What to do if you have heatstroke. Heat stroke: is treatment possible at home? In what cases should heatstroke not be treated at home? Treatment of heat and sunstroke

When the thermometer rises above 25 degrees Celsius outside, there is a danger of sunstroke or heatstroke. This is what is considered overheating of the body, which leads to unpleasant consequences.

What are the features of sunstroke and heatstroke?

Hyperthermia (overheating of the body) occurs under the influence sun rays or heat, called sunstroke or heatstroke. As a result of a sharp dilation of blood vessels, blood rushes to the brain. The victim feels nausea, dizziness, and may even lose consciousness.

At risk are the elderly, children, pregnant women and workers who are on duty long time are under the scorching sun or in hot, stuffy rooms. Children and older people suffer more often from overheating because heat exchange in some is not yet fully formed, while in others it has already deteriorated due to age-related changes.

What causes heat and sunstroke?

Except immediate causes overheating - heat, stuffiness, scorching sun, there are other factors that provoke and aggravate heat exchange disturbances. These include:

Binge eating;

High humidity and stuffiness outside;

Alcohol consumption;

Excess weight;

Clothes made of synthetic materials that do not allow air to pass through;

Some medications;

Excessive coffee consumption;

Cardiovascular and central diseases nervous system.

At high temperature environment Caution should be exercised primarily by people prone to high or low blood pressure.

What are the key symptoms of overheating?

The signs of sunstroke and heatstroke are similar. In the first, as in the second case, symptoms arise suddenly and progress rapidly. Define Negative influence heat can be based on the following signs:

Heart rate increases;

Body temperature rises sharply to 40-42 degrees;

There is redness of the skin, it becomes hot;

At the beginning of the attack profuse sweat appears, later skin covering becomes very dry;

Nausea and severe vomiting occur;

Apathy develops;

I'm very thirsty;

Attacks of acute headache appear;

Loss of consciousness, even coma, is possible;

Sometimes there are hallucinations and seizures.

The consequences of attacks are different, it all depends on the body of the affected person, the strength and circumstances of receiving heat strokes.

What could be the consequences of overheating?

Excessive exposure to the sun does not go away without leaving a trace. This is due to changes that occur not only in the body, but also in the brain. The consequences may be the following:

Exacerbation of chronic diseases;

Emergence serious pathologies in internal organs;

Kidney or liver failure;

Deterioration of vision;

Heart rhythm disturbances;

Change in coordination of movements;


Death is extremely rare, but this possibility cannot be ruled out. Therefore, when dangerous condition For a person who has been exposed to the sun for a long time, first aid is very important.

What are the benefits of prolonged sun exposure for children?

In children, compared to adults, the body is not as resistant to various external influences. Therefore, the consequences of thermal or sunstroke can be disastrous. You can protect your child in the heat if:

Dress him according to the weather in light-colored clothes and made from natural fabrics;

Give a drink every half hour. The liquid should not be cold, not very sweet, not carbonated. It's best if it's regular pure water, Not sweet tea or fresh berry juice;

Avoid staying in the sun for long periods of time, especially with infants;

It is advisable to walk near large bodies of water so that the air is more humid. Also in forests or park areas, where there are many trees and you can hide in the shade;

Always cover your head with a hat, especially in the open and scorching sun.

Remember that for a child, overheating of the body is a serious shock. It is quite easy to get it, but getting rid of the consequences is not easy.

How can you help the victim?

In some cases, timely and correct actions can not only preserve health, but also save lives. So, you need:

Move the person to a cool room;

Allow the victim to accept horizontal position so that the legs and head are slightly raised;

Remove uncomfortable or tight clothing;

Open window to provide access fresh air;

Additionally, you can turn on cooling devices, such as a fan or air conditioner;

If the person is conscious, give him a small amount of not very cold liquid to drink, better than ordinary drinking water;

Apply ice packs to your head, neck and armpits;

If not ready ice, you can use a wet sheet or bottles of chilled water;

In case of loss of consciousness, you should turn the victim on his side, moisten cotton wool with ammonia and bring it to his nose;

Call an ambulance.

In the first days after heat or sunstroke, the victim should adhere to a certain diet. Eat more juicy vegetables and fruits, for example, watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers. It is advisable to temporarily exclude foods such as potatoes, bread and cereals. Must be consumed dairy products and foods rich in potassium and fiber, such as prunes, greens, and legumes.

What is strictly forbidden to do?

A lot depends on first aid, perhaps even the life of the injured person. To prevent your efforts from being in vain, and even more harmful, you should not take the following steps:

Place a person suffering from heatstroke in a bath with cold water. This creates a double load on the cardiovascular system; it may not be able to withstand it;

If the victim is unconscious, trying to give him water to drink is unacceptable;

Give any medications (without prescription from a specialist).

There are some drugs that are allowed to be used, but you not only need to know which ones, but also how to use them correctly.

Which medicines used for heat and sunstroke?

Before the ambulance arrives, you may need drug treatment. General course There is no cure for heatstroke; each specific case requires its own medications.

Increased heart rate and nervous excitement often accompany heat stroke. In such cases, it is advisable to use Valerian in tablets (1-2 are enough) or drops (15-20 drops per glass of water). For convulsions, Seduxen, Sibazon, Diazepam are used.

Problems with the cardiovascular system threaten undesirable consequences heat and sunstroke. Therefore, doctors use drugs based on caffeine, cordiamine and the like to eliminate the consequences.

More complex consequences are eliminated in inpatient conditions. Oxygen masks are usually used. Intracranial pressure requires the use of unloading lumbar punctures. After negative impact sun on the brain and nerve cells depression, asthenia or impairment may appear neural connections. IN recovery period injections of B vitamins are used. Additionally, you need to consume vitamin complexes based on iron and calcium.

What folk remedies Can I use it for heatstroke and sunstroke?

If heat or sunstroke occurs at home, you can alleviate the victim’s plight as follows:

Turn on the fan or air conditioner;

Apply frozen food from the refrigerator to your forehead, under your arms, chest, arms and legs;

Soak a sponge in water and wipe the entire body, so the skin cools down a little;

Give cool water to drink, preferably sweet tea with lemon;

Make a solution of Regidron and give the victim something to drink, this will preserve the required amount of fluid in the body;

Bow has bad smell, but it helps well to recover from heat and sunstroke. You need to cut the onion and immediately rub it on your palms and feet.

After overheating, it is useful to drink for several days Herb tea. Chamomile flowers, mint, and rose hips will help you restore strength faster.

How to protect yourself from heat and sunstroke?

The consequences of sun exposure and heat are quite serious. However, these troubles can be avoided if you adhere to the following rules:

1. It is advisable to limit your time outdoors at high temperatures, especially at noon. If this is not possible, then be sure to use sun protection - dark glasses and a hat. Clothing should be loose, light colors and, if possible, made from natural fabrics.

2. Workers exposed to the sun for long periods of time must be able to consume sufficient fluids. It is preferable to drink tea, kvass, mineral water without gas. Sometimes you can use salted water to prevent the blood from thickening under the influence of the sun. It is important that the liquid consumed is not very cold. Under the influence of cold drinks, blood vessels narrow - this has a bad effect on the functioning of the stomach and brain cells.

4. Try not to drink alcohol at all, especially in large quantities.

5. Refrain from frequent smoking.

6. Protect the skin with a special cream with a filter from ultraviolet rays.

7. If you are in a hot place and stuffy room, open the windows to allow free access of fresh air. It is advisable to equip work areas with special cooling devices, at least fans.

8. When working in the sun, frequent breaks and rest in cool, well-ventilated areas are necessary.

Sunstroke or heatstroke in the hot season is a fairly common occurrence. They are especially undesirable for people suffering from various chronic and cardiovascular diseases, as well as for young children. Therefore, when going outside in the sun, remember to take precautions. They will not only save your health, but also your life. It is better to prevent a problem than to try to fix it later. We wish you good health!

Heatstroke is overheating of the body that occurs due to excess heat production or impaired thermoregulation under the influence of hyperthermia. external environment. Clinical symptoms and treatment of nosology depend not only on the degree of overheating, but also on individual characteristics body.

In children with an unstable state of thermoregulation clinical symptoms pathologies are most pronounced. If you stop the pathology in a child in a timely manner, there will be no complications or consequences.

In old age there are often secondary diseases internal organs, in which the pathological picture of the disease is complicated. We invite readers to familiarize themselves with the main signs, first aid and medical treatment hyperthermic syndrome.

Modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of heat stroke

Inflammatory changes that form under the influence of hyperthermia are characterized by an acute course. If hyperthermic syndrome is triggered, severe cerebral edema, paralysis of the limbs, loss of consciousness, coma, and death will occur. This cycle is specific to the severe course of the pathology. It is advisable to avoid complications, so each of our readers should be familiar with the principles of first aid for heatstroke:

  1. Cool the victim (take him to the shade, apply cold air to his head);
  2. Place on a horizontal surface;
  3. Prevent vomit from entering the bronchi (turn your head to the side, fix your tongue, clean your mouth);
  4. Call an ambulance.

For moderate to severe heat stroke, qualified medical care must be provided.

In a hospital setting, the patient undergoes the following types of diagnostics:

  • Upper respiratory tract infection;
  • Determination of the symptom of the disease;
  • Complicated epidemiological history;
  • Assessment of inflammatory changes in the blood ( C-reactive protein, leukocytosis, increased ESR);
  • The presence of protein indicates kidney damage;
  • Determination of the degree and severity of fever;
  • Positive effects of using antibiotics.

Hyperthermic syndrome in immunopathology has a number of features. It manifests itself with high fever and is accompanied by damage to internal organs. The fever is quite persistent. On the background rheumatoid arthritis arises dangerous pathology, in which a stable immune disorder is formed.

The occurrence of heat stroke in patients with febrile reactions is characterized by the following changes:

  1. Intermittent - febrile, convulsive with one or two peaks. Develops with a combination of external overheating and inflammatory reactions;
  2. Against the background of hyperthermia, a skin rash often occurs;
  3. Lymphadenopathy leads to a long-term and persistent increase in the temperature curve;
  4. Antipyretic medications if available secondary pathology have a weak effect;
  5. The administration of glucocorticoids leads to temperature recovery within 36 hours, but one cannot count on a long interval. When planning a pathology, one should count on long-term use of steroid hormones;
  6. With heat stroke and the absence of inflammation, the fever is “milder”;
  7. Lack of pulse, adequate temperature response, asymmetry of temperature mapping are symptoms of severe heat stroke.


Heatstroke The phenomenon of general overheating of the body is called when heat production in the body exceeds heat loss. The causes of overheating are high ambient temperature, humidity, and lack of air movement.

Direct exposure of the head to direct sunlight on hot days can cause severe damage (overheating) to the brain, so-called sunstroke.

Symptoms of these diseases

similar to each other. At first, the patient feels tired and headaches. Dizziness, weakness, pain in the legs, back, and sometimes vomiting occur. Later, tinnitus, darkening of the eyes, shortness of breath, and palpitations appear. If appropriate measures are taken during this period, the disease does not progress. In the absence of help and the victim’s continued stay in the same conditions, it quickly develops. serious condition caused by damage to the central nervous system - cyanosis of the face, severe shortness of breath (up to 70 respiratory movements per minute) occur, the pulse becomes frequent and weak. The patient loses consciousness, muscle cramps, delirium, hallucinations are observed, body temperature rises to 41 0 C or more. The condition quickly worsens, breathing becomes uneven, the pulse can no longer be detected, and the patient may die in the coming hours as a result of respiratory paralysis and cardiac arrest.

The victim must be immediately moved to a cool place, in the shade, take off his clothes and lay him down, raising his head slightly. Create peace, cool the head and heart area (pouring cold water, applying cold compresses). Do not cool quickly or sharply. The patient must be given plenty of cold drinks. To stimulate breathing, give it a sniff ammonia. If breathing becomes difficult, you should immediately begin artificial respiration in any way. It is better to transport the patient to the hospital

Heatstroke is painful condition, Consequently long stay body under the influence high temperature. In people with chronic pathologies of cardio-vascular system hyperthermia can cause serious consequences. In particular, cardiac arrest cannot be ruled out.


Heatstroke is associated with a significant loss of water and salts from the body through increased sweating. When the body's fluid reserves are depleted, sweating becomes scarce or stops altogether, and the body's cooling process slows down.

Hyperthermia develops very quickly as a result the body does not have time to adapt to temperature changes and a rapid depletion of compensatory properties occurs.

The most common causes of heatstroke in humans are:

  • high temperature and humidity;
  • high temperature in closed or poorly ventilated areas;
  • physical work in leather, rubberized or synthetic clothing under the influence of high ambient temperatures;
  • overwork;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • plentiful food;
  • long hikes in hot weather.

In case of non-compliance drinking regime(inadequately low fluid intake), dehydration (dehydration) gradually develops, as a result of which sweating decreases.

Symptoms of heat stroke in an adult

Heatstroke (hyperthermia) is essentially overheating, or more precisely, a reaction to too high an ambient temperature. As a rule, it does not happen immediately, but after some time of being in the open sun.

What we are considering pathological condition the body develops suddenly. The main symptom of heat stroke is a significant increase in body temperature.

The victim has:

  • severe weakness;
  • depression or, on the contrary, nervous excitement;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • thirst;
  • increase in temperature (maybe even up to +41 degrees C);
  • arrhythmia;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • pale and dry skin;
  • migraine, dizziness;
  • sometimes tremors of the limbs;
  • increased heart rate over 125 beats/minute;
  • fainting;
  • Diarrheal symptoms may be present.

For severe cases characteristic:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • disorientation in space;
  • rave;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • the appearance of seizures;
  • hallucinations;
  • cyanosis (blueness of the skin);
  • bleeding in the digestive tract.

Even with a relatively favorable course of events, the need to call an ambulance should not be neglected.

According to the effect on the human body, heat strokes are divided according to severity:

Severity Description of symptoms
Lightweight Victims complain of headache and dizziness, a feeling of fever, fatigue, weakness, and depression. People often experience nausea and sometimes vomiting.
Average Victims complain of intense headaches, increased heart rate and breathing, and nausea that progresses to vomiting. In addition to this, other symptoms occur:
  • severe muscle weakness, even numbness of the limbs;
  • general lethargy;
  • rarely – fainting;
  • increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • heavy sweating;
  • thirst;
  • feeling of lack of air.
Heavy Heat stroke at this stage has an acute onset. The patient's consciousness is confused, up to stupor and coma. Tonic and clonic convulsions are observed. There is psychomotor agitation, hallucinations, and delusions. Breathing is shallow, frequent, arrhythmic. Skin is dry and hot. Temperature - 41-42°C. The mortality rate from the pathology is quite high if first aid is not provided in time.


Taking into account the leading symptoms, four are distinguished: clinical forms heat stroke:

  • Pyretic form– the most a clear symptom is an increase in body temperature to 39-41 degrees.
  • Asphyxial form of heatstroke– depression of respiratory function comes to the fore.
  • Cerebral or paralytic form– against the background of hyperthermia and hypoxia, convulsions occur, sometimes hallucinations and elements of delirium appear.
  • Gastroenteric or dyspeptic form– accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and urinary retention.

How does heat stroke manifest in a child?

Heatstroke occurs in a child when heat transfer is impaired or heat production increases. The hot season is especially difficult for infants and children under 3-4 years of age. This is due to the fact that the child has not yet fully developed the mechanism of thermoregulation and the general metabolism of the body.

It is children who most often suffer from dehydration and intoxication, so heat stroke in children is a serious, pathological condition that threatens not only health, but also life.

The first signs of dehydration appear in the form of fatigue, thirst, dry lips and tongue, lack of energy and a feeling of heat in the body. After some time they appear following symptoms, the consequences of which are extremely dangerous:

  • pale skin;
  • confusion in conversation, unconsciousness;
  • darkening of urine;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • hallucinations;
  • fatigue;
  • headache;
  • fast and shallow breathing;
  • fast heartbeat;
  • muscle or abdominal cramps;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea/

The symptoms of heat stroke in children are the same, only the clinical picture will always be more pronounced, and the condition will be more severe.

Actions and first aid for heatstroke in children can be reduced to three main measures:

  • Cooling the victim: Move the child to a cooler area or shade.
  • Neutralize dehydration: provide plenty of fluids, give cool liquids containing salt and sugar;
  • Call an ambulance in case of threatening symptoms.
  1. The child must wear a hat made of natural breathable fabric (preferably a light color)!
  2. Clothing should be light, breathable, and loosely fitting to the body. Naturally, in hot weather there should be a minimum of it.
  3. The child must drink! Often, a lot during the day (one and a half to two times more than usual).
  4. It is better to swim on the beach than to sunbathe. If children get into the water every five minutes, they will not get heatstroke because their body has time to cool down regularly.

First aid for heatstroke

Heatstroke poses the greatest danger to young children because their body's thermoregulatory system is insufficient. Severe consequences(up to fatal outcome) can develop in people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

At the first sign of heat stroke, you should call a doctor. Before he arrives, your task is to ensure the body is cooled.

Hospitalization is required if severe forms the pathology in question, and also if the victim belongs to the group high risk development of complications:

  • child;
  • old man;
  • a person with cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnant woman.

What can a doctor do? Conduct urgent treatment. If the patient loses consciousness, the doctor may inject the patient brine intravenously, which will restore the amount of fluid in the body.

First aid that needs to be provided to a person

  1. The patient needs to be moved to the shade and ensured peace.
  2. Once you find yourself in a cool and/or shady area, try to relax and breathe deeply, calmly. Ensure free air circulation, turn on a fan or air conditioner, but do not sit in a draft, because the body is weakened by overheating and catches colds easily.
  3. Apply a cool (not ice) compress to your forehead. Important Note: ice and very cold water in case of heat stroke, they are strictly contraindicated, since their contrasting effect they will provoke vascular collapse. Cool lotions can also be applied to the area carotid artery, on the chest, hands, calves, groin area, popliteal parts, armpits.
  4. If the patient can move on his own, place him under the shower or in a cool bath. If movement is difficult, pour cool water over the body;

Heatstroke is a very serious condition, but with simple measures you can easily prevent it.

  1. When working in conditions of increased thermal conditions, you should take short breaks every hour and choose suitable protective clothing.
  2. Avoid elevated physical activity and passive being under direct sunlight from 11.00 to 16.00, i.e. during hours of high sun activity, because this can lead not only to heat stroke, but also to;
  3. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun without a hat or beach umbrella!
  4. When changing the climate zone to a hotter one, you need to drink more liquid (juices, decoctions, compotes, and best of all - ordinary water), but only from those ingredients that do not have a diuretic or diaphoretic effect. IN extreme heat this is absolutely useless.
  5. If medications are prescribed, consult your doctor to see if they may affect the body's resistance to temperature changes.
  6. If the weather is too hot, physical overload should be avoided. If you have the opportunity to choose your own working hours, you should prefer morning and evening hours. It is no coincidence that in hot countries there is a time of siesta; it occurs precisely at the very peak of high air temperatures.
  7. Never leave your car in the sun. If this happens, do not sit in a hot car for more than 10 minutes.
  8. If adults are able to think about their own health, then the main prevention of the development of heat stroke in a child is the attention and caution of his parents. Choose the right clothes for your child, watch what he eats and drinks (you should avoid drinking carbonated drinks in hot weather). To avoid heatstroke in your child, try to walk with him in the shade, or even better, leave the house only in the morning and evening.

Some people can't wait for warm ones summer days, after all, they tolerate the heat for once or twice, while others, with the onset of hot days, do not find a place for themselves, fearing abnormal temperatures. Warmth and sun are fraught with an unimaginable number of dangers, which are much easier to avoid than to long and persistently get rid of their painful consequences. If any alarming symptoms, there is no time to think!

The best salvation from overheating and heat stroke is to go outside the city for the summer, where the abundance of green spaces and many bodies of water make the air light and cool. Unfortunately, only a few people have the opportunity to spend the summer outside the city, but everyone must learn to survive in the stuffy concrete jungle.

Of course, preventing heat stroke is much easier than dealing with its consequences. But if unpleasant situation could not be avoided "So simple!" will clearly tell you how to provide first aid to someone who could not resist the onslaught of temperature, and will also teach you to feel comfortable and safe in stuffy urban conditions.

What to do if you have heatstroke

The reasons for overheating vary and are not always caused by exposure to high temperatures: stuffiness, intense exercise stress, lack of moisture in the body... In general, the cause of heat stroke is not so important, because it is equally dangerous regardless of the factor that provoked it.

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Fortunately, heatstroke does not occur out of the blue! It has a precursor - thermal exhaustion, the first signs of which signal: the body cannot cope with thermoregulation, emergency help is needed.

Signs of heat exhaustion

  1. Pale, clammy, cold skin
  2. Dizziness, headache and blurred vision
  3. Increased sweating
  4. Weakness and confusion
  5. Nausea and mild vomiting
  6. Tachycardia, muscle spasms and cramps
  7. Darkening of urine

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If the stage of heat exhaustion has not been taken into account and it comes to heat stroke, its symptoms are much more aggressive, and the victim needs immediate help. Otherwise, not only health, but also life is at risk!

Signs of Heat Stroke

  1. Body temperature above 40 °C
  2. Loss of consciousness
  3. Labored breathing
  4. Profuse vomiting
  5. Heart rhythm disturbances
  6. Damage to internal organs due to temperature shock
  7. Brain malfunctions

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So, so that the ill-fated heat does not take you by surprise and does not cause irreparable harm to your health, you must follow the following rules:

Preventing Heat Stroke

  1. If you are an elderly person, a pregnant woman, a hypertensive patient or some other member of a risk group, stay at home! From 12 to 16 o'clock the sun is most active, so try to solve all your problems either in the morning or in the evening.
  2. If you plan to work in the hot sun during the hottest part of the day, be sure to wear long sleeves and pants rather than shorts. Under light clothing that covers the entire body, the overall temperature is unlikely to exceed 37 ° C, while open areas of the body will heat up to critical values.
  3. Water, water and more water! Follow simple rule: if you are not active physical activity, drink 0.5 liters of salted water every hour. If you are engaged in active physical labor, your body needs at least 1 liter of fluid every hour.
  4. Don't overeat, especially in the heat. In summer, the body does not need to fight hypothermia, so it is necessary to reduce food intake, in particular heavy, fatty and spicy food. When choosing between a juicy steak and watermelon, give preference to the latter. Otherwise, in addition to heat stroke, you will also get pancreatitis.
  5. Leave alcoholic drinks for the evening, as they are common cause dehydration of the body.

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On initial stages overheating development unpleasant symptoms can be reversed by providing the right first aid.

Self-help for heat exhaustion

  1. The first thing to do is stop physical activity.
  2. The second is to get out of the sun into the shade, a cool room or a light draft.
  3. You need to place a towel or scarf soaked in cold water on your forehead.
  4. Doctors recommend drinking 1-2 glasses of lightly salted water to prevent possible dehydration and provide the body with enough moisture to restore normal thermoregulation.
  5. You can also drink Regidron or a sports isotonic drink. Drinks rich in electrolytes will help restore a healthy metabolism and improve the functioning of the nervous system.

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If a random passerby faints before your eyes, follow these simple recommendations. Providing competent first help with heatstroke, even without knowing the exact cause of loss of consciousness, you will definitely not let the victim die before the ambulance arrives.

First aid for heatstroke

  1. If the victim has lost consciousness, gently pull him by the shoulder, pat his cheeks and ask if everything is okay. If the victim does not respond, it is necessary to immediately check whether he is breathing. If not, immediately begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

    If a person completes 2–4 breathing cycles in 10 seconds, it is necessary to provide the victim with access to fresh air by moving him to a cool place. Unbutton tight clothing (tie, shirt collar), place the poor fellow in a stable position on his side with his arm and leg bent, call an ambulance and be sure to wait for it to arrive next to the victim.

  2. Cover the victim with ice packs wrapped in a thin sheet, place a damp compress on the head, or sit the victim in a cold bath. This way you will help your exhausted body quickly establish thermoregulation processes.
  3. The main thing is to drink! Give the victim something to drink at any cost, but only if he is conscious and does not have severe vomiting.
  4. Remember that it often occurs in older people. Therefore, learn by heart the symptoms of a terrible illness and first aid for it. Every second counts!

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By learning about heatstroke, you can take care of yourself, your loved ones, and even passers-by who may need your help. But the main thing is to follow our simple tips, you can survive the hot summer in the city comfortably and safely, without harm to your health.

A fan of painting, especially Monet and Klimt. Loves cinema and appreciates music on vinyl. Architecture and sculpture are what inspire an inquisitive person around the clock! Christina is studying digital technologies for prosthetics in dentistry. The girl chooses minimalism and simplicity both in the interior and in life. An inspiring mountain view and the book “Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea” by Jules Verne - that’s what our charming author needs to be happy!

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