Wild strawberries - beneficial properties. The benefits of strawberries for the human body and contraindications for use. What are the benefits of dried strawberries?

Strawberries are dried and then used in medical purposes. To do this, they are collected either early in the morning, when the dew has disappeared, or at the end of the day, and then freed from the stalks. Ideally, it is best to first sprinkle the strawberries in a thin layer and dry them in the sun under a canopy, and only then dry them in an oven or oven at a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Although, of course, you can immediately place the strawberries in the oven and dry there at a temperature of 60-65 degrees. When the berries stop sticking to your hands, you can consider them completely dried.

Dried strawberries They have a bright red color, a pleasant aroma and a sweet and sour taste. Most often, an infusion is prepared from them, which is taken 3 times a day, 1/3-1/2 cup: 2 tbsp. spoons of berries are poured into 1 cup of boiling water, left for 30-40 minutes, then filtered.

Keep dried strawberries should be in tin boxes. The shelf life of the berries is 2 years.


1. It is considered advisable to systematically consume juice fresh berries strawberries or infusion of dried berries and leaves in the treatment of diabetes.

2. An infusion of dried strawberries is used for general loss of strength, and also as a vitamin and tonic.

3. In folk medicine, fresh and dried strawberry leaves, roots and berries are used as a diuretic that promotes the release of salts from the body for certain joint diseases, gout, liver and spleen diseases, and atherosclerosis.


Preparations containing strawberries (berries), as well as strawberries themselves, are contraindicated for:


hyperacid gastritis;

The sweet and aromatic strawberry was probably everyone’s favorite treat in childhood. Most people appreciate it for being pleasant. fragrant aroma and taste. But besides this, a small wild strawberry bush has great healing power.

Strawberries grow in sunny forest glades, meadows, hills, clearings, among bushes, in light forests. Wild strawberries are widespread in the European part of Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia and Central Asia. Most often found in the form of natural thickets. For example, in the central regions of Russia you can collect about 100 kg of strawberries from 1 hectare, and in clearings - about 200 kg. The berries here are very large and juicy.

It's grassy perennial belongs to the Rosaceae family. Strawberries have a short rhizome and creeping shoots that take root at the nodes. On long petioles there are green trifoliate leaves covered with silky hairs below. small flowers white collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences and located on high pedicels. Blooms from May to June. Wild strawberry fruits are bright red fragrant berries, which ripen in late June and July.

Chemical composition

Wild strawberries are a valuable source of vitamins. It contains a large number of ascorbic acid, as well as carotene, folic acid, vitamins B1, B2, PP, pectin and tannins. Strawberries also contain citric, salicylic, malic and quinic acids, which give the berry its sourness.

The berries contain easily digestible sugars fructose and glucose. Berries also contain a lot of microelements (copper, cobalt, iron, manganese) involved in hematopoiesis, and mineral salts(calcium, phosphorus, potassium).

The leaves contain ascorbic acid, tannins, carotene, alkaloids, polysaccharides. The rhizomes contain tannins and iron. A lot of iron is found in strawberry seeds.

Interesting fact: There is twice as much iron in strawberries as in plums and 40 times as much as in grapes. Wild strawberries are in first place among berries and fruits in terms of calcium content.

Useful properties and uses of wild strawberries

Strawberries are very popular among people medicine and is widely used in folk medicine for various diseases.

Beneficial features:

  • The plant has hemostatic, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, astringent, diuretic and diaphoretic effects.
  • As a diuretic, strawberries help eliminate salts, with gout, various diseases of the joints, liver, spleen and atherosclerosis.
  • Wild strawberries improve metabolism and blood composition.
  • Expands blood vessels, increases the amplitude and slows down the rhythm of heart contractions, strengthens uterine contractions and increases its tone.
  • Is good remedy for the treatment of gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, hypertension and anemia.
  • Wild strawberries are useful for diabetes and pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • It is used externally to treat age spots, eczema, purulent wounds, ulcers, acne, as well as sore throat and laryngitis.
  • Strawberries are simply irreplaceable during the season respiratory diseases, as a preventive and restorative remedy.

If you eat strawberries every day for 2-3 weeks during the season on an empty stomach, then after 2-3 years you can get rid of gout, hypertension, peptic ulcer stomach, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis and many intestinal diseases.

Very similar in properties to strawberries - blueberries. Probably many have heard the phrase “In the house where they eat strawberries and blueberries, the doctor has nothing to do.”
Medicinal raw materials are leaves, berries and roots of strawberries, as in fresh, and in dried form.

Beneficial properties of wild strawberries

  1. Berries have a very good effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Their use helps improve heart function, increases its performance and endurance. Strawberry fruits have long been used in folk medicine for heart diseases. At hypertension and atherosclerosis, it is recommended to consume berries fresh and in large quantities. They are a good remedy for anemia. Also, eating berries helps the body get rid of cholesterol.
  2. Strawberries normalize intestinal function and improve digestion, perfectly quench thirst and improve appetite. Strawberries are used for inflammation of the biliary tract and stomach diseases. It is useful for constipation, worms, hemorrhoids.
  3. Berries improve kidney function. Strawberry-based infusions and decoctions are an excellent diuretic. Strawberries are used for cystitis, gout, and uric acid diathesis. Indispensable fresh fruits for anemia, atherosclerosis, spleen diseases.
  4. Fresh berry juice has a hypoglycemic effect, so it is very useful for diabetics.
  5. Strawberries are widely used in cosmetology. Strawberry masks rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. They are also used to get rid of acne and freckles.
  6. Phytoncides of berries, capable of killing microbes, are used in aqueous solutions for rinsing for various diseases of the throat and oral cavity. They will also help get rid of unpleasant odor from mouth. Eating fresh berries helps dissolve tartar.

Collection and preparation of wild strawberries

Strawberries should be picked in sunny weather. better in the morning when the dew has gone and in the evening. Berries are dried in the shade or under a canopy; properly dried berries are easily poured. You also need to choose the right surface for drying strawberries, for example, wood, to avoid oxidation of the berries. Dried strawberries can be stored for up to 2 years in a glass jar or bag.
From dried berries to medicinal purposes prepare a decoction: 4 tbsp. spoons of berries pour 500 ml of boiling water. Drink half a glass of the decoction three times a day.

Beneficial properties of wild strawberry leaves

Collection and preparation of wild strawberry leaves

Strawberry leaves are harvested in May - June, when the plant blooms. Like berries, they are dried in the shade, stirring frequently. Dried wild strawberry leaves can be stored for 1 year in linen bags.

Beneficial properties of wild strawberry roots

  1. Presence of strawberries in roots tannins and alkaloids determines them beneficial features. An infusion of roots is recommended as a cleanser, helps remove toxins from the body, and cleanses the blood.
  2. The medicinal properties of the roots are used in the treatment of dysentery, spleen, liver, Bladder and kidneys.
  3. An infusion of wild strawberry roots was used for heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea, uterine fibroids. Recipe for infusion of strawberry roots: pour 1 teaspoon of crushed dry roots with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes.

Collection and preparation of wild strawberry roots

The roots are dug up in the spring during the flowering period or in the fall. They should be washed in cold water and dry in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. When dried, the roots are stored for up to 3 years in linen bags.

For medicinal purposes, the berries, leaves and roots of wild strawberries are used exclusively. The roots and leaves of garden strawberries cannot be used for treatment, as they can be poisonous.

Though medicinal properties Wild strawberries are described in many books; before using them for medicinal purposes, you should consult a doctor.

The use of strawberries in cosmetology

The use of plant berries in cosmetology is very welcome. Even in ancient times, they were used to wipe the face to get rid of freckles. And noble ladies, to have a smooth and beautiful skin, took baths with the addition of strawberry juice.
IN for cosmetic purposes prepare masks and lotions for facial skin using the juice and pulp of strawberries.

  • Used to remove freckles, acne, age spots pure juice from berries for rubbing the skin. The juice can also be mixed with glycerin.
  • To smooth out wrinkles, use a lotion: mix ¼ cup of fresh berry juice with 0.5 g of salicylic acid powder, 1 cup of vodka and ¼ cup cucumber juice. Wipe wrinkled skin with this lotion every evening for 20–30 days. If the skin is dry, then 1 glass of vodka can be replaced with 1 glass of wine.
  • For freshness and velvety facial skin, make a mask of fresh juice, applied to a cleansed face. After 15-20 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water.
  • For flaky and dry skin, this mask is suitable: 3-4 berries, 1 teaspoon of sour cream (you can use rich cream) and 1 teaspoon of honey. After 20 minutes, rinse the mask with warm water.

Harvesting wild strawberries

An excellent way to prepare strawberries is to freeze the berries, thus preserving all their beneficial properties.

Another very simple and tasty way to prepare berries is strawberry jam or berries in their own juice.
And from dried leaves Using wild strawberries in the forest winter, you can prepare aromatic strawberry tea.

Contraindications for use

Allergy to strawberries. Some people may experience hives, swelling, and itchy skin even from the sight and smell of strawberries.
It is not recommended to use strawberry preparations during pregnancy, long-term hepatic and renal colic, increased secretion gastric juice, appendicitis.

When taking strawberries on an empty stomach, nausea and abdominal pain may occur. In this case, it is better to eat it with sour cream or cream after eating 30 minutes later.

Strawberries are contraindicated for ulcers duodenum, dyskinesia biliary tract. Complications may occur with pancreatitis.

The queen of the home garden is a berry that once came to us from America, successfully took root in our soils and became a real treasure trove of vitamins for people of all ages.

Garden and forest strawberries are equally loved by young and old, and I must say, for good reason.

It has been proven that strawberries are second only to black currants in vitamin C content. Daily norm, necessary for the body person, are only 97 grams of berries. So consider what is more profitable: a large orange from the market or a few fresh strawberries from the garden. And in terms of content folic acid The strawberries left behind both the raspberries and the grapes.

A ripe, dark-colored berry contains a lot of iodine, which the body often lacks.

Experts believe that if you eat 4-5 medium-sized strawberries every day, you can successfully improve your health over the summer season. immune system.

But the most optimal thing is to eat up to 200 grams of strawberries per day, provided that there are no contraindications. At this dose, within a few days of eating fresh berries, the body will be saturated with all vitamins and microelements for a long period.

Strawberries are 9/10 water, and only a tenth is the relatively solid mass of the berry. This natural cocktail contains vitamins:

  • B1, B2, B6, B9,
  • PP, E, C and K,

the most beneficial minerals for humans:

  • potassium,
  • calcium,
  • magnesium,
  • phosphorus and sodium.

Strawberries also contain:

  • zinc,
  • copper,
  • iron,
  • selenium,
  • manganese and fluorine.

The unique combination of vitamins and micro- and macroelements makes it such a unique berry.

The predominantly aqueous structure of the berry makes it low-calorie product: per 100 grams of fresh strawberries there are only 30 kcal.

When frozen, the berry retains almost the same calories (27 kcal). Dried strawberries already gain 286 kcal, berry jam contains approximately the same amount.

However, even sick people are allowed to consume fresh berries. diabetes mellitus, for which sucrose is a critical component in any product.

The difference between forest and garden

Wild strawberries are not as widespread as garden strawberries, but their beneficial properties and value for the body are even higher in a number of ways due to their content:

  • organic acids,
  • sucrose,
  • and the presence of tannins and pectin substances.

100 grams of leaves of this berry contain 380 mg of ascorbic acid.

What are the specific health benefits of strawberries?

By feeding us with vitamins and microelements, the berry strengthens and improves the immune system. A high content Strawberries contain folic acid and iron allowing the body to cope with anemia.

Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other microelements are involved in human metabolism, helping the blood vessels of the heart and brain.

Strawberries are an excellent antioxidant and promote cell renewal. Fresh Juice The berries are useful for certain diseases, especially because they have disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties.

In particular, wild strawberries are often recommended for scurvy, uterine bleeding and liver diseases, and flowers - for cardiovascular diseases and kidney stone disease.

Strawberry infusions and decoctions are widely used as a diaphoretic and are used for gastrointestinal diseases.

Being dietary product, fresh strawberries are approved for consumption by patients with diabetes and hypertension; they help remove excess moisture from the body and regulate blood glucose levels.

But every body is individual, and strawberries can cause severe allergies in some people.

Caution must be used when increased acidity and ulcers of the stomach and intestines, with cholecystitis and appendicitis, with hepatic colic. If a person does not want to deny himself the pleasure of trying a berry in the summer season, then to exclude allergic reaction on the gastric mucosa and causing harm, it is recommended to eat strawberries with fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

Pediatricians do not recommend giving strawberries to children under 3 years of age. pure form so as not to get diathesis or other reaction of an immature gastrointestinal tract child. It is better to carefully and gradually introduce crushed berries in small quantities into milkshakes.

Pregnant women should also limit their intake of strawberries.

Strawberry seeds contain a high content of zinc, which helps to increase male potency. Recently, Scottish scientists published a study according to which strawberries and raspberries increase sexual activity.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of strawberries, flowers, leaves and stems are used. On their basis you can make infusions and decoctions.

It is believed that it is best to collect raw materials during the flowering period of strawberries, when there is a lot of juice in all elements of the plant. You can brew it right away, but many people prefer to store it for future use so that they can use the dry herb as tea.

Wild strawberry tea:

  • The berry must be picked with the stalk, you can use everything down to the tendrils;
  • pour boiling water over the mixture, leave for a few minutes, then dilute hot water and drink as tea 2-3 times a day.

Excellent soothing, also thanks to the incredible aroma.

Tea from garden strawberries: Uses the beneficial properties of mature leaves collected in summer.

First, they must be washed, dried, kneaded and left for several hours in cardboard box. You can air dry or oven dry. For brewing, 5 leaves per half liter of boiling water is enough.

Diuretic infusion:

  • 3 tablespoons of berries, preferably wild strawberries, pour 300 g of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 30-40 minutes.

Drink, after straining, half a glass before meals. You can gargle by slightly diluting the infusion with boiled water.

Mixture for weeping wounds and rashes:

  • Crush 4-5 of the ripest berries with a wooden spoon, be sure to save the seeds;
  • spread the pulp in a 1 cm layer on a cotton cloth and apply to the affected area;
  • keep for no more than 15 minutes so that the acid does not harm the wound.

Strawberry juice for heart, kidneys, bronchitis:

depending on the disease, you need to choose the right second component, which is mixed with strawberry in a 1:1 ratio:

  • lemon juice is worth choosing for kidney disease,
  • carrot for ischemia and osteochondrosis,
  • honey for sore throat and bronchitis,
  • hot milk can be used as a universal component.

It is enough to drink such juices with strawberries a glass a day, but for a long time, at least two weeks.

Infusion for neuroses:

  • Strawberry and clover flowers are crushed and mixed 1:1;
  • pour 300 ml of boiling water per 20 g of mixture;
  • leave for an hour, covered with a lid, then add honey to taste and drink warm 3 times a day.

For insomnia, you can add 1 tablespoon of valerian or mymy to the mixture.

Decoction for lung diseases, including tuberculosis:

  • Brew 10 branches of strawberries with berries with boiling water (half a liter) and leave in a thermos for an hour;
  • The decoction is prepared daily and drunk throughout the day.

If allergies do not occur, then you can treat this way for a month, then take a break for a week and resume.

Application in cosmetology

Strawberries contain a lot of copper and amino acids, so the berry is often used in cosmetology: they make masks that are nourishing, whitening and drying.

After exposure to strawberries, the skin of the face and neck becomes elastic, clean, soft and smooth. The juice of the berry is used to lighten freckles and age spots.

And if you mix juicy strawberries with cottage cheese or cream, you get natural whey. Berry masks with honey are effective, lemon juice and egg yolk.

If you mix strawberry and cucumber juice in equal proportions and add a quarter teaspoon salicylic acid and half a glass of dry wine, you will get an excellent refreshing lotion that can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days and wiped over the face in the mornings and evenings, achieving elasticity of the skin.

Many women willingly freeze strawberries in portioned molds - such ice pills perfectly refresh the skin of the face, including under the eyes.

To prepare the mask, you need to choose the ripest berries: mash with a spoon (preferably a wooden one) and apply the resulting pulp on your face for 15 minutes. If the skin is oily, then it is enough to pre-lubricate it with strawberry juice. If your facial skin is dry, then before applying the paste you should apply a thin layer of any vegetable oil.

This mask nourishes and whitens well:

  • egg yolk, teaspoon olive oil, tablespoon oat bran(or flour) and a spoonful of strawberry juice - stir until the mass thickens, hold for 15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Strawberry juice mixed with aloe juice perfectly disinfects and relieves skin inflammation.

How to store?

You can adopt the storage method used by farmers who grow strawberries on plantations and sell them in bulk:

  1. Slightly unripe berries should be dried, without washing or removing the stems.
  2. Spread paper or cotton cloth on a baking sheet or the bottom of a box and distribute the densest berries in one layer, placing them on the base so that the berries do not touch.
  3. Covering the top of the box with a lid or breathable cloth, leave the strawberries in a cool place. It will be stored for 4 days without losing freshness.

The method of storing strawberries in syrup is known to many:

  • For 4 cups of water take 1 cup of sugar. The berries are poured with boiled syrup, covered and sent to the refrigerator.

Strawberry jam is the most common option for storing berries, in which the strawberry retains maximum beneficial properties. The most popular is the five-minute jam preparation method, in which the berry is subjected to a short heat treatment:

  1. sugar and berries are taken 1:1, placed in a pan;
  2. add a spoonful of apple or cranberry vinegar and a small pinch of salt to them;
  3. when the strawberries begin to release juice, you need to bring the jam to a boil with gurgling, preventing the berries from falling apart;
  4. then place in sterile jars, close the lids and sterilize in boiling water for 10 minutes.

An effective way to store strawberries is to freeze them dry and with sugar. At the same time, almost all the benefits of the berry are preserved, and the calorie content is reduced by only 3-4 units. Frozen strawberries do not lose their beneficial properties, and in this form the product can be stored for six months or even a year.

Wrap a flat dish (baking tray) in film or parchment, spread the berries in one layer and place in the freezer for 2 hours.

Having taken it out, you just need to carefully roll up the frozen berries in a bag, squeezing out the air, and put them in the freezer for long-term storage.

You can make several of these portioned bags of berries and place them in a stack, so that you can then choose in portions, rather than defrosting the entire batch.

To prevent the berry from losing its taste when defrosting, you can sprinkle it with sugar when placing it. Just as in the first case, first freeze it slightly on paper, then wrap it in a bag and put it in the freezer for a whole year.

Another way:

Using a blender, turn the strawberries into puree, pour into containers and put in the freezer, sprinkled with powdered sugar (take 300-500 grams of sugar for 1 kg of berries). In this case, the berry puree will retain the aroma, however, when defrosted, the mass will turn out to be even more watery.

If space in the freezer allows, then it is best to pack the strawberries and sugar into boxes, placing them on paper with the base facing up. It is necessary to ensure that there is as little air in the containers with berries as possible, so they will last longer.

Dried strawberries retain their beneficial properties and can be stored for up to two years; the only problem may be mold.

Therefore, the drying process must be carried out perfectly:

  • It’s better to select small berries, wash and dry them in a natural way, then in the oven in two stages - at 35°C until the berries are wrinkled, and at 70°C until dry.

Keep the strawberries in the oven for no more than 40-45 minutes, otherwise they will stick together. Having taken it out, place the berries in thick cotton bags, tie them tightly and store them in a dark, dry place, periodically checking them for mold.

Dried strawberries retain fats and amino acids, and in this form their calorie content is significantly increased. But dried berries Can always be used for tea, baking a cake or making drinks.

Breeders all over the world today are actively working on developing new varieties of this amazing berry. This means that people have the opportunity to choose which strawberries to eat fresh, taking into account their amazing properties, and which varieties should be purchased for longer storage.

You can dry strawberries for the winter using either the berry or the leaf. Dry berries will be a delicacy for tea, and dry leaves will become the tea itself. The biggest problem is drying the berries.

How to dry strawberries

It is difficult to dry juicy berries. A person who decides to make supplies for the winter by drying faces many dangers. The slightest oversight - and the berries will rot or become moldy. At the same time, if artificially created too high temperature, you can lose a lot of valuable substances, for the sake of which reserves are produced.

  • Preparatory stage.The main condition is not to wash, because berries soaked in additional moisture can become sour, ferment, rot or mold. For clean housewives, this condition often seems unacceptable. However, drying berries requires a special approach and look at the harvesting procedure.

This method requires the most time and attention. You have to constantly monitor the weather and transfer berries from outside to indoors and back. For this reason, it is better to lay them out on fabric or paper, which are placed on an easily portable wooden or metal base. Fabric and paper should not be dyed, as the dye may adversely affect the beneficial properties of strawberries or wild strawberries. It is better to use unbleached brown paper or gauze.

It's more simple and quick way production of dry berries. After preparatory stage The fruits are laid out on a baking sheet and placed in the oven. The process begins with a temperature of 40 degrees. In this mode, the berries are dried for 2-3 hours. Then you need to take out the baking sheet, turn the berries over and continue the process for another 2 hours, but at a temperature of 60 degrees.

The times given here are approximate. It all depends on the size and condition of the fruit. The degree of readiness can be judged by color and grains. Initially light red fruits change color to bright burgundy. At the same time, the grains become bright and shiny.

Dried strawberries are placed in a glass jar, cloth bag or paper bag. Don't forget that this delicious product Not only people like it. Various insects will definitely be interested in them, because dried strawberries, and especially wild strawberries, emit a strong smell. It can be visited by ants, cockroaches, moths - small butterflies like moths, which prefer to eat cereals, flour and dried fruits instead of fur coats. For this reason, the most reliable storage method fragrant berries are glass jars.

Harvesting leaves

Strawberry leaf is used for:

  • flu;
  • sore throat (rinsing);
  • stomach cramps;
  • gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • liver diseases;
  • pancreatitis.

The leaf has a particularly beneficial effect on digestive system.

It is usually recommended to harvest the leaf while the plants are flowering. However, this rule is not absolute. It’s just that during this period the plant is most active and filled with maximum beneficial properties. For strawberries and strawberries, the period of fruit ripening is not fundamentally different from flowering, so you can collect leaves both during flowering and during fruiting. But after the fruits are ripe, it is undesirable to collect the leaves, since they lose their beneficial properties.

To dry, you need to collect the leaves so that they do not need to be washed. After collecting, it is enough to place them somewhere in a dry place, but away from direct sunlight. It is better to store them in a closed glass jar. They are less liked various insects. However, the moth may well lay eggs in them, and cockroaches may choose them as a refuge.

Where can dried strawberries be used?

Dried strawberries, despite following the drying regime, lose some of their beneficial properties. However, it retains the aroma and richness of taste.

Dried strawberries and strawberries can be used in:

  • pies as a filling and part of the dough;
  • making ice cream;
  • formation of various cocktails;
  • making homemade sweets with berry filling.

All these delicious culinary masterpieces can be combined with strawberry leaf tea. Since the leaves are useful, but do not have a bright berry aroma, you can add black currant, linden, lemongrass, and raspberry leaves to tea. Based on this tea, you can create a cocktail with dried berries and ice cream.

Strawberry leaves: beneficial properties (video)

Here are just a few examples of how small plants with fragrant fruits can be used. If you also prepare for the winter, for example, black currants pureed with sugar, then your ability to create culinary works of art will increase several times.

Hello, dear readers!

Many of our housewives begin to prepare for winter from the very first summer days to provide for the family more vitamins. And one of these optimal options The preparation is dried strawberries, where all the beneficial properties and taste characteristics of fresh berries are preserved to the maximum extent possible.

This product takes up little space, stores well and is used as natural food. vitamin supplement for various desserts or baked goods in cooking. How nice it is to warm up in cold weather with a glass of aromatic strawberry tea.

After all, such a fortified drink with a subtle taste of summer can not only invigorate a person for the whole day, but also really boost immunity, which is very necessary for each of us in winter or during the off-season.

In order for you to learn more about dried strawberries, we will talk to you about their nutritional and energy value. You will find out what it consists of, what positive qualities has how its use affects the human body, where it is used and how to prepare this dried berry at home. Interesting? Then stay on this page!

Dried strawberries are not only a continuation of the summer pleasure that we received during the season from delicious juicy aromatic berries, but also a valuable storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. Because in these dried fruits are saved almost unchanged:

  • potassium;
  • boron;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • gland;
  • calcium;
  • silicon;
  • Selena;
  • chlorine

The calorie content of 100 grams of dried strawberries is about 290 kcal. And thanks unique combination biologically active nutrients, this natural product has excellent:

  1. Antioxidant;
  2. Wound healing;
  3. Immunostimulating;
  4. Antimicrobial;
  5. Antiseptic;
  6. Diuretics;
  7. Antipyretic;
  8. Hematopoietic;
  9. Anti-inflammatory;
  10. Regenerating;
  11. Antidepressant characteristics.

The whole range of these beneficial properties, according to many experts, helps people:

  • Tone the nervous system.
  • Relieve depressive tension.
  • Stimulate the thyroid gland.
  • Increase hemoglobin.
  • Restore water-salt balance, intestinal microflora, skin elasticity, impaired metabolism.
  • Improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Prevent the formation of malignant tumors.
  • Eliminate hemorrhoidal formations.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Remove waste, toxins, radionuclides from the body.
  • Relieve swelling.
  • Stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Strengthen your gums.
  • Reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Increase sexual activity.
  • Activate memory and mental activity.

Therefore, today doctors, along with protocol practice, recommend the parallel use of dry strawberries for treatment:

  1. Periodontal disease;
  2. Anemia;
  3. Gout;
  4. Flu;
  5. Hypertension;
  6. Colds;
  7. Gastrointestinal disorders;
  8. Atherosclerosis;
  9. Esophageal cancer;
  10. Insomnia;
  11. Scurvy;
  12. Eczema;
  13. Constipation;
  14. Cardiovascular pathologies;
  15. Rheumatism;
  16. Acne;
  17. Cystitis;
  18. Diseases of the respiratory system.

How to dry strawberries yourself?

To get high-quality dried strawberries, and the process itself went correctly, no matter what recipe you choose, you must follow certain rules.

  1. For drying, you can take both cultivated varieties and berries no signs of damage.
  2. They should be:
  • Correct shape;
  • Rich red color;
  • Not overripe;
  • Solid texture;
  • Sweet to taste, without the smell of mold or mustiness.
  • The best option here would be fruits collected with your own hands at the dacha or in the forest.
    • Separate the prepared berries from the stalk;
    • Rinse them well under cool running water;
    • Place the berries on a paper towel to dry thoroughly.

    And then each berry should be carefully cut into thin, 3-5 mm even slices, and then proceed directly to the process itself.

    In general, strawberries can be dried at home in several ways. I will tell you about the simplest and most popular ones further.

    On air

    This is the easiest way to dry strawberries, which our grandmothers used. They simply strung small berries on a thread, hung them up and simply dried them in the sun.

    And as another option, you can lay out the strawberry slices on a thick sheet of whatman paper, under which flat surface there are several layers of old newspapers. Such protection is necessary to prevent printing ink from getting onto the finished product.

    Here, the juice released from fresh berries must first be absorbed into whatman paper and then soak into newspapers. The latter need to be changed every 5 hours, and the berries themselves should be turned over after that. The drying time for strawberries according to this recipe is four days.

    In an electric dryer

    Today, the most suitable option for drying strawberries, as well as at home, is an electric dryer. It is successfully used by modern housewives for preparing healthy berries. This process is quite simple, convenient and optimal.

    To carry it out directly you should:

    1. Loosely place the prepared fresh strawberry slices on perforated trays.
    2. Set the equipment to a temperature no higher than 60 degrees to preserve all the beneficial properties of ripe berries.
    3. Put the electrical appliance into operation.
    4. During the drying process, you need to swap the trays from time to time: top to bottom, bottom to top to ensure uniform drying of the strawberry slices.

    One load in an electric dryer can dry up to 2 kilograms of fresh berries. You can spend up to 12 hours on this, and the output will be about 140 grams of dry product.

    You can watch the entire process of preparing strawberries in an electric dryer in the following video.

    To summarize my opus, I want to warn you that you should not use dried strawberries in your diet. do not do it people with:

    • Allergies;
    • Increased acidity;
    • Hepatic colic;
    • Chronic appendicitis.

    This dried fruit should be consumed with caution by children, pregnant women or women during lactation. Otherwise it's tasty treat Almost everyone can.

    It can be used to make cupcakes, mousses or cocktails; add to various cereals, cottage cheese, yogurt; it goes perfectly with cream in delicious desserts.

    This natural product is also used in recipes. traditional medicine. Moreover, you can not only make it yourself, but also buy it at affordable price in a supermarket or specialized online store.

    The main thing is to adhere to measures in everything, do not forget about contraindications and follow storage rules.

    Good luck to all! See you!

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