Find out what kind of blood you have. Let's consider the importance of knowing this information. Where to find out blood types: yours and your child’s, free methods and express methods

There may be situations in a person’s life in which it is necessary to find out what his blood type is - preparation for any operation, donation, including emergency. Despite the fact that everyone should know such information about themselves and their loved ones, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this basic knowledge. Therefore, we will figure out how to find out the blood type, existing methods and what you will need for this.

What are the types of blood?

Before moving on to defining blood groups and the Rh factor, let's talk about what these concepts mean.

In medicine, there are 4 types of blood. They differ from each other in the presence of antibodies and antigens. Based on the combination in which they are located on red blood cells, they determine whether they belong to a particular group. A huge number of antigens have been discovered, but a single AB0 system has been adopted throughout the world. In addition, a person can have one of two Rhesus (antigens) - positive or negative. These parameters are formed during the development of the fetus in the womb and do not change until the end of life.

Groups are designated not only by numbers, but also by letters:

Groups Designation Differences
I 0 or 00 It differs in the content of both agglutinins. This type suits everyone. It is believed that this is the most ancient group that the first people had.
II A or 0A It contains only β agglutinin. Suitable for transfusion to representatives of the second and fourth. The place of origin is considered to be Europe, about 25 thousand years ago. Much time has passed since then, the spread has occurred throughout the world due to population migration.
III V or 0V Agglutinin α is detected. Suitable for people with third and fourth. It is believed that it arose about 15 thousand years ago, and its representatives belong to the Mongoloid race. Spread in Europe and Asia.
IV AB This type is distinguished by the absence of aglutinins. It is the rarest, due to its late appearance (about a thousand years ago).

The Rh factor (RH) is a special antigen that is detected along with the group. It can be positive or negative. The latter blood Rh factor is more common.

As a result of research, it was discovered that there is a connection between diseases and blood type. Based on what blood type the patient has, he is prescribed special diet, with which you can more effectively cope with overweight and also avoid the occurrence of many diseases. During pregnancy, it matters what RH both parents have.


Among the methods for finding out your group and RH, there is the very first one that does not require much effort - just look at a new passport or medical record. The designation can be either numbers or letters. Near RH there will be a “+” (positive) or “-” (negative). If such data are not available, then you should move on to other methods for determining blood groups.

A relatively quick and easy way to determine your blood type is, of course, taking a test in a clinic. Blood group and Rh tests are also carried out upon donation.

The most popular technique for determining blood group using standard sera. They are prepared from an untested blood sample, isolating plasma with the antibodies in it, for subsequent mixing with an isotonic sodium chloride solution. Agglutination is assessed within three minutes after the start of the interaction of the sera.

A prerequisite is the room temperature: 15-25 0 C.

The following method for determining blood group and Rh factor is performed using monoclonal cyclones. They have greater avidity compared to the sera used in the first method, i.e. The agglutination reaction occurs faster.

When studying RH, sera with the same type of AB0 as the patient's, as well as special anti-Rhesus antibodies, are used. Mixing takes place in a Petri dish.

Where can I find out my blood type? Blood group testing and Rh determination can be done at your local clinic or any private clinic. The analysis is also carried out at in case of emergency in hospitals before surgical intervention so that if a transfusion is necessary, the necessary donor blood is on hand.

Is it possible to find out without tests?

Not everyone wants to go to the clinic and stand in line to donate blood, so such people are interested in the question of how to find out their blood type without tests. This is especially true for children. Of course, they are the same as the rest, so the methods for determining blood type are no different from adults, but inheritance from parents can be predicted. It is believed that if mom and dad have the first group, then with 100% probability the child will be born with the same type. For parents with the first, second and third, the baby is equally likely to inherit any of them. The fourth may be in those whose parent is from the third, and the second from the fourth. There is a table by Gregor Mendel that allows you to determine parameters even before birth.

When determining the Rh factor of blood, everything is a little simpler. If mom and dad are negative, then their son or daughter will have the same. All other options involve both positive and negative. Sometimes paternity is determined by blood parameters. This information is not very accurate, because... can only give preliminary results.

Sometimes the type is different from the parent, so a DNA test is needed to establish the relationship.

Besides laboratory tests, there are tests to determine blood type. They help determine your blood type at home. To check your type, you only need a special strip on which a drop of blood is applied. The result will be ready in a few minutes. There is another one home test for which it is necessary not a large number of apply to a special cardboard with margins. The field in which agglutination is observed is your type.

We recognize by psychological characteristics and preferences

There are suggestions that you can recognize your group and relatives by character. Representatives of the first type are distinguished by their strong character, self-confidence and a penchant for leadership. People with the second type, on the contrary, are soft, calm and peaceful. The third type is found in people who are sociable, cheerful, and active. But representatives of the fourth type cannot be characterized with a specific word; they combine different inclinations. So if you don’t yet know what type your relatives belong to, then you can try to find out on your own, and then compare the results.

What other ways are there to determine your blood type without tests? There is a theory that blood type is also determined using food preferences. Fans of meat products are classified as I, lovers of vegetables and cereals as II, those who love dairy most often have III, and IV does not stand out with a special love for a specific type of food.

Despite the fact that these conclusions were made by scientists as a result of numerous observations, you should not rely only on these data, because they may turn out to be wrong. It is best to find out your blood type in a proven way.

Now science can offer us ways to determine blood type both in medical laboratories and at home. This is great progress, allowing for rapid testing that takes a minimum of time. Of course, additional improvements are currently being made that will make the analysis more accurate, but over time, determining blood groups will become easier, and many will get rid of unwanted trips to the clinic.

In contact with

Each person has a certain set of indicators that distinguish him from other individuals. This applies to hair color, eye color, body structure and body structure, as well as height and weight.

One of the most important indicators for life is blood type and Rh factor - a combination of characteristics that determine the properties of the human body.

Often a person urgently needs to get to know a group in difficult life situations.

Usually this information is familiar to everyone at an older age, but what to do if the type is still not known? There are several ways to determine your blood type without resorting to laboratory tests.

Why know your blood type and Rh factor?

Blood type is a constant sign of a person throughout life. Regardless of nationality, gender and age, it is inherited and represents a set of specific properties, individual for everyone.

In total, science knows of 4 groups, each of which determines compatibility for the others.

This happens thanks to protein metabolism, therefore, only the required type is allowed to pour red liquid into another person.

Consider the importance of knowing this information:

  1. Transfusion. No one is immune from the tragic situations that occur today, when an unconscious person urgently needs a blood transfusion.

    The doctor must determine the group in order to select a compatible analogue.

    It is worth noting that those with type 1 can become donors for any person, and a person with type 4 can accept any blood.

  2. Establishment of paternity and relationship. Important genetic testing also requires this information.
  3. Pregnancy planning. During the period of gestation, a woman sometimes encounters the concept of Rh incompatibility, which means positive and negative group have two parents.

    Then the pregnant woman needs to be tested for antibodies. Also, doctors often suggest administering serum against Rh-conflict.

The Rh factor is determined by the presence of red blood cell proteins: this indicator is often inherited. Correctly identified blood type will help save life in emergency situations.

Determining blood type at home

Most young people want to independently determine their group, but the guys do not want to go to the laboratory. People with health problems also have to think about the indicators.

Then several techniques come to the rescue to help determine ownership at home:

  1. Studying documents. The easiest way to find out what you want is through your passport.

    In some documents, this information is provided with a seal where the group is indicated: the sign 0 indicates that the person has type 1, the sign AA symbolizes the second group; BB is the third, and the combination of letters AB is the fourth blood type.

    You can also find out about this information without tests using your policy number, by calling the clinic and requesting the results of your medical record.

  2. The nature. As is known, each category of people with a certain type inherent in various behavioral traits.

    The first type is distinguished by its strong character, the second by its gentleness and peace-loving nature. People with the third type are active and sociable, those with the fourth type are multifaceted and versatile personalities.

  3. Innovative methods. Several years ago, Australian scientists invented special test strips that show blood identity.

    The innovation contains a narrow indicator strip onto which you need to drop a drop of red liquid. This helps to avoid long hours waiting for results at the clinic.

In laboratory conditions, for example, when blood is needed urgently, doctors use the technique before surgery standard serums, as well as the use of monoclonal cyclones.

Important! It is better to know your type in advance and always have this information with you: in critical situations of saving a patient, the doctor will need at least 30 minutes for the procedure.

In Russia you can find special express cards developed in Denmark - they allow you to quickly determine your blood type using water and containers with liquids.

Home test to determine Rh factor

Together with determining the blood type, it is necessary to find out the Rh factor - information is important for all the above cases: during pregnancy, transfusion, before operations, in emergency situations.

Note! Rhesus is determined by the presence of a special gene - agglutinogen. According to statistics known to science, 85% of humanity have a positive Rh factor.

This indicator in humans is formed at the stage of development inside the mother’s womb. It does not change throughout life.

A method for determining a factor without analysis is presented below:

How to find out a child's blood type?

Pregnant women, who are in the process of bearing a fetus, as well as girls who have recently given birth, strive to independently find out the child’s blood type without puncturing its delicate skin.

This can be done, but the probability of accuracy will not be high. For this purpose, a special table created by scientists is used.

It indicates the parents' blood type options, based on the combination of which the baby's blood type is determined.

Several features of the technique:

  1. If dad and mom have the first positive group, then the baby is guaranteed to have the same type.
  2. The combination of groups 1 and 2, as well as 1 and 3, indicates the presence of one of the types in the child.
  3. If the spouses have blood type 4, the baby will have any type except the first.
  4. It is believed that knowing the group and Rh factor of the parents, one can determine the gender of the unborn child.

Human blood consists of a set of cells, enzymes, and red blood cells, which makes it possible to make each person on the planet individual.

If, during laboratory testing, the results show an increase in leukocytes, there is internal inflammation, you should consult a doctor.

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Do you know your blood type? How to do this and why can such knowledge be useful?

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the fact that knowing your blood type is very important and necessary. Our life is quite unpredictable and no one is immune from situations in which the need for blood transfusion may arise. Determine blood type and the Rh factor can be determined by the doctor during a special blood test.

The blood group, in itself, is a kind of identifier of an individual. It does not change throughout a person’s life and is passed on to the child from the parents.

A little bit of history

It is believed that the appearance of a particular blood group is directly related to nutrition. As people migrated and adapted to local foods, changes occurred in their digestion and immune system, because we had to fight new diseases and all this was reflected in the blood. Thus, each blood type contains genetic messages about the diet and behavior strategies of our ancestors, and we are still influenced by their inclinations and habits.

It is customary to allocate 4 blood types. Their appearance is associated with the four stages of human evolution. The first stage is the appearance of the first people, who all had the same blood group - first. The second stage is the transition to an agricultural method of obtaining food, the third is associated with the migration of African-type races to Europe, Asia, North and South America. And finally, when mixing different blood groups, a fourth appeared.

Blood group determination

Nowadays, a large number of blood groups have been discovered. But the “A-B-zero” (AB0) system is still taken as the basis. It is known that plasma contains antibodies, and red blood cells contain antigens. In human red blood cells, according to the above system, antigens A and/or B may be present or absent (0). And the blood plasma may or may not contain antibodies to antigens A and B.

According to the “A-B-zero” system, there are 4 main blood groups:

Group I (0)– agglutinins A and B are present in plasma, agglutinogens are not present in erythrocytes

Group II (A)– agglutinins B are present in plasma, and agglutinins A are present in erythrocytes

III group (B)– agglutinins A are present in plasma, and agglutinins B are present in erythrocytes

IV group (AV) – in plasma there are no agglutinins at all, but in erythrocytes agglutinins A and B are present

The concept of Rh factor

There is also such a thing as Rh factor. The Rh factor is essentially also a system of antigens, but it is not inherent in all people. The Rh factor can be positive or negative. A blood designation such as I(0) Rh-, for example, indicates the presence of the first blood group with a negative Rh factor. These data can be determined by taking a special blood test.

How to find out your blood type from your parents' blood type

Everyone knows that each of us receives 1 gene from our parents. If we assume that the mother has the fourth blood group (AB), and the father has the second blood group (A0), we can try to combine the options that are potentially possible in the child. If you take one gene from each parent, it turns out that their child can have any blood type, but with different chances. In probability, in this case, the second blood group wins.

IN modern world Most often, carriers of the first or second blood group are found. Most rare group blood is considered the fourth, since it occurs on average in only four out of a hundred people.

Tell me your blood type and I will tell you who you are!

In some countries, for example, in Japan, they believe that blood type can influence a person’s character.

I blood group: People with the first blood group are more likely to have leadership qualities. They strive to achieve their goals by any means, they believe in own strength more than others and have increased emotionality. Sometimes they are too ambitious, jealous and fussy.

Blood group II: Those with the second blood group are distinguished by their love of peace and order. These people are hard-working, tolerant and friendly. Their main weaknesses include the inability to relax and stubbornness.

III blood group: Those who have the third blood type are very capricious, do as they please in life. Sometimes their desire to be independent can transform into weakness. These people can adapt to any situation and have a good imagination.

IV blood group: Those with the fourth blood group are tactful, calm, fair and balanced. They know how and love to entertain others. However, they experience certain difficulties when the need arises to take a responsible step or make a decision.

As a rule, people find out their blood type and Rh factor only during health problems. And everyone should know such important information about themselves and their loved ones by heart. After all, you can improve your well-being by following nutritional recommendations that are based on information about your blood type.

Blood group is the presence or absence of antigens on the surface of red blood cells. It differs in chemical composition, according to the composition of antigens and antibodies, proteins and carbohydrates. Of the thirty known blood group systems, the main ones are the AB0 system and the Rh system. According to the AB0 system (read as A, B and zero), blood is divided into four groups, designated as 0 (I), A (II), B (III), AB (IV), respectively. Scientists believe that the composition of blood is determined by the diet and migrations of our ancestors. At the beginning of humanity there was only one, the first blood group. Due to consumption plant food the blood changed its composition, and so the second group appeared. The third group is the migration of a race, in this case African, from its own continent. The fourth is a consequence of the mixing of previous groups. The Rh factor is also important.

Rh factor is a protein on the surface of red blood cells(erythrocytes). If there is Rh on the red blood cells (Rh is the Rh factor), this means that the person is Rh positive. In the blood of 85% of people, their red blood cells contain the Rh factor and, accordingly, they are Rh positive. The remaining 15% are Rh negative. The Rh factor is designated as “Rh +” (positive) or “Rh -” (negative). Rhesus is not distributed according to the AB0 system, does not depend on the body, and does not change throughout life. Rh appears on early stage development of the fetus in the mother's womb. “Rh –” does not cause harm to human health. Exist following methods Determining Rh status:
  • Conglutination method on Petri dishes;
  • Express method;
  • Gelatin express method.
Usually a drop of blood is needed and the result is ready the next day. Before determining the group and Rh factor, the following rules must be observed:
  • Do the test on an empty stomach (but you can drink water);
  • The last meal should have been more than 8 hours ago;
  • Doctors do not recommend testing when taking any medications;
  • Before the procedure, you should avoid junk food and alcohol;
  • It is advisable to take the test without putting too much strain on the body first.

A simple test to determine the Rh factor can be done at home. To do this, you do not need to go to the hospital and donate blood. Remember school biology lessons. If you have medical data about your parents, it is easy to establish your Rh factor.

If your parents are “Rh+” (or one of your parents has two dominant RR genes), then you are 100% Rh+. Without two dominant RR genes, the possibility of Rh plus drops to 25%. If your parents have a negative Rh factor, yours is “Rh -”. If one of the parents is Rh negative and the other is Rh positive, then the child's Rh status is 50% to 50%.

A couple who decides to have a child should first consult a doctor. Based on the material given above, you already know that plus and minus will give the baby one of two opposite rhesus. In this case, if the fetus gets the father’s Rh, that is, the opposite mother’s, a Rh conflict may arise. The pregnant woman's body will perceive the fetus as foreign body and will begin to produce protective antibodies that will harm the child.

To prevent this, you need to consult a doctor who will monitor the amount of antibodies. If you don't know your blood type and Rh factor, there is a free and noble way to help correct the situation. You can become a donor. Doctors who take shelter for donors determine the blood type and rhesus. It's easy to ask them about it.

To donate you need to know:
  • To donate blood, you need to feel well and have no contraindications from a doctor;
  • Your age must be from 18 to 60 years, weight more than 50 kg;
  • On the eve of donation, be sure to have dinner (but do not eat fatty, smoked, spicy and dairy foods; alcohol is contraindicated);
  • Smoking is allowed before and after the procedure;
  • Breakfast should be light, the planned day should not be physically busy.

Determining the Rh factor and blood group is mandatory not only for donors and patients. It's vital important information for every person. It is quite possible that one day this will save your life.


Of course, it is very difficult to establish a blood type without tests, and sometimes it is simply impossible, but there is a possibility of such an establishment (but we still recommend contacting medical institution to clarify the results, because the blood group is on professional level Only specialists using special equipment can handle your blood).

Look at your medical record if the previous action did not produce results.

Find out your parents' blood type. You should know that if both parents have I, II, etc. blood group, then, accordingly, the child born from them will have the same blood group. If one of the parents has I and the other, for example, II blood group, then the child can inherit one of them and, accordingly, have either group I or II.

Determine or clarify from the extract medical card What group characteristics does yours belong to? Among these signs there are 0, A and B. Depending on this, determine your blood type. So, 00 is the first, 0A is the second blood group, 0B is the third and AB is the fourth.

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Everyone is simply obliged to know their blood type and the blood group of their children and close relatives, because in case of unforeseen circumstances it is blood that may be needed to save you or your family, it is blood that will tell about your ailments and it is one of the essential elements in the structure of the human body.


  • how to find out my blood type

Every person is required to know their blood type, imagine if for some reason you urgently have to get a blood transfusion? For rescuers and military personnel, the blood type is indicated in a special place on the uniform. Do you know your blood type?

Few people know that there is data on more than a hundred various groups blood, but 4 main ones are still considered the main ones.

So. There are antigens on red blood cells, and antibodies in blood serum. Red blood cells may contain antigens A or B, but they may not be present that O. Thus, 3 variants of one gene can be distinguished. In the laboratory, the presence of genes is determined by reaction with control blood sera.

Group I (O) plasma content of alpha and beta agglutins

Group II (A) plasma agglutin beta content

IV(AB) no agglutins

Groups are designated indicating the cutting factor, positive result which 85% of people have.

How to determine the blood type of the future or find out your own using theory?

Each of us received one gene from our father. Blood groups I and II are characterized by the content of antigens. Group II may contain AA antibodies or be combined with A0. The third group is a combination of BB and B0.

IN blood Over 300 human antigens have now been discovered. All elements blood, proteins, tissues have their own individual antigenic structure. According to combinations of antigens found in red shaped elements, over 1.5 million different blood.

The basis for all blood transfusions blood according to vital indications) are groups blood according to the ABO system. The division into groups is based on the detection of agglutinogens (group antigens) A and B in erythrocytes, and in serum blood respectively, determination of agglutinins (antibodies) a and b. When agglutinogens and agglutinins (A and a or B and b) are added, agglutination of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and their hemolysis or destruction occurs.

To define a group blood person in a simple way, the laboratory doctor needs: 8 eye pipettes for each serum, bottles with sodium chloride solution and hemagglutinating serums of 4 groups blood two series, small plate. Groups are marked on the plate with a wax pencil. blood and apply 2 drops of the required standard serums for two different series in 2 rows, according to the inscriptions. The laboratory technician adds the patient’s blood, taken from a vein, to a drop of serum and mixes it with gentle shaking. Quantity for research blood is taken 10 times less than the amount of standard whey. Assess the reaction after 5 minutes and then determine group blood by the presence of agglutination (formation of “sand” in a drop).

In an isoserological laboratory, a simple method for determining the group blood clarified by conducting a more accurate double cross reaction, which allows you to determine group antibodies a and b in the patient’s serum. Antibodies can be detected using red blood cells A and B (standard) taken from donors who have the corresponding groups blood A (II) and B (III). Standard red blood cells are added to 2 separate drops of serum placed on plates. The result is determined after 5 minutes by the presence of an agglutination reaction, and then a conclusion is issued for the group blood at the patient.

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Despite the presence modern methods group definitions blood using monoclonal antibodies, in hospitals this procedure is most often carried out in the old proven way, using standard isohemagglutinating sera.

You will need

  • - 2 series of standard isohemagglutinating sera of groups I-III;
  • - 1 ampoule of blood group IV serum;
  • - isotonic solution sodium chloride;
  • - pipettes;
  • - glass slides;
  • - a clean white dry plate;
  • - wax chalk;
  • - scarifier;
  • - sterile cotton balls;
  • - alcohol.


Using a wax crayon, divide a white plate into 4 squares. Label them clockwise: I (0), II (A), III (B), IV (AB). Add a large drop of standard serums from both series into the corresponding squares. Leave sector IV (AB) empty.

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The blood group test is prepared within 1-2 days - however, in private clinics you can conduct an express test.

Helpful advice

At the donor center, the blood type will be determined only after it has been processed or platelets/red blood cells/plasma have been processed.

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