How is kohlrabi cabbage beneficial for the body and how to prepare it? Vitamin bomb, or the benefits of kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is a close relative of white cabbage, which came to us from Western Europe. The vegetable is mentioned in 16th-century sources, and the name comes from German words and literally means “cabbage turnip.” Indeed, the fruit appearance and its delicate sweetish taste at the same time resembles both cabbage and turnips, and in its beneficial properties it is in no way inferior to the famous broccoli. In order for the consumption of kohlrabi to bring only benefits to the body, it is important to understand its action and learn about contraindications and possible harm.

Useful properties of kohlrabi

Regular consumption of kohlrabi has a positive effect on all organs and systems of the body. Cabbage exhibits the following effects:

  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • cleanses the kidneys of infection and salts;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduces blood viscosity;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • improves digestion due to its choleretic effect;
  • stimulates the production of gastric juice;
  • accelerates intestinal motility;
  • helps fight constipation, has a mild laxative effect;
  • reduces the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Kohlrabi is especially useful for older people suffering from chronic diseases heart and blood vessels, arterial hypertension, angina pectoris and atherosclerosis. By making salads from fresh cabbage or adding it to hot dishes and soups, you can improve your health and even reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Another category of people who should pay attention to kohlrabi are pregnant women. The vegetable improves the absorption of calcium, which is necessary in large quantities for normal development fetus, and strengthens the immune system of the expectant mother.

The introduction of a healthy vegetable into the diet during breastfeeding stimulates milk production and saturates it with vitamins and microelements. Children who receive all the necessary substances from their diet are active, full of energy and ahead of their peers in development.

Mothers of older children also love kohlrabi. The sweet taste and crunchy center appeal to many schoolchildren, who usually have a hard time getting vegetables to eat. Rich chemical composition Provides saturation of the maturing body with vitamins and stimulates appetite.

Table: Chemical composition of the product (100 g)

The vegetable is easily absorbed by the body and contains almost the entire periodic table.

The nutritional value
Calorie content44 kcal
Squirrels2.8 g
Fats0.1 g
Carbohydrates7.9 g
Alimentary fiber1.7 g
Organic acids0.1 g
Water86.2 g
Mono- and disaccharides7.4 g
Starch0.5 g
Ash1.2 g
Vitamin PP0.9 mg
Beta carotene0.1 mg
Vitamin A (VE)17 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0.06 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.05 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic)0.165 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)0.2 mg
Vitamin B9 (folate)18.5 mcg
Vitamin C50 mg
Vitamin E (TE)0.2 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)0.1 mcg
Vitamin PP (Niacin Equivalent)1.2 mg
Kholin12.3 mg
Calcium46 mg
Magnesium30 mg
Sodium10 mg
Potassium370 mg
Phosphorus50 mg
Chlorine47 mg
Sulfur15 mg
Iron0.6 mg
Zinc0.29 mg
Iodine2 mcg
Copper135 mcg
Manganese0.21 mg
Selenium0.7 mcg
Fluorine14 mcg
Molybdenum10 mcg
Bor100 mcg
Cobalt1 mcg
Aluminum815 mcg

Video: Benefits of kohlrabi cabbage

Contraindications and possible harm

Despite the mass useful qualities cabbage, there are contraindications for its use. It is not recommended to include fresh stem fruits and juice from them in your diet for people with:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • severe hypotension (low blood pressure).

If you are just starting to get acquainted with this amazing vegetable, try just a little cabbage for the first time to find out if you have an individual intolerance. If negative skin (redness, rash, itching) or intestinal reactions (diarrhea, bloating) do not appear, then feel free to include the fruits in your diet.

Another dangerous feature of kohlrabi is its ability to accumulate nitrates, which can cause poisoning. Therefore, it is advisable to grow cabbage in open ground without using growth preparations or buy it from trusted sellers.

There are many options for preparing kohlrabi: cabbage can be eaten raw, added to summer salads, boiled, stewed, fried and baked. Fresh kohlrabi is considered the healthiest, but even with heat treatment she retains the majority useful substances.

Strict medical standards defining the permissible amount of kohlrabi per day for healthy person, No. Focus on your feelings: sometimes the large amount of fiber contained in fresh cabbage causes increased gas formation in the intestines, so limit yourself to one or two small fruits in the first half of the day. Cooked kohlrabi as a side dish for meat or as part of a vegetable stew can be eaten without restrictions.

For various diseases


Kohlrabi has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver and gall bladder, so it is useful to add this vegetable to fresh salads and prepare second courses from it. Freshly squeezed cabbage juice relieves pain and inflammation in cholecystitis.


At diabetes mellitus Turnip cabbage is considered one of the healthiest vegetables. It is recommended to eat during the season fresh fruits every day, add them to salads, soups and main courses. Since kohlrabi is a dietary product, you can eat it in unlimited quantities.


In cases of kidney inflammation, kohlrabi helps speed up recovery. Therefore, it is useful to eat half a fresh cabbage fruit per day, washing it down with plenty of clean water.

For weight loss

Kohlrabi is a valuable dietary product that contains almost no fat, is quite filling and contains few calories. Therefore, in the summer, when the fresh harvest ripens, try to make the basis of your diet consist of vegetables, including healthy and tasty cabbage. The main rule for preparing kohlrabi dishes for those who want to lose weight is to choose recipes that use a minimum of oil, mayonnaise and other fatty additives.

During pregnancy

Kohlrabi is suitable for inclusion in the diet of a pregnant woman

You can and even need to eat cabbage during pregnancy. In the first trimester, when women are often worried about toxicosis, it is best to eat fresh salads made from thinly sliced ​​kohlrabi, chopped carrots and greens. It is advisable to season vegetables with good olive oil.

Sauerkraut is a well-known folk remedy for toxicosis in the first months of pregnancy. Crispy, with a pleasant sour taste, kohlrabi relieves nausea just as well and saturates the body with vitamins. This product can be eaten 2-3 times a week in the morning. But in the second and third trimester sauerkraut It’s better not to overuse: excess salt can lead to swelling.

Fresh fruits contain a lot of fiber and prevent constipation, but in large quantities they can cause bloating in a woman. That's why the best option in the last stages of pregnancy there will be kohlrabi in soups and main courses.

While breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, kohlrabi, which the mother eats, can cause anxiety and colic in the baby. The thing is that a large amount of fiber irritates the baby’s immature digestive system and increases gas formation. Hence the abdominal pain, bloating and problems with stool. Therefore, young mothers should give up delicious cabbage for a while, despite its benefits.

When your baby turns three months old and his intestines become more mature, you can try reintroducing kohlrabi into the diet. Start adding finely chopped cabbage cubes to soups and stews little by little, monitoring your baby's reaction. By the age of six months, many mothers calmly eat fresh fruits without negative reactions from the baby's side.

Cabbage-turnip for children

Along with zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli, kohlrabi is used as the first complementary food and is allowed from the age of six months. Choose strong, healthy fruits that were not grown with chemicals or harmful fertilizers. The vegetable is introduced according to general rules: start with half a teaspoon of cabbage, well boiled and crushed into a homogeneous puree, and over a week bring this amount to the recommended age 80-100 g per day. If within 24 hours after eating kohlrabi the baby becomes capricious and shows with all his appearance that his tummy is bothering him, postpone his introduction to cabbage for several weeks.

It is permissible to include cabbage in vegetable purees for babies.

Recipes for a healthy body

Juice to relieve exacerbation of cholecystitis


  • fresh kohlrabi - 2–3 fruits;
  • honey - 1 tsp.

Remove the skin from the cabbage, cut it into small cubes and use a juicer to extract the juice from the kohlrabi. From the specified amount of components, approximately ¼ glass of drink is obtained. You should add a teaspoon of honey to this volume, stir everything and take it daily 15–20 minutes before lunch. The course of treatment is 10–14 days (until the pain subsides and you feel better).

Vitamin vegetable puree for baby feeding (from 8 months)


  • kohlrabi - 1/2 head;
  • spinach - 100 g;
  • potatoes - 75 g;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled egg yolk- 1 PC.

Grind the washed and peeled kohlrabi and potatoes. Rinse the spinach thoroughly in running water. Heat the butter in a thick-walled bowl and simmer the potatoes and cabbage in it, adding water if necessary. After 15 minutes, add spinach leaves and simmer for about 10 minutes. After this time, cool everything a little, puree in a blender and mix with chopped egg yolk.

Delicious and healthy dishes for the whole family



  • leek stalk - 1 pc.;
  • large onion - 1 pc.;
  • celery stalk - 1 pc.;
  • tomato paste - 1 tsp;
  • fresh spinach - 50 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • kohlrabi - 3 pcs.;
  • medium sized carrots - 1 pc.
  1. Peel all vegetables and wash well.
  2. Finely chop onions, carrots, celery and leeks, place in a saucepan with heated oil, add to them tomato paste and fry for 7 minutes.
  3. Cut kohlrabi into thin slices. Place in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then drain in a colander.
  4. Cut the potatoes into cubes.
  5. Boil 1.5 liters of water in a saucepan, add all the prepared vegetables and cook over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  6. Thinly slice the spinach, add to the soup, then cook for another 4 minutes.
  7. Salt and pepper the finished dish to taste and remove from heat.

Warm salad


Step-by-step recipe for preparing the dish:

  1. To prepare the dressing, squeeze lemon juice into a cup, add a pinch of salt and pepper to it, and whisk everything with a fork. Then pour in little by little olive oil, continuing to beat. At the very end, add mustard to the mixture and mix thoroughly.
  2. Chop the cilantro and onion.
  3. If the kohlrabi fruit has leaves, cut them off and roughly chop them with a knife (or leave them whole if they are not too large).
  4. Peel the cabbage and cut the pulp into slices. Boil them in boiling salted water along with the leaves until half cooked (about 5-10 minutes). Drain the water and cool the kohlrabi slightly.
  5. Place the cabbage along with the leaves in a salad bowl, sprinkle with onions and cilantro, pour over the dressing and mix everything carefully.
  6. Top with capers and serve the salad warm.

Kohlrabi in German


  • 8 small heads of kohlrabi;
  • 500 g minced pork;
  • 0.5 cups boiled long grain rice;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 3 sprigs of parsley;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 0.5 cups heavy cream;
  • 3 cups chicken broth;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 2 tbsp. l. ground sweet paprika;
  • 0.25 tsp cumin seeds;
  • salt pepper.

Step-by-step recipe for preparing the dish:

  1. Peel the kohlrabi, cut 0.5 cm from the bottom to keep the heads stable. Remove the 1.5 cm thick “lid” from the top and remove inner part, leaving about 0.5 cm on the sides.
  2. Chop the pulp very finely. Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Wash the parsley, dry and finely chop.
  3. Heat 2 tbsp in a frying pan. l. butter and fry the onion and garlic for 6 minutes. Place everything in a large bowl, add minced pork, rice, chopped parsley, eggs, 0.5 cups of kohlrabi pulp, paprika, cumin, tomato paste. Season with salt and mix the ingredients well.
  4. Place heaping amounts of prepared filling into fruit pots.
  5. Prepare the filling. Mix hot chicken bouillon with the remaining chopped kohlrabi.
  6. Pour this mixture into a baking dish, place kohlrabi in one row, cover with foil and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 50 minutes.
  7. Carefully pour the baking sauce into the saucepan. Turn off the oven, cover the pan with kohlrabi with foil and leave it there.
  8. In a clean saucepan, melt the remaining butter and fry the flour, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes. Pour in the cream and bring the mixture to a boil.
  9. After 1 minute, gradually pour the mixture into the saucepan with the baking sauce. Season with salt and pepper and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  10. Transfer the kohlrabi to a plate and generously pour the prepared dressing over it.

Kohlrabi has proven that a healthy and balanced diet can not only be healthy, but also very tasty! If you are not yet familiar with this amazing vegetable, include it in your diet, and your body will definitely thank you.

Kohlrabi (“cabbage turnip”) is a stem fruit with a juicy, tender and very tasty core. The first mention of this vegetable dates back to 1554. Northern Europe is considered the birthplace of cabbage turnips. Kohlrabi is called a vitamin bomb; it helps improve health and prolong youth for many years.

Useful properties of kohlrabi

The rich chemical composition of this type of cabbage will help maintain health and wellness. Kohlrabi cabbage has a positive effect on many areas, without which our body would not be able to function normally.

For genitourinary system. Kohlrabi has a mild diuretic effect, removes excess fluid from the body and prevents the appearance of edema and stones in the bladder.

For gastrointestinal tract. Cabbage turnip improves appetite, relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, has a beneficial effect on liver function and normalizes metabolic processes in the body. It also facilitates the occurrence of such serious illnesses, such as chronic gastritis, duodenal and stomach ulcers, inflammation of the spleen.

For weight loss. 100 grams of kohlrabi contain only 45 kcal, so it can be safely included in the daily diet for those who are obese or follow a diet.

Rapid weight loss is also facilitated by the fact that cabbage turnips, which contain a huge amount of fiber, cleanse the intestines well of waste and toxins. In addition, cabbage contains tartronic acid, which prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

Benefit for immune system . Kohlrabi suppresses the activity of many pathogenic microbes and strengthens the immune system. Since ancient times, freshly squeezed juice of the kohlrabi root vegetable and a decoction of its tops have been used for treatment bronchial asthma, cough, pulmonary tuberculosis. This vegetable is very useful for hypovitaminosis and diabetes.

For cardio vascular system. This type of cabbage cleanses not only the intestines, but also the entire body, removing harmful cholesterol from it. This vegetable strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure. It is often used to treat and prevent anemia, coronary heart disease, chronic heart failure and arterial hypertension.

Kohlrabi against cancer. As the latest shows medical research, sulfur-containing substances, which are contained in kohlrabi in high concentrations, prevent the appearance cancerous tumors in the colon and rectum, lungs, mammary glands, male genital organs and bladder. They also remove harmful chemical compounds from the body.

For nervous system. This vegetable is recommended for consumption by people suffering from increased nervousness and depression. Kohlrabi restores the functioning of the nervous system, calms the nerves, helps lift the mood and restores emotional balance.

Kohlrabi for oral cavity. Once in the mouth, cabbage turnip produces a triple effect. Firstly, it strengthens teeth and gums, which is very useful for any person, and especially for children and pregnant women. Secondly, kohlrabi helps well with gingivitis and stomatitis. And thirdly, she kills a lot pathogenic bacteria and does not allow any inflammatory processes to develop.

Benefits of kohlrabi for skin. This type of cabbage is included in masks for aging skin. Thanks to them, the face looks young and fresh.

Raw kohlrabi has the greatest benefit. It is worth noting that in a number of European countries both the root vegetables themselves and the young leaves are eaten. They contain no less useful elements, than in the stem fruit.

Kohlrabi contraindications

There are no special contraindications for cabbage turnips. It is not recommended to eat it in three cases:

· In case of individual intolerance;

· With increased stomach acidity;

· In acute form of pancreatitis.

Nutritional value of kohlrabi

By nutritional value Kohlrabi has virtually no equal. Moreover, in terms of vitamin C content, it is not inferior even to citrus fruits. By eating 100 grams of cabbage per day, you will provide yourself daily norm ascorbic acid.

Composition of kohlrabi

Substance name


Organic acids

Mono- and disaccharides

Saturated fatty acids



Vitamin B1

Vitamin A

Vitamin B2

Vitamin PP

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B9

Vitamin C

Vitamin B3

Vitamin E

Vitamin K

Beta carotene

Vitamin B4

Vitamin PP






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​Based on such a rich and healthy composition, we can conclude that kohlrabi is really healthy vegetable, and if you still haven’t included it in your diet, you’ve lost a lot...​

What are the benefits of kohlrabi cabbage?

​Constant consumption of kohlrabi helps improve immunity. The vegetable contains phytoncides, which suppress the activity of many pathogenic microorganisms.​

Kohlrabi can be used in a variety of culinary forms: stewed, baked, fried, boiled. It tastes very good when raw, so it can be used for making vegetable salads.​

​. In Germany they love stuffed and baked


- it is literally loaded with vitamins and minerals. In addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, kohlrabi pulp contains starch, natural sugars, enzymes, organic acids; vitamins A, C, E, K, PP, B vitamins, beta-carotene; macroelements - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur; microelements – iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, selenium, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, aluminum, cobalt.​

Kohlrabi is not afraid of the cold

​Millions of bacteria are born, live and die in our intestines. They can only be seen under high magnification, but if they were put together, they would fit in a regular coffee cup.​

Kohlrabi is an unpretentious plant, highly resistant to pests and diseases, and therefore is successfully cultivated in the northern regions. In addition, this cabbage gets along well with other vegetable crops in the garden. However, the ease of cultivation has not made this vegetable widespread in our country; only amateurs cultivate it on their plots, although numerous positive properties kohlrabi

This unusual-looking vegetable is a stem fruit. Its fruit under the skin is tender and tastes like cabbage or its stalk. In principle, it is one of the types of cabbage. Its origin is unknown. According to some sources, this is Scandinavia, according to others, Germany, and according to others, Tibet. One thing is known: kohlrabi firmly took its place on the table of Europeans already in the Middle Ages. They called it "cabbage turnip." ABOUT useful properties Not much is known about the contraindications of kohlrabi, so we decided to talk about this cabbage, since it deserves the close attention of those who care about a healthy diet and watch their figure.​ Also in kohlrabi cabbage you can find vitamin A, PP, mineral salts, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, cobalt, vegetable proteins…back to content ​

For a long time, freshly squeezed kohlrabi cabbage juice, as well as a decoction of its tops, has been used in the treatment of cough, sore throat, bronchial asthma and even pulmonary tuberculosis. Kohlrabi juice is one of the best remedies for vitamin deficiency.​

Kohlrabi makes excellent cabbage soup and borscht.​

Kohlrabi - properties, benefits, harm


​and its juice are very important in the diet of pregnant women and people prone to osteoporosis.​

Kohlrabi cabbage is a godsend for obese people

Properties of kohlrabi

​, so it can be grown in any region of Russia, known throughout the world as the coldest country.​

​The average life expectancy of left-handers is shorter than that of right-handers.​

Kohlrabi is rich in vitamins A, B and B2, PP, mineral salts, as well as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, selenium, cobalt, iron, potassium and many other vitamins.​

Nowadays, kohlrabi is distributed everywhere. The stem fruit is especially popular in central and northern Europe due to its unpretentiousness and rapid ripening. In western Ukraine and Poland, kohlrabi is an invariable part of borscht. Many people also use young leaves in salads, which also, with their composition, increase the rating of the beneficial properties of kohlrabi cabbage.​

Eating kohlrabi

As for the calorie content of this vegetable,

​The benefits of kohlrabi cabbage for of cardio-vascular system is that it contains substances that reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. This also strengthens the walls blood vessels, and also normalizes blood pressure. Kohlrabi helps in the prevention and treatment of anemia, heart failure, coronary heart disease, hypertension.​

Kohlrabi cabbage goes very well with carrots, green vegetables (dill, parsley, celery, green onions), cucumbers, some fruits and berries (apples, lemons, cranberries), nuts (walnuts, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts).

Benefits of kohlrabi

The word “cabbage” comes from the Latin word “caput” (head). By calling this vegetable in this way, ancient people probably meant not only the similarity of heads of cabbage to a human head, but also the role that cabbage should play in the diet. The beneficial properties of all types of cabbage are so significant that one can literally say “cabbage is the head.” In this article we will look at the benefits of kohlrabi. Translated from German, the name “kohlrabi” means “cabbage turnip”. The taste of this vegetable is pleasant, juicy, there is no bitterness and pungency in it as in white cabbage. And in terms of its beneficial properties, kohlrabi is not inferior to broccoli.

​, and in France they add it to salads, cook roasts with it and even cook soup.​

​Spectrum useful action kohlrabi cabbage is very wide

​, and also for those who want to get rid of excess weight and maintain a slim figure.​

​In Holland, Germany, other Western European countries, as well as in Canada and the USA​

​According to WHO research, a daily half-hour conversation on mobile phone increases the likelihood of developing a brain tumor by 40%.​

Cabbage contains large quantities of vegetable proteins, fiber and enzymes. The vegetable pulp contains glucose, fructose, and sulfur compounds.​

Harm of kohlrabi

The calorie content of kohlrabi cabbage is 42 kcal. Therefore, this vegetable is valued as a dietary product.​

​100 grams of kohlrabi cabbage contains only 41.7 kilocalories​

​Kolrabi, as recent medical studies have shown, serves as an excellent prophylactic against cancer. The fact is that kohlrabi is rich in sulfur-containing substances that interfere with the development cancer cells to the small and large intestines, mammary glands, lungs, and organs of the genitourinary system. Sulfur compounds also remove toxins from the body.​

​Not only the stem fruit is suitable for food, but also the leaves of kohlrabi. Moreover, they contain more vitamin C. The main thing is that they are whole and fresh.​

​This type of cabbage is rich in vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, sulfur-containing substances, mineral salts, and fiber.​

​Very simple and tasty dish– kohlrabi in batter.​

​: it helps with a lack of vitamins, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling, removes toxins, destroys some pathogenic microbes, resists the development of atherosclerosis, improves blood composition and strengthens the immune system.​

​In addition to being low in calories, it contains tartronic acid, a substance that nutritionists call magic because it prevents carbohydrates from being converted into fat. This acid It is also present in some other vegetables and fruits: cucumbers, eggplants, apples or quinces, but there is especially a lot of it in kohlrabi. If you prepare a kohlrabi salad with apples and fresh cucumbers, then this combination will really quickly help you magically get rid of excess weight.​


​If you smile only twice a day, you can reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.​

​Kolrabi – low calorie product, 100 grams of cabbage contains only 41.7 kcal.​

​As for nutritional value, 100 grams of kohlrabi contain 3 grams of protein, 8 grams of carbohydrates, virtually no fat and 85 grams of water.​

​, which allows us to conclude that including this vegetable in your diet will help you get rid of extra pounds, not to the detriment of your health (after all, as you know, any diet depletes the body and it does not receive enough vitamins and nutrients)…return to content ​

Kohlrabi is especially recommended for consumption by people prone to increased nervous excitability, attacks of neurasthenia and depression. This property is due to the fact that korabi contains substances that activate the production of serotonin in the body - the hormone of joy.​

​Calorie content, kcal​

Kohlrabi contains vitamins A, B, B2, PP, C. Due to the high content of vitamin C (which it contains more than lemons or oranges), this type of cabbage is called “northern lemon”. In terms of calcium content, kohlrabi is also a record holder; it can be compared with cottage cheese or milk.​

​Pre-peeled and cut into slices large fruit​

​When regular use kohlrabi improves metabolism

Kohlrabi: type, composition and calorie content. Useful properties and treatment of kohlrabi. Kohlrabi cabbage in cooking: recipes. Women's website

Kohlrabi has a diuretic effect, cleanses the intestines of toxins​has been grown for a long time.​

​People who are used to eating breakfast regularly are much less likely to be obese.​ ​Another name for kohlrabi is “northern lemon”, it received it for its high content of vitamin C.​ Kohlrabi has many beneficial properties. The vegetable is very rich in vitamin C, and also contains other vitamins - A, PP, B, B2. It contains a lot of iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. In addition, the composition contains a lot of carotene.

​Scientists say that this type of cabbage can even be given to children, for example, kohlrabi puree will become excellent option complementary foods for your baby, and the valuable and beneficial substances contained in this cabbage will become the building blocks of your child’s health and harmonious development. When kohlrabi enters the oral cavity, it has a triple effect: 1) while chewing, the gums are massaged, due to they become stronger, teeth become stronger; 2) for stomatitis and gingivitis, kohlrabi has anti-inflammatory properties therapeutic effect; 3) sanitation of the oral cavity occurs. Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), mcg

​List minerals The contents of kohlrabi are also great: it contains selenium, potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt, fluorine, boron, molybdenum, aluminum, iodine, chlorine, zinc, manganese.​

Appearance of kohlrabi cabbage

​kohlrabi​​, the functioning of the nervous system is restored; it is also recommended after undergoing infectious diseases, for kidney diseases, diabetes and anemia.​ ​, relieves inflammation in gastrointestinal diseases, normalizes blood pressure and makes the whole body stronger and healthier. Kohlrabi is digested not in the same way as white cabbage, but much easier, without causing bloating in the intestines and flatulence.​

This type of cabbage appeared in the human diet several centuries before the beginning of our era, and there is information that the inhabitants of the Roman Empire were the first to grow it - they generally loved cabbage. They called kohlrabi “caulorapa” - stem turnip, and the modern name of the plant comes precisely from the ancient Roman one. Most women are able to get more pleasure from contemplating their beautiful body in the mirror than from sex. So, women, strive for slimness.​

​Of course, the most useful substances are contained in the stem fruits and leaves of the vegetable in its raw form, therefore, due to the juiciness, pleasant and mild taste of cabbage, it is used to prepare delicious salads. Soy sauce or lime juice will help highlight the taste of fresh cabbage.​ ​This stem fruit is absorbed by the body even more easily than apples, and at the same time gives a feeling of fullness.​​Also, consuming kohlrabi will have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the human body, regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and such internal organs, How gallbladder, liver, digestive tract...Ah, thanks high content potassium salts, this product in your diet will help remove excess fluid from the body and prevent swelling, while the fiber in cabbage turnips will help get rid of cholesterol, and kohlrabi cabbage itself will be an excellent option for preventing atherosclerosis. return to content ​

Kohlrabi: composition, benefits and calorie content

​Kolrabi is very good for the skin. To do this, you can either eat cabbage or make a mask out of it.​ ​165​ Kohlrabi is not very high in calories, 45 cal per 100 g of product, so it is recommended to add it to the diet of people who are obese, as well as those who adhere to a diet and control their weight.​

​boil in a little salted water for a few minutes, then dip each round in beaten egg, roll in flour and fry in oil until golden brown. This kohlrabi is served cold, with sour cream or lemon juice, sprinkled with fresh dill or parsley. You can use it as a side dish for meat. Kohlrabi

Useful properties and treatment of kohlrabi cabbage

​Research in the field of gastroenterology shows that​​In appearance​

​Having fallen off the donkey, you more likely you'll break your neck than falling off a horse. Just don't try to refute this statement.​

However, heat-treated cabbage is also useful, so it is also consumed boiled and stewed, just like regular white cabbage. You can prepare pancakes, stews, vegetable soup, you can also stuff kohlrabi by removing the pulp from the core and putting in any meat or vegetable filling. Cabbage can also be baked, served boiled with cheese sauce, fried in breadcrumbs and even pickled. The beneficial properties of this cabbage can hardly be overestimated, both from a health point of view and from a weight loss diet. Kohlrabi helps normalize metabolism, is an excellent diuretic and is actively used by those who want not only to lose weight, but also to constantly control their weight.​

​If your metabolism is impaired, you suffer from diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, you suffer from edema, and you also have high blood pressure - immediately go to the supermarket in search of this vegetable. After all, kohlrabi cabbage will help you forget about your health problems, improve your well-being and lift your mood. In addition, if an epidemic of infectious diseases is raging outside your window, be sure to make sure that you see kohlrabi dishes on your table several times a week - the fact is that consuming this vegetable reduces the risk of developing infectious diseases. Well, if your dream is to become slim and have beautiful figure- this is the goal of your whole life, then kohlrabi cabbage will help you achieve such a high goal. In addition, it will do an excellent job of cleansing your clogged body of toxins and impurities...​​There are no strict contraindications. It is not recommended to consume raw kohlrabi in case of increased acidity of gastric juice, as well as in acute form of pancreatitis. For the rest, you should focus on individual tolerance. Vitamin B9 (folic acid), mcg

​In addition to being low in calories, cabbage contains tartronic acid, which prevents the formation of fat from carbohydrates. Therefore, those who want to lose weight should definitely include kohlrabi in their diet.​ ​By the way, with meat​​promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body due to its potassium content, and a large amount of fiber prevents the accumulation of cholesterol deposits.​

​consumption of kohlrabi significantly reduces the likelihood of developing colorectal cancer​ ​kohlrabi​​According to statistics, on Mondays the risk of back injuries increases by 25%, and the risk heart attack– by 33%. Be careful.​

Kohlrabi juice

​The taste of kohlrabi goes well with chicken, fish, shrimp, cucumbers, carrots and peanuts.​​Healing properties​

Scientists also claim that the presence of this cabbage turnip on the menu is an excellent prevention of cancer of the rectum and colon, since this vegetable contains sulfur-containing substances. Well, if you are tormented by a cough... brew a decoction of the stem fruit and leaves of this vegetable - then the cough will go away...​ Kohlrabi cabbage​18,5​

The beneficial effects of kohlrabi cabbage

​As a dietary product, kohlrabi is ideal for small children and pregnant women. It does not cause flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines) ​kohlrabi​

​B folk medicine decoction​, since it contains a lot of sulfur compounds; as well as cancer of the lungs, breast, bladder and male genital organs.​

​really very much resembles a turnip or radish, and its taste can be compared to the stalk of ordinary cabbage, but it is more tender and sweet. The so-called kohlrabi stem fruit is eaten - a thickened stem that has a spherical shape and grows above the ground - just like a head of other types of cabbage. The human stomach copes well with foreign objects without medical intervention. It is known that gastric juice can even dissolve coins.​

​The use of cabbage in food is not only due to its mild taste, but also to the benefits of kohlrabi. Its regular use has beneficial influence on the functioning of the gallbladder, gastrointestinal tract and liver, helps stabilize metabolism and reduce the risk of developing infectious diseases. Kohlrabi is recommended by doctors for atherosclerosis, lowers blood pressure, strengthens the nervous system. Fresh kohlrabi juice is very useful for lung patients, and it also helps in the treatment of the liver, kidneys and spleen. Kohlrabi cabbage must be present in the diet of those who want to be healthy, as well as those whose bodies are weakened. As for the consumption of kohlrabi by pregnant women and children, there is no doubt that this vegetable will not harm you, but will diversify your menu and bring benefits to your body.​

Kohlrabi in cooking

​When you see kohlrabi cabbage for the first time, doubts immediately begin to overcome you. Is it cabbage? More likely, some kind of fairy-tale turnip... And there really is some truth in this. Since kohlrabi cabbage, although it is a botanical variety of the ordinary and familiar white cabbage, is not only a close relative of cabbage, but also a relative (the most distant) of turnip. And, if translated from German language name of this vegetable, then you will get nothing more than “cabbage turnip”, similar translation from Italian language will tell you that it is something between cabbage and turnips... ​ Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), mg

Kohlrabi helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the intestines well of toxins and waste, and perfectly relieves inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. It is an excellent prevention of cancer.

​combines perfectly - nutritionists rate this combination of products “A”, since the substances contained in this cabbage help the body easily digest meat dishes, without any harm to health.​ ​kohlrabi​ The functions of the liver and gallbladder are also restored when consumed

The coloring of the kohlrabi stem can be very attractive.​An educated person is less susceptible to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes the formation of additional tissue that compensates for the disease. Thanks to its diuretic properties, kohlrabi helps remove excess fluid from the body, so this vegetable is recommended to be included in the diet of hypertensive patients. Kohlrabi cabbage has long been used in folk medicine in the treatment of tuberculosis and asthma attacks. Many asthmatics today grow this type of cabbage on their balcony for purely medicinal purposes.​

Recipe: Kohlrabi in batter

This is what a kohlrabi salad looks like

​About this interesting vegetable, about the beneficial composition of kohlrabi and its properties, as well as what dishes you can add kohlrabi to and how to cook it correctly, and how to grow it ​50​ Kohlrabi also helps restore the functions of the liver and gallbladder, increases appetite, and alleviates diseases such as gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

​Very good salad from​ ​and its tops were previously successfully used to treat tuberculosis and bronchial asthma.​​kohlrabi​

Kohlrabi salad with bacon

​: light green, crimson, dark or light purple, and kohlrabi pulp is always white, very juicy and with a pleasant taste. There are more nutrients in it than in white cabbage, but there is no bitterness or pungency - thanks to the high sucrose content.​ ​The well-known drug “Viagra” was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.​​Modern medical research has proven the benefits of kohlrabi as a preventive measure. cancer diseases rectum and colon, and this is due to sulfur-containing substances in the vegetable.

​Kolrabi is actively used as the basis of children's dietary nutrition, actively counteracting obesity, increasing vitality and strengthening the nervous system of a growing organism. Its unobtrusive taste is liked by most children and rarely causes diathesis or other allergic manifestations.​

It's no secret that some vegetables are more useful in their raw form than after they are heat-treated. The same can be said about kohlrabi cabbage. Young cabbage leaves and fresh raw stem fruits can be eaten raw or added to salads. But, if the taste of raw kohlrabi confuses you a little, you can boil the cabbage, or stew it like an ordinary white cabbage relative.​

​– our publication…​​ Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent), mg ​ Read also: Cucumber - benefits and beneficial properties of cucumbers​kohlrabi​

​In cooking, kohlrabi is used in different types ​; appetite improves; relieves diseases such as chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, cholelithiasis.​


Kohlrabi composition:

In an effort to get the patient out, doctors often go too far. For example, a certain Charles Jensen in the period from 1954 to 1994. survived more than 900 operations to remove tumors.​

​One more important property Kohlrabi has a cleansing effect on the human body; it protects the walls of blood vessels from the sedimentation of “bad” cholesterol. It is recommended to eat cabbage to prevent atherosclerosis, strengthen the heart muscle, and normalize blood pressure.​

Kohlrabi cabbage is especially important for diabetes. All types of cabbage are good for diabetics,​

Kohlrabi in dietary nutrition

​By the way, if you still grate the kohlrabi on a coarse grater and season it vegetable oil, the taste of such a salad will remind you of the taste of radish salad, but kohlrabi does not have such a specific strong smell, like a radish has.​

The effects of kohlrabi on the body

Kohlrabi also lowers blood pressure, improves metabolism, and restores the functioning of the nervous system. This vegetable is easily digestible and helps remove excess fluid from the body. In the course of research, doctors found that consuming kohlrabi is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis; its consumption significantly reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.​

​with bacon - try making it at home.​

​: it is baked, stewed and fried, even stuffed, but it is best to use it raw, for preparing various vitamin and dietary salads - with carrots, green onions, dill, celery, apple and cucumber.​


​kohlrabi cabbage

The human brain weighs about 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen entering the blood. This fact makes the human brain extremely susceptible to damage caused by lack of oxygen.​

Kohlrabi cabbage: description, properties, benefits and harm

Kohlrabi cabbage: description and beneficial properties

​But the benefits of kohlrabi do not end there. Due to its low calorie content and ability to cleanse the intestines of toxins and waste, cabbage is recommended to be included in the menu for people who are obese or those who adhere to a dietary diet.​

​but kohlrabi is especially valuable, as it has a positive effect on nerve cells, preventing the development of diabetic neuropathy.​

​If you are stewing kohlrabi, then experienced chefs recommend cutting the stem fruit into small cubes - this will allow the vegetable to stew faster.​


How to eat Brussels sprouts?

Kohlrabi is a very valuable dietary product. It contains a large amount of sugars (fructose and glucose), a lot of potassium salts, vitamins B1, B2 and PP, vitamin C. Moreover, it contains more of the latter vitamin than even lemon and orange.​

A decoction is prepared from the roots of kohlrabi and its fruits, which helps treat pulmonary tuberculosis and asthma. The beneficial properties of kohlrabi appear in any form: you can eat it fresh (it helps strengthen gums and teeth, just like, for example, carrots or turnips, so let your children chew the stalk and eat it yourself), stewed, boiled, baked. Fresh Juice this cabbage perfectly eliminates cough, hoarseness, relieves inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, helps with anemia, kidney and spleen disease.​

​To prepare 2 servings of salad you will need 100 g of bacon, 200 g of kohlrabi and carrots, a little sour cream and ground cumin - 0.5 tsp. Diced bacon is fried in a frying pan and placed on a paper napkin to dry and remove excess fat. Carrots and kohlrabi, cut into thin strips, are blanched in boiling water for several minutes, then cooled and also dried. Vegetables are mixed with bacon and cumin, and the salad is seasoned with sour cream.​

​I would like as many people as possible to understand the value of this amazing vegetable, and with its help they could get rid of many chronic diseases.​

Nutritional value of peas (per 100 g)

​It is grown mainly by amateur gardeners, which is truly regrettable: most people consider this vegetable to be frivolous, and some farmers directly state that it is impossible to make money from growing it. However, in the northern regions, the precocity of this type of cabbage, as well as its nutritional merits, was nevertheless appreciated - kohlrabi is grown there more often than throughout the country as a whole, and is even called “ northern lemon" Indeed, in order to satisfy the body’s need for vitamin C, you need to eat only 120 g of this special cabbage during the day.​ ​The highest body temperature was recorded in Willie Jones (USA), who was admitted to the hospital with a temperature of 46.5°C.​
The healing properties of kohlrabi are successfully used in alternative medicine For example, a decoction of cabbage tops and stems is used in the treatment of asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis. Fresh juice relieves coughs, helps with diseases of the spleen and kidneys, anemia, and relieves inflammation of the oral cavity.​ ​Oddly enough, in this case, talking about the benefits and harms of kohlrabi cabbage is almost pointless - because, for once, we are faced with a product that has minimal contraindications.​
​Also, you can make pancakes, vegetable soup from kohlrabi cabbage, kohlrabi can even be stuffed, baked, fried.​ Kohlrabi cabbage is the name given to this unusual vegetable, which has a stem fruit (by the way, this part of the stem is quite edible), which in its above-ground part is spherical in shape and looks like a turnip. This miracle of nature is a botanical variety of our white cabbage; also, the reference books also say that kohlrabi is a biennial edible herbaceous plant...​
Kohlrabi tastes like a cabbage stalk, although it is somewhat juicier, sweetish and without the spiciness inherent in the stalk of white cabbage. ​And no matter what color this wonderful cabbage is - green, white or purple colors- she in equally provides human body plenty of vitamins and beneficial nutrients. It is better to eat young and small kohlrabi, since large fruits more rigid.​

Useful properties of kohlrabi

​You can also cook kohlrabi with fish, make soft purees, puddings and casseroles from it.​

Young leaves can also be eaten

​can be given to children before meals, especially those who often refuse to eat main dishes.​


​The liver is the heaviest organ in our body. Her average weight is 1.5 kg.​

​All of the listed, undoubtedly beneficial properties of kohlrabi make it an important component menu for people who try to stick to the right healthy eating, including the obvious benefits of kohlrabi for children and pregnant women.​

​Cases of individual intolerance are very rare. However, it is worth noting that it is not recommended for people with high acidity to abuse it. Due to the fact that kohlrabi lowers blood pressure, it is also contraindicated for people with hypotension.​

​By the way, if you serve boiled kohlrabi with cheese sauce (it’s better to serve the cabbage hot), the taste will be to die for.​

The core of the kohlrabi stalk is tender and juicy, the taste is similar to the taste of the stalk of white cabbage, but without bitterness. By the way, it is the thickened part of the stem - the stem fruit - that is eaten, unlike other types of cabbage, in which the leaves are most often eaten. The color of kohlrabi cabbage can be either light green or dark purple.​

​The rich chemical composition of kohlrabi determines many of its beneficial properties.​

Kohlrabi is a botanical form of cabbage (white cabbage). It is also a biennial; the eastern Mediterranean is also considered its homeland. This form of cabbage was bred by ancient Roman breeders, and even this has not yet been established with an accuracy of a century.​

​You can find kohlrabi on sale, although it is quite rare​


Contraindications for eating kohlrabi

Kohlrabi juice is also healthy and has healing effects

Kohlrabi cabbage | World Without Harm

​the value of kohlrabi as a dietary and medicinal product, no doubt

Kohlrabi cabbage

There are no significant contraindications to consuming kohlrabi, but it is not recommended to include it in the diet of people with high stomach acidity. There are some cases of intolerance to the product itself, but this is extremely rare.​ Kohlrabi (from German “kohl” - “cabbage” and “rübe” - “turnip”) is a botanical variety of white cabbage.​

​One more little secret cooking kohlrabi - to enhance the special taste of this cabbage, you can add a little to fresh kohlrabi salads soy sauce or lime juice...​

  • ​As for the countries where kohlrabi can be grown, thanks to the hardiness of this plant and the resistance of this species to adverse weather conditions, kohlrabi can be grown almost all over the world. It adapts perfectly to the weather conditions of Western Europe and will feel quite comfortable in the garden even in the Far North...return to content ​

What does kohlrabi look like?

​Due to its high potassium content, kohlrabi has a diuretic effect, which helps prevent and relieve edema and remove stones from the bladder. This is also true when various diseases cardiovascular system, accompanied by edema.​

It is difficult to confuse kohlrabi with other forms of cabbage. It has large elongated dark green leaves, but the edible part of the plant is the stem, which forms faster than the head.​

​, however, the real benefit comes from fresh vegetable. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, try to grow

Healthful composition of kohlrabi cabbage

​, and not just the stem fruit: they are put in soups and borscht, and the more mature leaves are boiled or stewed, and then chopped and used to prepare side dishes, pancakes, and vegetable cutlets. In addition, the leaves contain more vitamin With than in the stem fruits themselves.​

​: the calcium contained in it is in an easily digestible form, and actively takes part in the formation of bones and teeth. In general, in terms of calcium content, kohlrabi can be compared with dairy products, eggs and cheese.​

​. It contains more vitamin C than lemon and orange, and very few calories - about 45 kcal per 100 g of product.​

​in Russia it is not as popular as other types, and it’s a shame. Many people are indifferent to this vegetable because they know nothing at all about its beneficial properties or cooking methods.​

Kohlrabi cabbage calories

​Found an error in the text? Select it and press Ctrl + Enter.​ Kohlrabi is a rather unusual vegetable, which is essentially a stem-shaped fruit in the shape of a ball above the ground. Its edible part - the stem - is tender and juicy in taste, reminiscent of the taste of the stalk of ordinary white cabbage, only without the bitterness.​​As for the friendship of this vegetable with other products, kohlrabi cabbage has an excellent combination with peanuts, cucumbers, carrots, fish, chicken and shrimp. Well, let your imagination decide how to use such harmonious gastronomic combinations...return to content ​

Useful properties of kohlrabi cabbage

​It is noteworthy that this type of cabbage is not only tasty, but also healthy. Thus, the edible part of kohlrabi (aerial stem in the shape of a turnip) is valuable dietary product, the pulp of which is rich in fructose, glucose, potassium salts, sulfur compounds, B vitamins, ascorbic acid.​

Kohlrabi also has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract: kohlrabi helps improve appetite, stops inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the spleen and liver, and also normalizes metabolism. Possessing strong anti-inflammatory properties, kohlrabi cabbage significantly alleviates the condition of patients with gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and inflammation of the spleen. This vegetable is also recommended for diabetes.

Who benefits from eating kohlrabi cabbage?

This stem takes on a spherical or turnip-like shape, which is how the plant got its name. The Italian phrase covolo rapa is translated into Russian as “cabbage turnip,” although it is possible that the name came from the Swiss-German Kohirabi, which also means “cabbage-turnip” (Kohi - “cabbage”, Rübe - “turnip”). ​


Before cooking, kohlrabi is peeled

How to cook kohlrabi

​For the same reason​

Kohlrabi has a very rich composition

​This type of cabbage ripens earlier than the commonly grown and consumed white cabbage, and is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to weather conditions.​

​The first mention of kohlrabi, which was born in Northern Europe, comes in 1554, and a century later it becomes popular throughout Europe, especially in China, India and other Asian countries.​

Kohlrabi cabbage can also be dried, frozen, or pickled in a sweet and sour sauce. Then this dish will be on your table and in your diet all year round. However, before you start harvesting cabbage, do not forget to peel the stem crop, rinse it under cold water to wash away any remaining soil. After this, dry the stem vegetable with a paper towel, then proceed to harvesting this vegetable for future use...​

​Kolrabi kohlrabi - excellent dietary food, because its calorie content does not exceed 45 kcal/100 g. In addition to this, kohlrabi, like any other cabbage, contains a substance (tartronic acid) that prevents the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. In addition to this, fiber, which is contained in large quantities in this vegetable, will cleanse the intestines and blood of toxins.​

How to prepare kohlrabi cabbage

Kohlrabi is very well adapted to cold climates and can grow even in the northern temperate zone.

​at your dacha or plot, and you will be very pleased - both with its taste and with your slender figure.​

Honeysuckle berry beneficial properties

In European countries, kohlrabi is called cabbage turnip. According to the classification, it belongs to the type of white cabbage, and with turnips they only have in common external similarity and a sweet taste. According to historians, kohlrabi, recipes for dishes from which were found even among the ancient Romans, began to penetrate into Germany and Sweden already in the middle of the 16th century. After 100 years, it becomes so popular that it is called the vitamin bomb because great content vitamin C.

Features of culture

Stem fruit (agree, beautiful word?) kohlrabi is tender and very juicy. Basically, this is a stalk that children love to chew on so much. The core of white cabbage contains a lot of nitrates. Kohlrabi does not have them, but instead has a lot of nutrients and healing substances.

The advantages of the vegetable include its garden qualities, namely: resistance to pests and many diseases. In northern latitudes, kohlrabi not only grows, but also ripens. They began to grow it more in Russia. Thanks to this, cabbage turnips began to appear more often in our diet.

Composition and biological value of kohlrabi

We already know about it. Along with it, garden lemon has a large supply of vitamins A, PP, as well as B and B2. Kohlrabi, whose beneficial properties are not limited to this, contains carbohydrates and proteins. It also contains a lot of enzymes.

By content of minerals and metals alkaline group(K, Ca, Mg), as well as iron and cobalt, cabbage turnip occupies a prominent place among vegetables. And thanks to the glucose contained in it, it quickly quenches your appetite. Kohlrabi is a low-calorie plant. 100 grams contain only 42 kcal. These qualities of kohlrabi have become the reason why healers, cooks and nutritionists love it.

Useful properties of kohlrabi and contraindications

The rich set of biologically active elements in cabbage tissue has a positive effect on health. Eating it maintains tone and stabilizes the physiological processes of many organs in case of imbalance in their work.

Genitourinary system

Thanks to the mild diuretic effect of kohlrabi, excess fluid is removed from the body. As a result, swelling and the amount of salts leading to the development of urolithiasis are reduced.

Gastrointestinal tract

Cabbage juice increases your appetite. At the same time, it prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the spleen and epithelium of the digestive organs. It is able to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers and normalize the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

The immune system

The cardiovascular system

Nervous system

Cabbage turnip has a calming effect. And as an antidepressant it reduces nervousness, improves mood, and balances emotions.


Extracts from this subspecies of white cabbage are present in cosmetic creams. Vitamins K and E contained in kohlrabi regenerate the epithelium, increase the tone of aging skin, refresh and rejuvenate it as a whole. Masks made from the raw product have a more effective effect.

Oral cavity

Kohlrabi juice sanitizes the tongue and gums, reduces the risk of gingivitis and stomatitis. Cabbage not only fights caries, but also successfully resists many microbes that provoke inflammatory processes in the mouth.

There is no getting around the fact that kohlrabi has anti-cancer properties. The selenium contained in its tissues prevents the development of cancer of the colon, as well as the mammary gland and genitourinary system.

The low calorie content of kohlrabi has made it a favorite product of nutritionists. Quick reset overweight Fiber helps to cleanse the intestines of poisons and waste formations. And as a result of the action of tartronic acid, the transition of carbohydrates into fatty formations is disrupted.


When determining the beneficial properties and contraindications of kohlrabi, we note that the positive effect of consuming this vegetable is much greater than negative aspects. There are no special gastronomic prohibitions. But due to its ability to bloat the stomach and increase the acidity of its environment, kohlrabi is not recommended in the following cases:

  • for gastritis with stomach acidity higher than normal;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • during the course of acute pancreatitis;
  • when bad individual reaction on the product.

Culinary processing of kohlrabi

To get the most health benefits from kohlrabi, it is best to eat it raw. Young cabbage tops have a piquant taste. It is added to salads with other vegetables. But usually they use stem fruit. It is passed through a grater and flavored vegetable oil. In this form, kohlrabi has the juicy and sweet taste of turnips, but is much more tender.

When preparing cabbage dishes by hot processing, it is recommended to chop it into small cubes, which can then be used in frying, stewing, baking and boiling. It is often included in various vegetable stews, soups and salads. Kohlrabi dishes are especially good when stuffed with meat and vegetables. The middle of the fruit is removed and the crushed filling is placed there.

To enhance the taste of raw kohlrabi, add soy or cheese sauce(by the way, you can read the article about). Many seafood, poultry, peanuts and legumes go well with cabbage turnips.

To preserve the beneficial properties of kohlrabi, first of all, you should not subject it to too long processing. As you know, at high temperatures, many vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid, are destroyed. This circumstance must be especially taken into account when preparing vitamin and dietary dishes for vegetarians, children and the sick. All other categories of eaters, even if they agree with this situation, are still more interested in the gastronomic component of the dishes.

Several popular recipes

There are a lot of recipes with kohlrabi. They are mentioned in various cooking reference books. Here are some of the most successful and simple examples.

1. Korean kohlrabi salad

This recipe is perhaps the easiest. It combines benefits and taste at the same time. Anyone who can hold a knife and a grater can cook it (this is a recipe for us men). To do this, he needs to wash and peel one large, two cucumbers average size and kohlrabi weighing 200 g.

Carrots and cabbage are grated on a fine grater, and cucumbers are cut into strips with a knife. Then they crumble finely and. The ingredients are combined, salted, peppered, seasoned with sunflower oil. You can add a little sourness to the salad with a couple of drops of lemon juice.

2. Cream soup

This soup is quite original and is prepared as follows:

  • peeled potatoes - 3 pcs., a medium-sized onion and one head of kohlrabi;
  • all vegetables are cut into pieces at random and fried in vegetable oil;
  • the roast is transferred to a pan, a liter of water is poured in and simmered for 10 minutes;
  • then salt and pepper;
  • All ingredients are passed through a blender or sieve and allowed to cool;
  • Bring the finished soup to a boil again and add whipped cream.

The puree soup is poured, greens and fried hunting sausages are poured into each plate.

3. Stewed kohlrabi

Need to delete upper layer five heads of kohlrabi. Then cut into cubes, lightly salt, fry in flour and butter. Place the slices in a saucepan and sprinkle with a little pepper. After this, you need to mix a third of a glass of sour cream with tomato juice (2-3 tablespoons) and pour the mixture into the pan. Kohlrabi should be simmered for no more than 35 minutes until soft. Ready dish sprinkle with chopped parsley or dill and serve.

Kohlrabi itself and recipes for dishes made from it have not yet taken root enough in agriculture and the diet of our compatriots. But I would like to hope that her many virtues will one day certainly bring her to the forefront of universal adoration.

Kohlrabi is one of several varieties of white cabbage that is well known to everyone. It began to be grown in northern Europe and was called “cabbage turnip.” Its peculiarity is that it takes root well where conditions are extremely unfavorable for other crops - the Far North, Kamchatka, North America and Europe. It is not the leaves that are edible, as in ordinary cabbage, but the thickened stem. From the article you will learn about what kohlrabi cabbage is, its beneficial properties and contraindications for its use.

What is kohlrabi?

Although kohlrabi is a type of cabbage, it bears very little resemblance to it. The main difference is that its leaves are not eaten, as is done with cabbage (with the exception of young leaves in the cuisines of some countries). You need to eat its trunk, thickened at the bottom. It tastes like a cabbage stalk, only without the usual bitterness, sweet and juicy.

Currently, new varieties of kohlrabi cabbage have been developed that have an oval, turnip-shaped, and round shape.

Kohlrabi gives primacy in popularity to white cabbage, however, it itself is a real vitamin bomb natural origin. Vitamins A and B, vitamin C, iron, cobalt, minerals and alkali metals - this is an incomplete list of the substances it contains.

Everyone who is losing weight and sticking to it should pay special attention to kohlrabi cabbage. proper nutrition. This low-calorie variety not only contains no extra calories, but is also rich in fiber, which quickly satisfies hunger.

Useful properties of kohlrabi

The list of properties of kohlrabi cabbage that have a positive effect on the body is very long. It has a rich chemical composition that has a beneficial effect on the most different systems life activity.

Regular inclusion of cabbage in your diet will help eliminate the following problems:

  1. swelling and excess fluid, bladder stones due to the diuretic effect;
  2. poor appetite;
  3. organ inflammation digestive system(mucous membranes);
  4. violation of metabolic processes;
  5. reduced immunity;
  6. tumor formation;
  7. hypovitaminosis, etc.

Kohlrabi for the heart and blood vessels

Kohlrabi cabbage included daily diet- a significant contribution to the health of the cardiovascular system. Relief from cholesterol, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure - all this is possible thanks to the microelements that make up the vegetable. It is indicated for those who suffer and prevent ischemic disease heart disease, anemia, heart failure.

Kohlrabi and the nervous system

For normal functioning and normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, consuming kohlrabi is also important. The substances included in its composition put the nerves in order, contribute to raising the mood and emotional balance.

People suffering from depression and nervous conditions should try to eat vegetables as often as possible. Included complex treatment it will provide the body with invaluable support.

Healthy teeth and gums

Few people know, but kohlrabi cabbage is superior in its effectiveness to many special mouthwash solutions. Its main benefit is the destruction of pathogenic bacteria, as well as the strengthening of gums and teeth. It is especially important to know this for pregnant women suffering from bleeding gums.

Kohlrabi is a good support in the treatment of gingivitis and stomatitis.

Cabbage for youthful skin

Among the products that can give the skin youth and freshness, cabbage occupies one of the first places. Kohlrabi in masks is a real salvation for skin that has lost its firmness and elasticity.

lightweight and nutritious product for home kitchen

Contraindications for eating kohlrabi

There are no contraindications to consuming kohlrabi kapusa. Its beneficial properties are very important for the body, especially when used in salads. fresh. It is only worth noting that in its raw form it causes the release of a large amount of gastric juice, which means that in case of stomach ulcers and pancreatitis, duodenal ulcers, it is necessary to prepare it differently or exclude it.

Simple recipes with kohlrabi

One of the advantages of kohlrabi for every housewife is that it can be included in a salad raw. It does not require much time to prepare and does not detract from the beneficial properties. However, there are many recipes that involve cooking the vegetable. Cooking cabbage different ways will help you add variety to the menu and not get fed up.

Stewed kohlrabi in the microwave

To prepare stewed kohlrabi cabbage in the microwave you need:

  1. kohlrabi - 400 g (two medium stalks);
  2. butter - 30 g;
  3. cream - ½ cup;
  4. greenery;
  5. salt -1/2 tsp.

Place the washed, peeled and cut into strips kohlrabi in a microwave-safe pan, add oil and 3 tablespoons of water. At maximum power, simmer everything under the lid for 3 minutes, stir and continue simmering at medium power for 7 minutes. Stir again and add salt.

Then you need to prepare the sauce - mix chopped herbs and cream, heat for 45 seconds, pour the sauce over the cabbage.

So simple and quick recipe can be used as an independent dish, or as a side dish for chicken chop or schnitzel.

Soup with kohlrabi and meatballs

You can prepare a delicious vitamin soup if you add kohlrabi to the vegetables. To do this you will need:

  1. minced chicken - 500 g;
  2. celery root - 50 g;
  3. carrots - 1 pc.;
  4. onion - 1 pc.;
  5. kohlrabi cabbage - 200 g (one medium stalk);
  6. potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  7. parsley root - 50 g;
  8. water - 2 l;
  9. butter - 50 g;
  10. salt;
  11. black pepper;
  12. a pinch of curry seasoning;
  13. greens to your taste.

Cut or grate washed and peeled vegetables into strips.

Add salt, pepper, seasoning to the minced meat and form into meatballs.

Fry onion, celery, parsley (root) and carrots for 4 minutes and add curry, stir.

Cook potatoes and meatballs for 15 minutes after boiling. Then add kohlrabi and frying, cook until the potatoes are ready for another 4 minutes. Greens and salt to taste.

It turns out to be a tasty and healthy soup.

Kohlrabi cabbage can be an ingredient in salads, soups, and side dishes. The most important thing is to find a dish to your taste and take the time to prepare it. Vitamin complex, which is contained in kohlrabi, is very important for the body and is good for health.

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