What are the benefits of calendula flowers or popularly marigolds? Traditional medicine recipes. The best soil for calendula

Calendula officinalis is an annual herbaceous plant of the Astrov family, which today is very common as a country crop. Bright calendula flowers can be seen even in flower beds or gardens. In some farms, this plant is cultivated as a medicinal plant with subsequent use in medical purposes. In addition, annual calendula flowers are a good honey plant. This honey has enhanced medicinal properties.

In books, the description of the calendula flower is characterized as an annual plant that grows up to 75 centimeters. It has a tap root and an erect and branched stem. The flowers are single orange or bright yellow flower heads that can reach up to four centimeters or more in diameter. Some bred ornamental varieties have larger and fluffier inflorescences, which are up to eight or more centimeters in diameter. The fruits of the plant, which gave it the second variant of its name - marigolds, are presented in the form of achenes, shaped like claws.

Useful properties of flowers

The flowers, leaves and root of this herb have medicinal properties, but the benefits of calendula flowers are high content carotenoids.

Having unique composition, the plant has bactericidal, hematopoietic, blood purifying, antispasmodic, choleretic, analgesic, diuretic, cardiotonic, hypotensive, diaphoretic and wound-healing properties.

Rich chemical composition Calendula flowers have many active ingredients:

  • essential oil of calendula flowers, which gives the plant a tart taste and specific smell, and also effectively suppresses the development of microorganisms and causes their death;
  • calenden;
  • coumarins, which help eliminate inflammation;
  • resins;
  • presence of organic acids;
  • phytonicides.

In addition, the herb contains carotenoids and provitamin A, which color the flowers Orange color, saponins, bitters, glycosides and enzymes. Research has shown that the calendula flower contains potassium and calcium, magnesium and iron, zinc and molybdenum, as well as selenium.

Medicinal uses of the plant

The medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant are known in many European countries. It has been used for wound healing and as an anti-inflammatory medicine since ancient times. Among all medicinal plants, marigolds occupy a place of honor as an antiseptic herb, not inferior in its properties to chamomile or sage, plantain or licorice.

In the medical industry, calendula flowers are mainly used: the treatment and prevention of many ailments is the main purpose of infusions and ointments containing this component. Marigolds are used in both traditional and alternative medicine. This herb is used for gynecological purposes, gastroenterology, neurology, cardiology, dermatology and cosmetology.

The plant can be used in the form of tinctures and ointments, decoction or drops. Special properties The benefits of calendula flowers allow them to be used as a bactericidal agent. The remedy will help with inflammation of the throat and gall bladder, with stomach ulcers and duodenum. In addition to use for gastritis, many doctors recommend calendula flowers for cholesterol, claiming their effectiveness. Under the influence of this drug, increased bilirubin in the blood drops.

Marigolds have a calming effect on the central nervous system at intravenous administration. They can reduce excitability and high blood pressure. At correct intake this remedy is an assistant in normalizing heart function in people who have problems with its rhythm. By enhancing cardiac activity, the herb is useful for patients with shortness of breath, arrhythmia, headaches and swelling.

As a symptomatic remedy, the plant can be used for forms of cancer that are not subject to surgical intervention. Studies have shown that the effect of calendula does not cure the underlying disease, but significantly reduces intoxication of the body and eliminates dyspeptic symptoms, improves appetite and sleep.
Like action strong antibiotics, calendula is useful for staphylococcal, streptococcal and other infections. Decoctions of marigolds are used to treat coughs with acute respiratory infections. viral infections, bronchitis, tracheitis and pneumonia. Drops taken under the tongue are in a great way stop an obsessive coughing fit.

Being an antitoxic agent, marigolds have been found wide application for diseases such as psoriasis and allergic dermatosis.

The remedy in the form of marigolds is used for diseases of the urinary system. This plant is used to treat inflammation. Bladder and kidneys, as well as bladder stones.

The use of calendula in gynecology

Among the many diseases that calendula flowers treat, there are also women's diseases. English name This species translated means “Mary’s gold” and is due to the fact that in ancient times this flower was dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Due to its exceptional qualities, which are useful primarily for women, marigolds were used for tumors and cysts. In addition to treating fibroids and ovarian cysts, the inflorescences of this plant were prescribed for lumps and tumors in the breast. Also, terry calendula flowers can restore regularity female cycle, relieve uterine tone, reduce bleeding and relieve menstrual pain. Marigolds also help women with vaginal discharge due to inflammation and cervical erosion. For leucorrhoea, it is recommended to douche with a tincture of this medicinal plant. Today, doctors also advise using calendula flowers in gynecology during menopause.

The use of flowers in cosmetology

This plant is used externally and for cosmetic purposes as masks and compresses. Nail treatments improve condition and color skin. To cope with such cosmetic defects as acne and skin rashes, many ladies use an alcohol tincture, which includes calendula flower extract - it can even be used spot on. Providing a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect, a decoction of calendula flowers can soothe and heal wounds, inflammation and suppuration. IN adolescence at oily skin For the face, this remedy is useful in the form of an infusion, which is used to wipe the face or use it as ice compresses. Cosmetologists use freshly squeezed juice from the plant to get rid of freckles.

Calendula flowers can also be used for hair - this ingredient is widely used in cosmetology production.

As part of many shampoos and masks, balms and serums, marigolds eliminate excess oiliness, inflammation, dandruff, and are also suitable for those who suffer from excessive hair loss. In the form of a tincture, this plant can be used as a lotion to rub on the scalp. This will not only get rid of dandruff, but will also stimulate the growth and activation of dormant bulbs. Oil infusions have worked well for dry, weak, dull hair and lifeless ends. They help get rid of the problem of split ends and are a therapeutic and restorative agent for strengthening their structure.

Contraindications when using calendula

The list of contraindications for calendula flowers primarily includes pregnancy. During pregnancy, you should refrain from treatment with this remedy, since the juice of the plant is very dangerous at any time and threatens miscarriage. Those with low blood pressure and organ diseases should not take this remedy. gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage, bradycardia. Marigolds should be used with extreme caution when bronchial asthma. Considering that calendula flowerbed flowers are hypoallergenic, they rarely cause allergies. However, in some cases, people with allergic reactions should be careful when consuming them. Also, this herb is contraindicated for internal use in children under twelve years of age. Doctors do not recommend drinking calendula together with sedatives, as well as valerian or mint.

How to plant calendula?

Those who want to grow calendula flowers should know: planting and caring for these plants does not require special skills. Marigolds reproduce by seeds. They are sown in April or May. In addition, growing calendula flowers from seeds can be started in the autumn months. The plant takes root very well, sprouts quickly and requires moisture and a lot of light. For growing calendula, both light and sunny places, and penumbra. With a lack of light, the plant stem stretches, flower baskets become smaller and fade. At the same time, the flowering period is significantly reduced. Fertile soil of moderate humidity is best suited for this species.

Some gardeners recommend keeping the soil fallow before sowing - plowing it for the winter and leaving it until spring. In springtime, the soil needs cultivation to mix the weathered upper layer with the fact that it has moisture reserves and useful minerals after winter. Before sowing, the seeds are carefully calibrated. The distance between rows should be 65-75 cm. After planting seeds in spring, seedlings appear within one to two weeks. It should be remembered that this plant cannot be planted in one place for several years in a row. Changing the location will help avoid the development of crop diseases, especially fungal infections.

Growing calendula in flower beds and gardens

Nowadays, growing calendula flowers is possible not only for medical use, but also as an ornamental crop. Many gardeners love this heat-loving specimen because of its unpretentiousness and long flowering period, which begins in June and ends in October. The plant attracts with its unpretentiousness. How to care for calendula? By selecting right place planting, the gardener can only provide the flowers with enough water on hot days, remove weeds and periodically loosen the soil. Diseased specimens should be treated with special medications.

Today, garden calendula flowers can be grown for beauty and aesthetics in a personal plot or flower bed. Many designers are attracted by the way the calendula flower looks in combination with other decorative species, which is why it is widely used in landscape design. They are used in summer flower beds with other summer flowers. These flowers go well with low-growing marigolds, petunias, rhizomes, and lobelia.
Marigolds can be used to create a rustic flower bed. Together with mallows, daisies and cornflowers they create a harmonious ensemble. In addition, calendula can be planted on an alpine hill, a rocky garden, or in flowerpots placed along garden paths. This plant allows you to use it as a spectacular frame for a flower bed. Perennial varieties of marigold can be used in landscape design along with other flowering perennial crops.

The ability of marigolds to protect other plants from pests makes it possible to find entire plantings of this species around vegetable beds. Many gardeners have noticed that onions and garlic grow much better in the company of calendula.

Collection and preparation of flowers for use

To preserve the beneficial properties of calendula flowers, you need to know simple rules collection of this crop. Dry weather is best for this purpose. It is important to know that the collection of calendula flowers should be done if their baskets have opened completely. Considering that the flowering period of this plant lasts from June to autumn, the procurement of raw materials can be carried out every 2-5 days - about 15-20 times per season.

Marigolds are collected by cutting off the inflorescences with garden scissors. The resulting raw materials must be dried very quickly. Experts say that calendula grass and flowers are sent for drying no later than four hours after they were picked. The raw materials are laid out in a thin layer and dried in a well-ventilated area. Quickly dried calendula flowers can be obtained by leaving them in the attic or under a shed.
It is not recommended to dry grass in electric dryers. To understand that the plant is ready for further use, you need to press your finger on the inflorescence. Specimens that fall apart into petals can be packaged. They will make an excellent tincture of calendula flowers, which will always be useful in the household.

Why spend large sums on purchasing pharmaceutical products if existing medicines already created by nature? For example, well-known calendula can be grown independently or purchased at any pharmacy. The plant is very beautiful and easy to care for, and its beneficial properties are countless. What can calendula be used for?

Main beneficial properties

Calendula is rich in vitamins and essential oils. It also contains protein, carotene, organic acids and phytoncides. It is thanks to its rich composition that marigolds (flowers) are used in medicine to treat a wide variety of diseases. This plant is useful for of cardio-vascular system, especially with increased blood pressure. At regular use calendula has a positive effect on the nervous system. Every schoolchild knows about the antibacterial and healing properties of decoctions from this plant. You can use preparations based on it to locally cleanse the skin and improve its quality. Marigolds (flowers) medicinal properties They also have other types, they can be used for diseases digestive system, including malignant neoplasms.

How and why to use calendula

At the pharmacy you can purchase dried inflorescences of this plant or an alcohol tincture. A huge number of medicinal and cosmetic preparations, which contain calendula extract. If you wish, it is not at all difficult to grow the plant yourself. Fresh inflorescences can be used to prepare tinctures or decoctions. They can be dried at home. A solution or decoction can be used to wash wounds and other skin lesions. An infusion prepared from one tablespoon of dried inflorescences and 200 grams of boiling water is considered tonic. It is recommended to drink three glasses a day for at least a week. Don’t forget that marigolds (flowers) boast disinfecting properties. This means that the strained broth can be used for rinsing oral cavity or eyes with inflammation. An infusion of this plant is also used in gynecology. IN pure form alcohol tincture is used to cauterize pimples and treat acne. If warts bother you, try applying fresh inflorescences to them and covering them with a band-aid.

How to grow and harvest marigolds (flowers)?

Calendula is a plant. You can plant it in a regular garden bed or in a separate flower bed. If you want to harvest your flowers early, sow the seeds before winter. The seedlings are thinned out, weeded and weeds removed as necessary. Marigold flowers have not only medicinal properties. By the opening of the inflorescences, you can determine not only the approach of rain, but also a change in atmospheric pressure. For use in medicinal purposes inflorescences are prepared. They are cut and dried in a well-ventilated area away from direct sun rays. If you are drying your calendula on a horizontal surface, it is recommended that you shake your crop regularly to ensure better drying. Store harvested inflorescences in thick plastic bags or glass containers.

About 10 g (5 tablespoons) of marigold flowers are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and leave in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter, and squeeze out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted boiled water up to 200 ml.

For rinsing the mouth and throat, use warm 1/2 - 1 glass of infusion 3-5 times a day. Take 1-2 tablespoons orally 2-3 times a day before meals. It is recommended to shake the infusion before use.



Pieces of receptacle, reed flowers, tubular flowers, involucre leaves and their fragments, unripe fruits and their pieces passing through a sieve with 5 mm holes. Pieces of the receptacle are bare, often with preserved remains of the involucre along the edge; ligulate flowers are three-toothed at the apex, usually with a torn tubular base; five-toothed tubular flowers, often unopened (in the form of buds); densely pubescent involucre leaves grey-green color, narrow lanceolate with a lighter stripe along the edge and a slightly protruding main vein. The color of the reed flowers is reddish-orange, orange, bright yellow or pale yellow; tubular flowers – light yellow, yellow; involucre leaves – grayish-green; unripe fruits - green, grayish-green, yellowish-green, yellowish-brown and brown; receptacle – light gray, greenish or brownish gray. The smell is weak. The taste of the water extract is salty-bitter.

pharmachologic effect

Indications for use


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, when taken orally - childhood(up to 12 years old), acute gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum during an exacerbation, calculous cholecystitis.

Side effect

Storage conditions

Best before date

2 years. Do not use after the expiration date.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Over the counter.


LLC Firm "Health"

Marigolds instructions for use

Filter packages

2 filter bags are placed in a glass or enamel container, pour 100 ml
(1/2 cup) boiling water, cover and leave for 30 minutes. The filter bags are wrung out, and the volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 100 ml with boiled water.

For rinsing the mouth and throat, use warm 1/2 - 1 glass of infusion 3-5 times a day. Take 1-2 tablespoons orally 2-3 times a day before meals. It is recommended to shake the infusion before use.


Marigold flowers contain carotenoids, flavonoids, tannins, triterpene compounds and other biologically active substances.


A heterogeneous mixture of flower heads with remnants of peduncles, tubular flowers of orange-yellow, yellow or golden-orange, reed flowers of orange, orange-red, orange-yellow or yellow color, occasionally pieces of unripe fruit. The smell is weak. The taste of the water extract is salty-bitter.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent of plant origin.

pharmachologic effect

An infusion of marigold flowers has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and choleretic effects.

Indications for use

Locally, an infusion of marigold flowers is used for rinsing when inflammatory diseases oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis) as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It is used orally in adults as a choleretic agent.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, when taken orally - children's age (up to 12 years), acute gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum during an exacerbation, calculous cholecystitis.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Oral use is possible after consultation with your doctor.

Side effect

Possible allergic reactions. When taken orally: bitterness in the mouth, heartburn, abdominal pain.

Storage conditions

In a dry place, protected from light. Store the finished infusion in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Keep out of the reach of children.

Among the many flowers with its simple beauty and unique qualities calendula is released. It can be seen in many garden plots. Gardeners love it for its easy care, attractive appearance and medicinal properties. Most gardeners know these flowers by another name - marigolds. What is remarkable about calendula, we will learn from the article and appreciate its beauty from pictures and a selection of photos of flowers.

Calendula flowers decorate garden beds with their bright colors. Gardeners like their easy care and decorative qualities. Many also plant them, knowing about beneficial properties plants.

Calendula is a herbaceous plant height from 15 to 75 cm, depending on the type and variety. In total, there are 15 species of such plants in nature. The most common is medicinal or pharmaceutical calendula. In common parlance it is called marigold, so many people immediately wonder where the plant got its name. The flower seeds resemble marigolds in shape, hence another common name.

The stems of calendula are highly branched with thick shoots. They are ribbed and light green in color, and the leaves are elongated and simple with a heart-shaped base. Inflorescences are:

  • simple;
  • terry;
  • semi-double.

Their color has all shades of yellow-orange, there are more pale flowers and bright juicy. As if sunspots they stand out against the background of many other flowers in garden plots.

This plant is easy to care for and does not require special care. Calendula propagates by seeds; it can be sown in open ground and after that the seeds will disperse on their own. Their germination rate lasts for 4-5 years. After planting, they germinate in 6-7 days, and the seedlings tolerate transplantation well. Flowers begin to bloom 60-65 days after sowing the seeds. The period of abundant flowering of calendula lasts until the onset of frost.

Calendula grows best in a well-lit area. Any soil will suit it, however, it will grow best in moist soil with rich organic matter.

The flower has a powerful root system. The taproot is shortened and has a small number of highly branching lateral roots.

Depending on the type of marigold bushes can be spreading and compact. They vary in height:

  • short - 25-30 cm;
  • average height - 40-55 cm;
  • high - 75 cm.

The color of the shoots and leaves also depends on the type of calendula. They can be light green and rich dark green color. Flowers reach 8-10 cm in diameter.

Gardeners usually sow calendula in different time. The seed planting period lasts from March to November. In early spring in March, calendula seeds are sown in pots low grades. This will allow the bushes to bloom earlier. Starting in April, you can sow seeds in open ground. They are sown in nests at a distance of 15-25 cm from each other. This will give abundant color to the nails already in the month of July. If the seeds are sown in July, the marigolds will bloom in August. The brightest and most lusciously colored flowers begin pleasing to the eye in the autumn season. The last sowing is done in November so that the marigolds will enjoy flowering as early as possible next year.

To get abundant and gorgeous flowering, it is necessary to thin out the seedlings. When the flowers are fully ripe and begin to bloom, the seeds fall off easily. The best time to harvest them is when they begin to turn brown while in the basket. You can completely cut off the basket and wait until the seeds dry, then collect them.

There are double and non-double varieties of calendula and it is best to plant them separately so that they cannot pollinate each other. Otherwise, terry ones will lose their decorative qualities.

Growing calendula in the garden creates more than just an attractive appearance. This flower disinfects the soil in the places where it grows. It is often planted between vegetables to protect vegetable crops from pests:

  • ticks;
  • root rot;
  • scale insects

Varieties and photos of calendula flowers

Among the low-growing varieties is “Fiesta Khitana”. The plant can reach a maximum height of 25 cm. The variety is distinguished by large double flowers of bright yellow saturated shades. Inflorescences most often:

  • cream;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • two-color.

Medium-growing varieties include “Pink Surprise” with stem heights from 45 to 50 cm. It is distinguished by an unusual pink hue, which is very rare for such a crop and a real surprise in the garden.

The "Rodio" variety is valued for its bright, rich orange-red color. Inflorescences are always in bloom a long period time, are large in size. The basket inflorescences are distinguished by their terry petals, which are originally rolled into a tube.

The list of tall calendulas includes the “Golden Emperor” variety. The height of the stems reaches 60-70 cm. Attracts the attention of others with its large bright yellow double inflorescences.

A very original and unusual variety can be called "Kablunu Apricot". This decorative look has an elegant look. The exquisite yellow-cream color of large double inflorescences gives the flowers an original look.

All the described varieties of calendula flowers will look great against the backdrop of a flower bed and last a long time in bouquets.

Calendula and its beneficial properties

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