Alkaline diet: healthy alkaline nutrition for weight loss. Alkaline diet. Truth and myth. Benefits and harms

Acid-base balance (pH) — the most important indicator human life. It characterizes the state of the immune system, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the degree of acidity or alkalinity of the environment. At the same time, a properly composed diet from the permitted list of products is the key to maintaining health and youth.

Biochemical processes in the body occur with the participation of water, oxygen and hydrogen. Through the main fluid (blood), oxygen dissolved in water enters the cells. Their lack has a detrimental effect on the functioning of internal organs.

Blood pH is the only indicator that normally remains at the same level - 7.4 +/- 0.5. When there is an excess of acids in the body, acidosis develops; when alkaline substances accumulate, alkalosis develops. That is why it is vital for organs and systems to develop in a normal environment.

The slightly alkaline indicator is the same for any person. Exceeding or decreasing the pH level of the blood leads to alkalization or acidification of the body. The consequence of this is the development of diseases and unfavorable symptoms.

Causes of acid-base imbalance

On pathological process several factors influence:

  1. Wrong organized diet nutrition. Consumption of processed and refined foods, confectionery, coffee, carbonated drinks increases the load on enzyme and lymphatic system. They do not have time to restore pH, which leads to the accumulation of acids, toxins and free radicals.
  2. Excessive medication use. The toxic load due to the use of chemically synthesized substances quickly acidifies the body and worsens the human condition.
  3. Lack of physical activity. Sedentary work, stress and overwork lead to the accumulation of acids.
  4. Non-compliance drinking regime. The cells must be bathed in water. The less liquid supplied, the lower the pH.

The acid-base balance is restored thanks to the introduction to healthy image life ( proper nutrition, compliance with drinking regime, physical activity).

How to determine acidification in the body

Increased acidity is indicated by some signs that you can determine yourself.

These include:

  • pain in the back, joints and muscles;
  • brittleness of hair and nails;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased performance, fatigue;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • dryness skin;
  • increased incidence of infectious diseases;
  • hair loss;
  • brittle bones and dental problems;
  • "Orange peel";
  • stroke or heart attack;
  • development of a cancerous tumor.

A pH below 7.4 indicates increased acidity in the tissues. If one or more symptoms occur, the likelihood of an acid-base imbalance is high. It can also be determined using litmus (indicator) paper. The test is carried out at home using saliva or urine.

Acidity is measured daily, based on the results of which the average value is calculated:

  • Saliva pH = 7.0 + 0.5 indicates the normal environment of the body. There is no serious cause for concern. In this case, litmus acquires a color from blue to dark blue;
  • pH = 6.0 + 0.5favorable conditions for the development of pathologies. The color of the paper varies from green to marsh;
  • pH = 4.0 + 1.5– high risk of development chronic diseases. Litmus turns yellow or orange.

The average urine pH per week should be 6.3-6.8. It is better to carry out the test periodically over 2-3 weeks. A urine pH below 5.5 is a cause for serious concern and consultation with a doctor.

What happens with high acidity

An increase in acidity deprives cells of oxygen, energy, and the normal course of biochemical processes. The accumulation of carbon dioxide in them, as well as the lack of alkaline minerals leads to acidification in the tissues. An excess of free radicals is formed, the body's defenses are reduced, and pathogenic microorganisms multiply.

As a result, chronic pathologies develop (arthrosis, osteoporosis, heart and vascular diseases, obesity), including oncology (a pH value of 6 indicates the development of cancer).

Alkaline foods (list later in the article) normalize the ratio of acids and alkalis in the body and restore pH. Eating vegetables, greens and fruits prevents the accumulation of toxins and free radicals, thereby cleansing the body.

List of foods with the highest pH values

Alkaline foods - the list with the highest pH is as follows:

  1. Lemon. When it enters the gastrointestinal tract, an alkali is released. It is good to drink water with lemon juice in the morning. When combined with sugar, it, on the contrary, releases acid.
  2. Onions, parsley and other greens. They have a high pH. They contain vitamins and minerals. Removes toxins, increases immunity, strengthens blood vessels.
  3. Root plants(carrots, radishes, rutabaga, beets, horseradish). They have a high pH. Improves intestinal motility.
  4. Celery and cucumber. Refers to the average alkaline products, quickly neutralize accumulated acids.
  5. Garlic. Helps not only maintain acid-base balance, but also increase the body's defenses. The product has good antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  6. Cruciferous vegetables(green beans, cabbage, broccoli). In his unique composition contain indoles - natural substances with anti-cancer properties.
  7. Avocado. Normalizes pH in the body, improves immunity.
  8. Wheat and barley sprouts. Contains vitamins, minerals, microelements. They have antifungal and anticancer properties.
  9. Sea vegetables(seaweed). They are sources of chlorophyll, an alkalizing substance.
  10. Chamomile and green tea. They have a good alkalizing and anti-inflammatory effect.

The figure shows a list of the 10 most alkaline foods.

Including the above products in the diet helps normalize pH levels, cleanse and heal the body.

Alkaline Ingredients Table

Alkaline foods (list below) based on pH are divided into strongly alkalizing, alkalizing and weakly alkalizing.

Highly alkalizing Alkalinizing Weakly alkalizing
Stevia (natural sweetener)Maple syrupHoney
Lemon, lime, grapefruit, watermelon, papaya, mangoGrapes, melon, kiwi, peach, apple, pears, dates, dried grapesPineapples, oranges, bananas, cherries, olives, persimmons, potatoes
Leeks, parsley, garlic, spinach, green beans and cabbage, radishesCelery, zucchini, rutabaga, pumpkin, lettuce, beans, cucumbersTomatoes, carrots, cabbage, peas
AlmondChestnut fruit
Olive oil, black cumin oilFlax oil
Germinated barley sproutsMillet, brown rice
Colostrum, breast milkMilk and cheese (goat), whey
Lemon water, herbal tea, fresh vegetable juicesGinger drinkGreen tea, freshly squeezed fruit juices

Alkaline diet

The alkaline diet is gaining popularity. It is based on the consumption of foods with a high pH. These include dishes made from vegetables, fruits, herbs and other products of plant origin. Their main advantage is acid neutralization.

They also contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and the immune system as a whole.

Any product that comes to a person with food releases either an alkali or an acid in the body. The consumption of thermally processed food leads to fermentation and acidification processes. Meat and dairy dishes release acid in large quantities, bakery products.


Including foods in the diet fresh creates a beneficial alkaline environment. Neutralization of acids prevents the leaching of calcium from bones, restores and cleanses the body. The nutritional system is popular because it helps to lose excess weight by forming the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

An alkaline or alkaline diet helps:

  • preventing a number of diseases ( urolithiasis, osteoporosis, obesity, oncology);
  • improving metabolism;
  • body weight control;
  • maintaining youth, vigor and ability to work;
  • full functioning of all organs and systems;
  • increasing the body's defenses.

Following an alkaline diet, after 7 days you can notice the following changes:

  • improves complexion and skin tone;
  • intestinal motility is normalized;
  • flatulence is eliminated;
  • efficiency increases;
  • memory, mood and general well-being improves.


The alkaline nutrition system implies compliance with certain rules.

They concern the careful selection of ingredients:

  1. Preference is given to alkaline products: fruits, vegetables, herbs, berries, low-fat fish, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds. Cereals (buckwheat, oats, brown rice) are allowed. Olive, sunflower, linseed oil. Alkaline food should make up at least 75% of the daily diet.
  2. The restriction applies to acidic products: meat, milk, eggs, legumes, fish, baked goods, as well as coffee and tea. They make up no more than 25% of daily ration. In this case, preference is given to lean varieties of meat and fish (veal, chicken, turkey, hake, cod, pollock, flounder). Dishes based on them are consumed no more than 2 times a week.
  3. Completely excluded: alcohol, canned and pickled foods, products based on animal fats.

The daily menu includes 4-5 meals, meals are fractional. In between meals, drink clean water, herbal tea, and freshly squeezed juice. Sugar is replaced with maple syrup or honey, salt - with natural herbs and spices. The transition to a normal diet after the diet course should be gradual, which will take several days.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages dietary nutrition allow you to follow instructions without harming your health.

These include:

  • satiety of foods with a small amount of food consumed. A feeling of fullness is achieved by eating foods with high content fiber and low energy value. This allows you to get rid of excess weight with a minimum of calories;
  • food availability;
  • no strict restrictions when choosing ingredients. It is important to remember the 3:1 ratio in favor of alkaline products;
  • cleansing and healing the body.

The main rule: You should switch to a diet gradually, giving up smoking and drinking alcohol. The body needs some time to readjust.

The disadvantage of the diet is:

  • inability to lose weight quickly. Gradual weight loss is one of the main rules of an alkaline diet;
  • the need to reconsider food preferences for sweet and meat lovers;
  • replenishment of calcium reserves by taking a vitamin-mineral complex.

Improving the health of the body, as well as preventing the development of chronic pathologies, is the main goal of an alkaline diet. Weight loss is a secondary goal. This should be taken into account when choosing a diet.


Switching to alkaline foods is not for everyone. Children, pregnant and lactating girls, athletes, as well as manual workers are not recommended to resort to alkaline system nutrition. These categories of people are characterized by high energy costs, and food restrictions do not have the best effect on replenishing strength and energy.

Some chronic pathologies are contraindications to following the diet menu:

  • diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage (gastritis, stomach ulcers, colitis);
  • low stomach acidity;
  • kidney disease;
  • osteoporosis;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Diet stages

The alkaline diet involves 3 stages. The duration of each of them is 7 days.

They are distinguished depending on the effect of diet on the body:

  1. Stage one (days 1-7). Characterized by rapid loss of extra pounds. During this time, adaptation occurs, waste and toxins are eliminated. In the first days, you are allowed to eat black bread (in small quantities) and drink coffee (no more than 1 cup per day). Flour and sweet foods are prohibited. Following the recommendations, by the end of the week you will lose up to 5 kg (depending on the initial weight).
  2. Stage two (8-14 days). Slowing weight loss. Cleansing of the body continues and well-being improves. Stomach acidity decreases. Bakery products are completely excluded from the diet and they drink coffee instead herbal infusions or green tea.
  3. Third stage (15-21 days). Consolidation of the result. The body is cleansed and restored, the desired pH balance is achieved. Weight loss during this period is about 1 kg.

In the first days, darkening of the eyes and slight dizziness may occur. The state of health returns to normal by the end of the first week. In case sharp deterioration condition, the diet should be stopped.

Sample menu for 7 days

The detailed menu is designed for a week. Fruits, dried fruits or nuts are used as snacks between main meals. Peanuts and walnuts increase acidity and should be excluded from the diet. Drink drinking water throughout the day.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
MondayWhole grain oatmeal porridge with fruits/berries,

1 cup green tea

Vegetable soup;

steamed green beans;

freshly squeezed fruit juice

Eggplant with cheese, baked in the oven;

fruit salad

TuesdayHomemade yogurt;

crispbread (toast) with jam

Creamy vegetable soup;

1 boiled egg

Fish (baked);

a fresh vegetable salad;

Herb tea

WednesdayBrown rice with vegetables;

rosehip decoction

Boiled potatoes;

stewed cabbage with onions and carrots;

fresh juice

Veal (boiled);

vegetable salad;

homemade yogurt

ThursdayBoiled eggs (2 pieces);

grain bread (1 slice);

1 grapefruit

Boiled chicken breast;

a fresh vegetable salad;

250 ml. milk

Vegetable salad with tomato and cheese;

herbal infusion

FridayWhole grain oatmeal porridge with dried fruits (prunes/dried apricots);

toast with honey;

freshly squeezed fruit juice

Beetroot soup (holodnik);

baked mackerel;

chicory (drink)

Boiled potatoes with vegetable oil;

fresh vegetables(cucumber tomato);

mint tea

SaturdayVegetable cutlets (from potatoes and carrots);

Herb tea

Cream soup of mushrooms and vegetables;

Bran bread

Vegetable cabbage rolls with sour cream;

rosehip infusion

SundayCottage cheese with fruits or berries;

Herb tea

Vegetable soup;

Bran bread

Buckwheat porridge with stewed beef;

salad of vegetables and sprouted wheat;

tea with mint and lemon balm

The menu can be adjusted and compiled independently. The main thing is to take into account the pH of the products, as well as the general rules of an alkaline diet.

Acid-base balance according to I. P. Neumyvakin

  1. Consume the least amount of meat and other acidic foods, the most water and alkaline ingredients. Processed meat products acidify the body, lead to the formation of free radicals, and wash calcium from the bones. This also applies to refined products and confectionery products. According to the professor, it is better to drink water natural minerals, since running water contains a low pH (5.4). Human cells need to bathe in water. The norm is 1.5 liters per day.
  2. Limiting medications. The professor assures that drugs are a source of profit for pharmaceutical companies and unscrupulous doctors. The lack of natural composition in them, an excess of chemically synthesized substances is the result of acidification of the body, premature aging, development side effects drugs.
  3. Maintaining an active lifestyle. For achievement acid-base balance, the professor recommends moving more, taking breaks when sedentary work, exercise.
  4. Organization of short fasting. To improve your health, drink only water for 2-3 days. During this period, a good alkalizing effect is achieved.
  5. Eating alkaline foods (fruits, vegetables) with peels. It contains all the most valuable things.
  6. Organization of nutrition, as well as smoking cessation for pregnant women. A person is born with a constant pH value. Normally it is 7.1. According to doctors' observations, in 3 out of 10 newborns the acid-base balance is disturbed. This indicates the child's predisposition to chronic pathologies. According to the professor, the indicator was influenced by the mother’s lifestyle and the quality of her diet.

Conclusion: For the coordinated functioning of the enzyme system, gastrointestinal organs, as well as the prevention of chronic diseases, you should organize a proper diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, and monitor your drinking regime.

Alkaline foods for psoriasis

Psoriasis – non-infectious pathology skin, which is chronic. To treat and prevent exacerbations of the disease, it is important to follow a properly selected diet, the purpose of which is to maintain acid-base balance.

A special feature of the diet for psoriasis is compliance with the rules of nutrition:

  1. The daily diet is designed in such a way that 1/3 includes plant-based alkaline foods (fresh fruits and vegetables), 1/3 – protein products (low-fat varieties meat, nuts, chicken protein), 1/3 – cereals and dried fruits.
  2. Ingredients that can cause allergic reaction: citrus fruits, honey, tomatoes, strawberries, red pepper.
  3. The diet must include vegetable oils, as well as foods rich in fiber and vitamins A and D. Eating vegetable salads with oil, buckwheat and oatmeal, beef liver will benefit the skin.
  4. A diet for psoriasis involves cleansing the body. Fasting lasts no more than 2 days. During this period, they drink water; at the end of this period, prepare a salad from root vegetables.

Within 2 weeks of dietary nutrition, the condition of the skin improves, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, and overall immunity is increased.

For cancer

By consuming alkaline foods, it is possible to adjust the pH, which leads to the destruction of cancer cells and an increase in the activity of lymphocytes. Moreover, it manifests itself at a pH of 7.3 and higher. The use of an alkaline diet promotes the release of diseased cells and destruction fibrous membrane, protecting cancerous tissue.

The basis of alkaline nutrition against cancer is the following recommendations:

  • The consumption of freshly squeezed juice from vegetables and herbs occurs immediately after its preparation. To supply the body with dietary fiber, several whole ingredients are eaten;
  • It is prohibited to take black pepper and other seasonings, soy sauce, cucumber pickle, sauerkraut, olives. That being said, turmeric, black walnut herb and sheep's sorrel are powerful anti-cancer foods.

The diet includes parsley, celery, mustard greens, green beans, and spinach. Don't forget about broccoli, cauliflower, green onions, cucumbers, seaweed, sprouted barley, garlic. IN in moderation They eat beets, carrots, and zucchini.

For gout

  • complete exclusion from the diet of foods that increase concentration uric acid in blood. These include baked goods, canned food, smoked products, beans, margarine, mushrooms, and sorrel. Alcohol, beer, coffee, and grape-based drinks are prohibited. All of these foods contain purines, a source of uric acid;
  • moderate consumption of beets, cauliflower, asparagus, onions, rhubarb, spinach and celery. The restriction applies to plums, tomato juice and honey;
  • It is allowed to eat porridges made from cereals, citrus fruits, dried fruits, and vegetable salads.

Drinks for gout include water from natural sources, herbal infusions, green tea, cucumber juice.Be sure to take fish oil.

For gastrointestinal pathologies

People with low acidity or other gastrointestinal diseases, you should avoid an alkaline diet. Eating greens, vegetables and fruits with a high pH can significantly worsen your health.

Dishes made from alkaline foods

Dishes based on alkaline foods are not only healthy, but also satisfying. Their preparation takes a minimum of time. The main thing is to think through the menu in advance and prepare the necessary ingredients.

First course recipes

First courses are included in any diet, including alkaline ones.

Second courses

Second courses from alkaline products can be prepared according to the following recipes:


The alkaline diet menu includes dishes made from fresh vegetables and fruits. Nutritious salads are prepared on their basis.

  1. A salad made from fresh cucumbers, sweet peppers and pumpkin seeds is rich in vitamins and microelements. To prepare it you will need 1 medium-sized cucumber, 1 red pepper, parsley (70 gr.), lettuce (70 gr.). The first two ingredients are cut into strips, chopped lettuce and parsley are added to them. The vegetable mixture is combined with ground sesame seeds (30 g) and pumpkin seeds. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The dish is seasoned olive oil. Salt is added to taste.
  2. Another healthy recipe is green asparagus, arugula and radish salad. The ingredients used are arugula (80 gr.), cucumbers (200 gr.), green asparagus (80 gr.), radishes (130 gr.). The vegetables are chopped and mixed thoroughly. 40 grams are added to them. chopped basil and parsley. The dish is seasoned with lemon juice and vegetable oil.


Porridge is a healthy and satisfying product. And if you add vegetables or nuts to it, the nutritional value of the dish only increases.

Alkaline nutrition is a properly organized diet that includes foods with a high pH. Cooking and combining dishes from the permitted list is not at all difficult. The main thing is to take into account the recommendations of specialists and monitor any changes in the body on the way to achieving your goal.

Video about alkaline nutrition, its rules and list of products

Alkaline Nutrition Basics:

10 Alkaline Foods:

Many women dream of losing excess weight without compromising their health. The advice of girlfriends who have completely given up food, as well as strength training and refusal to eat after 6 pm are taken into account. But the most effective ally in the fight against overweight is an alkaline diet, which foreign stars love so much.

Principles of the Alkaline Diet

Food has big influence on the level of acidity in the blood. In cases where acidity is higher than normal, the body malfunctions.

The main feature of this diet is the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, due to which the human body maintains the required level of acid-base balance. But animal fats and any meat products should be excluded from the diet, since they lead to a slow metabolism.

This diet allows you to restore and cleanse the body of various toxins, which helps better work body and, as a result, weight loss.

Some doctors believe that this weight loss technique carries various disadvantages. For example, the diet has an unbalanced composition of foods; it contains a lot of vegetables and fruits, while proteins and fatty acid almost completely absent. In some cases, such a diet can lead to loss of strength, malaise and nausea. It is worth noting that you cannot change the usual acidity of your diet on your own; you need to consult a nutritionist.

This diet will be useful for those who lack energy, feel frequent bouts of anxiety and irritability, and suffer from nasal congestion. It can be followed for a long time, since it does not cause any harm to the body. Within a month of active weight loss occurs complete cleaning the body from toxins and acid waste.

Advantages and Disadvantages of an Alkaline Diet

The advantages of this method of losing weight include:

  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • weight loss;
  • enriching the body with important microelements and vitamins.

Alkaline diet is aimed at cleansing the body, so you can start it at any time.

Among the disadvantages, the possible occurrence of indigestion and constipation should be highlighted; a large amount of liquid drunk can lead to stress on the kidneys and heart.


If you have renal failure or coronary heart disease, then this diet is strictly contraindicated for you. Also don't practice this method losing weight on children, since they need a large amount of animal proteins, without which it is difficult for the growing body to develop.

Alkaline Diet Products

Allowed products for this food system:

  • fruits, berries;
  • vegetables and mushrooms;
  • cereals;
  • milk products.

Prohibited products:

  • sour foods;
  • granulated sugar and its substitutes;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • pork;
  • nuts;
  • fried products;
  • tomatoes;
  • spreads;
  • alcoholic drinks.

It is also advisable to quit smoking during the diet.

Alkaline diet menu

To prepare your body for the diet, before following it, give yourself a fasting day. During it, you can consume vegetable broth, which is rich in vitamins and useful elements. The recipe for the dish is given below.


  • spinach - 5-10 leaves;
  • broccoli - 0.2 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • celery - 0.2 kg;
  • zucchini - 1 piece;
  • red potatoes - 0.3 kg.


  1. Chop all the products, place them in a saucepan and fill with water
  2. Cover the container with a lid and bring to a boil.
  3. When the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer the broth for another half hour.
  4. Cool the finished broth, strain and drink throughout the day.

Alkaline diet for 2 days

There is a two-day diet that allows you to produce quick cleaning body, as well as stabilize the level of acidity in the blood.

Diet menu:

First day:

  • breakfast - 250 ml carrot juice, a small pear and a quarter of a melon;
  • lunch - tuna salad, several salty cookies and one yogurt;
  • snack - some ham and green apples;
  • dinner - boiled trout and vegetable salad.

Second day:

  • breakfast - half a grapefruit, small piece salmon and a mug of unsweetened green tea;
  • lunch - cabbage salad with garlic, one banana;
  • snack - black tea with honey and an apple;
  • dinner - citrus salad, a mug of green tea, one plum.

By following this diet, you can lose up to 3 kg.

Alkaline diet for a week

You can develop a menu yourself based on recommended and prohibited foods or ask a nutritionist to help you with this. Below is sample menu for 7 days.

First day:

  • breakfast - a glass of soy milk, 1 green and yellow vegetable;
  • lunch - 0.15 kg boiled chicken fillet, fresh vegetables;
  • snack - yogurt;
  • dinner - 0.15 kg of boiled fish, 250 ml of juice.

Second day:

  • breakfast - a glass of freshly squeezed juice, low-fat yogurt, dates;
  • lunch - 250 ml soy milk, fish stewed with vegetables;
  • dinner - a protein omelet, a slice of whole grain bread, a glass of juice.

The third day:

  • breakfast - dried fruits;
  • dinner - vegetable soup, tofu cheese with beans and green vegetables;
  • dinner - 0.15 kg of boiled veal, vegetable salad, yogurt.

Fourth day:

  • breakfast - unroasted sunflower seeds, fruit salad, yogurt;
  • lunch - 0.15 kg boiled chicken meat, Vegetable Salad;
  • snack - herbal tea without sugar,
  • dinner - vegetable stew, 0.15 kg of boiled fish.

Fifth day:

  • breakfast - 250 ml of freshly squeezed juice, fruit;
  • lunch - 0.15 kg of boiled veal, buckwheat;
  • snack - herbal unsweetened tea;
  • dinner - vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese.

Sixth day:

  • breakfast - fruit salad dressed with low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lunch - vegetable stew, 0.15 kg of boiled chicken fillet;
  • snack - cup herbal tea sugarless;
  • dinner - steamed fish, vegetable salad.

Seventh day:

  • breakfast - 250 ml soy milk, vegetable salad, omelet;
  • lunch - vegetable stew, 0.15 kg of chicken fillet;
  • snack - a mug of unsweetened herbal tea;
  • dinner - an apple baked in the oven.

This diet will help you lose weight and improve your health.

Proponents of this diet suggest that replacing acid-forming foods with alkaline ones can improve health. They even claim that it can help fight serious diseases such as cancer. Indeed, there are quite a few people who swear that the alkaline weight loss diet has given them miraculous results.

But is there any solid evidence for and against? Let's see what the science says about this nutrition program.

The diet has become fashionable in Hollywood circles. It is actively promoted by Elle Macpherson and Kelly Ripa.

It is based on the belief that foods affect the acidity and pH levels of the body. This applies to urine and blood. Therefore, certain foods can cure and prevent various diseases.

Due to the lack of reliable evidence to support positive sides This diet is considered pseudoscientific. Nutritionists and doctors of other specialties usually do not recommend it to their patients.

However, the pH level human body and the influence of food on it has been studied for quite a long time. The level of acid-base balance is considered neutral at a value of 7. The zero pH mark is complete acidity and the absence of oxygen. And level 14 indicates a completely alkaline environment, rich in oxygen.

Human blood is a more alkaline liquid, its normal values ​​are in the range between 7.35 and 7.45. Other areas of the body have different levels pH. For example, the stomach is quite acidic with a pH value of 3.5 or lower. This is the most suitable level for digesting food.

There is a theory that jumps in blood pH levels below 6.8 and above 7.8 are negative for cells. The body cannot effectively process vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Nutrition expert Joy Dubost believes that certain foods can lead to the production of excessive amounts of acid. And this, in turn, threatens serious diseases such as osteoporosis. Potentially dangerous foods in this regard include meat, wheat, and refined sugar.

Alkaline foods - benefit or harm

Proponents of the diet are convinced of the benefits of foods with high content alkalis and less acid content. They believe that the diet reduces the risk of low back pain, diabetes and kidney stones. Reduces the likelihood of colon cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

When it comes to dieting, most people make the mistake of throwing off their acid balance. Scientists believe that unbalanced pH levels can cause significant harm to the body. In particular, the disorder causes hormonal imbalance and provokes weight gain or excessive loss. When the pH is imbalanced, bones become brittle, digestion slows down, and tumor growth is possible.

Security log environment and Health posted an article about the reduction of chronic diseases after this diet. Another American magazine wrote that reducing acid-forming foods helps preserve muscle mass in the elderly. The third edition included information about reducing lower back pain with an alkaline mineral supplement.

It is very difficult to say for sure whether a diet that includes fruits and vegetables but prohibits dairy and processed foods is healthy. food products. Because often everything is very individual.

Grocery list

According to reviews of those who have lost weight, they began to feel better on this diet. Because such a nutritional system involves the consumption of “healthy”, whole foods.

Use these tables as a general guide. Replace processed foods with fresh ones and add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. They are allowed to be eaten in any form in this diet :)

Table of alkaline products in descending order







Very low alkaline
baking soda


mineral water


pumpkin seeds

sea ​​salt


sweet potato

tangerine juice

vegetable juices



beans (fresh green)



Herb tea

herbs (greens)


soy sauce

sweet corn (fresh)


Apple vinegar

apples (sour)

White cabbage


fish fat

egg yolks


green tea


nutritional yeast


quail eggs

sesame seeds

avocado oil

beet juice

blueberry juice

Coconut oil


duck eggs

linseed oil


ginger tea


Japanese rice

olive oil


sunflower seeds

wild rice

Table of acidity of products in ascending order

Very low acidity Low






brown rice

dried fruits

goat cheese

semi-finished products

Pine nuts

pumpkin seed oil

sunflower oil


almond oil

balsamic vinegar

Black tea




Sesame oil

soy cheese


White rice

barley groats

basmati rice


egg whites


green pea

Palm oil


soy milk



artificial sweeteners


brazil nuts

Brown sugar

flour (white)

fried food

fruit juices with sugar

ice cream



processed cheese

soft drinks



White bread

kefir (sweetened with fillings)

If you are interested in this kind of power plan, then don't worry. There is no need to calculate the level of acid-base balance in each piece. You only need to include 80% of foods considered alkaline in your diet. And leave about 20% of acid-forming products.

How to create a menu for the week

On an alkaline diet acid products are extremely undesirable and include refined carbohydrates, dairy, meat and poultry. They create an acidic environment in the body, thereby increasing the load on the kidneys and liver. Plus there is a risk of developing diabetes. But alkaline foods will help neutralize or minimize these effects. So the first step to balancing your diet is to understand which foods are acidic and which are alkaline.

Do not use:

  • Sugar (refined white and all);
  • Alcohol and caffeine;
  • Dairy ( butter, milk, cheese);
  • Spreads or cooking fats
  • Nuts of any kind (including peanut butter)
  • Cereals, white wheat flour and products made from it (bread, pasta and any other pasta)
  • Table salt (limit)
  • Tomatoes and corn

These are the main triggers that increase acidity, disrupting the body's functioning. To maintain health, the diet should consist of 60% alkaline and 40% acid-forming foods. And to restore health, the diet should consist of 80% alkaline and 20% acid-forming.

Therefore, create your menu for the week based on this rule - eat 2 alkaline foods and one acidic. For example:

  • Breakfast - Eggs (acidic) omelette with spinach (alkaline) and half a grapefruit (alkaline).
  • Dinner - Green salad (alkaline) served with pieces of fried turkey meat (acidic). Dressing – pureed avocado-lemon sauce (alkaline).
  • Dinner - Fish (low acidity) with lightly fried vegetables (alkaline). Fruit cocktail (alkaline).

Remember to chew your food thoroughly. Food becomes more alkaline the longer you chew.

Diet results

Of course, taste will not tell you what is more in the product: alkali or acid. For example, lemons are sour, but in fact they carry alkaline effect. Also the majority meat products They are alkaline, but create an acidic residue in the body.

One more important clarification. Food and drink are not the only things that can change pH levels. Stress, toxins, lack of oxygen, vitamins and minerals also increase acidity. And of course, before starting any diet or exercise, you should talk to your doctor.

If you're intrigued by the alkaline diet, it's worth giving it a try. Or maybe you’ve already tried it, then write your reviews and what results you achieved.

I think that any diet based on “healthy” and healthy products will have a positive effect. And the removal of alcohol and sugar is another significant plus of this nutrition plan. Share the article on social networks, and I say “see you soon” :)

Partly acid-base diet became so popular due to the fact that her devoted fan is the famous actress Kirsten Dunst, who to this day plays the roles of very young girls and remains in great shape. The star herself has more than once admitted that she follows a nutritional system aimed at restoring the acid-base balance, which is why many who want to lose weight and simply look and feel great began to follow Kirsten’s experience. In the article you will learn in detail what an alkaline diet for weight loss is and the menu for the week.

The actress is sure that the more natural the product, the better and more beneficial it is for both the figure and health.

The essence of the acid-base diet

Any such diets are based on what is on the menu modern man V to a greater extent acid-forming foods predominate. This leads directly to acidification human body and violations of all internal functions. Problems begin in endocrine system, immunity decreases, etc.

According to the authors of such diets, to strengthen the immune system it is necessary to give preference to alkaline foods. At the same time, such food should account for 60 to 80% of the daily diet. Of these, only 30% of products may be susceptible to heat treatment. The remaining 20-40% are acid-forming foods.

What foods should you avoid?

Alkaline diet products: table.

To normalize the acid-base balance, it is advisable to limit yourself to eating foods with high acidity. This includes all kinds of canned food, white rice, soda, dairy products, meat, peanuts and sugar.

Products that lead to acidification

Food of animal origin:

  • any meat;
  • bird;
  • seafood;
  • all fish (except trout and salmon).

All products of other categories that are not on the first list are classified as acidifying. By composing your diet according to these principles, you will perfectly heal your body and get rid of excess weight!

Which products should you prefer?

Particular attention should be paid to alkaline foods. Regularly include beans, grains, vegetables, fruits and foods containing fats in your menu.

For example, a salad made from fresh tomatoes, onions, avocado, broccoli and seeds would be an excellent dish. For a richer taste, you can also add mint, basil or garlic.

Alkaline diet foods to choose

Fruits, berries:

  • watermelon;
  • pear;
  • grapefruit;
  • lemon.


  • tomatoes;
  • beet;
  • asparagus;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • garlic;
  • celery;
  • cucumbers;
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • carrot;
  • leafy vegetables;
  • peas;
  • radish;
  • green bean;
  • new potatoes;
  • zucchini.


  • trout;
  • salmon.

Other products:

  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • cereals;
  • tofu;
  • sprouted grains.


  • pure (ionized, distilled) water;
  • vegetable juices;
  • water with lemon juice;
  • vegetable broths;
  • herbal teas;
  • almond and soy milk.

Benefits of an Alkaline Diet

Such a nutritional system significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer, will allow you to get rid of excess weight, problems with cardiovascular system, strengthen the immune system and even promote rejuvenation.

As you can see, the diet with such a diet can be absolutely varied. You will not have to starve, as with all sorts of strict and extreme diets - you will eat delicious and satisfying meals. In addition, the process of losing weight with the help of such nutrition will not only be safe for the body, but will also have a beneficial effect on it.

Most optimal time diet - 3 weeks. You may feel slight discomfort at the beginning of the course. As a rule, it occurs in connection with the process of cleansing the body.

Acid-alkaline diet: menu for three weeks

The presented method of nutrition normalizes the acid-base balance in our body. This has a good effect on the functioning of all organs. The menu must be followed for three weeks. The diet is divided into three phases.

First phase

It involves a complete restructuring and cleansing of the body. You may begin to feel unwell or weak, this is quite normal. By following the diet for the first week, you can lose a sufficient amount of kilograms, especially if you combine this diet with sports.

  1. Breakfast - soy milk or yogurt, fruit - apple, pear or peach.
  2. Lunch – poultry meat (bake in the oven), vegetable salad. You can also make vegetable soup.
  3. Snack – soy yogurt.
  4. Dinner – fish (stew), green vegetables and yogurt.


This phase helps restore the standard indicator of acids and alkalis. This week you will no longer be bothered by weakness and malaise. It is recommended to follow the following menu:

  1. Breakfast - yogurt, fruit and vegetable juice.
  2. Lunch – vegetable soup.
  3. Snack – yogurt.
  4. Dinner – green vegetables and tofu.

Sweets, bread and alcohol are prohibited.


The third week of the diet will consolidate the results and help maintain normal indicators mineral balance. You will have to strictly follow an alkaline diet. That is, for breakfast try to eat whole grain bread, mineral water and protein foods.

  1. Breakfast – omelet (steamed), fruit, yogurt.
  2. Lunch – vegetable salad (you can have soup), a fish dish(birds allowed).
  3. Snack – dark chocolate and fruit.
  4. Dinner – white fish (bake in the oven), vegetables.

Alkaline diet: menu for the week


  • Breakfast – yogurt or kefir, fruit, a spoonful of honey.
  • You can have a snack with fruit.
  • Lunch – durum noodles, with the addition of tomatoes and mushrooms.
  • Have a fruit snack.
  • Dinner – no more than 100g of chicken, vegetable salad.


  • Omelette.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Cream soup with broccoli.
  • Smoothie with banana and cherry.
  • Fish (bake in the oven), vegetable salad.


  • Hot sandwich.
  • Apple.
  • Rice with vegetables.
  • Vegetable soup.
  • Cabbage with potatoes (stewed).


  • Egg (hard boiled). Half a grapefruit.
  • Nut.
  • Salad with arugula, avacado, cherry tomatoes and goat cheese.
  • Fruit of your choice.
  • Fruit salad and yogurt.


  • Salad with vegetables and lemon juice.
  • Orange.
  • Stew of vegetables and chicken breast.
  • Apple.
  • Kholodnik made with kefir.


  • Omelette.
  • Banana.
  • Potato and carrot cutlets.
  • Berries (you can have fruits).
  • Salad with shrimp and grapefruit.


  • Cottage cheese with banana.
  • Smoothie with cucumber and herbs, a glass of kefir.
  • Cream of mushroom soup.
  • Orange.
  • Vegetable salad.

Why is optimal acid-base balance important?

Our body is the most complex biological mechanism, a huge number of important processes take place within us that are responsible for our lives. For example, maintaining optimal body temperature, arterial pressure, support water balance etc. Our body has the property of homeostasis, that is, it can resist various disruptions associated with our external changes. One of important factors, helping him fight is the acid-base balance.

The purpose of this indicator is that it helps the body attract hydrogen atoms to itself, or vice versa. Substances that attract these molecules are alkalis, and those that release them are acids. To maintain good health, this balance must be optimal.

Its normal values ​​can vary from 7.35 to 7.45 pH. If you violate these standards, you risk earning a lot serious illness or death. For example, with increased acidity, collagen synthesis fails. Acidification leads to poor transport of oxygen throughout the body, therefore, the body stops absorbing many important substances. Increased acidity is acidosis and can lead to the following serious consequences:

  1. Viruses multiply at tremendous speed.
  2. There is a sharp weight gain.
  3. Diabetes mellitus may develop.
  4. Stones may form in bladder or in the kidneys.
  5. The risk of cancer increases.
  6. Bones become more fragile, etc.

Low acidity may cause the following problems:

  1. Blood toxicity, poor absorption of minerals.
  2. Dermatological diseases.
  3. Malfunction of the liver.
  4. Allergies.
  5. Gastrointestinal diseases.

Diet rules

1. Dried fruits can only be consumed separately from other foods and in small quantities.
2. You need to eat slowly, chewing each piece thoroughly.
3. 80% of your entire diet should come from alkaline foods.
4. You can't eat after 19.00.
5. Food of plant origin should ideally be consumed raw.
6. All vegetable oils used in dishes must be natural.
7. If you find it difficult to refuse meat dishes, you can eat rabbit or beef in small quantities. You can also allow yourself fish once a week.
8. To satisfy your hunger between meals, drink herbal infusions and green tea without sugar.

As you can see, the rules for following such a diet are quite simple, so losing weight using this method will be very easy for you. Vegetarians will be especially comfortable adhering to an alkaline nutrition system, since the main difficulty, as a rule, for many is giving up meat. An alkaline diet for oncology will also be very useful.

To ensure that the results in the fight against excess weight are not long in coming, move the most high-calorie dishes to breakfast, and for dinner, choose something “light” - salads, vegetable soups, etc. Also, do not forget about active image life - play sports, walk more often, do exercises in the morning.

Alkaline diet: reviews and results

Observations in the field of chronic diseases and their relationship with pH balance have led to the creation of a simple and effective diet. Alkaline or alkaline diet for a long time prescribed by doctors in isolated cases. Until the famous fashionista Victoria Beckham published a post about losing weight with an alkaline cookbook in 2013. This technique has since taken social media by storm!

Acid-base balance

Each product that a person eats has its own environment. It can be acidic or with a predominance of alkali. Be it fresh vegetables, meat, nuts or sweets. During the process of digestion and metabolism, everything eaten is processed and absorbed, changing the pH of the blood. Like any liquid in our body, blood consists of many elements, including hydrogen ions. This is what neutralizes excess acids. For normal functioning The body's permissible ratio is from 7.35 to 7.45.

You can find out your pH by contacting a laboratory or using special devices at home. Pharmacies sell a lot of devices for analyzing arterial blood.

Eating too much large quantity acid-forming products leads to an imbalance between the content of hydrogen and acid in the body. As a result, the functioning of the digestive tract deteriorates, the kidneys cannot cope with the purification of incoming substances, and the regulatory activity of the liver is blocked.

First of all, such shifts are reflected in appearance and well-being. The skin takes on an unhealthy appearance, hair falls out, and excess weight is deposited. Observed frequent dizziness, prostration, abrupt change mood and nausea.

Acidosis ( increased acidity) V initial stage may go unnoticed. The symptoms are minor. Progressive disease manifests itself in problems respiratory tract(lack of air), systematic loss of consciousness. IN recent cases You should postpone attempts at self-medication and urgently consult a doctor.

Quickly bring yourself back to normal, improve general state and you can improve your health through a simple diet. In addition to alkaline, nutritionists advise - to get rid of extra pounds and overall harmony.

The essence of the alkaline diet

The alkaline diet aims to reduce acidity by balanced nutrition. To get into the correct and healthy range, you should give up the most common groups heavy products. This method is useful both for general improvement of well-being and for weight loss. First of all, you need to figure out which “goodies” you will have to give up and which ones to adopt.

White rice,, sprouted cereals,
, sugar substitutes in dragees, molasses, unrefined sugar
, carbonated drinksGreen tea
Black, alcoholHerbal decoction
Natural cheeses (except), processed dairy productsCheese from goat milk, fresh unprocessed
Poultry, red meat, leaves , asparagus
, fatty fish ,
Pasta and other flour products, root vegetables,
, animals, first spin
Flour desserts, cakes, ice cream ,
, Other nuts, seeds,
CocoaFresh juices

Having a list of the most common and frequently used categories, you can create a menu at your discretion. However, completely abandoning foods with an acid-forming effect is not necessary and may even be harmful. The goal of such a diet is precisely balance. This means that both must be present in the body. Daily meals must be divided into 80% alkaline and 20% acidic components.

While following such a diet, it is important not to forget to drink purified milk. Teas, infusions and juices do not count. It is water that helps food digest, nourishes the body, and gives it strength to adapt to a new menu.

Stages and results of the alkaline diet

Doctors and nutritionists never tire of warning: the main thing is a gradual transition, not an aggressive attack. The body needs time to “get used” to a healthy lifestyle. Otherwise, all attempts to become healthier and lose weight may turn out to be worse. It is necessary to gradually replace one product with another and, if possible, completely give up alcohol and smoking. If all the rules are strictly followed, the result will not be long in coming.

The alkaline diet goes through three main phases. Each of which takes one week and performs its functions:

  1. First: sudden loss weight, up to 3–4 kilograms. The body adapts and toxins are eliminated. During this period, mild malaise and loss of strength sometimes appear. Replacing your usual food with diet food should be done slowly. In the first days, you are allowed to eat, drink coffee (no more than one serving per day), sugar and sweets must be abandoned.
  2. Second: weight loss occurs more slowly, from 1 to 2.5 kilograms. The cleansing of the digestive tract continues and the acidity in the stomach decreases. My health improves noticeably. The whole process at this stage is easier, since the body is already accustomed to a light diet. Flour products are completely eliminated, coffee is replaced with green tea and decoctions.
  3. Third: almost complete establishment of the desired pH balance. Loss of 0.5–1 kilograms of excess weight is possible. The achieved result is consolidated.

If dizziness or temporary darkening of the eyes appears in the first week, do not be alarmed and abandon the given course. Everything will stabilize by the beginning of the second stage. But a serious deterioration in well-being or skin condition is a signal to stop the diet.

It is important to note that the main purpose of an alkaline diet is to improve well-being and prevent chronic diseases. Losing weight at the same time is more of a pleasant bonus than main principle. Recommended vegetables, fruits, greens and lead to unnecessary weight loss.

And giving up flour, alcohol and cigarettes, in any case, is only beneficial.

Contraindications when choosing an alkaline diet

This technique is not suitable for everyone. Women who are breastfeeding and pregnant should refrain from any experiments, including this one. Young children need all the healthy ingredients, animal fats and... Therefore, the refusal of important components can lead to disruption of their development and growth.

If the main reason for dieting is the desire to lose weight - physical exercise will be an excellent catalyst for this process. But, in case of progressive or critical obesity, this method will not work.

In case of renal failure and coronary disease heart disease, you should definitely consult your doctor before starting a diet.

Athletes and people involved in active activities, alkaline nutrition also won't work. The amount of food consumed and not eaten is not enough for the amount of energy they need.

Alkaline diet for cancer

Recently, the opinion has spread that “alkalinizing” the body can protect against cancer or even cure it. The fact is that an acidic environment is an ideal condition for the proliferation of bacteria and other pests. This means a decrease in acidity leads to their neutralization or complete destruction. Foci of tumor appearance are always located in places with disturbed pH balance. This gave rise to the theory that neutralizing acid in the body helps with cancer.

Indeed, many who have already experienced this method note noticeable improvements. The skin is cleansed, the hair structure is strengthened, digestion is improved, and appetite is stabilized. However, for education oncological tumors and their elimination, the alkaline diet does not affect. Research has shown that cancer cells They themselves form an acidic environment in which they are comfortable to progress, and not vice versa.

Alkaline menu for the week

With any change in life, planning is important. The same goes for diets. The usual promise to start on Monday may not work just because it scares our brain. He denies everything incomprehensible and complex, he defends himself by procrastination. Dreams are postponed, and over time they are completely forgotten. Precisely defined goals and small tasks are what are easier for us to implement. If a schedule or plan is always in front of your eyes, the brain programs itself to implement them.

So, you need to start a diet by drawing up detailed menu at least a week in advance. This will allow you to purchase all the necessary ingredients for future use and protect yourself from “accidental” substitutions. useful components to those that are in the refrigerator.


Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit, green tea.

Lunch: vegetable soup, mashed potatoes with steamed asparagus (green beans), fruit juice.

Alkaline Cream Soup Recipe

Use liquid food necessarily every day, not only in the case of a diet. The ideal option to get enough of your fill while following the principles of a proper diet is broccoli cream soup.

Have to take:

  • broccoli – 0.5 kg;
  • spinach – 2 cups;
  • celery – 1 bunch;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs;
  • water – 2 liters.

Cut the washed and peeled ingredients into small cubes and simmer over low heat. Vegetables retain more nutrients if they are boiled or stewed under a lid. Mix the finished broth in a blender. Season to taste.

This soup can be stored for up to 3 days in the refrigerator. If desired, you can add other favorite vegetables and herbs.


The complexity of such a diet is that it targets the main products of our daily nutrition. Giving up alcohol or coffee is easier, but many still fail to cross bread, eggs, and dairy products off their usual list. Malaise in the first week of the diet becomes another obstacle for those who want to become slimmer or simply cleanse the body. Therefore, “alkalization” of the body requires considerable moral strength and fundamental stability.

But, nevertheless, the alkaline diet continues to gain its supporters around the world. In the struggle for beauty and health, Hollywood stars and ordinary people are ready to completely change their usual lifestyle. Her positive influence on appearance and well-being are still worth it.

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