Is mineral water always good for you? The benefits of mineral water. What are the benefits of mineral water?

Anna Koroleva

Reading time: 6 minutes


Drinking water is life. A person cannot live even a week without water. And mineral water differs from ordinary water in many ways healing properties.

Where did so many useful substances come from in the water? The point is that the basis mineral water- rainwater that has accumulated in the bowels of the earth for many centuries. Just imagine how many minerals and other useful substances dissolved in it during this time!

What is real mineral water: types and composition

The classification of mineral water is based on differences in composition, level of acidity and radioactivity. There is a separate branch of medicine - balneology, and specialists in this field painstakingly study the composition of mineral waters and their benefits for the body.

There are several types of mineral water

Table mineral water. This species is useful for general stimulation of digestion, but does not have healing properties. Table water tastes pleasant, is soft to drink and does not have any foreign odors or tastes. Many drinks are made from table water. Food should not be cooked with such water.– when boiling, minerals precipitate or form compounds that our body is not able to absorb.

Medical dining room. This water has healing properties and is very effective when used properly. Moderation should be observed When drinking medicinal table mineral water, oversaturation of the body with minerals can lead to an imbalance in the salt balance.

Therapeutic. Healing mineral water You can not only drink, but also use it for inhalation and bathing. To achieve a noticeable effect, you must follow the correct dosage, diet, and drink water regularly.

Mineral waters can also be classified according to their chemical composition.

Hydrocarbonate. Thanks to the large amount of mineral salts, this water can reduce the acidity of gastric juice. It is recommended to drink for heartburn, cystitis and diseases of the urolithiasis.

Chloride. Helps stimulate metabolic processes in the body, improves the performance of the stomach and intestines, so doctors recommend including it in the diet when various disorders digestive system.

Sulfate mineral water. Restores the functions of the gallbladder and liver, and also cleanses the body of toxins and impurities. Sulphate water should be used by patients with hepatitis, diabetes and various stages obesity. However, it is contraindicated for children and adolescents, as it can interfere with the absorption of calcium by the body.

In addition to the above, there are many more types of mineral water - sodium, calcium, sulfide, silicon, bromide, radon.

In addition to its composition, mineral water also differs in its temperature - it can be cold, subthermal, thermal and hyperthermal.

What should not be in mineral water?

The requirements for mineral water producers today are very strict, and there should be no additives of unknown origin in it.

The following information must be indicated on the labels:

  • Source location.
  • Shelf life.
  • Well number.
  • Date of manufacture.
  • Many labels also indicate a list of diseases for which it is recommended to drink a particular type of water.

On a note!

Beware of counterfeits and buy mineral water in trusted stores or pharmacies. On the shelves you can often find artificial analogues of mineral water, obtained by combining simple tap water and salts with carbon dioxide. This water complies with GOST, but no longer provides any benefit to the body.

By appearance mineral water can also be different - colorless, yellowish or greenish with sediments of mineral salts at the bottom of the container.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of mineral water are undeniable - it is a real storehouse of minerals necessary for our body. And since each type of water has individual properties, you need to choose mineral water very carefully.

Thanks to its mixed structure, it is healing mineral water can be considered the best option for many of us.

Regardless of the subtype, it is useful for the following diseases:

  • Chronic hepatitis, biliary tract diseases.
  • Diabetes and obesity.
  • Anemia, thyroid disease.
  • Diseases of the liver and gall bladder.
  • In addition, mineral water improves blood clotting, strengthens muscles, bones and teeth, and also promotes normalization blood pressure.


  1. At excessive consumption Any mineral water can harm the body. That is why any mineral water should be consumed in courses, taking breaks.
  2. Mineral water contains a lot of salts, and its excessive consumption is a threat of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.
  3. Under no circumstances should you drink mineral water alcoholic drinks– the result will be irreversible disorders in the metabolic system!
  4. The daily consumption rate of mineral water is no more than half a liter. At various diseases Before taking it, it is better to consult with your doctor.
  5. Mineral water, like other products, has an expiration date, so when choosing your treasured bottle, do not ignore the bottling date. Mineral water can be stored in glass containers for up to a year, and in plastic containers - no more than six months.

The whole truth about mineral water – we answer readers’ questions

About mineral water, its beneficial properties and the extraction process can be told for a very long time. Here's one of the most frequently asked questions, which buyers themselves ask manufacturers - why do they carbonate water?

As a rule, there is no carbon dioxide in natural mineral water - it is added during the bottling process for greater preservation. Carbon dioxide, when consumed in moderation, can be beneficial - it has a beneficial effect on intestinal function. And some people just like the tingling bubbles in the water.

On a note! It is still better to give to children still water, and for the gas to escape from the bottle, leave the container open for 15-20 minutes.

At what age can a child drink mineral water?

  1. Of all types of mineral water Babies can only be given table water premium. This water is perfect for diluting food mixtures.
  2. Medicinal table mineral water can only be prescribed by a pediatrician children over one year old.
  3. It is contraindicated to give medicinal mineral water to children, as this can subsequently have a detrimental effect on the kidneys and metabolic system.

On a note! And remember that an opened bottle of mineral water can be stored for no more than two days.

Mineral water in the diet of pregnant and breastfeeding women

Mineral water can enrich the body expectant mother the most useful elements which are necessary for the healthy development of the child. It works here Golden Rule– it is important to follow the norm, otherwise unpleasant problems may appear side effects in the form of heartburn and flatulence. In addition, it is better to drink non-carbonated mineral water, since carbon dioxide can harm pregnant women.

A balanced consumption of mineral water will help strengthen the body before childbirth and cope with the nausea that appears during toxicosis.

During breastfeeding, you should follow the same rules - useful material They will reach the baby along with the milk, and mineral water will only be beneficial for a nursing mother.

What mineral water should athletes drink?

Mineral water is the main source of fluid that athletes are recommended to drink. Best choice is bicarbonate mineral table water - it perfectly quenches thirst and replenishes salt deficiency in the body. In addition, it is preferable for athletes to choose non-carbonated mineral water.

The healing properties of mineral water directly for athletes:

  • Mineral water helps accumulate energy in muscle tissue.
  • Helps increase physical strength.
  • Reduces muscle weakness and spasms.
  • Helps to better tolerate stress and increases endurance.
  • Improves metabolism, as a result of which protein is better absorbed and muscles grow faster.

Rating of mineral water in Russia

Every day, shoppers take thousands of bottles of mineral water off store shelves. IN Lately the number of manufacturers has increased significantly, but time-tested brands enjoy the greatest trust among buyers.

Perhaps we can call this brand the most popular and recognizable in Russia.

The Borjomi mineral spring is located in Georgia, and its composition has remained unchanged for about a hundred years. So we can say with confidence that this brand is time-tested.

Essentuki. This famous brand boasts a large assortment - water is extracted from 20 sources, and the production plant itself is located in the city of the same name.

Narzan. This brand has been familiar to many Russians since childhood. Narzan springs are famous for their antiquity - they were mentioned in ancient chronicles back in the 14th century. And the name in the Kabardian dialect means “drink of heroes.” The main difference between this brand and other manufacturers is the natural presence of carbon dioxide in mineral water.

Slavyanovskaya mineral water. Many experts compare this water with the famous Czech springs in Karlovy Vary, and consider it just as useful.

In stores you can find mineral water from different manufacturers, but the main rule of choice at the time of purchase is to indicate that the product is manufactured in accordance with GOST.

5 myths about mineral water

Myth No. 1. Mineral water is salty. And salt is very harmful to the body.

Many people mistakenly confuse regular table salt with minerals. There is a huge difference between the table salt we use every day and the salt created by nature. When consumed in moderation mineral salts will only bring benefits.

Myth No. 2. The supply of water in wells does not last forever. Surely the water is artificially saturated with minerals.

The production and extraction of mineral waters is carefully controlled and tested. The natural presence of salts and nutrients is the advantage of mineral water.

In Russian literature of the 19th century, you can find lines that many wealthy people went to the waters for treatment in the summer.

Water treatment involved ingestion and bathing in mineral water. Most of the medical techniques of those years have sunk into oblivion, become obsolete, and become obsolete. But mineral water is still used to treat many diseases.

Is mineral water really healthy?

Are there any contraindications to drinking mineral water?

How to use mineral water correctly?

Mineral water – water natural origin, which in addition to the usual chemical composition(two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule) contains a large number of minerals and trace elements. Such water is very useful and the deeper the well from which it is extracted, the purer and more valuable this liquid is.

If there is a deficiency of microelements in the human body, replenishment with mineral water is a good way out. However, despite all the benefits of this natural wealth, there is also a list of its disadvantages. To get to the truth, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.

Classification of mineral water

Speaking about the benefits and harms of mineral water and its properties, it is necessary to understand what types of mineral water exist.

Mineral water has several classifications:

— by chemical composition;

By mineralization;

By naturalness/unnaturalness.

Depending on its origin, mineral water is divided into medicinal, medicinal-table and table.

Medicinal mineral water– water of natural origin, extracted from a well. This water undergoes multiple purification and processing and is repeatedly tested for the presence of harmful impurities. Accordingly, such water is more expensive.

This water is used exclusively in medicinal purposes and strictly as prescribed by the doctor. For each group of diseases, medicinal mineral water with a specific chemical composition is used and only a strictly defined amount per day.

Medicinal table mineral water– water of two types, mixed. Natural mineral water for the production of medicinal table narzan is mixed with ordinary drinking water. Quantity minerals and there are slightly less salts in it than in medicinal water. You should also not abuse this water.

Table mineral water– such water, the mineralization of which was achieved exclusively in laboratory conditions. There are much less salts and minerals in this narzan than in the first two types.

Classification of mineral waters according to mineral composition focuses on what chemical element Most of all it is contained in this type of narzan. It can be sodium, ferruginous, magnesium, sulfate, bicarbonate, chloride mineral water.

The benefits of mineral water

1. Mineral water passes through a large thickness of the earth, with each layer being purified and enriched with minerals that are indispensable for the human body and necessary for normal functioning all organ systems.

2. Mineral water saturated with salts (medicinal narzan) can work wonders, relieving a person of many diseases (neurological, gastrointestinal, cardiological, genitourinary).

3. Quenches thirst and restores the vitality of the body, rejuvenates.

4. Improves the condition of nails, hair and skin thanks to its composition.

5. Mineral water can lower cholesterol, increase hemoglobin, relieve constipation, excess weight, lowers blood sugar levels, removes waste and toxins.

6. Inhalations based on mineral water are widely used for the treatment of bronchitis, lingering cough, pneumonia.

7. Tonics prepared at home using mineral water make the skin look younger. Eliminate dermatological imperfections, moisturize the skin, tighten pores and cleanse them.

8. Mineral water will speed up metabolic processes and help digestion processes.

9. During fasting days Drinking mineral water will protect the body from exhaustion and loss of fluid.

Harm of mineral water

Along with the benefits of any product, there is always a negative side. Mineral water is no exception.

1. Almost all mineral water, whether medicinal or table, is carbonated. Carbon dioxide, which is contained in excess in narzan, entering the stomach, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, which, in turn, leads to the appearance, in best case scenario, heartburn, at worst - gastritis and ulcers.

2. Additionally mineralized water, that is, table and medicinal-table water Narzan, often exceeds the norm for the content of minerals and salts, and their excess in water leads to a violation salt metabolism and the appearance of sand and stones in the kidneys.

3. Mineral water that has undergone long-term additional purification (and both medicinal and table and medicinal table water undergo purification) reaches us in a changed form, all these changes, at best, do not bring any benefit, at worst, they can cause harm .

4. Narzan can not only bring benefits, but also poison you! Improper storage, counterfeit products, unscrupulous manufacturers, expired goods - all this can create a threat to human health.

5. Ideal water is the one that contains natural composition, that is, the set of microelements that nature itself gave her. What is created in artificial conditions, and sometimes not by specialists at all, but by self-taught people somewhere in the basement without special equipment, does not bring any value to the body.

6. Drinking too much Narzan, medicinal or table, can lead to serious violation work in the organ system. You need to drink such water strictly in accordance with the doctor’s instructions and strictly according to the norm, without exceeding it.

7. Narzan bottled using special bottling machines, when interacting with the materials from which the machine is made, is capable of oxidizing and producing substances hazardous to health.

9. To the first point harmful effects narzan on the human body, one clarification can be added: if highly carbonated narzan, also cold, enters the stomach, then the gases that come out with belching and heartburn enter the esophagus, eventually causing esophageal cancer.

The calorie content of mineral water is non-existent!

Many people who monitor their body and health are interested in the question of what the calorie content of mineral water is.

We can happily answer this question that the calorie content of Narzan (medicinal, medicinal-table, table) is 0 kilocalories per 100 milliliters of water.

Therefore, mineral water plays important role in the body of those who play sports and are fond of diets and fasting days.

Mineral water: benefits or harm for weight loss

Those who like to go on a diet or work out in the gym often carry a bottle of mineral water with them. And it makes sense.

Mineral water is an assistant in losing weight.

It, of course, does not burn fat, but thanks to the fact that the dieter drinks it regularly, the feeling of hunger is dulled and the person wants to eat much less.

In addition, a meager diet during a diet can lead to exhaustion of the body, and the macro- and microelements contained in narzan partially compensate for their deficiency.

Harm and benefits of mineral water for pregnant women and nursing mothers

IN in moderation Mineral water can be drunk by pregnant and lactating women.

For many, mineral water helps cope with nausea (toxicosis) during early dates pregnancy.

Sometimes Narzan helps to cope with heartburn in pregnant women in the last trimester.

For breastfeeding women, when getting vitamins and minerals is more important than ever, drinking mineral water is possible and necessary. But with the only amendment that the gases must be released.

This is easy to do, just leave the bottle open for an hour.

Pregnant women to avoid increased gas formation It is also recommended to drink still mineral water.

The benefits and harms of mineral water for children

Many young and inexperienced mothers are wondering whether children can drink mineral water, at what age, what kind, in what quantities, whether it is beneficial or harmful for them.

A child can have mineral water, but not all water.

For children infancy It is not recommended to drink water before 6 months, but the child has enough breast milk. If the child is artificial feeding, then it is necessary to supplement the diet starting from 1 month. For this purpose, specially prepared mineral water for children is used, which is also called “children’s” water. Such a liquid undergoes enhanced control and cleaning, and the composition is repeatedly checked.

It is not recommended for children to drink natural healing mineral water, or its use must be agreed with the attending physician, and the composition and quantity of water is strictly specified.

Thus, analyzing the benefits and harms of mineral water, we get an equal number of advantages and disadvantages.

To drink or not to drink mineral water is up to the individual to decide. And if the answer is positive, then you need to choose the water that will be tested for quality, composition, properly transported and stored.

Therefore, to maintain the healthy functioning of all organs and systems, it is necessary to support water balance. To this end, the most the best way is to drink 1.5-2 liters of quality water per day. Every milliliter you drink contributes to vital processes, which helps maintain health, beauty and youth. Many people prefer mineral water, despite the fact that there have been debates about its harms and benefits for decades.

Where does it come from

Mineral water is water of natural origin, the main distinguishing feature of which is great content minerals and trace elements. It is of underground origin, and the deeper the well, the cleaner it is, and therefore, the more useful. In addition, the depth of the source protects the water from harmful chemical pollutants found on the surface of the earth.

Chemical composition of mineral water

The constant elements included in its composition are bicarbonate, iron, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfate, chloride, fluoride.

Firstly, the content of mineral water depends on the place of origin, the type of rock through which it flows and the time spent underground. Secondly, from its purpose. Based on this, there are various classifications and types of mineral water.

Classification of mineral water

It is usually divided according to the following criteria:

  • by method of origin,
  • on mineralization,
  • by chemical composition,
  • by temperature.

Types of water by origin

a) Natural water, as you might guess, is obtained directly from natural sources.

b) Artificial - obtained by adding and dissolving a mineral complex in water.

Both of these types can be identical to each other, provided that the minerals and trace elements were correctly selected by specialists, and mineralization was carried out using high-quality equipment.

Types of mineral water by mineralization

a) Table mineral water – has a mineralization of less than 1 g per dm³ and contains minimal indicators of biologically active components. It can be used daily in the drinking diet.

b) Medicinal - table water - mineralization by more than 1 g per dm³. Often this figure reaches 10 g. There is a slight increase in biologically active components. This water is recommended for healthy people, but only at regular intervals. Also used for disease prevention.

c) Medicinal – has indicators over 10 g per dm³. It is maximally saturated with active ingredients and is prescribed only by a doctor for therapeutic purposes. preventive techniques It is not used for regular drinking.

Types of mineral water by chemical composition

1) Alkaline mineral water is intended for athletes. It has a beneficial effect on the body, often worn out by regular exercise. Moreover, she restore blood alkalinity, recommended for diabetes and various infectious diseases.

For gastritis, alkaline mineral water is not used, as it provokes the secretion of gastric juice. If you really want, you can drink a glass of table mineral water 1-1.5 hours before meals.

2) Sulfate - recommended for people with liver problems, gall bladder, diabetes and obesity. Children, teenagers and pregnant women are prohibited from drinking this water. This is because sulfates block bone growth and prevent calcium from food from being absorbed by the body.

3) Chloride mineral water ensures high-quality functioning of the intestines and liver. However, it should be excluded from the diet in the presence of arrhythmias and high blood pressure.

4) Magnesium mineral water acts on the human body as an anti-stress, calming and stabilizing the nervous system. But if the norm is exceeded, it can lead to stomach upset.

5) Mixed mineral water contains several active components, which are contained in minimal quantities. It is permissible to use it at will, but not exceeding the permissible limits.

It is necessary to clarify that depending on the presence of biologically active components and gas composition, water can be nitrogen, bromide, iodide, sulfide, etc.

Temperature difference

Depending on the temperature, mineral water can be:

  • very cold – less than 4 °C;
  • cold – up to 20°C;
  • cool – up to 34°C;
  • indifferent – ​​up to 37°C;
  • warm – up to 39°C;
  • thermal – up to 42°C;
  • high-thermal– more than 42°C.

Useful properties and benefits of mineral water for the body

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • improves metabolism,
  • relieves constipation,
  • promotes weight loss,
  • removes toxins from the body,
  • regulates acid-base balance,
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system,
  • treats gastritis with normal and high acidity,
  • helps cope with stomach and duodenal ulcers,
  • treats cough,
  • copes with bronchitis,
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood,
  • removes bad cholesterol,
  • strengthens teeth and bones,
  • improves thyroid function,
  • treats liver and gall bladder diseases,
  • promotes the flow of bile,
  • tones,
  • restores vitality,
  • strengthens nervous system,
  • improves mental performance,
  • has a rejuvenating effect,
  • slows down the aging process,
  • improves the condition of nails, hair and skin.

The benefits of mineral water are undeniable and are a moving link to healthy eating and beauty. This drink contains numerous beneficial substances, which depend on the chemical composition. Mineral water perfectly treats gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, you should drink water 10-15 minutes before eating. In addition, this drink helps to cope with excess weight and maintain youth.

Contraindications and harm of mineral water to the body

  • mental disorders,
  • children under 6 months,
  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • alcoholism,
  • diarrhea.

It is advisable for pregnant women to completely avoid drinking this water, or to drink it in very small quantities. The sulfates included in its composition interfere with the absorption of calcium, which is very harmful for the development of the fetus.

When mixed with alcohol or as a “treatment” after alcohol intoxication, it leads to disruption of the digestive process. Long-term use can cause esophageal cancer.

When consumed cold - in a warm stomach, mineral water provokes ulcers. In rare cases, it leads to rupture of the esophagus.

You should not abuse this drink. This is fraught with the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys, the appearance of edema, disruption of salt metabolism and other serious health consequences.

Why is carbonated mineral water harmful?

Mineral water is often presented in stores in carbonated form for consumers. It is saturated with carbon dioxide to increase shelf life. Of course, it is healthier to drink the drink without using gasification. The presence of carbon dioxide in water stimulates the secretion of the stomach. As a result, acidity increases, which leads to bloating, pain in the abdominal area, ulcers and gastritis. In addition, carbonated water worsens the condition of the skin.

Carbonated water can be drunk in very small quantities, but it is completely contraindicated people with stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity and a tendency to flatulence.

To get rid of gases you need to open the bottle, shake it and leave open for 10 minutes so that they came out. Then you can drink water as a safe drink.

How much mineral water can you drink per day?

I would like to immediately note that it should not be replaced plain water. It is used only for therapeutic and preventive measures.

At the time of its creation, mineral water was considered a medicinal drink, which should be sold exclusively on pharmacy counters and as prescribed by a doctor. Over time, its availability led to its use at will, which contradicts the rules for taking this drink. However, it is permissible to drink water every day that has a minimum mineralization density. If we talk about athletes and people who are keen, they are allowed to consume highly mineralized water in their diet every day. This is due to significant sweating, as a result of which salts actively leave the body.

The rest of the people with When drinking this drink, you should adhere to the rules: drink it irregularly and only when the body has lost salt. Situations conditioning this process - stress, heat, physical activity or preventative techniques.

According to experts, you can drink 500 ml of table water per day, provided there are no problems with digestion and kidneys. Before use, you should consult your doctor.

The daily norm of medical table and medicinal water must ALWAYS be prescribed by a physician. Self-treatment diseases using mineral water can lead to serious complications.

How to choose and store mineral water

When purchasing this drink, it is better to give preference to glass bottles. They are more expensive, but the natural composition of the water in them is preserved better and longer.

On container quality product the following information must be indicated: name of the water, its composition, well number or name of the source, degree and method of mineralization, manufacturer and his contacts, date of spill, storage conditions and period.

Water should be stored in areas protected from the sun at a temperature of 3°C to 30°C.

Benefits of mineral water for the face

Mineral water has a very positive influence on the skin. It can be taken not only internally, but also externally, adding it to folk remedies. Please note that you should not use carbonated water. Carbon dioxide worsens the condition of the epidermis and accelerates its aging process.

For daily facial toning It is recommended to wipe your face with ice cubes made from mineral water.

For oily skin You should pay attention to mineral water with a high salt level. Thanks to this composition, the pores will narrow and the skin will gain radiance.

To relieve puffiness You can prepare a mask based on mineral water and chamomile herbs.

To cleanse the skin of impurities Brew calendula in boiled mineral water and leave it on the face as a lotion for 10-15 minutes.

One can argue endlessly about the dangers and benefits of mineral water, but is it necessary?! When drinking this drink, you should know that moderation in this case plays a big role.

Video The benefits and harms of mineral water

It is necessary to support the most various methods, after all metabolic processes in body tissues are carried out exclusively in the presence of this substance. The daily fluid intake for a person usually includes not only clean water- replacement with juices, tea or mineral water is appropriate. What is the latest product? What classification is it subject to? Is it big benefits of mineral water for the body?

Historical information

As a rule, society is of the opinion that water from healing springs can do the impossible: it relaxes, relieves irritation, calms, and also resists aggression and bad mood. Is it so?

The history of the existence of mineral water is determined by hundreds of years. It all started with the fact that in ancient times, not far from holy springs, Greek tribes built sanctuaries for the god Asclepius (he was considered the patron of medicine), and the Romans practiced the construction of temples in the name of Aesculapius. It is important to note that Greek archaeologists discovered the ruins of what was apparently a hydropathic clinic, which was built in the sixth century BC. Thus, from generation to generation, the transmission of oral traditions about truly magical properties mineral waters that never stopped coming out of the ground.

The process of formation of mineral waters

Mineral water is water of rain nature, which an unimaginable period of time ago went deep into the bowels of the earth. In the process of penetration of the product through the pores of various layers of rock, the many-sided substances of mineral origin located there dissolved in it. Thus, from standard water Natural water found in open reservoirs and subsoil water is distinguished by the presence of substances of mineral origin in its composition. In addition, in the process of product formation, the depth of mineral water plays an important role: the deeper, the better the degree of purification of the product and its saturation with carbon dioxide, as well as minerals, which, as it turned out, accumulate naturally as the product passes through geological formations. So, mineral water is, first of all, water from underground sources.

Distinctive features of mineral water from table water

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between drinking and mineral water. Codex Alimentarius, the main UN standard with nutritional information, defines data distinctive features at the following points:

  • Mineral water is extracted from natural sources and wells formed by drilling. Thanks to this approach, external influence on both physical and mental Chemical properties natural mineral product.
  • Mineral water is a product containing a certain amount of salts as well as trace substances.
  • The process of collecting mineral water is carried out under conditions that definitely guarantee the initial purity at the microbiological level, as well as the stable chemical composition of the components contained in the product.

Interesting features of mineral water

Mineral water is The product is quite capricious in nature and requires careful handling. There is an opinion that natural water is much more delicate than precious wine. And this is actually true, because water from the source should be lifted very carefully, which is very difficult to do, because depth plays a qualitative role. Packaging a product in a convenient and extremely safe container is also not an easy task, because during this operation it is necessary to preserve unique properties mineral water, which were originally provided by Mother Nature.

Natural water is perfectly absorbed by the body: when it enters the stomach, it reacts qualitatively with gastric juice, releasing carbon dioxide and stimulating the secretory work of the organ. Of course, as a result of such “magic”, appetite and mood significantly improve. Mineral water, the benefits and harms of which we consider, has a beneficial effect on our body. That is why, for example, the French always place a bottle of mineral water on the dining table, usually next to the bread.

Statistical data

Today, Russia is experiencing a real mineral boom. This fact can be confirmed by calculations by the State Statistics Committee, as a result of which the number of types of mineral water throughout the country is equal to 700. However, there is a significant lag behind industrialized countries, judging by the criterion of the volume of product consumption per capita. According to statistics, one European today consumes approximately one hundred liters of mineral water per year. An Austrian is able to drink 72 liters of water over the same period of time, a Frenchman - 80 liters, an Italian - 116 liters, but the consumption of natural water by the average resident of Germany reaches 129 liters per year. And now the main fact: a Russian citizen drinks only 10 liters of mineral water during the year, which is not at all impressive, although during the times of the Soviet Union this figure was half as much. It should be added that the natural water market in Russia is estimated at approximately 1.2 billion liters per year. In addition, this market is growing by 10-15 percent every year.

Species diversity

Today there are certain indicators that are the basis for the classification of natural waters. Thus, it is customary to distinguish the following types of product:

  • Depending on the mineralization: low-mineralized, mineral waters of low, medium, high mineralization, brine and strong brine natural waters.
  • From the point of view of balneology, there are dining rooms, medical and
  • Depending on the chemical composition: hydrocarbonate, chloride, sulfate, sodium, calcium, magnesium and mixed mineral waters.
  • By temperature conditions: very cold, cold, cool, indifferent, warm, hot (otherwise called thermal) and overheated (otherwise called high-thermal).
  • According to the degree of acidity: neutral, slightly acidic, acidic, strongly acidic, slightly alkaline, alkaline.

Popular mineral waters today

As it turned out, today the range of mineral waters is extremely rich. This means that it would be advisable to consider the most popular product brands:

  • "Borjomi" is carbonated sodium bicarbonate water. The benefits of mineral water of this manufacturer is to treat liver diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, urinary tract, as well as in preventing and normalizing the consequences of metabolic disorders. The Borjomi source is located in Georgia (800 meters above sea level).
  • 17, 20) is a system of mineral waters, the first representative of which is a medicinal and table product, the second is a medicinal product, and the third is exclusively a table product. This product has no analogues both in terms of healing properties and taste qualities. Mineral water is characterized by the influence of a complex focus on everything functional systems body (from the book "Mineral waters to protect health"
  • "Narzan" is carbonated water of hydrocarbonate-sulfate-calcium origin. Its source is located in Kislovodsk and is called similarly to the brand. This product can increase appetite, enhance the secretory activity of the digestive system, increase the quantitative indicator of urine, and so on.

Mineral water benefits and harms

On initial stages existence of mineral water, its healing purpose is highlighted as the main direction justifying the use of the product. Therefore, selling mineral water exclusively in pharmacies would be extremely fair. What are the health benefits of mineral water?? There is no information in the world that determines the maximum quantity and acceptable quality of mineral water - everything is individual! However, when drinking mineral water, you should adhere to following rules: it is necessary to exclude regular intake of natural water, and use it only during periods of active loss of salts by the body. To achieve a satisfactory effect, you should carefully read the information on the labels and tend to buy only a high-quality product, and, if possible, choose mineral water with elements of natural origin.

Benefits of sparkling mineral water

As it turned out, natural water is endowed with a mixed type structure, which, together with biological active substances significantly enhances healing effect from its consumption:

  • Iron is a powerful barrier in the fight against anemia.
  • Iodine normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Calcium is an excellent tool for maintaining ionic balance in the body, and also has a beneficial effect on the process of blood clotting.
  • Magnesium serves as an excellent regulator of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, in addition, it contributes normal operation nervous system.
  • Sodium is good for maintaining normal blood pressure.
  • Potassium is essential for the functioning of the heart and kidneys.
  • Fluorine is the most important element bones and teeth, in addition, it is very useful for pregnant girls.

Harm of mineral water to the human body

Mineral water is harmful to health: Is it so? The answer to this question is extremely simple: it’s a matter of quantitative and quality characteristics use of this product. Thus, the frequency of taking mineral water therapeutic type, and daily dosage depend on the quality composition of the product and, naturally, on the doctor’s recommendations. As a rule, it is correct to drink mineral water 15-30 minutes before eating in case of low level gastric secretion, and in 45-60 minutes with adequate secretion. If the secretion of the organ is increased, then you should drink mineral water an hour and a half before meals.

It is important to note that today artificial gasification of water is very common, which fully justifies the loss medicinal properties product after some time. However, there is a workaround here: to eliminate carbon dioxide open bottle Shake well, after which the artificial gases will evaporate. Otherwise, a highly carbonated drink can be an increasing factor in the acidity of gastric juice.

Choosing mineral water is a task that requires an individual approach

Which mineral water is good for health?? The answer to this question is very multifaceted, because just like the features human body, the properties of mineral water are individual. As it turned out, mineral water of natural origin is a specific combination of salts and their ions dissolved in water, so today it is possible to form an artificial composition easily, if only you had the desire and the appropriate knowledge. Only crude counterfeits (water, salt, soda) pose a particular danger, which, fortunately, have been practically eradicated.

When choosing a product, you need to pay close attention to factors such as the integrity of the packaging, the cleanliness of the bottle and the content of impurities in the water. If in the process of drinking mineral water a burning effect is felt or extremely Strong smell chemical nature, then it’s better to get rid of this product as soon as possible. But in general, natural water It is advisable to purchase only in trusted places, for example, in pharmacies.

When wondering about the benefits and harms of mineral water, you must remember that mineral water is different. In nature, passing through rocks, water is enriched mineral elements contained in these stones. Depending on the area in which mineral water is obtained, it contains different minerals, which can be both beneficial and harmful. The quality of water is also affected by the packaging method and storage conditions.

Carbon dioxide, which carbonates mineral water, is not dangerous in itself. However, its bubbles increase acidity and can cause bloating. People with gastrointestinal diseases are better off drinking still water.

What is mineral water

Mineral water is water obtained from natural source. The amount of solid dissolved substances in mineral water should be a minimum of 250 parts per million. The composition of the water is confirmed by laboratory tests by evaporating one liter of water at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius and monitoring the resulting sediment. If the water contains up to 249 mg of solid dissolved substances per liter, then it is classified as “spring water”. If the indicator is from 250 to 500 mg, then this is “water of low mineralization.” “Highly mineralized water” contains more than 500 mg of minerals per liter. Real mineral water is extracted from underground water resources in protected areas. It can be carbonated and... Normally, no additional minerals are added to such water.

Healing mineral water, unlike table water, should be taken as medicine: in strictly limited doses and on the recommendation of a doctor.

What are the harms of mineral water?

With all the advantages of mineral water and its undoubted benefits for people, it is still called into question. So what are these doubts? Firstly, its composition may include far from useful minerals, and these are sodium, sulfur and nitrate. When purchasing mineral water in a store, look for substances such as calcium, magnesium and potassium in its composition. These minerals are especially valuable for maintaining the health of the body. Secondly, if there is a deficiency of minerals, it is recommended to compensate for them under the supervision of a doctor. For example, if there is a lack of iron, the doctor prescribes iron supplements in the required dosage. And drinking mineral water cannot guarantee to meet the body’s needs. Moreover, the composition of water varies depending on the source and choosing the necessary combination of substances can be quite difficult. Thirdly, water packaged in plastic bottle, loses its strength, especially if it is stored in the sun or under high temperature air. In addition, such water does not cost . It turns out that you are overpaying for water, the composition of which is approximately the same as that of tap water.

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