How to anoint a cold on the lip - folk remedies. Colds on the lips - quick treatment with folk remedies. Ointments and mixtures from natural products

Review of effective ointments

Below we will present the most effective and popular remedies that help fight the symptoms of the disease on different stages.


Effective on early stage development of the disease. The skin area is treated with this cream up to 5 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the speed of elimination of symptoms, usually 4 to 10 days. This ointment is safe and non-toxic, so it can be safely used even on newborns. During pregnancy, you should consult a specialist before using the ointment.

Oxolinic ointment

Everyone knows and favorite remedy. This ointment has no contraindications and side effects. It is approved for use during pregnancy, as well as during pregnancy. But you should not hope that this drug can rid you of the herpes virus forever. The ointment is applied three times a day. The course of treatment is individual, because each case is special.

Viru-Merz Serol

This is a gel that, when applied to the skin, is practically not absorbed. It has a number of contraindications: children under 18 years of age, lactation period and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Because clinical trials has not been carried out, therefore it is recommended to use it during pregnancy only after consultation with.

If within two to three days one of the above medications does not help you, then you should consult a specialist.

Folk remedies

Remedies cope well with this disease traditional medicine:

  • Toothpaste. This product is applied at night in a small layer on the lip. It dries perfectly and also eliminates unpleasant symptoms.
  • Propolis tincture. This tool You can apply up to 6 times a day, but to avoid drying out, use a moisturizer.
  • Fir oil. Can be applied all day every 3 hours. In this case, a slight burning sensation may occur - this is normal.
  • A heated spoon is a great help at the first signs of illness. The spoon should be dipped in hot water and then applied to the lip.
  • onion The vegetable should be peeled and washed well, cut in half. Place the cut on the affected area of ​​the lip. You don’t have to throw away the used vegetable, you just need to cut off a small part and you can reapply it.
  • drugs. Thanks to them, the course of the disease will not be so painful. If a particular drug does not work within 2–3 months, then you should definitely come to the medical institution and seek advice from a specialist.

    It is possible that you will have to undergo some tests. In combination with drug treatment You can also resort to traditional medicine. They are safe and can be safely used during lactation.

    Before using any product, be sure to read the instructions.

You can often see a person who has small ulcers and swelling on their lips. Typically, such rashes appear in the off-season, in autumn or spring. In fact, these are manifestations of the herpes virus, so it will not go away on its own; treatment is necessary.

Watery blisters on the lips are a sign of labial herpes. The main reason for such manifestations is reduced immunity. There are also factors that provoke a cold:

  • severe stress;
  • intoxication;
  • ARVI, flu, sore throat;
  • exhaustion of the body due to unbalanced nutrition, long-term dieting;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • mental or physical fatigue;
  • smoking;
  • caffeine and alcohol abuse.

Herpes on the lips is contagious. The virus can enter the body through contact with objects used by a sick person. Therefore, the disease must be treated quickly, otherwise the virus will spread, affecting healthy areas of the skin and internal organs.

Treatment and prevention

Your doctor will tell you how to get rid of a cold. The most effective are ointments. But it is better to treat them before the bubbles appear, at the stage when a slight tingling or burning sensation is felt on the lips. IN as a last resort The ointment is used in the first couple of days after the rash appears. Treatment with antiviral drugs is advisable to carry out along with taking immunostimulants.

To help get rid of herpes on the lips:

  • Acyclovir and Zovirax are applied every 4 hours for at least 5 days. When a fever appears, in addition to the ointment, you must take antiviral tablets.
  • Oxolinic ointment 3% will cope with primary herpes. The product instantly eliminates inflammatory process. Oxolinic ointment Children and pregnant women can be treated.
  • Gel Viru-Merz Serol is used up to 5 times a day. If after 2 days the fever on the lips does not disappear, then you need to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe another drug.
  • Famciclovir and Valaciclovir actively fight the virus.

If rashes appear several times a year, this indicates a weakening of the body’s defenses. The use of immunomodulators is indicated; they are prescribed in courses as part of complex therapy. Basically, experts prescribe 3 groups:

  • Interferon preparations, in particular Viferon, Cycloferon, Interferon.
  • Immunomodulators of natural origin. These include Bronchomunal, Immunal, Imudon, Ribomunil.
  • Immunostimulants of artificial origin, such as Polyoxidonium, Lykopid, Levamisole.

It should be noted that getting rid of colds on the lips when the blisters are opened is somewhat more difficult, since the virus has already gained strength. You will have to wait for the rashes to disappear on their own. But the ointment can be used at this stage, treating the lips with it as an antiseptic. This will prevent infection of healthy areas of the skin.

Colds require long-term treatment. Therefore, it is best to take preventive measures that will prevent the appearance of bubbles, such as:

  • hardening;
  • active lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • do not visit crowded places;
  • maintaining a daily routine to avoid overwork;
  • you need to get enough sleep.

In the off-season, when colds often appear on the lips, it is necessary to take Aflubin, Anaferon or a natural alternative - tincture of Echinacea purpurea, garlic. They will provide additional support to the body and prevent weakening of the immune system. When in crowded places, it is recommended to lubricate the nasal passages with Oxolinic ointment.

Treatment begins at the first symptoms. But if this fails, then preventive measures should be taken to prevent further infection:

  • Do not touch the affected lip. If this happens, you should wash your hands with soap.
  • The patient should have a separate towel and utensils for the period of exacerbation.
  • During a relapse of herpes, kissing is prohibited.
  • It is contraindicated to peel off the dried crust or squeeze the liquid out of the bubbles. This leads to the spread of infection.
  • Cold ointments are applied with a cotton swab, but not with your hands.

If the patient wears contact lenses, then he should not moisten them with saliva. Infection in the eyes is very dangerous.

Folk remedies

You can get rid of an unpleasant cold at home:

1. Fir oil is applied to the lips every couple of hours from the moment the first signs of herpes appear.

2. Prepare a composition based on calendula petals and petroleum jelly and lubricate the affected areas with it.

3. Alcohol tincture of propolis is used to cauterize the blisters. In order to remove discomfort, after 10 minutes sore spot lubricate with emollient cream. This will help prevent burning.

4. One of available funds is salt, which is in every home. The bubbles that have not yet opened are sprinkled on it, and several crystals are dissolved in the mouth.

5. Dry the bubbles in the tea bag. It is pre-brewed and applied to the lips.

6. Ice helps relieve colds at home. It is wrapped in a napkin and applied to the sore spot.

7. Baking soda is diluted in hot water before thick gruel and apply to the affected area. Soon a crust will form on this place, which cannot be removed.

8. Fever on the lips can be treated at home with aloe juice. It can also be mixed with honey and consumed internally. This remedy will strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of infection.

9. Birch buds can also treat colds. A tablespoon of raw material is placed in a glass of hot milk. Insist for a quarter of an hour closed. Next, the composition is filtered and the buds are applied to the vials.

10. Raspberry branches remove herpes. To do this, they need to be chewed in the mouth.

11. Film with eggshells. It is separated and applied to the affected area for several minutes.

12. Toothpaste will help clear up rashes. It is used to lubricate the lips before and after the onset of a cold. After 20 minutes, wash off the paste.

13. For itching and burning use earwax. The bubbles dry out quickly.

14. Apple vinegar. They lubricate the sore spot with it, and also take it orally in diluted form.

15. Rashes are treated with sea buckthorn or almond oil, alcohol or valocordin.

16. Promotion local immunity It helps to apply a paste of beet tops, carrots or parsley to the lip.

If you have an important event coming up soon, it is important to know how to quickly cure a cold. Can be used the following means home-cooked:

  • Melissa tincture. Plant materials are poured with alcohol in an arbitrary proportion and infused for several days. If herpes recurs, soak a cotton swab in the tincture and apply it to your lip.
  • You can cure the disease quickly at home Birch buds. Take 2 tablespoons of raw materials and fill them with 200 ml of vodka or alcohol. Place the container in dark place for 2 week. After time, the tincture is filtered and applied externally.
  • Ordinary celandine will help you get rid of rashes as quickly as possible. The freshly squeezed juice of the plant is poured into a bottle so that there is a little space left on top, and placed in a dark place. Periodically shake the product and open it to release the gas. After a week, the medicine can be applied externally.
  • Juniper. The fruits of the bush are crushed into flour and poured with vodka. In a day the tincture will be ready. They burn the blisters on her lips.

You should not hope to get rid of the disease in 1-2 days. Therapy will last at least 5 days. After external manifestations disappear, treatment is still continued, since the virus is still in the body and can become active again.

Herpes- a viral disease characterized by a rash in the form of small blisters on skin and mucous membranes.

Herpes is one of the most common viral diseases, which affects about 95% of humanity on the entire planet. At the same time, many of us simply do not know about its existence in our bodies, since the cunning virus can not manifest itself for the time being. In addition, this disease can be either a simple nuisance that reminds you of itself every few years, or a serious one that literally destroys your life.


  • simple (occurs extremely rarely and can present as a rash near the mouth, eyelids, nose and genital area);
  • herpes zoster (in the form of lichen, found most often in childhood and senile, affecting the skin and nerves).


Transmission of herpes can occur in different ways: directly (including sexually), by airborne droplets, through hygiene or shared objects, from mother to child. By the way, it should be noted that a child can become infected from his mother when passing birth canal and then, if at the time of birth a woman experiences acute period diseases of genital herpes or, during pregnancy, through the umbilical cord. More in late age The baby gets the virus from adults when kissing on the lips.

But why does herpes disease start to “work out”? Since the virus lives mainly in the cells of the central nervous system, then any stress, anxiety or weakened immunity will definitely come back to haunt you with an unpleasant rash.

There are other known causes that contribute to the manifestation of the virus.

  • various infections;
  • fever;
  • emotional or physical stress;
  • skin irritation (for example, sunburn);
  • hormonal changes;
  • menstruation;
  • severe hypothermia or overheating;
  • various injuries;
  • alcohol and other bad habits.


Symptoms of herpes always appear in advance, creating a general malaise of the body, similar to the beginning colds. At the same time, the place where the rash should subsequently appear begins to itch, turn red, and itch. By the way, rashes can appear anywhere. For example, on the face, the disease is often observed on the forehead, on the red border of the lips and their inside, on the eyelids and on the cheeks, on the wings of the nose and on the gums and so on. As for genital herpes, it can settle on the buttocks, thighs, pubis, urethra, vagina, and so on.


Due to the fact that the virus can infect any human organ, various complications can occur. It has been clearly established that this particular genital type disease is often to blame for infertility in both the male and female half of the population. Delayed treatment herpes (genital) can become an initiating factor in the development of prostate and cervical cancer. In addition, there may be symptoms " acute abdomen", pain in the lumbar region.


It is not possible to completely cure the herpes virus. But this does not mean that you should not consult a doctor and start treatment in a timely manner, which can be carried out even at the stage of manifestation primary symptoms. After the doctor carries out diagnostic examination, he will select the most suitable comprehensive treatment, during which the following can be used:

  • local remedies;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • immunomodulators;
  • interferon inducers;
  • estrogenic interferon.

Traditional treatment of a cold on the lip has several goals: reducing the progression of the disease, preventing complications and further infection, weakening severe symptoms, preventing relapse of the disease.

Let's look at how to quickly cure a cold on the lips. As soon as swelling or redness of the lips becomes noticeable, apply antiviral ointment. You should not pierce the blisters, even if painful itching and burning are felt at the site of their accumulation. These symptoms can be relieved by applying ice or cold compresses to the affected area.

If crusts appear on the ulcers, then you need to soften them with lip creams, pre-treating the wounds with hydrogen peroxide. You also need to take vitamins, limit the amount of contact with the outside world, regularly ventilate the premises, and avoid drafts.

Medicines for colds on the lips

Experts most often recommend ointments such as Zovirax, Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Triiodresorcinol, Katsogel, Bromnaphthoquinone, Gerpevir, Valacyclovir. They have proven themselves to be effective means, allowing to alleviate the course of the disease and speed up recovery.

At the first symptoms of the disease, 5% Zovirax ointment is effective. If you start treatment with it in a timely manner, you can prevent the appearance of bubbles. When applied to formed blisters, it is possible to avoid the appearance of ulcers. In this case, the bubbles quickly dry out, and the resulting crusts fall off naturally.

Zovirax is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, liver dysfunction, and also in case of individual intolerance. Possible side effects:

  • hair loss;
  • CNS disorders;
  • convulsions;
  • anemia;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • severe headaches.

Acyclovir shows good results in the treatment of herpes. It is sold without a prescription, since according to the accompanying instructions, people can treat a cold on the lip on their own. It is produced in several forms: in the form of tablets, ointments and lyophilisate. This product has a number of contraindications (liver disease, individual intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding).

The disadvantage of Acyclovir is its weak effectiveness in treating new strains of the virus. Possible side effects include drowsiness, stomach pain, skin rashes, diarrhea, nausea, hallucinations, fever, migraines, difficulty breathing.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor. He will give advice regarding further treatment colds on the lips with a similar drug.

How to apply ointment

It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas of the lips correctly: it is better to apply the drug not with your finger, but with a cotton swab or cotton swab. It is not recommended to use ordinary cotton wool, as it clings to the wounds with fibers, irritating them and causing pain.

You should not use the same tampon or stick multiple times. After a single use, these items become sources of infection, so they must be disposed of immediately.

The ointment should be applied, not rubbed in: it should be absorbed by itself. To prevent the stain of ointment on the lips from being noticeable, before leaving the house it is advisable to wait until the product is completely absorbed and dry, that is, it should be applied in advance.

Before applying any product to a cold on your lip, you need to carefully read the instructions, study the contraindications and possible side effects. If the use of the ointment causes alarming symptoms, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Treatment of colds on the lips with folk remedies

For a disease such as a cold on the lips, treatment at home is effectively carried out using numerous traditional medicine. The most common of them:

  • fir oil;
  • freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice or aloe;
  • propolis tincture;
  • pine resin;
  • sage tea;
  • rosehip oil;
  • decoction of white wormwood.

A remedy such as drinking tea will also help cure a cold on the lip. It is enough to apply the cooled sachet to the affected area three times a day for 15 minutes. Good effect can be achieved by applying an onion to the affected area (with a fresh cut to the skin). This product must be used carefully so as not to cause a burn. For colds on the lips fast treatment regular valocordin also provides. If you lubricate the affected area with it, the effect will be noticeable in the first day.

Cold sores in children

The peculiarity of labial herpes is that it can manifest itself from the first days of a child’s life. Herpes in a newborn is a rare occurrence, but has an extremely severe pathogenesis. It can manifest itself as a consequence of the lack of maternal antibodies to the virus and insufficient development of immunity in the child. Intrauterine infection or infection during childbirth is possible.

Signs of herpes in a newborn:

rash on the skin in the form of blisters with liquid;

drowsiness or convulsions;

temperature fluctuations;

reduced muscle tone.

The difference from herpes in adults is that the rash appears towards the end of the disease. Listed symptoms do not always manifest themselves fully: if treatment is started in a timely manner, then in 50% of cases the symptoms are limited to rashes. The manifestation of unfavorable symptoms indicates the presence of systemic lesions. Cramps are a sign of damage to the central nervous system, and decreased muscle tone indicates liver damage.

Children between 1 and 3 years of age may suffer herpetic stomatitis. This phenomenon sometimes develops if the jaw mucosa is injured during teething. Severe cases of the disease are characterized by lymphadenitis of the cervical and submandibular nodes, multiple herpetic lesions oral cavity.

In older children with normal immune status, the manifestation of labial herpes is the classic “cold on the lip,” that is, a rash that goes away in 4-7 days. Relapse of the disease usually occurs 1-3 per year. Children experience itching more severely than adults, that is, cold lotions should be used along with antiherpetic ointment. Pre-brewed and then frozen bags of chamomile infusion are suitable for this.

As soon as a child has a cold on the lip, you need to stop giving him foods such as chocolate, citrus fruits, smoked sausages, and nuts. At the same time, it is necessary that the diet be rich in fish, fermented baked milk, yoghurts, cheese and vegetable oil. It is recommended to take multivitamins for a month, then take a break and resume the course.

If a cold on the lip occurs rarely in a child, then there is no reason to worry. If a relapse occurs up to 6 times a year, then an examination is needed: frequent exacerbations may indicate a pathology of the immune system.

Cold on the lip during pregnancy

The degree of danger of a cold on the lip during pregnancy depends on the cause of the disease and on the period of fetal development. If the expectant mother has experienced such rashes before, then there is no reason to worry. A cold on the lip in this case simply indicates that, as a result of pregnancy, immunity is lowered and the body needs support. In this state there is nothing threatening either to the woman or to the fetus.

There is cause for concern if a cold on the lip occurs for the first time and is accompanied by symptoms such as body aches and elevated temperature. Primary infection with the herpes virus during pregnancy is an undesirable phenomenon, as it can provoke abnormalities in the development of the fetus. In such a situation, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Preventing a cold on the lip

A qualified doctor will tell you how to get rid of a cold on the lip quickly, but it is still better to take measures in advance to prevent the development of this disease. Needs to be done general strengthening health, Special attention focusing on the immune system. The following measures help strengthen the immune system:

  • taking vitamins and minerals to ensure the full functioning of the body;
  • healthy eating;
  • avoiding stress and chronic fatigue;
  • body hardening procedures.

Prevention of a cold on the lip at any age should not be periodic and random. Only systematic adherence to the rules healthy image life will protect the body from this disease.

It is quite common to see a person with small sores on the lips or nose. Especially, these rashes on the face bother us in rainy autumn or cold spring. This disease also has another name – herpes.

Everyone knows the feeling you experienced when you saw a painful swelling on your face in the morning. A cold on the lip is causing trouble for our appearance and causes painful discomfort. It doesn't seem to be a big deal. Many people believe that after some time the ulcers go away on their own. But the herpes virus is not as simple as we think about it. And if a cold sore on the lips occurs in a pregnant woman or small child, you should worry and take this disease more seriously and responsibly. After all, there are still no such medicines, which destroy this virus and completely remove it from the human body. True, you can temporarily get rid of this suddenly appeared misfortune, and quite quickly. But…

Before you continue reading: If you are looking for an effective method of getting rid of constant colds and diseases of the nose, throat, lungs, then be sure to look into section of the site "Book" after reading this article. This information is based on the author’s personal experience and has helped many people, we hope it will help you too. NOT advertising! So, now back to the article.

Find out the cause of the disease before treating it

The herpes virus is currently considered the most common infection around the globe. If this virus somehow ends up in the human body, then it becomes impossible to remove it or destroy it. Usually it “visits” us in childhood, and remains in our body. Where is the place where herpes hides? Viral particles, having entered the body, rise along the nerve endings into the cranial cavity and occupy nerve plexus, called the trigeminal ganglion, and it is there that they remain in a “dormant state” long time. Occasionally, during the activation of the virus, particles wake up and infect the mucous membranes of our body. Among the world's population, up to 90% of people are its carriers. True, when good immunity In humans, the virus “does not reveal itself.” Under the influence of what reasons does herpes wake up, causing the appearance of colds on the lips? U different people they are often different.

  • This is most often hypothermia, or, conversely, overheating
  • In women there may be a connection with critical days
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and coffee
  • Emotional stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Concomitant illnesses such as common cold, flu, HIV or diabetes
  • Any lip injuries
  • Smoking

But despite different reasons, there is one general property– the herpes virus usually affects people with weakened immune systems, or at times when a person’s immunity is weakened for some reason (stress, cold, etc.).

Stages of development, as well as symptoms of colds on the lips

Stage 1: the onset of the disease manifests itself in a sudden burning sensation or even pain in the lips. The duration of this period ranges from two hours to a day. By the way, right now you can “slow down” the disease and avoid it further development, if you start using special medicines or folk remedies. In this case, the disease can be cured in two days. If you didn’t catch herpes “by surprise” or ignored it altogether, the affected areas of the skin will bother you for more than a week.

Stage 2: redness and areas of swelling appear near the lips, that is, the inflammatory process begins. And now bubbles have formed, containing a colorless liquid. It is in these bubbles that thousands of viruses accumulate.

Stage 3: The bubbles burst after some time, the liquid is released, begins to dry out, and ulcers form in this place. It is at this stage that the disease becomes contagious.

Stage 4 (final): the ulcers eventually become covered with a crust, which soon disappears.

Remember, cold sores are contagious.

If you touch the sores on your lips with your hand, the virus particles will end up on your hand. And then they can go anywhere. The virus is especially dangerous for the eyes. Therefore, most importantly, try to carefully monitor the cleanliness of your skin during illness. And, above all, it concerns your hands. Wash them often with soap.

During the entire period of the disease, you will have to think not only about how to cure your illness, but also about how to protect your loved ones. Avoid kissing while you are sick. Remember that by kissing your child, you are providing him with this virus for life.

During illness, use only individual cutlery, because the virus is contained in the saliva of a sick person. Make sure that no one else uses your towel.

Be careful when communicating. After all, colds on the lips are easily transmitted through the air through the saliva of someone infected with the virus.

Colds on the lips are especially dangerous during pregnancy. After all, it follows that the herpes virus has become more active in the body. Of course, this virus is not inherited. Experts believe that primary rashes are the most dangerous for pregnant women (that is, if herpes did not bother you before pregnancy). Secondary rashes often do not have a serious impact on pregnancy and the intrauterine development of the baby. But the mother’s infection (by the way, in these cases, a cold on the labia is the most dangerous) is easily transmitted to the child during conception, as well as during childbirth. Viral infection It is very difficult to cure in pregnant women. Therefore, herpes encephalitis, today, is one of the most common causes of death in infants.

Young mothers especially need to be careful with this disease. You should not touch your baby’s skin with your lips, and when feeding and caring for the baby, it is better to use gauze bandage(mask). And, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly and constantly!

Complications of herpes

If for some reason the cold on your lips does not go away quickly, and the sores have not disappeared for more than a week, it’s time to see a doctor. After all, herpes on the face can only be a manifestation of another, more serious disease.

It also requires mandatory consultation with a doctor if, together with a cold on the lips, there are following symptoms: chills, fever, fainting, loss of smell, joint pain, etc.

It is mandatory to visit a doctor if a cold on the lips affects a pregnant woman, a child under three years of age, a person with AIDS or cancer, person, sick diabetes mellitus(that is, the category of people who have weakened immune systems). After all, ordinary but painful rashes on the lips can lead to very dangerous complications.

The herpes virus can affect the eyes if not handled carefully. Especially, pay more attention to ulcers near the lips of a small child. After all, if he touches a painful place near the mouth with his hand, and then touches the eyes, then the baby’s eye disease is guaranteed. It is very difficult. And without proper treatment it can lead to blindness. In addition, the virus can also infect the skin of the fingers. The result of this exposure is herpetic eczema. Stomatitis is also one of the consequences of herpes activity. In this case, the oral mucosa is affected. To prevent the spread of the virus, start treatment for colds in the area of ​​the lips or nose in your baby in a timely manner.

In people with weakened immune systems, such as HIV-infected people or cancer patients, the herpes virus can infect internal organs. Even doctors can find it quite difficult to detect herpes. Its treatment is just as difficult. By the way, the mortality rate from the herpes virus among the world's population now ranks third (after influenza and AIDS). Let us remind you that there is currently no medicine that completely destroys this virus. There are only drugs that can quickly cure a cold on the lip, or rather, quickly stop the replication of the virus.

How to get rid of an unpleasant cold on the lip in a short time?

After all, the first question we ask ourselves when we suspect herpes is “What to anoint these purulent sores that have come from out of nowhere?”

Firstly, of course, this is a special cream that contains antiviral agents. This cream should be used to lubricate the lips and the area around the lips about 5 times a day.

In general, if “outbreaks” of colds on your face occur quite often (several times a year), then you should always keep this cream with you. As soon as you feel tingling or itching in the area of ​​your lips or nose, immediately begin to lubricate the sore areas.

The most common mistake women make is when they try to disguise this notorious cold on the lips with various creams and powders that come to hand. This, of course, should not be done, since cosmetics and the components they contain can lead to an even greater proliferation of viral particles and the disease will drag on for a long time.

Remember! When treating a cold on the lips, never squeeze out the bubbles or break off the crusts that have formed. Otherwise, you create favorable conditions for the spread of the virus to the eyes or other parts of the face. Wait until the crusts fall off on their own.

One of the medications that works well for colds on the lips is Acyclovir, as well as ointments based on it. 5% acyclovir ointment is much cheaper than various imported funds. Her effective action appears precisely at the first signs of herpes rashes on the face. Of course, it can be used at later stages. Apply the ointment about 4 times a day, carefully but thoroughly lubricating the painful areas of the skin. This drug, however, has its drawbacks. With frequent use, the skin of the lips dries out and cracks. And, again frequent use This remedy causes the body to become addicted to it. Therefore, the effect of the ointment on the virus becomes less and less effective.

"Acyclovir", as well as "Zovirax", can be successfully used by both pregnant women and mothers with breastfeeding, since the components of the ointment are not absorbed into the blood at all. And they will not bring any harm to the baby.

To treat severe colds on the lips, stronger ones are used. medications: Zovirax tablets or valacyclovir. But these drugs can only be purchased with a prescription.

Or maybe you will use folk remedies for treating colds on the lips? After all, in our country this is a fairly common method of treatment...

Probably one of the most simple means, which you can use if you have a cold on your lip, lubricate it with garlic juice, onions or the juice of such a famous medicinal plant like aloe. By the way, aloe juice can be consumed orally at the same time (one teaspoon of juice before meals). But it is possible that other methods will help you to quickly treat a cold on your lips. Try to choose the most effective one active remedy, exactly, for you.

  • "Chamomile": Infusion from medicinal chamomile always helps well with inflammatory processes in our body. It is prepared as follows: Take a tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers and pour a glass of boiling water over them. You need to wait half an hour for the solution to infuse. Then we definitely filter it. To treat your lips, it is good to add a tablespoon of 10% to the chamomile infusion. alcohol propolis. The finished infusion should be applied to painful areas of the skin at least five times a day. It is useful to drink chamomile infusion (one tablespoon three times a day).
  • "Ice": Herpes blisters are “afraid” of ice. Wrap the ice in a napkin and hold it against your lips for as long as possible.
  • "Zinc solution": A solution of a salt such as zinc sulfate may help you. 4 gr. This salt must be dissolved in cool boiled water. You need to keep this solution on your lips for about 30 minutes.
  • "Melissa": Required for lemon balm alcohol solution. 10 gr. pour lemon balm leaves with a small amount of alcohol. The infusion must be kept for several days. Apply the infusion to your lips as often as possible throughout the day.
  • "Freshly brewed tea". A teaspoon must be heated in hot black freshly brewed tea. A well-heated spoon should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. It is advisable to repeat the procedure twice a day. Carry out treatment carefully to avoid burns.
  • "Baking soda" Add one tablespoon to ½ cup of boiling water baking soda. The solution must be mixed thoroughly. Heat a spoon or a regular piece of cotton wool in this water and also apply it to your lips several times a day. Do not remove the resulting soda crust from your lips.
  • "Fir oil" It is good to lubricate the areas that herpes has chosen, fir oil. We especially recommend doing this procedure at night.
  • "Propolis" People often use propolis tincture against colds on the lips. It seems to cauterize the resulting ulcers. After cauterization, do not forget to lubricate the skin with an emollient cream.
  • "Toothpaste" for colds on the lips. As you know, toothpastes have a drying effect. It is advisable to lubricate the areas of skin where you feel itching. You can lubricate the already formed bubbles with toothpaste. Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse off warm water. But, if at this treatment you experience redness of the skin or strong burning sensation, then stop treatment immediately.
  • "Raspberries" Raspberry berries and leaves are an excellent remedy for colds. But when treating colds on the lips, we will use freshly cut raspberry branches. They need to be washed, doused with boiling water and crushed to a paste. Then apply it to your lips for about half an hour several times a day.
  • "Eggshell" Separate a thin film from the inside of the eggshell and apply to your lips. When drying, the film will have therapeutic effect for a cold.
  • "Valocordin" Valocordin (as well as Corvalol) dries out rashes around the lips very well. Simply moisten a cotton pad with it and apply it to the area affected by herpes for a few minutes. Very often there is a burning sensation, but it goes away quickly.
  • "Ointment with Ash" Perhaps the following recipe will help you: take 3 cloves of garlic and one teaspoon of honey. Mix finely grated garlic with honey. Place a piece of paper in a glass container and set it on fire. Add the resulting ash to the mixture of honey and garlic and mix thoroughly. Apply the prepared ointment to painful areas of the skin every 4 hours. Keep it on for 10 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with cool water.

Almost all methods of treating herpes rashes require a duration of use of at least 5 days. Even if the external symptoms of a cold have disappeared, continue treatment. Otherwise, the virus may become active again.

During illness, pay attention to your diet. It turns out that the amino acid lysine “inhibits” the spread of the virus. It is found in large quantities in potatoes, eggs, yogurt, milk, and fish. Conversely, the amino acid “arginine” contributes to the development of the disease. It is found in nuts, seeds, and chocolate. Accordingly, you will have to reduce your consumption of these foods during treatment.

To avoid having to treat herpes again, take preventive measures

If your lips are affected by herpes quite often and unpleasant sores appear again and again, and you are tired of fighting it, take preventive measures.

Protect your lips from wind, sun and frost. For this you can use special creams and lip balms. Try not to get too cold or overheat.

Boost your immunity. How? Try to maintain a daily routine and exercise. Try to start hardening. From herbal remedies Echinacea root will help your body to strengthen its immunity. This remedy can be used in the form of an infusion and in the form of tablets. Ordinary garlic or ginseng will help strengthen the immune system.

During flu and ARVI epidemics, avoid contact with sick people. Avoid visiting crowded places.

Be wary of prescribing treatment yourself, especially with regard to antibiotics, antiviral drugs and immunomodulators. In all cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary!

Pay attention to your diet. It's better if you have more in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits, especially those containing vitamin C. Avoid fatty foods. Eat less sugar and chocolate. Drink more liquid, especially if it is a decoction or tea based on herbs such as sage, wormwood, sweet clover, lemon balm, etc.

As soon as you feel itching and burning around your lips, immediately start using medicinal products. But what? It can be medications or you will use the advice of traditional medicine... Your body will tell you what to choose. Learn to “listen” to your inner self, to your body, and then you will be able to maintain your health and beauty for a long time!

A cold sore on the lip is a symptom of herpes infection. Healthy body with strong immune system suppresses the virus. But when a person's defenses are weakened due to infection, menstruation, mental experiences or stress, the disease becomes more active. Herpes does not go away on its own. If the virus is not treated, it spreads to other organs and causes complications. Can stop colds, remove sores and blisters traditional methods and pharmaceutical ointments.

Hygiene rules

One of the first symptoms of herpes is itching. The reddened area of ​​skin on or near the lip is smeared with Valocordin. Liquid preparation cauterizes the future blister, preventing it from forming. If a pimple filled with cloudy liquid does appear, the patient must follow the rules of hygiene:

  1. Wipe lips affected by herpes with a separate towel or disposable wipes.
  2. Do not touch rashes and ulcers with your fingers.
  3. Apply ointments and other products cotton swabs or tampons.
  4. Use one plate and cup. Dishes should not be given to other people.
  5. After contact with the affected area, wash your hands with soap.
  6. Avoid touching your eyes or genitals with dirty hands to prevent herpes from spreading to other parts of the body.
  7. Refrain from kissing, even on the cheek, and oral sex.
  8. Protect your lips from cold and chapping with fatty balms and scarves. After recovery, chapstick is thrown away, just like a toothbrush.
  9. Do not puncture the rash. Peeling or soaking the crust is also prohibited.
  10. You can't mask a cold foundation, powder or lipstick. Cosmetics only worsen the condition of the skin and increase inflammation.

With proper treatment, herpes disappears within 5–7 days, sometimes much earlier. If the disease is neglected, ulcers will appear in the mouth, causing stomatitis and problems with teeth and gums. It is necessary to ensure that particles of saliva and virus do not get on the mucous membrane of the eyes. Herpes causes conjunctivitis, and in some cases leads to deterioration and loss of vision.

First aid

Small blisters are treated with toothpaste. Cosmetics stops the spread of the virus. The paste is applied in a thin layer and left until completely dry. The hardened medicine is replaced with fresh one. The treatment is repeated until the itching and swelling disappear.

Small blisters are burned with alcohol tinctures of calendula or propolis. The drugs disinfect and suppress herpes. Treat reddened skin with cologne or antiseptics: Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. Chlorophyllipt and regular alcohol have antiviral properties.

A cotton pad is soaked with the selected preparation and applied to the skin. Keep the alcohol lotion for 5–10 minutes. Disinfection of rashes is repeated 6–7 times a day.

Propolis tincture is replaced with calendula decoction. Mix 60 g of flowers with a cup of water in a saucepan. The herbal medicine is removed from the stove 5 minutes after boiling. Calendula decoction is taken orally 2 times a day. Drink 150 ml before meals, adding a little honey to the drink to boost immunity. Cotton or gauze swabs are moistened in a pure decoction without additives and applied to the cold for 10–20 minutes.

Fresh blisters are burned with soda. The powder is mixed with boiled water and a thick mass is prepared. A paste of baking soda is spread on the cold and the skin around it. The product removes swelling, disinfects and reduces inflammation. After the procedure, a crust appears that cannot be touched. Cauterization with soda is repeated several times a day to remove herpes in 2–4 days.

It is recommended to urgently treat a reddened area of ​​the lip that itches and swells with fir oil. Strong antiseptic stops the virus and prevents the appearance of blisters. After application there is a slight burning sensation. The symptom signals that the remedy is working. If the burning becomes too strong and the lip begins to enlarge and swell, you should immediately wash off the oil and take an antihistamine.

The fir component is quite aggressive. Holders sensitive skin It is recommended to dilute the product with boiled water or sunflower oil. Apply the composition to the infected area every 2-3 hours until complete recovery.

Herpes will disappear in 4 days if you apply a mixture of lemon drops and tangerine essential oil or lemon balm decoction to the blisters. The liquid is applied with cotton swabs only to the affected areas. The composition is not washed off; it must be completely absorbed into the skin and dry. Colds are treated 4-5 times a day. Lemon drops can be replaced with freshly squeezed juice.

Antiviral citrus mash is replaced with essential oils tea tree and eucalyptus. Mix 4 drops of each component. Dilute with 10 ml of olive or sunflower oil. Flaxseed has healing and regenerative properties.

Herbs for colds

It is not always possible to stop herpes at an early stage. Blisters filled with cloudy liquid, as well as fresh and dried ulcers can be treated with decoctions and water tinctures from field plants.

The first option for colds includes:

  • marshmallow and cinquefoil roots - 40 g each;
  • raspberry leaf – 2 tsp;
  • flax seeds – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • licorice root – 80 g;
  • coltsfoot – 40 g;
  • elecampane rhizome – 20 g.

The decoctions are drunk four times a day, 50–100 ml. Herbal drinks without additives, wash the infected areas and apply compresses soaked in a warm infusion to the ulcers.

Aloe has antiviral properties. The plant disinfects and heals wounds. A green leaf, cut lengthwise, or pieces of gauze soaked in freshly squeezed juice from the plant are applied to the ulcers.

Aloe destroys herpes from the inside, and also strengthens the immune system, protecting against the recurrence of a cold on the lip. Antiviral agent prepared from the largest leaf, which is more than 5 years old. Part of the plant is crushed, mixed in equal proportions with honey and 30 ml of immunomodulatory medicine is eaten on an empty stomach for at least 1 month.

Remedy for complex treatment prepared from the roots of licorice, kopeck and maral grass. The dried preparations are mixed with chamomile flowers, string leaves and alder cones in equal proportions. Brew 30 g of plants with 300 ml of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 10 minutes. The strained herbal medicine is taken orally three times a day, and is also used for washing with herpes. Disinfecting and healing compresses are made from decoctions.

An antiviral drink is obtained by mixing:

  • birch buds;
  • Leuzea rhizomes;
  • wild rosemary shoots;
  • thyme and string;
  • burnet roots;
  • yarrow sprigs.

An infusion is prepared from herbs mixed in equal proportions: pour 25 g of herbal powder into a thermos, add 0.5 l boiled water and close the container for 2 hours. Before drinking, the drink is filtered and mixed with linden honey. Wash ulcers on the lip with an infusion without sweeteners.

To cure herpes, you don’t have to stock up on all kinds of herbs. Effective decoction prepared from ordinary sage. A cup of boiling water is mixed with 3 tbsp. l. dried plant. Cover with a plate, and after 50 minutes strain and rinse medicinal drink oral cavity. The wounds are wiped with cotton swabs dipped in sage decoction.

Ointments and natural immunomodulators

The virus is killed pharmaceutical drugs For external use:

  • Zovirax;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Penciclovir.

Blisters on the skin and mucous membrane of the lip are cauterized with streptocidal or zinc ointment, as well as oxolinic ointment. Cheap products kill the herpes virus, moisturize and heal rashes. Preparations for external use are combined with an immunomodulating tincture of Echinacea or “Immunal”. Instead of alcoholic options they take vitamin complexes"Neuromultivit", "Supradin" or "Geri-max".

Antiviral ointments are prepared from homemade ingredients. Balm for quick healing of blisters consists of ash, garlic cloves and natural honey. You will need 2-3 raspberry branches. They must be dry. The workpiece is broken into small pieces and placed in an iron bowl. They set fire and wait until the wood burns out and turns into embers. The remains of the raspberry branches are ground in a mortar and mixed in equal parts with garlic pulp. Season the ointment with honey. The thick mass is carefully distributed over the blisters with cotton swabs and washed off after 40–60 minutes.

Balm with antiviral properties prepared from fresh celandine. Half a glass of gruel from finely chopped twigs is poured with a cup of sunflower oil. The medicine is brought to a boil and removed from the stove. The warm oil is filtered, separated from the celandine, and reheated to 70 degrees. 50 g is introduced into the workpiece beeswax. When the second component is completely dissolved, the mass is cooled and rubbed into infected areas 3-5 times a day.

Herpes that appears after cooling is treated with a balm made from Vaseline and freshly squeezed calendula juice. The base and additive are mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio and rubbed into crusted blisters and ulcers four times a day.

Recovery will be accelerated by coffee-garlic ointment. Part home medicine includes:

  • unsweetened yogurt without additives;
  • wheat or oat flour;
  • natural coffe;
  • garlic cloves minced through a meat grinder.

First, combine yogurt with honey in approximately equal proportions. Then add garlic and ground coffee. The mixed components are infused for half an hour, seasoned with flour. The last ingredient is added until a thick and viscous ointment is formed. Soak gauze swabs in garlic balm and apply to the sore lip for 20 minutes.

Compresses and other remedies

Antiseptic lotions for herpes include:

  • table salt – 15 g;
  • baking soda – 20 g;
  • aloe pulp – 10 g;
  • white onion pulp – 70–100 g;
  • apple cider vinegar – 30 ml.

The products are thoroughly mixed and seasoned with 25 ml of sea buckthorn or almond oil. Onion pulp is distributed over gauze and applied to the infected areas for 10–20 minutes. The remains of soda and aloe are washed off with warm water, and then homemade or pharmacy ointment is rubbed into the blisters.

Stop herpes at initial stage maybe a piece of ice or a bag of frozen vegetables. The workpiece is wrapped in a plastic bag and a thin towel. A cold compress is applied to the red or white areas for 30–40 minutes. Viruses are poorly tolerated low temperatures. Do not apply ice to your lips without a cloth to avoid frostbite.

Instead of frozen vegetables, use black tea. Dip a spoon into the hot drink and hold it for 5 minutes, then remove it and apply it to the infected skin. Viruses die when high temperature. The tea disinfects the area of ​​the lip, and the hot spoon cauterizes the future blister. The procedure is painful and does not always help.

Herpes is destroyed by chamomile infusion. Dried plant steam with boiling water: a cup of liquid per 30 g of inflorescences. The strained drink is mixed with alcohol tincture propolis. In glass chamomile infusion dissolve 30 ml of the second component. Gauze swabs are soaked in the composition and applied to the rash for 20–30 minutes. Cocktail of herbal decoction and propolis are taken orally to stop the inflammatory process. Drink 40 ml of medicinal drink three times a day.

Herpes on the lips is cauterized onion juice, fresh leaf Kalanchoe and essential oil tea tree. Apply a paste of apples and garlic, as well as tea bags. Some experts recommend treating colds with earwax, but it contains bacteria that increases inflammation and swelling and slows healing.

Herpes appears on the lips when the immune system is weakened. Blisters and ulcers are removed with compresses, decoctions and ointments. And they take echinacea tinctures internally, a mixture of walnuts and honey or vitamin complexes. Immunomodulatory agents speed up recovery and protect against reappearance colds on the lips.

Video: how to quickly get rid of a cold on the lip

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