What is silicon water - its properties, benefits and harms. Silicon water: benefits and harm to the body, reviews

Despite the fact that the beneficial properties of silicon have been known to people for a long time, science began to study its effects on the human body relatively recently, in the 70s of the twentieth century. Silicon (Silicium) like chemical element systems of D.I. Mendeleev, contain many minerals, the most famous of which is flint. It is a black or gray, sometimes with reddish stone, which has been known since the beginning of human civilization: its atoms make up sand, rocks, and clay. Since ancient times, this mineral has been used to line wells from the inside and they knew that it has a unique beneficial property - interacting with water and changing its quality, making it transparent and pleasant to the taste.

To find out what the benefits and harms of silicon water are for the human body, let’s look at its properties.

Properties and influence of silicon on the body

The benefits of silicon for the human body are manifested by a complex of its properties.

Natural useful qualities silicon are manifested in the suppression of bacteria that give rise to the processes of fermentation and decay, as well as in the neutralization of chlorine, the deposition of heavy metals and the removal of radionuclides. It’s all about its properties to create colloids that “glue” viruses and fungi to themselves, including the difficult to remove Candida fungus, remove them from the body as part of complex compounds, neutralizing their harm.

In the human body, a useful mineral is included in thyroid glands s, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and most of all - hair and nails as an integral component of protein connective tissue collagen, which in combination with elastin provides its elasticity in tendons, joints, and vessel walls.

In the middle of the 20th century, French scientists proved that in patients with atherosclerosis, the walls of blood vessels contain a low amount of silicon. This is fraught with the harm of losing their elasticity, and in addition, the disadvantage useful mineral replaced by calcium, which reduces their ability to expand and contract and leads to the deposition of cholesterol, which also requires silicon for absorption. They confirmed experimentally that when the body is saturated with the mineral, the walls of blood vessels are cleansed, atherosclerosis stops its development, and the level of cholesterol in the blood is normalized.

When interacting with proteins in the body, silicon is capable of forming enzymes, hormones, and amino acids that are important for humans.

It also provides benefits by helping the body absorb more than 70 vitamins and mineral salts: in particular, by participating in the absorption of calcium, it affects the condition bone tissue. Its deficiency causes harm from a decrease in their absorption by the body and metabolic disorders.

Interesting! About 20 chemical elements can be found in flint itself: in particular, it is rich useful magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc.

What are the benefits of silicon water for the body?

Due to its beneficial properties, flint water is called “a cure for 100 diseases,” and it is no coincidence.

Due to its composition, the benefits of silicon water can be used as a preventive measure for many problems:

  • cardiovascular: in particular, impaired vascular patency and flexibility;
  • digestive system;
  • skin diseases;
  • reducing heart pressure;
  • excess weight;
  • metabolism and gastrointestinal tract function;
  • condition of bones, teeth and hair.

Indications for taking silicon water

The properties of silicon water for the body are truly comparable to miraculous ones, since they are indicated for a number of health problems:

  • strengthening the immune system: silicon water helps to increase T- and B-lymphocytes in the blood;
  • for cuts, bruises, burns, ulcers - promotes their rapid healing;
  • for liver diseases, as it promotes the outflow of bile;
  • kidney diseases;
  • to reduce blood sugar levels;
  • normalization of metabolism, and therefore weight regulation;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis by reducing blood cholesterol levels,
  • for hypertension, normalizes blood pressure;
  • decreased general tone of the body;
  • with a runny nose or sore throat, as well as various viral diseases mouth or throat;
  • rashes on the face: pimples and acne, as well as in the fight against wrinkles (silicon water not only eliminates existing wrinkles, but also prevents the appearance of new ones);
  • for seborrhea and dry scalp;
  • silicon water treatment is great for problems gastrointestinal tract: disorders, poisoning, etc.

Daily norm

As a rule, it is allowed to take silicon water without any special restrictions. The average daily requirement for a person with low daily activity can be considered 1.5 - 2 liters per day. In the absence of such a possibility, due to individual characteristics You need to drink silicon water at least 3-5 times a day, half a glass, and then gradually increase the volume.

It has been proven that our body absorbs only 4% of silicon. Daily requirement body in silicon is approximately 30 mg, of which 3.5 - 4 mg comes with water and another 13 - 15 with air. The benefit of ingesting silica water on a daily basis is to restore the mineral level to optimal levels.

Symptoms of silicon deficiency in the body

A lack of silicon in the body can also be associated with contamination by worms, bacteria and fungi and the harm they cause to health. As a result, the filtration of bilirubin in the liver becomes difficult, the blood is not purified, and against this background, in addition to atherosclerosis, diseases such as heart attack, rheumatism, hepatitis or dysbiosis develop. It can also lead to the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder.

Since silicon is involved in the metabolism of a large number of minerals and vitamins, its deficiency negatively affects metabolism.

Negative signals indicating a lack of a beneficial mineral and the risk of subsequent harm will include the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of the skin condition, dryness, appearance various rashes and inflammation;
  • fragility and hair loss, brittleness and crumbling of nails;
  • fragility and weakness of bones in older people, associated with a deficiency of both calcium and silicon;
  • joint pain;
  • pain in the abdomen and stomach, poor digestion.

How to make silicon water at home

First of all, you need to thoroughly wash the flint under running water. Then put it in a glass container and pour drinking water(for 10 g of silicon you need 1 liter of water), cover the top with a thin cloth or gauze and place in a dark and dry place. So the water needs to infuse for 3-4 days for daily use and from 7 to 10 days for pronounced therapeutic effect. The water is activated and ready for use!

Attention! You don’t need to drink all the silicon water: only its upper layers will benefit the body, and the lower layers at a level of 3-4 cm from the day should be left in the jars - all the heavy compounds that are harmful to the body will accumulate there.

Where to find flint

Water purification flint can be purchased in stores organic products or order from online health food stores.

Manufacturers indicate the validity period on the packaging: it is usually long and lasts up to 5 years. There is an opinion that it is necessary to replace stones every 6 to 8 months. Anyway, gray plaque will sure sign that the stones need cleaning and can already bring more harm than health benefits. To do this you need to put it in weak saline solution for two hours, and then immerse in plain water for another two hours.

How to take silicon water

Silicon water can be drunk without restrictions on volume.

Silicon-activated water (SAP) is also used externally, making lotions, rinses, and compresses with it for the treatment of acne, burns, psoriasis, dandruff, furunculosis, as well as childhood diathesis.

If the joints are bothering you, apply warm compresses with AKV; for conjunctivitis, wash the eyes with silicon water, and for a runny nose - the nose; Rinsing helps with sore throat and periodontal disease.

Prepared silicon water should not be boiled or stored in the refrigerator. Temperature changes make silicic acids unstable, which is why they are destroyed, and the unique beneficial properties of silicon water are lost.

AKV is able to retain its benefits for one and a half years in a hermetically sealed container. It is recommended to store it in a glass container at a temperature of +4°C.

The use of silicon water in home cosmetology

Silicon water is also called the “elixir of youth”, and all thanks to the benefits it contains useful silicon, which, working in a woman’s body, copes perfectly with cosmetic problems, helping to strengthen nails and hair, restore the skin. The whole secret is in the production of collagen - the main protein that helps improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin. And all this with the help of simple silicon water! If you regularly use it to wash your face, you will soon notice useful result: the skin comes back to life, acquires a healthy color, becomes more even and smooth. Silicon water capable of removing harm various inflammations and skin irritations, eliminate peeling. That is why it is actively used as a means of combating acne.

In addition to facial care, activated water widely used to improve the condition of hair and scalp in general. If you rinse your hair with silicon water after washing, you can strengthen its structure and help it healthy growth and add shine. The benefits of rinsing your head with silicon water can provide healing from seborrhea and dandruff on the head.

And one more trick: if you make nail baths based on silicon water, this will significantly improve them appearance, will give nails strength and accelerate growth.

The benefits of silicon water for animals and plants

Silicon water can provide impressive benefits not only to humans, but also to indoor plants and pets.

Watering plants with water infused with silicon makes them resistant to various diseases and fungi, accelerates growth and can significantly extend the life of green friends.

And if you pour it into an aquarium, it will remain transparent longer and not “bloom.”

Use of silicon water in canning

3 beneficial properties and silicon water in gardening and food canning:

  1. If you soak the seeds in such water before planting, they will sprout much faster.
  2. Silicon water accelerates the growth of fruits and vegetables.
  3. If you add flint to the water for canning (1 cm³ of flint per three-liter jar), this will help significantly reduce the risk of food souring, and their taste qualities will become brighter.

Silicon for water purification in wells

Since ancient times, the benefits of flint have been used to help purify water in wells: with the help of this mineral they carefully treated the inside of the well - and the water in it became clean, without harmful health impurities. To purify water in modern wells, flint is added to them in a ratio of 1 cubic meter. m of water approximately 10 g of flint.

Harm of silicon water and contraindications

It is worth remembering that water with silicon can be both beneficial and harmful to our health, since it has certain contraindications. It is strictly not recommended to drink silicon water if:

According to doctors, the risk of harm also increases when silica water is consumed beyond the norm.

Important! In the presence of chronic diseases Before drinking silicon water, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Silicon-rich foods

It is possible to raise the level of silicon in the body not only with silicon water, but also with the help of food.

Products rich in silicon (in ratio per 100 g of product):

  • rice cereal (12.4 mg);
  • oatmeal (10 g);
  • barley (0.6 g);
  • buckwheat, chickpeas, beans (0.9 g);
  • lentils (0.8 g);
  • corn (0.6 g);
  • wheat groats, wheat, pistachios (0.5 g);
  • spinach, (0.4 g);
  • fermented baked milk, parsley (0.3 g);

If you add them to your daily diet, perhaps for quite short term increase the number useful microelement in body.


The benefits and harms of silicon water and silicon for the body as a whole continue to be actively studied at the present time. The benefits of this natural element for humans are invaluable as a wound-healing, choleretic, bactericidal and immunomodulatory agent. Activated silicon water has few contraindications, however, due to its high biological activity, take it on a regular basis to avoid possible harm should be done after consulting a doctor.

The benefits of flint, a mineral that includes silicon, have been known since ancient times. Its use is effective in folk medicine due to its bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Water based on this mineral was used in the treatment of wounds, cuts, and scratches. Now it remains in demand because of its valuable properties, as evidenced by numerous reviews. The benefits and harms of silicon water are described in the article.


Silicon water is the name given to water obtained through the interaction of ordinary fresh water with silicon. And although almost all schoolchildren know the composition of water, the properties of silicon transferred to liquids are of interest to specialists. Silicon is a mineral that has been familiar to civilization for a very long time. With its help, people created tools and weapons. Thanks to the mineral, man produced fire.

Silicon has many healing properties. In ancient times, silicon powder folk healers used for disinfection purulent wounds, and pieces of stones were placed in wells to purify water.

Role for the human body

Modern experts fully agree with their predecessors regarding the benefits. Silicon has a positive effect on the elasticity of connective tissues of joints, walls blood vessels and tendons. A lack of this substance leads to diseases manifested in brittle nails, hair loss and problems with skin.

Silicon increases the tone of the body, reduces bad cholesterol, therefore it is actively used for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. It is considered a natural immune stimulant that strengthens immune system, and also strengthens the body, making it resistant to various ailments.

Where is silicon?

Considering the above, it is clear how important this element is for the human body. To be healthy, you need to consume it in sufficient quantities. Mineral compounds are found in soil, clay, and sand. Silicon makes soils fertile and enriches the composition of plants growing on them.

Most of it is found in barley, oats, horsetail, celery, Jerusalem artichoke, cereals and comfrey. Because of modern methods processing, grain fruits are cleared of shells and peels, so silicon is also lost. That's why effective means Silicon water infused on natural black stone is considered to compensate for the lack of this component. Judging by the reviews, people confirm beneficial effect on the body.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of silicon water? If the mineral is placed in water, the resulting liquid will be obtained. It contains over 60 amino acid residues, which are considered biocatalysts of redox reactions occurring in liquid media body. Silicon is involved in the structuring of water molecules, and as a result they acquire new properties. Protozoa, microorganisms, fungi, foreign chemical components and toxins are displaced from previously created liquid crystal lattices.

During the preparation of silicon water, all this turns into a sediment, which appears in the lower layer of the liquid. It has a special taste and freshness, in terms of beneficial properties it is no worse than thawed water, and in terms of hydrogen and biochemical indicators, water is similar to human blood plasma and intercellular fluid.

IN pure form Silicon is required by humans for important chemical processes. It is found in hair, nails, teeth, adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. The component is involved in the formation of bones, joints and cartilage. Lack of product leads to the fact that about 70 types of vitamins and microelements will not be absorbed. This causes the development of pathogenic processes and disruptions in the body.

Interacting with water, silicon changes its properties. The liquid is clean and pleasant to the taste. Silicon is capable of precipitating heavy metals, kill microorganisms, suppress bacteria, causing rotting and fermentation, neutralize chlorine, adsorb radionuclides.

Silicon water leads to the formation of amino acids, enzymes, and hormones in the body. Water infused with this mineral for more than 5 days has the property of increasing blood clotting. As reviews show, its regular use quickly brings positive results.

Consequences of shortage

Silicon deficiency is often observed in children. They may even develop the habit of eating soil. At this symptom You should not scold your baby; you need to urgently adjust his diet by adding foods rich in this component to his diet.

The consequences of element deficiency include:

  1. The appearance of osteoporosis, vitamin deficiency, dysbacteriosis, atherosclerosis.
  2. Hair loss, tooth decay, rapid wear of cartilage and joints.
  3. The appearance of sand in the kidneys, the formation of stones.
  4. Violation of silicon metabolism leads to arthritis, diabetes, cataracts, tuberculosis, and cancer.

For normal functioning human organs need to receive at least 10 mg of the substance every day. Research has shown that diet modern man usually does not include this rule. It turns out that many people lack a chemical component.

According to reviews, many people love silicon water so much that they do not want to remove it from their diet.


To prepare silicon water, you will need ordinary water (if it comes from a tap, then it is advisable to filter it or at least settle it) and pieces of silicon - you can buy them at the pharmacy. For infusion, it is advisable to take a glass or enamel container with a lid. The water should be infused in a dark place at room temperature.

Infusion continues for 3-4 days. The liquid is then purified and can be used for drinking, canning, washing, and cooking. It is also used for cleansing enemas.

To prepare silicon mineral water with strong medicinal properties, infusion should be carried out longer - 7-10 days. The resulting liquid must be poured into another container, without touching the bottom layer, with a sediment of 3-4 cm (impurities remain in it, from which the water has been purified). Can be stored for several weeks.

After draining the liquid, the silicon pieces are cleaned using soft brush and freed from mucus and deposits. Then they can be used again to prepare silicon water. To obtain 1 liter of liquid, you need a mineral weighing 8-10 g. You can boil it only after removing the silicon. Reviews say that people use water for regular use inside while preparing food and drinks.


Before using silicon water, it is advisable to consult your doctor. Indications include:

  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension;
  • urolithiasis;
  • skin pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • infectious diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • neuropsychiatric illnesses.

Silicon water can be used in cosmetology for skin care. When external and internal use she renders positive impact.

How to use?

When becoming familiar with the benefits and harms of silicon water for the body, you should consider the rules for its use. The liquid can be used unlimitedly for cooking. But when low acidity In the stomach, this mineral is less readily absorbed by the body.

A similar effect occurs if the menu contains few products with plant fiber. Therefore, it is necessary to include in it decoctions and infusions that stimulate gastric secretion. Wormwood, primrose, dandelion, and yarrow have such properties.

You need to drink a course of silicon water for at least a month, and you will immediately notice an improvement in your well-being. Judging by the reviews, people feel much healthier after this.

External use

Since silicon water has a wound-healing, bactericidal effect, it can be used externally, for rinsing, lotions, and as a base for compresses when skin ailments. It is used in the treatment of diathesis, acne, burns, and psoriasis.

Rinse hair with liquid to cure dandruff and accelerate hair growth. If there is pain or crunching in the joints, it is necessary to apply compresses based on it, and in case of conjunctivitis, rinse the eyes. Periodontal disease and sore throat are treated by rinsing the mouth and throat, and a runny nose - by dropping it into the nose.

In cosmetology

This liquid is called “the water of youth and the source of love.” Silicon is considered the main element that is responsible for the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. Without it, the epidermis cannot produce collagen, a component that is responsible for maintaining connective tissue that protects against sagging. Water can make the skin firm and elastic, besides, it smoothes out wrinkles, relieves inflammation and irritation.

Constantly washing and rinsing your hair will make it strong and shiny. It helps in eliminating dandruff when other means are powerless. It is necessary to prepare masks from the liquid and make baths for nails and feet. As the reviews say, healing procedures Based on this water, the condition of the skin and hair is noticeably improved.

When should you not use it?

Although silicon water is useful, there are still contraindications. It is dangerous for neoplasms, a tendency to thrombosis and exacerbations cardiovascular diseases. To exclude the harm of silicon water, you should consult your doctor.

Domestic use

IN living conditions silicon water can be used in following conditions:

  • filling aquariums;
  • watering plants;
  • soaking seeds;
  • watering seedlings;
  • canning.

Thus, silicon water is beneficial for health and beauty. You can easily prepare it yourself at home. By drinking this water regularly, you can improve your health.

In the Middle Ages, the stone became more popular. It was used to treat walls in rooms where meat was stored. This stone served as material for making millstones. In some villages of what is now Germany, flint was added to dairy products. In this way, people prevented its premature souring.

This mineral was also widely used in folk medicine. People knew about bactericidal and antiseptic properties stone They used silica water and crushed stone to treat wounds, cuts and scrapes.

Description of flint - a mineral containing silicon

Researchers believe that it is the presence of organic matter in the stone that makes it a powerful bactericidal agent and gives it the ability to activate water, giving it a lot of healing properties.
The basis of flint is silicon dioxide. It is to this substance that flint owes its medicinal properties.

In the human body, silicon is found in nail plates ah, hair, thyroid, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. He plays important role in the functioning of the body. For proper operation human body It is necessary to receive 20 mg of this element into the body. However, a person consumes no more than 5 mg per day, which affects not only the absorption of other minerals, but also the functioning of organs and systems.

Over time, mineral deficiency increases. And as a result - premature aging organism and development various pathologies. One of the most affordable and effective ways replenishment of substances in the body - drinking silicon water.

Silicon has unique and also amazing properties. It activates ordinary water, purifies it of pathogenic microorganisms and gives it special freshness.

The benefits and harms of silicon water

Silicon water refers to liquids resulting from the interaction of silicon with ordinary fresh water. Silicon water not only helps to normalize the functioning of the body, but also has whole line useful properties. It promotes:

  • rejuvenation of the skin and the whole body;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • restoration of vascular elasticity;
  • preventing the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • improving hair and nail growth;
  • eliminating pimples and acne;
  • removing harmful cholesterol from the body;
  • improving the flow of bile;
  • preventing the formation of kidney stones;
  • dissolution of existing stones in the gall bladder and kidneys;
  • lowering blood sugar concentrations;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • healing of wounds, cuts, burns, trophic ulcers;
  • eliminating inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Silicon water is very useful remedy. It helps in the treatment of pathologies oral cavity, in particular, gingivitis and stomatitis. It is recommended to be used for the treatment of furunculosis, diathesis, allergies, conjunctivitis, rheumatism, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, fungal pathologies.

Expert opinions regarding application this tool are not the same, and not all are positive. There is an opinion that prolonged use of water is fraught with the development oncological pathologies. In addition, silicon absorbs radioactive substances. On the one hand, this is good, since the water is purified. However, on the other hand, a previously contaminated stone will make the water even more dangerous. If you are unable to test the stone for radioactivity, use a light-colored mineral.

How to prepare silicon water at home

If you are interested healing properties mineral, then you will be interested to know how to prepare medicinal water with his own hand. It's actually simple.

  1. First you need to put thirty grams of pure (bright brown) flint in a three-liter bottle.
  2. Next, fill the raw material with boiled or raw water.
  3. If you are preparing water that you later plan to use with for preventive purposes, you need to insist on it for three days.
  4. If you are preparing water to treat various pathologies, then it should be infused for a week.

After the specified time, the infused water is poured into a clean container. The bottom layer (three centimeters of sediment) must be thrown away.

There is no need to throw stones away. Rinse them thoroughly and then dry them in the sun. The stones can then be reused.

Ready silicon water should be stored in a closed container. Obviously, healing water It's very easy to prepare.

Plus, you don't have to spend a lot of money. You can buy silicon in a pharmacy or online store. average price- 170 rubles.


Larisa, dog handler, 44 years old. ABOUT medicinal properties I know silicon water from my grandmother. She told how she treated her various diseases. When I started having dandruff, I decided to put this product into practice. I rinsed my hair with liquid after every wash. The dandruff disappeared, and my hair became healthier and stopped splitting.

Nikita, taxi driver, 39 years old. I had conjunctivitis. Drops and other remedies helped, but they are all expensive. On the advice of a friend, I decided to use silicon water. I drank 300 ml of water a day in three doses. Plus I used cleanser. Inflammatory process, the itching and lacrimation went away relatively quickly. Soon the condition improved. An effective product, I recommend it.

Angelina, pensioner, 58 years old. I have been drinking water infused with silicon for more than five years. My sister gave me the recipe. This better remedy to strengthen the immune system and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. I forgot the last time I was sick. In addition, she previously suffered from gastrointestinal disorders. I have had no problems with bowel movements for five years now.

How to take silicon water

Anyone can understand that the body suffers from silicon deficiency. A lack of this substance is indicated by the appearance of a number of symptoms:

  • softening of bones - osteomalacia;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • erysipelas;
  • stones in the kidneys and liver;
  • pathologies of teeth and eyes;
  • brittle hair and nails;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

What about reception healing water, then there are no exact dosages. Some experts say that you can drink water in unlimited quantities, and even advise cooking food with it. Others do not recommend drinking more than two glasses of liquid per day.

In any case, when treating a particular pathology with silicon water, it is necessary to observe the measure. In addition, this medicine can be used externally, in the form of lotions, rinses, rinses and treatments.

Gargling the mouth and throat with water helps strengthen gums, treat sore throats and rhinitis, as well as stomatitis and gingivitis. The use of water infused with flint in the form of lotions helps treat diathesis, furunculosis, allergies and skin irritations.

Washing with such water will help eliminate inflammation and itching due to conjunctivitis, as well as improve the condition of the dermis. Rinsing your hair with healing liquid and rubbing it into the dermis of your head will help strengthen your hair and stimulate its growth. In addition, silicon water is an effective remedy in the fight against dandruff.

Regular consumption of water infused with flint will help in the treatment of various pathologies, as well as improving the condition of hair, nail plates and dermis.

Contraindications. This liquid, when used appropriately, will bring exceptional benefits to your body. The only contraindication is a predisposition to cancer pathologies.

Application for animals and plants

This water is also useful for plants. If you soak the seeds in it immediately before planting, they will sprout much faster. In addition, if you water seedlings with this product, the risk of developing diseases and infesting pests is significantly reduced. Watering fruits and berries with silicon water helps them rapid growth and abundant fertility.

Many gardeners know about the benefits of liquid. Watering indoor plants water infused with flint is an ideal way to prevent the development of fungal pathologies, accelerate their growth and extend the flowering period.

Silicon water is healthy and effective. This is a cure for many ailments of people, animals and plants. Anyone can make it at home. It won't require much expense or time.

In the Middle Ages, the stone became more popular. It was used to treat walls in rooms where meat was stored. This stone served as material for making millstones. In some villages of what is now Germany, flint was added to dairy products. In this way, people prevented its premature souring.

This mineral was also widely used in folk medicine. People knew about the bactericidal and antiseptic properties of the stone. They used silica water and crushed stone to treat wounds, cuts and scrapes.

Description of flint - a mineral containing silicon

Researchers believe that it is the presence of organic matter in the stone that makes it a powerful bactericidal agent and gives it the ability to activate water, giving it a lot of healing properties.
The basis of flint is silicon dioxide. It is to this substance that flint owes its medicinal properties.

In the human body, silicon is found in the nail plates, hair, thyroid gland, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. It plays an important role in the functioning of the body. For the human body to function properly, 20 mg of this element must be supplied to the body. However, a person consumes no more than 5 mg per day, which affects not only the absorption of other minerals, but also the functioning of organs and systems.

Over time, mineral deficiency increases. And as a result – premature aging of the body and the development of various pathologies. One of the most accessible and effective ways to replenish the substance in the body is to drink silicon water.

Silicon has unique and also amazing properties. It activates ordinary water, purifies it of pathogenic microorganisms and gives it special freshness.

The benefits and harms of silicon water

Silicon water refers to liquids resulting from the interaction of silicon with ordinary fresh water. Silicon water not only helps normalize the functioning of the body, but also has a number of beneficial properties. It promotes:

  • rejuvenation of the skin and the whole body;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • restoration of vascular elasticity;
  • preventing the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora;
  • improving hair and nail growth;
  • eliminating pimples and acne;
  • removing harmful cholesterol from the body;
  • improving the flow of bile;
  • preventing the formation of kidney stones;
  • dissolution of existing stones in the gall bladder and kidneys;
  • lowering blood sugar concentrations;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • healing of wounds, cuts, burns, trophic ulcers;
  • eliminating inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Silicon water is a very useful remedy. It helps in the treatment of oral pathologies, in particular gingivitis and stomatitis. It is recommended to be used for the treatment of furunculosis, diathesis, allergies, conjunctivitis, rheumatism, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, fungal pathologies.

The opinions of specialists regarding the use of this product are not the same, and not all are positive. There is an opinion that prolonged use of water is fraught with the development of oncological pathologies. In addition, silicon absorbs radioactive substances. On the one hand, this is good, since the water is purified. However, on the other hand, a previously contaminated stone will make the water even more dangerous. If you are unable to test the stone for radioactivity, use a light-colored mineral.

How to prepare silicon water at home

If you are interested in the healing properties of the mineral, then you will be interested in learning how to prepare medicinal water yourself. It's actually simple.

  1. First you need to put thirty grams of pure (bright brown) flint in a three-liter bottle.
  2. Next, fill the raw material with boiled or raw water.
  3. If you are preparing water that you subsequently plan to use for preventive purposes, you need to infuse it for three days.
  4. If you are preparing water to treat various pathologies, then it should be infused for a week.

After the specified time, the infused water is poured into a clean container. The bottom layer (three centimeters of sediment) must be thrown away.

There is no need to throw stones away. Rinse them thoroughly and then dry them in the sun. The stones can then be reused.

Ready silicon water should be stored in a closed container. Obviously, healing water is very simple to prepare.

Plus, you don't have to spend a lot of money. You can buy silicon in a pharmacy or online store. The average price is 170 rubles.


Larisa, dog handler, 44 years old. I know about the healing properties of silicon water from my grandmother. She told how she was treated for various diseases. When I started having dandruff, I decided to put this product into practice. I rinsed my hair with liquid after every wash. The dandruff disappeared, and my hair became healthier and stopped splitting.

Nikita, taxi driver, 39 years old. I had conjunctivitis. Drops and other remedies helped, but they are all expensive. On the advice of a friend, I decided to use silicon water. I drank 300 ml of water a day in three doses. Plus I used cleanser. The inflammatory process, itching and lacrimation passed relatively quickly. Soon the condition improved. An effective product, I recommend it.

Angelina, pensioner, 58 years old. I have been drinking water infused with silicon for more than five years. My sister gave me the recipe. This is an excellent tool for strengthening the immune system and improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. I forgot the last time I was sick. In addition, she previously suffered from gastrointestinal disorders. I have had no problems with bowel movements for five years now.

How to take silicon water

Anyone can understand that the body suffers from silicon deficiency. A lack of this substance is indicated by the appearance of a number of symptoms:

  • softening of bones - osteomalacia;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • erysipelas;
  • stones in the kidneys and liver;
  • pathologies of teeth and eyes;
  • brittle hair and nails;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

As for taking healing water, there are no exact dosages. Some experts say that you can drink water in unlimited quantities, and even advise cooking food with it. Others do not recommend drinking more than two glasses of liquid per day.

In any case, when treating a particular pathology with silicon water, it is necessary to observe the measure. In addition, this medicine can be used externally, in the form of lotions, rinses, rinses and treatments.

Gargling the mouth and throat with water helps strengthen gums, treat sore throats and rhinitis, as well as stomatitis and gingivitis. The use of water infused with flint in the form of lotions helps treat diathesis, furunculosis, allergies and skin irritations.

Washing with such water will help eliminate inflammation and itching due to conjunctivitis, as well as improve the condition of the dermis. Rinsing your hair with healing liquid and rubbing it into the dermis of your head will help strengthen your hair and stimulate its growth. In addition, silicon water is an effective remedy in the fight against dandruff.

Regular consumption of water infused with flint will help in the treatment of various pathologies, as well as improving the condition of hair, nail plates and dermis.

Contraindications. This liquid, when used appropriately, will bring exceptional benefits to your body. The only contraindication is a predisposition to cancer pathologies.

Application for animals and plants

This water is also useful for plants. If you soak the seeds in it immediately before planting, they will sprout much faster. In addition, if you water seedlings with this product, the risk of developing diseases and infesting pests is significantly reduced. Watering fruits and berries with silicon water promotes their rapid growth and abundant fertility.

Many gardeners know about the benefits of liquid. Watering indoor plants with water infused with flint is an ideal way to prevent the development of fungal pathologies, accelerate their growth and extend the flowering period.

Silicon water is healthy and effective. This is a cure for many ailments of people, animals and plants. Anyone can make it at home. It won't require much expense or time.

The first thing we must clearly understand is that there is a mineral, silicon, SiO 2, and there is a chemical element, silicon, Si, which should not be confused. Today we will talk about mineral flint, familiar to mankind since the Neolithic period. Primitive people used flint both for everyday life and as a weapon for hunting. Flint stones have very sharp edges, which made their shards ideal for making household items, knives, hoes, arrows and spears. Flint was and is still used today to make fire. In the Middle Ages, people inhabiting the European continent went further and used flint:

  • flint stone was used to process the walls of meat storage rooms;
  • millstones for mills were made only from flint;
  • to extend the shelf life of milk and prevent rapid souring, pieces of flint were placed in storage containers;
  • flint was used to line the inner walls of wells, which made the water perfectly clean;
  • Medieval European physicians used flint chips as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent, sprinkled on them and healed open wounds and cuts;
  • in old Britain, water was infused on a flint stone, which was used to treat many diseases;
No matter how long ago people used flint, they began to seriously study its properties only in the seventies of the last century, the impetus was water rich in flint particles in a lake near St. Petersburg. It all started when scientists noticed that in the whole system lakes, one of them is completely devoid of life, the lake is “dead”, but despite such mystical glory, people are not afraid of this lake, actively swim in it and take water home from it. The local population has always used water from the “dead” lake to treat wounds and noticed that after swimming in its water, their health improved, their hair and nails became stronger. After carefully examining the lake, scientists discovered a deposit of the mineral flint at its bottom.

What beneficial elements does silicon water contain?

Flint, a type of quartz, contains opal and chalcedony, the basis of which is silica, and twenty others chemical compounds, and silicon dioxide makes up a significant part earth's crust. Flint particles are also part of the cells of the human body. The color of flint stones, black, red, yellow, depends on percentage it contains iron or manganese oxides, which also affects the structure of flint water and its properties. In flint stones there is a large proportion of particles of fossilized ancient organisms that lived on earth thousands of years ago, and it is their presence that makes flint an excellent filter for purifying water and activates in it useful material. Expensive brands are produced using flint water alcoholic drinks and medicines.
  • chemical element silicon, accelerates and helps balance redox function in the human body, accelerates metabolic processes and helps the body produce necessary hormones and enzymes;
  • silicon serves as the main element that activates flint water, facilitating the absorption in the body, in full, of zinc, phosphorus, manganese, fluorine and more than seventy other necessary and healthy chemical elements;
  • everyone knows about the need for collagen for skin elasticity and connective tissue strength, but they forget that in order to produce and synthesize collagen protein, the body needs a large number of microelements silicon;

Silicon is included in the structure of cells, liver and blood, and its deficiency provokes the development of such diseases:

  • Osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and dysbiosis.
  • Nervous disorders, insomnia, baldness, brittle nails and loss of immunity.
  • Irregularities at work hormonal system and sexual dysfunction.
Therefore, the importance of monitoring the level of silicon in the body becomes obvious, and if the body does not receive enough of this element from food, then it must be compensated with pure, activated silicon water.

How to prepare silicon water?

It is difficult to overestimate the need for silicon for human health, but food products common in our latitudes do not provide daily norm this microelement. That is why the popularity of using flint water, which can solve this problem, is growing. External use of flint infused water has no restrictions, and there are no contraindications. As for drinking water inside the body, for the purpose of prevention and enhancing immunity, it is recommended to drink one glass a day, dividing it into four parts of fifty grams each.

The first thing you should do when preparing flint water is to rinse the flint well under running water, weigh it and calculate the amount of water, twenty grams of stone is enough for two liters of water. Having chosen a container suitable for the weight of your stone, place it inside, fill it with water and cover with gauze or a bandage, hide the jar in a dark and dry place, and let it brew for two to three days.

When starting to use water, try not to shake the jar, and collect water as a pilgrim in stages, since only the upper layers are used, the water at the bottom of the jar and a centimeter above the stone accumulates all the harmful and unnecessary substances. After each procedure, the stone is thoroughly washed under running water, dried and ventilated in the open air. In cases where any plaque forms on the stone, you need to place it in a brine, after which, wash and repeat a similar procedure, but using soda. Silicon stone is recommended to be used no longer than six to eight months. Longer use of it loses its effectiveness. Along with silicon, in order to enhance the healing and filtration properties, you can additionally use a piece of quartz. Silicon water loses its effectiveness when boiled and frozen.

By consuming silicon water, you:

  • Improves the functioning of the pancreas, prostate and thyroid glands, normalizes hormonal background and metabolism.
  • You flush out harmful cholesterol from blood cells, increase the flexibility of heart valves and blood vessels, cleanse the blood and remove waste and toxins from the body. Silicon water is recommended for those suffering from atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, hypertension and angina pectoris, as it stabilizes blood pressure. In addition, water with silicon improves blood clotting and increases hemoglobin, so it is recommended for anemia.
  • Silicon water normalizes the intestinal microflora, promotes the separation of bile and relieves intestinal inflammation, reduces the risk of bile stone disease and promotes the disintegration of already formed stones, which are absorbed by water and excreted naturally.
  • Silicon water is useful for diseases of bones and joints, since silicon helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, necessary for cartilage and bone tissue. This water is recommended to drink for Get well soon for fractures, dislocations and sprains, as well as for diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, rickets and osteoporosis.
  • Silicon water strengthens tooth enamel and reduces painful sensations sensitive teeth.
  • Silicon water will help cure diseases of the lungs and bronchi, fungal and peptic ulcers, is used in cosmetology, to combat acne and purulent rashes, helps with diabetes mellitus, kidney and reproductive system diseases.

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