Vitamin K2 in the form of MK7 with natural nutrients. K2 is the most underrated vitamin

Why does the body need vitamin K2? As mentioned above, the main thing why you should not forget about this representative of group K is its ability to influence bone tissue. This occurs due to the fact that under the influence of vitamin K2, calcium is better absorbed.

Although this substance, like other representatives of the K-group, also affects blood clotting; its main task still concerns the bones.

For example, K2 promotes the synthesis of a number of protein structures, many of which are associated with bone tissue. These include, for example, osteocalcin, a non-collagenous substance that is extremely important for the formation of both bone and joint tissue.

In addition to protein, K2 also affects the production of enzyme structures such as prothrombin and proconvertin. All this makes this element extremely important for osteoporosis and other similar diseases.

Menaquinone is also involved in various other aspects human health. Among them:

  • dental condition;
  • removal of excess deposited calcium;
  • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Helps with the functioning of the heart and liver.

In addition, the substance is capable of:

  • slow down cancer diseases;
  • improve the condition of the skin, slow down its aging;

Osteoclasts are large cells that are capable of destroying bone tissue by dissolving minerals and collagen. IN in good condition they simply cleanse the body of old, more unnecessary bone tissue, but their excessive presence can be harmful to health. Fortunately, K2 prevents osteoclasts from appearing too early. large quantities.


Although the substance is produced by bacteria in our intestines, it is important to get vitamin K2 in foods.

It can be found in:

  • goose pate,
  • cheeses,
  • eggs,
  • dairy products,
  • salami,
  • chicken,
  • beef,
  • sea ​​fish.

Plant sources of vitamin K2 are quite scarce. The vitamin can be found in minimal quantities in almost any vegetables, as well as oils. However, in such products the substance content is unlikely to exceed 1 gram, while, for example, 75 grams can be found in cheese.

The daily requirement for vitamin K2 is rarely considered separately, so it is best to know how much vitamin K you need in general.

Average normal amount of this element for humans is 120 mcg. For newborns - 2 mcg, for older children - up to 55.

Vitamin deficiency

If K2 did not enter the body with food, but was produced by intestinal bacteria, then, due to bile, it will become a lipoprotein that will spread through the blood.

If a person does not have significant problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then, as a rule, he should not worry about possible disadvantage K2.

There are a number of pathologies that can lead to deficiency. Among them:

  • liver diseases,
  • hepatitis,
  • pancreatic oncology,
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • damage to the gastrointestinal tract due to stress, poor nutrition and endocrine diseases.

Symptoms of menaquinone deficiency:

  • gum pathologies,
  • fatigue,
  • menstrual pain,
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract,
  • deterioration of the condition of the skin and hair,
  • the appearance of bruises even with weak blows,
  • blood from the nose,
  • joint pain,
  • suppressed tissue regeneration,
  • retinal damage.

With a long-term deficiency, due to the inability of the described element to perform its functions, ossification of cartilage, the appearance of significant salt deposits in the vessels and various pathologies associated with bone tissue.

It is very important to avoid vitamin K2 deficiency during pregnancy, as this can lead to hemorrhagic problems in both the mother and her baby.


As is the case with many other vitamins, an overdose of K2, as a rule, only occurs if a person has taken medications with this substance. Proper nutrition will help you not only avoid menaquinone deficiency, but also its excessive amount.

Taking any medications should always be under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise an overdose may occur. It can lead, in addition to nausea and dry skin, to miscarriage. Be careful and buy vitamins in pharmacies only as prescribed by a doctor.


Preparations with vitamin K2 are prescribed for:

  • lack of substance;
  • taking steroids based on adrenal hormones;
  • pathologies of the mineral component of bones;
  • osteoporosis and other similar diseases;
  • spinal injuries;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • endocrine diseases, skin and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • abdominal surgeries;
  • menopause;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • oncological diseases of the genital organs, brain and blood;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bad work immune system;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Even if the body does not have problems with vitamin K2, bones cannot be healthy without calcium. For this reason, a calcium transactivator with vitamin D3 and K2 was created.

  • It helps calcium, obtained both from food and from medications, to be absorbed.
  • Promotes bone tissue regeneration.
  • Helps metabolism, prevents calcium plaques from forming.

Due to its composition the drug:

  • reduces the possibility of osteoporosis;
  • fights vitamin deficiency of both vitamin K2 and D3;
  • provides normal functioning bone tissue, its density and mass.

Instructions for vitamin K2:

The drug is taken one capsule up to two times a day. The duration of the course should not exceed one month. In total, it is worth conducting up to five reception courses in a year.


Solgar Super with vitamin K2 is a product designed primarily to affect blood clotting. In addition, it promotes normal bone density and improves the regenerative properties of the skin.

In addition to vitamin K, the composition contains calcium. Take vitamin K2 tablets called Solgar once a day with food. Preferably morning or daytime. The minimum course duration is 1 month.

Dr. Mercola

It is believed that this vitamin K2 is good for the skin - it prevents its aging. In addition, like other products with this substance, Dr. Mercola is taken for bone health, cardiac health, as well as to improve memory and strengthen the immune system. The product also has antioxidant properties.

The drug belongs to the premium class, and, according to the manufacturer, is distinguished by the environmental friendliness of both the production process itself and the ingredients used. In this regard, the price of such vitamin K2 is approximately 2000 rubles.

Capsules Dr. Mercola should be taken one per day, with food.

Swiss drug, produced in packs of 40 capsules. Contains K2, D3, flaxseed and sunflower oil. It is used to stop the process of leaching calcium from bone tissue and also prevents its destruction.

Viva-K2 is a remedy for osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, and prevention of fractures. In addition to these pathologies, indications for use are:

  • tuberculosis,
  • problems with the immune system,
  • diabetes,
  • psoriasis,
  • oncological diseases of the breast, ovaries, brain and blood,
  • pathologies of the kidneys and respiratory tract.

The drug should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or if individual intolerance to the ingredients is possible. Take one capsule a day for a month with plenty of water. The price of Vivasan is approximately 70 rubles.

Other medications

  • Eurocaps Ltd – complex remedy from osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. Can act both as a medicine and preventive effects. In addition to menaquinone, the composition contains vitamin D3 and linseed oil.
  • Now Foods– a dietary supplement with the most stable vitamin K2 compound. In addition to it, it contains alfalfa. Each capsule is daily norm of this element. Used for problems with bones and blood clotting.
  • Swanson is a product made from natto beans, the product richest in vitamin K2. Like Now Foods, K2 in these products is presented as MK-7. Swanson is prescribed, in addition to its effect on bones and blood, to normalize the activity of the heart and liver.
  • Jarrow Formulas contains only vitamin K2 of the MK-7 variety. Used to increase the elasticity of blood vessels and improve bone density. Fights calcium deposits in capillaries.

Don’t forget that you should always first improve your diet and lifestyle, and only then think about buying synthetic vitamins. Even if you still decide to attend medications, consult with specialists first to avoid various possible complications. And now a little video about vitamin K2.

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And its beneficial properties.

Stay strong!

Artem and Elena Vasyukovich

Or, we don’t realize that usually this is a whole group of substances that are similar in their effects on the body. For example, the vitamin K group contains 7 substances at once - vitamin K1, K2, etc. The most popular of them are the first two. K1 (phyllochenone) is synthesized by plants, we get it with many cereal crops and green vegetables. And his "brother" vitamin K2(menaquinone), synthesized in the human intestine. We can also get it from a number of animal products.

Until recently, researchers have focused on vitamin K1, since he was considered more necessary for the body. But now scientists have discovered that vitamin K2 Not only is it of greater importance in the process of blood clotting, but it is also involved in a number of important processes occurring in the body. In addition, vitamin K2 deficiency occurs more often than vitamin K1 deficiency.

The role of vitamin K2 in the body

Not long ago, studies were conducted that showed how important vitamin K2 is for the normal structure of bone tissue. With its help, a special protein, the so-called osteocalcin, is activated. He plays vital role in the process of building bones and joints. By activating this substance, vitamin K2 thereby makes bones denser and reduces the possibility of fractures. At the moment, researchers know very little about exactly how this vitamin works. However, in the future they plan to use it to more effectively treat bone fractures in patients.

Also vitamin K2 is necessary for cleansing blood vessels. It acts on the MGP protein (Matrix Gla Protein), bringing it into an active state. This substance removes calcium crystals from the vessels, which settle on their walls.

All these studies were carried out thanks to observations of the life of the Japanese. This nation consumes a large amount of a soy product called natto. During the fermentation process, this seasoning produces a natural vitamin K2. It has been observed that in areas of Japan where natto is commonly consumed, people have significantly higher bone density, and cordially- vascular diseases are less common.

Recent scientific research shows that vitamin K2 may become the basis for drugs to combat Parkinson's disease. This disease has not been fully studied, its causes have not been fully investigated. However, one of the reasons, according to scientists, may be genetic mutations leading to a lack of energy in the mitochondria. As a result of this process, the very part of the brain that is responsible for mobility dies.

Experiments on Drosophila flies have already shown positive result upon introduction vitamin K2. Flies that have similar genetic mutations and lose the ability to fly after injection medicinal product, based on menaquinone, are flying again. Thus, vitamin K2 is currently one of the most unstudied and mysterious vitamins, but at the same time opens up modern medicine great opportunities.

Vitamin K2 deficiency

Flaw vitamin K2 may manifest itself in different ways. Intestinal function is disrupted, wounds do not heal well, nosebleeds appear, increased fatigue. Women who are deficient in vitamin K2 may experience menstrual pain. With long-term menaquinone deficiency, bone osteoporosis develops. This is especially dangerous in old age. After the age of 30, every person's bone density gradually decreases. By age 70, our bones are 40% hollow. That is why a turning point for an old person can be incurable disease, chaining him to bed. But sufficient consumption vitamin K2 can prevent such a danger.

The risk group also includes newborns and pregnant women. Expectant mothers are often prescribed vitamin K to prevent hemorrhagic processes in her during childbirth and in the child in the first months of life. Due to the woman's poor diet or insufficient vitamin K2 In mother's milk, babies may have bloody vomiting, tarry liquid stool, internal and external bleeding.

As a result of persistent mechaninone deficiency, extensive internal bleeding, ossification of cartilage, deposition of salts on the walls of blood vessels or deformation of the developing musculoskeletal system.

The cause of a lack of mechaninone in the body is very rarely poor nutrition. Most often, deficiency occurs as a result of intestinal dysfunction and a number of diseases - liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, pancreatic tumors, etc. Also sometimes a decrease in production vitamin K2 caused by the use of certain types of antibiotics and other drugs that thin the blood or inhibit intestinal microflora.

Excess vitamin K2

Excess vitamin K2 is extremely rare. Overdose usually occurs in people who take medical supplies, containing mechaninon. But in this case, the dosage must be determined by the doctor. Excess vitamin K2 can lead to increased blood clotting, which can result in the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and lead to diseases of cardio-vascular system.

Sources of Vitamin K2

The most important source of vitamin K2 is our own body.. IN small intestine this substance is synthesized and then distributed throughout the body, triggering many mechanisms necessary for human life. However, we can also get it from environment. Previously, it was believed that animal products were richest in this substance. But not so long ago it turned out that soybeans contain the most of it, especially in Japanese product natto Vitamin K2 is found in large quantities in pork or goose liver pate, hard cheeses, egg yolk and cottage cheese. It is also found in other products of animal origin - all types of meat, milk, etc.

It is worth considering that mechaninon dissolves under the influence of fats. Therefore, in order for its intensive absorption to occur in the intestines, it is necessary to eat foods with normal content fat As you can see, low-fat diets, which were so popular in last years, disrupt the process of vitamin K2 entering the body.

Vitamin K2 is one of the elements in the group of fat-soluble vitamins. The difference between vitamin K2 and K1 is that it is independently synthesized in the intestines.

Also, the body receives some doses from the outside along with eating a number of foods containing other important energy components.

What is Vitamin K2 for?

After numerous studies, scientists have come to the conclusion that vitamin K2 is also of great importance for certain body functions, and its deficiency leads to a deterioration in metabolic processes. So what is vitamin K2 for? With the help of this element, a special protein is produced, which plays a major role in the formation and regeneration of bones, joints and general bone tissue. Normal synthesis and supply of vitamin K2 makes the skeleton strong, thereby reducing the risk of fractures. Medical technology has not yet gone so far as to accurately track the entire process of how a vitamin works during metabolism. In the future, modern developments will make it possible to actively use it for effective bone tissue regeneration in patients with injuries and fractures.

Features of the vitamin

Vitamin K2 is involved in cleansing blood vessels, removing crystallized calcium from this area. The walls become more elastic. According to statistics, cardiovascular abnormalities are rare in peoples who consume foods containing vitamin K2. From the latest scientific research Doctors have discovered that vitamin K2 can be used to treat Parkinson's disease. All the abilities of this are vital important element have not been fully determined, so scientists and specialists are conducting thorough laboratory developments.

Vitamin K2 deficiency

Complications for the body with a lack of vitamin K2 are varied: intestinal dysfunction; slow wound healing; frequent nosebleeds; rapid decline performance; pain during menstruation; bone osteoporosis; ; internal bleeding; ; salts on the walls of blood vessels; disorders in the supporting skeleton.

Most dangerous complication With a lack of vitamin, gradual destruction of bones is considered. Osteoporosis affects a huge number of healthy and sick people. They may not even realize it. In old age, calcium absorption and bone metabolism become sluggish, and poor vitamin K2 intake further exacerbates this. In some situations, osteoporosis is life-threatening for patients due to fractures.

Newborn children and women bearing children are at certain risk due to vitamin deficiency. This can cause hemorrhagic abnormalities during birth for babies in the first weeks of life. Children with a lack of vitamin K2 experience bloody vomiting, loose stool and external hemorrhages. When spoiled food is consumed, the body releases the toxin coumarin. Vitamin K2 is involved in its blocking and elimination.

At increased content Vitamin K2 in the body increases blood clotting, which provokes the formation of vascular thrombosis. Also against this background, various vascular diseases can occur. People should take K2 supplements with caution after strokes, heart attacks, and heart failure.

Where is it contained?

The main source of vitamin K2 is the intestines. Therefore, it must be maintained and periodically cleaned of toxins and deposits. You should pay attention to your health if you experience common problems with the intestines - diarrhea, constipation or dysbacteriosis. The largest amount of vitamin K2 is found in soy products, pork, goose liver, cheeses, eggs and cottage cheese. This element is observed in smaller quantities in meat and dairy products.

For normal vitamin production and all metabolic processes You need to consume the right amount of fat. Vitamin K2 will be intensively absorbed and enrich the body. It is noted that strict dietary food with a low percentage of fat leads to some disruption in the production of the vitamin.

Vitamin K2, also called menaquinone, is important for the body of every person, along with ascorbic acid, vitamin A, D, group B and others. A sufficient supply of K2 is required to regulate protein synthesis and material metabolism, but these are not all its functions.

How does menaquinone work?

The most valuable mineral for human body Calcium is considered essential for teeth and bones, and is also involved in biological processes. Main function Vitamin K2 is a modification of proteins to bind calcium. Unlike K1, which is responsible for physiological blood clotting, K2 activates proteins that regulate calcium deposition in the right places.

You don't need a research link to understand that menaquinone is required for bone formation processes. According to statistics, sufficient consumption of animal products containing K2 reduces the risk of bone fractures. The substance is also unique in that it promotes the production of the protein osteocalcin, valuable for joints and the cardiovascular system.

Research shows that K2 is required for many natural body functions:

  • regulates digestion;
  • prevents the appearance malignant neoplasms;
  • supports liver function;
  • controls oxidation and regeneration;
  • ensuring intracellular respiration.

Scientists divide vitamin K2 into two subcategories:

  • MK-4, found primarily in egg yolks, butter and animal food products;
  • MK-7 - present in fermented foods ( sauerkraut or cucumbers).

They are equal in terms of usefulness, so choose any source of this substance. There is also an opinion that if you take additional vitamin D complexes, you need to start taking additional K2 for better absorption first component. For this reason, many pharmaceutical preparations contain a combination of these two beneficial substances.

Benefits of K2 for humans

Consumption of the vitamin prevents cardiovascular diseases and helps maintain the condition of joints and bone tissue. In this regard, the substance is recommended for children and the elderly. K2 participates in natural process blood clotting, therefore speeds up the healing of scratches and wounds. For this reason greatest number Products with menaquinone are recommended for use by people with ulcers, tuberculosis or radiation sickness.

K2 helps remove calcium deposits from the arteries, so that they do not harden and the lumen does not narrow. Another discovery for scientists was the ability of menaquinone to slow down skin aging. In this regard, this component is especially important in the human body when skin lesions: dermatitis, psoriasis.

Doctors prescribe vitamin K2 to children with enamel hypoplasia. Hypoplasia is a state of metabolic disorder in children's body, against the background of which teeth receive less proteins and minerals for growth and strength.

Daily Values ​​of Vitamin K2

As for the daily recommended amount of vitamin K2, it depends on the person's age. On average, it is determined at the rate of 1 mcg per kilogram of mass. To obtain this vitamin in sufficient quantities, the diet must contain enough suitable dishes or vitamin complexes. Thus, daily dose Each person has their own K2, and the table will help determine the approximate norms:

Note that the substance dissolves in the intestines under the influence of fats, so for its normal absorption it is necessary to combine the intake with low-fat food.

The danger of vitamin deficiency

We have figured out why K2 is needed, what is the benefit of it and what is the consumption rate, and now we will find out what a lack of vitamin can lead to. Deficiency of the substance contributes to the development of certain diseases and worsens general state health. In advanced cases it comes to:

  • JUB ( cholelithiasis);
  • liver inflammation;
  • tumors on the pancreas;
  • cirrhosis.

Deficiency of menaquinone during pregnancy can be dangerous. This leads to increased bleeding during childbirth. There are also indications for the use of K2 by nursing mothers, since breast milk- the main source of vitamin for the baby.

Lack of the substance over a long period of time will reduce bone density and increase the risk of fractures. The cartilage will also begin to ossify, salts will accumulate on the surfaces of the vessels inside, and minor internal bleeding will occur. Deficiency can be caused by intestinal dysfunction due to hormonal imbalances, diseases and long-term use of antibiotics. Rich in vitamins food products and complexes can reduce the risk of such conditions.

Signs of a substance deficiency

K2 deficiency has characteristic features, which you better learn about and remember. Among the main symptoms are:

  • increased nosebleeds;
  • impaired blood clotting and delayed healing of wounds, scratches and other damage to the skin;
  • abnormalities in bowel function;
  • painful menstruation;
  • bleeding gums;
  • frequent hemorrhages retina;
  • deterioration of skin condition;
  • joint diseases;
  • feeling tired and fatigued.

Is excess dangerous?

We will soon find out where vitamin K2 is found, but first let’s decide whether an excess of the substance in the body is possible and whether it is dangerous? This occurs infrequently and usually occurs in people who do not take into account the indications for use. pharmacy complexes(there are instructions for this).

Excessive concentration of vitamin K2 due to improper use of drugs and complexes leads to increased blood clotting. This increases the risk of blood clots in blood vessels and causes cardiovascular disease.

There are contraindications to taking K2, including a history of stroke or cardiac arrest, a tendency to form blood clots, and taking blood thinning medications.

What products does it contain?

If you have been diagnosed with vitamin K2 deficiency with the corresponding symptoms, you must take a special complex according to the instructions or indications of your doctor. In other cases, it is enough to include in the diet a number of products that contain menaquinone. Most of it is found in fermented soybeans, goose liver pate and Brie cheese. A special table will help you understand what other products contain K2:

Pharmacy drugs

Substitute natural source vitamin K2 from food are pharmaceutical drug, which must be taken as prescribed by a doctor or as directed. The main thing is to take into account contraindications in order to avoid problems when using the complex.

Doctors prescribe pharmaceutical sources of menaquinone for newborns to prevent hemorrhage, adults and children to reduce blood loss during surgical operations, in order to prevent osteoporosis in the elderly. In every pharmacy you will find suitable drug, containing vitamin K2. It is mainly available in the forms of tablets and capsules, sold under the following names:

  • Vita K2 - vitamin complex, necessary for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, hemorrhage and a number of other disorders. The capsule contains 45 mcg K2, 5 mcg D3 and flaxseed oil.
  • Now Foods Vitamin K2 is an organic type supplement containing menaquinone and alfalfa sprouts. Each capsule contains 100 mcg K2, covering daily requirement adult.
  • Vitamin K2 from Swanson. It is made from natto soybeans, so it features a more stable form of K2 (menaquinone MK-7). The capsule contains 50 mcg of substance. Doctors prescribe the drug to normalize the functions of the liver and heart, improve calcium absorption and strengthen the bone system.
  • Viva-K2 is a drug from the Swiss manufacturer Dr. Duenner containing K2, D3, linseed oil. Prevents the leaching of calcium from bones, eliminates bone destruction and rickets in a child. Each tablet contains 45 mcg K2 and 5 mcg D3.

Before taking a vitamin complex, it is better to consult your doctor about contraindications and recommended dosage. The doctor will ask questions about your usual diet and nutritional principles that you adhere to. Based on this, he will create a picture of what enters the body. useful substances included in products. Can also be carried out additional tests, confirming a deficiency of a certain component, including K2.

According to the instructions, all of the listed drugs and complexes are recommended to be taken after a meal or half an hour before it. You will find more accurate information about the appropriate time to use K2 in the package leaflet.

Many people have never heard of vitamin K2 (another name is menaquinone). Yes, and I found out about it only a few years ago, but even then I didn’t attach any importance to it right away. What do you need there? Soy? Ugh. Okay, I'll figure it out later. And when I figured it out, I not only began to respect this vitamin, but also included it in my army of helpers. In one form or another, in different compositions. I’ll tell you about one of the options under the cut,

IN itamin K - fat-soluble vitamin, which promotes healthy heart, bones and strengthens the immune system. It improves the protection of bone tissue from destruction and weakening, helps fight cholesterol plaques, and successfully protects body cells from damage and oxidative processes. WITH reduces the risk of various fractures, prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as arthritis, osteoporosis, vitamin deficiency, diabetes and etc.
P It is estimated that more than half of the adult population is vitamin K deficient.
This deficit is growing into more serious problems, such as disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, bleeding and sore gums, nosebleeds for no reason, visible hemorrhages in the eyes, a tendency to bruise at the slightest damage and blows, painful menstruation in women, long-term healing of even small wounds, fast fatiguability, development of bone osteoporosis.

Those who have digestive problems or have been on antibiotics for a long time are most at risk of developing these problems.

A little more detail about why vitamin K2 is needed.

D for healthy bones. Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
Vitamin K2 brings calcium to the bones and other needed places and reduces it in soft tissues, arteries and heart. It helps produce an essential protein, osteocalcin, which is essential for bones and joints. Thanks to vitamin K2, this component becomes denser, which reduces the risk of a fracture several times. Magnesium is also important for this process, and without the necessary K2 and D3 there is a risk of developing calcification.
D for oral hygiene.
Oral hygiene is important for general health. And vitamin K2 plays a role in remineralizing teeth and preventing caries.
WITH abbreviation varicose veins veins
Vitamin K2 produces MGP (a protein) that helps prevent calcification in the arteries. It removes accumulated calcium crystals that settle on the walls, thereby performing a cleansing function.
The same protein prevents excess calcium in the veins. Therefore, vitamin K2 is necessary for chemical changes and helps in the treatment and prevention of varicose veins.
WITH preservation of youth.
K2 also promotes conservation beautiful skin, preventing excess calcium in skin elastin. For this reason, it keeps it firm and prevents wrinkles.
D for the brain.
In many patients, dietary doses of vitamin K reduce the progression of Alzheimer's disease by preventing excess calcium in the body (including the brain).

Vitamin K2 contraindicated should be consumed in large quantities by those who have recently suffered a stroke or heart surgery, as well as in cases of thrombosis.

From the manufacturer.

MK-7 from Jarrow Formulas is produced by fermentation with the bacterium Bacillus subtilis natto. MK-7 (menaquinone-7) is an improved bioactive form of vitamin K2 naturally found in natto (Japanese fermented soybean) and is 10 times more absorbable than vitamin K1 from spinach. MK-7 is responsible for carboxylation of specific bone proteins needed to build bones. Additionally, MK-7 improves cardiovascular health by maintaining arterial elasticity.

Medium chain triglycerides (used in medical practice for many years for the treatment of fat absorption disorders, defects in lipid absorption resulting from intestinal reactions and insufficient lipid transport) non-GMO, evening primrose oil, soybean oil without GMO. The soft gel consists of gelatin, glycerin, water and caramel (as a light barrier).

Contains no wheat, no gluten, no dairy, no eggs, no fish, no shellfish, no peanuts, no tree nuts.

From me.
Comes in a sealed jar with a protective membrane under the lid. The capsules are small, Brown, easy to swallow, no smell or taste.
A jar is enough for two months of use.

TO When I take other complexes for bones and joints, I don’t take this drug, because K2 is included in them in one form or another, why do we need an overdose. But during breaks, like now, I take it with magnesium and D3. Of course, this supplement cannot give any wow effect, I don’t expect it.
TO It was once mistakenly believed that the main source of vitamin K2 was intestinal bacteria. That is, it must be produced in our body. But much evidence contradicts this view; intestinal production makes only a very small contribution to K2 conversion. And then there wouldn’t be so many people with osteoporosis, calcifications and clogged blood vessels. So, whenever possible, I try to help the body for money with the help of supplements, for example, this one, from a manufacturer I respect.

Thank you for your attention and patience!)

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