Insomnia and its treatment at home. Insomnia: causes, how to fight and get rid of it, music, folk remedies, pills

Today I would like to talk about how to quickly get rid of constant chronic insomnia at night at home, and without medications. It is possible and absolutely necessary to combat this problem. What to do? Read the tips carefully, I'm sure they will help. It is absolutely not necessary to “stun” yourself with a bunch of pills, since you can cope with the lack of sleep folk remedies.

Chronic sleep disorder is debilitating; I myself suffered for many years, and I know first-hand how much suffering it brings. Having established sleep with great difficulty, I now simply enjoy it. You won’t believe it, but when I got rid of everything that was preventing me from sleeping, at first I sometimes woke up and joyfully thought: “Now I’ll fall asleep!” - and fell asleep happy again.

Causes of chronic insomnia

What is insomnia? This is a situation in which, for some reason, the body does not receive the desired amount of sleep necessary for quality rest of the body. You should know that the amount of sleep required is different for everyone. Therefore, insomnia is the quality of sleep and subsequent well-being after it, and not total hours you devote to sleep.

Knowing the causes permanent violation sleep, in many cases you can cope with nighttime insomnia without the use of medications, and you can help yourself. I have written extremely good article I recommend reading about this topic.

The cause of severe insomnia is not always a sleep disorder associated with the disease, but it may be:

  • A large amount of coffee and other tonic drinks.
  • Overexertion during the day, stress, anxiety and restlessness.
  • Time zone change.
  • Some medications.

Some diseases can cause persistent nighttime insomnia in men and women:

  • Bipolar disorder.
  • Post-traumatic sleep disorder.
  • Asthma.
  • Allergy.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Acid reflux.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Kidney diseases.

In addition, the cause of a chronic disorder can be sleep disorder and disturbance:

  • Attacks of irresistible drowsiness – narcolepsy.
  • Termination of pulmonary ventilation – apnea.
  • Restless legs syndrome.

Symptoms of insomnia

Symptoms of chronic insomnia are:

  1. Taking a long time to fall asleep, despite being tired.
  2. Frequent awakening during sleep.
  3. Superficial sleep (sometimes it is impossible to understand whether you are sleeping or not).
  4. Falling asleep with the help of alcohol, sleeping pills and other means.
  5. Daytime sleepiness when...
  6. Difficulty concentrating during the day.

Why you need to get rid of insomnia

But before you learn how to get rid of constant insomnia without drugs, let's understand why sleep disorders are dangerous.

  • At a certain stage of sleep, energy accumulates in the body. But with a constant lack of sleep, it begins to be lacking, and as a result, the destruction of the body begins. Diabetes, hypertension, heart attack, excess weight, according to doctors, have a direct connection with constant lack of sleep.
  • In addition, the body's metabolism slows down, speeding up the process natural aging(you've probably noticed that after a sleepless night we don't look too good, to put it mildly), I told you in tips, . Stomach problems, headache- often the result of constant lack of sleep.
  • Due to sleep disturbances, people produce more stress hormones, and stress, in turn, prevents sleep and leads to depression. Vicious circle. Lack of sleep leads to impaired concentration, problems with memory and attention arise.
  • And... attention! In a person who does not sleep enough, the level of the hormone leptin, which is involved in the feeling of satiety, decreases. Conversely, the level of the hormone ghrelin increases significantly, and it is responsible for appetite. As a result, an increase is observed. Moreover, as scientists have proven, he is mainly drawn to flour and sweet foods. How to deal with debilitating insomnia? Below are some tried and tested tips.

Insomnia in women

In women, the cause of insomnia is often pregnancy, and after 40 and 50 years - menopause.

Why can't pregnant women sleep? According to doctors, 78% of pregnant women have problems falling asleep and staying asleep at night. The reasons here are both psychological and physiological. Sleep disturbances in later stages are especially concerning.

What to do at home? They will help general recommendations on the daily routine, nutrition and arrangement of a place to sleep.

Medicines, as a rule, are not prescribed, but after consulting with your doctor, you can take an infusion of valerian, a decoction of chamomile or motherwort.

Another group of women suffering from insomnia are those who have reached old age when menopause begins. Sedatives and a properly organized day will help you get rid of disturbances. Older women need to walk more and eat lightly, especially at night. To relieve the symptoms of menopause and senile insomnia, use folk recipes treatment.

How deliver cure insomnia without medication

What prevents you from getting enough sleep?

Often anxious thoughts, stress. Sometimes daytime problems haunt you even in your sleep. At night, troubles seem greater than they really are. The brain continues to work in increased mode, making it difficult to fall asleep. What to do in in this case, Friends?

  1. Before going to bed, try to relax as much as possible: listen to soft music, have a light, relaxing massage, have a drink chamomile tea, warm milk with honey. Accept not too much hot bath, with the addition of lavender oil (a couple of drops, by the way, are useful to drop on the pillow).
  2. If you are suffering from insomnia, then alternately tensing and relaxing the muscles of the body, from the legs to the head, is extremely helpful. To achieve physical and mental relaxation, breathe in alternating nostrils. Holding one nostril closed, exhale slowly, and then slowly inhale through the other nostril, holding the first nostril closed. Do this several times.
  3. Go to bed at the same time every day. By the way, night owls, keep in mind that people who go to bed late and get up late have more severe consequences due to lack of sleep than early risers.
  4. The following helps a lot: before going to bed, write down everything that worries you, outline what you should do tomorrow - this will help put your thoughts in order and calm down.
  5. The following will help cope with insomnia: 1.5-2 hours before, turn off the overhead, bright lighting in the room, use night lights in the rooms, in the bathroom, and toilet. Draw the curtains tightly to block out street light and noise that may interfere with your sleep. A sufficient amount of the hormone melatonin, which promotes good sleep, is produced only in the dark. You will give your body a signal that it is time to sleep.
  6. The bedroom should be cool. The temperature is no more than 20-22 degrees. Pay attention to the mattress and pillow - choose the most comfortable ones (personally, I just needed to change the pillow so that the problem with sleep did not become so critical)
  7. Don't eat before bed, make dinner light, 4 hours before bedtime. Give preference to products containing lean protein and vegetables. Don't drink coffee.
  8. If you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot fall asleep for a long time, get up and go to another room. The bedroom is for sleeping, not for waking - the body must know this. Do something until you feel sleepy again, but don't look at the clock. Naturally, this should be an activity that does not require concentration and activity. Listening to music and reading are great options.
  9. If the reason for waking up at night is frequent urination, then drink less before bed. Keep in mind that it is possible that we are talking about diabetes, a disease Bladder, thyroid (if you wake up at night for no reason), you may need to consult a doctor.
  10. When you wake up in the morning, within the first hour, open the curtains to provide access to bright light. sunlight, or turn on bright artificial light. Actions should be active: exercise, loud music.

The body will understand that we sleep in darkness and silence, and are awake in bright light and vigorous activity. Follow simple tips, and you will get rid of insomnia forever.

Folk remedies

Overcome constant night insomnia Traditional recipes help a lot.

If you are upset, drink a tincture of medicinal herbs: peony, motherwort, valerian are suitable. Decoctions and infusions of herbs such as hops, chamomile, primrose, lemon balm, and dill have proven themselves well. There are few contraindications to them and, what is important, they are not addictive.

Brew the herbs separately, or prepare infusions from the mixture. Many herbalists recommend mixing dry herbs of thyme, wormwood, and hops. Place them in a bag and hang them at the head of your bed.

Medicinal plants for insomnia, the beneficial properties of which can be read on the website:

I will be infinitely glad if this article helps you get rid of constant insomnia without drugs, and you will know the joy of a full, healthy, delightful night's sleep! Sleep well, and may you have terribly pleasant dreams. happy dreams! With love... Galina Nekrasova.

I’ve put together a useful video about the causes and symptoms of insomnia, don’t forget to watch.

U modern man This is a fairly common phenomenon - insomnia. Moreover, this is the prerogative of not only older people, but also young people. It occurs especially often in people who lead active work, especially mental.

So what is going on in our heads?How to get rid of insomnia and fall asleep quickly? Why can't we just lie down on the pillow, close our eyes and fall asleep? The reason may be many factors - various types chronic diseases, overwork, overexcitement, and all this is aggravated by an incorrect lifestyle, a negative attitude towards the world, people and oneself.

If the cause of insomnia is an illness, then you urgently need to see a doctor; perhaps this is a symptom of some other disease, or perhaps, if you cure this disease, then the insomnia will go away immediately.

If the cause is overwork or overexcitement, then you just need to adjust your day mode, improving it (naturally, for the benefit of the body). To do this, it is best to resort to the folk method of curing this disease. For some reason folk remedies remedies for insomnia are called unconventional, although it was thanks to folk remedies that many generations of our ancestors survived and withstood difficult times for them. Moreover, if medicinal plants selected in the right combination and proportions, applied according to correct purpose, then it can save the sick person not only from insomnia itself, but also from the disease that caused it.

So, before you fight insomnia, try to follow a few simple rules that will help you fall asleep quickly, because the cause of insomnia may not be an illness, but your lifestyle, your behavior in general. Perhaps you do things before bed that simply excite your body, such as sleeping during the day or in the late afternoon, so your body is already half-rested.

To begin with, start following a nutritional regime, you should not eat food at night, especially heavy ones, you should not drink coffee, eat chocolate and drink black tea after six o’clock in the evening - they also have an exciting effect on the body. Do not overload your body with physical activity before going to bed, but light exercise or exercise throughout the day will be very useful, go in for sports at least twice a week, and before going to bed, a walk on the river will perfectly calm your body. fresh air.

Before you go to bed, remember something very good, because you should never fall asleep in bad mood. If you still can't sleep, do not use as a sleeping aid. alcoholic drinks, since it seems to you that it will help - it’s not so, this dream is short and shallow, but in the morning you will feel broken, weak and with a sore head. Not only will you not get rid of insomnia, but it will also get worse, and the day will be lost for you, you will not be able to concentrate on work.

You can often hear this version that before going to bed you can read some incredibly complex or boring literature. This has been confirmed by many experts, because at the end of the day human brain so tired that he will refuse to perceive complex information, which will manifest itself by quickly falling asleep.

Try to adjust your day so that you fall asleep at the same time every day. Before going to bed, be sure to open the window so that the room is well ventilated, even in winter, when it is frosty outside. After all, few people know that the most suitable temperature for us is not twenty-two degrees, as they say everywhere, but fifteen - that’s the temperature at which we will sleep well. Even if people are aware of this, they either often forget this information or simply ignore it.

Folk remedies for insomnia. Medicines.

So, how to get rid of insomnia folk ways ? First of all, it should be said that folk remedies for insomnia include mainly herbal infusions and infusions. If you don't want to ingest anything, you can try stuffing your pillow with herbs such as hazel, oregano, geranium, mint leaves, bay leaves, rose petals, fern, pine needles. Thanks to the aroma they emit, your body will fall asleep much easier and faster.

If you have a healthy and strong stomach, you can eat a whole onion - it will calm you down and help you fall asleep.

Another good and proven cure for insomnia is to drink a glass at night warm water with a tablespoon of honey diluted in it. Warm milk with cinnamon and honey will work even better - this remedy will help you calm down even in a very excited state. Milk will help you fall asleep quickly even in advanced cases when insomnia has taken hold of you for a long time, but for some reason this method is not particularly popular among people - either people don’t like milk, or they simply ignore it.

As for directly medicinal infusion, then we will give you some of their simplest recipes, containing those ingredients that can easily be found in city pharmacies.

Chop two tablespoons of hop cones and pour half a liter of boiling water, leave for about an hour, strain and drink a quarter glass three times a day, twenty minutes before meals. This infusion is very relaxing and relieves pain a little.

Pour four tablespoons of dried motherwort into a glass of boiling water and pour into a thermos, leave in the thermos for two hours. Take this infusion warm, one-third of a glass, half an hour before meals throughout the day. This infusion is very calming.

A wonderful tea from the mixture will also help fight insomnia orange peels, lemon balm and valerian. First, you need to infuse a teaspoon of lemon balm and peels in boiling water for ten minutes, then add to them the same amount (a teaspoon) of valerian in the form of a tincture from the pharmacy. Brew the mixture in advance and drink with honey three times a day like regular tea, pouring all the ingredients with one glass of boiling water. Only for better action do not put honey in a glass, but put it in your mouth, and then drink it with the infusion.

The following infusion is also quite effective in the fight against insomnia, because... has a calming effect - take equal parts of cumin seeds, dill, valerian root and motherwort herb. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Take half a glass two to three times during the day.

Modern people often suffer from insomnia due to poor lifestyle and everyday stress. Only someone who has experienced this terrible condition can understand a person suffering from insomnia. It is a consequence of systemic disorders, that is, a complex set of interrelated and hidden problems in the body at the level various systems and organs.

Almost every person has such disorders, even if he has no obvious health complaints. Having reached a certain degree of expression, systemic disorders manifest themselves in certain symptoms, including insomnia.

Causes of insomnia

  • sedentary lifestyle,
  • circulatory disorders,
  • stress,
  • Bad mood,
  • strong feelings,
  • depression,
  • overwork,
  • excessive flow of information (mental work),
  • carrying out large quantity in front of the TV and computer,
  • uncomfortable bed or pillow,
  • time zone change,
  • bad habits (smoking and alcohol),
  • taking medications,
  • drinking a lot of coffee,
  • heavy and fatty foods before bed.

Sleep hormone - melatonin

It is produced in the pineal gland ( pineal body). Its main function is to debug the daily rhythms of processes occurring in the human body. If there is not enough melatonin, then sleep problems arise, blood pressure, heart, nervous and immune system. In addition, its deficiency leads to early aging. You have most likely heard more than once that sleep is the best remedy for youth. And that's why. The sleep hormone is produced only when a person sleeps.

Now you can buy Melatonin tablets in pharmacies, but we do not recommend using them, as they carry side effects to your health. Most The best way“accustom” your body to produce the hormone on its own. As a rule, this comes to the rescue proper nutrition and exercise.

The most good medicine for all diseases, including insomnia - physical activity and proper nutrition. In addition, medications are used to eliminate sleep problems. We do not recommend doing this, as they are addictive and harmful to human health. Replace them with natural and natural remedies. They have a milder effect and have no side effects.

But let's take things in order.

Physical exercise increases melatonin production by 2-3 times

Exercise every day because physical activity very important for sound sleep. No massage can replace the simplest gymnastics. Physical exercise lasting one hour increases the production of the sleep hormone by 2-3 times.

In addition, sport improves blood circulation, improves mood and reduces stress. Run, bike, swim, do yoga, exercise light gymnastics- the main thing is to move more. But please note that exercise stress should be in the first half of the day, and not in the evening or before bed, as it will be difficult for the body to calm down and fall asleep quickly.

The following exercise will help you cope with insomnia. Lying on the bed, imagine that your body is rising above the bed and floating in the air. Feel complete freedom. Drive away extraneous thoughts, concentrate only on the fact that the body is floating in the air. After a few minutes you should feel slightly dizzy.

Now open your eyes (as wide as possible), then close your eyes. Repeat 3 times. Don't forget that you are floating.

Then focus on the pupils. Imagine that they are “retracted” back to the back of the head. Think about only one thing: the pupils are getting deeper and deeper, right at the back of your head, and now there is complete darkness around you. Switch back to the thought of floating in the air, maintain a relaxed state.

Gently turn your head from side to side. You are completely relaxed and ready for sleep.

What should your diet be like?

Melatonin is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, so its deficiency can lead to decreased production of the sleep hormone. To prevent this from happening, you need to include foods containing it in your diet. For example, sesame and almonds.

Also, foods that promote the synthesis of melatonin in the blood include cherry plum, bananas, cherries, corn, carrots, nuts, parsley, tomatoes, radishes and cherries.

It is recommended to include products with high content magnesium It is famous for its relaxation qualities and is an excellent stress reliever. To replenish your reserves of this macronutrient, you should eat avocados, nuts, seeds, dark greens, beans and lentils.

Dinner should be light. Spicy foods excite nervous system. Metabolizing food also requires energy, so if you eat before bed, your body will work at night to process the food instead of resting.

Avoid stimulants and alcohol. You need to be extremely careful with artificial stimulants such as sugar, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol, and it is better to completely abandon them. Their use does nothing but harm, and negatively affects the quality of your sleep.

Eat healthy food, eat more fruits and vegetables. If you include bananas and grapes in your diet, you can fill the body's need for carbohydrates, which are very important for sound sleep. Fructose and starches contained in the data plant products, stimulate the production of the hormone of happiness - which calms and normalizes a person’s breathing. All this helps you fall asleep well.

Cherries contain melatonin, which can help you fall asleep.


5. Stick to a sleep schedule. Remember that falling asleep in a timely manner is a reflex to certain external (natural) and internal (biological) rhythms. It is very important to go to bed at the same time. Your body will get used to the “routine” and it will be easier to fall asleep. In addition, do not accustom yourself to lying without sleep; for example, you should not read while lying down.

6. Colors can also help when fighting insomnia. Try to use calm shades in the interior, home clothes and bedding.

It is very interesting that the performance of the sleep hormone - melatonin - is influenced by Blue colour, which comes from computer screens, phones and televisions. It reduces the amount of this hormone, resulting in insomnia. Therefore, try to turn off all your gadgets 1.5-3 hours before bedtime.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 8 minutes

Insomnia is a condition when a person cannot fall asleep normally and often wakes up, so sleep does not shift to deep phase, during which the main rest of all systems and organs occurs. U healthy people it occurs as a result of overwork, excessive mental arousal, and in women it can appear during menopause. But sometimes insomnia is associated with various diseases. If difficulty sleeping occurs as a result of nervous overstrain, then you shouldn’t use it right away medical supplies, folk remedies for insomnia will come to the rescue.

Sleep is necessary to restore strength. But what to do if for a modern person healthy and full-fledged night rest More of an unaffordable luxury than the norm? Insomnia, or insomnia, is one of the most common problems that doctors constantly encounter. No single reason the occurrence of this condition, therefore universal medicine from sleep disorders is also not available.

The best recipes for insomnia

This deviation often torments people with mental work who constantly sit at the computer. They become overtired and waste their energy irrationally. Sometimes they try to overcome sleep and cheer up with coffee. This helps for a while, but then the fatigue only intensifies, drowsiness is observed during the day, and at night it is impossible to fall asleep.

Traditional medicine and homeopathy involve the use of simple natural remedies, which have a mild effect, are not addictive and, unlike tablets, have virtually no side effects and contraindications. Therefore, a properly selected medicinal sedative mixture can stop debilitating insomnia. But before you get rid of tormented insomnia using folk remedies, you should discuss a plan of action with your doctor so as not to harm your body.

Advice. If your bedroom is too dry, it is recommended to use a humidifier. This measure alone can significantly improve the quality of your vacation.

We suggest considering the most proven and effective means.


You can cure insomnia with a homemade recipe based on ordinary table salt. It is poured into a fabric bag and placed on a pillow. The head should be placed on this salt parcel. After just a week of regular use, sleep returns to normal.


An ancient effective folk remedy that has earned numerous positive reviews about excellent results. Honey calms and relaxes. Any preparations based on it are prepared quickly and simply. Honey dissolved in a glass of warm milk or tea and drunk at night helps to fall asleep.

You can treat insomnia with this tasty mixture: half a glass walnuts you need to take the same amount of honey, preferably buckwheat, and a glass of lemon juice. The components are mixed, take the “sleepy” honey remedy, 1 tbsp. l. an hour before bedtime.

Honey with apple cider vinegar

2 more simplest ones, but effective recipes based on honey, as well as apple cider vinegar, which enhances the effect of the first component.

  1. Take 2 tsp for 1 glass of water. vinegar and honey. This drink should be drunk before bed. It is also recommended to place a container with the mixture near the bed and take it when waking up at night.
  2. Take 3 tsp per glass of honey. apple cider vinegar. The mixture is taken before going to bed, 2 tsp.

Wine-dill decoction

To prepare it, you need to boil half a liter of red wine and add 60 g of dill seeds. The product is cooked for 20 minutes, then the fire is turned off, the pan is wrapped in a warm towel or blanket. The finished product is filtered and consumed 50 g daily before bed.

Hop tincture

The crushed cones are poured with vodka (proportion - 1: 4), allowed to brew for 2 weeks. dark place. After this, the mixture is filtered. Rules for taking hop tincture - five drops dissolved in a spoon cold water, twice a day.

Hello, dear friends, readers of my blog. Thousands of people suffer from insomnia, not knowing how to cope with it. I want to help you get rid of this painful phenomenon, so in this article I will tell you what to do with insomnia.

Why does insomnia haunt a person?

Causes bad sleep:

  • stress, depression, fear,
  • bad bed,
  • heat, little fresh air,
  • overeating before bed,
  • smoking, alcohol,
  • illness, severe pain.

It is impossible to list all the reasons. Let's better find something that helps get rid of it. You can, of course, take medications, but they are toxic, and you get used to them so quickly that they stop working.

1. Folk remedies for insomnia

A good remedy From this phenomenon at home there are dreams of a pleasant holiday, imagining beautiful sea or forest landscapes. You won't even notice how sweet slumber comes.

The best thing is to use folk remedies and not suffer. Drink a cup of warm milk with 1 tsp. honey In a few minutes, sleep will take you into its affectionate net.

An excellent remedy is tea with mint, roots, valerian leaves, and anise seeds.

How to cook anise tea? Warm up the kettle by rinsing it hot water. Put 0.5 teaspoon of seeds there, add boiling water, cover, let stand for 20 minutes. Strain, drink 100 ml at night, adding 1 tsp. honey

2. Herbal teas for insomnia

If the disease develops on nervous soil, then prepare this mixture. The main thing is to maintain the proportion – 3:3:2:2. Take mint, motherwort herb, hop cones, valerian root, mix everything. Then pour 10 grams of the mixture into 250 ml of water, put it on water bath, boil for 10 minutes, strain, add to the original volume, drink 3 times a day. Last appointment for the night.

Recipe traditional healers : take equal parts of chamomile, mint, fennel fruits, valerian roots and mix. Take 10 g. Brew 200 ml of boiling water, put in a water bath, evaporate for 25 minutes. Then strain, add water to make 200 ml again.

How to take: drink one glass twice a day. You can cure neuroses, insomnia, and calm your heart.

3. Clay treatment

What is it? Start making clay figures before you go to bed. After 2 weeks you will feel like you are sleeping soundly.

Another interesting method. Dissolve in half a glass of boiling water, add 3-4 tablespoons of yarrow decoction, stir. Place the mixture in a gauze napkin and tie it. Apply to your temples and forehead for 20-25 minutes.

4. Dill and wormwood for sound sleep

endowed with many beneficial properties, including the fight against sleep disorders. Recipe: pour 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs one tbsp. hot water, leave for 1.5-2 hours. Drink 0.5 glasses 3 times a day before meals, then drink 1 glass at night.

- an invaluable tool in the fight for deep sleep. Recipe: 1–2 tbsp. l. Infuse wormwood herbs in 2 tbsp. boiling water for 2 hours. Have a drink before going to bed.

5. What to do if you can’t sleep at night

How to fall asleep if your body is still full of strength and your brain is ready to “move mountains”? The answer is simple, you just need to deceive yourself. Instead of counting sheep, try to stay awake. Psychologist Julia Hirst advises: “Try to keep your eyes wide open and constantly repeat to yourself: “I don’t want to sleep.”

Oddly enough, your brain will react in the opposite way. According to the scientist, he will “rebel” and begin to prepare for bed. In psychology, this phenomenon is called the “sleep paradox.”

Well, it's about the same as the old one, good advice: “To prevent laundry from curling up in the duvet cover when machine washing, you need to stuff it there before washing. And, on the contrary, it will begin to fall out of there!”

If this doesn't work, try slowing down your breathing. As you know, during sleep we breathe much slower and more evenly than when awake. Imagine a sea wave somewhere on the shore of a warm tropical beach, and adjust your breathing to its rhythm. According to somnologists, it helps.

Somnologists are sleep specialists. I can imagine how they hold seminars and symposiums! Seriously, I myself just begin to monitor my breathing, saying to myself: “This is in-oooh... the air fills the lungs at the top-oooh, then below-oooh... This is you-exhale-xxx... the lungs are compressed and the air is out. » You know, it helps!

6. How to get rid of insomnia during pregnancy

What to take during pregnancy? Just don't take any pills. Eat natural medicines, which also help a lot. During pregnancy, you can drink valerian infusion.

But don’t overdo it here either, otherwise you’ll get a different effect. Excellent product tea made from licorice, mint, but not from hops. Juices from radishes, turnips, beets with the addition of honey will be useful.

Celery herb also gives excellent results: take 20 grams of leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. You should drink this decoction three times a day.

Except natural remedies will save you from anxiety at night correct mode day, walks before bed, a nice, warm shower, a comfortable bed. To find a comfortable position, surround yourself with pillows, place one under your leg, and another under your back.

7. Insomnia during menopause

This trouble occurs to almost all women during menopause, due to hormonal changes in the body. The advice is the same as for all moments of manifestation of this disease.

Well-known products are useful as a remedy for insomnia during menopause:

  • Honey and milk. If a woman normal level glucose, you can take a glass of their mixture at night. Stir 1 tsp in 100 ml of warm milk. honey and drink half an hour before bedtime;
  • Tomato juice . Add a little to it nutmeg and drink before dinner, 2 hours. The drink has a peculiar taste, but it helps you sleep well.

The only thing is, you don’t need to feel like a sick person, you shouldn’t lower your physical activity, succumb to depression.

- this is normal physiological phenomenon which no woman can avoid.

8. Insomnia on a diet

No matter what, women are sitting on, which means we need to help them:

  • Your diet should contain foods rich in vitamins C, B, calcium, zinc, magnesium;
  • turn off the lights, because in the light the body will not produce the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for dormancy and wakefulness;
  • try sleeping without a pillow, this will relieve your neck muscles;
  • Drink a mint decoction through a straw at night, with pleasure, in slow sips. This sucking will resemble a child's sleep reflex.

9. How to deal with insomnia in old age

In old age, people very often spend sleepless night. First of all, it is necessary to create a calm environment for the elderly person and ensure the flow of fresh air into the room where he sleeps.

He needs to fall asleep at the same time, take a warm foot bath at night or put warm socks on his feet, and have a pillow stuffed with fresh hop cones.

An excellent remedy is to drink three teaspoons of poppy decoction at night.

How to prepare it: brew one head of the plant with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, then drink.

10. How to treat insomnia in men

What should a man do if he tosses and turns from side to side all night? The advice is repeated, only you need to drink less coffee, sit at the computer, move more, be in the fresh air, avoid smoking and alcohol.

It is good to sniff drops of valerian before going to bed. Start with three shallow breaths. Look at the body's reaction: an overdose will result in a headache.

Try putting garlic under your pillow - unusual, but effective technique. How does it work? You need to place a few cloves or a whole head under your pillow. The aroma of garlic envelops and strengthens sleep, and in the morning you will feel great.

Those people who have experienced this method note the appearance good night, a surge of strength, disappearance of heart pain, pressure surges.

Folk remedies will not help you if you do not throw all negative thoughts out of your head before going to bed.

Try not to drink green tea and coffee after 6 pm, as these drinks contain high content caffeine The same goes for sweets, as well fatty foods– refuse such food 2-4 hours before bedtime.

Try to distract yourself and don't think about work or problems, read interesting book or watch a funny movie. You must learn to think positively, this is the only way you will get rid of sleep problems.

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