What time do the first teeth appear? What do swollen gums look like in the photo when the first teeth erupt in infants?

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The rudiments of a child's first teeth develop in the womb. On average, the age at which a baby’s first teeth begin to appear is four to ten months. But we must not forget that everything is completely individual for each child and there is no need to sound the alarm if the baby is four months old and his teeth are not yet going to appear. If mom or dad started teething late in childhood, then their baby will most likely experience the same thing. It also happens that babies’ first teeth erupt at birth. But this is usually rare.

The appearance of a child’s first teeth may also depend on the climate in which he lives, for example, the hotter the climate, the earlier they erupt. Before he turns one year old, he must have at least one tooth. Otherwise, it will be a sign of hypothyroidism or rickets. Before a child reaches the age of three, he should already have all his milk teeth, but by the age of six they should be replaced by permanent ones. But again, everything is purely individual, and parents should not worry if there are deviations from the norm.

Baby's first tooth

A baby may develop one tooth or several at once. Before the first appearance, a thin line is visible on the surface of the gum white. For him to come out, he needs to go through bone tissue and mucous membrane. It is not recommended to take measures to cause the gums to break through more quickly. There is no need to scratch your child’s gums with a lump of sugar or a cracker, as this can damage it and cause an infection.

The very first tooth to erupt is in the area of ​​the lower gum, this is the so-called incisor, it is located in the center on the left or right. After the lower ones, the upper ones appear in the center of the gum. Next comes the sequence of lateral incisors and canines. The molars are the last to emerge.

You need to start brushing your baby’s first erupted tooth, first just with a baby brush without using toothpaste. This way, mom will clean the tooth and massage the gums. When the baby turns 4-5 years old, he will be able to cope independently hygiene procedures. Use toothpaste for brushing teeth, suitable from 3 years of age

According to tradition, it is customary to give the baby a small silver spoon. Since silver has healing properties, it’s not in vain that even the blessing of water in Orthodox churches carried out using silver. The spoon itself, which the child will constantly keep in his mouth at the moment of teething, will disinfect the oral cavity, since silver has healing properties.

Symptoms and signs of teething in infants

Before the baby's first incisor begins to appear, the mother may notice following symptoms: gum swelling, increased profuse salivation or sniffles. Also, the child’s cheeks may turn red, and he may unconsciously rub his ear with a pen, precisely on the side on which his first tooth should appear. Since the baby experiences pain in the gum area, he may sleep restlessly at night, his appetite may worsen, and he will be more irritable and nervous. These symptoms may appear a month before the onset of teething.

Another sign of teething in a baby may be that the baby often holds his fingers in his mouth and constantly chews on something. If he is on breastfeeding, then one of the signs of teething will be biting his mother’s nipple.

Doctors fully admit that the time of teething in babies may coincide with the time when the child is most susceptible to various infections. Parents should not attribute every occurrence of a runny nose and high body temperature to dental symptoms in infants.

An increase in body temperature, as a sign of teething in a baby, is explained by the fact that a biological secretion appears in the area of ​​​​tooth growth active substances. In this case, the body temperature cannot exceed 39 degrees Celsius. The duration of the increase in temperature is no more than two days. To alleviate your child's condition, you can use children's panadol or paracetamol. But it is best to consult a doctor before using any medications. If the body temperature exceeds 39 degrees and lasts more than two days, then you need to call an ambulance.

The appearance of diarrhea while infants are teething can be a consequence increased salivation. At the same time, diarrhea is infrequent, about 2-3 times a day, disappears in one or two days, and does not contain blood or mucus. If it is frequent and lasts more than three days, and it contains mucus and blood, then this may be a sign intestinal infection. Then the baby needs to be shown to a doctor.

During the eruption of the first incisors, the child may experience slight runny nose, while the mucus is transparent, without pus. And, as a rule, such a runny nose goes away in one or two days. IN in this case It would be a good idea to periodically rinse your nose with saline solution.

During eruption there may be moist cough, which occurs due to the accumulation of saliva in the throat. The cough occurs when lying down and is rare. Treatment in this case is not required.

How can you help your baby?

If the baby's gums are very sore, then the mother can lubricate them with a special gel, which is sold at the pharmacy. It is applied to the surface of the gums several times a day, as it contains an antiseptic, thus temporarily relieving the pain. But you should remember that you cannot rub such a gel before feeding.

During such a difficult period for the child and parents, it is necessary to distract the child with activities or games, hold him in your arms more often and put him to your chest. At such times, the baby will constantly want to scratch his gums on something; for this you can purchase special rubber toys designed for such cases, the so-called teethers. It is also worth considering that this kind of toys for children can burst, so it is better not to take ones that have water inside. If the mother is against the baby constantly gnawing on something, then she can give the baby a bottle of clean water. If she decides to give her child a cracker or a bagel, then she needs to be very careful and make sure that he does not choke on the crumbs.

Rubbing a cold object or finger over the surface of the gum may provide temporary relief. painful condition. Using a pacifier can also help relieve pain.

You can also resort to help folk remedies, for example, lubricate the gums of the crumbs with honey, valerian or chamomile infusion. And tea, which contains chamomile, has an anti-inflammatory effect. You can also add chamomile to juices, directly into the bottle that your baby will drink from.

What else you need to know

Firstly, give your child water, the more often the better, because due to increased salivation he may lose water from the body. a large number of liquids.

Secondly, if the baby’s teeth are cutting through at a time when you need to get the next vaccination at the clinic, then you should hold off on vaccination, since the baby’s immunity is very weak during this difficult period for him and vaccination may have a bad effect on his health. general condition his health.

Thirdly, you can diversify the menu during this period, for example, give the baby more pureed food, purees, only occasionally offering solid food so that he can scratch his teeth. At each feeding, you can give him a piece of chopped cucumber, carrot, or apple, but this depends on age. Chewing vegetables or fruits will promote good blood circulation in your gums. Moreover, the ability to chew will only contribute to the improvement of the central nervous system and the child's diction.

Fourthly, it is necessary to give vitamin D and take more walks in the sun with the baby. But of course, not under the scorching sun, follow the mode of stay; safe periods are considered to be the time intervals from 8 to 11 o’clock and from 17 to 21 o’clock.

Causes of teething problems

For example, if the mother had early toxicosis during pregnancy, or she had to go through severe stress. Exposure to pneumonia or acute respiratory infections during pregnancy, as well as stick infections such as rubella or toxoplasmosis, can also affect the baby.

Violations in normal development The child may have teeth due to prematurity or postmaturity, as well as due to neonatal sepsis, Rh conflicts, or convulsive states. Children who are on artificial feeding, are susceptible to disturbances in the normal formation of teeth. This is another reason why it is better to breastfeed your baby until at least six months. Of course, to the extent possible, because currently not every young mother has indications for breastfeeding.

Teething and the problems associated with it will not bypass any child, it’s just that for some it goes through almost without problems, while others suffer a lot, but in any case it is stress for a small organism. Maximum attention and care is required from parents during this difficult period for the baby. It is worth stocking up on patience and love for the little one, and trying to alleviate his suffering as much as possible, following the tips listed above.

Useful video about babies' first teeth

There is a joke about mothers, they say, with the first baby everything is washed, ironed, boiled 10 times and every sneeze is controlled, and with the last one - “if the child ate from the cat’s bowl, then this is the cat’s problem.” This is of course an exaggeration, but in some ways the author is right. Mothers of the second or third child are much calmer about the development of their children, they do not panic if the baby does not want to crawl, or is six months old, but there is still no tooth - the pioneer. Sometimes it happens that the appearance of the first incisor is indicated by knocking on the spoon during feeding. But young mothers, having become parents for the first time, usually focus on norms, look for them, and constantly try to compare their child with the neighbor’s baby. At what months do children’s first teeth erupt and in what sequence do “nightmares” grow? It’s worth understanding in more detail.

IN Soviet time It was believed that the normal age for a baby to cut its first tooth was six months. Modern pediatricians are more democratic and limit this period to 4 to 8 months. The star of Belarusian pediatrics, Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky, emphasizes the individuality of each baby. There are cases when a baby is born with a couple of teeth, and there are babies who have not yet developed their first “bite” even at one year old. The most important thing is that this is not a reason for parental panic; at most, professional advice is required. He will calm mom down. That's all he can do at this stage of development. masticatory apparatus. As Dr. Komarovsky says, there is simply no pill to start teething.

TO significant factors factors affecting the rate of appearance of the first teeth include:

  • Heredity. If the baby was pleased with the first white miracle at 3 months or, on the contrary, shows a toothless smile when 10-month-old peers already have 4-6 teeth, then genes may be to blame. It’s worth asking how many months your mom or dad had their teeth done.
  • difficult pregnancy and premature birth. In premature babies, the timing of teething coincides with their biological age, and not with the date on the birth certificate.
  • The specifics of the climatic zone of residence and nutritional characteristics. The growth of teeth is directly affected by the amount of dairy products consumed and vitamin D produced under the influence of sun rays. For bottle-fed babies, the process may be delayed.
  • Infections. Transferred to infancy Illnesses such as pneumonia can also delay the appearance of the first incisors.

“Precursors” of teeth and eruption schedule according to norms

Agree, mothers of children in their first year of life tend to explain every runny nose, diarrhea, and fever with the imminent appearance of another tooth. The baby may experience symptoms that are considered to be dental precursors:

  • Whims and crying for no apparent reason
  • Anxious dream
  • Decreased appetite, upset stool
  • Trying to put everything in your mouth
  • Fever
  • Cough and runny nose
  • Increased salivation

If there are obvious symptoms of ARVI, you should show the baby to a pediatrician, and not make a diagnosis yourself. Even if the edge of the tooth really appears and the gums are swollen, you should not put your hands into the baby’s mouth. It can cause an infection in the inflamed mucous membrane, causing thrush or stomatitis.

Typically, there are several stages during which a baby’s baby teeth appear. There is nothing to worry about if some of them change places for your child. In some babies, the fangs grow first or the order of appearance of the upper and lower incisors is reversed.

  1. 6-8 months – central incisors from below
  2. 8-9 months – central incisors from above
  3. 9-13 months – lateral incisors
  4. 12-15 months – pairs of small molars (2 above and 2 below)
  5. 16-20 months – fangs
  6. 24-30 months – large molars are the most posterior molars.

It turns out that by the age of 2.5 years, a baby’s jaws should be decorated with 20 teeth. Teeth do not erupt in 2 days; this painful process can take from 1 week to 2 months.

There is no clear answer to the question of which teeth break through most painfully. In one baby, only the lower incisors have difficulty sprouting, while the rest erupt quite calmly. There is no way to ask the baby which tooth came out of the gum more painfully. But there is an assumption that the most painful are the eye fangs (upper), their roots are located close to facial nerve. Large molars, due to their size, injure the gums more during eruption than thin incisors.

Statistics show Interesting Facts: girls become “toothy” faster than boys in the first child in the family physical development, including the growth of baby teeth, outstrips the development of subsequent children. Children of more mature parents cut teeth faster than babies of young couples.


Only a specialist can determine the pathology of the development of the first “biters”. There are several types of deviations from the norm:

  • Intrauterine eruption. When the baby is born already “toothed”, the mother is offered an unpleasant procedure - to remove the newborn’s incisors so that he cannot injure the nipples during breastfeeding. The measure is quite harsh, because the child will remain without front teeth until he is 6-7 years old. This is when it is time for permanent teeth to emerge.
  • Delayed eruption. People begin to talk about deviations in the formation of teeth only if the central incisors do not appear until 1.5 years of age.
  • Extremely rare congenital anomaly– edentia. The child does not have dental buds initially; they did not appear at the stage of intrauterine development of the fetus under the influence of any factors.
  • Hematomas during eruption. In most cases they pass without a trace. It is extremely rare that a formation can grow quickly, which requires medical intervention.

Memo for parents

The process of the first teeth appearing is very unpleasant, but it cannot be avoided. Parents can help the baby cope with pain and discomfort. Cutting is not a disease, so walks and games are necessary and important, they will distract the child from unpleasant sensations. If your immune system is weakened, your mother should avoid crowded places to reduce the risk of contracting an infection. Simple measures will help you cope with the appearance of teeth more easily:

  • Special pharmaceutical toys – teethers with a corrugated surface – will help you “scratch” your gums. The ideal option is with gel inside; it needs to be kept in the refrigerator so that later the baby can cool the inflamed gums. It is better not to use the hemp and dryings beloved by grandmothers if there is at least one tooth. There is a risk that the baby will choke on a bitten piece.
  • Children under 3 years old should not be given candy or other sweets. They are great at eating tasteless foods because they don't yet have taste preferences. It’s amazing how much broccoli and cauliflower puree can be consumed with pleasure.
  • Oral hygiene begins as early as possible; it is easier to prevent the occurrence of caries than to later persuade the child to treat a tooth. Silicone finger brushes have been invented for the little ones.
  • Temperature during eruption rarely rises above 37.5 degrees Celsius. If she has crossed the threshold of 38 degrees, then antipyretic drugs can be used. They will bring down the temperature and relieve pain.
  • Pharmacies offer a wide range of pain-relieving gels for gums based on Ledocaine. Consultation with a physician is required before use.
  • Grandmother's herbal methods are so early age It's better not to use it. Allergic reactions are possible.
  • If teething is painful, it is better to forget about vaccinations for a while.

When baby teeth appear, the main function of parents is not just to observe, periodically looking into the baby’s mouth, but to surround him with maximum care. To think not about whether he fits into the norm, but to help this defenseless baby cope with unpleasant sensations and, if necessary, correct deviations in a timely manner. Important role plays in the formation of the chewing apparatus of the baby proper nutrition nursing mother and complete complementary feeding of the baby. Two years will fly by unnoticed - instead of a charming toothless smile, a white toothed one will appear.

The period of eruption of a baby’s first milk teeth is one of the most difficult times in the life of young parents. The child becomes as if he is not himself, because the appearance of teeth is often characterized by pain and discomfort. The first “bells” of a new tooth appearing: increased tearfulness, whims and crying, slight malaise. The opposite situation may also be of concern - the child is six months or more old, but the first tooth is in no hurry to appear. How to make it easier for a child to teethe, at what months do children cut their teeth and what factors influence the appearance of baby teeth - we will tell you in our article.

Table of average rates of primary teeth eruption (in months)

There is a simple “dental” formula that can be used to easily calculate how many baby teeth a baby should have at a certain age. The formula looks like this: N=n-4, where N is the number of teeth, and n is the age of your child in months.

There is also a convenient table in which you can find out the average time for teeth to appear.

Baby teething begins between 4 and 8 months. Parents are often interested in which teeth come in first: first, you should wait for the 2 lower front teeth - these are the central incisors. After a couple of months, 4 will gradually appear upper teeth- these are the central and lateral incisors, and about a month after them - the remaining 2 incisors from below. Then the first molars will erupt, after which the teeth – fangs – will emerge.

The exact time of eruption of the first tooth in a particular child cannot be predicted from tables and reference books - this indicator depends on specific factors that may influence the appearance of teeth.

– Hereditary factor

When it comes to healthy infant, then in most cases the age of appearance of the first teeth is determined by heredity. Some children erupt teeth a little earlier, others a little later - this is a purely individual matter.

Interesting fact! If it is known that on the maternal side, every second child erupted teeth extremely early, and your three-month-old baby is already eagerly putting his fists in his mouth to “scratch” his gums, then it means that you will not miss early teething. Likewise, vice versa - if it turns out that dad’s first tooth came out at almost nine months, there is no need to panic - your baby most likely adopted a certain gene from his father.

– Complete nutrition of the baby

The infant should receive good nutrition, rich in calcium. First of all, this is mother's milk, or, in its absence, adapted milk formulas for infants. It is believed that children who eat breast milk, teeth erupt earlier than in “artificial” babies.

Important! A lack of calcium in an infant affects the dental system and can cause delayed teething or an incorrect order of their appearance.

– Climatic conditions

Curious, but pediatricians different countries It has been observed that children living in hot climates experience teething earlier than those living in cooler climates.

– Gender of the baby

In girls, the first milk teeth appear earlier than in male infants, on average by 1-1.5 months. This factor is already out of the category folk beliefs, but it also has a place to be. Also, regardless of gender, thin children also cut teeth faster than children with heavier builds.

Symptoms of teething in babies

Few parents are lucky enough to painlessly and quietly overcome the period of eruption of the baby’s first milk teeth. Most often, the upcoming appearance of a tooth brings anxiety to the child, which cannot but worry moms and dads. To know when a newborn, but already slightly grown-up baby, starts teething, you can take note of the symptoms that will tell you that soon there will be an important event in the family - the first tooth of a small family member.

  • Decreased appetite

Due to painful “itching” in the gums, the baby may be unable to eat food, even the food he loves.

  • Salivating

Don't have time to change your bib before it gets wet again? Rest assured, a new baby tooth is just around the corner.

  • Swollen gums

You may notice that the baby’s gums, where a tooth is expected in the future, are swollen and red. What is important is that these changes in the gums can occur even a couple of months before true eruption.

  • Tearfulness, irritability

Teething, frankly speaking, is an unpleasant process for a baby. The baby does not understand what is happening to him, feels discomfort in his mouth and communicates this to others with his dissatisfaction. Be patient and caring for the baby, this period, although difficult, is short-lived.

  • Fever and loose stools

If, while teething, the baby suddenly has a fever, this indicates that the immune system is weakened, and during the period of teething the child could have caught the virus. High fever and diarrhea – severe symptoms, and cannot be caused only by teething, these are signs of an associated disease. When feeling unwell baby, be sure to consult your pediatrician.

How long does teething take?

It is difficult to answer how long it takes for the first teeth to erupt. Baby tooth It can come out either unnoticed by parents and the baby, or “torment” for more than one month. On average, the first tooth may cause trouble for 1-2 weeks before it appears. After observing the first tooth, you can answer the question of how many days your child is teething and be ready for the next baby teeth.

During the teething period, the baby may begin to grab and pull into his mouth all objects available to him in order to somehow relieve the itching of irritated gums. There are many ways to alleviate a child’s condition when teeth appear; here are the most effective of them.

1. “Tonants” for chewing

Gum teethers are excellent devices for easing your baby's condition. There are all kinds: rubber, plastic, filled with water or gel (for cooling), with pimples and various ribbed surfaces. There are even vibrating teethers that are activated when the chewer bites the gums.

2. Gels for gums.

If the baby has stopped sleeping peacefully due to painful teething, then it’s time to use a remedy that will relieve itching and alleviate the child’s condition. Gels for gums during the teething period are approved for use from 3 months (Dentinox, Kalgel, Kamistad, etc.). A drop of the gel needs to be rubbed into the painful gums, and after a couple of minutes the baby will feel the pain and itching go away thanks to a small amount of ice-caine included in the gel. There are also herbal gels (Pansoral, Baby Doctor), but they are not as effective as gels with a cooling effect.

3. Gum massage

A simple way to soothe gum pain is to massage sore and swollen gums. In order not to injure the delicate mucous membranes, the person performing the massage should trim his nails and wash his hands thoroughly with soap. Convenient massage thumb hands, massaging the baby's gums in a circular motion. 3-5 minutes is enough for massaging.

Teething is an important event in the lives of babies and parents. As a rule, this process is accompanied by a lot of negative aspects for the baby. These are pain and fever, disturbance of stool and worsening sleep, refusal to eat, crying and whims. However, the mother can help the child and alleviate the painful condition. Let's look at when babies' first teeth appear and what to do to help the baby.

When they appear

As a rule, a child’s first teeth appear at six months. We offer an approximate table that shows when and in what order babies teeth erupt:

This order of appearance is typical for most babies. However, in some children, the first teeth appear as early as 3-4 months, while in others, only after 7 months. This is not considered a deviation and does not indicate a violation of the baby’s health.

There is a norm for the number of teeth that a child develops by a specific age. To calculate, subtract six from the age in months. Thus, by the age of one year, infants should have 6 teeth, and by the age of two years – already 18.


Be prepared for your baby's first teeth to start appearing at 6 months of age. Closely monitor your baby's well-being. About the offensive important event The following symptoms will tell you:

  • Excessive crying and moodiness;
  • Increased salivation;
  • Excitability;
  • Poor sleep;
  • Refusal to eat;
  • Slight increase in temperature;
  • Diarrhea.

However, be careful because listed symptoms individually may indicate other problems. For example, diarrhea in a baby may indicate a rejection of some product or poisoning, an increase in temperature may indicate a cold, etc. As a rule, when teeth erupt, several signs are present.

Causes for concern

During the teething process, the baby may experience health problems. These may be symptoms of developmental pathology or a serious illness. When to see a doctor:

  • The appearance of teeth is too early. Sometimes babies develop teeth at birth. This may indicate problems in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • A long delay in eruption indicates a violation of material metabolism, the development of rickets or infection;
  • An incorrect order of appearance indicates an anomaly in development. In addition, this may be a consequence of illnesses that the woman suffered during pregnancy;
  • The formation of teeth that are non-standard in shape, size and position also indicates possible anomalies in the development of the child;
  • Temperature is 39-40 degrees. Please note that the temperature rises slightly during the appearance of teeth. High performance talk about the presence of a disease and disturbances in the functioning of the child’s body.

The above symptoms do not always indicate developmental disorders and diseases. After all, every baby is individual. But to find out the reasons for such deviations in teething, you must consult a doctor.

How to help your baby

Every parent wants to help their child. Let's look at how to relieve teething pain. First of all, special teethers will come to the rescue. These are toys and rings with gel or liquid. Such devices relieve pain and swelling. Gel teethers should be placed in the refrigerator for a while before use, but not in the freezer! Cold effectively relieves pain, eliminates swelling and prevents inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes.

Some parents give their child a crust of bread to chew on. But be careful and make sure that the baby doesn’t start swallowing the crust and choke. In addition, sharp crumbs can injure delicate gums.

Excessive salivation irritates the skin of the face and neck, causing rashes and other problems. To avoid this, promptly wipe saliva from the skin and put a bib on your baby, and place a napkin under the cheek while sleeping. You can lightly massage your gums with a clean finger.

When a child is in pain strong pain, you can use medications. Special anesthetic gels that relieve inflammation are suitable. Do not lubricate your gums alcohol solutions and apply tablets to the inflamed areas!

Teething gels

Teething gels are characterized by local action. Such medications are safe for children, but they cannot provide long-term pain relief and last for 30-60 minutes. However, some gels can help for more than two hours. What distinguishes such means is their prompt action. They relieve pain and soothe within 2-3 minutes after use. Such drugs are divided into three groups:

  1. Gels with an analgesic effect contain lidocaine and provide a quick but not long-lasting effect;
  2. Homeopathic gels provide an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. However, medications contain plant extracts that may cause allergies and irritation in a nursing infant;
  3. Gels based on anti-inflammatory and antiseptics include a strong composition and act more effectively.

If you decide to use the gel, carefully study the composition of the medicine, contraindications and side effect, as well as rules of use. Please note that gels cannot be used more than six times a day!

Which gel to choose

(10 g) CholisalThanks special staff stays on the mucous membrane of the gums for a long time Reduces swelling and relieves pain, has an antibacterial effect, the effect lasts 3-8 hours! 280-300 rubles

(10 g) Dentinox Contains chamomile extract, which quickly calms the baby, but increases the risk allergic reaction Eliminates pain and prevents inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa360-400 rubles

(10 g) Kamistad The composition includes lidocaine and chamomile. However, this drug is not recommended for infants. Heals wounds, quickly penetrates tissue, relieves pain and inflammation220-250 rubles

(10 g)Baby DoctorContains natural ingredients: chamomile, calendula, plantain, marshmallow root, etc. Suitable for babies from 3 months Instantly soothes gums, eliminates inflammation, relieves pain and itching 300 rubles (15 ml) Traumeel Contains only natural ingredients, used on gums up to 2-3 times a day. Can also be used on the skin of a child’s face with excessive salivation. Relieves pain, has a restorative and wound-healing effect, prevents and eliminates swelling500 rubles (50 g)

Already in the maternity hospital, the young mother is provided with all the necessary basic knowledge, as well as skills for caring for the baby in the first months of his life: bathing, walking, sleeping, eating.

And it seems like it’s too early to think about teeth, but time flies unnoticed and day after day the baby grows and develops literally before our eyes. And just around the corner is the period of teething in infants, which is marked by the initial visible signs“growing up” of your little miracle.

The timing of the appearance of the first milk teeth in a baby

Undoubtedly, this is considered an alarming time for many parents - sleepless nights in combination with the whims of the baby, sharp changes moods and change physical condition. These moments are difficult for everyone, especially for mother and child. But how to try to change something in better side and make the baby’s life easier? Of course, there are no guaranteed ways that can completely avoid the negative symptoms of the appearance of the first teeth, but minimizing them is a completely doable task.

The most important thing to note right away is that there is no exact timing for teething. For every child there is an onset of this period absolutely individual. Moreover, even if you have twins, this does not mean at all that their teeth should erupt on the same day.

Of course, there are statistics that teeth mainly make themselves felt around 6 months after the birth of a child. At about a year old, a baby usually already has about 6-8 teeth. However, it is quite acceptable to complete absence provided that there are no preventing reasons.

Thus, the process and order of teething is absolutely unpredictable, since it depends on many external and internal factors. Noting the peculiarities of the timing of the beginning of the period, this parameter varies under the influence of various indicators:

  • climatic conditions
  • genetic background (heredity)
  • Availability various diseases, in particular the endocrine system
  • nutrition, drinking water quality
  • proper child care and others

Speaking about delayed teething, there is a direct connection with overall delay growth and development, which can be observed with the following pathological abnormalities:

  • rickets is a disease of infancy that develops against the background of insufficient intake of vitamin D in the body, which interferes with the absorption of calcium, required element for dental development (see article for details)
  • edentia - the absence of tooth rudiments; the presence of this disease is checked by x-ray or radiovisiograph.

Before erupting, teeth go through the stage of formation and formation of dental buds in intrauterine development from approximately 6 to 7 weeks of pregnancy, when many expectant mothers are not yet aware of their interesting position.

Which teeth appear first?

Speaking about the order of teething, everything is much clearer here. The very first teeth to appear are the lower row – the 2 central incisors. However, their appearance is relative, that is, they can erupt either in pairs or in turn. Next, according to the principle of pairing the upper and lower teeth of the same name, the central incisors of the upper row erupt.

After the incisors come the canines, but they give way to the first molars, so in their place so-called “dental spaces” are found. Next come the fangs and the remaining molars. The table shows the approximate age at which baby teeth erupt in infants, as well as the approximate age of their change to permanent ones.

Timing for the eruption of baby teeth:

By the age of three, the number of incisors, molars and canines in a baby becomes 20. And in terms of timing, everything is also purely individual, that is, this number can be achieved in just over two years.

An interesting case from medical practice: an absolutely healthy boy began teething at the age of seven months; by the age of 1.5 years he had 19 of them. The last molar appeared only 14 months later.

How does the baby’s body react to the appearance of the first teeth?

The process of teething, despite its naturalness, has many complications that it brings to the child. After all, this phenomenon involves almost all life support systems of the body, somewhat worsening the condition of the baby.

Due to weakening immune system During teething, the baby should be protected as much as possible from possible infection infectious agents, and also leave them for the duration of vaccinations and other procedures and manipulations.

The symptoms of teething in babies, as a result, appear depending on his current state of health. Let's look at the main signs that are more common in this period in most children and can become a kind of starting point for the appearance of the first teeth in an infant:

  • Decreased appetite in the baby, up to complete failure from power supply
  • Swelling of the gums, swelling in the eruption area
  • Sleep disturbance, increased moodiness, irritability
  • An active increase in the baby's urge to grab, bite and gnaw everything that comes across - due to itching in the gum area
  • Increased salivation

Increased salivation in turn, causes a series additional symptoms, which can also be used to judge the possibility of teeth appearing in a baby:

  • cough and hoarseness, especially when lying down, as the main effect profuse drooling, because it is caused by its excess entering the throat;
  • the appearance of irritations and rashes near the mouth, on the chin, in the chest area - this sign appears due to the rubbing of the baby’s saliva with the hands and its copious flow from the mouth;
  • slight loosening of stool (diarrhea), as a result of saliva getting in with food;
  • the appearance of a runny nose due to saliva getting into the middle ear.

Symptom of irritability, excessive moodiness and sudden mood swings - is almost the main symptom for any baby and is caused by the following reasons:

  • painful sensations from teeth breaking through the surface tissue of the gums;
  • itching and discomfort, which can also spread to nearby areas - cheeks, ears, nose, the baby constantly pulls his face, and constantly drags his fists into his mouth.

Vomiting and diarrhea during teething- a rather rare occurrence, the cause of which can only be that the child swallowed saliva. If these symptoms recur frequently, accompanied by high temperature, then this reaction has nothing to do with teething. In this case, we are most likely talking about viral infection, causing gastrointestinal disorders of various etiologies(rotaviruses, astroviruses, noroviruses, caliciviruses and adenoviruses, collectively called). This condition requires mandatory pediatric examination.

Malaise due to fever. When teething, a baby's temperature may be elevated, but not more than 38-38.5 degrees. This parameter is a response to inflamed areas the baby’s oral mucosa, and since its area is too small, therefore, temperature changes should be insignificant. Normally, many children behave as usual, and the usual 36.6 returns within 2-3 days.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of the onset of the appearance of baby teeth are similar to many infectious diseases, microorganisms of which favorably and actively multiply during this period and disguise themselves as signs of teething. Therefore, if a child exhibits several of the listed signs at once, you should not self-medicate; call a pediatrician immediately.

How to help your baby teething?

Eliminating the negative phenomena that accompany a teething baby is not a simple task. However, there are a lot of recommendations and tips that will help your family survive this period less painfully and without any consequences.

So, how can you make teething easier for your baby? First of all, you should provide the baby with all the necessary “rodent helpers” that massage the gums, thereby calming the baby.

  • All kinds of teethers, with liquid or gel filling inside, which is designed specifically for the cooling effect of the gum area. The downside is that these items will have to be put in the refrigerator periodically, and cold, as is known, temporarily relieves pain and itching.
  • Pacifiers or bottles. The mechanism of action also helps to satisfy the chewing needs of the child.

Please note that constant chewing or sucking on objects irregular shape may become the beginning of the formation malocclusion. Therefore, you should choose pacifiers with a special orthodontic shape made of high-quality material (latex, silicone). Strictly monitor their cleanliness and storage.

  • Finger brushthis remedy behind last years It has become especially popular among young mothers, as it not only helps massage the gums and soothe the baby, but also takes care of the oral cavity. In addition, you can assess the degree of gum condition - how stronger child bites, the closer the time for the next tooth to appear.
  • Massaging the gums with gauze pads, wetted cold water. This method simultaneously relieves itching in the gums and cleanses the oral cavity of various microbes. The massage should be gentle, gentle, with the exception of sudden, inaccurate movements.

Medicinal methods to combat teething symptoms

Of course, most measures turn out to be ineffective, thus, when teething in children, medications are one of the highly effective aids. Pharmaceuticals offers many specialized gels, ointments and other products local action. Let us consider among them the most widely used in pediatrics and those that have stood the test of time. Many of the drugs listed contain lidocaine, which should be used with caution in pediatrics.


(160-200 rubles) - gel or drops based on lidocaine and, has an anesthetic property. Use no more than 3 times a day; allergic reactions are possible.

Baby Doctor first teeth

(140-170 rub.) – hypoallergenic gel plant origin, has a weak analgesic effect and has a targeted anti-inflammatory effect. The product is absolutely safe to use for infants, which is a definite plus.


(220-300 rub.) – the gel consists of choline salicylate components (anti-inflammatory effect) and an adhesive base, which helps medicinal properties gel to act more effectively. Can be used up to 2-3 times a day.


(220-300 rubles) a product based on lidocaine, has a weaker analgesic effect, tastes sweet, which threatens the occurrence of an allergic reaction. The gel is used from 5 months to 6 times a day with an interval between doses of 20-30 minutes.


(about 200 rubles) – an adhesive-based gel, effective for open wounds on the gums.

Homeopathy - Dantinorm baby

This homeopathic remedy, the components of which affect the symptoms of teething in babies in a complex:

  • anti-inflammatory effect
  • pain reduction
  • combating digestive disorders

Unlike gels, this solution is applied internally and has a longer lasting effect.

As for the use of such a product as Kamistad, which is now available in Russian pharmacies, it is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age; previously there was Kamistad Baby, the composition of which is safe for babies and could be used by children from 3 months. So Kamistad gel cannot be used in infants.

Application of any medicine to remove painful sensations when teething, requires consultation with a specialist, familiarization with and strict adherence to the instructions. The influence of many factors must be taken into account, as well as individual characteristics your little one's body.

Main conclusions:

Children should not be given anything sweetened or containing sugar before, after or during teething. The reason is obvious - the development of caries due to insufficient protection and cleansing of baby teeth.

  • You can reduce signs of inflammation and protect gums by wiping the baby’s oral mucosa with solutions based on medicinal plants(for example, chamomile). They are easy to use and can even be given to a child to drink.
  • Do not forget about the existence of safe toothpastes for little ones labeled “0+”. They will certainly help clean your little one’s first teeth, and if ingested, they are absolutely harmless.

Any child, especially in infancy, needs to be surrounded by love and affection. For many teething babies, it is enough to simply bask in their mother’s arms and simply feel her presence nearby. Therefore, do not be afraid to spoil your little one, feel free to pick him up, cuddle him more often than usual, play with him and spend as much time as possible together. Believe me, then teeth cutting will be more painless, and you will remember these days with a smile on your face.

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