What is gum massage, what methods exist and what are the benefits of the procedure? Gum massage techniques

The dentist may prescribe you a gum massage for periodontal disease or periodontitis. How to do it, why, the general methodology and characteristics will be described in more detail.

This procedure can be performed in a doctor's office using a special device or at home as part of daily oral care. At the same time, you should learn how to do this correctly and take into account possible contraindications, since even such simple manipulations may be prohibited.

Beneficial features

To make sure that massaging your gums with your fingers is effective, you need to reveal all the benefits of this process:

  • Stagnation is removed from tissues - blood flow and nutritional metabolism improve, and excess fluids are removed.
  • Periodontal pockets are cleaned, especially if pus has accumulated in them.
  • Remains of metabolic products are removed from periodontal tissues, preventing bacteria from multiplying.
  • Blood flow increases, tissue healing and self-regeneration processes are accelerated.
  • The gums become denser and stronger, able to hold teeth and resist pathogenic bacteria.

That is, if you massage the gums at home on a daily basis, the mucous membrane itself and even the teeth will become much healthier, acquire a pink tint, and their general condition will improve.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Massage should be performed at the most different situations. These include incipient diseases such as periodontitis, etc., and in the case of their absence. It can act as a therapeutic procedure or be part of preventive measures. And yet, you should not do this without first consulting a dentist, who will sanitize the oral cavity and teach you how to perform the procedure as efficiently as possible.

Gum massage will also help with malocclusion. Even in childhood, the dentist will make a diagnosis and recommend special treatment of the gums. This improves the nutrition of the jaw bone and gives a chance for natural healing.

If you massage the gums before dentures, it becomes possible to make this procedure easier. As a result, tissue healing will occur more efficiently.

The main contraindications, when using massage even at home can lead to unpleasant results, are the following:

Initially, the doctor will examine the oral cavity and tell you whether massage is worth it and which one will be better. If sanitation, treatment, or stone removal is needed, he will carry out the appropriate preliminary procedures.

How to massage your gums? Execution technique

If no contraindications to its implementation are found, then it will be useful to learn how to perform the movements correctly. Usually use only clean fingers and the following techniques:

  1. Stroking – these movements begin and end the massage. The index finger is placed on the buccal side of the gum, and the thumb on the inner side. Strokes are performed alternately. On lower jaw they move from top to bottom, and on the top, on the contrary, from bottom to top. You need to massage rhythmically and not put too much pressure on the tissue. If you have gum disease, you should definitely start only from a healthy area and gradually move to diseased areas, reducing the intensity of the impact.
  2. Rubbing – helps to increase blood flow and activate metabolic processes in the mucous membrane. It needs to be done with a gradual increase in pressure. Initially, they make circular movements with light pressure, and then move on to more active spiral rotations. You also need to perform a massage along the lymph flow. In addition to direct effects, you can also use indirect ones, that is, when the massage is performed through the skin of the face.
  3. Squeezing - with a strong movement, as if squeezing out stagnation from the subgingival areas. In this case, rotational and vertical manipulations are used alternately.
  4. Squeezing or compression massage. It is necessary to squeeze the gum from the inner and outer sides at the same time with two fingers - the index and the thumb. outside. The impact lasts no longer than 7 seconds, then the pressure is weakened. Each time, the area adjacent to the previous one is captured, gradually moving from the front to the side of the jaw.

The massage should be finished with light strokes, as in the beginning. Total duration – 5-10 minutes. If the massage is carried out correctly, after it you will feel a pleasant warmth and a feeling of fullness in the gums.

In addition to the movement technique itself, you should additionally influence special points that are responsible for correct work internal organs. So, conditionally dividing the jaw into the right and left parts, you can notice that the impact on the front teeth improves the condition of the bladder, kidneys, and ears. Massaging the third units on each side helps the gallbladder and liver function. Further - colon and lungs, and the effect on the figure eight area will improve blood flow in the heart and small intestines.

Features of massage for periodontal disease and periodontitis

For diseases such as periodontitis, the dentist may prescribe massage as an additional treatment procedure.

At the same time, targeted movements help remove stagnant fluids from periodontal pockets. If you additionally use essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, lemon, orange and coriander, the beneficial effects will increase significantly.

The procedure should be carried out only with clean hands, and the teeth must first be treated and rinsed. By improving metabolic processes, the gums become healthy, stronger, and the disease goes away faster.

During teething

Carrying out massage manipulations is also justified when the baby is teething. You can apply pressure to the gums using your finger, previously washed and treated with an antiseptic, or with a special silicone fingertip.

Due to massage actions, itching is reduced and swelling is relieved. Thanks to this, the teeth themselves cut faster, and the child endures such a difficult period easier. Follow the rules:

  • Hands or fingertips should be perfectly clean.
  • Movements should be soft and circular.
  • Massage is done only on the sides of the tooth, but in no case on the surface itself where eruption is expected.
  • Take breaks so that the child can get used to new sensations and not resist.

Vacuum massage

This procedure is performed only in a doctor's office using a set of vacuum tubes. The effect occurs due to negative pressure on the gums. During the massage, slight hematomas may appear, which, with gradual resorption, have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

People brush their teeth every day - morning and evening. In addition to this useful procedure, gum massage will help preserve and heal the snow-white row of teeth. There are many advantages, the effect will not take long to appear, but this issue must be approached with caution.

The beneficial effects of massage

The more often a person massages his gums, the less likely he is to develop periodontal disease. Massage is done both at home and in dentistry. The benefits of the actions taken will be as follows:

  • the mucous membrane of the gums will thicken;
  • stagnation in tissues is reduced to nothing;
  • blood circulation is activated;
  • the metabolic process in tissues improves;
  • Remains of metabolic products are removed;
  • healing processes are accelerated;
  • excess liquid disappears;
  • cleared;
  • the intensity of bacterial development in the oral cavity decreases.

With regular massage, the gums become stronger and denser. The ability to better maintain the dentition increases.

Pros and cons of the procedure

It is worth developing the habit of giving a massage after each brushing of your teeth. This will be an excellent prevention and therapy oral cavity. Massage is necessary for:

  • beginning gingivitis;
  • gum recession;
  • incipient periodontitis;
  • after minor operations, to avoid stagnation of ichor and lymph;
  • when wearing dentures and plates;
  • to improve blood flow and relieve painful tension.

Massaging the gums helps in correcting malocclusion in childhood. The doctor recommends performing special pressures and certain actions. This helps to strengthen the metabolic processes of the jawbone and leads to the correction of the child’s bite naturally, without the influence of braces.

Just seven minutes a day - and the effect is amazing. But any procedure requires specialist advice. You may need to perform some manipulations before performing a massage.

There are few contraindications, but you should still pay attention and take your time when:

  • observed acute inflammation mucous membrane;
  • healing period after tooth extraction;
  • Tartar is present;
  • advanced caries on the root of the tooth;
  • heavy discharge from periodontal pockets of blood and pus.

After the examination, the doctor will give advice on what kind of massage and how best to perform it to achieve maximum effect.

Massaging methods

If the doctor has not found any contraindications, you can safely proceed to action. The main thing is that they are correct, the result depends on it. Most often, massage the gums with your fingers. It should be carried out only with clean hands and clear actions:

  1. Stroking. The index finger is placed on the buccal side of the gum, and the thumb is placed on the inner side. Take turns stroking without putting excessive pressure on the mucous membrane of the gums, using either the thumb or the index finger. Movements on the upper jaw should be done from bottom to top, and on the lower jaw from top to bottom. This is how the massage begins and ends. If there is pathology of the gums, massage is performed first on a healthy area, gradually moving to the affected area, reducing the force of impact.
  2. Trituration. Promotes activation of metabolic processes in the mucous membrane and blood flow. Actions are performed with a gradual increase in pressure. First, make circular movements with light pressure, moving on to active spiral actions, and increase the pressure. This is a direct impact. There is also indirect massage, that is, massage is performed through the skin of the face.
  3. Squeezing. With enough effort, congestion is squeezed out of the subgingival zones using vertical and rotational movements.
  4. Compression. Index and thumb simultaneously compress the gum from the outside and inside. The exposure time does not exceed 7 seconds, then the pressure is released. Each time they grab the adjacent area with the previous one, smoothly moving to the side of the jaw from the front.

After completing the massage, you will feel warmth and a pleasant feeling of saturation of the gums.

Help of massage for periodontitis and periodontal disease

Of course, massage for such diseases is not the main treatment, but an auxiliary one, but no less effective. It is prescribed by a doctor. During the procedure, metabolic processes are improved, blood flow to the mucous membrane is activated and the gums are noticeably strengthened. Gum massage for periodontitis and periodontal disease can be made more productive if you apply essential oil:

  • lemon;
  • mint;
  • orange;
  • coriander;
  • eucalyptus.

The procedure is performed only with washed hands. It is better to brush your teeth first and rinse your mouth thoroughly. Not a large number of The oil is applied to the fingertips and massaged into the gums. Several of these procedures can convince anyone that massage is a great opportunity to get rid of diseases.

Toothbrush as an assistant

This is an elementary and effective method to strengthen your gums at home. Cannot use hard toothbrush, nylon or nylon. This is how periodontal tissues are easily damaged. Massage actions with a soft brush are performed in the morning, and at night - with your fingers.

Select several gums with a brush:

To quickly heal erosions and wounds, apply a little numbing gel to the brush.

Technology does not stand still, and the brush can be replaced with an irrigator.

Massage with an irrigator

An invention in the form of a tube, which, thanks to slight pressure, washes the affected area. Massaging the gums with an irrigator is very effective. A stream of water directed at the area of ​​the gums and teeth removes food debris and plaque from interdental spaces and hard-to-reach places.

With constant use of this device, excellent prevention of pathology of teeth and gums is carried out. It will come to the rescue of those who wear plates and braces.

Vacuum massage

The procedure is performed in a dental office. Vacuum massage of the gums is a strong effect on the tissue, after which the blood and lymph come into action and move into the area of ​​​​the mucous membrane of the gums and bones. Capillaries rupture and blood begins to flow into the tissue, causing a hematoma. The process of resorption of the hematoma entails the creation of substances that boost local immunity.

Positive sides:

  • due to the formation of renewed blood vessels, the mucous membrane is strengthened;
  • in areas that are difficult for the brush to reach, the level of pathogenic bacteria is reduced;
  • excess fluid is removed and the gums are toned;
  • the process of atrophy slows down;
  • nutrition of periodontal tissues increases.

The massage device consists of tubes and attachments that create pressure. The intensity and power are under the strict control of the doctor, who monitors the patient’s sensations.

The procedure causes discomfort and pain, so it is better to use products for local anesthesia.


This process is accompanied by increased whims of children and headaches of parents. But there is a way out. Massaging the gums during teething helps relieve the suffering of the whole family.

Before the procedure, you need to understand one condition - the area above the gums is massaged; it is forbidden to touch the area where the tooth is erupting. How to massage your baby's gums:

Carrying out such measures reduces itching, eliminates swelling and speeds up the process of teething.

Touches for a lasting effect

The results will be better if you approach the problem comprehensively. First, they do a full examination of the oral cavity. If necessary, stones are removed, teeth are treated, and damaged roots are eliminated.

Now you can start the massage. Teeth and gums should always be well-groomed. At the end of the massage, you need to rinse your mouth, it is better if it is a decoction of medicinal herbs.

The secret of preparing decoctions is simple:

  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials is placed in a glass or enamel container;
  • pour 250 ml of boiling water;
  • leave for 20 minutes and filter.

Chamomile, which has an astringent and antiseptic effect. Calendula, septum walnut and sage cope well with inflammatory processes, and the properties of eucalyptus will destroy bacteria. Propolis tincture and oak bark decoction have worked well.

Gum massage is useful in that it is a prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases. There are many ways to perform massage; by trial and testing sensations, you can choose the one you need to achieve a positive result.

This is not just a standard procedure, but a well-proven technique that has its own rules and execution technique. This is a great way to restore blood circulation, eliminate pain and burning, soothe the mucous membranes during irritation and preserve the beauty of your teeth.

Massage the gums with your finger

Beneficial properties of gum massage

Inflammation of the mucous membranes in the mouth is characterized by the appearance of a “stale” odor, bleeding after daily brushing, and others. unpleasant symptoms. They are often eliminated with special rinses using antiseptics, antibiotics and various ointments are used. Sometimes an excellent addition is gum massage, which has a number of beneficial properties:

  • accelerates metabolic processes in damaged areas, triggers natural regeneration and restoration of cells;
  • strengthens the walls of the gums, making them elastic and healthier;
  • displays excess liquid, purulent exudate accumulated during inflammation;
  • gently cleanses interdental spaces and periodontal pockets;
  • helps medications to be better distributed over the surface.

In addition to oral diseases, gum massage is often recommended for healthy people to prevent dental problems. Doctors note that daily performance of the simplest movements and strokes has a very positive effect on the condition of the enamel, saves from inflammation and removes increased sensitivity.

When is massage applied?

Often recommended in dentistry similar procedure at an early stage of gingivitis or periodontal disease. This is an auxiliary treatment method for periodontitis. Sometimes it is recommended to relax the mucous membrane after minor operations on the gums, when it is necessary to avoid stagnation of lymph and ichor. It is prescribed when wearing dentures and braces to restore blood flow and relieve painful tension.

Gum massage should be done to babies when cutting their first teeth. Usually this process is difficult for children and parents, accompanied by salivation, whims and tears. To avoid constantly giving pain medication, doctors recommend applying gentle pressure several times a day. This helps the crown pass through the mucosa faster and relieves the burning sensation without ointment or gel. In the pharmacy chain you can even purchase a specially designed silicone massager that has soft pimples.

Gum massage for periodontal disease

With this disease, the mucous membrane near the base of the teeth becomes very sensitive to changes in temperature. Bacteria settle in the interdental spaces, causing inflammation and the formation of pus. The gums begin to soften and lose their natural elasticity. This causes bleeding and the patient notices characteristic symptoms every time he brushes his teeth. Pain turns ordinary eating into a real ordeal.

A large number of drugs are used to treat periodontal disease. They rub in inflamed areas mucous membrane, applied in the form of applications or lotions. Massage helps enhance their effect. Most often it is recommended to use a regular toothbrush. It should be soft enough and not rub. The product fits well with natural bristles, with fibers of different lengths.

Gum massage for periodontal disease is carried out using one of the following methods:

  1. Charters method: the brush is placed near the very neck of the teeth at the border with soft tissues. The movements should resemble vibration in the up and down direction. During the first sessions, it is better not to touch painful periodontal tissues, observing the condition.
  2. Shtilman's technique: the brush is placed at a slight angle and gently moved along the interdental spaces. This not only cleanses the teeth and enamel, but also causes a slight rush of blood. Then they begin moving from left to right.
  3. Bell's method: the villi should “move” strictly from top to bottom and carefully grasp the mucous membrane. This must be done without haste, as if expelling pus from the inside out. Well suited for exacerbation of gingivitis and periodontitis, when the patient is bothered by swelling.
  4. Fones method: the procedure is performed with leisurely circular rubbing. The bristles should be kept perpendicular and go from one edge of the jaw to the other. The process is repeated for 5–7 minutes.

Any of the proposed methods is carried out after basic oral hygiene and cleansing with toothpaste. To speed up the healing of wounds and erosions, apply a small amount of anesthetic gel or herbal decoction to the brush. You can use more modern electrical appliances or irrigators. The latter are a unique invention in the form of a tube that washes the inflamed area under slight pressure.

Vacuum gum massage

If the disease greatly bothers a person, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment under the supervision of a dentist. Sometimes he offers to do vacuum massage gums using a special device. It consists of various tubes and nozzles that create a certain pressure. The strength and intensity is controlled by a specialist, based on the patient’s sensations. This technique for periodontal disease helps to achieve several goals at once:

  • strengthen the mucous membrane due to the formation of new blood vessels;
  • reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria in places that are difficult for brushes to reach;
  • tone and remove excess fluid;
  • control the influx nutrients to damaged areas and tooth roots.

Vacuum gum massage

The vacuum massage procedure will be effective if carried out in a short course. To reduce the risk of re-inflammation of the gums, dentists recommend performing such manipulations at least 2 times a year.

How to massage your gums with your finger

At home, the simplest and most affordable way maintain healthy soft tissues in the mouth – light massage gums with a finger each time after hygienic cleaning. It is easy to learn and use for disease prevention, starting with childhood. First, wash your hands well and wipe them with an antiseptic; if necessary, apply a medicinal gel. Manipulations are performed in any sequence:

  • Using pads, gently stroke the mucous membrane from the rear “eights” closer to the front teeth. Smooth movements help remove swelling and remove accumulated pus.
  • Rubbing in a spiral, which should extend to the area near the roots, proceed to all areas.
  • Gentle pressure on one specific point to improve blood circulation to tissues in the mouth.
  • Light pinching with two fingers. It should be done in places where ichor accumulates to clean out periodontal pockets.

Finger gum massage

Massage with honey, sea buckthorn or olive oil. Sometimes you can apply a pleasant and useful composition from a few drops of sage extract, eucalyptus, propolis tincture or calendula. In case of exacerbation of periodontal disease and bleeding, first rinse the mouth with a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or oak bark.

Despite the simplicity of the procedure, gum massage has contraindications. It should not be performed when fistulas and abscesses in the roots of the teeth are maturing. Manipulations are excluded in the first weeks after installation of an implant with a pin or braces. Accumulation of tartar on the enamel, rashes of unknown origin and excessive bleeding can cause harm. In this situation, you should first carry out treatment and eliminate all dangerous complications.

Taking care of the oral cavity: how and why to massage the gums?

Every person knows how important it is to brush your teeth daily.

But not all people know that in addition to the standard hygiene procedure oral cavity, it is necessary to massage the gums, which is no less important than brushing your teeth.

Its effect on human health has been studied for many centuries, and it has been found that it has many beneficial effects: improves health, gives strength and elasticity to muscles, prolongs youth, increases vitality, gives vigor and gives good health.

The effectiveness of massage has been proven scientifically and has been tested over many years of practice, and it itself is a physiological healing method.

Benefits of massage

Massaging the gums is considered the most natural and effective method prevention of periodontal diseases, which can be done at home.

In addition, it has the following beneficial properties:

  • eliminates stagnant processes in tissues;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • improves nutrition of periodontal tissues;
  • strengthens teeth;
  • increases resistance to negative external influences;
  • promotes greater supply of nutrients to tissues;
  • prevents loosening of teeth and their loss;
  • increases the outflow of lymph and blood;
  • thickens mucous membranes, making them less vulnerable;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • is the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease;
  • prevents inflammatory processes;
  • Helps reduce bleeding gums.

Massaging your gums is a pleasant and healthy procedure. Its systematic implementation is a remedy and prevention against many diseases of the oral cavity.

Indications for massage:


Bleeding gums, or periodontitis, is a common inflammatory disease of the muscle tissue surrounding the tooth.

If there is bleeding, you should not use a brush or massage devices; all manipulations should be carried out with your fingers.

During the procedure, you should not press hard on the gums; movements should be smooth and slow.

For better glide You can lubricate your fingers with olive oil or toothpaste, and after the procedure you should rinse your mouth well with an antibacterial agent.

Periodontal disease

People suffering from periodontal disease benefit from massage to normalize blood circulation in the oral cavity; it is carried out daily at home on their own.

Technique of finger massage of gums for periodontal disease

You need to massage the gums with your fingers; you can also use an irrigator, a special device that allows you to massage more effectively.

It is important to start gum massage for periodontal disease as early as possible, and also need to consider this procedure, as preventive measures.

However, before starting home treatment, you should definitely consult a specialist. Since in cases where the cause of the disease is improper growth of teeth or malocclusion specialist help is required.

Teeth straightening

Gum massage to straighten teeth - therapeutic agent, which is used in combination with special methods alignment.

Tactile effects on the palate and gums make the alignment procedure less uncomfortable.

Massage should be done using a toothbrush with gentle movements, as a result of which blood flow increases, which contributes to the effectiveness of the dental straightening procedure.

In order to straighten teeth, you should regularly perform a comprehensive oral massage, compiled individually by a dentist.


Massage manipulation of the gums is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • lack of teeth;
  • wearing dentures and braces;
  • acute inflammation;
  • tartar;
  • healing period after tooth extraction;
  • acute diseases;
  • discharge of pus from the gum pockets;
  • advanced tooth root caries.

If there are contraindications, it is necessary to undergo therapeutic treatment and only after its completion and prior agreement with the doctor, massage can be performed.

How and with what to massage the gums?

Massage can be performed by a dentist and is often offered to patients in conjunction with professional dental cleaning, or it can also be successfully performed independently.

The procedure can be carried out using your fingers or a toothbrush.

The massage procedure should be performed after brushing your teeth.

You need to use the following basic movements: stroking, pressing, rubbing, squeezing.

For these purposes, you should use a soft brush with firmly attached natural bristle hairs.

You cannot use a hard toothbrush with artificial bristles; it thins the tooth enamel and injures the tissues.

There are several ways to perform a massage:

  1. Shtilman method. The brush should be set at an angle of 45 degrees, with the ends of the bristles on the gum and directed towards the tooth roots. You need to apply light pressure on the brush, while simultaneously moving it in different directions, so that the ends of the bristles are in soft contact with the gum.
  2. Finger method. Performed using a large and index finger. The jaw is grasped on both sides, and the fingers move from its center to the sides, movements that should repeat the physiological movements that occur during chewing of food. When massaging the lower jaw, the fingers should move from bottom to top, and the upper jaw - from top to bottom. Touches should be gentle and painless, and movements should be rotational and circular. Duration is about 5 minutes.
  3. Charters method. Performed using a toothbrush, manipulations consist of vibrating circular movements, in which side surfaces brushes squeeze the gums.
  4. Indirect massage. It is done using fingers through the skin of the cheeks.
  5. Using a special silicone massager. It is especially gentle on the gums and does not injure them.

For infants, gum massage during teething is done with the index finger of the left or right hand.

The most effective method is vacuum gum massage.

The device uses vacuum tubes to help move lymph closer to the mucous membrane of the gums, stimulating local immunity.

For deeper oral care at home, use an irrigator to clean and massage the gums.

Using an irrigator, a pulsating stream of water is created, which effectively massages the gums and also cleans the intergingival spaces and areas between the teeth.

Useful video

How to perform 3 basic techniques for gum massage is explained and shown in the video below:

Regardless of the type of massage, it should be performed daily. Only regular procedures and a systematic approach can be beneficial and lead to positive results.

Prevention and treatment of periodontal disease

Periodontal tissues, like teeth, require certain protection. Lack of preventive measures and timely treatment leads to serious consequences. Some diseases require little medical intervention. Others, such as periodontal disease, are quite difficult and time-consuming to treat. Therefore, preventive measures come to the fore here.

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontal disease is pathological process, in which there is no inflammation. It is characterized by a slow progressive course, stable destruction of bone tissue and lysis (sagging) of the gums. The course of the disease is always chronic with possible remissions.

The disease is quite insidious. In the absence of proper treatment, irreversible processes occur in tissues. In the future, even if you start full-fledged treatment, it will be very difficult to return to the previous state. Efficiency medical procedures will depend on several factors:

  • Duration of illness;
  • State immune system body;
  • Presence of concomitant provoking diseases;
  • The age of the person;
  • Nature of complications.

Periodontal disease of the frontal area of ​​the lower jaw

So that everything modern methods periodontal disease treatment has been successful, a thorough examination is necessary. In addition to visual examinations, collecting complaints and medical history, X-ray examinations are carried out.

This kind of research is not new, but modern technologies made it possible to create unique devices that are capable of taking high-quality and overview photographs. The most popular now are panoramic tomography and radiovisiography. They give a clear picture of the condition of the tissues surrounding the tooth. Thanks to them, you can easily build a plan for further treatment.

Stages of periodontal disease and basic principles of their treatment

How to treat periodontal disease, if it still has several stages? In total, there are three stages according to the severity of the lesion: mild, moderate and severe. Mild degree be treated exclusively conservative methods without resorting to surgery.

The impact always occurs both local and general. Hydromassage or finger massage of the gums is indicated locally. It is carried out after thorough teeth cleaning and removal of tartar. They are usually absent in periodontal disease. Stones can persist in small quantities if periodontal disease was preceded by periodontitis.

Moderate severity of periodontal disease

Internally assigned restoratives vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Vitamin C is especially indicated. It will help strengthen vascular wall which will improve blood circulation.

But usually people go to the dentist already average degree heaviness, since lightness does not create serious discomfort. In the second stage, bleeding gums are noted as a consequence of periodontitis. The destruction of the ligamentous apparatus holding the tooth in the alveolar process is not yet significant. Patients often complain of food getting “stuck” between the teeth and the gums becoming pale. Its subsidence is insignificant, only the necks of the teeth are exposed, which sharply increases their sensitivity to many food irritants. Treatment at this stage will consist of improving blood supply and restoring soft tissue.

At the third stage, the roots are exposed by more than half. There is a fan-shaped divergence of teeth, an increase in interdental spaces, severe pain when eating cold or hot food. Even leaving a warm room into the cold causes an attack of pain. All therapeutic measures are aimed at preserving teeth in the dental arch. Their loosening is quite strong, it easily leads to the loss of a large number of teeth. Due to loosening occurs minor injury gums They start to bleed. Microorganisms from the oral cavity attach to small wounds and an unpleasant odor appears.

The remaining teeth are splinted using special devices. This helps to maintain the alveolar ridge. Next, they begin to restore bone tissue. Nowadays, the method of introducing the so-called artificial bone is quite popular. It really helps to restore bone tissue partially. Laser treatment of periodontal disease has an excellent effect. The light of the Heleneon laser destroys pathogenic microbes and improves tissue trophism.

It's actually easier to warn...

The fundamental factor is oral hygiene. Yes, no matter how trivial it may sound, hygiene plays a huge role not only in the prevention of diseases of the hard tissues of the tooth, but also periodontal disease.

An effective treatment for periodontal disease has not yet been created, but there are plenty of preventive measures. They are simple and do not require specific knowledge and skills. Everyone knows that teeth should be brushed at least twice a day, but for some reason many people forget to care for the spaces between teeth.

Remains of food, clogging between teeth, create an excellent environment for microorganisms. They actively multiply and affect the periodontium. To eliminate everything that has accumulated in this space, you need to use dental floss. It is used after every meal. Some types of floss are impregnated with antiseptic, sodium fluorides, and fragrance. They will not only remove food debris, but also carry out an antiseptic treatment, giving freshness to your breath.

Dental floss effectively cleans the space between teeth

If you don’t have threads on hand, it is recommended to use them after every meal. chewing gum. It should be used no more than 20 minutes. This is enough to have the necessary impact. Consuming solid vegetables and fruits after the main meal is also very beneficial. Firstly, it helps cleanse the periodontium, secondly, it trains it well, and thirdly, they always contain a large amount of useful substances that will strengthen the tissue from the inside.

This effectively helps in preventing the disease of the electric brush. She makes much more movements than a person with his own hand. The movements are quite similar to micromassage, which is so necessary for periodontal disease.

Treatment for periodontal disease is not necessary if you stick to a simple diet. First of all, you should limit your consumption of sweets. Not unimportant are bad habits. Smoking contributes to the narrowing of capillaries, which disrupts blood circulation throughout the body, and therefore the nutrition of certain organs with useful substances.

Treatment with traditional methods

If the disease occurs, the question arises, how to stop periodontal disease? And is this even possible? Modern dentistry has stepped forward in solving this problem and today we can safely say that it is possible to defeat periodontal disease.

It's worth starting with the simplest the right choice toothpaste. They are designed specifically for people with this problem. They contain extracts of medicinal herbs that can locally enhance immunity and fight disease. For several years now, the toothpastes “Forest Balsam” and “Parodontol” have held leading positions.

Toothpaste “Forest Balm” for the prevention of gum disease

Here you also need to think about the brush. It is advisable to have two of them, one soft and the other hard. A stiff bristle brush should be used several times a week to additional effect massage.

Massage as the basis of therapeutic effects

All types of massage play a special role in the treatment of periodontal disease. Its advantage is that the patient is able to perform this procedure independently. If purulent exudate appears or is present, independent digital massage is contraindicated. Even people with healthy periodontium will only benefit from such procedures.

The effect of massage on the gums is as follows:

  1. Effect on biologically active points, for stimulation protective properties body;
  2. Improving blood supply to soft tissues;
  3. Delivery of useful substances to the periodontium to withstand an aggressive environment.

Massage is carried out from the oral and vestibular surfaces, using the index and thumb. Movements are carried out according to the movement of food, while applying light pressure. It is better to perform the manipulation before bedtime, after cleaning hygiene care behind the oral cavity.

Massaging gums with periodontal disease can be done with your fingers

For achievement best effect Before the massage, you can apply gels or ointments used in the treatment of periodontal disease. A high positive effect was observed with methyluracil. Ordinary Bee Honey is a natural complex containing biologically active substances. When massaging, it is recommended to apply it to the gums, several times during the procedure. Massage time is 3-5 minutes.

Conservative therapy

Treatment of periodontal disease is always comprehensive. So, at the general level of impact, vitamin-mineral complexes are used, which strengthen the body and help it fight negative factors. Immunostimulants are drugs that help artificially launch the body's defenses.

Periodontal disease is sometimes treated with antibiotics. They are prescribed for complications accompanied by an inflammatory process. In other cases, antibacterial therapy is pointless. They are usually administered intramuscularly, but for minor lesions they can be prescribed as rinses or injections directly into the gums. To accurately select a drug, it is recommended to do a bacteriological study.

Injections into the gums are also done with other drugs. For example, biogenic stimulants, they improve tissue growth and regeneration. If, with periodontal disease, there is scar tissue that has formed due to early operations, then enzyme injections are recommended. Ribonuclease is an enzyme that helps repair tissue and enhance the formation of blood vessels. The anabolic substance methyluracil also promotes growth and recovery.

Physiotherapy comes to the rescue

Physiotherapy can be used in parallel with drug therapy. They seem to add a positive effect in treatment, thanks to their unique independent properties.

The most common is electrophoresis. This is the delivery of medicinal substances using electric current, into the pathological focus. During electrophoresis, calcium, copper, trypsin, vitamins and fluorides are most often used.

Laser treatment of periodontal disease is widely used. The most effective treatment is considered to be irradiation directly in the oral cavity using special dental attachments. The laser helps regeneration, stimulates metabolic processes in tissues, enhances the growth of fibroblasts, which in turn accelerates the course of the wound process.

Laser treatment of gums

One of the types of physiotherapeutic procedures is vacuum massage. It is carried out using special tips. With its help, they achieve the opening of the so-called hidden reserve vessels to improve periodontal nutrition.

A similar massage is carried out using water and special devices. Hematomas are not created here and reserve forces are not activated. Water in a natural way trains the vessels of soft tissues, making them more elastic, capable of nourishing the tissues with the necessary amount of internal fluids.

Treatment with traditional methods

Is it possible to cure periodontal disease on your own? Perhaps yes, but the first action should be taken by a doctor. The fact is that without his intervention, they often achieve only remission, and even then not for long. The arsenal of this type of treatment consists mainly of folk remedies with their own recipes.

Many of these recipes have long been adopted by traditional medicine. For example, dentists often recommend rinsing the mouth for periodontal disease with infusions of oak bark, lingonberry, violet, and calendula.

Many medicines grow right under our feet, but we often don’t notice them. For example, plantain can be found in almost any part of Russia

Treatment of periodontal disease folk remedies, provides for the use various means depending even on the severity of the disease. So, for loose gums, it is recommended to rinse with a decoction of walnut leaves. If the process is accompanied by severe destruction and loosening of the teeth, then an infusion of horse sorrel, cinquefoil and sauerkraut juice is used.

If the loss of teeth is already quite large, then prosthetics are performed in the treatment of periodontal disease. The choice of prosthesis is up to the patient, but you should always listen to the doctor’s opinion.

Radical measures are surgical intervention. However, it shows an excellent effect in the early stages of the disease. In an advanced form, such manipulations have to be carried out after some time.

Treatment of periodontal disease with Dead Sea mud

A video has been posted on YouTube in which a woman claims to have cured atrophic periodontal disease with Dead Sea mud. Before a specialist comments on this treatment method, watch the video.

So, we asked the dentist to comment on this video:

“Periodontal disease is an irreversible disease. It cannot be cured, you can only achieve stable remission and then using complex methods of influence. They include medical, surgical and physiotherapeutic treatments. What the woman offers is one of the types of physiotherapeutic effects.

In order for the gums to “tighten up” from physiotherapy, it is advisable to use different types massage (vacuum, finger). Carry out darsonvalization and fluctuarization, electrophoresis with trypsin, vitamins and microelements, calcium and fluorine. Sometimes UV irradiation and heleneon laser. Surgical method will really have an effect, but everything is very, very individual. With this method, they can now restore the bone by adding so-called artificial bone tissue, and the gums will also be tightened. This may all be temporary, but again it’s temporary, as the stabilization of the process will last for several years.

The whole question is the cause of the disease. There are local and common factors. Local are inadequate hygiene and structural features of the maxillofacial area, and general are, as a rule, metabolic disorders, diseases endocrine system. And yet, she says that the body needs to accumulate some useful material. Even a person without medical education knows that the body is not able to accumulate them, they must be supplied constantly. That's why it's worth eating fruits and vegetables all year round!

There is a clear hidden advertisement in the video. This is a PR move. As if not by chance, she reads and indicates the manufacturer of the mud. If during periodontal disease, as she says, she had loose teeth, then this is already the third stage of the severity of the disease. with her, NOT ONE DIRT WILL HELP, ONLY SURGICAL WAY. The teeth must also be splinted so as not to lose the last ones! I don’t deny that such dirt will be useful, but I say again, only in complex treatment.”

From the comment professional dentist, it becomes clear that it is impossible to cure periodontal disease with Dead Sea mud.

There are many ways to prevent and treat oral diseases at home. Among them is gum massage , which is useful for various inflammatory, degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the periodontal mucosa.

With its help, you can significantly improve the condition of periodontal inflammation, alveolar processes, for periodontal disease and gingivitis, as well as reduce bleeding and pain. Manipulation around the cervical part of dental crowns is also good for increased susceptibility to plaque formation.

In dental clinics you can use the services of specialists using special instruments. But you can take care of your oral health at home. To do this, you can purchase special devices, as well as use improvised means - a regular brush and even your own fingers.

There are several types of manipulation:

  • mechanical massage of the gums with a toothbrush for periodontitis;
  • hydromassage using an irrigator;
  • massaging with fingers;
  • vacuum massage using a special device.


You can massage the periodontium for the following diseases:

  • chronic periodontitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis;
  • bleeding

Any degenerative-dystrophic phenomena in the oral cavity are indications for self-massage. It is also recommended for conditions in which there is a predisposition to bleeding and various pathologies. However, it is better to use this technique carefully in cases of fragility of small blood vessels due to vitamin C deficiency, as well as anemia.

Gum massage for periodontitis is one of the available and safe ways eliminate inflammatory process, restore impaired blood circulation and blood stagnation in various dystrophic conditions.

Contraindications to manipulation

The procedure is contraindicated in the following conditions:

It is done with caution when using orthodontic structures (braces, plates), after complex dentofacial surgical operations, immediately after tooth extraction, whitening procedures.

Important! If there are any inflammatory, degenerative diseases oral cavity, it is better to consult with your doctor - a dentist or periodontist.

Periodontal massage technique

There are several types of self-massage using manual and hardware methods. The most accessible and simplest of them is massaging using a regular brush with medium-hard bristles. Efficiency depends on correct movement technique. It must be held at an angle of 45 degrees, moving from the crowns to the tissues. There is no need to massage the teeth; the main attention should be paid to the soft tissues.

  1. Make circular movements, simultaneously grasping the visible part of the crown and the periodontium. The movements should be shaking, the direction can be changed - clockwise, counterclockwise.
  2. Apply the brush at an angle of 45 degrees to the upper or lower jaw and press several times on the mucous membrane so that it turns pale and pink again.
  3. Close your teeth and make circular movements in a free manner.
  4. Move from the cutting part of the crown downwards, massaging the teeth and tissues at the same time.

Important! Using a brush, you can not only massage periodontitis, but also effectively remove plaque from food particles, dark pigments from coffee and tea. Self-massage helps prevent the formation of tartar. It is important to do it regularly, every day while brushing your teeth.

Other methods of influence

Vacuum self-massage is done using a special device that creates negative pressure. This contact method, suggesting a direct effect on the mucous membrane. This method is very effective in increasing blood circulation, but the procedure itself can be quite painful for the gums.

After it, hematomas often remain, and bleeding may temporarily increase. A massager for hygienic manipulations can be purchased in specialized stores, or ask your dentist about the possibility of purchasing it at the clinic.

Massaging for periodontitis with your fingers is another accessible method. The technique is simple: you need to press on the tissues near the dental crowns, moving from the molars to the incisors. Movements can be circular, linear, zigzag, pressure force is medium.

Important! The tissues in the oral cavity should only be massaged with clean fingers. Before doing a massage, it is advisable to wash your hands with antibacterial soap so as not to provoke an infection. After completing it, it is advisable to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth clean water with a special lotion (sold in stores and pharmacies).

You can entrust hydromassage to a specialist dental clinic, and if you have an irrigator - a special device for hygiene - carry it out at home. The water jet has a selective effect on tissue, activating pain relief points and stimulating blood circulation. Many people find it pleasurable due to stimulation nerve endings alveolar processes.


Massage with a brush, water jet or vacuum apparatuseffective method self-treatment and prevention of periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis at home. When performed correctly, blood supply is restored, inflammation goes away, and degenerative processes in soft tissues slow down. An important bonus of this effect is the elimination of plaque and the prevention of tartar.

Video - Gum massage

But, paying the main attention to the teeth, everyone completely forgets to massage the gums at the end of this simple, understandable, familiar procedure. But massage is the most the best remedy prevention and (in some situations) treatment of periodontal diseases. It is not at all difficult to devote 4-7 minutes to massaging your gums once a day, while the result of absolutely simple manipulations becomes immediately obvious!

The positive aspects of such procedures are that the density of the mucous membrane increases, and the soft tissues of the oral cavity become more resistant to irritating external factors. Due to increased blood and lymph flow, bleeding and swelling of the gums are reduced. Blood circulation in the gums improves, metabolic processes are normalized, congestion disappears, which together improves the nutrition of periodontal tissues and affects the condition of not only the gums, but also the teeth.

Let's look at the basic techniques for performing gum massage.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that you only need to massage your gums with a regular toothbrush once a day, in the morning. It is quite intense, so if the procedure is performed twice a day, the enamel on the necks of the teeth can be significantly damaged.

Currently, several techniques have been developed for brushing teeth with simultaneous massage of the gums.

Attention! Massage techniques Hirschfeld, Bell and Fones are recommended for use by people with healthy teeth and gums. The methods of Shtilman and Charters are better suited for patients with periodontitis and periodontal disease.

You can use your fingers to perform direct (acting directly on the mucous membrane) and indirect (from the outside of the cheek) massage of the gums. Only the thumb and index fingers are used.

You should always start a finger massage from the central part of the jaw, gradually moving your fingers to the sides. Movements on the upper jaw are directed downward, on the lower jaw - upward.

You need to massage your gums in a gentle, non-provocative manner. painful sensations, with smooth circular movements. The fingers are moved along vectors that repeat the movement of food in the mouth during chewing. The massage is performed first on the upper and then on the lower jaw.

The technique of finger massage of the gums involves the use of three main movements:

  • - Stroking. The massage begins with it and ends with it. If there are signs of stagnation or swelling in the tissues, stroking begins with the healthy part of the gums, gradually moving on to massaging the affected area.
  • - Rubbing. It is performed with strong pressure on the mucous membrane and underlying tissues. First, individual areas of the gums are rubbed with rotational movements, then, moving the fingers as if in a spiral, the alveolar edges of the jaws are processed.
  • - Squeezing. The fingers perform rotational and vertical movements at the same moment.
  • - Squeezing. It is performed with two fingers at the same time - the index finger and thumb seem to squeeze the gum for a few seconds.

A finger massage of the gums takes no more than 7 minutes. To make it even more effective, it is recommended to use propolis-based therapeutic and prophylactic agents during the procedure. Such preparations are available in various forms - solutions, emulsions, gels.

Propolis has long been used very successfully in the fight against various dental diseases thanks to the bioactive elements, vitamins, phenolic compounds, and vitamin complex it contains.

During a massage, the components of such drugs easily penetrate the mucous membrane, enhancing healing effect procedures. It has been proven that propolis helps reduce the number of enzymes by 70%, thereby reducing the risk of pathogenic microflora accumulating on the surface of the teeth and in the gum pockets.

Thus, gum massage is beneficial in every way. And it's never too late to start doing it. Even when problems with gum health already exist, because massage can and should be considered as one of the most physiological therapeutic methods.

It should not be performed only in the presence of acute inflammatory phenomena, accompanied by bleeding and discharge of purulent fluid from the gum pockets.

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