Until what time can pregnant women have dental treatment? Features of dental manipulation and possible risks. What are the risks?

The question of whether it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy is quite relevant for almost everyone. expectant mother. After all, dental problems can appear at any time, but few people know whether they can be treated or not treated while pregnant. So, is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy, if so, what diseases and at what period: we will study all these questions in this material.

The main misconception of many pregnant women is that it is absolutely impossible to treat toothache during pregnancy. However, such misconception and refusal of treatment can lead to a dental infection developing into a more serious inflammation and negatively affecting the health of the unborn child. This is especially true for the early stages of pregnancy, when the protective placenta has not yet fully formed.

However, dental problems often appear in pregnant women due to hormonal changes in the body. And the question here is not whether teeth can or cannot be treated. The main thing is that it is advisable not to bring their condition to the point of requiring serious treatment. That is why at the very beginning of pregnancy doctors prescribe a course of vitamins which helps protect teeth from negative impacts caused by hormonal changes.

Features of dental treatment during pregnancy

What can be treated during pregnancy?

Naturally, it is impossible to protect your teeth from possible diseases even during pregnancy. A pregnant woman should also see a dentist if she has the following symptoms:

  • bleeding gums when brushing teeth or eating;
  • tooth sensitivity;
  • recurrent or constant toothaches.

All of the above are signs of incipient inflammation and must be treated without fail. During pregnancy, this should be done as early as possible. Otherwise, the doctor you will have to do complex manipulations without anesthesia, and it will be very painful.

It is allowed to install fillings for pregnant women of any composition, they do not pose a health hazard future child.

So, during pregnancy the following dental diseases can be treated:

  • caries initial stage;
  • periodontitis and pulpitis;
  • periostitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis.

It is also possible to remove teeth during pregnancy using anesthesia, but only in the last trimester. The rest of the time prosthetics allowed with the exception of implantation.

What procedures should not be performed during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, such procedures should not be carried out dental procedures, How:

  • whitening and strengthening;
  • removal of stones;
  • correction of teeth or bite position;
  • removal of wisdom teeth.

At the same time, other teeth are allowed to be removed, but only for later pregnancy.

What drugs should not be taken during pregnancy?

Dentistry often uses a number of painkillers and other strengthening drugs. We list those that should not be given to pregnant women:

  • Lidocaine is an anesthetic, calls side effects , including convulsions, decreased blood pressure and others;
  • Stopangin - can cause pathologies in the fetus and provoke pregnancy;
  • Sodium Fluoride is an anti-caries remedy that can disrupt the functioning of the heart and negatively affect the child’s health;
  • Imudon – immunomodulator, during pregnancy not recommended to use, since the effect of the drug on the fetus is not known.

As is known, the use of any medical product during pregnancy must be agreed with a doctor.

In the first trimester, the placenta has not yet formed and any drug treatment may have a negative effect on the fetus. Dental treatment is allowed only in extreme cases that require urgent treatment. For example, this applies to pulpitis or periodontitis, which, if treatment is delayed, can infect the entire body with infection. But other diseases are better left for later.

In the second period of pregnancy, you can treat your teeth and undergo routine inspection at the dentist. In the third trimester, remove and It is recommended to treat teeth with extreme caution, to not allow stressful situations and do not allow the treatment process to begin fainting.

X-rays and painkillers during dental treatment for pregnant women

It is prohibited for pregnant women to take X-rays of diseased teeth, the only exception being images taken using a radiovisiograph, the radiation of which is kept to a minimum.

Also, many are interested in whether it is possible to use painkillers for pregnant women during dental treatment. This can be done, but Only drugs are allowed to be used local action , the impact of which on blood vessels is minimized - these are Ubistezin and Ultracain.

When contacting a dentist when you are pregnant, do not forget to indicate the exact date; this is very important for the doctor so that he can select the most gentle type of treatment.

How can bad teeth affect the fetus?

Some diseases associated with complications of caries, namely periodontitis and pulpitis, can negatively affect the development of the unborn child. Untreated complicated caries during pregnancy may provoke premature birth and low baby weight at birth. They can also spread the infection and infect soft fabrics fetus, this is especially dangerous in the early stages. In some cases, this can lead to miscarriage.

Similar consequences can be caused by untreated stomatitis. That is why when the slightest manifestations one or another dental disease during pregnancy you should go to the dentist immediately and do not think that the problem is local and limited only to the oral cavity.

Prevention and dental care measures

Naturally, in order not to bring your teeth to this state and not provoke problems, you need to take care of them, and this should be done with special care during pregnancy, since simple dental care will no longer be enough.

So, what preventive measures should be observed:

  • brush your teeth at least twice a day;
  • do not forget to use dental floss every time after eating;
  • rinse your mouth after eating;
  • should be used for cleaning soft brush or medium hard;
  • do not use pastes with a whitening effect, so as not to damage the enamel;
  • use pastes with therapeutic effect, change them regularly;
  • regularly consume enough foods containing calcium;
  • follow the vitamin regimen.

Pregnant women often suffer from gum inflammation. To prevent this, it is necessary massage your teeth regularly with your fingers and apply medicated toothpaste for several minutes.

Do not neglect all kinds of folk remedies to strengthen gums and prevent caries, make sure that your teeth are healthy and do not bleed.

For some reason, expectant mothers often avoid going to the dentist, believing that painkilling injections will harm the child. But diseased teeth can pose a great danger to health, since infection oral cavity causes inflammation. Over time, intoxication of the entire body occurs.

Pregnancy - it's time to treat your teeth before it's too late.

A strange myth about unwanted dental treatment for pregnant women

There are many opponents of dental treatment while pregnant. They cite the following factors as reasons for their correctness:

  • The use of anesthesia at the beginning of pregnancy will disrupt the formation of the embryo.
  • Pregnant women have lowered immunity, so there is a high risk of complications.
  • During pregnancy pain threshold significantly reduced, which will cause discomfort.

But if you warn your doctor about your situation, you don’t have to worry about any complications. The dentist will choose safe drugs or advise postponing treatment until the baby is born. There is no need to be afraid of a visit to the dental clinic; necessary treatment will protect you from infection, and it is not dangerous.

Features of dental treatment in pregnant women

The approach to treatment depends on the period of pregnancy. Even harmless anesthesia, applied at the wrong time, can affect the baby’s health.

At what stage can pregnant women have their teeth treated?

  • A pregnant woman should know that dental treatment is extremely undesirable in the first trimester. At this stage, the birth and development of the fetus occurs. The placenta has not yet formed and does not provide decent protection. Any medical product can cause disruption in the development of a child’s organs.

IN this period treatment is carried out only if dangerous diseases have occurred, such as pulpitis or periodontitis. They are dangerous due to complications that manifest as infection with pus. If the disease is chronic, treatment can be delayed.

  • It is best to carry out treatment in the second trimester, that is, from 13 to 28 weeks. The risk of negative impact is minimal. By this time female body already accustomed to the new state.

At this time, any dental pathologies can be treated with anesthesia. It is allowed to conduct research using X-ray equipment. But implantation in this trimester is prohibited, since the use of many medications will be required.

  • The third trimester is not the most favorable period. The muscles of the uterus have become very sensitive and react to any impact by increasing tone. Painkillers also work. Increased tone uterus can cause premature birth.

Important! When emergency medical intervention is required, no attention is paid to the duration of pregnancy. The main thing is to choose the right treatment tactics using approved drugs.

Experts agree that the second trimester is best period time to visit the dentist. That is, from the fourth to the sixth month inclusive.

Is it possible to treat teeth if a woman is pregnant?

Why and how to treat teeth for pregnant women in the early stages

If it was not possible to cure diseased teeth before pregnancy, then this must be done in the second trimester. Dental pathologies not very many, but all can lead to negative consequences.

Advice! In the early stages of pregnancy, teeth can be protected with fluoride paste, but without a whitening effect. Pastes with flavoring additives are prohibited as they increase toxicosis.

What can and should be eliminated:

Caries Causes gastrointestinal dysfunction. There is an increased load on the stomach, as chewing food worsens. Periodontal disease is the main cause of intoxication. Pulpitis This is a caries complication. The problem should be stopped immediately, otherwise suppuration will occur. Gingivitis Inflammation of the oral mucosa. The drug reduces immunity and attracts other dental pathologies. Odontogenic periostitis Causes inflammation of the periosteum. You can lose all your teeth. Stomatitis Very dangerous disease, which affects internal organs and can cause fetal death.

It is possible to install braces, as well as prosthetics with a small amount of medications.

Are painkiller injections dangerous?

Concerns about the use of anesthesia during pregnancy are understandable. Any medicine has side effects, and many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

But treating pregnant women’s teeth using painkillers is not only possible, but also necessary. Treatment without anesthesia will cause a strong surge of adrenaline, and this will harm the baby or even lead to premature birth. But some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. The dentist must know the gestational age. Based on this, he will select the most suitable look treatment.
  2. For pain relief, only topical medications are used so that the effect on the blood vessels is minimal. They mainly use Ubistezin or Ultracain, which are the safest anesthetics. Sometimes other drugs are used: Primacaine, Scandonest. The doctor chooses the remedy, taking into account the patient’s health.
  3. Do not use medications containing a large number of adrenaline. But completely adrenaline-free drugs are not recommended. In the absence of this component, the anesthetic high concentration quickly penetrates the female body and can harm the fetus.

Attention! General anesthesia is strictly prohibited.

An anesthetic injection is a necessary measure; it will allow you to calmly endure the dentist’s manipulations.

Anesthesia in dentistry

Or maybe not treat?

Dentists and even gynecologists say that pregnant women need to have their teeth treated. They argue as follows:

  • Diseased teeth are a source of a lot of bacteria and various infections. After the birth of a child, they will attack his defenseless body.
  • And the expectant mother herself will become a victim of such infections. Naturally, treatment with antibiotics will be required, and this is undesirable during pregnancy.
  • Once the baby is born, there will be no time to visit the dentist. It is better to have your teeth treated while you are pregnant.
  • Unhealthy teeth negatively affect the development of the fetus. He may not only become infected, but also suffer from the stress his mother experiences with toothache. This is reflected in the weight of the fetus and the date of birth.

Any problem in the oral cavity is a source of inflammation. The infection spreads throughout the body. It can come back to haunt a woman and child even after childbirth.

The dentists' arsenal is rich in medications that are safe for the fetus. Hazardous Exposure on the health of the child is absolutely excluded.

Possible consequences if left untreated

It is not for nothing that experts say that dental treatment during pregnancy should be mandatory. Sources of infection and caries cavities lead to significant deterioration dental diseases(if any).

Refusal of treatment is fraught with complications. The following consequences may occur:

  • caries can infect the fetus;
  • the infection becomes generalized and develops into sepsis;
  • development of late toxicosis;
  • miscarriage or early birth.

When the baby is already born:

  • newborn with a small mass.
  • the child is born nervous because the mother did not treat her teeth, but endured pain.

If there was no dental treatment, the baby may become infected with staphylococcus, the source of which is diseased teeth. You can spread the infection by kissing or licking a pacifier. Such bacteria even penetrate into breast milk.

Dental treatment for a pregnant woman

Some prohibitions

Dental treatment for pregnant women is not contraindicated. But there are procedures that are prohibited:

  • Dental stones cannot be removed;
  • Do not bleach enamel;
  • You can't correct your bite.

This is due to the use of chemicals that can harm a pregnant woman.

  • Lidocaine. This anesthetic causes convulsions, reduces blood pressure and makes breathing difficult.
  • Sodium fluoride. Negatively affects the functioning of the heart and the formation of the fetus.
  • Imudon. The product has not yet undergone a number of studies.
  • Stopangin. The drug contains methyl salicylate, which promotes the development of fetal pathologies. May cause an increase in gestational age.

There are a lot of other means that seem harmless. As a result, all medications must be prescribed by your doctor.

Pregnant women can have their teeth treated, but only competently and only by qualified specialists. It is not the therapy that is dangerous, but dental diseases. A good doctor will never prescribe drugs that can affect the intrauterine development of the fetus.

You should trust the doctors and various infections will not be able to harm the mother and her baby.

“Congratulations, you will soon become a mother...”

It is with these words that a new chapter begins in a woman’s life, full of unexpected and joyful moments, anticipation and happiness, but, in addition, requiring her to pay special attention to her health, and, in particular, to her teeth.

From the moment you find out that you will become a mother, your responsibility and important work together with doctors, midwives, teachers to prepare for the birth of a healthy, happy baby.

Why treat teeth during pregnancy?

Until recently, there was a myth that you should not treat your teeth during pregnancy; this should be done after childbirth. This is a deep misconception! After all, any carious or, even worse, decayed tooth, gingivitis (gum inflammation) are sources of infection, which, entering the stomach with food, and then into the general bloodstream, can provoke undesirable conditions, including preeclampsia (late toxicosis). Therefore, if you know that you need treatment or removal of teeth, if your gums bleed when brushing your teeth, then when you enter the second trimester of pregnancy, feel free to go to the dentist, because today he has enough drugs in his arsenal that are safe for dental treatment during pregnancy . And if nothing bothers you, then don’t forget about mandatory visits dentist (there are only three of them during the entire pregnancy period). During these visits, the doctor will give you professional hygiene oral cavity, will tell you about the features of oral care in your situation, and recommend toothpaste and a brush.

When is the best time to treat teeth during pregnancy?

Conventionally, the pregnancy period is divided into three periods - trimesters. The first trimester is characterized by the formation of all organs and systems, in the second trimester their smooth development occurs, in the third - their preparation for independent work or already independent functioning. Each trimester has its own management features - the first and third have greatest number « critical periods", so carrying out any medical interventions is considered undesirable (of course, except for those that are necessary to preserve the life and health of mother and baby). The second trimester (this is approximately 14-20 weeks) is the safest, including for dental treatment.

If there is a need for dental treatment

First of all, don’t worry and don’t panic – this is of no use to you now. Secondly, Be sure to notify your doctor that you are pregnant, how far into your pregnancy you are, and what medications you are taking, treatment tactics depend on this.

If you have caries...

Treatment of caries during pregnancy

Today, treating caries in pregnant women is not particularly difficult. Often it is performed even without anesthesia. The doctor will mechanically (using a drill) remove all damaged tooth tissue and place a filling of your choice - chemical or light curing - there are absolutely no restrictions here. Light emitted ultraviolet lamp when placing a light-curing filling, it does not pose the slightest danger either to the mother or to the unborn child.

If you still need anesthesia...

Anesthesia for dental treatment during pregnancy

This situation is also completely natural and does not pose a big problem. Today's anesthetics (these are drugs based on articaine, such as "Ubistezin", "Ultracaine") have an exclusively local effect, without penetrating the placental barrier, which means they are safe for the child, and their concentration is also reduced vasoconstrictors, and in some they are completely absent (for example, in anesthetics based on mepivacaine). Therefore, if dental treatment causes you pain, you should not endure it; it is better to avoid such stress by using modern anesthesia.

If you have pulpitis or periodontitis...

Treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis during pregnancy. X-ray

If caries is complicated by pulpitis (nerve inflammation), then treatment must be carried out under anesthesia, which has already been mentioned above. Treatment of periodontitis (inflammation of the peri-root tissues of the tooth), as a rule, is done without pain relief. But in both cases, high-quality root canal filling is necessary, which is difficult to carry out without X-rays. Many expectant mothers are very afraid of x-rays, and many dentists prefer to leave the treatment of such a tooth “for later.” Believe me, nothing bad will happen from one photograph taken with all precautions (lead protection on the stomach - the so-called lead apron), and will be an excellent help in dental treatment. In modern radiovisiographic devices, the radiation dose is reduced tens of times, and the quality of the images is not inferior to film ones.

If a tooth needs to be removed...

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

If the doctor has concluded that the tooth cannot be saved, it must be removed, and this is already surgery, but even this does not present any difficulties during pregnancy. The operation takes place under local anesthesia. It is important to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations (under no circumstances rinse, do not heat the surgical area, etc.) to avoid complications.

A special case with “wisdom teeth”. Their removal often requires additional surgical procedures and further prescription of antibiotics. Therefore, it is better to postpone this procedure, if possible.

If you need prosthetics...

Dental prosthetics during pregnancy

There are no contraindications to prosthetics during pregnancy. As a rule, procedures performed by an orthopedic dentist are safe and painless, and the expectant mother has free time to take care of the beauty of her smile.

But you should forget about implantation for now, since the period of engraftment of implants requires large expenses from the body, and the expectant mother needs them for development healthy baby. In addition, implant healing often takes place under the influence of medicines, reducing the body’s reactivity, and this too absolute contraindication during pregnancy.

If you are worried about gum inflammation...

Treatment of gingivitis/gum inflammation during pregnancy

Perhaps gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) is the most common complaint of women, starting from 3-4 months of pregnancy. This is due to serious hormonal changes throughout the body. It is typical that in the first half of pregnancy there is light form(the so-called catarrhal gingivitis), and in the second half the course of the disease is more severe, often with the growth of gum tissue (the so-called hypertrophic gingivitis). In the initial stage of gingivitis, the edge of the gum becomes bright red, swells, and bleeds easily. Gradually, such gums become dark red or even bluish and increase in size.

Treatment of mild forms of gingivitis consists of antiseptic treatment of the gums, professional teeth cleaning (this removes traumatic and infectious factors), and the appointment of applications or rinses with anti-inflammatory drugs. As a rule, after childbirth everything lung symptoms gingivitis disappear without a trace.

If gum tissue grows, it is removed surgically without harm to the health of the expectant mother and child.

How to save teeth during pregnancy

There used to be a saying that every child takes one tooth from a woman. Fortunately, today we can say with confidence that this is not the case. The main thing is to follow simple but very important recommendations.

Try to think about dental health before pregnancy. Planning the birth of a child is an indicator of parental responsibility. Try to cure all “problem” teeth, start taking a complex of vitamins containing calcium. Try to stick proper nutrition, add more cottage cheese, cheeses, and nuts to your diet.
During pregnancy, be sure to visit the dentist, even if nothing worries you. This should be done at the beginning, in the middle of pregnancy and before childbirth.
During pregnancy, the child requires a huge amount of calcium both for the mineralization of the skeleton and for the formation of mammary and permanent teeth, therefore, taking calcium from the outside is simply necessary for a woman. Products such as milk, cottage cheese, cheese, nuts, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes will help with this. But before taking calcium-containing medications, you must consult your doctor.
During pregnancy, the qualitative and quantitative composition of saliva changes, it becomes more viscous, loses its protective properties, which means oral hygiene suffers, teeth become susceptible to caries. Therefore it is necessary Special attention pay attention to daily oral hygiene, perhaps add additional funds care (rinses, floss). The dentist will give you all these recommendations; he will also select the appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste for you, and, if necessary, carry out professional hygiene.
We must not forget about the future father of the baby; he also needs to sanitize his oral cavity before the birth of the child. After all, any affected tooth is a source of infection, both for mother and baby.

Following these rules will help you meet one of the happiest events in life with a beautiful and healthy smile!

Dental treatment during pregnancy raises a lot of questions, and this is understandable. Every expectant mother takes care of her baby and does not want to harm him. The presence of a source of infection, which is caries, is undoubtedly harmful to the health of mother and child. But the effect of anesthesia during dental treatment on pregnancy worries women no less. After all, doctors themselves say that pregnant women need to use any medications with caution. What to do? Is dental treatment dangerous during pregnancy, and if so, why? At what stage of pregnancy can teeth be treated? Do I need a special pain reliever? We will answer all these questions in this article.

Is it necessary to treat teeth during pregnancy?

In theory, it is clear that it is best to treat bad teeth at the stage of pregnancy planning. But what to do if the pregnancy was a surprise or the issue of dental health was not given enough attention before? Some women are afraid that dental treatment will negatively affect pregnancy and postpone it until postpartum period. This is mistake.

Why should teeth be treated during pregnancy?

  1. Caries directly affects the pregnant child . American study proved that there is a clear connection between the number of cariogenic bacteria Actinomyces naeslundii and premature birth, as well as the birth of a child with reduced body weight. Scientists suggest that these bacteria cause the formation of anti-inflammatory cytokines in a woman’s body - and they, in turn, stimulate uterine contractions and dilation cervical canal. And this is a direct path to rupture membranes and premature birth.
  2. An existing infection in the mouth may become generalized – i.e. spread to other organs and systems of the body. The likelihood of such an outcome is especially high in the case of pulpitis and especially periodontitis.
  3. Toothache negatively affects psycho-emotional state pregnant . Pain causes the release of hormones, primarily adrenaline, which has a direct effect on the fetus.
  4. After giving birth, there will most likely be no time to treat your teeth . Care about infant It takes not only a lot of effort, but also a lot of time. The baby needs the mother's presence around the clock. And dental treatment is not a matter of a few minutes.
  5. Breast-feeding, kissing on the lips, nose, licking a pacifier or spoon by a mother with dental caries can lead to the transmission of bacteria to the child. Caries and staphylococcus, for example, are very closely related. Mom’s teeth not treated on time are a risk serious illnesses for the baby.

Thus, dental treatment during pregnancy is a necessity, no matter how frightening pregnant women are by the fact of intervention in their body at such a crucial time.

Timing of dental treatment during pregnancy

When problems with teeth appear during pregnancy, a woman immediately has a question: at what time is it better to see a dentist? After all, everyone knows, for example, that the first trimester is the time for the formation and formation of all internal organs baby. Should you postpone going to the doctor until the second or third trimester?

Gynecologists consider dental treatment during pregnancy in the third trimester to be optimal. However, this rule also has exceptions.

First trimester is indeed the most important period in the development of the fetus, and it is advisable for the mother to minimize any drug interventions. However, in case of pulpitis or periodontitis, you should contact your dentist immediately to avoid the spread of infection throughout the body. Postpone treatment of other diseases until the second trimester. In the second trimester (usually at 20 weeks of pregnancy) a routine examination by a dentist takes place, dental treatment is allowed. In the third trimester treatment should be carried out extremely carefully so that the woman does not experience stress and pain.

Anesthesia for dental treatment during pregnancy

The biggest question women have is dental treatment during pregnancy with anesthesia - is it even possible to use it? The anxiety is understandable, since each medicine has its own side effects, and for many drugs pregnancy is listed as a contraindication.

It is POSSIBLE to relieve pain from dental treatment during pregnancy. And it’s even necessary, since pain and fear are completely contraindicated for expectant mothers. Dental treatment without anesthesia during pregnancy causes a powerful surge of adrenaline, which not only harms the baby, but can also cause a miscarriage or premature birth in a pregnant woman. However, when using anesthesia there are also some nuances.

Firstly, you must tell the doctor not only about the fact of pregnancy, but also tell the exact date. This will allow the dentist to choose the most gentle type of treatment.

Secondly, for pain relief during dental treatment during pregnancy, it is permissible to use only topical drugs that have minimal effect on the condition of blood vessels. Usually used during pregnancy Ubistezin , Ultracaine . These are the safest anesthetics. In some cases they use Primacaine , Septanest , Mepivastezin (Scandonest ). The decision on the choice of drug should be made by the doctor, taking into account the patient’s health condition.

Thirdly, the use of drugs with high content adrenaline and its derivatives. At the same time, completely adrenaline-free drugs are also not recommended, since in the absence of adrenaline the anesthetic penetrates the woman’s body faster and in greater concentration and, possibly, to the fetus.

Injection of anesthetic for dental treatment during pregnancy - necessary measure, which will help you calmly endure all the dentist’s manipulations. Do not be afraid! It is better to treat teeth with anesthesia than to progress caries to pulpitis and then sepsis.

Arsenic It is contraindicated in dental treatment during pregnancy; it is especially dangerous in the first trimester, because has a teratogenic (disturbing normal development embryo) effect. However, in modern dentistry, the concept of “applying arsenic” usually means the use of drugs that act similarly to arsenic, although in fact they do not contain arsenic or are included in microscopic doses.

Lidocaine It is not advisable to use it in dental treatment during pregnancy, since it easily penetrates to the child. Therefore, the annotation for the drug states that its use during pregnancy is prohibited. However, doctors sometimes resort to this tool after 16 weeks of pregnancy, when the placenta has already formed.

Novocaine It is not recommended to use during dental treatment during pregnancy. It can be used in case of high blood pressure the patient and some other indications.

X-ray for dental treatment during pregnancy

The use of x-rays during pregnancy is controversial issue among dentists. On the one side, X-ray allows you to correctly establish a diagnosis and monitor the quality of dental treatment. The rays act directionally, on a certain limited area, and do not scatter. In addition, during the examination the patient will be wearing a special apron, which will protect the body from possible exposure. But - on the other hand - X-rays represent very strong radiation exposure, which can be dangerous, especially during pregnancy. Therefore, doctors do not recommend doing x-rays, at least, in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters, it is also advisable to take a minimum number of x-rays, and it is better to use visiography, which is considered safe for pregnant women.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

Tooth extraction is a simple, but nonetheless surgical operation. However, pregnancy is not a contraindication for tooth extraction. As for the timing, doctors recommend, if possible, having teeth removed in the third trimester of pregnancy. In the same way as for treatment, it is used local anesthesia. In cases of persistent pain, trauma to the tooth or jaw, inflammation of the nerve or spread of inflammation throughout the oral cavity, the appearance malignant neoplasms, dental cysts, removing a tooth is safer than leaving it in the mouth. Therefore, these situations are medical indications for tooth extraction at any stage of pregnancy.

The only exception to removal is wisdom teeth. It is strictly not recommended to remove them during pregnancy. Surgical manipulations on them can cause an increase in temperature and deterioration of the pregnant woman’s condition, which poses a danger to the child.

Dental treatment during early pregnancy (1st trimester)

Dental treatment in the first trimester of pregnancy is the most undesirable. The 1st trimester itself can be divided into two periods:

  • The period of time from the moment of conception until the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus(approximately 17th day). It is considered the most dangerous for treatment, since the woman’s body during this period is very sensitive to toxic external influences and stress. Exposure to medications may increase the chance of miscarriage. Regarding impact harmful factors In the first days of pregnancy, the “all or nothing” principle applies. However, the embryo itself is relatively safe, since the fertilized egg floats autonomously in the uterus before implantation, without being connected to the mother’s body. Thus, dental treatment in the first weeks of pregnancy (at 1-2 embryonic or 3-4 obstetric weeks the woman still does not know that she is pregnant) most likely will not affect the child in any way if the pregnancy is confirmed. Therefore, if you had dental treatment in the first month of pregnancy, even before you knew that conception had occurred, do not panic.
  • The next period of the first trimester is the time from implantation of the fertilized egg(approximately 18 days from conception) until all organs and systems of the fetus are fully formed. This period of time covers 10 weeks, and they are considered the most important in intrauterine development. This is the most dangerous period for dental treatment, because toxic effects medications can lead to disruption of organogenesis (organ formation).

Thus, dental treatment at the beginning of pregnancy, namely in the 1st trimester, is undesirable. The first trimester, and especially 3-12 obstetric weeks, are the most “sensitive” to external influences. And yet, there are cases when you should not postpone visiting the dentist - this is pulpitis, acute periodontitis or exacerbation of chronic periodontitis. They cause pain and quickly cause purulent complications. It is better to postpone treatment of simple caries, chronic pulpitis and chronic periodontitis until the second trimester.

Dental treatment in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester covers the period from 13-14 to 26-27 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, increased growth of the fetus occurs, all organs and tissues of which are already formed. Dental treatment during pregnancy in the second trimester is significantly less dangerous than in the first. Still, one cannot ignore the toxicity of many antibacterial drugs and anesthetics. It is advisable to carry out prevention of dental diseases (professional hygiene) in the second trimester and treat teeth, the condition of which may worsen in the third trimester. The decision must be made by your attending physician. Perhaps it makes sense to postpone the treatment of some teeth until the postpartum period.

Dental treatment during pregnancy: 3rd trimester

Dental treatment in the third trimester of pregnancy, on the one hand, is the least dangerous for the child, since he already has formed organs, is partially protected from external influences by the placenta, and is quite large. But a pregnant woman during this period may experience fatigue, stress, and some anxiety, and medical intervention only aggravates the discomfort. In addition, the supine position, in which treatment is usually carried out, increases fetal pressure on the aorta and inferior vena cava, which is unfavorable for both mother and child. Decreases cardiac output, heart rate increases, decreases arterial pressure– a woman may even lose consciousness. The supine position in the second half of pregnancy is one of the reasons for possible fetal hypoxia.

If possible, it is better not to carry out dental treatment in late stages of pregnancy (at 35-38 weeks), since the uterus becomes increased sensitivity to external influences. Dental treatment at 36 or 37 weeks of pregnancy can trigger premature birth.

Thus, it is better to treat teeth at the beginning of the third trimester (from 30 to 32-33 weeks of pregnancy).

If dental treatment in the 3rd trimester cannot be avoided, it is really necessary (the patient is in pain, purulent complications of caries have arisen), the position of the pregnant woman in the chair should not be reclining on her back, but with a slight turn to the left side. This will reduce fetal pressure on the aorta and inferior vena cava.

We hope that our article helped you understand the issues related to dental treatment during pregnancy. Take care of your teeth and be healthy!

toothache during pregnancy, dental anesthesia during pregnancy, tooth extraction during pregnancy, dental x-ray during pregnancy, anesthesia during pregnancy, caries during pregnancy

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who has not learned own experience What is toothache? And those who have encountered it know: sometimes it’s difficult to wait until the morning to quickly get into the dentist’s chair. What can we say about abandoning the thought of treatment for several months - toothache during pregnancy does not wait or endure, but forces you to take the most urgent measures.

To begin with, let us note that the ideal option is when toothache never bothers you. This is quite realistic and easy to implement. All you need to do is contact to a good doctor, cure everything that might ever bother you and then go to an appointment twice a year for professional hygiene as a preventive measure. With this development of events, even the smallest caries will not escape the eyes of an attentive doctor. Of course, it is best to treat teeth before pregnancy, without waiting for piercing unbearable pain.

And even if you were pregnant, you should still go to the dentist as planned, but not early, and in the second trimester. This is the time that is considered ideal for full dental treatment during pregnancy.

What to do if you have a toothache during pregnancy?

If you have a toothache during pregnancy, it would be good to know the contact information of a trusted doctor. It is very important. If you don’t have such a person in mind yet, make sure in advance that in case of acute toothache during pregnancy you have someone to call. A pregnant woman is an object increased attention for a doctor, and to be honest, this is not an ordinary patient at all. Your main task as a patient is to not lose your head at the moment of severe toothache and try to find, through friends and acquaintances, a trusted doctor whom you can turn to, and not run headlong to the nearest dental office. This is really very important.

Toothache during pregnancy: what can hurt?

Modern medical supplies and the drugs are quite neutral, thanks to which full dental treatment can be carried out during pregnancy. Let us repeat again: the ideal time for a planned visit is the second trimester, only because it is the most stable and predictable. But this rule does not apply to acute toothache during pregnancy and treatment can be carried out when needed. The unshakable works here medical rule: Treatment is justified when the benefits from it are greater than the expected harm. So, during pregnancy you have a toothache. The first thought is probably caries. Let us immediately note that small, barely noticeable, new caries painful sensations does not give. What you are sick with has probably been with you for a long time. Perhaps it pulpitis or periodontitis. In any case, this is a kind of permanent inflammation and a source of infection in the body of a pregnant woman. What is better: the supposed harm from treatment or a source of rotting and constant proliferation of bacteria in the mouth? For any doctor the answer is obvious. Therefore, the question of whether or not to treat teeth during pregnancy is not worth it for him. Definitely - treat!

Any inflammatory process in the body, including in the oral cavity, provokes an increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood. Surely this will confirm general analysis blood, which all expectant mothers regularly have to donate. Here we are talking not only about acute inflammations, which hurt, bother and do not let you forget about yourself, here we are also talking about chronic processes that can only be diagnosed. Without it, the doctor can only make a preliminary diagnosis. All of the above also sounds in favor of visiting a dentist before pregnancy. But if this fails, be sure to visit a specialist during pregnancy to get ahead of the pain and plan possible treatment before giving birth. However, if necessary, most dental procedures can be performed throughout the entire nine months.

Dental anesthesia during pregnancy

Let's start with dental anesthesia during pregnancy. It is often impossible to do without it. Good anesthesia is the basis of any treatment. If the patient is in pain, the doctor is unlikely to be able to carry out all the manipulations efficiently. For successful treatment The doctor needs a calm, relaxed patient with his mouth wide open. And this is only possible in the absence of pain. Only extremely rare cases allergies may force the doctor to refuse an injection with an anesthetic. Next we will answer main question: Is it possible to use anesthesia during pregnancy? So, dentists have modern painkillers in their arsenal that are not contraindicated for pregnant women. These drugs are non-toxic and are quickly eliminated from the body. And most importantly, they do not pass the hemoplacental barrier, and therefore are safe for the child. Before your appointment, be sure to tell your dentist about the specifics of your situation, possible allergies or reactions to anesthesia. If the doctor is dealing with ordinary caries during pregnancy, the treatment will be simple and quick. All manipulations (tooth preparation, drying, installation and “exposing” fillings) and preparations are used and performed at the local level and do not threaten the health of the mother and fetus.

Toothache during pregnancy: pulpitis or periodontitis?

It’s a completely different matter when most of the tooth tissue is affected by caries, the pain is unbearable, and at the appointment the doctor states: “You have pulpitis.” Surely, many of you have experienced this acute, throbbing toothache. Not only does it occur unexpectedly, it can rarely be suppressed with painkillers. The tooth hurts day and night, and nothing helps... If such severe toothache during pregnancy deprives you of sleep, the question of caries is no longer an issue; most likely, you are faced with another problem. These symptoms are united by the disease “pulpitis” - inflammation of the neurovascular bundle in the tooth. Pulpitis can also be characterized by pain when biting on a tooth. It is aching, dull or tugging, making it simply impossible to eat. What is important is that pulpitis always begins with minor caries. Most often, the diseased tooth has already been treated, and it seems to you that there is nothing to hurt there anymore.

In the case of pulpitis, when it becomes inflamed neurovascular bundle in the tooth, and periodontitis, when inflammation spreads from the root canal to the bone surrounding the tooth, root canal treatment is the main measure in eliminating this disease. The doctor discovers everything root canals in the tooth, expands them, disinfects and hermetically seals the root tips. Modern technique Treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis is carried out in one or two visits to the doctor. Root canal treatment is required to be performed under anesthesia. Note that quality treatment root canals are simply impossible without x-ray examination. As a rule, the doctor takes at least three photographs during treatment - before, during the procedure and after it. This is necessary to make sure that all the canals are found, “passed” along the entire length and that there is no source of bacterial growth left inside the tooth. At the end of the procedure, the doctor will put a calcium-containing preparation into the pregnant woman’s tooth cavity, place a temporary filling, and invite her for an appointment after childbirth. It is important to understand here: if the treatment of pulpitis or periodontitis has stopped at an intermediate stage, do not delay visiting the doctor after the birth of the child. The temporary filling is not reliable. It should be replaced with a permanent one as soon as possible.

Dental X-ray during pregnancy

It is known and proven that x-ray radiation in large quantities has a negative effect on human body. However, this does not apply to modern dentistry. Microdoses of X-ray radiation are used to take photographs in the dental office. They are so minuscule that in Western dental clinics, doctors and assistants have long stopped using lead “aprons” for protection from radiation. In modern clinics, in order to take an image, you do not need to go to another room: as a rule, x-rays are taken using a visiograph - a small device that hangs on the wall right in the doctor’s office. Studies have been repeatedly conducted that have proven that an X-ray of one tooth in terms of radiation volume corresponds to two hours spent in front of a TV or computer screen. Now consider how much time you spend in front of a screen and how much importance you attach to x-rays in dentistry. However, with all these facts in favor of modern X-rays, not a single sane doctor would persuade a pregnant woman to take an “extra” X-ray if there is no urgent need for it.

Tooth extraction during pregnancy

Unfortunately, this situation is not uncommon. If the process in the tooth is irreversible and the treatment will only prolong time and will not bring any benefit, the doctor decides to remove it. Important tip: if one doctor recommended that you have a tooth removed, do not rush to agree immediately, but also do not delay the decision. In the case of such recommendations, it may be worth going to another specialist, because there are so many doctors, so many opinions. One dentist can only remove it, while another will try to save and restore the tooth. However, if the situation is obvious and the tooth must be removed, definitely agree. Preserving the source of inflammation and infection is harmful to the health of the mother and the unborn child. After surgery, when the anesthesia wears off, you will most likely have a difficult time. There will be discomfort, perhaps even pain, at the operation site. It is not recommended for pregnant women to take any painkillers. When acute pain– only paracetamol. After removal, also depending on the initial situation, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic therapy. This is necessary to completely eliminate the infection. Knowing your situation, the doctor will select a group of antibiotics that is safe for the expectant mother. Here the conclusion suggests itself - you shouldn’t wait to such a situation that you have to have teeth removed during pregnancy and take antibiotics again. Take care of them ahead of time, visit the dentist as a preventive measure and do not forget about good hygiene.

Dental hygiene during pregnancy

Proper oral hygiene during pregnancy is no less important than visiting the dentist on time. Changing hormonal background brings with it many problems. Expectant mothers who have taken good care of their teeth throughout their lives are unlikely to be affected by such problems. Pregnancy will cause inconvenience to those who went to the dentist only because severe pain. Swollen gums, blood on the toothbrush and bad smell from the mouth... If these problems are familiar to you, most likely you are faced with gingivitis in pregnant women. This disease has a hormonal basis. During pregnancy, the blood supply to the mucous membranes of the body changes. As a result, the periodontal papillae (the area of ​​the gum located between the teeth) may slightly enlarge. And most importantly, poor oral hygiene stimulates the growth of bacteria. The result is gingivitis. At this point, special attention should be paid to oral hygiene. With proper care and hormonal changes, gingivitis will most likely go away soon after delivery. But if the situation in the mouth is advanced, hormonal changes in the body of a woman can give impetus to the emergence of more serious problems. If you notice signs of gingivitis, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. The dentist will conduct professional cleaning teeth, prescribe anti-inflammatory therapy and recommend maintaining good hygiene. If you don’t know how to do this, do not hesitate to ask a specialist directly at the appointment. The doctor will definitely tell you about correct technique brushing teeth and about various devices and means that will help maintain dental hygiene at home at the proper level (irrigators, dental floss, etc.).

Most people put off dental treatment until the very last moment. Unfortunately, only acute, unbearable pain pushes them to go to the doctor. There are many reasons for this: both the peculiarity of the Russian character and children's psychological trauma, connected with the dentist, and the absence of a truly personal doctor. It shouldn't be this way. If you visit the dentist on time, your teeth will never hurt. AND famous proverb about a lost tooth for every child will not work with you.

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