Tea with verbena. Verbena officinalis - beneficial properties and contraindications

Verbena officinalis
Taxon: Family Verbenaceae
Common names: iron ore, iron ore, red zirka, dry nephrosh, witchcraft plant, holy herb, tear of Juno
English: Simpler's Joy, Turkey Grass, Vervain Species

Among 200 species, only one species - verbena officinalis - is involved in medical practice.

A perennial plant of the verbena family, up to 80 cm high. The stem is tetrahedral, erect. The leaves are oblong, located on short petioles. The flowers are pale purple, divided into 5 petals, numerous, collected in a panicle. Blooms from May to October.
There are many other types of verbena that came from Northern and South America. They are used as ornamental plants and do not have the benefits of medicinal verbena.
Lemon verbena ( Aloysia trifolia, Aloysia citrodora) has a completely different appearance. It is a small bush, reaching 1 to 1.5 m in height, whose long and thin branches bear oblong, narrow and sharp leaves that emit a pleasant lemon aroma. From July to September, lemon verbena will produce weak spikes with small white flowers at the top and pink flowers at the top. inside. Native to Chile, this species requires a hot climate and can only be cultivated in non-greenhouse conditions in the south of France.

The homeland of verbena officinalis is Europe. As an imported plant, it is found in temperate and tropical climates of Asia and Africa, Australia, North and Central America.
In Russia, verbena officinalis is found in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, and the Urals.
Distributed everywhere, but not in mass quantities. The plant is quite unpretentious and can rise to a height of up to 1200 meters above sea level. It grows in meadows, forest edges, along the banks of streams, rivers and seas, along gorges and ravines. In disturbed areas - along roads, on old ruins of brick houses, on the outskirts of fields, in littered areas, near fences, in vacant lots, among crops. In gardens, cereal fields and vegetable gardens in the Caucasus it grows as a weed.

Collection and preparation:
The entire above-ground part of the plant with flowers serves as medicinal raw material. The grass is collected during the flowering period. Dry in a dryer at a temperature of 50-60 ºС.
Lemon verbena leaves are collected twice: the first time - in June, before flowering - these leaves have an ash-green color and have an exquisite aroma, this is the most popular collection; the second collection is collected in October, its leaves dark green and are richer in essential oil, but have a less subtle odor.

Chemical composition:
All parts of verbena officinalis contain: essential oil, soluble silicic acid, bitterness, tannins, mucus, as well as iridoid glycoside (verbenalin, verbenin, aucubin, hastatoside), steroids (sitosterol), triterpenoids (lupeol, ursolic acid), flavonoids (artemetin), vitamins, microelements.
Verbena officinalis leaves contain vitamin C.

Pharmacological properties:
Thanks to one of the glycosides - verbenamine - verbena has astringent, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing, analgesic, sedative, dispersive, absorbent, expectorant, choleretic, antispasmodic, antiallergic and, to a certain extent, antifever, antipyretic properties. Verbena increases appetite and improves digestion, normalizes metabolism in the body.

Application in medicine:
Verbena preparations are prescribed orally for acute respiratory diseases, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, chronic gastritis With reduced content gastric juice, rheumatism, toothache and headache, pneumonia, hypotension. Therapeutic effect is achieved due to the diaphoretic effect of the substances contained in the raw materials. Externally used in the form of compresses, wash lotions for inflammatory diseases skin, rashes, furunculosis and difficult-to-heal wounds. In the form of rinses, they are used for inflammation of the oral mucosa and to remove bad breath.
For eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and acne vulgaris, verbena is used both internally and externally.
The root cures scrofula, ulcers and abrasions, and applied to the neck in the form of a plaster, heals scrofula, mumps and abscesses. They say that if children carry verbena root on themselves, they will study well.
Verbena seeds mixed with annual peony seeds heal epilepsy. Verbena juice is very useful for men suffering from impotence; it is also useful for them to carry this root on themselves.
Verbena oil is prescribed for exhaustion and loss of strength, anemia, scanty and short menstruation, and liver inflammation.
When crushed and cooked in wine, verbena helps against snake bites. In a plaster it cures pain.
If you drink verbena juice with honey and warm water, breathing improves.
For rabies (phobia of water), you should drink verbena stems boiled in wine.
However, verbena is not used so often and, mainly, in villages, where poultices from a fresh, crushed plant immediately resolve bruises; tinctures of verbena are also usually used, at the same time appetizing and promoting digestion, since by stimulating gastric secretion, verbena successfully fights dizziness and lethargy - the result of poor digestion. And, of course, it is even more effective if you believe in its properties.

Verbena infusion: Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 3 tbsp in a thermos. l. crushed raw materials, leave for 3 hours, strain. Use externally when warm.
Verbena infusion: Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials, leave for 1 hour, strain. Drink 1/3 glass 3-4 times a day 0.5 hours before meals. The same infusion can be used to rinse the mouth and throat for stomatitis and catarrhal tonsillitis, as a lotion for acne, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, wounds, ulcers.
Verbena infusion prepared by distillation is useful for anemia optic nerve; further distillation produces a liquid used for tuberculosis and thrombosis.
Verbena decoction: Brew 0.5 liters of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, strain, squeeze and bring boiled water to the original volume. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. To enhance the diaphoretic effect, the infusion is taken warm with honey or raspberry jam.
Freshly crushed verbena leaves must be applied to wounds for their healing.
Leaves in the form of a poultice are useful for attacks of anger.
To treat headaches, according to Russian healers, it is necessary to plant verbena in the spring in virgin soil, to which the patient’s hair is mixed, and water it with water after washing the hair. When the verbena grows, it should be burned and the powder taken orally on the tip of a knife as needed.
They also say that if you hold verbena leaves in your hand and ask the patient about his well-being, the patient’s answer will decide the question of his recovery: if the patient answers that he is better, he will recover, otherwise he will die.

Lemon verbena should not be abused even in the form of tinctures, since long-term use it can irritate the intestinal mucosa.

Use on the farm:
Lemon verbena is very widely used in perfumery. In cooking, the herb is used in marinades and pickles. During the flowering period, the above-ground part serves as a substitute for tea, which, in addition, has a mild choleretic effect. Verbena is also used in tinctures due to its beneficial action on the stomach. It effectively combats heaviness in the stomach and cramps caused by poor digestion. Moreover, its refined and refreshing taste allows lemon verbena to serve as the basis for the preparation of very valuable liqueurs.

A little history:
In the Middle Ages, verbena served as a real panacea: it was used to treat epilepsy, fever, sore throat, scrofula, skin diseases, leprosy, bruises, and it also protected against any infection, which made it a truly precious remedy during epidemics, so frequent in those days.
Verbena was sacred grass among the Gauls, Persians, in Ancient Greece and Rome, they gave it loud names: “Tears of Isis”, “Blood of Mercury” or “Grass of Hercules”.
In Latin, the name of the plant meant “sacred branch” and came to be used to name all the branches with which priests were crowned during sacrifices, regardless of whether they were laurel, myrtle, verbena or olive branches. Verbenaca, verbenae comes from a very ancient Indo-European root, which in Greek gave rnabdos- “vine” (more precisely, “magic rod”). In those days, there was a tradition of keeping vervain in the house in order to drive out evil spirits, cleanse the altar with its branches, or give a bouquet of vervain to someone to whom they wished well.
In Gaul, verbena (in Celtic - ferfaen) enjoyed no less success. It was used not only for the same purposes as in Rome, verbena also protected against witchcraft. The inhabitants of Gaul called it “The Devil’s Poison.” After cutting the stems in the darkness of the night, they were used to sprinkle holy water on the places where the devil settled. They cleaned houses with it. Magicians said that if you rub yourself with vervain, all your wishes will come true. With its help, they expelled fever, cured sore throat, scrofula, skin diseases, leprosy, and bruises. In their opinion, it protects against any infection. But in order to achieve such results, it was necessary to collect verbena in the evening at dusk, so that no one could see (neither the moon nor the sun), and offer the earth a honeycomb with honey as atonement. To this they added that the still growing verbena should be drawn in a circle with an iron, pulled out with the left hand and raised into the air. Dry the leaves, stem and root separately in the dark. The Druids collected vervain before sunrise. In their opinion, it is necessary to pick the plant when the Sun is in the sign of Aries, dry it and grind it into powder. Vervain, picked in the sign of Aries and mixed with annual poppy seeds, cures epilepsy.

Photos and illustrations:

Blue verbena has many beneficial properties, due to which it has been used for many centuries for treatment folk medicine. The plant belongs to the verbena family. This grass has purple flowers. You can find verbena everywhere in Europe and America. This article will discuss in detail its beneficial, medicinal properties and contraindications for use.

In the past, it was often used as an aphrodisiac. Today it is widely used as a sedative that helps with depression. The benefits of this plant for women's health are also known. Thanks to its many beneficial properties, verbena is known throughout the world.

Verbena - 11 beneficial properties

Let's take a closer look beneficial features blue verbena.

  1. Verbena - a natural mood improver

    Verbena reduces anxiety and fights stress. This medicinal property is recognized all over the world. To feel peace and relaxation, just drink a cup of verbena tea. The components of the plant have a positive effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, verbena is widely used to combat stress and depressive states. It is also effective for insomnia and post-traumatic conditions. You need to drink the decoction before going to bed. People who use this remedy become less irritable, nervousness and anxiety disappear.

  2. Verbena improves bowel function

  3. Takes care of the oral cavity

    To keep your gums healthy, you need to chew verbena. This will help with bleeding, inflammation and mouth ulcers.

  4. Natural pain reliever and anti-inflammatory

    Blue verbena – excellent natural remedy, which helps with inflammation and spasms. It effectively treats fever and other cold symptoms. For fever, verbena relieves painful sensations, lowers the temperature. In addition, it relieves migraines and sinusitis symptoms. This plant also acts as a tonic that supports the patient’s strength. At severe cough Verbena-based products are used to remove phlegm, relieving coughing attacks.

  5. Natural antispasmodic

    Verbena herb has long been famous for its antispasmodic properties. Even official medicine recommends using it for pain and muscle spasms. Poultices with verbena are very effective in relieving pain arising from rheumatism and neuralgia of the ear.

  6. Verbena is good for women

    Verbena, as already mentioned, has excellent stress-relieving properties. That is why it is so useful for women during the premenstrual period. The plant is also used to induce menstruation in women with significant delays.

    The herb causes contractions of the uterus, so it can be used as natural remedy to induce labor and speed up the birth of the child. After childbirth, products based on this plant are also useful for women, as they help improve the lactation process.

  7. Healing properties for the liver

    This plant has long been known for its medicinal properties have a positive effect on the condition of the liver. It cleanses this organ during jaundice, providing an anti-inflammatory effect and relieving pain.

  8. Medicine against malaria

    This feature of verbena was known back in Ancient China, where verbena roots were used to fight malaria.

  9. Benefits of verbena for skin

    The natural anti-inflammatory and astringent properties of the plant make it possible to use verbena as a treatment skin infections. Also, according to scientific evidence, it can be used to treat wounds to protect against infection. In addition, this remedy eliminates the effect of toxic substances from insect bites.

    To date, no specific daily dose for this plant. It is usually recommended to consume 2 to 4 ml of verbena infusion per day.

    Contraindications to the use of verbena

    Although blue verbena has a huge range of healing properties, it must be consumed in limited quantities otherwise it can cause harm to the body. Do not forget that any folk remedy has two sides. At excessive consumption Verbena may cause vomiting, which in turn can lead to dehydration.

    During pregnancy, verbena-based products should be used with caution. At the initial stage, you should completely abandon them. As already mentioned, they can cause uterine contractions. Therefore, they will be useful only if it is necessary to induce labor, as well as during lactation to improve the process. But in this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor so as not to harm the child.

    Blue Verbena can be used in different forms. It can be powder, capsules, tinctures, tea, flowers and others.

    We hope that after learning about the benefits of verbena, you will use it correctly to improve your health. The main thing is to always consult a doctor before using products so as not to cause harm to yourself. Consult homeopaths and herbalists. They will tell you how to properly prepare and take medications to treat a specific disease.

    What else is useful?

Since ancient times, verbena officinalis has been famous for its various beneficial properties. The Celtic Druids called her "saint." Verbena was used by healers and doctors in their medical practice.

In this article we will look at chemical composition, beneficial medicinal properties of verbena, restrictions on its use, its use in cooking, collection and storage of verbena raw materials.

Chemical composition of verbena officinalis

Each part of verbena is rich in essential oils, has bitterness and mucilage, steroids (sitosterol), tannins, flavonoids (artemetin), iridoid glycoside (verbenaline), hastatoside, triterpenoids (lupeol, ursolic acid), carotenoids, verbenamine, aucubin, silicic acid, vitamins , micro- and macroelements. Verbena leaves contain ascorbic acid.

Did you know?About two hundred species of verbena are known, but only one - verbena officinalis - is used in medicine.

Medicinal properties of verbena officinalis

The range of medicinal properties of verbena is very wide. Verbena acts as a blood purifier, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and tonic. It can also improve liver function, digestion of food, increase appetite and restore body cells, the secretion of gastric juice increases, and normalizes metabolism.

Preparations containing verbena help reduce temperature, increase the secretion of sweat and bile, and relieve muscle spasms. Citral is capable of reducing blood pressure, has reserpine-like and hypotensive effect. Verbena treats thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, rheumatism and gout.

Cleaning blood vessels with verbena is also effective. It is endowed with astringent properties, which is why it is used for indigestion, poor digestion, and lack of appetite.

Verbena perfectly helps with anemia, various allergies, intestinal colic, cholecystitis, gastritis, hepatitis, laryngitis, colds, pneumonia, and it also has antiseptic properties.

Important!IN large doses Vervain contains beneficial properties for human body flavonoids and glycosides.

The use of verbena officinalis for diseases

Verbena officinalis has a huge number of medicinal properties, and therefore is used in the treatment of various diseases: colds and flu, cough, atherosclerosis, insomnia and migraines, headaches and toothaches, rheumatism, gout, nervous exhaustion, hypotension, scanty menstruation, general weakness of the body and many others.

Did you know? Ancient magicians considered verbena a herb for fulfilling wishes. They believed that if the body was rubbed with this herb, then everything desired would come true.


Will help you get rid of cough verbena decoction and tea, which can be prepared by pouring a tablespoon of verbena leaves and flowers with a glass of boiling water and leaving to steep for 20 minutes. This infusion should be taken orally four times a day before meals.

Colds and flu

Verbena - very effective assistant in the fight against extremely unpleasant colds (bronchitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory viral infections and others). It reduces body temperature to normal. It also has expectorant properties ( Airways cleared of mucus).

Colds require treatment verbena tea, which is done like this: Brew one tablespoon of verbena herb in half a liter of boiling water, boil for five minutes, then let it brew for twenty minutes, after which the decoction is filtered and taken three or four times a day, 50 ml each.

Insomnia and migraine

Verbena herb tinctures simply invaluable in the fight against insomnia, headaches and migraines. For these ailments, take an infusion prepared as follows: pour two teaspoons of verbena potion with 200 ml of boiling water and after 10 minutes, strain it, take 100 ml twice a day (an hour and a half before meals).


Probably one of the most demonstrated beneficial properties of verbena is anti-atherosclerotic. Verbena perfectly cleanses blood vessels from low-density cholesterol plaques. At the same time, blood circulation significantly improves, and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases becomes much less.

Infusion recipe with this disease is quite simple: Pour a few teaspoons of herbs into one glass of boiling water and strain after a few hours. Take the infusion one tablespoon every hour.

Physical fatigue and nervous tension

Verbena will perfectly help with exhaustion, loss of strength and chronic fatigue, it invigorates, gives strength and improves the tone of the body. Also, the use of this herb eliminates many mental problems and nervous system– intense emotional experiences and stress, nervous disorders And strong stress, depression, hysteria and epilepsy.

To do this, we prepare and accept the following decoction:Brew one tablespoon of verbena with a glass of boiling water, strain after a couple of hours and take 100 ml three times a day.

Menstrual irregularities

Essential oil and infusion of verbena officinalis will help with insufficient and short-lived menstruation. Verbena normalizes the menstrual cycle in women and significantly reduces the symptoms of PMS and menopause, and helps overcome vaginal itching. To do this, drink an infusion prepared according to the same recipe as for migraines and insomnia.

How is verbena used in dermatology?

Medicinal properties Verbena is also used in dermatology. Lotions, washes and compresses from verbena are used externally for purulent and infectious-allergic skin diseases - rashes, acne, boils, ulcers, eczema, scabies, furunculosis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, scrofula, red lichen planus, as well as difficult-to-heal wounds.

Infusion against skin diseases easy to prepare: three tablespoons of chopped herbs are brewed in half a liter of boiling water, then it is wrapped to keep it warm and left for three hours. Used as lotions and compresses, only when warm. On wounds and bruises that are difficult to heal, crushed verbena leaves are applied on top.

Important! The use of verbena decoction is possible in the form of a mouthwash to get rid of bad breath and inflammation of the gums.

Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

Medicinal raw materials of verbenathis is the entire above-ground part of the plant and the root of verbena.

Verbena officinalis is collectedduring its flowering period (July, August, September), it is then that the plant has the maximum amount essential oil(source of citral).

Roots harvested in spring and autumn. The workpiece is dried in the shade on fresh air, spread in a thin layer, or in special dryers. Stored medicinal raw materials in a dry place.

Did you know?Verbena was considered the seventh herb of Venus.

Verbena officinalis in cooking

The use of verbena in cooking is also widely known. It is used to prepare marinades and pickles to give them a special spicy smell and strength, and the aerial part of verbena, when it blooms, is used as a tea substitute.

Verbena is a herbaceous and semi-shrub ornamental crop, which is popularly called “pigeon grass”. Verbena includes approximately 120 species and varieties. Among the wide variety there are both annual and perennial representatives.

The main advantage of the plant remains its unpretentiousness. It withstands cold and can withstand frosts down to -4 degrees.

What it looks like: photo of verbena and its flowers in a flowerbed

The height of the bush can reach 1-1.2 m. Stems can be of the following types:

  • creeping, erect and prostrate;
  • smooth or drooping.

The leaves of verbena, as well as their location, can be:

  1. whole, dissected or feathery incised;
  2. jagged or oval-elongated;
  3. rarely whorled.

As for the flowers, they are also replete with variety:

  • in the form of a 5-toothed cup;
  • in the form of a 5-lobed corolla;
  • collected by brush, spikes or paniculate inflorescences.

Flower color can be:

  1. dark blue and light blue;
  2. yellow;
  3. white;
  4. dark red;
  5. salmon;
  6. pink.

Below is a photo of perennial verbena flowers.

Varieties of flowers

The high popularity of verbena in floriculture is due to the unpretentiousness, attractiveness of the flower and its wide variety of species. Below are the names and descriptions various types verbena flowers, as well as their photos:

Important! The main advantage of verbena over other types of ornamental flowering crops is that it blooms for a long time and has high seed germination even if stored for 2 years.

Where does it grow?

This decorative culture arose on two continents at approximately the same time. These are American (from Chile to Canada) and Eurasian (Caucasus, middle Asia). Today you can see some types of verbena even in countries Far East and throughout Europe.

For many varieties of crops subtropical or tropical climate South and Central America. This should include wild plant. But in Russia the plant grows only in the southern regions, where it is warm and quite humid.

But due to prolonged cultivation, it was possible to develop stronger, frost-resistant varieties that do not require close care, and at the same time they give a lot of positive and good mood his appearance and ease of care.

Where can I buy the plant and what is the price?

You can purchase verbena seeds at any specialty store. The cost of packaging is approximately 30 rubles.

What does verbena smell like?

The smell of verbena is predominantly similar to a delicate lemon aroma, which is very attractive. At the same time, in different varieties, delicate fruity and sweet-tart inclusions are added to the lemon note.

Rules of care

Growing verbena is absolutely easy, so this is a unique opportunity for those who are just about to start growing decorative flower at home. Care comes down to the following activities:

Reproduction methods


The seed propagation method is suitable even for the most inexperienced gardener. For landing optimal time March is considered. In winter, the germination process occurs slowly, but as soon as spring arrives, the plants come to life faster. You will be able to see the first shoots in 2 weeks.

Just before planting, verbena seeds should be soaked in a biostimulant in advance. It allows the plant to grow and develop faster. Place planting material evenly in a prepared container filled with a damp substrate. Cover the container with glass and film to create a greenhouse effect.

REFERENCE! The container with seeds should be in a dark room, where temperature regime is 25 degrees. If the specified temperature has been observed, then after 3 days the first sprouts will hatch.

After their formation, place the container with seedlings in a cooler climate.

Irrigation is carried out by spraying. Excessive soil moisture is unacceptable. When planting seeds in separate cups, picking is not required. If you grow seedlings in large containers, then as soon as the first leaf is formed, you will have to pick.

After transplanting young plants into separate containers, you need to wait 2 weeks so that they can take root. After this, nitrogen-containing fertilizers can be applied. In tall plants, to form a lush bush you need initial stages development to produce pinching of the top.

The seedlings should be transplanted into open ground in early June. Just pre-harden it before doing this. To do this, take the seedlings outside, increasing the time of such a “walk” every day. When planting, maintain a distance of 20-30 cm between plants.


Performed in the spring. To do this, you need to use the upper shoots. Cut them off as carefully as possible, leaving a cutting with 4 pairs of leaves. Bottom part The cuttings must be cleared of foliage and buried in the ground.

For planting verbena, how beautiful herbaceous plant For open ground, a substrate consisting of sand and peat is best suited. Until the root system of the cuttings is completely formed, keep them under a transparent film.

Diseases and pests

At proper care for vervain it is possible to avoid the appearance various diseases, because the plant’s immunity is quite strong. Problems can arise if gardeners overwater their flowers or the weather is too hot outside.

Then there is a possibility of developing powdery mildew. This fungal disease, at which the leaves begin to dry. You can cure it with cheese, using Saprol or Fundazol.

The plant may be affected by aphids or mites. To get rid of them it is worth using insecticides. Excessive moisture can lead to the development of blackleg, spotting and rot.

NOTE! It is quite difficult to combat molds and nematodes, which lead to the development of these diseases, so it is necessary to pay attention Special attention prevention.


Verbena is a popular decorative crop that has excellent reviews and is in high demand among flower gardeners for its wide palette of shades and its ease of care. These flowers can be used by planting them alone or in combination with other plants. In any case, the flowerbed will turn out to be original and unique.

Watch a video about growing and caring for verbena:

Thanks to its powerful healing properties verbena officinalis has earned several nicknames that speak for themselves - “holy herb”, “witch’s herb”, “vein of Venus”, “tears of Juno”, “hercules’ grass”, “blood of Mercury”, etc. It was used in medicinal purposes even ancient healers. This plant was recommended for scabies and scrofula, thrombosis and liver diseases, and it really had a beneficial effect. beneficial effect. So what are the beneficial properties of verbena, and when does its use become necessary?

This plant can be used both as an internal and external remedy.

Verbena officinalis is a plant belonging to the Verbena family. Many centuries ago she received widest application V ancient Greece and Rome, where it was considered a sacred plant. Used it in medical purposes and religious rituals. The medicinal properties of this plant were highly valued - it helped to overcome diseases internal organs, restored the functioning of the main body systems, and also healed various skin ailments.

Today, the relevance of verbena has not been lost. She is recognized not only traditional healers, but also representatives traditional medicine. This plant is most widespread in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and Africa.

About the benefits and properties of verbena

Verbena exhibits the following beneficial properties:

  • antitumor;
  • diaphoretic;
  • restorative;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • painkiller;
  • tonic;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • astringent;
  • antispasmodic;
  • laxative;
  • choleretic.

In the East, this herb is often used to treat tumors of the genital organs, as a contraceptive, and also for skin diseases such as ulcers and eczema.

The properties of verbena are also applicable for the treatment of organs digestive system– this plant normalizes digestion and improves gastric secretion. She brings it back to normal metabolic processes, significantly improves blood circulation and stimulates liver function.

The use of dosage forms of verbena

On sale today you can find two main forms of verbena officinalis - dry collection and essential oil. Both drugs can be used as therapeutic, prophylactic, and also become the basis for cooking cosmetics skin care.

On a note! In folk medicine, it is allowed to use freshly collected aerial parts of this plant, which can replace pharmaceutical herbs.

Let us consider these forms and their scope of application in more detail.

Verbena herb

As a rule, verbena herb is used in the form of a decoction or infusion. These remedies show a positive effect in the following cases:

  • headache;
  • colds;
  • intestinal colic;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastritis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • cerebrovascular accidents;
  • dystrophic and sclerotic eye diseases.
Prepared decoctions and infusions can also be used as an external remedy. They are the basis for lotions and are excellent for bruises, ulcers, scrofula, eczema, scabies, acne and psoriasis.

Verbena tea exhibits diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory properties, which contribute to speedy recovery in acute respiratory diseases, eliminate fatigue and significantly improve general health. It can also be used for rinsing oral cavity- this remedy will eliminate bad smell from the mouth and relieve inflammation.

In addition, verbena tea is recommended for use in cases of fever, mumps and peripheral circulatory disorders. This drink is quite effective for sleep disorders, can normalize the menstrual cycle, and is also indicated for increasing lactation and improving the quality of mother's milk.

Making this tea is very simple:

  • Place a tablespoon of dry or fresh herbs in a container;
  • pour in 500 ml of water and bring to a boil;
  • cook for 5 minutes over low heat;
  • leave for 45 minutes, filter;
  • restore the original volume of liquid by adding boiled water.

The resulting decoction should be taken 4 times a day, 125 ml.

Essential oil

Verbena oil is most often used for climacteric disorders, as well as violations menstrual cycle. It is for this reason that it is also called “ feminine oil" It has positive influence on hormonal background and is a powerful aphrodisiac.

On a note! In ancient times, it was believed that this remedy could facilitate childbirth, and was used by almost every healer involved in the process of childbirth.

But that's not all positive properties verbena oils. This drug exhibits a pronounced antispasmodic effect, promotes speedy regeneration tissues after bruises and wounds, and also quickly restores muscle tone after physical exertion.

This remedy is often included in the composition cosmetic preparations, the action of which is aimed at rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles and increasing the elasticity of the skin of the face and body. Verbena oil perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and has a vitaminizing effect.

Verbena in the form of essential oil is used in aromatherapy to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia and hypotension. It normalizes arterial pressure, eliminates nausea and dizziness. In addition, this product exhibits high efficiency for apathy and irritability, relieves cerebral vascular spasm.

Important! When applied to the skin, this oil may cause minor tingling, redness and a warm sensation. And if these symptoms do not disappear after 3 minutes, use this tool should be stopped.

When used internally, verbena oil should first be combined with honey or washed down with slightly acidified water. Remember that it is strictly forbidden to use this drug on an empty stomach, and the daily dose should not exceed 3 drops.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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