bronchospasm as regurgitated material reaches the lower airways.
GER and heartburn require quick and effective elimination and treatment of patients. In the case of pregnant women, there is additional concern for the safety of the fetus. Despite the fact that the main structures of organs are formed in 12 weeks, and the period when developmental defects can occur exists for 16 weeks. after conception, medication taken later in pregnancy may also interfere with fetal development. Therefore, any treatment that does not involve systemic exposure is preferable.
Most often, in the treatment of pregnant women, doctors use symptomatic medications, giving preference to drugs with the least systemic effect - antacids and alginates.
A new modification of Gaviscon - Gaviscon forte is a unique alginate-containing anti-reflux drug, which contains significantly less sodium. After oral administration, Gaviscon Forte creates a powerful protective barrier in the stomach, preventing the contents of duodenogastroesophageal reflux from entering the esophagus. Gaviscon Forte has a non-systemic effect, forming a viscous, almost neutral, low-density “raft” that floats above the contents of the stomach, physically blocking its entry into the esophagus.
An assessment of the effectiveness and safety of Gaviscon forte in the treatment of pregnant women at a dose of 5-10 ml (if necessary, no more than 40 ml/day) showed the following: in 150 pregnant women who took Gaviscon forte at a dose of 60 ml/day, already in the first 4 weeks . The severity of daytime and nighttime heartburn decreased. The effectiveness of this treatment was rated as good or very good: 88% of women reported relief of symptoms within 20 minutes. after taking Gaviscon forte.
The incidence of adverse events in the fetus and newborns was low, not related to the study drug, which allowed the study authors to state the following: Gaviscon Forte is a highly effective drug for eliminating heartburn, safe for the mother and fetus in pregnant women. The non-systemic mode of action of Gaviscon forte (unlike other methods of reducing the frequency and intensity of heartburn and GER) cannot affect the biological changes associated with pregnancy in women.
The average daily dose of Gaviscon taken by pregnant women was 12.8 ml in the UK and 19.7 ml in South Africa. A proportion of pregnant women reported adverse side effects: in the UK - 61%, in South Africa - 47%. Most pregnant women had electrolyte levels within normal limits. One patient had a clinically significant increase in serum potassium.
In previously published studies, treatment was administered over a relatively short period of time. The current study was larger in size and women were allowed to start or stop taking Gaviscon as needed. In this work, the assessments of the researcher and patients regarding the effectiveness of the drug throughout the entire study period coincided. Both sides assessed the treatment as successful in 90% of cases. This observation may indicate that pregnant women have symptoms of regurgitation. In a previous open-label study of 50 pregnant women, the effectiveness of alginate suspension was rated positive in 72% of cases.
The greater effectiveness of Gaviscon Forte is likely due to the relatively large number of women in this study compared to other groups of previously examined pregnant women, as well as the dosage regimen and/or duration of treatment with Gaviscon Forte. Most women (67%) noted the rapid onset of action of the drug - within 10 minutes. and almost all (93%) - within 20 minutes.
According to the study, it was found that Gaviscon Forte in a dose of 5-10 ml, taken by pregnant women depending on the need, is highly effective in eliminating (reducing the severity) of heartburn and regurgitation of gastric contents into the esophagus. The safety of Gaviscon Forte for pregnant women has also been established. s

1. Vasiliev Yu.V., Masharova A.A., Yanova O.B. Experience of using Gaviscon in the elimination of gastroesophageal reflux in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease // Consilium Mtdicum. Appendix to the magazine. 2007. No. 2. P. 3-5.
2. Vasiliev Yu.V. Proposals for a new endoscopic classification of gastroesophageal reflux disease // Experimental and clinical gastroenterology. 2005. No. 3. P. 64-68.
3. Lagergen J., Bergstrom R., Lindgren A. Symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux as a risk factor for esophageal adenocarcinoma // New Engl. Med. 1999. Vol. 340. P. 825-831.
4. Washington N. Int J Pharmaceut. 1985. Vol. 27. P. 279-286.
5. Jone L. Bryan Sarah L. Little Yohn Sees at al. Efficacy and safety of the unique antireflux drug Gaviscon Forte // Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2001. Vol. 4. No. 5. R. 258.

With the advent of alginate masks, a real revolution took place in cosmetology: now, in order to look young and beautiful, a woman does not need to resort to plastic surgery and other unpleasant procedures. Instead, it is enough for her to periodically make alginate face masks, which noticeably tighten the skin, make it smooth, healthy, glowing and have a lot of other advantages that women simply could not help but appreciate.

Alginic acid: discovery and properties

The basis of any alginate mask is a salt of alginic acid extracted from brown algae. They were first discovered in 1981 by the British scientist Stanford, who conducted experiments on obtaining iodine from seaweed and, quite unexpectedly, discovered alginates. However, Stanford did not pay enough attention to studying their properties. The unique capabilities of alginic acid began to be discussed a few years later, when it was rediscovered and studied by the chemist Krefting. Today, there are alginate production enterprises in many countries around the world, including Russia.

Alginic acid salts are used in the production of cosmetic face masks. They are popular among the fairer sex due to their versatility. Alginate masks are suitable for all skin types and are recommended for women of all ages. The advantage of alginates is that after mixing with water they form a homogeneous gel-like mass, which contains a large number of microelements, vitamins and proteins necessary to restore, moisturize, nourish and maintain youthful skin.

Alginate masks have a wide range of indications. They are indispensable if a woman:

  • dull complexion;
  • problematic skin;
  • acne scars;
  • enlarged pores;
  • small wrinkles;
  • swelling of the face;
  • dark spots.

Alginic acid actively saturates the skin with oxygen, has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect on it, tightens pores, improves complexion, enhances metabolic processes in the epidermis, resolves scars, stimulates collagen production and has a powerful lifting effect. In addition to face masks, alginates are added to cosmetics for body care: brown algae salts are considered an effective remedy in the fight against cellulite deposits and stretch marks.

Masks based on alginic acid are available in powder form, which should be diluted with water or a special solvent before use. It is less common to see fully prepared gel-like alginate cosmetic products on sale.

Types of alginate masks

Masks with alginates are different. Their choice should be approached individually, taking into account the characteristics of the skin. Let's review the most common face masks that contain brown algae salts.

Basic masks intended for the face and body do not contain additional additives and are indicated for women who want to give their skin elasticity and get rid of inflammatory processes in the layers of the epidermis. Cosmetologists recommend combining this product with emulsions, creams and serums - alginic acid enhances the effect of the latter.

Alginate-collagen masks stimulate the production of collagen, the lack of which causes skin aging. After using such masks, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the face looks fresh and toned.

Masks with plant extracts are intended for those with problem skin. They eliminate rashes, promote deep cleansing of the face, and have toning and moisturizing effects. The natural components of these masks remove toxic substances from skin cells.

Masks with chitosan have a lifting effect, intensively moisturize the skin and saturate it with oxygen, and promote cell restoration. Ideal for dry facial skin.

Masks with the addition of blue clay disinfect, whiten, nourish, dry the skin, and remove fine wrinkles from its surface. They have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect and are perfect for women with oily skin.

Vitamin C masks are designed to combat pigmentation and skin aging. They smooth out wrinkles, make the facial contour clearer, and the walls of blood vessels stronger. They have a refreshing effect.


Alginate face masks are expensive salon procedures. However, any woman can easily master the technique of applying them, which will allow her to use this cosmetic product at home. Buying masks with alginic acid today is not a problem, as they are sold in many stores and pharmacies in a fairly wide range. A home session of skin rejuvenation and restoration using alginate will cost a woman 5 times less than the exact same procedure in a beauty salon.

How to make alginate masks yourself? Like all other cosmetics, they are applied to completely cleansed skin. Before using the mask, you can hold your face over a steam bath - it will promote deeper cleansing of the skin. For additional care, you can apply cream, serum, essential oils, emulsion or lotion to a clean face, the action of which is aimed at eliminating existing problems. Under the pressure of the mask, the cosmetic product will better penetrate the layers of the epidermis and act more effectively. Eyebrows and eyelashes should be covered with a thick layer of rich cream and only after that you can start applying the alginate mask.

The mask is prepared as follows: store-bought powder is mixed with boiled water heated to body temperature (36-37 degrees). Powder and water should be taken in equal proportions. In some cases, instead of water, special solvents enriched with sea salt and trace elements are used. Solvent is taken 3 times less than water. The finished mass should resemble sour cream in thickness.

The ingredients of the alginate mask should be mixed immediately before application. The finished composition hardens very quickly - after 5-7 minutes it will be impossible to spread it on the face. A woman has very little time to evenly distribute the resulting mixture over the entire surface of her face. The mask is applied along the massage lines with a spatula specially designed for this purpose. Approximately 7 minutes after mixing, the alginate face mask will turn into a water- and airproof film, and after a few minutes it will plasticize, that is, it will look like a layer of rubber that tightly tightens the skin. At the same time, the procedure will not cause any unpleasant sensations. Under the mask you can relax and think about something pleasant.

The alginate mask should remain on the face for no more than half an hour. There is no need to wash it off. The frozen film is simply carefully removed from the skin by lifting it with your fingers in the chin area and slowly pulling it up towards the forehead. After the procedure, the skin is wiped with lotion or tonic and lubricated with your usual cream. In order to see the first positive changes in appearance, it is enough to make one mask. But to achieve a lasting effect, women need to undergo a set of procedures, the number of which depends on the general condition of the skin and can reach 15 sessions.

Homemade masks

You don't have to buy a brown algae powder mask. You can prepare its composition yourself by purchasing all the necessary ingredients. A homemade mask will cost much less than a store-bought one, but the effect will be no less stunning. To prepare a miraculous mask you will need:

  • sodium alginate powder;
  • White clay;
  • kelp powder;
  • mineral water.

All listed ingredients are sold in pharmacies. Three teaspoons of sodium alginate are diluted in 60 ml of mineral water and left for 6 hours. After the specified time, mix 2 teaspoons of kelp with 30 ml of mineral water in a separate container. In the third container, stir 2 teaspoons of clay in 30 ml of water. Prepared clay and algae are added to a bowl with sodium alginate, quickly mixed, and using a cosmetic spatula, apply the mixture along massage lines to the surface of a clean face, leaving only the nostrils open. Before the procedure, the skin can be moisturized with a mixture of essential oils, then the penetrating effect will be more noticeable. After a quarter of an hour, the frozen mask is removed from the face by pulling from bottom to top. Preparing the skin for the procedure should be exactly the same as in the method described above with store-bought masks.

White clay, which is part of this mask, perfectly cleanses pores and reduces inflammatory processes on the surface of the skin. Laminaria copes well with increased swelling and has a lifting effect. If the mixture is applied strictly along the massage lines, then the procedure can replace a full-fledged lymphatic drainage massage. The mask is recommended for use at any age: it will help girls get rid of acne, and older women will be able to use it to fight the first signs of aging.

Since alginic acid is extracted from brown algae, these sea plants can also be used to prepare an effective anti-aging mask. Fresh algae is crushed and the resulting pulp is applied to a cleansed face for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. You can experiment with the composition of the mask by adding additional ingredients to it (for example, aloe juice, various essential oils or honey). In a mask made from brown algae, the concentration of alginic acid will be less than in a mask prepared directly from the powder. However, brown algae itself is incredibly beneficial for the skin and has a rejuvenating effect on it.

It is recommended to use alginate masks up to 3 times a week. Thanks to these procedures, vitamins, microelements and other active substances necessary to maintain its beauty and youth accumulate in the skin. And, most importantly, these masks are available to everyone today.

Alginic acid This substance is from the class of high molecular weight polysaccharides. Contained preferably in brown algae cells.

It is used in the food, textile, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries, used to create welding electrodes and animal feed.

general characteristics

Laminaria (seaweed) has many beneficial properties for humans. And not least due to the presence of alginic acid in its composition. Another name for the acid is algal acid, since it was found in green, brown and red marine plants. And what’s interesting is that almost a quarter of kelp consists of this substance. This gel-like substance gives the algae their “jelly bodies” and flexibility.

Alginic acid has many unique properties. One of them is exceptionally high water absorption. Only 1 g of the substance is capable of absorbing about 300 ml of liquid. On the other hand, it is almost 14 times higher than the adhesive ability of starch. And gum arabic in this regard is 37 times worse than alginates. The acid does not dissolve in water or other organic liquids. It is a heteropolymer substance created from the remains of polyuronic substances.

In 1883, British researcher and pharmacist E. Stanford discovered this substance while studying kelp. The scientist concluded that a unique acid structure is formed in algae during the process of biosynthesis. And it is worth noting that in different countries and in different parts of the World Ocean, the composition of alginic acid in plants may differ slightly. This is explained by the natural effects and proportions of D-mannuric and L-hyaluric acids contained in alginates.

Alginates (acid salts), when entering the human body, are not broken down and are excreted from it in an undigested form. This property is reminiscent of the functions of fiber. But alginates are more effective. Thanks to their ability to absorb liquid, algal acid salts remove radionuclides and heavy metals from the body. The experiment showed that algal acid could bind and remove approximately 90 percent of the cesium and strontium. Therefore, drugs containing acid or its salts are considered the best remedies against radiation.


The raw material for alginates is usually brown algae, which are extremely common in the world's oceans and can grow up to several centimeters daily. To remove alginic acid, the algae is first dried and crushed, then washed and left to swell in an acidic environment. The next stage is the extraction of alginates from swollen algae. To do this, caustic soda is added to the substance. After clarification and fiber removal, laboratory technicians receive an aqueous solution of sodium alginate. As a result of subsequent manipulations, scientists achieve so-called “acid precipitation” and obtain pure algal acid.

Beneficial features

Alginic acid is an effective antioxidant and a means of cleansing the body of toxins and heavy metals.

Also indispensable for intoxication.

For the cardiovascular system, the benefits of acid include lowering blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. Possessing antimicrobial and antiviral properties, it protects the body from harmful microflora, fungi and bacilli. In addition, alginates reduce pain during spasms and reduce the risk of allergies.

Why does a person need

Preparations containing alginic acid are used to treat a wide variety of disorders and disorders. The most common reasons for intensive consumption of algae:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • slagging of the body;
  • weak immunity;
  • skin diseases;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • cellulite;
  • cardiac diseases;
  • intoxication.

But although algal acid is very useful for humans, there are cases when it is better not to abuse this substance. Among the most compelling reasons to avoid nori, kelp or red caviar:

  • vitamin deficiency (there is an opinion that it interferes with the absorption of certain vitamins);
  • pregnancy;
  • liver diseases;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • frequent digestive disorders;
  • malignant formations.

Deficiency or excess: how to understand

Since the body is not able to independently produce alginic acid, the substance enters the human body only from the outside: with food, dietary supplements, and medications. Recently, preparations based on kelp, spirulina and other acid-rich plants have become especially popular. Weakened immunity, a high tendency to allergies, poisoning - these are precisely the signs by which one can understand that the body is asking for “feeding” in the form of algae products.

Natural remedies rarely cause side effects or overdose. But if, while consuming alginic acid, nausea appears, the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted, the skin turns red and begins to itch, it is better to discontinue the drug and consult a doctor.

Use in the food industry

Alginic acid and its salts (alginates) are not new ingredients in the food industry. At least 5 E-shek on food labels indicate this. The acid itself is listed in the list of ingredients as E400. Its salts are located under the “names” E401, E402 and E404. The food additive agar-agar, created from algae, is designated by the number 406.

In products, “algae” additives play the role of thickeners and are also used to create false red caviar. But when baking bread, the use of E400 prevents the finished product from quickly becoming stale.

Application in medicine

Due to its ability to absorb water, algal acid is an important component of medicinal gels and some other medications, in particular capsules. Almost a fifth of all modern medicines contain an alginic substance. And in the field of dentistry, alginates help create dental impressions.

The medicinal properties of algal acid salts allow them to be used as a remedy for burns. Studies have proven the effectiveness of the substance in the process of skin regeneration at the site of burn wounds.

Alginates are actively used for allergies and to improve immunity. Acid salts are prescribed to patients with cardiovascular diseases, and also as an antispasmodic drug. Research results show the effectiveness of alginates in the treatment of coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, and myocardial dystrophy.

But the use of alginates in healthcare is not limited to this. These substances are used for the following purposes:

  • for the production of medications of various forms;
  • as a component of dietary supplements;
  • for creating napkins, gauze, cotton wool and other means to stop bleeding.

Benefits for the digestive system

Most often, doctors use the ability of alginic acid to draw in liquid to stop internal bleeding, including peptic ulcers. In addition, alginates reduce the aggressiveness of gastric juice and accelerate the healing of wounds on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Once in the digestive organs, algal acid salts acquire a jelly-like consistency and create an additional protective cover.

Having a sorbing effect, alginates remove breakdown products of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, radionucleids and other harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract, and neutralize elements that impede the development of proper intestinal microflora.

Researchers claim that alginic acid can displace Candida, staphylococcus and other pathogenic fungi and viruses from the body. Even in small doses, alginates act on the body as an antimicrobial agent.

The popularity of using algal acid salts is explained by their properties. They are non-toxic and quickly leave the body (up to 48 hours), do not disrupt the salt balance of the body, and also do not affect the hydrogen sulfide contained in the intestines for normal peristalsis.

In the beauty industry

Masks based on alginates have a beneficial effect on skin of any type. Regular use of such cosmetics allows you to restore the structure of the epidermis and smooth out fine wrinkles. Creams and masks with kelp are an effective remedy against cellulite. Substances rich in alginic acid are also used for anti-orange peel wraps.

Food sources

Based on the name of the acid, it becomes clear that the highest concentration of the natural substance is found in algae. In particular, if you want to pamper your body, it is important to first pay attention to seaweed, nori seaweed, spirulina, and red caviar.

But not only seafood contains alginic acid. Those with a sweet tooth can provide themselves with substances from marmalade, marshmallows, ice cream, jelly sweets, bird's milk, and yoghurts. This substance is also found in infant formula, soufflé, and molecular gastronomy dishes.

Many people know that seaweed is an excellent source of iodine and potassium. But not many people know about the presence of alginic acid in this useful product. Meanwhile, algal acid and its salts are no less beneficial for humans. However, you already know about this. Now you have another good reason to remember seaweed and prepare, for example, a salad from it for lunch. Both tasty and healthy.

Alginic acids– the main structural component of the cell walls of brown seaweeds Laminaria ,Macrocystis pyrifera ,Fucus ,Phaeophyta etc. The content of alginic acids in brown algae can be 20 - 40% by weight of air-dried raw materials. Alginic acids are also produced by some species of bacteria, mainly representatives of the genera Azotobacter vinelandii And Pseudomonas .

Historical reference. Alginic acids were first isolated more than 100 years ago from several brown algae. Later, these polysaccharides were found in all types of brown algae, where they are components of the cell wall and intercellular substance.

In 1982, quite unexpectedly, alginic acids were discovered in a species of calcareous red algae belonging to the family Co r A llina seae . In the works of Usov A.I. with collaborators it was shown that the presence of alginates is indeed a distinctive feature of representatives of this family. These polysaccharides are not found in other plants.


For the industrial production of alginic acids, brown seaweeds, mainly of the genus Laminaria ( Laminaria) and macrocystis ( Macrocystis). Algae biomass is pre-treated with a dilute aqueous solution of mineral acid to remove low molecular weight compounds, divalent cations and accompanying water-soluble polysaccharides (laminarin, fucoidin). Alginic acids from purified biomass are extracted with a solution of soda or alkali and precipitated from the extract with ethyl alcohol, acidification or conversion to an insoluble Ca 2+ salt.

The preparative yield of alginic acids is used to assess their content in algae biomass.

Chemical structure and molecular structure

Alginic acids are polyuronides, i.e. polysaccharides, the molecules of which are built from residues uronic acids. Alginic acids were first found in D -mannuronic(Fig. 1 a), and then L -guluronic(Fig. 1 b) acids.

Using partial hydrolysis and isolation of the corresponding disaccharide, it was established that the residues of both uronic acids are part of the same polymer molecule. According to modern concepts, based on numerous results of methylation, periodate oxidation and a number of physicochemical methods of structural analysis (mainly NMR spectroscopy), the macromolecules of alginic acids are linear and are built from units of residues - D -mannuronic(M) And - L -guluronic acids(G), located in pyranose form and related -(1→4)-glycosidic bonds(Fig. 2).

Bacterial alginic acids differ from algal acids in that part of their hydroxyl groups is usually acetylated, and acetyl groups occupy positions C 2 or C 3 (sometimes both at once) in residues - D-mannuronic acid.

Alginic acids from different sources may differ in the ratio of mannuronic and guluronic acids (value M/ G), as well as the distribution of monomer units along the polymer chain. Using partial hydrolysis and fractionation of oligomeric products, it was found that the distribution of monomer units in alginic acid macromolecules varies blocky character, i.e. there are areas built almost exclusively from the remains of any one uronic acid ( M-blocks And G-blocks). These blocks are separated by regions that contain approximately equal amounts of both monosaccharides, arranged in a more or less strictly alternating sequence ( MG-blocks). This unique structure is the result of stepwise biosynthesis of polysaccharide molecules, in which linear polymannuronans are first formed, and then in these polymer precursors epimerization occurs at the C 5 atom of part of the - residues. D-mannuronic acid under the action of a specific enzyme – polymannuronan-C(5)-epimerase, which leads to the appearance of - residues in the polymer composition L-guluronic acid.

The size and relative position of individual blocks have a decisive influence on the properties of alginic acids and their salts - alginates. Residues- D-mannuronic and- L-guluronic acids, for all their structural similarity (these residues differ only in the configuration at one of the asymmetric centers, namely at the C 5 atom (see Fig. 1)) have the opposite conformation of the pyranose ring (respectively 4 WITH 1 and 1 C4), which leads to completely different shapes of polymer molecules in areas poly-M And poly-G(Fig. 3).

In addition, hydroxyl groups - D-mannuronic acids are located diequatorially, which causes the units of monosaccharide residues to combine into an elongated chain, the structure of which is called "tape". Hydroxyl groups of residues- L-guluronic acid are located diaxially. When they are combined into a chain, a “ribbon” structure is also formed, but of a folded type. Since neighboring units of G-blocks are located quite close to each other, hydrogen bonds are formed between the OH groups. They stabilize the chain, which makes G-blocks more rigid compared to M-blocks, which lack intramolecular H-bonds.

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