Beet tops are a natural healer for your body: beneficial properties and contraindications. Beet tops: beneficial properties and contraindications, do not throw away the tops. How to stock up on raw materials

Carrot tops – description with product photo; its medicinal properties; benefits and harms (with contraindications); treatment with tops; recipes for use in folk medicine and cooking

Carrot tops: properties

Calorie content: 35 kcal.

Energy value Carrot tops product:

Proteins: 0.64 g.
Fat: 0.13 g.
Carbohydrates: 5.34 g.


– leaves of the root vegetable, which are considered a by-product of carrot cultivation. The tops are dissected dark green leaves used in cooking and folk medicine.

Scientists consider the Mediterranean coast to be the birthplace of carrots. It is widespread in Africa, America, Australia, and Europe.

Humanity has been using it for 4 thousand years. Today's carrot comes from its wild relative. At the very beginning it was cultivated with medicinal purposes, and then became a common forage and food plant. One of the names of carrots sounds like “Queen Anne's lace.” The fact is that it used to be customary to decorate hair, as well as the sleeves of dresses, with openwork carrot leaves.

Medicinal properties of carrot tops

Medicinal properties carrot tops
conditioned by her chemical composition. Carrot greens contain 500 times (!) more vitamins and microelements, compared to the root vegetable itself. For example, the so-called “beauty vitamin”, or vitamin A, is 192 times more in tops than in carrots. The calcium content in greens is 11 times higher than in root vegetables. High content biologically active substances make carrot tops a valuable product for the prevention of eye and skin diseases.

Greens are also rich in proteins, which the body needs for vital processes. Tops are an excellent source of chlorophyll as well as calcium. It is thanks to these components that it is credited with the properties of purifying human blood. Chlorophyll is known to help cleanse lymph nodes from toxic substances and toxins, and calcium strengthens bones and muscles. High potassium and vitamin K content helps normalize high pressure, and metabolic processes in the body, prevents the development of heart disease.

Carrot tops and contains selenium, which is one of the most powerful antioxidants. Selenium is used for prevention cancer diseases. It is known that in large doses This substance is poisonous, but when consuming foods rich in selenium, an overdose is unlikely. Selenium is necessary for of cardio-vascular system, and also to maintain reproductive function women and men. Selenium is conventionally called a “microelement of longevity”, because it is a good preventive measure premature aging, improving the absorption of a powerful antioxidant - vitamin A. This microelement is especially necessary for men, since it is part of sperm. Just one sprig of tops covers daily requirement in selenium.

Decoction of carrot tops It is recommended to use for vision problems, as well as for prevention eye diseases. The tops are useful for people with myopia and farsightedness. The decoction also contains vitamin C, which is useful for strengthening the immune system. Before our ancestors discovered tea drinks, they loved to brew tea from carrot tops. For this, fresh carrots are used in the summer, and dried or frozen in the winter. One teaspoon of raw material will be enough for a glass of boiling water. To prepare a portion of tea, a handful of dried tops are poured into a teapot, then poured with boiling water and left to steep for half an hour. Tea can be significantly enriched with other herbs or healthy berries. For this purpose, currant fruits, rose hips, and nettle leaves are used.

Carrot tops will be useful for people who are watching their weight. Greens contain the necessary amount of fiber, which normalizes intestinal motility and promotes weight loss. The calorie content of this product is 35 calories per 100 grams. Carrot tops are perfect for brewing tea and for preparing original and healthy dishes.

Use of carrot tops in cooking

In cooking, carrot tops are used in the preparation of salads, appetizers, and soups. It was widely used several decades ago. Greens were used in all villages along with nettles, beet tops and other greens. Few people have thought about the benefits of this part of the plant. Rather, such popularity was associated with a shortage of products. Just 20 years ago, carrot tops were added to salads instead of the usual parsley.

In Rus', the so-called botvinya was prepared from green carrots - the first dish, which, according to a common recipe, is made on the basis of kvass and homemade sour cream, as well as nettles, sorrel, beet tops and carrots. Carrot tops were widely used to prepare various pickles; they were added when sauerkraut and pickling tomatoes. The tops gave the vegetables a characteristic sweetish-spicy taste.

Carrot greens are added to salads. It can also be used to prepare filling for pies. The tops are scalded, crushed, and cereal and a chicken egg are added. Next, the mixture is fried and vegetable cutlets are obtained. Carrot greens are great for making a nutritious casserole.

Today, haute cuisine is increasingly turning to the origins of culinary art. Popularity healthy eating is increasing every day. Semi-finished products and fast food are a thing of the past; they are being replaced by home cooking using all kinds of roots. As for carrot tops, before adding them to a dish, they should be scalded with boiling water to avoid excessive bitterness. You can also pre-soak it: soaking in cool water helps cleanse the plant of nitrates.

Carrot tops are great for making pancake filling. To prepare this dish according to our recipe, you will need very few ingredients: a glass of flour and milk, carrot tops, some onions and dill, 7 pieces chicken eggs, vegetable oil. First, mix a glass of flour with milk, water and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. After this, beat the dough by adding a little salt and 2 eggs. Mix everything until smooth and bake thin pancakes. After the pancakes have cooled a little, you can start preparing the filling. Onions, dill and tops are thoroughly washed and dried. Next, the greens should be finely chopped and sautéed (fried at low temperature). Separately, hard-boil 5 eggs, chop and combine with herbs. The resulting filling is placed on pancakes and folded into an “envelope”. These pancakes go perfectly with homemade sour cream.

The benefits of carrot tops and treatment

The benefits of this product have long been known to folk medicine. The tops contain volatile components, essential oils, other biological active substances. The famous pharmacologist and botanist of antiquity, Dioscorides Pedanius, included carrot tops in the list of the most effective plants, used to treat cancer. IN folk recipes A decoction of this product is used to stimulate uterine contractions during childbirth. Homeopathy recommends using decoctions of tops for people who have swelling of various nature. Freshly squeezed juice from carrot leaves is good to use as an antiseptic for the oral cavity.

In folk medicine, carrot tops are often used for the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids and varicose veins veins Her beneficial features based on a laxative and restorative effect. As a preventative measure, the tops should be used by people who are sedentary image life, for example, office workers, drivers.

Eating carrot tops strengthens blood vessels and also accelerates the process of epithelization. The substances that the tops contain have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. This product is useful for people with disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Carrot tops are perfect for cleansing the body. To do this, prepare an infusion from a tablespoon of tops and a glass of boiling water. Before use, the mixture is infused for 30 minutes. Take the resulting infusion 20 minutes before meals, a glass 4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month, and then you should take a break. If necessary, treatment can be repeated.

Harm of carrot tops and contraindications


Carrot tops can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance. Scientists have concluded that carrot greens contain a certain amount of harmful substances, such as nitrates and alkaloids. The bitterness of the tops is explained precisely by the presence of alkaloids, which, according to their characteristics, are, however, no more toxic than caffeine or tomatine.

People who have sensitive skin hands, even from simple contact with carrot leaves they feel discomfort, and a rash or irritation appears on their skin. Such reactions are due to the presence of furocoumarins in the tops. These substances are not toxic when taken internally.

It is important to remember that carrot greens pull nitrates from the soil all the time. Their number in the tops varies depending on the period. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume carrot tops for pregnant and lactating women.

Spring came. And with it comes a natural opportunity to eat healthy! What will our diet be like? Should we replace a hearty winter breakfast with skim cheese And Fresh Juice? Will our dinner consist of salad? And what will this salad be like?

With the advent of more and more adherents of healthy eating, an abundance of herbs and lettuce can be found on the shelves of the modern supermarket.

So, gastronomic greens: Lolo rossa, Lolo bianca, Watercress, Mung lettuce, Iceberg, Friese, Romaine, Oakleaf, Corn, Head lettuce, Leaf lettuce, Arugula, Chicory, Butterhead, Chard... And precisely the last one, Mangold, I would like to pay special attention.

But in fact, Chard is beet leaves. Yes, exactly them. Table leaves, red beet.

Of course, scientists have worked hard to ensure that the plant gives strength to the tops, and not to the root itself. And therefore Chard is a green, not a vegetable. A very versatile green though. Moreover, there is a red leaf and a green leaf, which is obtained from fodder (sugar) beets. And there is already a yellow and silver leaf. On the shelves of Ukraine and Russia we find only miniature leaves mixed with arugula or lolo rossa. Much less often you can buy Chard separately.

In the markets of Europe and Asia you will find quite large leaves of Chard. The length of the leaf with petiole reaches 70 cm.

Asians use beet tops in any form: raw, boiled, baked. The Chinese have a cuisine culture that they call "samovar". At the dining table there is an electric stove with a pot of boiling water on it. On the trays lie the ingredients of your meal in raw (live) form: sorrel, chard, spinach, octopus, shrimp, etc. You take them, dip the ingredients in boiling water one by one for a few minutes, and put them on your plate. This way no one wastes time on separate preparation, everything is prepared and eaten at the table. A lot of chard and sorrel are eaten.

Europeans prefer to add chard to a variety of salads, pasta sauce, omelet and casserole, and prepare a side dish for meat. Risotto with Chard has a special taste.

But how “new” is Mangold in our Slavic cuisine? Yes, he is not a newbie at all, I tell you.

I remember very well from childhood, how in the spring, at my great-grandmother Daria, a “water garden” appeared on the windowsill. Sprouted onions and beets were placed in jars of water, and there they continued their cycle of rebirth. We added young beet shoots to salad, omelet and borscht with young nettles and sorrel. It was very tasty! I'll tell you more. Grandma cooked cabbage rolls... with beet leaves instead of cabbage. Try it during the season, you will be delighted! Only beet leaves, unlike cabbage leaves, do not need to be boiled in boiling water, but lightly doused with boiling water and quickly taken back out. They behave in preparation and during the cooking process itself, like spinach.

Our great-great parents knew well how to get the maximum benefit from the plant.

Restaurants in the city actively use greens in their menus, including chard. But chefs call it nothing other than beet leaf. For now, the leaf is used only in salads.

But who knows, perhaps today you will see a Chard pie on the menu of your favorite restaurant.

About the benefits: Swiss chard is very rich in vitamins C, B, B2, O, PP, P, contains carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances, organic acids, carotene, potassium salts, calcium, phosphorus, iron, lithium, etc.

Beet tops– beet shoots, they have green color with burgundy veins (see photo). Tops have long been used in cooking and medicine among Slavic peoples. The beets themselves have a sweetish taste; most often they are boiled before consumption. This product was also known to the cooks and healers of Babylon and the Mediterranean countries. Mentions of beets and their beneficial properties were found in sources that date back to the 4th century BC. e.. It is interesting that initially it was the tops that were used for gastronomic purposes, and the root vegetable itself was used exclusively for medicinal purposes.

The Mediterranean region is considered the birthplace of beets. Today, beets are distributed almost throughout the globe. Beets are demanding on regular watering and soil fertility; they are grown to produce tops and the root crop itself.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of beet tops were known to our ancestors; they added this product to their diet in order to maintain health for a long time. long years. Young beet leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, which strengthens fragile capillaries and fights depression. Folic acid, which is quite abundant in beet tops, is necessary for brain function and nervous system. Folic acid occupies an important place in the diet of a pregnant woman, as it helps to avoid problems with the intrauterine development of the fetus. Women who ate plenty of dark green leafy vegetables during pregnancy got enough fiolic acid from their diet.

Beet tops contain carotenoids, which makes them good for vision. Carotenoids have antioxidant properties, protect body cells, and prevent cancer. Eating plenty of foods rich in carotenoids reduces the risk of developing lung cancer. Carotenoids also reduce the likelihood of developing coronary heart disease.

Beet tops contain the substance choline, which has a beneficial effect on the liver, prevents its fatty degeneration. Pectin substances suppress the activity of harmful intestinal bacteria, which affects metabolism and general condition. Regular use Beet tops have a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

In cosmetology there is recipe for getting rid of freckles using beet tops. To do this, the beauties prepared a paste from the tops, which was then applied to the treated face. soda solution. This procedure is also effective for age spots.

Use in cooking

In cooking, beet tops are used to prepare traditional Russian dishes. Beet tops – good basis for borscht and soups, in addition, it is very useful. This product is included in national desserts and real Russian kvass. Young beet leaves can be stored dried or frozen. In the old days, the tops were dried or salted: this way they retained their taste all winter.

Beet tops will completely change the taste of okroshka or cold beetroot soup. Young beet leaves can be used to make salads. Before adding them, you need to first scald them with boiling water: this will make them softer and more tender. Beet tops sound good in dishes that contain spinach, fresh cucumbers, celery, radish. Fresh herbs and walnuts The taste of young beet leaves will be further emphasized.

Main courses can also be prepared from beet leaves. Beet tops are often added to vegetable stews, casseroles, cutlets and even omelettes. Canned tops are used in winter in preparing second and first courses. Pies filled with beet tops are especially popular. The so-called Ossetian pie, the filling of which consists of beet tops, suluguni cheese, and fried onions, is also very tasty.

Salads made from tops and leafy vegetables are usually seasoned with lemon juice and homemade sour cream; a good dressing is also olive oil. Before eating, the tops must be prepared. To do this, it is scalded with boiling water and then finely chopped. The tops prepared in this way are completely ready for consumption and for adding to salads; they lose their specific taste and become very soft.

Benefits of beet tops and treatment

The benefits of beet tops allow you to use it for various diseases. It is recommended to include beet leaves in your diet for people who are obese. The calorie content of the product is 28 kilocalories per 100 grams. Beet tops contain plant fiber, which helps normalize metabolic processes, promotes weight loss. The tops have a mild laxative property, which allows them to be used for constipation. In this case, a decoction will help: pour boiling water over a tablespoon of tops leaves and leave until it cools; after the decoction has cooled, it should be drunk during the day in about 4 doses.

Beet tops are indicated for use in diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, anemia.

In the old days, beet tops were used as natural remedy for headaches. For this purpose, they cooked porridge from the tops, which they applied to the forehead. Tops mush was also used for conjunctivitis. The tops were applied to the eyes several times a day. Externally, you can use juice from beet tops, pulp from leaves and decoction.

Tops do a great job with cracked feet, foot baths are prepared for this. Compresses made from tops mush heal wounds.

Harm of beet tops and contraindications

Beet tops can cause harm to the body in diseases with the formation of stones, inflammation of the kidneys, and inflammatory processes in the intestines. It is also contraindicated to use beet tops when peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis, heartburn, gout, in the presence of inflammatory processes in the liver.

In economically difficult times, people should remember that nature provides unique opportunities to replenish their table with affordable and healthy dishes. The tops and leaves of green and vegetable crops have such qualities. In the spring, this is the first vitamin-rich greens available.

The article discusses 10 types of plants with edible and healing tops and leaves, which are grown on almost every summer cottage. I hope this knowledge will help you not only save part of your budget, but will also have a positive effect on your health and beauty.

Carrot tops

By throwing tops and leaves of root crops into the trash bin, people have forgotten how to appreciate natural gifts flora. But adding just two hundred grams of leafy greens (tops) to food helps strengthen the human body without the use of drugs.

Having moved to cities, people have long been separated from nature. His immunity weakened, he began to experience an acute shortage of vital essential vitamins. Today, the medical industry has “filled” pharmacies with a variety of vitamin packages for children, adults and the elderly, earning huge profits from this. But literally from Mother Earth, tender stems and leaves of plants are reaching out to people’s hands, capable of providing humanity with all the vitamin components. Just collect and use!

Which plant leaves and stems are used in food, medicine and cosmetology?

1. Chard (Beta vulgaris) refers to one of the types of common beets. The variety of colors of the stems of this amazing “curly” plant is like a rainbow: yellow or pinkish, silver or crimson, purple or dark green.

Both the leaves themselves and the stems are edible. The content of vitamin K and magnesium ensures healthy teeth and bones, promotes blood clotting, and counteracts internal bleeding. Swiss chard leaves have anti-cancer properties and contain vitamins A and C, which promote sebum production.

This is a natural hair conditioner that has a beneficial effect on hair follicles. From the stems of this wonderful plant getting ready delicious dishes. The incomparable qualities of beet leaves are used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

2. Spinach recognized as a true favorite among edible plants. Its valuable components include beta-carotene, as well as vitamins C, PP, A, H, K, E. Spinach leaves are provided with phosphorus, potassium, sodium, copper, calcium, oxalic acid and selenium.

Spinach stimulates appetite, helps restore health in postoperative period. It is widely used in dentistry and cosmetology, and is indicated for patients with diabetes, pregnant women and children, and people who want to lose weight.

3. Young radish tops has a mild, pleasant taste. It makes an excellent culinary addition to vinaigrettes and salads. Boiled radish leaves are used in purees and soups.

4. Pumpkin greens have an exquisite taste.. It is consumed both raw and as an ingredient in salads. When boiled, pumpkin greens have a smell similar to spinach. Pumpkin tops are an excellent ingredient for soups.

5. Bean and pea tops It has a delicate and soft structure with a sweetish taste. In terms of culinary qualities, it is similar to beet leaves.

6. Onions and ordinary onions known to every housewife. It has a wonderful smell and a number of useful qualities. Greens can be stewed, fried, added to salads and vinaigrettes, mashed potatoes and in fillings for pies.

7. Radish and rutabaga tops It has a bitter taste, so it is hardly possible to eat it raw. However, it acquires a soft and pleasant structure during processing at high temperatures.

8. Cabbage tops Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kohlrabi or cauliflower are leaves that do not form a head or head. These leaves are somewhat harsh and have a bitter taste. However, when boiled or stewed, they have beneficial properties and a pleasant taste, successfully replacing ordinary cabbage.

9. Wild green leaves have been eaten for a long time and are widely used in medicinal purposes. The leaves of dandelion and young nettles, pears and many other herbs and trees are rich minerals, while they contain much less coarse fiber than cabbage or some root vegetables.

10. Citrus peels, garlic or onion peels Under no circumstances should they be thrown away. This “waste” has unique healing qualities. You can use them to make magical cosmetical tools at home.

Decoctions of husks and peels strengthen gums, improve hair structure, and eliminate dandruff. Decoctions are made from wilted bouquets of bird cherry or lilac, peel or husk and added to baths. Proven qualities have made it an integral component included in recipes for cleansing the body.

Onion skins make an excellent coloring agent.

The special value of tops of wild and garden greens lies in their early availability. In spring, when the human body requires special attention, the first young leaves, emitting a delicate delicate aroma, will provide invaluable assistance in restoring strength and health.

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of beets. But few people realize that the tops of this vegetable can be eaten. The green part of the culture is rich dietary fiber, protein, vitamins A, C and other substances important for the body. She appears in the beds when there is no white cabbage, salads and can easily replace them in the human diet.

How are beet tops prepared? The benefits and harms of beet leaves, the composition of the tops and storage methods.


Beet leaves can be eaten until frost. What is valuable considering how much useful substances contained in the tops. The tops of the vegetable are a source of protein, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper; ascorbic acid, vitamin A, B6, fiber.

Useful properties of beet tops:

  • Beet leaves are a source of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble substance, so its supply must be constantly replenished. Vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen, a protein that supports healthy skin, bones, blood vessels. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from infectious diseases.
  • Tops contain large amounts of vitamin K (more than 300% of daily norm in 100 g). It ensures blood clotting and prevents the destruction of brain neurons. Therefore, it prevents Alzheimer's disease. Together with calcium, it increases bone strength, helping to prevent the onset of osteoporosis.
  • Beet tops are rich in vitamin A. It strengthens the immune system, stimulates the production of antibodies and blood cells, and supports healthy vision. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals in the body. As a result, the risk of cancer and heart disease is reduced. Vitamin A is also necessary for the health of mucous membranes and skin.
  • Beet tops contain the entire complex of vitamins IN. This group of beneficial substances ensures normal metabolism in the body, regulates the activity of the immune, nervous, and cardiovascular systems. Folic acid is involved in brain activity, hematopoietic processes, prevents malformations in the fetus during pregnancy.
  • Vegetable greens contain more iron than spinach. The microelement is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, prevents and treats anemia. It is recommended to eat beet tops when frequent dizziness, chronic fatigue.
  • The green part of the vegetable is a source of potassium and choline. Potassium regulates the amount of fluid in the body, which is important for maintaining water-salt balance, heart rate, normal blood pressure. Choline prevents fatty degeneration of liver cells.
  • When consuming beet tops, the body receives glycine betaine in sufficient quantities.. Betaine lowers the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, a substance that provokes the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques inside blood vessels. Thus, beet greens warn ischemic disease heart, stroke, pathology peripheral vessels. Betaine also prevents fats from remaining in liver cells and prevents the proliferation of cancer cells.
  • Fiber and pectins stimulate intestinal function, prevent the formation of pathogenic flora, improve the digestion process. Tops are included in a variety of diets, because... it improves metabolism.
  • Beet tops contain antihistamines. Greens are included in the diet of allergy sufferers to reduce the intensity of reactions.
  • Flavonoids and carotenoids have anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. Zea-xanthine (one of the most important carotenoids) provides protective light filtering functions and prevents macular changes in the retina.

Beet leaves contain more minerals and vitamins than beets themselves (with the exception of sugar and folic acid). Its regular use helps to improve the health of the body, because... Important processes are activated (digestion, metabolism, cell formation, cardiac activity, etc.).

Practically complete absence sugar allows you to eat tops with diabetes. Moreover, the product helps diabetics control their blood sugar levels.


Beet leaves contain oxalic acid (0.67 mg per 100 g). Reacting with calcium, phosphorus and other minerals, it forms crystals. They are poorly excreted from the body. Excessive consumption of greens may cause stones in the kidneys, urinary tract and gallbladder.


  • Kidney diseases. Due to the oxalic acid in the composition. You can include greens in your diet. But in limited quantities and with normal (1.5-2 liters per day) consumption of clean drinking water.
  • Stones in the urinary and gall bladder. Oxalic acid aggravates the course of these diseases.
  • Taking anticoagulants. The tops already contain a large number of vitamin K. An increased concentration of the substance will not bring benefits to the body.
  • Diarrhea. Pectins give laxative effect, which is undesirable with diarrhea.
  • Gout, pancreatitis. At similar diseases consumption of products with oxalic acid is contraindicated.
  • Hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, acute inflammatory process in the organ. Tops speed up metabolism, which increases the load on the liver.
  • Hypotension. Beet leaves reduce blood pressure.

Composition (vitamins and minerals)

Name Quantity
Vitamin C 6 mg
Vitamin B6 0.2 mg
Vitamin B1 0.05 mg
Vitamin B3 0.7 mg
A nicotinic acid 0.8 mg
Folic acid 18.6 mg
Vitamin B2 0.04 mg
Vitamin A 21 mcg
Aluminum 814 mcg
Calcium 15 mg
Phosphorus 34 mg
Potassium 239 mg
Sulfur 15 mg
Chlorine 45 mg
Magnesium 10 mg
Iron 0.5 mg
Sodium 20 mg
Zinc 0.3 mg
Iodine 2 mcg
Fluorine 15 mcg
Manganese 0.22 mg
Bor 100 mcg
Copper 134 mcg

How to cook

For consumption, choose young leaves. Rinse under running cold water and dry on a towel. Then cut the beet stalks and leaves into the pieces needed to prepare a particular dish. Young tops can be eaten fresh. IN pure form or adding to salads.

Large leaves become bitter due to high concentration oxalic acid. Therefore, they need to be heat treated. The tops are boiled, stewed, fried, steamed.

From fresh leaves beets are prepared:

  • salads;
  • smoothie;
  • vegetable rolls.

Tops are an excellent base for borscht and soups. It is used to make such national dishes as okroshka, cold beetroot soup, and Russian kvass. Beet foliage is also suitable for preparing main courses:

  • cabbage rolls (used instead of cabbage);
  • pies, rolls, casseroles (as a filling);
  • vegetable stew;
  • cutlets

Before adding beet leaves to the salad, you need to scald them with boiling water. They will become softer and lose their specific taste.

How to stew tops:

  • Cut the washed petioles into pieces. Place in a frying pan greased with vegetable or butter.
  • Cook over medium heat for approximately 5 minutes.
  • To preserve the color, you can add a little lemon juice.

How to steam:

  • Boil water in a saucepan. Install a special insert or metal colander.
  • Place the prepared petioles and cover with a lid. Reduce heat.
  • Cook for approximately 6-7 minutes.

How to blanch beet leaves:

  • To boil water. Add some salt.
  • Drop the washed leaves.
  • After a minute, remove with a slotted spoon.

To prepare pureed greens, it is recommended to blanch for 2-3 minutes.


Young tops are dried, frozen or salted. In this form, it retains its taste and beneficial properties all winter.

Canning Features:

  • Cut the petioles in small pieces. Pour in cold salted water.
  • Place on fire. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes.
  • Divide into jars. Pour in brine. Wrap up.

Keep canned tops in a cold place.

How to choose

The color and size of the foliage depends on the beet variety. The red vegetable has tops dark green color with pink, crimson and red veins and petioles.

Leaves can be collected at any stage of root growth. But the young leaves with tender stems are most suitable for eating. In older tops, the petiole becomes fibrous.

Choose firm, deep-colored leaves with a firm stem. Throw away the withered and old ones.

What goes with it?

Beet tops sound good in combination with herbs and vegetables:

  • spinach;
  • fresh cucumbers;
  • celery;
  • cabbage;
  • radishes;
  • onions, garlic, etc.

To highlight the taste of young tops, add walnuts and fresh herbs to the salad. Suitable for refilling lemon juice, homemade sour cream, olive oil.

Cooked beet leaves lose their specific taste and smell. Therefore, you can add them to many first and second courses (mushroom and pea soups, pies, bread, pizza, omelettes, cutlets, etc.).

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