Air flow teeth cleaning: pros, cons and patient reviews. What does teeth cleaning with air flow equipment do, what is it?

The other day I visited for the first time in my life a complex procedure called professional hygiene teeth with ultrasound and Air-flow system . I know that many people do these procedures separately, but it seems to me that it is in this complex that the method of putting teeth and gums in order is more effective.

3 days have passed since visiting the doctor and I can already tell you about my feelings during the procedure and after.

So. I need to start with the fact that I have never resorted to any of the procedures before. Sometimes during dental treatment I simply asked the dentist to use a polishing attachment and a special paste to remove plaque from my lower front teeth, where it is most noticeable. That was the end of it. But over the almost 40 years I’ve lived, I can’t call the condition of my teeth terrible; I’ve never had any problems.

But recently I have started to worry about problems with my gums: there is no bleeding, but they have become inflamed from time to time. The dentist advised me to undergo a comprehensive procedure for teeth cleaning with ultrasound and Air-flow. Just at the clinic near home whole month There was a promotion for this very procedure, I decided to sign up and finally do it.

I must say that I was afraid of these procedures in advance, because out of my stupidity I had previously watched enough videos online and read reviews, most of which were that it was terribly painful and that I needed to give an injection (although I even treat my teeth without injections, not love them). I thought that, sorry, I would have a mouth full of blood, etc. In fact, both procedures turned out to be completely painless for me! For teeth and gums...

Now about each of the procedures separately. Before they started doing all this to me, they put a protective cap on me, and my eyes were protected from splashes and powder flying in all directions with plastic goggles. A plastic expander was inserted into the mouth, this is, of course, an unpleasant moment, but necessary to have access to all the teeth in the mouth.

Ultrasonic cleaning

For me it doesn't hurt at all. I understand that under the pressure of water, the teeth with the help of a metal nozzle get rid of the most noticeable deposits of tartar. Well, yes, the whistling sound is not very pleasant, but it did not cause any irritation or fear in me. My gums felt normal, I also did not experience any unpleasant damage to tooth enamel or increased tooth sensitivity in the treated areas. In general, for me this part of the procedure turned out to be the calmest and most pleasant.

Air flow cleaning

I was already relaxed, thinking that since ultrasound and cleaning teeth with a metal thing are such garbage, then some kind of powder under pressure is generally a ridiculous procedure, imperceptible. But I was wrong))) Perhaps I have some kind of non-standard structure and sensitivity of my teeth and skin of my lips, but my teeth and gums under the pressure of this blown powder didn’t hurt me at all, but my lips... It’s some kind of nightmare! From the taste in my mouth, I realized that the powder used in the Air-flow method contains soda. And soda in such a lethal concentration brought my lips (the lower ones suffered more severely) to a ragged state (((That was very painful! Terrible redness, as if the delicate skin of the lips had simply been torn off. But perhaps this is mine individual feature too sensitive and delicate skin of the lips.

Otherwise, everything was OK, my gums hardly bled, only in a few places where I had obvious problems with gum inflammation.

After such a comprehensive cleaning, they polished my teeth with a special nozzle with paste, and then applied fluoride varnish, warning me not to drink for an hour and not to eat for 2 hours. Well, do not consume drinks or food that stain the enamel for 2-3 days after professional cleaning. That's what I did.

I was pleased with the result, although I cannot say that my teeth became whiter, although the plaque was removed from them with powder. They became a little lighter, but, most importantly, they became cleaner! Because this is still not whitening, but a hygienic procedure aimed at removing noticeable plaque and tartar.

Well, now I’ll show you photos before and after the procedure. It’s a shame, of course, that I walked around with such teeth for a long time...And by the way, I don't smoke, but lower teeth plaque forms very quickly and without smoking, and without drinking wild amounts of coffee and tea ((

Shame - but these are teeth before professional cleaning

After comprehensive hygiene, my result is this:

My teeth didn’t become much whiter, but definitely cleaner! Photo the next morning after cleaning

Moreover, I will also show you what lips I came with and how they were damaged in the end. It's a pity that I didn't take a photo right after the procedure...

Lips before professional teeth cleaning procedure. No damage...

Now healthy teeth and a snow-white smile is not just a tribute to fashion. IN Lately not only people with oral diseases, but also those who simply want to have beautiful smile and maintain dental health into old age. Some people decide to have it professionally cleaned, while for others home remedies are enough. However, many whitening and cleaning methods can negatively affect the health and condition of tooth enamel. To prevent this from happening, you need to use high-quality methods that will not cause any harm to the enamel. One such remedy is air flow teeth cleaning. What is it and how does it work?

Air flow teeth cleaning. What is it and why is it so popular?

It is worth saying that such a system does not whiten teeth completely. In essence, this is simply a very high-quality cleaning of plaque and bacteria. As a result, the teeth get their true natural color. Of course, the smile becomes brighter, but you don’t need to expect a completely snow-white effect. Cleaning teeth air flow is simply a procedure that helps to give your teeth a natural shade. This will be especially noticeable in those who suffer from bad habits and drink a lot of tea or coffee.

How is professional air flow teeth cleaning performed?

So, how is air flow teeth cleaning done? What is it? The entire process is carried out using a sandblasting machine. Under high pressure the device begins to spray the composition from the air, baking soda and water. There is no need to be afraid that soda will harm the enamel - its particles are so small that they will not destroy the enamel, but will do an excellent job of removing plaque. Regular soda harms enamel, but this mixture is even more effective than many toothpastes. The procedure itself does not cause discomfort and does not cause discomfort. The solution has a lemon flavor. Cleaning itself refers to special hygiene procedures that help maintain the health and beauty of the oral cavity.

Brushing teeth with the air flow system has the following advantages:

Speed ​​of procedure and absence pain, which are inherent in many other systems;
- the solution is absolutely harmless to enamel;
- cleaning not only the teeth, but also braces and other structures;
- effective removal dental plaque and soft deposits;
- high-quality cleaning of even the most inaccessible areas;
- lightening the enamel and getting rid of bacteria.

Indications for the procedure:

Pigment spots on teeth, teeth coloring yellow. The procedure is especially recommended for smokers and those who drink a lot of coffee and black tea;
- use of braces and other systems that require careful cleaning;
- as preparation for a professional whitening method;
- as a prevention of periodontitis and other gum diseases;
- reduction pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity.

Video: Brushing teeth with air flow


Despite the availability and popularity of the method, brushing teeth with air flow is contraindicated for some people. These include:

The enamel is too sensitive and thin. It is recommended to first carry out a series of procedures to strengthen tooth enamel;
- pregnancy, lactation period;
- kidney diseases;
- chronic diseases upper respiratory tract(asthma, bronchitis);
- use of drugs that regulate salt exchanges in organism;
- severe stages caries and others inflammatory processes oral cavity;
- individual intolerance to the body, allergy to citrus fruits.

If you are still not confident in using this method, you can consult a dentist.

What is the procedure for brushing teeth with an air flow device?

The whole process is very quick and painless. The doctor puts a cap on the patient’s head and covers his eyes with glasses. This stage is called preparatory.

The doctor then inserts a special dental vacuum cleaner under the tongue, which is designed to suck out unnecessary fluid and clean the results. If you do not use such an instrument, the patient will have to constantly spit or swallow the contents.

Then the doctor begins to work on each tooth in turn, using the device and holding it in a certain way. The procedure does not affect the mucous tissue of the gums. After the process is completed, the specialist applies fluoride gel to the client’s teeth, which strengthens the enamel and reduces sensitivity.

Video: Teeth cleaning and whitening air flow

At the time of cleaning, the natural protective film is removed, which will restore itself after several hours. That is why the patient is not recommended to smoke or drink tea, coffee and other coloring drinks after the procedure.

Within a few days it will be felt increased sensitivity teeth, which will then go away on its own. Don't worry about this.

Usually, after cleaning, the doctor gives some recommendations that you should definitely listen to. For example, you need to change toothbrush to a new one. There are still bacteria on the old one, which will again lead to the appearance of plaque. You also need to buy a special mouthwash. Experts advise carrying out the procedure at least once a year.

This technique is very popular at the moment. It is harmless, carried out quickly and does not cause discomfort. However, air flow teeth cleaning also has its disadvantages. For example:

The system does not have a method for making teeth whiter. It just clears plaque;

Hard parts of tartar cannot be removed in this way. In this case, ultrasonic cleaning is used;

Sometimes there is a possibility of gum damage, especially if the work is performed by an illiterate specialist.

Prices for the service depend on the qualifications of the doctor and the prestige of the clinic. Usually the price is about 1000 or 1500 rubles per session. Many people are quite happy with it.

However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get by with just brushing your teeth using the air flow method. Ultrasonic cleaning of teeth from stone is often also required. After the procedure, the teeth need to be polished. This also costs money. Also, a certain amount is charged for treating the dentition with a solution containing fluoride. Therefore, the entire procedure will cost about 4,000. In many clinics, doctors first provide free consultations, determine the condition of the oral cavity and recommend one or another set of procedures. If there acute diseases, you need to get rid of them first.

Professional teeth cleaning with Air Flow is good way eliminate stone deposits and return the enamel to its natural shade. This painless and safe procedure is performed in dental clinics. Air Flow device

Air Flow system - what is it?

Air Flow is used when cleaning teeth Swiss apparatus. The essence of the method is that treatment occurs with a special medicinal solution under balanced pressure. The product contains sodium bicarbonate and oxygen flow. It does not harm the enamel because it consists of small particles. The device is equipped with two nozzles. A solution of abrasive powder in water is supplied through the first, and an air stream is supplied through the second.

Removal of harmful substances that peel off from the enamel occurs with dental instruments that absorb food pieces and plaque. The specialist gently and scrupulously cleans each tooth, eliminating harmful plaque. Cleaning can get rid of films with pathogenic microorganisms, and pathological granulations are eliminated from periodontal pockets.

The equipment cannot remove stone; it can only act on deposits that have not yet hardened.

Abrasive powders are manufactured by EMS (Switzerland). They can have a variety of aroma and taste. Products are also produced without fragrances, various additives and with a neutral composition. It is suitable for patients with personal intolerance to citrus fruits and allergic reactions. There are 3 types of mixtures with different bases:

  • classic;
  • PERIO;
  • SOFT.

Teeth cleaning with AirFlow device

Indications for cleaning

  • In the presence of artificial structures - implants, veneers, crowns and dentures.
  • As a preliminary stage of implantation, installation of crowns and filling of teeth.
  • For problems with gums that have just begun to emerge. The procedure makes it possible to clean hard-to-reach interdental spaces, minimizing the risk of developing periodontal disease.
  • In case of persistent plaque and tartar formation.
  • For severe pigmentation of tooth enamel, as well as for people who smoke.
  • In case of improper closure of teeth. Only Air Flow cleaning can gently remove dirt from the interdental space when teeth are tightly spaced or twisted.
  • As hygiene care before removing the braces.

Contraindications to the procedure

The Air Flow technique is quite popular, but it has contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • diseases respiratory system, for example, asthma and chronic bronchitis;
  • allergy;
  • thinning of enamel;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • use of medications that regulate water-salt metabolism;
  • severe inflammatory processes of the tongue, mucous membrane and periodontium;
  • excessive sensitivity of the top layer of enamel;
  • advanced caries.

Teeth cleaning is not carried out during the period of bearing and feeding a child. Although the procedure is painless, due to the temporary accumulation of plaque in the mouth and use medicinal solution can negatively affect the health of the unborn child.

Teeth cleaning is not carried out during the period of bearing and feeding a child.

How does Air Flow teeth cleaning work in dentistry?

The procedure for cleaning Air Flow using a sandblaster is carried out in several stages:

  • Lubricate your lips with Vaseline to prevent them from drying out.
  • Placement of a saliva ejector under the tongue, which helps keep your mouth dry. This is also necessary in order to avoid excessive salivation during the procedure.
  • Wearing a special cap and glasses to protect the eyes and hair from the settling suspension of abrasive powder.
  • Cleaning with circular movements on each tooth. The dentist controls that the stream of solution does not fall on the mucous membranes and open areas of dentin if caries and erosions are present.
  • The dentist regulates the pressure of the jet, affecting hard and soft deposits with different strengths.

Advantages and disadvantages of Air Flow teeth whitening technology

The main advantages of enamel lightening and microbial plaque removal with the Air Flow system include:

  • The patient does not experience discomfort.
  • Elimination of rough teeth and impeccable cleanliness of the oral cavity.
  • Possibility of cleaning in hard to reach places and between the teeth.
  • Effective cleansing of microbial deposits, pigmented plaque and enamel.
  • Elimination of many pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the formation of caries and various infectious inflammatory processes in the mouth;
  • Possibility of whitening by at least 2 tones;
  • No trauma to the upper dentin.
  • Availability of cleaning the roots of teeth in periodontal pockets, which makes it possible to carry out effective treatment periodontal disease and achieve remission of the disease.
  • Non-toxicity of the product used.

How often can you brush your teeth with air flow?

Professional teeth whitening Air Flow is not recommended to be performed more often than once every six months.

Air Flow cleaning procedure

Like any other procedure, it also has its disadvantages:

  • Radical lightening cannot be achieved. The procedure allows you to restore only the natural shade of enamel, which is individual for each person.
  • Inability to remove tartar. Air Flow can only handle soft deposits.

Which is better: teeth cleaning with Air Flow or ultrasound?

Air Flow cleaning is safe procedure , since a sandblasting machine is used, which eliminates deposits and residues from the cracks with an air flow and a stream of abrasive solution. And ultrasonic cleaning involves the use of ultrasonic waves that destroy deposits, plaque and tartar using a certain vibration frequency.

Thus, Air Flow implies thorough cleansing, and ultrasound full-fledged serious cleaning. Each method differs not only in the method of influence, but also in the depth of cleansing. Which method to choose is determined individually by the treating dentist.

Ultrasound removal of tartar

During the process of cleaning teeth, Air Flow removes the organic film that covers the tooth. A new film of saliva is formed within 2-3 hours. After this time, you can return to your normal lifestyle. Smoking is prohibited in the first hours, and for 2 days after the procedure do not use dyes:

  • drinks – juices, red wine, coffee, tea and others;
  • products - berries, mustard, soy sauce, beets and so on.

The first two days may persist high sensitivity teeth from hot and cold irritants at the cutting edges and cervical part of the teeth, as well as increased mobility. In this case, gels that saturate the teeth with minerals can come to the rescue.

You must carefully listen to the advice of your doctor regarding oral care procedures after Air Flow. Needs to be replaced old brush, on which bacteria will definitely remain, and use mouthwash.

It is advisable to discuss the frequency of subsequent sessions with the treating dentist, taking into account lifestyle, body characteristics, and the presence of bad habits. Regular professional cleaning with Air Flow makes it possible not only to clean your teeth of plaque, but also to prevent the consequences it causes. Similar preventative measure will solve aesthetic problems and maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Recently, the dentist's office has become not only a place for treating diseases of the teeth and gums - patients who want to have white teeth and maintain their health for as long as possible turn to the doctor. Some people, wanting to whiten their teeth, resort to using home remedies or opt for professional cleaning. Many methods are based on the principle of using various lightening compounds, which can damage tooth enamel.

IN modern dentistry preference is given effective methods, which carefully clean the surface of the teeth without causing damage. One way to make your smile beautiful is to lighten the enamel. Air method Flow. What is it, what are the results and indications for the Air-cleaning procedure?

Removing dental plaque using the Airflow method

The method of cleaning dental plaque using Air Flow is an alternative to professional cleaning, which has many contraindications. During Air-cleaning, the enamel is not exposed to either chemical or mechanical impact. The procedure does not involve contact of teeth or gums with the device or the use of chemical components. The principle of cleaning the surface of teeth is the targeted impact on solid deposits of an air-water jet, which is supplied to the problem area under a certain pressure. As an abrasive, the solution contains crystalline calcium or soda. The name of this method in translation sounds like air, flow.

Dentist equipment

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Along with traditional and familiar equipment, you can see Air Flow equipment in the dentist’s office. The system is a compact combined device designed for removing tartar and gentle grinding of teeth. The equipment consists of the following elements:

  1. a control unit that regulates and controls the pressure;
  2. a tank for the cleaning mixture and a water tank;
  3. flexible hoses for supplying liquid and air under pressure;
  4. two handles with tips that allow you to most accurately influence the required area.

Differences between the Airflow method and ultrasound cleaning

There are many ways to restore whiteness to teeth. The safest are ultrasound procedure plaque removal, as well as Airflow. The question arises - what is better: teeth whitening using the Air Flow method or ultrasound? To decide which method is more effective, you need to learn more about the principles of action of each type.

The ultrasonic whitening method differs significantly from Airflow technology. Ultrasound cleaning uses equipment that affects tartar using high-frequency vibrations. Ultrasonic cleaning can remove deposits in the peri-gingival pockets and slightly whiten the enamel surface. When cleaning teeth with ultrasound, a protective paste is applied to the enamel, which is also intended for polishing the surface. Thanks to this, the enamel increases its resistance to chemicals.

Teeth whitening with Airflow is carried out using a special device that delivers a cleaning composition under pressure. At the first stage, tartar is destroyed with a mixture of water and an abrasive additive, after which the remaining deposits are washed off using a water jet. This effect is considered the most gentle for the oral mucosa. It is recommended to use Air Flow for prevention, as well as before treatment of oral diseases. Features this method are considered:

  1. returning teeth to their natural color;
  2. no risk of injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity;
  3. The duration of the session is no more than half an hour.

Indications for brushing teeth

Cleaning the enamel surface with Air Flow is used as an independent procedure for the care and prevention of oral diseases, and as a preparatory stage before whitening, installation of dentures or implants. The following factors are considered indications for Airflow:

  • formation of plaque and hard deposits;
  • change in tooth color due to consumption of coloring drinks and foods;
  • some dental defects (for example, crowded teeth) in which other methods of cleaning the interdental space are ineffective;
  • installation or removal of braces;
  • planned prosthetics, implantation or chemical bleaching.

Airflow technology

Patients often have questions about the whitening method - what is it and how often is it possible to clean using this technology? Teeth whitening with Airflow has gained well-deserved popularity due to the absence of harm to enamel and gums. The procedure takes place without discomfort and does not entail any unpleasant consequences for teeth and oral mucosa.

The session usually takes no more than half an hour. The result of using the method is the removal of surface plaque that appears as a result of exposure of the enamel to coloring substances from certain drinks and foods. Snow white color enamel can only be achieved if the color of the teeth is naturally white.

If the natural shade of teeth is yellowish or gray, the whitening effect will not be noticeable. This effect allows you to clean the surface of your teeth from soft plaque and hardened deposits. The photo accompanying the article shows the effect of the procedure - the teeth look completely different before and after the session.

Preparation for the procedure

Before cleaning your teeth, you must undergo routine inspection dentist. Perhaps a specialist will recommend a session immediately after a preventive examination, if dental plaque or other indications are detected.

For cleaning, a fine powder that has a citrus or mint flavor is used. If available allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to the components of the cleansing mixture, you must inform your doctor. It is not recommended to use decorative cosmetics before the session - small particles of the cleanser disperse during the procedure, some of them get on the face, and after the procedure there is a need to wash.

How does a whitening session work?

Before starting whitening, you need to perform a number of preparatory steps:

  1. glasses are put on the patient's eyes for protection, and a special cap is put on his head;
  2. in order to prevent lips from drying out, they are lubricated with Vaseline;
  3. A saliva ejector is placed under the tongue.

The doctor carries out cleaning by directing the tip of the device at a certain angle. In this case, there is no direct contact of the equipment with the gums. Innings medicinal composition is carried out through two channels - water and air flow with abrasive particles are simultaneously supplied. All components, when mixed, form a powerful flow of fine particles, which have a destructive effect on dental plaque.

Waste material is removed from the oral cavity using equipment that operates on the same principle as a vacuum cleaner. Cleaned teeth are covered special composition, which prolongs the duration of the whitening effect. When using Air Flow equipment, not only hard deposits are eliminated, but also the periodontal pockets, pigmented areas are cleaned and the surface of the teeth is polished.

Recovery period

Using this cleaning method involves temporary loss of the protective organic film covering the teeth. In order to maintain the effect, it is necessary to fulfill some simple conditions for two to three hours:

  • you should refrain from smoking;
  • It is not recommended to drink coffee, strong tea, colored carbonated drinks;
  • You should not eat berries and fruits that can stain the enamel.

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the relative safety for health, Air Flow has a number of contraindications. People who have chronic diseases, you should consult your doctor.

Limitations of using this whitening method include:

  1. chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  2. allergy or intolerance to the taste of citrus or menthol;
  3. some periodontal diseases;
  4. damaged or thin enamel, as well as increased tooth sensitivity;
  5. childhood, pregnancy, lactation.

Advantages of technology

The use of Air Flow, in addition to safety for enamel, has a number of advantages:

  • the procedure is absolutely painless;
  • One session is enough to get the effect;
  • comprehensive oral hygiene is carried out;
  • Possibility of use in the presence of prostheses and braces;
  • high efficiency of cleaning hard-to-reach areas;
  • prevention of diseases of teeth and gums.

With the help of modern dentistry, it is possible not only to effectively treat teeth, but also to whiten them. Professional teeth cleaning Air Flow– that innovative procedure that allows you to solve the problem of darkening of the enamel.

What is Air Flow teeth cleaning?

Air Flow procedure in dentistry (Air Flow) – relatively new way whitening teeth from yellow and gray plaque, dark spots and other contaminants that not only spoil the aesthetic appearance, but can also cause serious dental diseases.

Teeth brushing using the Air Flow method based on the use of a Swedish airflow system device. The hygienic procedure is performed using a jet stream with a water-abrasive solution.

It cannot be said that technology refers to chemical method impact or mechanical. Professional teeth cleaning with Air Flow – faster additional technique, aimed at removing soft and hard plaque from the enamel, which cannot be removed with an irrigator or toothbrush.

AirFlow teeth cleaning allows you to get rid of darkening of the enamel, removing pigment not only from the surface, but also from the pores. During dental procedures, three substances are used - finely dispersed cleaning powder, water, and air.

The abrasive substance is usually soda. Its grains are finely dispersed, so they do not harm the enamel, but have a gentle whitening effect. Flavorings are added to the mixture to give it a lemony taste.

There are also special powders with anesthetic. Such products are intended for the treatment of patients with excessive tooth sensitivity and sore gums. However, it should be borne in mind that the components of such powders include lidocaine, which can cause allergies and is therefore not suitable for all patients.

Don't brush your teeth yourself baking soda. It differs from special powder as it has larger particles that can seriously damage the enamel.

Many people choose the use of ultrasound among all methods of teeth cleaning. Dentists instead ultrasonic method influences are recommended to resort to modern technology– cleaning with an abrasive mixture under pressure.

It is recommended for people whose teeth are constantly exposed to dyes. This happens when regular use coffee, tea, soda, some medications, as a result of smoking. Coloring components tend to penetrate the enamel structure, causing it to darken.

Airflow whitening is carried out by thoroughly removing plaque and pigment formations. Lightening occurs to the natural color of the teeth. It should be understood that if the patient’s teeth naturally have a grayish tint, they will remain that way.

You should not count on teeth whitening in cases where the darkening of the enamel is not due to external factors, and with internal processes. Thus, stains due to fluorosis and tetracycline teeth cannot be removed using a water-abrasive mixture.


Air Flow teeth whitening is more prestigious and more effective than others dental methods removing plaque. Dentists highlight the following advantages of this technology:

  • It has a gentle effect without thinning or damaging the enamel structure. Exposure to finely dispersed powder, water, and air does not harm the tooth surface, but carefully and accurately removes plaque.
  • Possibility of use even if there are veneers, fillings and artificial crowns in the mouth.
  • Except effective cleansing, antibacterial treatment of the oral cavity is carried out.
  • Teeth cleaning with Air Flow device – good prevention caries and periodontitis.
  • By removing plaque with a jet of cleaning powder, the specialist does not damage the integrity of the tooth tissues or increase their sensitivity.
  • Simultaneously with the removal of plaque, gentle sanding is carried out, resulting in a leveling of the coating.
  • Air Flow whitening prevents gum damage. The hygienic procedure is absolutely painless and does not cause even the slightest discomfort, therefore does not require painkillers or local anesthesia.
  • The procedure does not take much time - it lasts 30–60 minutes. During this time, the specialist can treat all of the patient’s teeth, while other whitening methods will require several sessions.

Air Flow technology is not only removing various deposits, but also whitening teeth by several shades: to their natural shade. Substances that are used for dental procedure, completely hypoallergenic.


Before seeking a service from a dentist, you should familiarize yourself with its disadvantages. After teeth whitening Air Flow V in rare cases enamel sensitivity increases. This technology has other disadvantages:

  • does not give a positive effect when exposed to rather hard and outdated formations;
  • It is possible to whiten the enamel only by a few tones, unnatural white it will not be possible to achieve;
  • the Air Flow system does not allow removing deposits from under the gums;
  • Along with plaque and carious formations, the protective film is also removed, the restoration of which will take time, so the sensitivity of the enamel may increase.
If the procedure is performed by a dentist without experience in using the Air Flow device, there is a high risk of gum damage.

Indications and contraindications

Air Flow cleaning is indicated for use in the following situations:

  • darkening of the enamel;
  • formation of individual dark spots on the tooth surface;
  • the need to remove plaque in the interdental spaces;
  • the occurrence of orthodontic pathologies in the body;
  • inflammation of periodontal tissue chronic form: periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis;
  • preparation for the procedure of professional enamel whitening;
  • installation of braces, implants, prostheses;
  • improper closure of teeth.
The Air Flow device is recommended to be used to treat the dentition as a hygienic care before removing braces. Air Flow is also used to clean structures made from braces and implants; this procedure is often prescribed before fluoridation and prosthetics.

The use of technology is unacceptable for the following patients:

  • People with respiratory diseases: asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis. There are cases in dentistry where patients have had their teeth brushed using the Air Flow procedure and have difficulty breathing.
  • Persons with periodontal diseases.
  • Patients in whom soda and citrus fruits cause allergies.
  • People with excessively thin, sensitive enamel.
  • Patients with kidney disease during an exacerbation.
  • Children under 15 years old.
  • The presence of extensive carious cavities.

Tartar removal in pregnant and breastfeeding women using this technology should be done with caution.

Preparing for cleaning and bleaching

Before you spend comprehensive care care of a person’s oral cavity, he must be prepared for dental procedures. To do this you need to do the following:

  • put a medical cap and glasses on the patient;
  • Place a saliva ejector under the tongue to prevent excessive accumulation of fluid in the mouth;
  • Lubricate your lips with Vaseline, as they can dry out while cleaning the tooth surface.
Glasses are needed to protect the eyes from splashes of an abrasive mixture with plaque and tartar, which are washed out of the mouth. Cap - to keep hair clean from small abrasive particles and bacteria.

After such preparation, you can begin to use the equipment to perform a set of actions: removing plaque, cleaning teeth from dark spots, brightening the surface.

How does the cleaning and whitening procedure work?

For cleansing using the Air Flow method, sodium bicarbonate is used - finely dispersed soda powder. The specialist pours it into a spherical container placed on the handle of the device. The device itself has two tanks, each equipped with a pump.

The photo shows a teeth cleaning machine.

One of these tanks is designed to supply water, the second - air. Both components are fed into a tube, and from there into a spherical container, where they are mixed with soda. The substances are then propelled by compressed air to the cleaning site through the rotating tip of the pen.

The intensity of the pressure can be adjusted; if necessary, the specialist can weaken it or increase it. Using circular movements, the dentist directs the jet onto the teeth, carefully treating each tooth both from the inside and the outside.

The photo shows the final stage of the Air Flow procedure

Technology for removing plaque as an independent procedure is rarely used. It is usually used in tandem with professional care for teeth.

After brushing the teeth using the Air Flow method the result becomes obvious immediately. According to patient reviews, immediately after the manipulation they noticed the following positive changes:

  • removal of tartar on the first day of cleaning;
  • the surface of the teeth becomes lighter by several tones due to the removal of pigments;
  • levels out upper layer teeth, since the device grinds the enamel;
  • The teeth acquire an attractive shine due to grinding.

Photos before and after Air Flow teeth brushing

To avoid having to go back to the clinic with the same problem after a dental procedure, experts strongly recommend that patients follow these recommendations:

  • For three hours after the Air Flow procedure, you should not consume products that stain the enamel. These are beets, blueberries, coffee, black tea, juices, cherries. If possible, it is better to completely exclude them from the diet on this day.
  • It is recommended to refrain from smoking for several hours: nicotine will damage the lightened enamel.
  • If one procedure is not enough or other manipulations are planned, for example, such as ultrasonic cleaning, they cannot be carried out earlier than after 3 weeks.
To maintain the whiteness of teeth obtained in the dentist’s office, it is recommended to use an electric, ultrasonic or irrigator at home rather than a regular toothbrush. This type of care is especially necessary for smokers and coffee lovers.

Cost of the procedure

Prices for water-abrasive teeth cleaning are affordable for most patients. If you compare it with ultrasonic cleaning, then it is not expensive at all. In Moscow average cost AirFlow services are 2.5–3.5 thousand rubles. for processing one jaw.

Professional cleaning using the Air Flow system is painless, harmless and effective. After half an hour spent in the dentist's office, people get snow-white smile for a long time.

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