Diet after the holidays - fasting meals for weight loss after a feast. Five helpful tips to combat the effects of holiday overeating

During a festive feast, it can be difficult to resist the desire to try all the delicious and mouth-watering dishes specially prepared for the occasion.

And you will have to pay for this pleasure with the appearance of swelling and extra pounds The next morning. A fasting day after overeating will help you quickly restore your previous shape and cleanse your body of everything unnecessary.

Fasting day after overeating: benefit or harm ^

If you overeat, start the morning with unloading, otherwise a couple of kilograms you have eaten will remain on your hips and waist for a long time. A fasting day after a festive feast is a quick and effective help for the body.

The principle of such a day is a specially selected menu consisting of one or more products.

  • You should eat food in small portions, five or six times during the day. Thanks to this, hunger will not be particularly felt, and it will not be so difficult to postpone the fasting day.
  • This diet and fractional meals They will not only allow you to regain temporarily lost forms, but also improve digestion, speed up metabolism, and remove toxins and waste from the body.
  • In addition, sticking to a mono-diet is very simple and convenient, because you won’t get bored or tired of it within a day.
  • You can choose the recipe for this day according to your taste from a variety of options. Preference should be given to foods with low calorie content - vegetables, fruits, cereals.
  • If you have eaten too much fatty foods festive table, then the next day it is better to abstain from food and have a day therapeutic fasting with a diet of mineral water with lemon juice or kefir unloading. As a result, digestion is normalized, heaviness and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.
  • If all last evening you could not tear yourself away from salty food, then this led to an accumulation of excess liquid and the appearance of edema. Cabbage or rice unloading will help to cope with them.
  • Excessive consumption of sweets can be neutralized with the help of vegetable fasting or a kefir-berry diet.
  • If you have consumed too much alcohol, then the morning will greet you with a headache, unquenchable thirst and nausea. Good help in this situation will have sour cabbage, dairy products, citrus fruits, oatmeal cooked in water or boiled poultry. They normalize digestion and help remove poisons and toxins from the body.
  • If you eat something stale, then the next day it is better to refuse food altogether. Only a few baked apples and plenty of drink (water, green tea) up to 2.5 liters are allowed. The main rule is to drink a lot of water (regular drinking or mineral). Recommended volume is 1.5 or 2 liters.

Contraindications for cleansing days are:

  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Liver and kidney diseases;
  • The recovery period after an illness.

It must be remembered that a fasting day is stressful for the body and weakness or other ailments may occur during the day. Therefore, it is better to consult your doctor in advance.

Fasting day after overeating: recipes and menus ^

Those who want to quickly get back into shape can choose from a variety of recipes to suit their taste.

Fasting day after overeating on kefir

One-day unloading on kefir is quite tough, but extremely effective diet.

  • On the day of kefir fasting, the diet will consist of only 1.5 liters or 2 liters of kefir (yogurt) and 1.5 liters of still mineral water.

Fasting day on rice

A rice fasting day will normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines and remove all toxins from the body. Rice is easily digestible and provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness, so an acute feeling of hunger is unlikely to appear that day.

  • A glass of boiled rice without salt and sugar will be enough for the day.
  • You can not limit yourself to water, but also drink green tea or herbal decoction.

Fasting day after overeating on oatmeal

  • During the day, eat in small portions boiled in water without sugar and without oil. oatmeal— 700 g.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids (1.5 l) is recommended.

Fasting day on apples

  • You need to stock up on two kilograms of green apples. Eat apples as you feel hungry, and drink water.
  • You can also add green and Herb tea, and for variety, apples can be baked in the oven with honey.

Fasting day after the holidays on water and tea

  • Pour boiling water (2 liters) over green tea (2 tablespoons), divide into five servings, and drink cold or hot.
  • You can eat some raisins or prunes, dried apricots or nuts.
  • When acute attack hunger, you can eat a piece of rye bread.
  • In addition to tea, you are allowed to drink only non-carbonated mineral water.

Fasting day after an eating breakdown

After an eating breakdown, it would be appropriate to spend a day on low-calorie foods. A stew made from stewed vegetables(zucchini, tomatoes, carrots, beets) and as a main dish - baked fish, boiled eggs or boiled poultry.

Fasting day after overeating sweets

  • After overeating sweets the entire next day, it is best to eat vegetables, fruits, cereals cooked in water, or prepare a kefir-berry smoothie (1 liter of kefir and half a kilogram of berries).
  • All day you can eat boiled or baked potatoes (1.5 kg), or the same amount of steamed vegetables, or puree soup prepared from them.

Fasting day after heavy overeating

It's unlikely that your body will thank you for a hearty holiday dinner. After all, it has not yet been revealed that overeating brings any benefit to the body. Rather, on the contrary, the celebration of the belly will only bring health problems and excess weight.

A fasting day will provide quick and effective assistance after the feast. It can be protein, carbohydrate, mixed and even water.

  • First of all, you need to eliminate salt in order to get rid of the fluid accumulated in the tissues.
  • During the day, the total calorie content of food should not exceed 800 kcal.
  • The volume of liquid consumed should be one and a half liters.
  • It is better to minimize active training on this day, and devote 9–10 hours to sleep.

Reviews and weight loss results ^

The excellent results of fasting days after the holidays have long pleasantly pleased the fair half of humanity. But it is worth remembering that this procedure is carried out regularly.

This unloading will need to be repeated (maximum 2 times a week) to consolidate and improve the result. On ordinary days after fasting, you need to eat wisely, do not overeat, exclude fast food, minimize sweets, confectionery and salty foods.

Reviews from our readers

Elena, 37 years old:

“Yes, I am well aware of this situation. The main thing is not to get too upset after you realize that you have eaten too much, and to pull yourself together the next day. I was sitting on kefir one day after New Year's holidays. I successfully lost 1.2 kg in a day.”

Natalya, 44 years old:

“A good way and effective. The next day, as a rule, you don’t feel particularly hungry, because you’ve made provisions for the week ahead. Therefore, maintaining one day on a diet is quite simple. I cleansed myself with rice. Rice without salt and oil does not have much taste, so you won’t be able to eat a lot of it. Result - good cleaning body and losing a kilogram.”

Lisa, 29 years old:

“Apples are just what the doctor ordered! I buy 2 kg of sweet and sour apples and chew them all day, drinking mineral water. They say they stimulate appetite, but I didn’t notice much. Both tasty and healthy. After unloading, some lightness appeared, and the weight dropped by about one kilogram.”

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  • How to live after gluttony. The day after overeating. Losing weight easily

    Everyone has their own story personal gluttony. Maybe you were bored at home alone on a rainy evening, and there was a cake in the refrigerator by chance. Maybe you visited friends who fed you to your heart's content. It doesn't matter under what circumstances you overeat, inthe day after binge eatingyou are overwhelmed by a variety of feelings. Not at all positive:

    Feelings of guilt - you lost your temper and forgot about your diet or the principles of healthy eating.
    - Drawing sensation anger at myself for the fact that yesterday’s culinary joys immediately canceled out the results achieved through long, grueling training.
    - Feeling depressed is a common feeling after overeating; you didn’t have the willpower to refuse such an attractive, such a tasty dish.

    Be that as it may, you are not at all happy after the stomach holiday. Below we will provide tips that will help you return to your normal lifestyle, negating all the consequences of a breakdown. We will also tell you how not to overeat.

    After food has dealt your willpower a crushing defeat, weighing yourself is pure masochism. The number on the scale will give you a lot of unpleasant impressions because it is higher than expected and because it is far from reality. Perhaps you ate too much sweet or salty food on the evening of the culinary break, which led to water retention in the body. And your weight is essentially your swelling and heaviness in your stomach. Don't let meaningless numbers ruin your mood. Move them further away on the bed, put them out the door, give them to the neighbors. Just don't stand on them.

    2. Get rid of excess liquid.

    If you after overeating you feel heaviness, lethargy, muscle weakness If you visually observe swelling, give up salty foods (nuts, crackers, salted fish). It would be best to lean on the protein - chicken breast, eggs, turkey. The body removes excess water, assimilating protein. To maintain strength, eat whole grain bread and bran bread.

    3. Listen to your hunger.

    The importance of breakfast for wellness and normal human body weight is undeniable: this is the ideal way get rid of extra pounds. Also, breakfast charges the body with energy in the morning and contributes to the fact that the total daily caloric intake of food will generally be less than if you do not have breakfast. But if in the morning after gluttony You don’t feel like eating, it’s hard to breathe, wait a few hours.

    4. Forget about counting calories for a while.

    Binge eating– is not a reason to limit yourself in calories and punish yourself for yesterday. Eat food depending on your feeling of hunger, otherwise you can provoke an attack of gluttony, coupled with a slowdown in metabolism.

    5. Pamper stomach light lunch.

    A light lunch will help to please your stomach and restore self-esteem. Cook your own chicken breast on the grill or in the oven. Pair it with a green salad. You can also treat yourself to baked fish or vegetable soup.

    6. Enjoy your food.

    When gluttony attacks us, we simply do not notice the taste of food. Thus, you can automatically eat a cake or a piece of cake without feeling the taste or enjoying the product! Basically, it's a lot of empty calories. By the way, this is where they lie reasons for overeating– the brain does not register the eating of pie and cake. Today, eat slowly, chew each bite thoroughly, and enjoy the flavors of your food. And under no circumstances combine food with watching TV or reading a book.

    7. What to do if you overate?

    If you experience stomach discomfort, take enzyme preparations and sit for a day fermented milk diet. But don't go hungry. Give your stomach time to recover from a food attack.

    How to warn bouts of gluttony?

    Why did you yesterday overate? How to prevent culinary outrage in the future? To begin, you should answer the following questions:

    1. Why me overate? Was I at a meeting with friends? Did I have a hard day at work? Having discovered those patterns, think over tactics to protect against overeating: Alternatively, keep vegetables and dairy products in the refrigerator to prevent overeat when you return home hungry.

    2. Am I eating enough? What if the cause of the culinary chaos was an overly strict diet? Perhaps you snapped because your body was screaming from lack of energy and, after overeating, joyfully rubbed the walls of your stomach. The calorie intake per day for a woman is 1500-2200 calories per day, depending on age and activity level.

    3. Can I stop gluttony and in time to say no to another tasty treat? To do this, imagine a “STOP” sign when you begin to be drawn to something harmful to your slimness. Alternatively, ask yourself what such a desired dish consists of. It is quite possible that thinking about the composition of the cookies (flour, butter, sugar) will significantly dampen your hunger. Well, the fact that the most delicate protein cream consists of sugar and egg whites (that slimy substance) will discourage you from trying this cake.

    There are a number of significant points to consider.

    If your bouts of gluttony have become not one-time, but regular, don’t even think about promising yourself that this overeating is the last! Myth. Take small steps towards your goal a day, but not sweeping (and obviously impossible) gestures. For example, eat not three, but two and a half cakes from tomorrow. This way, the day after overeating will become much less noticeable for both you and your waistline. And morally, two and a half cakes are somehow more digestible than three.

    Secondly, you will need to make up for each day full mode nutrition. Do you not eat all day, but in the evening, or even at night, hang out in front of the refrigerator? This is completely wrong! This happens because of this. that you promise yourself to hold out. You can hold out for a day, two, three, even a week. But you will still fail. Hunger will be added to your appetite and moral torment, and with trembling hands you will stuff all sorts of high-calorie delicacies into your mouth and immediately scold yourself. It's a gloomy picture, isn't it? After overeating moral suffering will be added to physical suffering, and you will become completely sad. Don't provoke your body! Create a diet that includes nutritious and nutritious food. It's also worth leading food diary, recording not only food for the day, but also the time of meals.

    Thirdly, replace high-calorie foods with fruits, vegetables, unrefined grains, sprouted grains, and bran. The last three types of foods give you a feeling of fullness without overloading the body. Use less spices, salt and sugar, they whet your appetite. Black tea (especially sweet), coffee, cocoa, and sweet carbonated drinks also provoke appetite.

    Provide yourself with support in the form of a friend. He is not required to lock your refrigerator. It is enough to provide moral support in difficult times.

    Use auto-training techniques. This is a great way to don't overeat. Repeat something like - I am the most charming and attractive three times a day, twenty times. It is very old, however, effective way! You can choose words arbitrarily. Choose those that are most relevant to you now. Do not neglect this activity, no matter how meaningless or funny it may seem to you! Just give up reproaches, negativity and self-flagellation.

    Do exercises in the morning. At least 5 minutes. Take after charging cold and hot shower- better! If you do exercises, run in the morning, take a contrast shower, your body will receive a charge of vigor in the morning and, in general, will burn more calories during the day. Then binge eating not scary.

    Find yourself a hobby or play sports. Anyone, the main thing is that you like it. You will have less time to sit at home and feel sorry for yourself after another invasion of the refrigerator. And you won't have to punish yourself after overeating. Remember that massage reduces cravings for overeating and sweets.

    Try to avoid stress as much as possible and get away from situations that bring you moral discomfort. Even books and TV shows, choose only light and positive ones. Try to form a social circle in which you feel at ease and comfortable.

    Do what you love. A job you don’t like will bring you not only a certain number of extra pounds, but also early heart failure. vascular diseases, heart attack, stroke. Do you need it?

    Putting all this into practice is not at all easy. However, mental and physical health– a great incentive to work on these points! If you eliminate the causes of overeating, you will gradually enter into normal rhythm, diet, get used to the psychological atmosphere, and you will be much more comfortable in the overall standings.

    Just don’t rush headlong into establishing a diet. Do everything gradually, and success is guaranteed!

    Thank you for such a life-affirming article1 Now I won’t punish myself every time I have a breakdown.

    Yes, the article really calms me down, although after a breakdown I always do a kefir day or a day on milk tea, then I’m not so angry with myself. After overeating, it’s hard for me to come to terms with myself.

    The article is good and it is also written about me. Thank you!

    After the weekend, this is a very relevant article!

    New Year holidays are coming! I will print this article and hang it in a visible place. Thanks for the timely and useful material!

    Everything in the article is true! Especially about friends and girlfriends, this is very important!

    Thank you for the article! It's easy to read and the advice is relevant!

    Everything is correct! Wonderful article!

    Thanks a lot! The article is just great! It's great that you wrote about reasons for overeating.

    You feel sorry for weak-willed cows. Let them lose weight! It was a lot to eat!

    Thanks a lot! This article was written specifically for me. After my friend’s birthday party yesterday, I was afraid to step on the scale in the morning, because almost no fluid came out of me this morning. And so I decided to measure my weight. I had breakfast with oatmeal and green tea. It’s good that I came across this article right after the glutton. Otherwise, I would have felt remorse for being afraid to step on the scale.

    Very timely material!

    Thanks for the advice! Now I won’t be afraid of terrible numbers after the holidays, and try to immediately get rid of extra pounds with diets.

    And what after overeating are you doing?

    You can comment and discuss what you read on our

    Hearty meals during the holidays, especially New Year's, often lead to gaining extra pounds. Many people think that it is difficult to get rid of them. A strict diet after the holidays is not a solution, the body is deprived important substances, depression appears, Bad mood. Days of unloading will come to the rescue and proper nutrition that will bring the body back to normal.

    How to lose weight after the holidays

    Women ask the most question: how to lose weight after the holidays. Many people completely refuse food, go on a strict diet, switch to kefir and water, which is harmful to their health. Beauty does not require sacrifice, just balance your diet. Take food in fractional parts at least 4 times a day; if you are very hungry, eat fruits and nuts. Breakfast is a must. Remove fats, sauces, smoked foods, spicy foods, oil from your diet, reduce your consumption of sugar and salt. Replace them with sauerkraut and pickled apples.

    The diet should be balanced not only after the holidays. Yours daily meals should look like this: 40% - fresh fruits and vegetables, 35% - animal and vegetable protein, 20% - dairy products, 5% - animal fats, flour, sweets. Control the size of the food you eat: one serving should not exceed 2 of your handfuls. If you urgently need to get rid of 2-3 kilograms, arrange a fasting day. Don't forget to stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids.

    Fasting day after the feast

    It is not a strict diet that will help return the scales to the previous mark, but a fasting day after the holiday, when the diet includes only 1 product or does not include eating food at all. This method allows you to get rid of excess weight, speed up metabolism, cleanse the intestines and stomach of toxins. Such days are classified depending on the permitted product: dairy, liquid, protein, fruit and others. On fasting days you need to eat 6 times a day, portions should be fractional. It is not recommended to fast more than 1-2 days a week.

    On kefir

    Do you like fermented milk products? Try a kefir fasting day for quick disposal from overweight. This way to lose weight is considered the most effective and harmless, unlike dieting. The body is cleansed of toxins, liver function improves, and metabolism is restored. Nutritionists advise drinking 1 glass of kefir every 3 hours - only 1.5 liters in 6 doses. If you are thirsty, drink water. This way you can lose weight not only after the holidays.

    On buckwheat

    One of effective methods losing weight is a buckwheat fasting day. This cereal contains a lot of fiber that promotes the breakdown of fats and satisfies hunger. On the 1st day of unloading, 250 g of buckwheat is prescribed: in the evening the product must be prepared - pour boiling water (2 cups) and leave until the morning. Eat during the day 5-6 times in equal portions, it is allowed to combine with kefir, fresh fruit, raw vegetables. The result of such weight loss is minus 1-2 kilograms - a good result after the holidays! Buckwheat cannot be salted, but it can be seasoned soy sauce.

    On the water

    Instead of a diet, try a fasting day on the water. It is important for our body to maintain water balance throughout the day, which speeds up the calorie burning process. The norm is 1.5-2 liters, except for tea and coffee, and during the unloading process you need to drink up to 4 liters of water. It must be clean, boiled, non-carbonated, and nothing else can be consumed besides it. Water contains almost no calories, so getting rid of at least 1 kilogram is guaranteed. It is important to understand that this method accelerated weight loss very tough, do not do water fasting more than once every 2 weeks.

    on apples

    Need relief after overeating? Don't go on a diet; an apple fasting day is a great option. These fruits are tasty, healthy, rich in vitamins and minerals. For 1 day, stock up on 1.5 kilograms of apples; it is not necessary to peel them. Divide the fruit into 6 parts, drink water. You can combine them with 3 tablespoons of honey. This type of weight loss is considered gentle and can be followed up to 5 times a month. Minus 1-2 kilograms – good effect after the holiday.

    On cottage cheese

    Think you need a post-holiday diet? Try a curd fasting day, you will not only lose weight, but saturate your body with calcium and methionine. The latter precisely promotes the breakdown of fat deposits. Here sample menu per day: 600 g of dietary cottage cheese, you can add 3 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt, dried apricots, prunes. Divide everything into 6 equal parts, eat throughout the day, drink your daily amount of water. If you do everything correctly, you will lose up to 1 kilogram in weight.

    On rice

    One way to quickly lose a couple of extra pounds after the holiday is a rice fasting day. The cereal must be prepared correctly: rinse 200 g of rice, pour boiling water over it in the evening and leave to swell. In the morning, boil until tender, do not add salt, eat 1 tablespoon when you are hungry. Allowed to drink water or green tea, freshly squeezed Apple juice. If it becomes very difficult to stick to such a diet, add apples to the rice, no more than 3 apples per day (the diet does not provide for such deviations). Any rice is suitable, but it is better to use brown rice.

    On dried fruits

    Healthy, tasty and effective option losing weight after the holiday - a fasting day on dried fruits, during which you will lose up to 1 kilogram of excess weight. For it you need to stock up on 500 g of various dried fruits (soak in boiling water overnight) and 100 g of nuts. Divide everything into 10 doses, eat every hour, chew thoroughly, wash down with 1 glass hot water. Dried fruits are pure carbohydrates, do not add weight, and satisfy hunger (dieting is always accompanied by this feeling). They enrich the body with vitamins, make healthy hair and skin.

    On soup

    The essence of a fasting day with soup is to eat this dish for dinner, breakfast and lunch. Easy vegetable soup not only helps you lose weight after the holiday, but can improve digestion, restore energy, and speed up metabolism. The main ingredients of soups are vegetables: onions, carrots, peas, cabbage, potatoes. Great option– oriental soup shurpa, only you need to put a piece of white meat in the broth. You can also make soup from fish, seafood, with a slice of lemon, herbs; salting it is not recommended. Daily norm soup - 2 liters per day.

    Meals after a fasting day

    It is important to maintain proper nutrition after a fasting day. Otherwise, the problem of excess weight will return again. All diets after the holidays also require the right way out. You can’t throw yourself on high-calorie foods; you need to try to restore your previous diet gradually. Eat vegetable salads, lean meat, fish, fruits, dairy products. Don't forget about water-salt balance. Limit the consumption of smoked, spicy and fatty foods, they will help you dial overweight. Keep split meals a priority, try to eat this way on holidays as well.

    Video: losing weight after the holidays

    On any holidays, when you meet with friends, you often have a “feast” for your stomach. It’s hard to imagine how you can limit yourself from overeating during such holidays, especially when there are a lot of goodies on the table. But only such tasty, but very high-calorie food can subsequently increase extra centimeters at the waist, and the arrow on the scales will go off scale. In addition, after overeating, discomfort appears, so fasting days are indicated during such a period.

    Fasting days after the holidays are a short-term diet that should be limited to a set certain products or use just one ingredient throughout the day.

    It is very useful to arrange such unloading after the holidays, since this will allow you to return to your previous shape, improve health, normalize metabolism, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also remove accumulated toxins and waste from the body.

    Types of fasting days after overeating

    All fasting days are divided into two categories. The first is compiled depending on nutrients that predominate in the diet: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In this case, it is recommended to consume meat, fish, cottage cheese, sour cream, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

    As a rule, holiday dishes contain a lot of proteins and fats, due to which they linger in the stomach and take a long time to digest, causing a feeling of discomfort and heaviness.

    For normalization acid-base balance in the body, which may shift towards an acidic environment after overeating, it is recommended consumption of apples, oranges, carrots, and celery. This will help maintain an alkaline environment in the body and restore acid-base balance in the intestines. Nutritionists advise eating vegetables and fruits raw, as this will remove waste and toxins from the body, as well as improve digestion. This method of a fasting day after overeating will be the best.

    Fasting day on kefir after overeating

    This method of arranging a fasting day is quite tough, but very effective. On the day of such a diet, you can consume two liters of kefir and no more than 1.5 liters of mineral water without gases.

    The Russian feast is always plentiful, and even during the popularly beloved New Year's celebrations, the tables are completely bursting with food. Since the holidays last a long time, a week or even more, flowing into one another, it is quite possible to gain excess weight after the winter holidays. Long lunches and dinners, meetings with friends, late-night meals, gatherings in cafes - all this will negatively affect not only your waist and hips, but also your well-being and general condition body. Such overloads are definitely harmful to him; they often carry with them whole line troubles in the post-New Year period:

    • metabolic disorders, slowing down, constipation, accumulation of toxins and toxic substances in the intestines;
    • liver overload due to uncontrolled consumption of fatty, salty, spicy and sweet foods;
    • deterioration of skin condition, unhealthy complexion, acne, acne;
    • alcohol poisoning of the body.

    Psychological attitude

    When you step on the scale for the first time after the holidays, most girls and women are horrified. Depression and despondency begin, the ladies reproach themselves, scold themselves in every possible way, threaten to stop eating and constantly complain to everyone around them. In fact, it's worth understanding a few things that will help you maintain a cheerful mood, a clear mind and lose weight after the New Year.

    • Don't blame yourself. Anyone can make mistakes. The fact that you ate and gained too much can be corrected, but a disdainful attitude towards your person will most likely make you give up and get bogged down in “soul-searching.”
    • Almost anything can be fixed. People who weigh much more than you lose weight, lose weight successfully and feel great. Treat your body with respect and it will thank you in return.
    • When you complain to others, especially to a loved one, you draw their attention to something that they most likely did not notice. It's best to avoid this tactic.

    Fasting day: features

    It must be said that this method cleansing the body - not therapeutic diet. And under no circumstances should it be used as a method of constant nutrition for the purpose of losing weight. In this case, the body will lack nutrients and vitamins. Such a mono-diet in order to lose weight after the New Year holidays should not last more than one day. But if you like it this method unloading, it can be used regularly, optimally once a week.

    To prevent weight loss after a feast from turning into torture, eat in small portions, but five to six times a day. This regime will allow you not to break down if you feel hungry. In addition, frequent digestion of food, even light and healthy, as on a fasting day after overeating, is work for gastrointestinal tract and the whole body, which forces it to spend calories, including those that were “stuffed up” during the holidays.

    An important and unchangeable rule is the use large quantity water. Juices, even freshly squeezed ones, fruit drinks and compotes with sugar, or any purchased drinks are not suitable here. Only clean still water is a guarantee that you will remove everything unnecessary from your body during the fasting day after the holidays. You need to consume at least one and a half to two liters per day. Avoid drinking large amounts to reduce stress on your kidneys. It is better to do this about once every hour and a half, a small glass, in small sips and slowly. The water should be at comfortable room temperature.

    A one-day diet after the New Year holidays does not imply a decrease in activity. It is recommended to work or study as usual, play sports or a favorite hobby, be at fresh air. Walking on this day is a great idea; you shouldn’t deny yourself this, especially if you have the opportunity to spend an hour more time in the park with your children or walk home from work.

    You need to prepare for unloading in advance. Go to the store the day before, buy everything you need and prepare it. For example, bake apples for work, steam buckwheat in a thermos, put everything into containers. If you are afraid of relapse, try to remove foods that will tempt you from your sight. For the same reason, it is better not to visit stores during a fasting day.

    Contraindications and restrictions

    There are various answers to the question of how to lose weight after the holidays, and a one-day mono-diet is one of them. There are a number of diseases and conditions that exclude this method, since putting your figure in order at the expense of health is both unreasonable and dangerous.

    • Pregnancy. No hunger while carrying a child is justified. This can be detrimental to the baby’s development and the mother’s well-being. However, if you decide to slightly lighten your diet for one day, you should consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist who is managing your pregnancy.
    • Diabetes. Impaired insulin production requires regular food intake, and a careless attitude towards oneself can lead to dire consequences. To lose weight after the New Year, it is better to choose another, less extreme method.
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially gastritis. It is important to think through your diet so as not to worsen your condition. For example, people with this disease should not choose a mono-diet based on citrus fruits, because the acid that enters the stomach will irritate and injure it.
    • Liver and kidney diseases. Consultation with a specialist is required, as some products will increase the load on these organs.
    • Recovery from infectious and other diseases. Here it is better to simply adjust your diet, excluding fatty, sweet, flour and fried foods, but do not have a fasting day, because the body needs strength to recover.

    Types of fasting days

    The most literate and the best option There will be a choice of the product that suits your situation. You need to decide what health problems exist at the moment, what was eaten the most and how to get rid of it most effectively.

    Eating a lot of fatty foods

    Products that are heavily sauced with a lot of oil, flavored with fats or contain them are difficult to digest. The excess begins to ferment in the esophagus, and rotting processes begin. The enzymes secreted by the liver and pancreas are simply not enough for absorption. Such a load on the organs is fraught with abdominal pain, bloating, heartburn, and a feeling of heaviness.

    The best one-day diet after the holidays, during which you overate fatty foods- fasting. That is, during the day you only drink clean water. You can alternate warm and cold, and also, if there is no gastritis or other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, add a little lemon juice. No need to buy ready-made - just squeeze a slice into your glass. It will speed up metabolism and help remove harmful substances and toxins.

    Eaten a lot of salty, pickled, spicy

    These dishes contribute to the accumulation of fluid in the cells, which causes swelling. In order to bring yourself back to normal, you will need foods with fiber and magnesium salts. There are two options for a fasting day for this case.

    1. 1.5 kilograms of steamed cauliflower and broccoli without salt, water with added cranberry juice.
    2. Boiled unpolished rice (1 cup). Naturally, salt, oil and seasonings cannot be added. Required level fiber will provide White cabbage, which needs to be chopped and mashed to release the juice. The addition will be without sugar.

    Eaten a lot of sweets

    A sharp increase in the level of glucose in the blood, and then its decrease, is a guarantee that you will soon want sweets or cake again, only you will eat more. To exit from vicious circle, overcome heartburn and nausea from excessive consumption simple carbohydrates, the following fasting days are recommended:

    • On fruit smoothies. It is good to add fiber or bran to their composition. The choice of fruit is at your discretion.
    • On baked or boiled potatoes without oil and salt. Don't forget to drink water!

    Alcohol poisoning

    Overcome nausea headache and weakness, which are signs of excess poisons in the blood, will help sauerkraut, boiled oatmeal and citrus fruits. Distribute these foods evenly throughout the day and drink clean water. It has long been known that the habit of getting hungover improves well-being only temporarily, but in general, such a decision aggravates the situation.

    Poisoning from stale food

    The New Year holidays drag on for a long time, and trying to enjoy a salad that has been in the refrigerator for three days can end in disaster - diarrhea, fever, weakness, nausea and vomiting. During the first day, it is not recommended to eat at all, and many cannot, since the body does not accept food. It is better to make the second day a fasting day, clean water adding only a few baked apples, which will help get rid of the poisons that enter the blood during poisoning.

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