Vitamin A benefits for hair. How to use vitamin E for hair? Natural Sources of Vitamin E

Vitamins A and E are recognized throughout the world as the main vitamins of youth and beauty. Two main vitamins that are responsible for the health and beauty of our skin, nails and, of course, hair, today I want to talk about them in more detail about their properties, effect on hair and methods of use.

There is no difficulty in purchasing vitamins A and E in oil; they are sold in every pharmacy and are not at all expensive. Fortified procedures (wraps, masks) have a very effective effect on the overall condition of the hair.

Benefits of Vitamin A in Hair Oil

Vitamin A improves hair elasticity, makes it elastic, shiny and silky, protecting it from harmful influences sun rays, influencing active growth. Vitamin A stimulates the restoration of hair structure, provides protection against free radicals, and also makes hair strong and elastic.

It is the lack of vitamin A that leads to dry and brittle hair.

Vitamin A is very good to add to hand cream, just 2-3 drops of oil and the cream will begin to work much better, especially in winter, when hands are very dry. Vitamin A will also help cope with dry skin on the elbows and heels.

Vitamin E in oil for elasticity and smoothness of hair

Vitamin E promotes cell renewal, increases blood flow, resulting in improved circulation at the local level, helps fight hair loss, promotes hair growth and restoration. Vitamin E helps cope with scalp problems, especially dandruff and dryness.

In addition, vitamin E is included in many commercial hair masks, even luxury ones.

Once a week, I apply vitamin E to the skin around the eyes in the form of a leave-in mask: take two drops of oil, rub it with pads ring fingers and apply it with patting movements to the skin around the eyes, it’s just an excellent mask, and most importantly the result from it.

Vitamins A and E work best together, so beneficial features I combined these vitamins together, since their actions are similar:

  • treat dry and brittle hair;
  • nourish and restore dull, split ends;
  • strengthen hair;
  • accelerate hair growth by awakening dormant hair follicles;
  • improve general state hair.

How to use vitamins A and E in hair oil?

Vitamins A and E for hair can be used in several ways. The simplest is to add 2 drops of vitamins to a portion (at a time) of hair shampoo, and leave it on your hair for a few minutes, but the shampoo should at least be free of silicones, and ideally as natural as possible.

Vitamins can also be added to store-bought hair masks. For example, once a week I make a “thorough mask”, that is, I take a good store-bought mask, preferably a professional one, add a few drops of vitamins A and E (I take the masks for one serving), apply to damp hair, put on a shower cap and a towel or woolen one. hat. and I warm it all up for 5-10 minutes with a hairdryer and let it cool for another 10-15 minutes. then I thoroughly rinse everything off with water for a few minutes, and the result is hair like after a trip to the salon.

And my favorite way to use vitamins A and E is to add them to homemade hair masks, the best of which are:

Oil mask with vitamin A and E in oil

  • 1 teaspoon olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil;
  • 8 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil.

The proportions of oil can be changed depending on the length of the hair. Mix coconut and olive oil, heat in a water bath in a glass container and at the end add 8 drops of ylang-ylang and vitamins. While warm, we apply it to the hair, moving away from the roots of the hair (although this mask can also be applied to the scalp, but I prefer it only for the length). We insulate the mask and leave it for at least 2 hours, or preferably overnight. It is enough to do this mask once a week.

Anti-hair loss mask with vitamin A and E in oil

  • 2 tablespoons of capsicum tincture;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of castor oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil;
  • 5 drops of essential oil or cinnamon, rosemary, mint, lemon.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the scalp along the partings, warm it and leave for one hour, after the time has passed, wash your hair as usual.

Hair mask before going to the beach

  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil.

Coconut oil is famous (and for good reason) for its ability to protect hair from ultraviolet radiation, and also prevents the loss of protein from the hair (hair is made up of 70% protein, keratin) during washing. Vitamin E also protects hair from ultraviolet rays.

Take warm coconut oil, add vitamins to it and apply it to your hair length. There is no need to apply too much oil so that it flows down the hair, just saturate it, paying attention to the ends of the hair.

With such a mask, you can safely go to the beach to sunbathe, swim and be calm about protecting your hair. The mask washes off easily with two washes of shampoo.

Conclusion: one of the the best vitamins V home care for hair.

Looking for an effective hair care product? Then go ahead and you will learn how to restore your hair.

You will never win the endless struggle for healthy and beautiful hair if you do not use vitamin A (retinol).
Many people are scared that they constantly take care of their hair, but the results are not visible! They waste a lot of time fighting split ends, but the effect is not visible! Trichologist specialists first recommend taking vitamin A for hair.

Without a sufficient amount of this vitamin in the human body, you will never see healthy hair in the mirror, so its use is necessary.

Vitamin A - retinol acetate

Why does our hair need vitamin A?

Each of our hairs is an independent living organism. For his normal functioning need nutrients and vitamins. The lack of any element will certainly have consequences. Hair does not survive a lack of vitamin A very well.

A lack of vitamin A in the human body can lead to:
- hair loss;
- loss of shine and dullness of hair;
- dry hair and scalp;
- the appearance of split ends;
- dandruff.

Such unpleasant consequences arise due to the fact that it is this vitamin that increases skin immunity and maintains normal functioning sebaceous glands on the surface of the head, regulates the formation of keratin. And the protein keratin is the main “building material” for hair.

In addition, vitamin A can prevent the appearance of inflammatory processes on the scalp, speed up recovery processes in damaged areas. It even affects hair color because it participates in the synthesis of pigments.

It becomes clear why, when the content of vitamin A in the body is normalized, the condition of the scalp comes to normal. normal condition, excess greasiness goes away. Hair looks strong, healthy and grows quickly.

If you ask for vitamin A at the pharmacy, they will bring you a box with the name “ retinol acetate" This is the pharmaceutical name of the drug, there is no difference. It is an oil solution. May be sold in ampoules, vials or gelatin capsules. For use to improve hair health would be better suited“draft” (in bottles) retinol acetate for hair.

How to nourish your hair with retinol?

A person always has a supply of vitamin A (retinol). It remains in the body long time. But its quantity must be constantly replenished. We only need 1 mg of this element so as not to be deficient.

To avoid being deficient in vitamin A, you need to eat foods that contain it:
- carrot;
- pumpkin;
- Rowan;
egg yolk;
- liver;
- butter;
- cream;
- milk (only whole, natural).

Besides internal use it will be very useful to feed hairline heads outward. The most convenient and affordable way is masks.

Retinol - vitamin A is sold at the pharmacy. Beneficial effects Vitamin A will be even stronger if vitamin E comes to its aid. There is even a drug called “Aevit”. You can take it orally by swallowing gelatin-coated capsules.

To achieve maximum impact, retinol masks are best applied directly to the scalp, hair roots. Only in this case the nutrition will be complete. Then the oil is distributed along the entire length of the strands.

Those women who try to treat split ends by applying vitamin A oil directly to problem areas are mistaken. In this case, the hairs will simply become moisturized without receiving nutrition. There is no hair at the regrown end blood vessels, even the most useful elements penetrating there are not absorbed. There is no process of cell division at the end of the hair.

Instructions for using the selected mask: An oil mask prepared according to the selected recipe is applied before washing your hair. First, the composition is rubbed into the hair roots. massage movements, then using a wide-toothed comb it is distributed over the entire length. If you have long hair, braid it and secure it at the back of your head. A shower cap is put on top or the head is covered with cellophane film. Wrap your collected hair well with a terry towel.

Walk longer with a turban on your head, at least an hour. Let the hairs be thoroughly oiled, the hair roots are saturated with vitality, blood circulation in the scalp is activated and hair follicles will earn with renewed vigor.

1. The most simple mask for hair with this vitamin:
- olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
— vitamin A (retinol acetate) – 1 tablespoon;
— vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) – 1 tablespoon.

Mix the ingredients well and apply to dry hair before washing. After the procedure, wash your hair as usual with shampoo and then rinse with conditioner.

A volume of three tablespoons is suitable if your hair is shoulder length. For longer ones, the amount of mixture needs to be increased. In such masks you should not be afraid of imbalance of proportions. You can take more of one oil, replacing others.

Instead of olive oil, use, for example, almond oil, macadamia oil, grape seeds, jojoba oil, etc. Gradually, with experience of use, you will choose the optimal recipe for yourself.

Mix the composition and use according to instructions. Split ends will disappear and excess dryness will go away. Hair will take on new life full of strength, energy and brilliance.
The basis of a hair mask with vitamin A can be not only oil components. Kefir or sour cream, essential oils, and fresh egg yolk are perfect.

3. Another very effective recipe for a hair mask with retinol, which will be a lifesaver for people losing hair, is onion mask:
- juice squeezed from 1 onion, about 1 tablespoon (grate the onion and squeeze out the resulting juice);
- 1 tablespoon each of burdock and castor oils;
- 1 tablespoon of pepper tincture (sold in pharmacies);
- retinol acetate 5 - 6 drops.

The recipe is not suitable for those with very dry scalps as it can cause irritation.

Stir the mixture well and rub into the scalp with vigorous massaging movements. There is no need to keep this composition on your head for more than 30 minutes. Rinse off with plenty of running water. If the smell of onion from your hair after the procedure bothers you, you can rinse your hair with water to which dry mustard has been added. To completely eliminate the odor, use water with lemon added. If you don't have fresh lemon, use citric acid by adding a little powder to the water.

Be patient and do this procedure 30 times, once every 2 days. The time will be approximately two months. She's worth it. Your hair will stop falling out, and the effect may stay with you forever.

Eat carrots, butter, do not give up yolks and liver. Regularly nourish your hair externally and it will thank you with its beauty and health.

If you have already used retinol acetate for your hair, then take the time to leave a review to help our readers make the right choice.

Fragility and dullness of curls is a problem familiar to many women. Its solution is impossible without a full supply of vitamins to the body. The most important of them is tocopherol. Better known as vitamin E, it plays the role of “living water” for hair, promoting hair active recovery, strengthening and growth.

You can buy it at the pharmacy in the form of capsules, ampoules or solution. In addition, tocopherol is present in many products and is part of cosmetics. We invite you to familiarize yourself with beneficial properties this vitamin and in effective ways its application.

Tocopherol improves blood circulation and stimulates the process of cell renewal in the body. When taken orally, and especially when applied topically, it has the following effects:

  • creates increased blood flow and normalizes lymph circulation in the scalp;
  • improves oxygen transport to hair follicles;
  • helps retain a sufficient amount of moisture inside cells;
  • activates collagen synthesis.

Due to these processes, the hair becomes smoother, its firmness and elasticity increases, and split ends disappear. Thanks to quality food hair follicles hair loss is reduced and curl growth is accelerated.

Vitamin E also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp. Minor damage and defects are restored faster, itching and dryness go away, and the amount of dandruff decreases.

Tocopherol helps restore not only hair, but also nail health. With regular use, it strengthens them, making them strong and shiny.

Natural Sources of Vitamin E

Get needed by the body tocopherol can be taken in many ways. The most natural of them is to eat foods rich in vitamin E. TO healthy food relate:

  1. Fresh vegetables and herbs - carrots, radishes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, spinach, lettuce, broccoli, parsley and dill.
  2. Products of animal origin, namely: milk, eggs (especially the yolk), liver.
  3. Fish and seafood - squid, pike perch, salmon, eel.
  4. Cereals and legumes – buckwheat and rolled oats porridge, beans, peas, sprouted wheat.
  5. Vegetable oils – sunflower, cottonseed, olive, sesame. In order for all the vitamins to be absorbed, it is important to use oil not for frying, but to add to salads and other dishes that do not undergo heat treatment.
  6. Nuts – pine, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts. In addition, sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds are useful.

Interestingly, tocopherol is also found in some herbs and plants. That's why many folk recipes They suggest using them to strengthen and activate hair growth. So, essential vitamin E for hair can be obtained from raspberry, dandelion, nettle, sea buckthorn, and rose hip leaves.

Traditional medicine recommends ingesting decoctions of these plants and rinsing your hair with them after washing. But remember that even natural ingredients may cause allergies and have other individual contraindications.

How to use vitamin E for hair?

It is quite difficult to regulate the amount of tocopherol supplied from food. Therefore, it will be easier and more effective to use vitamin E for hair in the form pharmaceutical drugs. For oral administration, you can purchase capsules with different dosage active substance(0.1, 0.2 or 0.4 g).

They are used taking into account the fact that for an adult the maximum daily norm is 1 g of tocopherol. It is allowed to take no more than 0.4 g of the drug at a time.

Note! To avoid hypervitaminosis, it is recommended to take Vitamin E orally only after consulting a doctor.

In case of severe tocopherol deficiency, the drug can be prescribed in the form intramuscular injections. This treatment method is used for advanced forms of alopecia (pathological hair loss) and seborrhea. It is unacceptable to give injections without the consent of your doctor.

Another way to use vitamin E is with special oil. It is called "Alpha-tocopherol acetate". The product is taken orally, 1 tbsp. l. per day.

For those who doubt the presence of tocopherol deficiency, but want to support the body with vitamins, it is better to use special complexes. They contain perfectly balanced substances (microelements, minerals, vitamins) necessary for health and beauty. Among them, you can choose drugs aimed specifically at combating hair fragility and hair loss.

In addition to oral use, vitamin E for hair is actively used for topical application. For this purpose, you can purchase medicinal cosmetics (shampoos, balms, masks) or prepare the products yourself using a solution in ampoules or tocopherol-enriched oil.

Shampoos with vitamin E

Special medical cosmetics, as a rule, are not cheap. Therefore, many women prefer to simply add vitamins to their favorite shampoos. Below are several ways to prepare and use such products.

Recipe No. 1: “In a hurry”

To quickly prepare a caring shampoo, take one ampoule of vitamin E (can be replaced with a few drops of Alpha Tocopherol Acetate oil) and mix with a portion of the shampoo needed to wash your hair. Then, apply the product to damp curls.

It is advisable to pay attention to the root zone, gently massaging it with your fingertips. After 3 minutes, the hair is washed with running water.

Important! The shampoo should be simple. If you mix vitamin E for hair with a 2-in-1 product, it can neutralize the effect of tocopherol.

Recipe No. 2: Vitamin cocktail

To prepare a complex action vitamin shampoo you will need:

  • tocopherol – 3 ampoules;
  • retinol (vitamin A) – 3 ampoules;
  • grape seed and jojoba oil – 1 tsp each;
  • vitamins PP, C, B9, B12, B6, B5 – 1 ampoule each;
  • daily shampoo that suits you - 1 bottle of 250 ml.

All components must be poured into a bottle of shampoo and shake vigorously several times until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Further, before each use it should be shaken again.

To ensure that vitamins are better absorbed by the hair, the shampoo is used as follows: the first portion is applied to the curls along the entire length, foamed and rinsed off, then the product is applied a second time and left for 6-8 minutes. At the end of the exposure time, the hair is washed warm water.

The results from using vitamin shampoos appear after 3-4 weeks. During the treatment period, it is recommended to avoid aggressive heat treatment hair - use a straightener, high-power hair dryer.


If there are signs of significant hair damage (brittleness, severe loss), as well as dullness and slower growth, it is advisable to add vitamin masks to your caring procedures. They should be done every two days for a month, then you need a break for 3-4 weeks. The recipe for preparing the product depends on the problem at hand; let’s look at several of the most effective therapeutic masks.

Against split ends

You need to heat 100 ml of honey to a liquid state, add vitamin E for hair (1 tsp oil solution) and 2-3 tbsp. l. burdock oil. All components are mixed and applied to dry strands (along the entire length) before washing your hair.

The product is kept for 30 minutes under a plastic cap and a terry towel, then washed off with warm water. To make the oily solution easier to wash off, it is recommended to first lightly foam the shampoo on dry hair and only then rinse it with water.

For hair loss

To prepare a mask with vitamin E for hair loss, take 30 g of dried chamomile flowers and fresh nettle, pour boiling water (200 ml) over them and leave for 30 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and stale Rye bread(20 g). After soaking, knead it until smooth and add 1 ampoule of tocopherol.

The resulting paste is applied to the hair for 40 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm running water without using shampoo.

For active growth

If your hair is growing too slowly to stimulate it, prepare vitamin mask with mustard. To do this, take 1 tsp. oil solution of retinol and tocopherol, add 1 tsp. dry mustard powder and one egg yolk. Mix all ingredients well and apply the product to dry hair roots.

Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, but if you feel strong burning sensation, you need to wash it off immediately. Used to wash hair warm water and regular shampoo.

Nourishing anti-dullness mask

A combination of vitamins, sour cream and herbal ingredients will help restore a vibrant shine to your curls. For this mask, you will first need to prepare a decoction of burdock root. To do this, the raw materials are poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:3 and boiled for 40 minutes.

After the broth has cooled, filter it and measure out 100 ml. If you have leftovers, you can store it in the refrigerator (but no more than 5 days). Add 1 ampoule of tocopherol and retinol to the decoction, 3 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tsp. olive oil.

The mixture is applied to dry hair, spreading over the entire length. To enhance the effect, the curls are covered with cellophane and wrapped with a towel on top. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes with water and shampoo.

Vitamin E for hair, with regular use, can become a real miracle cure. But do not forget that the main influence on the health of curls is exerted by lifestyle, eating habits and the presence or absence of harmful factors (perms, dyeing, exposure to high temperatures). Therefore only A complex approach will allow you to preserve the beauty of your hairstyle for a long time.

Useful video: recipe for an express hair mask with vitamin E

Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin that is widely used in cosmetology. It can be found in anti-aging creams, hair and nail treatments. Many anti-acne lotions also contain vitamin A (retinol). But it is not advisable to use products with it without consulting a specialist. The substance may cause harm to the body.

History of discovery

Vitamin A was discovered in 1913. Then a group of scientists came to the conclusion that chicken yolk and butter contain a substance that causes animals to grow at an accelerated rate. It does not react with alkalis and is not pollinated by fractions. The new product was called "fat soluble factor A." Already in 1916 it was renamed vitamin A (retinol).

In the first half of the last century, it was found that the lack of sufficient amounts of vitamin A in daily diet leads to decreased immunity. Children grow slowly, and in adults, hair falls out and nails peel, and vision deteriorates significantly. In many medical and cosmetic preparations started adding retinol. Feedback from patients showed that the state of health and appearance improved after just a week of use.


IN pure form retinol is crystalline substance yellow color. This vitamin is fat soluble. The vitamin is capable of significant quantities accumulate in the liver. Therefore, if you decide to use retinol, the instructions must be followed. In each specific case, the dosage will be different. But you shouldn’t use retinol in large quantities to achieve good results faster.

Vitamin A occurs naturally. For example, in large quantities Carrots contain retinol. Reviews show that daily use This vegetable helps improve vision and skin condition. There are also varieties of vitamin A that can only be obtained artificially. Such synthetic isomers have virtually no side effects, therefore they are widely used in cosmetology.

Effect on skin cells

The cosmetic properties of retinol are based on its effect on epidermal cells. Vitamin A leads to various changes skin. If done correctly, these changes will be positive. But independent use of retinol can lead to severe irritation and even burns.

Skin cells contain retinoid receptors. When interacting with vitamin A, a change in the metabolic activity of cells occurs. This means that it has a stimulating effect on skin cells. The regeneration process is taking place. It is no coincidence that retinol is used to treat acne. Instructions for use of drugs containing this substance describe the stages and procedure for skin treatment. Before using the product, be sure to read the insert. The stimulating effect of vitamin A persists for another 4 months after the end of the course of its use. Therefore, it cannot be used continuously.

The substance helps normalize the processes of keratinocyte differentiation, helps cure acne and makes the skin more elastic. Patients manage to successfully treat seborrhea using retinol. The oil solution is best used in winter. Vitamin A can cause skin photosensitivity.

Retinoic peeling

Vitamin A is widely used both in home and salon cosmetology. Among women over 30 years of age, a procedure called retinoic peeling is very popular. It can only be performed by a specialist in a properly equipped office. In order to remove small facial wrinkles, stretch marks, and acne marks, retinol is used. The solution is prepared by a cosmetologist immediately before the procedure.

It is absolutely painless. A special solution is applied to problem areas and waited for a certain period of time. The duration of the procedure depends on the problem that needs to be solved. Severe stretch marks or acne scars can be removed in just a few sessions. Retinoic peeling is recommended to be performed during the cold season. Immediately after the procedure, slight redness appears on the skin, which disappears the next day.

Retinol in the pharmacy

The vitamin is presented in pharmacies in the form of the drug “Retinol acetate”. It has wide application and can be prescribed to both adults and children. Only the dosage will differ. For normal growth and development of the body, retinol is primarily needed. Instructions for use of the above product describe its effect on human body. The oil solution helps increase skin resistance to harmful factors environment, accelerates regeneration processes.

The drug "Retinol acetate" can be used both externally and internally. An oil solution in capsules can eliminate vitamin A deficiency, which was caused by poor nutrition. For children, the drug is most often prescribed in early spring, during the period of vitamin deficiency. The drug helps strengthen bone apparatus, improved vision.

You should not use products containing retinol without a doctor's recommendation. Instructions for use of drugs containing this component describe the indications and dosage in various cases. But individual characteristics the body should also be taken into account. Retinol is adsorbed into thin sections intestines and is semi-excreted from the body only after 9 hours. Since vitamin A accumulates in the body, it can only be used in courses.

"Retinol acetate." Method of use

The drug is intended for oral and external use. Patients suffering from hypovitaminosis should take the drug orally. A product containing retinol, produced in capsules, is ideal. Its use must be strictly according to the instructions. Adults are prescribed one capsule twice a day. The drug should be taken 20-30 minutes after meals.

If you want to use it, it is better to choose an oil solution containing it. A few drops are applied to problem areas of the skin twice a day. Treatment of extensive acne can be supplemented by the use of vitamin A orally. In this case correct dosage the doctor will determine.

The substance is also successfully used in the treatment of burns. In this case, compresses are performed with oil solution. "Retinol acetate" is applied to the affected area and covered gauze bandage. On initial stage Compresses need to be changed several times a day.

Children and pregnant women

Preparations containing vitamin A are not prescribed to children under seven years of age. IN in rare cases for treatment skin diseases they can use retinol. The instructions for use state that products containing this substance can only be used externally for children. The dosage will be minimal. For children over seven years old, it should not exceed 4 drops per day.

During pregnancy, the use of retinol is not prohibited. But it should be borne in mind that vitamin A can also be supplied to the fetus through food. To avoid overdose daily dose retinol should not exceed 1 drop of oil solution. No studies have been conducted on the use of the vitamin during lactation.

Application in cosmetology. Reviews

Due to the fact that vitamin A promotes skin cell regeneration, it is widely used in various cosmetic products. Girls even add retinol to the cream at home. Reviews show that the vitamin helps quickly get rid of acne and the first signs of skin aging.

Professional cosmetologists leave mixed reviews about retinol. On the one hand, this vitamin is simply necessary for cell regeneration and youthful skin. On the other hand, retinol should be used with caution. After all, it can lead to severe irritation. Therefore, the use of drugs containing this substance, without consulting a specialist at home is unacceptable. But high-quality creams with vitamin A, according to cosmetologists, will have positive impact on the skin. And if the product is selected by a professional, an excellent anti-aging effect is guaranteed.

Retinol acetate for hair

It affects not only the health of the skin, but also the hair. Representatives of the fair sex especially notice this. At the beginning of spring, hair becomes dull and brittle and begins to fall out. Retinol promotes normal operation sebaceous glands, accelerates the production of keratin, and this substance is the main building material for hair.

The drug "Retinol acetate" for hair can be used different ways. Masks with an oil solution are effective. Add 5 ml of solution to one liter of water. The product is applied to dry hair. Next the head is wrapped cling film and wait about an hour. The mask is easily washed off with warm water and shampoo. Additionally, the drug "Retinol acetate" can be used internally. It is very important to follow the instructions carefully.

Precautionary measures

Cosmetics containing retinol often cause dry skin and irritation. The body should be accustomed to vitamin A gradually. If you use a cream with it, then at first apply it only a few times a week. Cosmetics with retinol are used in courses. Do not forget that vitamin A accumulates in the body.

Products with retinol should not be applied to the skin before going outside. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the substance oxidizes and becomes more aggressive. You may get severe burns. In general, treatment using the drug “Retinol acetate” is best carried out in the cold season. If this is not possible, use the product at night.

How to store it correctly

Vitamin A molecules oxidize very quickly under the influence of environmental factors. Therefore, it is worth storing preparations that contain retinol in a place well protected from light. Special attention You should also pay attention to the packaging. It is not advisable to purchase the drug in a transparent container. No one can know how the product was stored before it reached the pharmacy. Retinol does not change its properties under the influence of temperatures. Therefore, there is no need to store drugs containing it in the refrigerator.

Hello again!
Today is finally my post about natural care for my hair.
Please under the cut

At the end of last year, having found one group on one of the social networks, I radically revised my hair care rules. After reading for a long time what was what, I made several main conclusions for myself: products with silicones and SLS are in the trash for me, some of the best (and already obligatory) masks are not purchased, but made with my own hands (for me they are based on oils) .
That’s exactly what I’ll tell you about oils and what goes with them.

My goal was to bring my hair into good view, maintenance as well as hair growth.
First things first.

1. Vitamins.

1.1 Thiamine chloride (Vitamin B1).
1.2 Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
1.3 Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B!2)

I combined these vitamins together because... In principle, their effect is similar, they strengthen the hair follicles, stimulate growth, and improve the general condition of the hair. They cannot be mixed together, they are incompatible. BUT! I made vitamin shampoo with them (all of them), I was very pleased with the result, my hair grew much faster.
My verdict: magical vitamins for pennies.
Price: (in principle, price stickers are in the photo, but I’ll write it separately)
B1 - 21.1 ruble for 10 ampoules,
B6 - 18.1 rubles for 10 ampoules,
B12 - 8.50 rubles for 10 ampoules.

1.4 Retinol acetate solution in oil (Vitamin A in oil)
1.5 Alpha tocopherol acetate (Vitamin E in oil)

Description: In pharmacies, vitamin E is sold under the name Tocopherol acetate, and vitamin A is sold under the name Retinol acetate.
First of all, I would like to note that when asking the pharmacist for them, you should emphasize that you need vitamins in oil for external use. Many people use the same vitamins in capsules (created for oral administration), but this is inconvenient and also more expensive.

Vitamins A and E are recognized means for youth and beauty.
Vitamin A makes curls elastic, bouncy, protects them from the harmful effects of sunlight, and affects active growth. It is the lack of vitamin A that leads to dry and brittle hair.
Vitamin E helps restore hair, fights hair loss, and promotes growth.
Vitamins A and E are especially good in interaction, this is how their synergistic effect is manifested.

Also combined, because The effect is also the same: restores, nourishes hair, moisturizes. Everyone knows that these are the vitamins that are responsible in the body for the beauty of hair, nails, and skin.
I add it either to homemade masks or also to vitamin shampoo.
My verdict: absolutely irreplaceable.
Price: about 30-50 rubles depending on the pharmacy.

Oils are divided into 2 types:
-cosmetic (they are basic, they are just fatty) - they can be used in their pure form, mixed with each other;
- essential, concentrated oils are highly not recommended to be used in their pure form, they can be dangerous, cause burns and other troubles, but they are great to add to masks.

Application: heated in a water bath (several oils can be mixed), applied to the hair (at the length or roots, depending on the function of the oils), under a cap and towel, and this is worn for several hours. Wash off with shampoo. You can add essential oils.

2. Base oils

2.1 Castor oil
Description: Castor oil is obtained from castor bean fruits. It is recommended for use in the care of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows.
Castor oil is well absorbed and easy to apply, softens the scalp, accelerates hair growth, and eliminates dandruff. This oil is the basis of many ointments and creams, hair masks.

My verdict: I don’t really like it, it’s heavy, it’s really hard on the roots, and it’s difficult to wash the ends, and there’s a chance you’ll end up with the effect of “dirty, greasy hair.”
In addition, I tried it on eyelashes and eyebrows, the result: my eyes were swollen, acne appeared on my eyebrows.
Stands idle
Price: 120 rub/250 ml.

2.2 Avocado oil.
Description: benefits of using avocado oil for hair:
- improves the structure of weakened hair,
- suitable for colored hair,
- strengthens hair roots,
- nourishes hair from the inside,
- rich in vitamins,
- easily absorbed by skin and hair,
- penetrates deeply into hair structure,
- makes hair smooth and shiny,
- gives hair a healthy look.

My verdict: simple good oil. Nourishes, moisturizes, but without strong delights.
Price: (I don’t remember the exact one) about 100 rubles per 10 ml.

2.3 Shea butter.
Description: Hair. How everyone wants to have beautiful, healthy, well-groomed hair. Cosmetics, pharmaceutical companies and ethnoscience offer all kinds of means that help achieve the goal - to have beautiful hair. And in all this proposed diversity, one should not forget about one thing: effective means- Shea butter for hair is 100% helpful.

Shea butter (karite) is used in many lines of luxury cosmetics as a softening, moisturizing and protective agent, slowing down the aging process. Shea butter can be consumed as daily cream, it has a UV filter. It is used to relieve swelling and inflammation for pain and sprains in the joints, and for skin diseases.

Shea butter for hair is simple an indispensable tool, it nourishes and moisturizes hair, and also strengthens dry, damaged and weakened hair, protects it from the influence negative factors environment.

My verdict: OOO! Well, this is just a mega thing for everyone who is familiar with oils. The oil nourishes the hair very much, restores it quite quickly, and is more effective than most other oils!
It is heated in a water bath and then applied.
Price: 100-300 rubles per 100 g.

2.4 Coconut oil.
Description: Coconut oil strengthens, nourishes hair and gives it shine. It adds volume and shine to hair that is dry and depleted by exposure to wind, sun, sea, frequent coloring and perms. Strengthens, gives them beauty and softness. Coconut oil rinses off easily and is excellent for use as a means to improve the quality of tanning, to prevent burns and long preservation tanning and its consolidation. It is ideal means protection of hair during the holiday season, and is applied before sun exposure and sea ​​baths. Coconut oil is an excellent means of fixing color and giving radiant beauty to hair after dyeing with henna and basma. Used as a mask - from 20 minutes to 3 hours, then washed off with shampoo. After rinsing, it leaves no traces.

Coconut oil consists of triglycerides and medium-chain saturated fatty acids, due to which it is absorbed very quickly, remarkably moisturizes and gives the skin a velvety feel. In particular, lauric acid has a negative effect on a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, yeast, fungi and viruses. also in coconut oil contains capric acid (7% of the fatty acid composition), which stimulates antimicrobial activity.

Coconut oil reduces hair protein loss during washing. A layer of oil on the hair protects the fibers from swelling and damage during toweling and combing.

My verdict: just like shea butter, this butter is a favorite of oil maniacs. Mega-moisturizes, mega-nourishes, mega-regenerates. (Use is the same as shea).
Price: 80 rub./400 g. (unfortunately, when I bought it, it was only refined, it is much cheaper than unrefined, and the effect is worse..)

2.5 Cocoa butter.
Description: A useful cosmetic properties This oil has a lot. For example, with its help you can achieve certain results in the fight against stretch marks. In addition, you can also try to remove other skin imperfections, such as scars, small scars and skin injuries, by using cocoa butter during a massage, the properties of which are precisely aimed at eliminating cosmetic defects.

Both in winter and in summer, cocoa butter finds its use. In cold weather, it perfectly protects the skin from chapping and exposure. low temperatures, removes peeling of the lips, and in the heat it can help avoid skin contamination, which is very important during the summer season. Just apply cocoa butter to your feet and hands, the properties of which help literally repel dirt and dust from the skin.

Dry, damaged, aging facial skin is a real field for cocoa butter. Using cocoa butter to care for such skin will significantly improve its condition. The skin becomes firm and elastic. Fine wrinkles disappear and deep wrinkles become less noticeable. And oil compresses based on cocoa butter remove the so-called “crow’s feet” and “bags” around the eyes.

Cocoa butter gives its properties not only to the skin, but also to the hair. It retains moisture in the hair, making hair smooth, manageable and shiny. A mixture of cocoa butter and rosemary infusion is pure bliss for hair.

My verdict: Well, this is the 3rd (and last) consensus favorite, along with shea and coconut. I absolutely share the opinion, the oil is great. (The application is still the same).
Price: 750 rub/kg.

2.6 Grapeseed oil.
Description: This fatty vegetable oil is a record holder for vitamin E content; one tablespoon covers the body's daily need for this vitamin. In its composition and properties, grape seed oil is close to sunflower oil. Grape seed contains more than 100 active components, micro- and macroelements, protein, vitamins A, B, C and PP. The powerful antioxidant and regenerating properties of the oil are used in cosmetology to create nourishing, moisturizing creams and masks for dehydrated, sensitive and aging skin, especially in the area around the eyes. The oil helps exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis, improves the structure of the skin, making it noticeably smoother. It regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, prevents excessive oily skin and tightens pores. If you have a cut or wound, cracks in the skin of your hands or feet, grape seed oil will provide quick and effective assistance. Its big advantage is that it is well absorbed by the skin and quickly begins to act. Using products containing grape oil, you can improve your appearance brittle hair with split ends, give them shine and silkiness.

My verdict: it can dry out the length, I use it exclusively on the roots in order to prolong the cleanliness of my hair. Prolongs it a little. I bought it primarily for the face (considered magic remedy for moisturizing and eliminating irritations), did not suit my skin...
Price: 120 rub/100 ml.

The following are my absolute favorites! (I love them all with all my heart)
For them my overall verdict: I will buy more and more!

2.7 Jojoba oil.
Description: Jojoba oil is unique in everything flora! It's actually liquid wax. Consists mainly of higher fatty acids associated with higher alcohols. Almost no bitter taste. It is well absorbed by all skin types, including oily ones. Applying jojoba oil to the skin creates a thin, invisible to the eye, stable and elastic layer that nourishes it and protects it from adverse environmental influences without interfering with its normal functioning. The surface and deep oiling it creates regulates the sebum secretion of the skin. Jojoba oil does not cause any irritation and allergic reactions, therefore, it is often used in the manufacture of cleansing emulsions for the skin (especially around the eyes), and the added oil to finished cosmetic products significantly extends their shelf life. Provides softness, freshness and delicacy to chapped and chapped lips. Adds shine, volume and flexibility to hair - it is often used in cosmetic hair products. A few drops on the comb when combing wet hair prevents it from sticking, causes an antistatic effect, and helps shape the hairstyle.

Price: 150 rub/100 ml.

2.8 Sweet almond oil.
Description: Almond oil for hair
Almond oil can rightfully be called one of the strongest natural remedies, strengthening hair and stimulating its growth. It perfectly nourishes hair, increases its elasticity, flexibility and shine.
To care for your hair, you need to apply almond oil to your comb. You can use pure almond oil or add other essential oils to it (5 drops per 10 ml of essential oil). You need to comb your hair with this comb 2 – 3 times a day.
If you have oily hair, you can use almond oil in its pure form. Before washing your hair, rub a few drops of almond oil from the roots of your hair to the ends. To enhance the effect, you can add two drops of cypress or cedar essential oil to a tablespoon of almond oil. This mixture can also be applied without a comb and combed through your hair 2 - 3 times a day.
If you have dry hair, almond oil should be rubbed into it in the same way, but after washing your hair, when the hair is still warm and damp. To enhance the effect, you can add essential oils of santhal and mandarin or ylang-ylang and orange to it in the same proportions as in the previous recipe.

Price: 130 rub/100 ml.

2.9 Macadamia oil.
Description: Macadamia oil eliminates the phenomena of photodermatitis. Used to care for the skin of the face and neck, for the care of dry and aging skin. Antioxidant, rejuvenating agent. Nourishes, moisturizes and softens the skin, making it healthy and beautiful. Macadamia oil is often used for damaged, dry hair. For massage, add the essential oils of your choice to macadamia oil and prepare a custom massage or cosmetic oil blend for face and body skin care. To care for your hair, take nut oil and macadamia extract, distribute well over the surface of your hair and this will make it healthier. At the same time, the structural differences between the root part and ends of the hair are equalized. Macadamia is an excellent remedy for a therapeutic bath. Macadamia oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, especially during the winter months.

Price: 160 rub/100 ml.

2.10 Wheat germ oil.
Description: A unique natural concentrate of vitamins and other biologically active substances inherent in grain by nature to restore life. Record holder for vitamin E content (190 mg/100 g) - a natural antioxidant that helps cleanse the blood of harmful peroxide compounds and promotes the formation and growth of new, healthy cells. Contains vitamins A, B, octacosanol, triglycerides, glycolipids and phospholipids; polyunsaturated fatty acid(vitamin F); trace elements: iron, selenium, zinc. Allantoin, which is part of wheat sprouts, soothes, softens, refreshes the skin, evening out its color and texture. As an antioxidant that helps preserve other carrier oils, slows down cell aging, eliminates inflammatory processes on the skin. It has great penetrating power and helps remove harmful substances from the body and skin. Used as food additives during treatment cardiovascular diseases. The oil supports peripheral blood circulation, strengthens capillary walls, and also has an anti-rosacea and anti-cellulite effect. Eliminates irritation, itching, peeling, swelling of the skin, acne. Maintains skin elasticity and softness, making it ideal for daily care of fading, aging and rough skin of the face and hands. An excellent stimulator for hair growth.

Improves dry and oily skin, helps improve complexion. It has rejuvenating properties and helps keep the skin elastic and fresh, eliminates irritation and improves skin tone.

Has anti-cellulite properties. Gives hair shine and silkiness, restores it.

Price: 180 rub/100 ml. (I don’t remember the price of the small one, about 70-100 rubles for 10 ml.)

Next I have burdock oils, I will separate them into a separate group.

3. Burdock oil.
Description (general): Burdock oil is obtained from burdock roots; it is a powerful phytoactivator. It contains a lot of protein, essential and fatty oils, tannins, mineral salts and vitamins. Thereby Burr oil nourishes and strengthens hair roots, accelerates their growth and stops hair loss, and also restores hair structure after perm and coloring, protects against dandruff and itchy scalp.

I use them as masks for the roots, because the length can be dried out. Accelerate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles.

3.1 Burdock oil Beiersdorf AG.
Started as an outsider. I bought it without reading the ingredients. And it’s something like this: liquid paraffin, corn oil, fragrance.
Well, in general, I haven’t opened it and don’t intend to. I'll leave it for lubricating the doors.

Price: about 60 rub. for 75 ml.

3.2 Burdock. Active burdock-pepper oil.
Description: Burdock-pepper oil is a powerful, time-tested remedy against baldness with various reasons hair loss. Active components burdock and pepper oils penetrate into the skin structure, strengthening and nourishing the hair roots. Suitable for moderate to severe hair loss, as well as prophylactic. It is especially effective in combination with shampoo and other products from the Burdock series.

My verdict: ok. But it’s much better to just mix pepper and burdock oil.
Price: 100-120 rub. for 100 ml.

Well, and my favorites.
3.3 Plain burdock oil, with ginkgo biloba, with propolis, with nettle. (Evalar and Mirolla).
Their descriptions are slightly different, that is, ginkgo biloba and nettle strengthen, stimulate growth, propolis moisturizes more, but I did not see a difference in the effect, so I combine them.
My verdict: excellent!
Price: 50-70 rub. for 100 ml.

4. Capsicum tincture.
Description: Pepper powder can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared at home. It is not recommended to rub the tincture into your head in its pure form. For sensitive skin, it can cause severe burning or allergies. There is also a danger of drying out your skin and hair, which can cause dandruff. Therefore, pepper tincture is included in various masks. The effect of such masks is simply magical!
It is best to mix pepper tincture with a fatty base - oil or kefir. This way you combine the stimulating properties of pepper with nutrients oils, lay the foundation for healthy growth, strong hair. You can also mix pepper powder with hair balm.
Mask recipe with pepper tincture Everyone can make up their own individual plan, depending on the condition of their hair and scalp. It is very useful to add honey, yolk, dry yeast, a few drops to the mask aromatic oil. The main thing is not to overuse too much pepper, so as not to dry out the skin. We offer several effective recipes masks.

My verdict: oh, how I love her. Hair is growing.
Price on the box

And then how I use it.
I pour burdock oil into a small bottle with a spout (sometimes I add others: grape seeds, almonds), put it in very hot water When it warms up, I add about the same amount or less of pepper and a couple of drops of essential oils. (more on them a little later). I apply moisturizing (one of the base) oils from the nose along the partings, along the length, under a cap, a towel and walk for 2-3 hours (in principle, more is possible), then wash it off with shampoo as usual.

5. Essential oils.

5.1 Essential oil mint.
Description: Oil peppermint can be used to prevent hair loss and improve hair quality, and according to many trichologists (hair care specialists), it can be combined with other essential oils. Peppermint oil works best when combined with various types of almond and/or vegetable oils. It can also be used in combination with rosemary essential oil, lemon oil and jojoba oil. The mixture must be rubbed with smooth massaging movements into the scalp each time before washing your hair. You can also add a few drops of peppermint oil directly to your shampoo or hair conditioner.

My verdict: I use it either with shampoo or in masks on the hair roots - it allows my hair to stay clean a little longer and also strengthens it.
And as a bonus:
- EM of mint repels mosquitoes;
-Mint EM can be used as an additive in face masks - gets rid of blackheads.
Price: about 70 rub. for 10 ml.

5.2 Sweet orange essential oil.
Description: Orange oil cleanses the skin well, brightens dark spots, promotes cell renewal, is used in the fight against cellulite.
Orange essential oil is good remedy against dandruff, especially effective for dry hair.
Impact on human bioenergy: increases optimism, self-confidence and charm. Restores the aura after a serious illness and emotional stress. Recommended if you need sympathy and warmth.
Orange essential oil, along with antiseptic effect, has a strong calming effect. Helps with depression, anxiety and nervous tension. Aroma lamps with oil reduce blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on nervous system children, increase concentration. Aromatic baths are effective against insomnia (especially in combination with lavender oil).
Combines with oils of jasmine, cypress, coriander, cinnamon, lavender, frankincense, juniper, nutmeg, geranium, rose, rosewood, as well as neroli and petitgrain oils.

My verdict: oh, I love it very much, I use it to comb aromatherapy, my hair is silky.
Price: (I don’t have much good companies, so cheap) about 100 rubles. for 10 ml.

5.3 Grapefruit essential oil.
Description: Normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, brightens and whitens the skin, tightens pores. Prevents the formation of comedones. Strengthens nails.
Has an anti-cellulite effect. Has a lifting effect. It is successfully used in the care of oily hair types. Promotes hair growth.
The effect of this oil on emotional condition expressed in its ability to give a person self-confidence. Grapefruit helps to cope with depression and depression. Its aroma enlightens the soul, restores a feeling of freshness, and awakens inspiration.
Combines with oils of basil, jasmine, ylang-ylang, cedar, cypress, lavender, sage, frankincense, geranium, rose, rosewood, palmarosa, chamomile, citronella, nutmeg, cinnamon, all citrus and spicy oils.

My verdict: I add it to shampoo when washing my hair, it allows my hair to stay clean longer.
Price: 100 rub. for 10 ml.

5.4 Essential oil of Chinese cinnamon.
Description: Helps with scabies and fungal skin infections.
Helps with pediculosis.
Helps with dizziness and nausea.
Neutralizes poisons from wasp and snake bites.
Increases the efficiency of blood supply various organs, fabrics.
Enhances metabolism and prevents weight gain.
Optimizes digestion processes, reduces gas formation in the intestines.
Eliminates spasmodic colitis, manifested in the form of constipation or diarrhea.
Eliminates intoxication syndrome.
Reduces symptoms of fever during flu and colds.
For men: enhances potency and sexuality, prevents the occurrence of congestion in the genitals.
For women: harmonizes the monthly cycle, enhances sexuality, receptivity of erogenous zones.
Anti-cellulite agent.
Good for laryngitis, loss of voice.
Increases blood pressure.
Impact on the emotional sphere:
Cheers, warms, eliminates astheno-depressive conditions.
The aroma of Mars is courage, boldness, strength, sexual energy.
Regenerates aura.
Helps overcome failures.
Increases optimism and self-confidence.
Helps increase self-esteem.
Helps get rid of self-pity and fixation on past mistakes.
Makes nature lighter, brighter and more humane.
Helps to establish harmonious relationships between man and woman.
Cosmetic effect:
Reduces hair loss

My verdict: I use it as a mask on the hair roots, because... strengthens. I like. But the smell is suitable for those who love cinnamon.
Price: about 150 rub. for 10 ml.

5.5 Ylang-ylang essential oil.
Description: Strong aphrodisiac (erotic oil). Today, ylang-ylang aromatic essential oil belongs to the class of aromatic adaptogens and is an aphrodisiac, that is, it actively affects the increase in libido. It is not for nothing that in Indonesia for a very long time there has been a custom of strewing the newlyweds’ bed with petals of this wonderful tree. Today, the oil is also widely used for the production of high-quality perfume products. Rejuvenates, moisturizes, preserves sensitive skin; An excellent product for the care of combination skin; restores the health of brittle, thinning hair prone to hair loss; intimate cosmetic product.
In the cosmetic industry, ylang-ylang essential oil is best known for its beneficial effect on the condition of the nails, with its help they not only strengthen, but also polish the nails. IN cosmetical tools for the skin, ylang-ylang essential oil is added to prevent premature aging skin, and also to get rid of acne. Ylang-ylang essential oil acts deeply in the layers of the skin, activating the growth of new cells and giving the skin elasticity, tenderness and velvety. With the help of such cosmetics, irritation and redness are relieved problem skin, the oil is used to treat dermatoses and eczema, it also helps restore thin and brittle hair prone to hair loss.

My verdict: this is a must-have broadcast. Absolutely universal. I add it to masks, shampoo, and aromatherapy. In general, a mega thing. BUT, the smell is not for everyone, many people need to get used to it)
Price: 250 rub./10 ml.

Well, and finally, a homemade spray, according to the recipe of the girls in that very group.
Leave-in spray, moisturizes, eliminates electrification, removes frizz, hair is very soft after it. BUT, the main thing is not to overdo it) Otherwise, the effect of dirty hair is instantly guaranteed.
Ingredients: 200 ml coffee, a tablespoon of jojoba oil, half a tablespoon of almond oil, 5-7 drops of cinnamon essential oil.

Well, that seems to be all. I’ll add one thing, I’ve been using all this since the beginning of January for sure, some before.

I'm adding a photo of the hair (since they asked)
Don't judge too harshly.
On the left is what was in November, it remained in January. On the right is February 21, that is, a month and a half of oils.
In my opinion, the difference is obvious.
And I’m very ashamed of November.

Many thanks to those who mastered it and reached the end.
I hope I will be useful to someone.
I am Alyonka, you can contact me on a first name basis

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