How to replace meat on a vegetarian diet. Is an equivalent replacement possible? How to replace meat in the diet - recommendations for vegetarians

inspired by example Scott Jurek(one of the world's most decorated marathon runners who has been on a vegan diet since 1999) also decide to go meatless. But changing your diet is about more than trying to replace meat with its vegetarian counterpart. This is an important change in your lifestyle.

Worst Meat Substitutes

Veggie Burger and Veggie Chicken Nuggets

Usually, frozen vegetarian meat substitutes do not contain a lot of fat, but they do have a lot of salt. For example, the average veggie burger contains about 400 mg sodium.

Nuggets are even worse: a portion of vegetarian nuggets contains a third of the recommended American Heart Association daily sodium intake. Some foods have been cooked in a sauce or marinade, which, of course, adds spice and taste, but increases the sodium content and monosodium glutamate. If you are going to strictly follow a vegan diet, read product labels carefully. In some products, in fact, you can find animal protein.

Protein Powder

Want to accelerate muscle growth? Adding whey powder to your morning smoothie will help you with that. However, do not turn it into one of the main sources of protein. According to nutritionists, supplements cannot replace quality proteins found in meat or dairy products. If you still prefer supplements, opt for an unsweetened powder that contains natural ingredients.

Roasted, salted nuts

Contain a serving healthy fats in addition to protein, but if they are covered in salt or sugar, it will bring you more harm than good. Snacking on honey-roasted rather than raw almonds adds a teaspoon of sugar and 60 milligrams of sodium to your diet. Also, roasted nuts are likely to contain less useful elements. Roasting kills a large number of nutrients .

Tofu meat delicacies

We have all heard many times that tofu - it is a protein, energy and useful product With low content fat, but when it takes shape sausages, pepperoni, bologna or fried turkey, it becomes nothing better than meat. Many meat substitutes, one of which is tofu, are actually equivalent to processed meat delicacies which tend to be high in sodium. Tofu products are made from beans and do not contain antibiotics, added hormones or animal products, but they are still undergo food processing.


- excellent source of protein and calcium, therefore 30-60 grams of cheese every day will not harm your body.

What you shouldn't do is replace the beef or chicken in your diet with white bread and cheese sandwiches for dinner every night. Despite its advantages, cheese is high in calories, fat, sodium and cholesterol, and can quickly deposit in your abdomen and flanks. Milk is a smarter dairy-based protein source. It contains seven to eight grams of total protein per cup. in complete protein there are all that our body cannot produce, so we must get them from food.

The best meat substitutes

It is a complete protein high content amino acids, which is undoubtedly healthier than any steak, as it does not contain many calories and does not clog arteries with fat and cholesterol. Champions nutritional properties in the world of legumes, soybeans are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and plant compounds that can fight various diseases. It is best to consume soy in the least processed forms. edamame, soy milk, tofu and natto- the best of the options.

Beans, peas and lentils

This is an inexpensive way to replenish your protein stores. A cup of lentils, for example, contains 18 grams of protein along with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Lentils cook quickly and can be added to salads, pasta sauces, or eaten as a side dish. Also try adding peas to a salad or vegetable soup or serve beans as a side dish. Make chickpea hummus and use it to make sandwiches.

Seeds and raw nuts

Nuts and seeds are super sources vegetable protein as well as fiber and vitamin E. Some are rich in plant-based versions of the heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acid. However, they are quite high in fat, so watch your portion sizes (a serving of almonds is 30 grams - about 23 pieces, which contains 164 calories and 6 grams of protein). Choose dried but unsalted varieties. Want to eat something more "harmful"? Use nut butter as a sandwich base or enjoy it as part of a snack, such as eating with apple slices.

Hemp and Quinoa Seeds

Quinoa and hemp seeds are examples ideal source squirrel. A cup contains 9 grams of natural plant-based protein, so anyone looking for a healthy alternative to meat should definitely add it to their diet.

In addition to protein hemp seeds contain omega 3 fatty acid. Add powdered hemp to smoothies or whole seeds to salads and cereals. Be sure to crush the seeds or chew them thoroughly, as you won't get any protein or fatty acids if they're whole.

Whole grain products

- An excellent source of protein, as well as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that help fight disease. Just make sure the grains you choose are whole, as processed grains lose fiber. natural vitamins, minerals and most of the protein.

We are accustomed to meat as a product, without which we cannot do without. Everyday life. Be sure to at least three times a week we constantly cook something from it - either chops, or fry it with vegetables. Yes, meat is nutritious and healthy, as it contains many various vitamins, necessary for normal functioning human body. But at the same time, it also has negative characteristics, because it contributes to the accumulation of fat in the body and the formation of red meat significantly increases the risk of death from heart disease or cancer.

Having learned about decided to extend their lives and improve their general state? Then go ahead - start a diet that excludes meat!

So what can replace meat without harming the body?

It is necessary to regularly eat orange and red vegetables, rich in extremely beneficial carotenoids. Useful and essential vitamin D3 can be obtained from yeast, baking and beer.

It has always been said before that people who do not eat meat must have Iron-deficiency anemia, because the rest of the products are missing which the body easily absorbs. This opinion took place, because before they did not know how to replace meat. Currently, confirmed scientific data have appeared that indicate that an organism accustomed only to vegetable food, adapts well to a different source of iron and is quite capable of assimilating non-heme iron. In addition, iron from a meat-free diet is mixed with carotenoids and vitamin C, which improve absorption. A diet rich in legumes, nuts, oats, wholemeal products, fresh and dried fruits, and dark green and leafy vegetables ensures adequate iron intake.

Remember that milk impairs the absorption of iron, so you should not drink it with the above products.

Essential amino acids are abundant in plants. For the latter, eat a varied, plant-based diet that includes legumes and whole grains (lentils, oatmeal, etc.). Most useful buckwheat- it has the whole set necessary for the body amino acids.

1) cottage cheese is an excellent meat substitute and an excellent source of protein. It can be consumed in any form: adding fruits and sour cream, or as a spread on bread or crackers.

2) and peanuts are a great source of protein.

3) does not contain cholesterol, but contains healthy protein. A sandwich with scrambled eggs and greens will serve as a delicious and healthy breakfast.

4) add lentils to soups and salads, it also has enough protein.

5) nuts also contain precious protein, but only if they are unsalted and raw. A handful of nuts a day is enough for you, they optimally combine proteins and fats.

6) when thinking about how to replace meat, do not forget about legumes, which are the traditional equivalents of animal protein. Soups and salads with them are very tasty and healthy. As a garnish, you can mix various legumes and season olive oil.

7) and finally, tuna fish is a delicious and healthy source of protein. One can contains as much as 25 grams of protein. What is the best way to cook it? Grind tuna in a blender, add canned corn and put the appetizer on toast.

Well, that's all - now you know how to replace meat. The above products are not only healthy, but also tasty, so observe vegetarian diet it won't be difficult at all.

Remember that meat is a risk, not a luxury. Exchange risk for confidence in a healthy and long life!

The term “vegetarianism” means a diet without slaughter food, i.e. a diet that does not contain the meat of any living creatures, eggs and food additives, which are also made from the flesh of slaughtered animals.

It has now become popular and is gaining momentum day by day. We hear about the results of studies that say that eating meat is not so safe. Facilities mass media indeed, such allegedly recent discoveries were more likely to be overlooked, although early vegetarianism was heavily criticized. But we will not delve into the reasons for this.

In this article, we will talk about the benefits of a meat-free diet, about how to replace meat in a vegetarian diet, and how much protein you actually need to consume per day.

WITH early childhood parents start feeding their children with all the usual food. And among the generally accepted food, of course, meat must be present. This is how it is done, this is how we hear from our parents, grandparents and other relatives and friends: “A child will not grow up without meat protein! He will be sick, he will be weak!”

There is a lot of controversy around different diets, studies are conducted, evidence is provided, refutations are provided, dissertations are written about harm meat products. Many arguments for and against can be given, although the latter have long been almost completely untenable. In order not to go into discussions, we apply another way to establish the truth. Let us turn to the experience of people who have been vegetarians from birth or have been following this diet for many years. Here all myths and arguments are destroyed. When you see healthy, strong people in front of you, full of vitality and joy, you understand that you have been deceived all this time.

Many are afraid to switch to vegetarianism because of fear of what relatives, friends, work colleagues will say. But the main doubts lie in the question:

What can replace meat in a vegetarian diet? Where can you get this notorious essential protein?”

Features of animal protein and its effect on the human body

To begin with, let's look at what animal protein is and whether it is really so irreplaceable.

Find out what happens to animal protein when it enters the human body.

Once in the body, meat protein is not absorbed by it in its original form, because the structure of the human and animal DNA molecule is different, which means that animal protein does not suit us in its structure, otherwise we would be the same animals. In the classical literature on biochemistry, it is said that in order to create a human protein molecule, our body needs to break down an animal protein molecule into amino acids and from these same amino acids create its own, human protein. That is, a person does not need animal protein itself, but amino acids that are contained in meat protein. The fact is that animal protein contains at the same time all the necessary amino acids. They are what building material for the future human protein molecule. But all of these amino acids don't actually have to come from the same food. They can be obtained from various herbal products And not necessarily in one day.

To decompose all incoming proteins into amino acids, the body spends a lot of energy. But that's not all. According to the same biochemistry data, the gastric mucosa produces pepsin to break down meat protein, but its concentration is not enough to break down all consumed animal proteins, since a person is not a predator, and his body is not able to completely digest the portion of animal protein eaten. Therefore, each time approximately 40% of the protein eaten is not digested, but goes directly into small intestine in an unsplit form, and from there into the blood, becoming an antigen for our body.

Since it is foreign, it causes an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood, the formation of decay products, poisons and the accumulation of toxins. This subsequently leads to allergic reactions on specific foodstuffs, such as, for example, fruits, as well as an allergy to flowering, the occurrence of chronic diseases, growth cancer cells etc. We create such difficulties for our body by consuming meat.

The process of digestion can be greatly simplified without wasting the strength of the body, without creating a disease-producing environment in your body, if you use plant foods.

Where does the body get protein from when you are a vegetarian?

Of course, in plant foods, the composition of amino acids is less balanced, but with a varied diet, the body will receive all the necessary amino acids to build the related protein it needs.

In order to synthesize its own amino acids, the body needs carbohydrates in the form fresh vegetables, fruits and cereals, as well as fats, and this is creamy and. When carbohydrates and fats are combined with nitrogen, which is contained in excess in our body, amino acids are formed, which are subsequently synthesized into protein molecules. Thus, our body synthesizes its own protein without forming decay products that accumulate in the body and subsequently cause various diseases including autoimmune.

For those who are thinking of going vegan as a protein replacement, there are plenty of options. Complete protein is found in the following plant foods:

  • in leafy vegetables (spinach, purslane, lettuce, sorrel, etc.);
  • in grains of germinated cereal crops (wheat, buckwheat, oats, etc.), in germinated sunflower seeds;
  • in some fruits (apricots, pears, persimmons);
  • in legumes (peas, lentils, beans, mung beans);
  • nuts, sunflower seeds, seeds, such as almonds;
  • in dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, dairy products).

Leafy vegetables are not only a storehouse of trace elements, vitamins and fiber, but also help improve digestion.

Sprouted cereals contain many vitamins, microelements, fatty acids, protein, antioxidants. Daily use even a small amount of sprouts or adding them to salads will help strengthen the immune system and maintain the health of the body.

Legumes contain a lot of protein, trace elements, fiber, which helps to cleanse the body. Some legumes help to eliminate toxins from the body.

Nuts are rich in protein, carbohydrates, Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids with different percentages, vitamins, macro- and microelements.

Protein can be obtained from dairy products, but it is undesirable to consume too many dairy products, since dairy products have their own characteristics - this is the same animal protein, casein, which contributes to clogging of blood vessels, because our gastric juice can't split it.

Therefore, you need to use dairy products correctly. It is better if the milk is homemade, doubly better - if it is fresh, and in triplets - it is better to drink it, according to Ayurveda, in the morning or in the evening with a teaspoon of honey, then it will be absorbed as well as possible. In general, it is better to consume any dairy products in the morning or in the evening, since at this time they are best absorbed.

All plant foods contain protein different amount. But our body gets proteins not only from food. Every day, he processes, among other things, his own protein in the amount of 100 to 300 grams. Thus, the body always has a supply of essential amino acids obtained from the breakdown of proteins from food and its own proteins. Below is the table percentage protein in some foods:

Product Protein content Product Protein content
apricots 10% Asparagus 27%
Bananas 4% Broccoli 20%
Cherry 6% cabbage 15%
Cucumber 11% Carrot 6%
Red grapes 4% Corn 10%
Orange 8% lettuce greens 22%
Strawberry 7% Spinach 22%
red tomato 12% Cheese 26%
Melon 7% Whole milk 23%
baked potatoes 7% Fried eggs 37%
Rice white 8% Chocolate ice cream 8%
Spaghetti 14% Ground beef 50%

As we can see, most vegetable protein is found in leafy vegetables.

How much protein does a person really need

According to data taken from guidelines"NORMS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS FOR ENERGY AND NUTRIENTS FOR DIFFERENT GROUPS OF THE POPULATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION", according to clause 4.2., physiological need in protein for the adult population is from 65 to 117 g / day for men and from 58 to 87 g / day for women.

Physiological requirements for protein in children under 1 year old: 2.2-2.9 g / kg of body weight, in children over 1 year old: from 36 to 87 g / day. For adults, the recommended proportion of animal proteins in the daily diet is from total proteins - 50%. For children, the recommended proportion of animal proteins in the daily diet of the total amount of proteins is 60%.

Now let's see how many grams of pure protein are contained in 100 g of meat of various animals:

Looking at this table, it is easy to calculate the required amount of meat per adult per day. Considering that 50% of the protein for an adult should be animal proteins, we carry out a small calculation on the average given indicators. As a result, it turns out that it is necessary: ​​pork on average 150-250 g / day for a man / woman, beef about 125-175 g / day for a man / woman, etc. Not so little. Especially when you consider that 40% of meat protein is not digested and enters the small intestine unchanged, which is about 65-100 g / day. And as mentioned earlier, all undigested and undigested proteins lead to numerous allergic reactions and diseases, including severe ones. Agree, the picture is sad. In this case, it is easy to get a bouquet of blooming diseases for life, which happens everywhere.

Currently daily rate protein consumption is clearly overestimated, which may be due to the commercial interests of the meat industry and the pharmaceutical industry. But let's think logically, do we really need that much protein?

Let's consider some more results of the carried out scientific research. According to them, only 6% of calories in breast milk are protein. Babies drink mother's milk, which is necessary for them to grow. But the body of an adult does not grow anymore, it simply renews itself. And the main role of protein for an adult is the replacement of old cells, recovery after illness or injury.

Therefore, an adult organism requires much less protein, and their sufficient amount is approximately 10% of the total daily ration. After conducting research, the Institute of Medicine and Nutrition concluded that the amount of protein intake does not depend on physical activity person.

If, with great activity, a person eats more proteins and fewer carbohydrates, then the body will begin to convert proteins into carbohydrates, because this is an easily digestible food, that is, the fastest fuel needed under such conditions.

Here is an example of Russian athletes who are vegetarians and feel great without meat:

  • Vera Shimanskaya - rhythmic gymnast, two-time world champion, Olympic champion 2000, two-time European champion in 2001;
  • Olga Kapranova - represents rhythmic gymnastics in individual exercises, ten-time world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, multiple European champion;
  • Aleksey Voevoda - bobsledder, two-time Olympic champion 2014 (bobsleigh-two, bobsleigh-four), three-time world champion in arm wrestling.

So that doubts and fears are not misleading when they do not lead away from the goal, it is better to first familiarize yourself with this type of nutrition. To get acquainted, you can read various literature with dietary recommendations, talk with friends who already practice such nutrition.

Vegetarian nutrition is often accused of inferiority and imbalance. It lacks meat and fish - sources of a large number of vitamins and minerals. Strict vegans have the most problematic situation, as they have to give up eggs and dairy products, and this minus a few more nutrients that the body needs. However, their deficiency can be avoided if you plan your diet correctly and replace animal-based foods with plant-based ones, which will be similar to it in a set of necessary nutrients.

There are two practical approaches to solving the problem. First, the nutritional value of meat and fish is assessed in terms of nutrient content, and then plant products are selected to make up for the lack of each of them individually. Secondly, nutritionists have long figured out which fruits, vegetables and cereals in their own way nutritional value as similar as possible to products of animal origin and can take their place.

Approach #1 - Vitamin & Mineral

Meat is the main source of protein minerals(mainly - potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper, iron), vitamins (groups B, A, D). Fish in terms of the amount of protein is not inferior to meat products, and some species even surpass it. It contains many unsaturated acids, vitamins (A, D, E, PP, B), micro and macro elements (calcium, sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine). All these useful material with vegetarianism, it is necessary to replenish with plant foods, in which they should be sufficient for normal operation organism.


You can replace meat with milk and eggs. Opponents of such nutrition argue that, unlike meat, in milk protein absent necessary complex amino acids. However, according to studies, their deficiency is not detected with a properly composed diet, which means that you can not be afraid of the consequences in the form of dystrophy muscle mass and anemia.

As for vegans, they don't have to worry too much about it either. Plant foods are very diverse and are quite capable of providing the body with a sufficient amount of complete protein.

Meat in the diet can be replaced by the following products:

  • soy is a complete replacement, since it contains the maximum amount of not only protein with amino acids, but also a lot of iron;
  • legumes: lentils, black and white beans, chickpeas, red beans, peas - after soybeans, they are considered the best sources non-animal protein;
  • hemp, pumpkin, quinoa and chia seeds;
  • peanut butter;
  • fenugreek as a condiment;
  • tempeh (these are fermented soybeans);
  • nuts: walnuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts;
  • buckwheat;
  • oat bran;
  • some of the vegetables: spinach, asparagus, broccoli, potatoes and celery;
  • and even fruits: dried apricots, prunes, cherries, bananas, avocados.

To get the perfect combination of protein, a vegetarian is recommended to mix legumes with grains, such as lentils with rice or beans with corn.

The best proof that in the absence of meat and fish in the diet, the body can receive complete protein and will not lack it, is a beautiful muscle relief and perfect figures vegetarian athletes, as well as their achievements and records.


The problem is that iron in plants has minimal bioavailability for humans. For comparison: only 1% of this substance can be absorbed from rice and spinach, 3% from corn and beans, 7% from beans and soybeans; while from beef - as much as 22%, from fish - 11%. What to do?

First, introduce into the diet as much as possible more products high in iron:

  • vegetables: broccoli, white cabbage, lettuce, spinach, celery;
  • legumes: peas, chickpeas, beans, lentils, black beans;
  • dried fruits: raisins;
  • molasses - a waste of sugar beet production;
  • cereals: ;
  • nuts: cashews;
  • cumin, hemp and sunflower seeds;
  • tempe;
  • tomato juice;
  • whole wheat bread.

Secondly, you can increase the absorption of iron from plant foods if you combine it with foods that are rich in vitamin C: citrus juices and fruits, tomatoes, bell pepper and cabbage.


From the point of view of calcium content, you can replace meat in the diet:

  • green leafy vegetables: broccoli, Beijing and curly cabbage;
  • molasses;
  • soybeans;
  • bean curd;
  • tempe;
  • figs;

In lacto-vegetarians, the absorption of calcium is usually higher than in non-vegetarians (this element is very abundant in dairy products), but vegans are often found to be deficient. Therefore, it is so important for the latter to draw on the above plants.


Vegetable zinc is absorbed worse than meat or fish, which means that more should be included in the diet:

  • nuts: Brazil, walnuts, pecans, peanuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios;
  • coconut
  • dried fruits: apricot and plum;
  • kohlrabi;
  • sunflower seeds, sesame and pumpkin;
  • legumes: lentils, corn, peas, soy and white beans, beans.

It is easier for lacto-ovo-vegetarians to make up for a zinc deficiency, since it is abundant in egg yolk.


Fish for humans is the main source of phosphorus. Therefore, you need to think about what you will replace it with. This element is found in the following herbal products:

  • legumes: green peas, beans;
  • cereals;
  • nuts: walnuts, brazilian, pine nuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts;
  • seeds of sesame, pumpkin, zucchini, sunflower;
  • wheat bran;
  • greens: garlic, spinach, parsley, celery, onions;
  • vegetables: corn, carrots, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and red cabbage;
  • berries and fruits: bananas, persimmons, grapes, raspberries, oranges, apples.

Lacto-ovo vegetarians get enough phosphorus from dairy products. It is a good substitute for fish, as it contains calcium, which helps the body absorb phosphorus in full.

Fatty acid

Fatty acids needed human body are divided into omega-6 and omega-3. And if the first vegetarian diet are contained in sufficient quantities, since plant foods are rich in them, the latter are most often not enough. To make up for their deficiency, vegetarians replace meat:

  • eggs (to whom philosophy allows);
  • algae;
  • hemp, soy,;
  • walnuts;
  • asparagus;
  • beans;
  • parsley and dill;
  • cilantro seeds.

So everyone has the opportunity to prevent a deficiency of omega-3 non-fatty acids, even in the absence of meat in the diet.

Vitamin A

Animal vitamin A is biologically more active than its plant counterpart. Therefore, so often vegetarians suffer from its deficiency. To prevent this from happening, you must regularly include the following foods in your diet:

  • avocado;
  • broccoli;
  • melon;
  • potato;
  • sweet potato;
  • Bell pepper;
  • peaches;
  • pumpkin.

Lacto-ovo vegetarians replace meat with cream, butter, cottage cheese and egg yolks in which the content of vitamin A is very high.

Vitamin D

In terms of vitamin D in the diet, lacto-ovo vegetarians have no problem replacing meat with dairy products and eggs. But in plant foods, it is found in small quantities only in champignons. Therefore, vegans are strongly advised to take a pharmacy supplement of cholecalciferol.

Vitamin B12

There is also a problem with vitamin B12, since it is contained in plant foods in a minimal amount that is not enough for the body. Therefore, you need to take cobalamin as a separate food supplement and try to eat a lot of products in which it is still present:

  • green salad;
  • germinated wheat;
  • spinach;
  • cereals;
  • nuts.

Of course, they will not be able to fully replace meat, but at least somehow they will maintain its level. To enhance the absorption of vitamin B12, it is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of freshly squeezed juice daily.

Vegetarians usually use a vitamin-mineral approach to replace food of animal origin if a shortage is found in the body. certain substance. Deficiency is manifested by a wide range of symptoms and comorbidities and then confirmed by a doctor. Finding out exactly what nutrient you are missing, you just need to include in daily diet as many products containing it as possible.

Approach number 2 - grocery

This menu approach is more versatile and more beginner-friendly. Here already in finished list you can find products that replace meat. Nutritionists have calculated which nutrient content is sufficient to compile a complete diet. Here's what they got.

  • miso - fermented soybean paste;
  • natto - fermented salt;
  • soy flour;
  • soybean oil;
  • soy milk;
  • Soy meat;
  • soy sauce;
  • bean curd;
  • tempe;
  • tofu;
  • yuba - soy milk foam.

Cons: Soy cannot replace animal foods for those suffering from thyroid related conditions.


  • beans;
  • peas;
  • beans;
  • lentils.

Minus: lack of methionine, high carbohydrate content, which provokes bloating, interferes with the fight against excess weight.


  • buckwheat;
  • oats;
  • wheat;
  • seitan - wheat meat;
  • barley.

Minus: lack of amino acids.


  • mushrooms;
  • dairy products;
  • seaweed, algae;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable oils;
  • seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • eggs.

All these products can fully replace meat and fish for vegetarians, if you correctly compose a diet, including them in it daily.

About soy meat

According to many experts and vegetarians themselves, it is possible to fully replace beef with soy meat, so it’s worth talking about this product in details.

His chemical composition next:

  • 50% of the composition - vegetable protein;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids are contained in an ideal ratio;
  • linoleic acid;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • lecithin.


Ideal for those who cannot eat eggs and milk. It's dietary low-calorie product promoting weight loss.

It improves the condition in the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • allergies;
  • arthritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • ischemia;
  • obesity;
  • cholecystitis.

Removes from the body heavy metals and radionuclides, slows down the aging process, keeps systems and organs in good shape. Lecithin restores brain cells, improves concentration, attention, sexual and motor activity, memory. So all vegetarians just need to include it in their diet regularly.


Natural soy product, no doubt, useful and able to replace conventional meat. But in 1995, genetically modified soybeans appeared. At regular use she:

  • reduces the volume and weight of the brain;
  • contributes to the rapid aging of the body;
  • disrupts blood circulation;
  • provokes the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Therefore, you must be extremely careful when buying this product so that it is non-GMO. And for this you have to carefully read everything that is written on the package.


The ban on soy meat applies to:

  • childhood: isoflavones have a depressing effect on the just emerging endocrine system, which is fraught with rapid puberty of girls and, conversely, a lag in physical development boys;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • urolithiasis;
  • pregnancy: hormone-like compounds have a bad effect on the development of the baby's brain and contribute to miscarriage or premature birth.

Vegetarianism faces many difficulties in formulating a diet. One of the main problems is how to replace meat and fish so that the body does not feel a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. Fortunately, plant-based foods can often provide a complete set of them. And with the use of dairy products and eggs, there should be no place for such experiences at all.

There are many facts that meat is good for the human body. First of all, this great content proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and in addition, a number of minerals and vitamins necessary for our body. A third of the diet of almost every person consists of meat and meat products. First of all, it is a source of protein, which is the basis of the organs and tissues of the human body. And protein must enter the body continuously, since the cells of the human body are constantly updated.

Despite all useful qualities meat, the use of meat products has quite a lot of negative aspects. But, nevertheless, the human body needs energy that comes in the form of carbohydrates and is promptly used for its intended purpose. Let's see how irreplaceable the proteins and trace elements contained in meat are, and how meat products can be replaced in the diet.

About some nuances of eating meat products

Despite all the useful qualities of meat, it has quite a few negative aspects.

If you constantly eat meat food, then the human body begins to produce foreign protein, and, if conditions are favorable, it can activate cancer cell growth .

In addition to protein and iron, which provide us with energy, meat contains a lot of fat and cholesterol - and this is one of the main reasons cardiovascular disease .

It is impossible not to say about the oxidizing properties of meat. It is those important amino acids that meat proponents talk about that, when burned, form strong acids, for the neutralization of which the body will have to make a lot of effort.

Purine bases, which are found in meat, do not bring any benefit and significantly worsen the situation with metabolic disorders. In the process of preparing meat broth, purine bases move into liquid, an acidic environment is created, and when such meat broth increased levels of lactic acid. This may give rise to arthrosis, arthritis and other vascular diseases .

It is also worth noting about putrefactive bacteria that are present in meat. Their waste products heat treatment do not decompose, and when ingested, provoke poisoning .

There is a choice!

An excellent alternative can be those proteins and trace elements that are found in plant foods. For example, the protein content of legumes, cereal crops slightly more than in meat, but they can provide the body with a sufficient amount of vegetable protein that does not contain essential amino acids as opposed to an animal. This situation is overcome the right combination food. Legumes contain a large amount of lysine and some tryptophan and methionine, while in rice the content of such elements is distributed exactly the opposite. With the combination of these products, the diet is balanced and perfectly satisfies the need for protein. In addition, legumes are rich in B vitamins and trace elements, and due to the significant content of fiber and fiber, they have a beneficial effect on digestion.

According to comparative analysis conducted among cereals, the undisputed leader in useful properties is buckwheat , in terms of the amount of protein, only slightly inferior, legumes. It is also rich in iron and other important micronutrients.

Buckwheat improves blood formation and gives strength and endurance. It is widespread in folk medicine and sports nutrition.

Such a representative of cereals as oats , has a high fat content and helps to eliminate cholesterol and normalize blood pressure.

By share active substances and vitamins the leader is wheat, more precisely bran (cereal shells of wheat). This is one of the main crops that can replace meat products and is used in therapeutic dietary nutrition.

Another interesting specimen in the plant world is peas . Like all legumes, it is enriched with protein, vitamins and trace elements, yielding quite a bit in terms of their content to beef. Research has shown that thanks to unique composition, peas contribute to the excretion of carcinogenic and radioactive substances from the body, and also has anti-cancer properties.

These properties are also beans . In addition to the fact that beans contain a large amount of macro- and micronutrients, they help lower blood sugar, so they are necessary in the diet of those suffering from diabetes.

Meat lovers claim that vitamin B12, which is involved in hematopoiesis nervous system and metabolism, is found only in meat products. But the need of the human body for this vitamin is not so great, and it is quite possible to replenish it by including it in the diet. lettuce, seaweed, fish and seafood .

You can replace meat in your diet for several reasons. Not only will this not cause harm, but it will contribute to the overall restoration and strengthening of your health, as well as life expectancy, as many vegetarians demonstrate this quite clearly.

Thanks to the richness of our nature, an alternative to meat products can always be found. And having thoroughly understood all the advantages and disadvantages, everyone decides for himself whether to eat meat or replace it in his diet.

All products that replace meat will not be able to individually compensate for the lack of animal protein, fat, amino acids. Therefore, it is recommended to consume at least a small amount of foods from the following list every day:

  1. Protein Sources- fish, shrimp, squid, dairy and dairy products, eggs, buckwheat, seitan ( useful source protein from wheat flour), legumes, peas, various varieties of dala (for example, chickpeas, mung beans), .
  2. Sources of Fat- nuts (walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, etc.), fatty varieties ocean fish, sunflower seeds and pumpkins. Olive, linseed, sesame, pumpkin, cedar oil.
  3. Sources of amino acids and vitamins- vegetables, fruits, spices, legumes. sea ​​kale, lettuce, squid contains a fairly rare "meat" vitamin B12, and shrimp are a rich source of iron. It is believed that mushrooms also replace meat, as they contain animal starch - glycogen. And some mushrooms are similar to meat and taste, for example, chicken mushroom.

In addition, the above products contain other beneficial substances that are not found in meat, which is a great advantage for a healthy diet.

How to replace meat in the diet if you need to save?

With a limited family budget, many meat replacement products are simply not available. Therefore, hostesses will need to make every effort and imagination to balance the diet. And the following tips will help in this difficult matter:

  • buy seasonal produce. It is much healthier and, as a rule, local vegetables and fruits are much cheaper than greenhouse and imported ones available. all year round;
  • buckwheat, legumes, peas are available sources squirrel. To make legumes easier to digest and not complicate digestion, it is recommended to season dishes with ground coriander, spicy sauces, and serve light as a side dish. vegetable salads;
  • expensive meat substitutes can be bought from the wholesale market and distributed over a month or more. It concerns different types nuts, lentils, sesame seeds, dried kelp and mushrooms, frozen fish. The main thing subsequently to observe the storage conditions. Even with a modest family budget, you can purchase a small amount of these products and periodically add them to the diet;
  • eat more greens. Dill, parsley, green onion, basil, lettuce - all this can be grown independently on the balcony or on the windowsills. It is recommended to drink a glass of an unusually healthy green smoothie, rich in vitamins and amino acids, on an empty stomach every day. To prepare it, you should take 2-3 sprigs of each type of greens and simply chop in a blender, adding a little water. In such a cocktail, you can add both lemon and seasonal fruits;
  • if there is not enough energy and strength due to the lack of meat products, several tablespoons of germinated wheat should be consumed daily;
  • experiment with recipes. Vegetarian cuisine is very interesting and varied. For example, in many dishes, mushrooms replace meat, and thanks to some culinary tricks, such dishes cannot be distinguished from meat dishes at all. From mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes or carrots you can make delicious meatballs. And sauce recipes, even with a very limited budget, will bring a pleasant variety to the menu;
  • make a menu for the week in advance, this will allow you to balance the food even with a small budget. Expensive products are best added more often, but in smaller quantities.

Sincerely yours -

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