Detox diet: everything you need to know about smoothies to lose weight. Detox cocktails: recipes. Who needs a detox program and what is it?

Ecology of nutrition: For you a list of the most delicious and healthy smoothie recipes in the best traditions of detox, which will help cleanse the body and improve well-being.

Over the past few years, the number of mentions of the word “detox” has increased significantly. Apologists healthy eating And the right image people really love this system and find many advantages in it. Let's figure out together what the essence of detox is.

Modern man is especially susceptible to harmful influences from the outside: a bad environment, constant stress, poor quality of products. A detox is a kind of vacation for the body, during which it gets rid of waste, toxins and other harmful substances that adversely affect a person’s overall health.

Normalization of the digestive system, beautiful hair, nails and skin, good mood And deep sleep- here is just an incomplete list of miracles that detox works on the body. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to go on a detox diet to achieve the effect and improve your well-being. It is enough to include in your diet several multivitamin products that have a cleansing effect. The simplest thing is to combine them in one drink, an invigorating smoothie.

We have compiled for you a list of the most delicious and healthy smoothie recipes in the best detox traditions that will help cleanse the body and improve well-being.

A small portion of spinach is enough to replenish daily requirement body in some vitamins and nutrients. Take 350 milliliters of water, add 3 bananas, a generous bunch of spinach leaves, the juice of half a lemon or lime and mix well in a blender.

2. Blueberries + banana + lemon + celery

Blueberries are very tasty and healthy berry. It strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on human vision. Mix 2 bananas, 3 tablespoons blueberries, juice of 1/3 lemon, 2-3 stalks of celery, and a glass of water in a blender. Your nutritious smoothie is ready!

3. Celery + spinach + lime + banana

Celery is a food that not only has the ability to burn extra calories, but is also rich in vitamins and nutrients. Prepare a green smoothie: in a blender, beat 2 stalks of celery, a glass of spinach leaves, a glass of water, the juice of half a lime, 1 banana. A multivitamin cocktail in your hands!

A very interesting and healthy combination is banana and spinach. Bananas perfectly lift your spirits, relieve fatigue and energize you. Combine 1 cup fresh spinach leaves, 2 bananas, 1 apple, 1 cup water, juice of half a lemon and blend in a blender.

5. Cucumber + lettuce + lemon + honey

Such a simple drink can also please the taste buds. Cucumber has the ability to remove toxins from the body, and lettuce leaves are a rich source of vitamin E. Preparing a smoothie is very simple and quick: beat in a blender a bunch of lettuce leaves, 1 medium cucumber, previously peeled, juice of half a lemon, 1 glass of water, a spoonful of honey .

6. Carrots + beets + celery + cucumber + apple + parsley + ginger

We are preparing a thick smoothie that combines a powerful dose of vitamins and bright colors. In a blender you need to mix 1 carrot, 1 beet, 1 stalk of celery, 1 cucumber, 2 apples, a bunch of parsley and a small amount of ginger. Tasty and healthy.

7. Spinach + lettuce + celery + pear + banana + lemon

This smoothie will be a wonderful breakfast that will inspire you to new feats and lift your spirits. In addition, the drink will strengthen the immune system and the body's defenses. Take a handful of spinach leaves, 5 lettuce leaves, 3 celery stalks, 1 pear, 1 banana, lemon or lime juice, 1.5 cups of water. Wash, chop and place in a blender.

8. Carrot + apple + ginger + banana + orange + mint

Even just one look at this bright and juicy drink will lift your mood. Take 3 carrots, 2 green apples, a piece of ginger, 2 bananas, 1 orange, a handful of mint leaves. You need to make juice from carrots, apples and oranges and then mix them in a blender with other ingredients. Don't forget to treat a friend, because the recipe is for 2 servings.

9. Strawberry + lingonberry + banana + mint

A refreshing and juicy smoothie option is the Berry Mint Smoothie. Take 200 grams of frozen strawberries, 150 grams of frozen lingonberries, cranberries or cherries, 2 bananas, 1 glass of mint leaves, 1 glass of water. Mix all ingredients and place in a blender. Voila! A delicious smoothie is ready.

10. Banana + apple + bran + cilantro

A great start to the day can only be with a smoothie, which contains many healthy ingredients. Take half a banana, half a green apple, 1 tablespoon bran, a bunch of cilantro, basil, spinach or mint and blend well in a blender. It’s better to choose just one green so as not to mix the flavors.

11. Cucumber + spinach + pineapple + green tea + lemon + ginger

Smoothies can also be made using green tea. This drink will be rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth: 1 cucumber, 2 bunches of spinach, 2 cups of chopped pineapple, a cup of brewed green tea, juice of half a lemon, ginger root.

12. Grapefruit + flaxseeds + strawberries + grapes + avocado + banana + lemon

This smoothie contains a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and improves overall well-being. Grind a spoonful of flaxseeds in a blender. Then throw in all the other ingredients: half a grapefruit, 15 frozen strawberries, a handful of seedless grapes, half an avocado, 1 banana, the juice of half a lemon or lime. Mix well.

13. Apple + lemon + cucumber

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, and apple is rich in iron and pectin. Why not combine these ingredients in one drink? Mix 1 apple, juice of half a lemon in a blender and add 2 cucumbers.

14. Pineapple + kiwi + cucumber + lemon

This smoothie contains delicious and sweet fruits - pineapple and kiwi. They are also very useful for strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body. Blend in a blender until smooth: 1 kiwi, 1 cucumber, half a small pineapple and the juice of 1 lemon. The smoothie is ready!

15. Avocado + banana + orange + greens + lemon

Avocado is a very valuable and nutritious fruit that should definitely be included in your diet. You can add vitamins and make a smoothie from avocados. Peel 1 banana and 1 orange and place in a blender along with the avocado pulp. Add herbs, a glass of water and the juice of half a lemon. A healthy cocktail is ready!

16. Apple + celery + cucumber + beets + ginger

All the ingredients are very simple, and the effect is impressive. Take 3 green apples, 1 stalk of celery, 1 cucumber, 1 small beetroot and ginger root. Mix everything well in a blender. Hooray! You can enjoy a tasty and healthy drink.

17. Cucumber + parsley

Yes, yes, this drink only has two ingredients. But what kind! Cucumber is 99% water, and parsley is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. Such an amazing combination of freshness and benefits will not leave anyone indifferent.

18. Ginger + spinach + apple + honey

This smoothie, due to its valuable composition, will give a head start to, perhaps, everyone. Ginger is a very effective anti-inflammatory agent that is also a valuable source of vitamins. Combine 2 large handfuls of spinach, 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger root, 2 apples, 2 teaspoons honey and water in a blender. Water can be added gradually until you reach the desired consistency.

Pomegranate is very useful for work of cardio-vascular system. And the sour blueberry helps strengthen the immune system and stay healthy. Combine them in a juicy smoothie. In a blender, puree 3/4 cup frozen blueberries, 1 cup pomegranate juice, 1 peeled apple, 1 peeled cucumber, and a small handful of spinach leaves.

20. Orange + grapefruit + lemon + green tea + banana + honey

Why not make a mix of the most beneficial detox foods? This is undoubtedly green tea and citrus fruits. In a blender, add 1 peeled orange, half a grapefruit, the juice of half a lemon, a glass of chilled green tea, 1 softened banana and a teaspoon of honey. Beat well.

21. Broccoli + cauliflower+ grapefruit + flax seeds + almonds + dates

All cabbage, without exception, is a valuable source of B vitamins and improves the functioning of the digestive system. We prepare smoothies from several types at once. Take a few florets of broccoli, a few florets of cauliflower, half a grapefruit, 1 teaspoon of flax seeds, a small handful of almonds and 4 dates and blend well in a blender until smooth.

22. Banana + apple juice + carrots + lemon

Take 1 banana, 1 glass of apple juice, 2 tablespoons of sliced ​​carrots and the juice of half a lemon. Beat all ingredients thoroughly in a blender until smooth and enjoy the juicy and refreshing taste of a healthy drink.

23. Carrots + tomatoes + celery + olive oil + salt + pepper

To prepare this nutritious smoothie you need to take 2 tomatoes, 1 stalk of celery, 1 teaspoon olive oil, salt, pepper to taste. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well. So the charge of vitamins and vigor is ready!

24. Kiwi + pear + parsley + banana

Kiwi contains almost all known vitamins, such as A, groups B, C, E, PP, as well as minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus. Try making a delicious smoothie from this fruit. Mix 3 kiwis, 1 large sweet pear, a large bunch of parsley, half a banana, 250 milliliters of water in a blender.

25. Beets + radishes + carrots + garlic + parsley

Vegetable smoothies are even healthier than fruit smoothies, as they contain more healthy fiber. Regular consumption of this drink will help not only strengthen the immune system, but also get rid of extra pounds. Grind 1 medium-sized beet, 3 carrots, 1 radish, 2 cloves of garlic and a large handful of parsley in a blender.

26. Pineapple + carrots + apple

This smoothie features the tropical fruit pineapple. It has a fat-burning effect, and also contains substances that increase the activity of enzymes, which has a positive effect on general health person. Take half a pineapple, 2 apples and 2 carrots. Cut all the fruits into small pieces and blend in a blender. You can serve it and enjoy the sweet taste!

27. Carrots + tomatoes + bell peppers + garlic + celery + watercress + spinach

Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which has a positive effect on a person’s appearance, restores a fresh and rested appearance, and gives a boost of vivacity and energy. Add to 5 carrots a couple of tomatoes, 2 red bell peppers, 4 cloves of garlic, 4 sprigs of celery, 1 cup of watercress and 1 cup of spinach. The result will be a killer drink in a good way!

28. Almonds + dates + honey + cinnamon + mint

Nuts are very beneficial for the body. First of all, this is due to high content vitamin E in their composition. Blend a handful of raw almonds, 1 cup water, 2 pitted dates, 1 teaspoon honey, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, and a handful of mint in a blender until smooth.

29. Banana + almonds + cinnamon + salt

A simplified version of a smoothie with banana, which nevertheless does not become less healthy. Add here spicy cinnamon, which has a positive effect on the digestive system and helps control appetite. Combine 1 banana, 15 raw almonds, 1 cup water, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, and a pinch of salt in a blender.

30. Bell pepper + lemon

Choose green bell peppers. It is considered more useful if you decide to cleanse your body of waste and toxins. This smoothie will become an excellent remedy against chronic fatigue and bad mood. Mix 2 bell peppers and the juice of half a lemon in a blender. A charge of vitamins and joy is guaranteed! published

What could be healthier than natural fruits, berries, and vegetables? Only fruit and berry mix, which is drunk immediately after preparation. Regular consumption of smoothies will help you lose weight, improve your internal organs, strengthen your immune system and other body systems, and improve the condition of your skin and hair. Berry or fruit and vegetable thick juices are a storehouse of valuable nutrients that give you energy for the whole day, and at the same time get rid of extra pounds.

What are the benefits of diet smoothies for the body?

The word smooth is translated from English as soft, gentle. In England, smoothies are consumed as a light snack or lunch by adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The drink is considered a tasty and healthy alternative to “fast food” - it is easy and simple to prepare, relieves fatigue, and activates reserves. vital energy, promotes cleansing, breaks down fat cells. The term de-tox means ridding the body of toxic substances.

Slagging and intoxication are a blow to health and beauty, which leads to metabolic disorders, various pathologies, and excess weight. Heavy metals and other harmful substances, accumulating in tissues, weaken immune system. Slagging indicates that the body does not have time to remove toxic compounds from organs, cells, and blood. It is possible to help your body get rid of harmful accumulations by consuming detox smoothies for weight loss that contain a large amount of antioxidants.

Detoxification is a program that is especially relevant for people who eat unnatural foods, drink alcohol or drinks with artificial ingredients, smoke, and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Cleansing from waste and toxins is the key to restoring health, slimness, and beauty. A short express course of cleansing lasts 3–5 days, and a comprehensive detoxification will take about three weeks. Dietary detox smoothies for cleansing the body have a number of advantages:

  1. The miraculous drink is prepared from seasonal berries, fruits, and vegetables. The variety of vitamins, minerals and other valuable microelements contained in fresh fruits and berries, easily absorbed by the digestive tract.
  2. Juice with pulp does not cause heaviness in the stomach, but on the contrary, improves activity gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The puree drink is very satisfying and provides a person with the necessary nutrients for the whole day. Fast and long-lasting saturation occurs due to fiber. Alimentary fiber In addition to satiety, they help improve digestion and cleanse the intestines.
  4. Freshly squeezed juice with pulp is a low-calorie gastronomic dish. A week spent on fruit and berry drinks with pulp will help burn about 7 kg of body fat. By drinking a detox smoothie, a person does not experience stress and discomfort from the painful feeling of hunger, but, on the contrary, feels a surge of vigor.
  5. An organic drink is easy to prepare - load the ingredients into a blender, grind them, pour the contents into a glass, drink in small sips or eat with a teaspoon.
  6. A cocktail of fresh fruits and berries is amazingly delicious. Everyone will be able to appreciate the rich taste and pleasant aroma by making fresh juice with pulp from the ingredients they prefer.

Puree juice differs from solid food in the order in which nutrients are absorbed. Ordinary foods, crushed in the mouth to the consistency of mush, enter first the stomach and then the intestines, where the final breakdown of microelements occurs with the help of enzymes. Freshly squeezed juice with pulp begins to be absorbed immediately when it enters the stomach, after which the nutrients are carried by the blood throughout the body.

How to lose weight with detox smoothies

People who want to lose weight or care about their health consume a unique vegetable, berry or fruit cocktail instead of the main meal. Homemade detox smoothies for weight loss are a complete meal that gives a powerful energy boost thanks to the multivitamin composition. A nourishing “live” drink is ideal for fasting days, diets, sports nutrition.

To lose weight with freshly prepared detox smoothies, they usually replace second breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snack, but juices with pulp can also be consumed as the first meal or dinner. A long-term change from the traditional way of eating to fruit and berry smoothies is possible after preliminary preparation. Abrupt transition for vegetable, fruit or berry fresh juices with pulp is contraindicated in case of severe slagging, large overweight body, some diseases.

A week-long detox program will help you say goodbye to 3-7 extra pounds. The first breakfast should consist of highly nutritious foods. The second meal closer to noon, lunch and afternoon snack are replaced with a serving of smoothie. Drinks are made varied; during the day it is advisable to drink freshly squeezed juices with pulp from vegetables, fruits, and berries. Have dinner with salads or other easily digestible dishes at your discretion.

Fat burning cocktails

Detox smoothie for weight loss accelerates metabolism, improves digestion, removes toxic components, saturates useful microelements. Natural cocktails delight the taste buds and increase the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness). Fat burning drinks increase energy, which promotes weight loss by increasing motor activity.

To prepare fat-burning cocktails, mix fruits with hot seasonings(cinnamon, ginger and other spices), which accelerate blood and accelerate metabolism. Fruits that promote the rapid breakdown of fat deposits are citrus fruits (lemon, grapefruit, orange), kiwi, pineapple, green apples, pomegranates. The combination of sweet and sour fruits with berries containing large quantities of fruit acids, such as cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, gooseberries, and currants, enhances the weight loss effect.

The acid content has a beneficial effect on fat accumulation, but has a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and tooth enamel. For this reason, fat-burning detox smoothies when losing weight should not be drunk on an empty stomach. To reduce the concentration of fruit acids, vitamin drink diluted with water. The components of the fat burning cocktail are contraindicated for gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, diabetes mellitus.

Low calorie smoothies

Low-calorie “live” cocktails remove from 300 to 800 grams of body fat per day. The guaranteed weight loss effect is achieved by using the body's accumulated energy resources in the form of fat. To achieve quick results, low-calorie smoothies are consumed throughout the day, replacing all meals with freshly squeezed juices with pulp, except for a hearty breakfast and a light dinner.

The drink is prepared mainly from vegetables, herbs, citrus fruits, berries - they contain the fewest calories. The nutritional value is enhanced by adding flax, sesame or amaranth seeds, rich in protein, amino acids, and all kinds of useful microelements. Natural freshly squeezed juice with pulp gives vitality, gives a great mood, and relieves depression.

Green smoothies detox

Most vegetables have a fat-burning effect: avocados, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, beets, broccoli, pumpkin, etc. To enhance and accelerate fat burning, dill, curly parsley, cilantro, basil and other herbs are added to green smoothies for weight loss. In order for the cocktail to satisfy the human need for proteins and fats, flaxseed, pumpkin, sesame, and hemp seeds are used.

Affordable and ideal source protein and essential fatty acids – walnuts. They have a beneficial effect on the brain, saturate with fatty acids (omega-3, 6), proteins and other useful microelements. The nutritional value of green juices with pulp is also enhanced by cashews, hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts and other nuts. Vegetables, herbs and nuts satisfy the daily need for proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The body will take the carbohydrates missing for full metabolism from fat reserves - this is the quick process of losing weight with vegetable smoothies.

Smoothie recipes for weight loss - top 10

Depending on its purpose, the cocktail can be cleansing, fat-burning, or combined. By mixing juicy fruits and berries, you get light fruit, vegetable, and berry juices with pulp. To prepare not only a vitamin-mineral, but also a protein drink rich in proteins and amino acids, add nuts, eggs, milk (almond, soy, rice, etc.), yogurt, kefir, whey, protein powder, sprouted grains.

Kiwi with banana and spinach

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 57 kcal per 100 g.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Freshly squeezed juice with pulp is a real energy generator, thanks to its multivitamin composition. Spinach cleanses and heals, kiwi burns body fat, banana has high nutritional value. Juice from green apples is used as a liquid base; it perfectly interrupts the taste of spinach and preserves it. beneficial features. You can increase the satiety of the drink with nuts and seeds.


  • kiwi – 150 grams (2 pieces);
  • banana – 300 g (2 pieces);
  • spinach – 70 g (1 bunch);
  • green apple juice – 300 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the kiwi and banana.
  2. Cut the fruit into several pieces.
  3. Rinse spinach under running water.
  4. Place all ingredients in a blender.
  5. Grind until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  6. Pour into glasses.

Tangerine, blueberry and yogurt smoothie

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 31 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A tangerine-blueberry cocktail based on low-calorie yogurt is a storehouse of many vitamins and minerals. The drink has an unusually pleasant tangerine aroma and taste; blueberries add sweetness with a slight hint of sourness and tartness. Yogurt for the base is taken with zero fat content, the fermented milk product promotes satiety.


  • tangerine – 200 grams (4 pieces);
  • blueberries – 200 g;
  • yogurt – 300 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the tangerines.
  2. Rinse the berries under running water.
  3. Grind tangerines and blueberries in a blender.
  4. Pour yogurt over fruit and berry mixture.
  5. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  6. Pour into glasses.


  • Time: 12 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 45 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The extraordinary combination of two fruits beloved by many forms a wonderful duet of flavors, and this rich palette is complemented by cinnamon, which fits perfectly with the aroma of oranges and apples. Both fruits have the unique ability to charge energy, like a battery, throughout the day. Of all the citrus fruits, oranges are the most delicious fat burners. Apples, due to their abundance of fiber and pectin, provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Cinnamon speeds up metabolism, improves the functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.


  • apple – 350 grams (2 pieces);
  • orange – 300 g (2 pieces);
  • cinnamon – 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the apple and cut it into 4–6 pieces.
  2. Remove the peel from the orange and divide it into slices.
  3. Mix the ingredients in a blender.
  4. Pour into glasses, add 2 ice cubes.
  5. Sprinkle cinnamon on top and garnish with mint leaves.

Orange with ginger

  • Time: 18 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 65 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

An orange smoothie with the addition of ginger root can... short time get rid of extra pounds. Both components accelerate metabolism, increase blood circulation, and break down fat cells. Fresh ginger, thanks to its spicy-pungent taste, adds piquancy to a thick orange drink. A handful of walnuts Due to the content of fatty acids and proteins, it provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness, eliminating the possibility of frequent snacking or overeating.


  • orange – 450 grams (3 pieces);
  • ginger – 100 g (1 piece);
  • walnuts – 20 grams (4 pieces).

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the peel from the citrus fruits.
  2. Divide the orange into slices.
  3. Peel the ginger and cut it into slices.
  4. Place ingredients in a mixing bowl.
  5. Mix orange and ginger until smooth.
  6. Pour into glasses, sprinkle with nut crumbs.

Smoothie cucumber parsley and celery

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 15 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A vegetable smoothie with greens is an ideal drink for satiation and getting rid of excess body weight. Fragrant celery normalizes water-salt balance, improves metabolism, improves intestinal motility. The herbaceous plant takes a long time to digest, which eliminates the desire to snack. Curly curly grass has a unique advantage - it is a negative calorie food. Cucumber consists of 95% structured water, contains fiber, potassium, iodine and many other valuable substances, so the fruit is a companion to most diets.


  • cucumber – 200 grams (2 pieces);
  • parsley – 30 g (1 bunch);
  • celery – 280 g (4 sprigs).

Cooking method:

  1. Wash green smoothie ingredients.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into cubes.
  3. Chop parsley and celery.
  4. Place the ingredients in a blender container.
  5. Grind the ingredients.
  6. Pour the mixture into glasses.

From cabbage and carrots

  • Time: 16 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 42 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Cabbage and carrot juice with pulp provides the body with most of the components necessary for life. Cabbage is a food with a negative calorie content - the body spends more energy on its digestion than the vegetable contains. Carrots, thanks to fructose, glucose, and fiber, provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Both vegetables act as a “brush” for the intestinal tract - they free it from everything unnecessary and poisonous, eliminate putrefactive microflora, and kill harmful microorganisms.


  • cabbage – 300 grams;
  • carrots – 150 g (2 pieces).

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the vegetables.
  2. Cut off the required amount of cabbage.
  3. Cut the ingredients into small pieces and transfer to a blender.
  4. Grind the ingredients and pour into glasses.
  5. Decorate the fresh vegetable with pulp with sprigs of parsley or dill.

Carrot-beetroot cocktail

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 39 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European, Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A detox drink made from carrots and beets is a panacea for many pathologies, a real natural “pharmacy”. A cleansing and at the same time healing drink made from incredibly healthy root vegetables not only promotes weight loss, but also helps in the health of everyone internal organs and systems. Beets and carrots are unique in their composition of nutrients; root vegetables rejuvenate the body, cleanse blood vessels, increase endurance, and help remove toxic compounds.


  • carrots – 150 grams (2 pieces);
  • beets – 250 g (2 pieces).

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the vegetables and peel them.
  2. Cut into pieces.
  3. Place in a blender and blend until smooth.
  4. Pour the vegetable mixture into glasses and garnish with sprigs of herbs.

Detox with kefir and oatmeal

  • Time: 8 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 114 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Both products are distinguished by health benefits, contribute to the acquisition of harmony, and the elimination of toxic substances. Dishes based on kefir with rolled oats perfectly fill you up and suppress the feeling of hunger for a long period. Oats are one of the healthiest grains, which, due to the presence of hard fibers, removes undigested food and harmful compounds from the digestive tract. Kefir restores the correct microflora in the intestines.


Cooking method:

  1. Pour kefir into the oatmeal in a ratio of 1:2.
  2. Leave for 7-8 hours (ideally overnight, so you can have a diet dish for breakfast in the morning).
  3. Add raisins, honey, nuts, dried fruits (optional).
  4. Eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly.

Celery and grapefruit for weight loss

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 25 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A detox cocktail made from grapefruit and celery can rid a person’s body of extra pounds in a matter of days, satiate useful components, improve the functioning of internal organs, improve skin condition. Grapefruit is considered natural antibiotic, is a healing remedy against many diseases. Frequent consumption of citrus fruit helps break down lipids, and celery promotes the rapid removal of destroyed fat cells, stagnant fluid, and toxic compounds.


  • grapefruit – 900 grams (2 pieces);
  • celery – 280 g (4 stalks).

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the grapefruit and celery with water.
  2. Remove the peel from the citrus fruit and divide it into slices.
  3. Chop the celery stalks so that they can be easily placed in the blender.
  4. Place the ingredients in the bowl of the grinder.
  5. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  6. Pour into glasses.

Cleansing with prunes on kefir

  • Time: 12 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 68 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Kefir with prunes perfectly cleanses the body, normalizes microflora, and gets rid of excess body weight. A detox drink based on low-fat fermented milk product with dried fruits satisfies hunger for a long time. Prunes serve as an excellent alternative to sweets, making it easier to cope with giving up confectionery during a diet. Dried plum helps eliminate toxins, free radicals, salts, sand, and bad cholesterol.


  • prunes – 60 grams;
  • low-fat kefir – 250 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the prunes and place them in a blender.
  2. Pour yogurt into a mixing container.
  3. Beat until smooth.
  4. Pour into a glass.

How to drink a smoothie correctly

When losing weight on fruit and berry cocktails, fatty, fried, spicy, salty, sweet, and smoked foods are excluded from the diet. It is undesirable to consume semi-finished products, canned food, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, and drink coffee and cocoa with caution. Detox smoothies for effective weight loss trigger cleansing processes in the body - unnatural or difficult-to-digest food will prevent the release of organs and systems from harmful substances and lipids.

During a detox diet, smoothies are followed fractional meals, eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. The thick drink is drunk in small sips or eaten as a dessert with a teaspoon, periodically putting the device aside to allow the digestive system to fully absorb the incoming micronutrients. Concentrated juices from fruits and berries are a powerful dose of vitamins and minerals; to avoid hypervitaminosis, you should not consume more than 2-3 glasses of juices with pulp per day.

A large number of Herbal ingredients can also cause stomach upset. The degree of concentration of the drink is adjusted using drinking water. The temperature of the cocktail can vary depending on the time of year and mood - in the cold season you want a warming drink, in the hot season soft drinks are better accepted. Fresh juices with pulp are consumed in the first half of the day in order to have time to use up the energy boost from the multivitamin drink.

Thanks to the surge of energy from drinking thick, freshly squeezed juice in the morning and at lunchtime, a person leads a more active lifestyle. Due to the absence of a large number of calories in the cocktail, your own reserves in the form of fat deposits are used up - this is how the process of losing weight occurs. Extra pounds are also lost due to the release of internal organs and tissues from accumulated toxic compounds, toxins, heavy metals, salts, harmful cholesterol, and stagnant fluid.

Contraindications and harm

It's hard to imagine that fresh juices with pulp from fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, greens can be harmful. Nevertheless, there is a category of people for whom certain components of pureed juices are contraindicated due to pathologies or individual intolerance. Before drinking a detox smoothie, you need to know about the conditions and diseases for which natural drinks made from fruits and berries are not recommended:

  • Pregnant women and women during lactation are contraindicated in smoothies with components that cause allergic reactions in the mother or child or stimulate the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (threat of miscarriage).
  • With anorexia or bulimia, serious problems are observed in the digestive system, so multivitamin drinks made from fresh fruits and berries are contraindicated due to the risk of improper absorption of nutrients.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, etc.), natural juices with pulp can provoke an exacerbation due to the high content of vitamin C and fruit acids in fruits, vegetables, berries.
  • For pathologies of the liver and kidneys, smoothies are consumed with caution due to the strong cleansing effect of waste and toxins. If the excretory function is impaired, the rapid elimination of harmful substances can worsen the condition of the body.
  • With diabetes, many fruits and berries are eaten selectively in minimal quantities. Consuming green smoothies with the addition of bran, nuts, and seasonings (turmeric, cinnamon, ginger) will have a beneficial effect on your health.


0 April 21, 2015, 2:00 p.m.

For more than two years now, we have often heard “detox” instead of the word “diet”. Hollywood stars are joining the ranks of those who are “for” this type of lifestyle, and a lot of materials have already been written in magazines and the Internet on the topic of “the best detox products,” “detox diets,” and “detox menus.”

So what is it? Another fashion trend or the best solution for a healthy lifestyle? I decided to conduct an experiment on myself and find out the pros and cons.

First, it’s worth talking about what detox actually is (if anyone else doesn’t know).

Detox (short for detoxification) is cleansing the body of toxins as quickly as possible. As a rule, this program is designed for one to two weeks and includes a complete change of diet: you need to give up sweet, salty, flour, fatty, dairy and fermented milk and switch to complex carbohydrates, all kinds of green cocktails, smoothies, freshly squeezed juices, green salads , pureed soups, superfoods, legumes and grains. In addition, you need to drink plenty of fluids - water or green tea.

Without a doubt, any program includes physical activity: yoga, running, dancing and in general everything that is possible. Plus, healthy sleep and SPA treatments.

TO complete cleansing experts usually advise starting to prepare a week or even a month in advance. During this period, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of animal protein in the diet, give up alcohol and smoking, walk more often, or do yoga.

According to American experts, the best time to undergo detox is the beginning of spring. It is at this time that the body, according to nutritionists, gets rid of everything unnecessary without much difficulty.

Now the main question: start cleansing at home or turn to specialists?

According to some researchers, going through all this at home, without the supervision of a specialist, is quite dangerous for the body. If you eat improperly, detox programs can lead to dysbiosis and vitamin deficiency. Skin and hair problems may also begin.

Of course, if you have an excellent financial situation, then it is better to immediately book yourself a so-called “detox retreat”. I'll explain what it is. For two or three weeks you go with a group of people on an exciting journey with only one goal - to cleanse the body. You will be taken to a picturesque place where everyone meditates, does yoga, hikes in the mountains and eats food specially prepared for them all day long. Having searched the Internet for such services, I found out that average price for such a trip of no more than two weeks - approximately 2000 euros. Hollywood stars, for example, often take advantage of such outings. If you have the opportunity - why not?

By the way, about the stars. The “detox army” includes Gwyneth Paltrow, Drew Barrymore, Salma Hayek, Angelina Jolie and many others.

However, even in Moscow it is possible to successfully complete a detox program on your own. I found out that in our city there are quite a decent number of organizations that create a personal menu for you for two weeks and bring cute bottles of green smoothies to your home or office. You can also contact specialists who will write out an entire program for your personal detox. The approximate price for a full week-long detox course with the help of a specialist is 1,500 rubles.

By the way, this is exactly what I advise you, since I experienced one of these courses myself. I'll tell you how it was!

After purchasing bottles of smoothies and consulting with a specialist, I decided to undergo an “intensive detox”, which lasts a couple of days. Waking up in the morning, I took out the first jar of a beautiful green smoothie made from spinach, apples, parsley and ginger. Having drunk everything to the bottom, I didn’t feel particularly full, but I gained a feeling of lightness and a charge of energy (maybe it’s all just in my head, I don’t know).

The hardest thing was not to drink the usual Americano at work. The working day went smoothly, I drank juices, water... By three o'clock in the afternoon I was really hungry and was already thinking about giving up everything and eating at least soup. But I decided to control myself and continued therapy.

By evening I got my second wind, and when I came home from work, I walked the dog and did yoga. Went to bed at in a great mood- but hungry. In the morning I discovered that almost 1.5 kilograms had suddenly disappeared. I was happy and finally ate the porridge.

Conclusion: when in the right mood The detox program will be much easier. Think about how your body is cleansed and your mind relaxes, and everything will be fine!

Irina, designer:

I’ve tried detox on myself more than once and I’ll tell you that it’s great! The main beauty is the cleansing of not only the body, but also your brain. Yes, I constantly notice that over a certain amount of time in Moscow a lot of dirt, anger and irritation accumulates in me. And when you eat lightly and correctly - everything bad thoughts disappear from your head and you fall asleep sweetly and soundly every night.

Oksana, journalist:

I've never tried it and don't plan to. If I don’t eat, I become incredibly angry and lash out at everyone. And here you don’t seem to be on a diet, but you can’t eat normally. No, it's definitely not for me. If I eat too much, I’ll just go to the gym.

Marina, housewife:

Once I tried this thing on myself. It was recommended by a friend who went through such a program somewhere in India or Spain, I don’t remember exactly. I’ll just say one thing: yes, at first you feel light, a kilo or two will go away, but with our lifestyle in Moscow, all this dirt comes back to you literally in a week. What's the point of doing this at all? Only if you constantly live and cleanse yourself. But this is too much... Before a trip to the sea - this is it. Lose a few pounds and go to the beach.

It’s good that in our city there is always a choice - how to live and what to do. You can try out a lot of programs and procedures and draw your own conclusion. However, the most important thing that I found out for myself after studying this topic is that drinking water and sometimes replacing coffee with green tea or delicious smoothies is not so bad!

8 main rules of any detox program

1. For the duration of any detox program, they are excluded all products that contain refined flour, sugar, yeast, preservatives, pasteurized cow's milk, as well as meat, fried foods and alcohol. As a rule, gluten, which is found in grains such as rye, wheat, and oats, will also be excluded. Therefore, oatmeal with milk, bulgur or wheat bread, even if they are labeled “dietary”, are not suitable for the detox program menu.

3. The task of any detox program - give digestion a chance to rest and direct maximum energy of the body to cleansing and restoration. To do this, one or two meals a day are replaced with freshly squeezed vegetable juices or smoothies that nourish the body with vitamins, minerals and beneficial enzymes, but are easily digestible without burdening the digestion.

4. The period of night “fasting” is extended- a break between the last meal (dinner) and the first meal of the next day (breakfast). Night is the time when we abstain from food for 10-12 hours. When the stomach is empty of food eaten during the day, the body launches an active process of eliminating substances and toxins that we do not need. By extending the period of overnight fasting, we give the body the opportunity to devote more time to cleansing. Therefore, either an early and light dinner or a late and light breakfast is recommended, and in some systems both.

5. It is recommended to start lunch and dinner with a salad of fresh vegetables and herbs. Thanks to beneficial enzymes and plant fiber, this greatly helps in the absorption of subsequent cooked food (be it buckwheat or a piece of fish). “Olivier”, “Caesar” or vinaigrette do not count, but a vegetable salad with avocado or a mix of greens is what you need!

6. The principles of separate nutrition are of great importance. For example, it is recommended to always eat porridge and cereals separately from fish. Proteins and starches go well with vegetables, but not with each other. Therefore, instead of fish with buckwheat, it is better to eat either fish with vegetables, or vegetables with buckwheat. By following the principles of combining foods, you can quickly improve digestion, gain weight and forget about drowsiness after eating.

7. If you eat fruit, always separate it from other food.. Some detox programs eliminate sweet fruits because they contain a lot of sugar. Unsweetened fruits (grapefruits, apples, berries) can be included in the detox menu, but it is important to do it correctly. In order for fruits to be beneficial, it is recommended to eat them only on an empty stomach - 20-30 minutes before another meal or 3-4 hours after. Fruits eaten on an empty stomach are easily digestible and give an excellent boost of energy. The same fruits, but mixed with other foods, will cause heaviness and negatively affect digestion. The exception is avocado - it can be safely added to salads and cereals, and bananas, which can be mixed with nuts and dried fruits.

8. Adapt the detox program to suit you. Any nutrition should always fit into your daily routine and lifestyle. It is important not to get hung up on the rules and not to blame yourself for eating dessert. Excessive perfectionism can harm long-term change. Tune in new image life, and not on a short-term diet.

Olya Malysheva, nutrition and detox specialist, creator of a project about a healthy lifestyle

Recipes for smoothies that are healthy for our body

Beetroot and carrot smoothie

1 small beet
1 medium carrot
1 sweet apple
1 pear
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 teaspoons chopped fresh ginger
2 glasses of water

Cooking method:
Peel the carrots and beets and cut into large pieces. Steam for about 10 minutes. Cool.

Mix all ingredients in a blender and beat until smooth.

Vitamin smoothie

1 orange
2 bananas
2 kiwi
10 fresh berries strawberries
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup orange juice
ice cubes as needed to create desired consistency.

Cooking method:

Peel the orange and remove membranes. Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth.

Green smoothie


Handful of spinach leaves

6 lettuce leaves

3 celery sticks

Lime juice

1.5 glasses of water

Cooking method:

Wash all ingredients, chop, place in a blender and mix until smooth.

Avocado smoothie


1 avocado

1 orange

Juice of half a lemon

Bunch of parsley

1 glass of water

Cooking method:

Peel the banana and orange, chop and place in a blender along with avocado pulp, herb leaves, water and lemon juice. Once everything is mixed until smooth, a thick, tasty and satisfying smoothie is ready.

Energy smoothie


3 carrots

2 green apples

A piece of ginger

1 orange

Handful of mint leaves

Cooking method:

Make juice from carrots, apples and ginger, and then mix it in a blender with peeled bananas, orange and fresh mint.

Blueberry smoothie


3 tbsp. spoons of blueberries

1.3 tablespoons lemon juice

2-3 stalks of celery

Glass of water

Cooking method:

Just mix everything in a blender.

Bon appetit, gossip girls! And watch your health;)


These days it is almost impossible to meet a person who does not complain about a lot of various diseases, depression and chronic fatigue. All this causes intoxication of the body: waste and toxins strive to take over your body, making it weak and vulnerable. Their development is largely facilitated by poor ecology, a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition. Healthy lifestyle experts say that the main cause of your health problems is excessive overeating, plant food and no fasting days. Do you think these are general phrases? Nothing like that - the smoothie detox diet is becoming more and more popular every day.

What it is?

A detox smoothie is a kind of unloading system, during which your menu consists exclusively of products crushed using a blender. These are mainly green fruits and vegetables - they are the ones who most effectively fight toxins and waste, promote weight loss and help gain youth and beauty. Millions of Hollywood celebrities have been using such programs for a long time - it helps them stay in excellent physical shape and in a great mood. Just one smoothie detox day a week guarantees you good health, ideal appearance and getting rid of extra pounds.

A little history

Initially, this amazing drink appeared in the 30s of the last century in California, but no one appreciated it and they forgot about it until the 70s. This was the heyday of the hippie movement, who only drank healthy food plant origin. They did not eat meat or cereals, but constantly drank drinks made from a wide variety of vegetables and fruits. Gradually, athletes became addicted to this drink, for whom it helped recharge with strength and energy before competitions. They started drinking them in Russia relatively recently - in the 90s of the 20th century, and it gained wide popularity only a few years ago. Every day more and more of his fans appear - he really is capable of working miracles.

The benefits of a smoothie day

This delicate and juicy cocktail is simply unique way solve the following health problems:

  • Saturate the body with vitamins and minerals - it is made exclusively from fresh vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • Normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system;
  • Speed ​​up your metabolism - this will help you lose weight (minus 5-7 kilograms per week);
  • Improve your mood and get rid of depression;
  • Promote growth muscle mass(for athletes);
  • Bring back youth and beauty;
  • Strengthen the immune system and nervous system;
  • Increase the body's resistance to various diseases;
  • Remove waste and toxic substances;
  • Improve the condition of hair and nails;
  • Relieves insomnia, makes sleep sound and restful.

Constantly drinking this cocktail for breakfast or instead of dinner guarantees a great mood, an ideal figure and a delightful appearance.

Contraindications for detox diet smoothies

Despite all its usefulness, this drink should not be abused in the following cases:

  • If you are allergic to one or more of its components;
  • For kidney and liver diseases;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • For anorexia and excessive thinness;
  • Unwashed ingredients can lead to stomach upset and intestinal infections;
  • You can’t eat smoothies alone – your body needs solid food.

Otherwise, feel free to drink these drinks, but alternate them with regular meals.

Golden rules for taking detox smoothies

There are several rules that should be followed by anyone who decides to change their usual diet:

  • Lots of greens - spinach, broccoli, parsley, mint, basil, oregano, lettuce, celery, spinach. Such components provide cocktails with all the vitamins and microelements accumulated in them;
  • Base – for greater plasticity and volume, add a banana, avocado or pear. Such a cocktail will easily replace a full dinner;
  • Protein - be sure to add dairy products to the mixture (classic yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk). In addition, you can mix the drink with vegetable protein (chopped nuts, tofu, chia);
  • Don't pour too much water - it will be very tasteless. The texture should be smooth, not jelly-like;
  • Never add greens to berries - those around you will twirl their fingers at your temple, and it will be difficult for you to force yourself to drink “this strange liquid”;
  • Buy a professional blender. Don't waste money on cheap Chinese devices - they will break in a couple of weeks. Remember - the taste of your shake and its consistency depend on the quality of the knives and other parts;
  • Replace cow's milk with nut, almond, soy or coconut milk. Coconut is very inexpensive, and there is enough liquid in it to make an excellent drink. If you don’t want to bother with breaking the shell, buy any of these types of milk in the supermarket;
  • No sugar. Remember: sweet and healthy are incompatible concepts! Fruits and vegetables themselves are quite sugary, so glucose in the right amount will already enter your body. Are you dying to make dessert? Dilute the ingredients with a teaspoon of honey or Jerusalem artichoke syrup;
  • You need to drink them in the first half of the day or (at least) no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
  • One glass of the mixture contains not only vitamins, but also calories - do not get carried away with such a diet;
  • The cocktail is drunk immediately after preparation if it is prepared at home;
  • The remaining pulp is very useful - it contains a strong dose of fiber;
  • A proper shake consists of a maximum of seven components - the rest only spoils its taste.

Have you memorized the main points? Then move on to the next part.

Power systems

Here we will figure out whether you need such a system and find out how to lose the required number of kilograms thanks to fasting cocktails:

The goal is to lose two kilograms. We stick to this regime for two days.

  • For breakfast we prepare a liquid from greens, cereals (flax seeds, wheat sprouts, oats) and orange (tangerine);
  • For lunch - almond or coconut milk, bananas and your favorite berries;
  • Afternoon snack – berries, pear, and apples;
  • Dinner – oatmeal with kefir and half a banana.

The goal is to lose five kilograms. Designed for five days.

  • We have breakfast with a shake of banana and steamed oatmeal, doused with kefir;
  • Snack – any fruit and a green smoothie;
  • Lunch – kefir with berries, fruits and sprouted grains;
  • Dinner – nut milk with fruits and vegetables.

In general, the power system is very simple - you can create your own unique technologies mixing products. It will turn out very satisfying and useful mode meals that will help you get rid of toxins and find your ideal figure.

Recipes - how to prepare these mixtures at home?

Have you dared to review your diet and decided to try to eat healthy for at least a week? Our recipes are ideal for detoxifying the body - you yourself will notice positive changes from the very first days of taking detox drinks. To do this you will need to stock up fermented milk products, fresh fruit, vegetables and berries. If you don’t have a blender yet, be sure to buy one: it’s what helps you create these amazing healthy cocktails.

Recipes for weight loss

What could be more enjoyable than losing weight with fruit and berry smoothies? Not a single girl in the world will refuse a glass soft drink with berries, garnished with a sprig of mint. It's easy to prepare all this at home - if you want to learn how to mix fat-burning smoothies, we'll show you some simple recipes.

Let's start with the most popular - vegetable ones. They are the most useful, and the quantity useful substances it's just overwhelming in them.

  • Vegetable. Take a cucumber, a medium bell pepper and a bunch of green onions, mix using a blender. Add a pinch of ginger, a little lemon juice and 100 ml of Borjomi;
  • With celery. Boil the tomato with boiling water, remove the skin, grate the beets, carrots and add finely chopped celery. All that remains is to beat with a blender;
  • Broccoli. Boil 200 grams of broccoli, chop any greens, beat and add a glass of coconut milk or add almond milk.

They will be useful even before bed and will definitely not harm your figure.

Fruit ones are simply delicious, but you should only take them in the morning - otherwise you will have difficulty falling asleep in the evening. But they lift your spirits, charge you with energy and give you strength for new achievements. Here are some secret techniques:

  • Girly. Mix strawberries, banana, half a liter of almond milk and 30 grams of walnuts, add a little oatmeal;
  • Tenderness. Take 2 tablespoons of your favorite berries, mix with cottage cheese, a glass of pineapple juice and a teaspoon of Jerusalem artichoke syrup.
  • Energy. Mix half a grapefruit, kiwi, green apple, banana, grated ginger root. Add a glass of green tea and you’re done.

Fruits and vegetables combine the beneficial properties of both categories of products. This is an inexhaustible source of strength, health and excellent appearance. By the way, on our website you can buy both vegetable or fruit, and fruit and vegetable mixtures. We offer several excellent programs for cleansing and healing, among which you will find exactly the one that suits your taste. If you want to prepare such mixtures yourself, here are a few more recipes:

  • "Silhouette". Boil broccoli, mix with spinach, a quarter of an apple, a medium-sized carrot and one small orange (can be replaced with a tangerine). A little lemon juice will give the cocktail a piquant taste and spiciness;
  • Vitamin. Mix 100 grams of regular cabbage, one large juicy pear, kiwi, 50 grams seaweed and a little low-fat cream (no more than 2 tablespoons). Grind and mix with clean water. Bon appetie;
  • Sweetness. Take kiwi, 100 grams of green grapes, add lettuce, low-fat yogurt and a little honey.


These recipes will help you get rid of extra pounds and toxins, recharge yourself with vitamins and microelements, look younger and strengthen your immune system. They contain increased content fiber, so you should drink them in the first half of the day - otherwise there will be no benefit. However, if you replace dinner with them, you will notice how your figure transforms right before your eyes. In just a week, you can lose at least five and maximum 10 kilograms. The main thing is not to abandon the detox program, but to continue organizing fasting days at least once a week. Better yet, go to healthy image life - such unloading will help you do it as gently and painlessly as possible. So, if you want to lose weight quickly and detoxify your body, here are the most useful mixtures:

  • A mixture of kiwi, banana and spinach will help remove excess fluid and toxins;
  • Strengthen the immune system - avocado, grated ginger, cucumber and apple;
  • Cleanse the intestines of toxins - bell pepper and lemon juice;
  • Start your metabolism and recharge your energy - oatmeal with any fruit (only one).

In addition, there are unique technologies that help improve complexion, grow luxurious hair and look a few years younger.

Beauty drinks

It’s easy to get hair like Rapunzel, porcelain skin like Kate Moss, a figure like Monica Bellucci - drink a glass of rejuvenating shake every day. You will notice the first improvements almost immediately, and after a couple of months everyone around you will see them. Be prepared for questions and sarcastic comments from the series: “You have become so prettier. Share the plastic surgeon’s number.” By the way, if you are not vindictive, tell your beauty secret to envious women - this will unite you, and you will gain not only an excellent appearance, but also a reliable friend. We have compiled a hit parade of the most amazing shakes for you:

Antioxidant - fights free radicals, helps improve health and prolong youth:

  • 2 cups chilled berries;
  • 250 ml each of water and pomegranate juice.

Improving memory and attention - simply created for those with a sweet tooth and knowledge workers:

  • 200 ml almond milk;
  • 5 slices grated dark raw chocolate;
  • 1 cup raspberries.


  • 3 cups each of spinach and chilled pineapple;
  • 1 cup banana;
  • Celery stalk;
  • a tablespoon of grated ginger and chia seeds;
  • Juice of half a lemon (lime).

Aphrodisiac. Carrots improve vision, cleanse the liver and skin, and beets act as a powerful aphrodisiac and source of inexhaustible energy:

  • Boil medium-sized beets and carrots;
  • Add apple and pear;
  • 2 tablespoons each of lemon juice and grated ginger.

Energy drink - will relieve the love of sweets, give strength and energy, cleanse the body of toxic substances:

  • 2 cups boiled kale leaves;
  • A cup of spinach;
  • Half an avocado;
  • Apple;
  • Banana;
  • 250 ml each of orange juice and classic yogurt;
  • Cup of ice;
  • Chia seeds.

Restoring – will energize you after a workout, improve your mood, charge you with amino acids and serotonin:

  • Coconut juice;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cocoa and drinking aloe juice;
  • 1 tsp each maple syrup or honey;
  • 2 tbsp. acai;
  • Some mint leaves;
  • Ice cubes (if desired).

Once you have adopted this diet for yourself, after a couple of months it will seem so natural and correct to you, as if you were fed this way since childhood. Just a few months, and your beauty will catch your eye, and Hollywood stars will die of envy. These are not empty words or promises - this is the truth. After all, if such programs did not work, would millions of women around the world follow them? Become one of them today - you can put off until tomorrow indefinitely. Transformation is so simple, the main thing is to take the first step towards beauty, youth and health.

This spring I decided to get my skin in order and signed up for a two-week detox, the results of which are described in one of my posts. In addition to the actual improvements in skin condition and new habits, which I still adhere to, I made a bunch of new acquaintances who, at some point, like me, became interested in changes in diet and lifestyle.

“Sect!” my friends sometimes call us names, seeing me take a smoothie out of my cooler bag for lunch, instead of throwing in a sandwich with everyone else, as happened before. However, the changes in me are so obvious that even my colleague Marluz, a cheerful fat woman and a hater of diets, asks the question with a heavy sigh: “Okay, tell me what kind of smoothie you have!”

Sect or not, communication with people who share your interest in change makes it possible to receive a wide variety of information and ideas, which you can independently evaluate for adequacy and adopt or discard.

I learned about the three-day detox program from one of my “colleagues in the sect,” an American who has been living in Amsterdam for a very long time, but at the same time constantly reads various American sites - this program was introduced to the losing weight American community by a certain Dr. Oz. You hardly know about him, although he is quite popular on American TV - he is a doctor who makes his own show about a healthy lifestyle and popularizes the right ideas. And despite all the skepticism towards such programs, he often has quite interesting ideas.

super detox: 3 days to restore the body

Well, here it is, a three-day detox. The essence of the program is to restart the digestive system and provide a powerful incentive for self-cleaning and restoration of the entire body. We're not talking about weight loss (although weight loss, of course), rather the meaning is to take the first step to change your habits, and this step turns out to be quite dramatic.

The program is designed for three days, during which it is proposed to drink smoothies instead of meals, three different cocktails for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’ll say right away that smoothies are very nutritious and tasty, so there is no feeling of hunger at all (rather, there is a problem with finishing a portion). Smoothie recipes are designed in such a way as to supply the body with everything it needs: protein, fiber, vitamins, and good fats, each cocktail includes prebiotics - products that create a breeding ground for the growth of good bacteria.

Why smoothies? This texture gives the digestive system the opportunity to “rest” and allows everything to come together. necessary components in one simple and delicious form. Cocktail recipes are built taking into account the way the body works - for example, a morning smoothie contains red berries (a source of vitamin C) and healthy fats that keep blood sugar levels stable until lunch, and an evening smoothie is made with coconut water, which is rich in electrolytes and maintains the desired level. body hydration level.

three healthy days

The detox program solves several problems at once: restoring the flora (which suffers greatly from stress and poor diet), launching a mechanism that helps to gently cleanse the liver (this mechanism is inherent in nature, it’s just that most often our lifestyle does not allow it to work properly). full force), cleansing the intestinal walls (if the balance is disturbed, then “bad” bacteria form colonies, which, growing, cover the walls with something like a film, preventing the absorption of nutrients, which primarily affects the skin and hair), removal of “excess” water .

In general, this program is something like a soft “magic kick” that we give ourselves towards a correct lifestyle.

Along with the smoothie, it is recommended to take multivitamins, Omega-3 and probiotics (the doctor recommends a dose of 50 million units) - this way you support the cleansing process and restore the normal functioning of all systems, and in the evening it is recommended to take a detox bath, which helps speed up the removal of toxins through the skin.

Three days on the program look something like this:

  • in the morning - weak green tea (you can use stevia if you drink sweets)
  • morning smoothie with red berries (supports the liver’s self-cleaning mechanism)
  • probiotic and half a multivitamin capsule
  • for lunch - a smoothie with spinach, celery, cucumber and other fruits + omega 3 and the second half of a multivitamin capsule
  • for an afternoon snack - a small portion of any of the three cocktails and weak green tea
  • for dinner - a coconut water cocktail with fruit and flax bran
  • evening - 20-minute detox bath

Mid-July is an excellent time for such exercises: now there is an opportunity to buy/gather seasonal organic berries and fruits, and in general, in the summer our body tolerates such disturbances much easier, so it is better not to waste time and go to the market or the nearest store with organic food for everything you need (list and cocktail recipes at the link below).

my impressions of the program

Honestly, any short-term “diets” scare me, so at first I was wary of the idea - if it weren’t for several of my friends who recommended it, I wouldn’t even read about it. However, when I got into the theory of the issue, this theory seemed quite solid to me - every component was in its place, and it was clear how the program solved problems. I was a little confused by the recommendation to take 50 million units of probiotics (good bacteria), but I consulted with my doctor, sent her the program and she practically blessed me. Hooray!

Having stocked up with everything I needed, I prepared for a serious test - not eating for three days, horror! What can’t you do to be beautiful, slim and die healthy. I decided to start the program itself on Saturday morning, so as not to drag myself to work for three days with cocktails. On Monday, I made a lunch smoothie in advance and took it with me to the office - it survived perfectly well in the refrigerator until lunch.

On Saturday morning I drank green tea (I’m actually a coffee person, but after the first detox I try to drink as little coffee as possible - it really has a very good effect on skin health), and made myself a smoothie. There were no problems with the smoothies - I really love such cocktails, and often make them for myself, but this time the portion turned out to be huge, I barely finished it. Tasty.

I lived until lunch absolutely calmly; there was no feeling of hunger or desire to snack on cookies. I liked the cocktail for lunch less, I’m not a fan of celery, but overall it’s really okay, and compared to other diets it’s absolutely gorgeous. The problems began in the late afternoon: about an hour before dinner I started getting a headache, but the doctor warns that this is possible on the first day - and this is even good, as it signals that the process has begun. After drinking half a liter of smoothie for dinner (I’m telling you, the recipe makes a large portion), the headache went away.

The second and third days were very easy, there was no feeling of hunger, and the smoothies themselves are actually delicious, I’m not lying - if you like fruit smoothies, then you will go through this program with pleasure. My feelings after the third day: lightness, a noticeable increase in energy, I slept well, the dark circles under my eyes disappeared, and I lost a little weight (I got into good shape since the spring, so I was satisfied with the result; I think that if there is noticeable excess weight, then more will be lost).

What next? Next - a healthy lifestyle, what else. There is no point in returning to old habits; if you are not going to change anything in your menu and lifestyle, then going through the program is pointless - it starts processes that need to be maintained further. The doctor gives a list of 9 products that support the body’s self-cleaning mechanisms, and which are recommended to be included in your menu after finishing the program, replacing sugar, bad fats and other pizza-sausages that we all love so much.

9 Foods to Support Detox and Healthy Weight Loss

No. 1. dense dark green greens

Spinach, Brussels sprouts, kale are prebiotics, foods that feed the “good” bacteria in the intestines and create conditions for their proliferation. During the detox, you add them to smoothies, after which you can make salads and side dishes from them, the main thing is to try to eat such greens every day.

No. 2. cold water fish

Salmon (preferably wild, if possible), cod, halibut, trout, ice fish - protein and saturated fatty acids that the body needs so much. Fish should replace sausages and other red meats, and it is recommended to eat it at least twice a week.

No. 3. farm chicken

If you can’t afford to give up meat and stay only with fish, then, if possible, replace red meat and pork with chicken (organic - hormonal chicken legs are not recommended for anyone).

No. 4. berries

Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, lingonberries are a source of vitamins and acid, which helps the body cleanse itself. Eat fresh (in season) and freeze for smoothies on fall and winter mornings.

No. 5. Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar helps digestion, the doctor recommends drinking water with apple cider vinegar(0.5 teaspoon per glass of water) after lunch, as a healthy digestif (by the way, in Holland this is grandma's remedy very popular).

No. 6. Lemon water

Yes, we couldn’t do without a glass of water with lemon either - lemon acid during the digestion process it becomes alkaline and reduces the overall level of acidity in the body, helping it fight various inflammations.

No. 7. Herbal teas

No. 8. Coconut oil and coconut water

These two products are very popular here, especially coconut water, which has become very popular. Coconut water has a special composition, for example, it ideally restores strength and water balance after a workout. Coconut oil is rich healthy fats, which are easily digestible and necessary for brain function - this product is absolutely recommended for everyone who works in an office.

No. 9. organic vegan protein powder

This is another popular component for morning smoothies - herbal protein, vegetable protein, which helps replace protein while reducing meat and fat intake, and mixes easily into juices or smoothies. The most popular product is hemp protein (from this beautiful plant Not only do they make ropes and a product for Amsterdam coffee shops, it is also a champion in protein content), which is sold in powder form in any vegan store.

In general, Dr. Oz’s detox program is not some kind of revelation; rather, it is simply made in a convenient and easy-to-reproduce form (making a smoothie is easier than sitting on some kind of rigid menu). And personally, I am very pleased with the result, as well as the fact that after it three new recipes appeared in my smoothie menu. I stocked up on coconut water (from the refrigerator in the summer - mmm!..) and began adding protein powder to my smoothies, let's see how long it lasts - I'll post the results in a few months!

Important: please be prudent - if you have any chronic diseases, stomach or intestinal problems, do not start the program without consulting your doctor.

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