Rose essential oil for face. The history of the appearance of the essential extract of the royal flower. Anti-wrinkle mask with rose oil

Since ancient times, the rose has been deservedly called the queen of flowers and the queen of sensual aromas. Its exquisite, spicy-floral, tart amber is associated with femininity, tenderness, luxury and romance. Exciting sweet smell The flower prompted Persian alchemists back in the 10th century, using the method of distilling oils accidentally invented by Avicenna in those distant times to create fragrant rose oil.

The history of the appearance of the essential extract of the royal flower

It was the first plant from which medicinal essential remedy. By the end of the tenth century, rose petal extract had become a cosmetic and perfumery product popular in the East.

Very soon the fame of the fragrant elixir of beauty spread far beyond the borders of the Arab countries. Through India, Arabia and Turkey, rose water and aroma oil reached the European market. Today, roses for essential oil production are grown in France, Bulgaria and North Africa (Morocco).

How rose oil is obtained: distillation method

Modern technologies for obtaining unique rose aroma oil have become more progressive. But even nowadays natural oil The royal flower is so expensive that it is usually used in the production of elite types of cosmetics and perfumes. In order to obtain 500 ml of rose oil, manufacturers have to process by distillation (hot steam at a maintained temperature) one and a half thousand kilograms of fragrant flower petals, collected by hand at dawn after the dew drops have disappeared.

Damask rose, or Rosa damascena (lat.), is one of the leading crops grown today for its essential oil. A special variety with fragrant several petals in the process of steam distillation gives the most lasting aroma. Noble “magic in a bottle” - rose petal oil - is actively used not only in perfumery, but also in cosmetology and medicine.

The use of rose oil in cosmetology

Biologically active substances, which are rich in essential oil Roses have a positive effect on the skin for a variety of aesthetic problems. They moisturize dry, flaky dermis, nourish and help retain moisture in its structure for a long time. The astringent effect of rose aroma oil helps normalize sebum production and narrow pores in oily problem areas. This unique cosmetic product actively fights expression lines and other signs of skin aging.

The antibacterial properties of rose oil contribute to effective treatment the most different infections, as well as prevention dermatological diseases. Exquisite rose oil is considered especially effective in the prevention and treatment of acne. One of the most beloved essential oils, rose, is excellent for treating skin burns, including sunburns. It soothes the dermis, relieves burning and stimulates the regeneration process damaged cells. During the post-acne period, rose oil is an excellent remedy for small scars and blemishes, the use of which on a regular basis helps eliminate the consequences acne, returns the person healthy, beautiful colour faces.

Damask or Crimean rose oil extract can be used together with massage oil for procedures. It effectively copes with cellulite and stretch marks (stretch marks on the skin). For everyone who wants to feel a spicy-floral scent on their face healing oil roses, reviews advise enriching your favorite cream or mask with 3-5 drops of extract magic plant. A mixture of 10 drops of rose and peach (or almond) oils helps prevent wrinkles. To combat stretch marks, or stretch marks, experts recommend massaging problem areas with an oil mixture: 18-20 ml of olive, apricot or almond oil, plus 5-6 ml of wheat germ extract and 3-5 drops of miraculous rose oil.

To neutralize the consequences sunburn 20 ml of jojoba with 3 drops of fragrant rose oil is perfect. Swelling of the eyelids and puffiness under the eyes can be removed by mixing a special cream for the area around the eyes with a drop of miraculous oil. 4-5 drops of rose extract added to shampoo, mask or hair balm help to moisturize and give a healthy shine to your curls.

Homemade anti-aging face mask

Preparing an evening mask with essential oils is very simple: add 2 drops of rose oil, patchouli oil, and one drop each of neroli and ylang-ylang to 20 ml of sweet almond oil. Gently cleanse the skin of the face, neck and décolleté of makeup and impurities. Apply the aromatic oil mixture to the treated skin surface. After 15-20 minutes, blot with a dry paper napkin. This anti-aging mixture of essential oils will enrich the skin with vitamins and moisture, help smooth out wrinkles and whiten dark spots.

Use of rose oil in dermatology

Healing rose oil, whose properties help restore hormonal balance and stimulate normal work endocrine system and also to calm down emotional sphere human, used in complex treatment many skin diseases. It is used for herpes and psoriasis, acne and dermatitis, oral ulcers and scabies, insect bites and various inflammations skin.

For herpes, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis, mix 1 drop of rose oil with the same amount of recommended ointment and treat painful areas three times a day. Before using even this on your own harmless remedy, like rose essential oil, you need to notify your dermatologist about this.

Use in medicine

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal, hemostatic, wound-healing, tonic and soothing properties, natural Crimean rose oil helps in the treatment of cardiovascular pathologies, organs digestive tract, respiratory system, in gynecology and phlebology, in the psycho-emotional and hormonal sphere. Rose oil is very common in aromatherapy.

The delicate, long-lasting aroma of the popular aphrodisiac, which is Damask rose, is used for baths (10 drops) and for other spa treatments. For dysbiosis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, aromatherapists prescribe the following remedy: combine one drop of rose oil with one teaspoon of honey, which can be washed down with 200 ml warm water. The same treatment is suitable for PMS, but the aroma of rose essential oil must be inhaled for 5-10 minutes every hour. For vaginal dysbiosis - daily douching (10 days) with a solution of 3 drops of rose oil and 500 ml boiled water. For irritation, insomnia, apathy or depression, use an aroma lamp with three drops of rose oil before bed. This same remedy is excellent as an aphrodisiac for stimulating libido. To calm down during an attack of anger, relieve stress or improve well-being during the production process, inhaling the noble aroma of the Crimean or damask rose within 3-5 minutes. Thanks to this healing aroma, you can get rid of fatigue and migraine attacks for a long time (by relieving cerebral vascular spasms). The refined scent of rose harmonizes psycho-emotional state: calming the nervous system, it tones the body, improves mood and gives confidence in one’s abilities.

The famous "Cleopatra's bath"

Pour 25 ml of liquid or melted honey and 10 drops of rose oil extract into warm milk (500 ml). Rose essential oil, the use of which helps make the skin not only smooth and silky, but also surprisingly fragrant, will also be wonderful prophylactic from problems with the female reproductive system. Used for a long time as a remedy for frigidity and impotence, rose oil still serves as an effective natural aphrodisiac today.

Rose oil in dentistry

The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties of rose oil make it justifiable to use it for periodontal disease (eliminating bleeding from the gums), for the sanitation of dental canals, for pulpitis, for pain relief and in the production of certain types of toothpastes. At home, toothache is usually relieved by applying a cotton pad soaked in a mixture of rose oil and base oil (3 parts base - 1 flower extract). For rinsing, dentists recommend using a solution of 200 ml of water, one teaspoon of salt or soda and 2 drops of rose oil.

Dosage when using essential rose oil

Massage with rose essential oil (or a composition of oils) is carried out with a product prepared at the rate of: for 20 ml of basic cosmetic or massage oil - 4-6 drops of rose extract. Internal use(exclusively in diluted form!): rose oil (1-2 drops) per 15-25 g of liquid honey.

For baths - 5-10 drops of floral aroma oil. For douching - 1 drop of rose extract per 100 ml of water. For applications - 1 drop of rose oil per 2 parts of ointment base. For compresses - 6-10 drops. To saturate cosmetics - 1 drop per 3-5 g of cream, gel or mask.


Despite the safety of natural rose oil, people with individual intolerance, a tendency to allergic reactions, and pregnant women should avoid using it. IN pure form Rose oil can only be used in in case of emergency: For antibacterial or antiviral treatment (herpes, open scratches or small wounds). In cosmetology, the use of undiluted rose oil is prohibited! This may provoke negative reactions skin!

Rose oil: price

In most pharmacies and cosmetic stores you can find inexpensive rose oil. But the extract of hundreds of thousands of petals, obtained with such difficulty and delivered from Damascus, Turkey, Bulgaria, Morocco or Crimea, cannot be cheap. Unscrupulous manufacturers may pour out santhal or geranium oil instead of the most valuable rose oil, and sometimes they even try to falsify these oils. Of the natural extracts, the cheapest is tea rose oil. The cost of Damask or Moroccan rose essential oil is much higher due to delivery. Price list for Crimean rose oil (the classic rosehip from which it was originally prepared exotic oil) will be lower, but the numbers may vary depending on the volume of the product package: 5 or 10 ml. On average, for a 10 ml bottle you will have to pay from 200 to 700 rubles.

Roses are one of the most beloved flowers by women. These beautiful plants have always been famous for their delicate aroma. Their petals, rich in high content vitamins B, C, carotene, calcium and various chemical elements. From fresh petals, an essential oil is obtained by steam distillation, hydrodistillation or solvent extraction, which is widely used in cosmetology and perfumery.

How additional remedy, rose essential oil can be included in various self-prepared masks, creams, oil compositions aimed at strengthening and moisturizing the skin. With regular use, the oil smooths out wrinkles, increases and restores elasticity, as well as firmness, removes inflammation, peeling and scars. In addition, rose essential oil helps with acne and herpes. Rose essential oil is a universal skin care product for every skin type, especially for aging, sensitive, dry skin.

Rose essential oil – use as a toner for the face

The use of rose ether as a component of lotions and tonics helps restore the water-lipid balance of the skin. This oil is especially good for caring for the skin of the eyelids. These products should be used regularly.

Recipe 1. This ideal cleansing lotion provides positive impact for all skin types. Its preparation is based on various oils:

  • almond (65 ml);
  • roses (up to 2 drops);
  • peach (2 tsp);
  • sesame (1.5-2 tbsp.).

Pour all ingredients into a sterilized bottle, cap and shake for a few minutes until completely mixed.

Recipe 2. To prepare a tonic that improves blood circulation and cleanses pores, you will need the following ingredients:

  • chamomile infusion (0.5 tbsp.);
  • rose ether (up to 2 drops).

Strain the chamomile infusion into a bottle. Add rose ether to the liquid and shake to mix the components. Leave for about 48 hours, shaking additionally. After this, strain the liquid through a paper filter and pour into a newly sterilized bottle.

Recipe 3. It is very easy to prepare a refreshing tonic using this ether. To do this, simply add 5-6 drops of rose ether to a glass of cooled boiled water. You should wipe your face with this tonic after cleansing your skin.

Recipe 4. This cleansing toner is more suitable for oily skin. To prepare it you will need:

  • pink ether (up to 10 drops);
  • boiled water (250 ml);
  • alcohol 40% (50 ml);
  • glycerin (1/2 tbsp.).

Mix all ingredients. Wipe your face after cleansing.

Recipe 5. By adding rose essential oil (6-8 drops) to mineral water(200 ml) you can get a refreshing tonic. And by pouring it into a bottle with a spray bottle, we get a fragrant spray.

Face masks with rose oil

Rose ether is suitable for making masks for various purposes: cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition, toning.

Cleansing mask

This mask helps cleanse the skin, eliminate greasy shine. It is prepared from:

  • cosmetic clay (1.5-2 tbsp.);
  • oils:
  • hazelnut and rose hips (up to 1.5 tsp);
  • geranium and rose (up to 2 drops);
  • honey (1 tsp).

Mix thoroughly and apply to face. After drying, wash off. It is recommended to use one to two times a week.

Nourishing mask

You can prepare such a mask, suitable for any skin type, from:

  • yolk (1 pc.);
  • oils:
  • almond and avocado (0.5-1 tbsp each);
  • rose (about 3 drops);
  • lemon juice, honey (0.5 tsp each).

Mix all the ingredients together, apply the resulting mixture for half an hour, then rinse off.

Moisturizing mask

This mask, penetrating deeply into the skin, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes it. It consists of:

  • sour cream (1/2 tbsp.);
  • rose ether (up to 4 drops);
  • lemon (1.5-2 tbsp juice);
  • calendula oil (1.5-2 tsp).

The resulting mixture is applied for 10-12 minutes, after which it is washed off.

One option for a moisturizing mask is a mixture consisting of:

  • cream (1-1.5 tsp);
  • rose ether (about 2 drops);
  • yolk (1 pc.).

Apply the resulting mask for 20-25 minutes, then rinse. Apply 1-3 times a week.

Universal mask

This mask will nourish and smooth the skin. To prepare it you need the following oils:

  • calendula (1 tbsp.);
  • chamomile, roses (about 2 drops each);
  • cloves (1 drop);
  • sandalwood (up to 3 drops).

Apply the composition to the face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Then blot off the excess with a napkin.

Mask 5 with lifting effect


  • yolk (1 pc.);
  • oils:
  • jojoba (0.5 tsp);
  • fennel, rose and neroli (about 2 drops each);
  • lime (up to 4 drops);
  • white clay (1.5-2 tbsp.).

The mask is applied after a small self-massage of the face for 10-30 minutes. Soaked in cool water Wring out the gauze, apply it to your face, and tie the ends at the top of your head.

Creams with rose essential oil

Wrinkle smoothing creams

You can make this cream yourself; it is prepared from:

  • glycerin (10 ml);
  • vitamin E (1 drop);
  • oils:
  • apricot (3.5 tbsp.);
  • roses (up to 2 drops);
  • avocado (2.5-3 tbsp.);
  • almond (0.5 tsp);
  • lanolin (30 g);
  • elderberry infusion (30 ml).

Heat the elderberry infusion in a small container. In another container, slightly warm 3 basic cosmetic oils. Add lanolin to them and stir until melted. Gradually pour the infusion into the mixture removed from the heat, whisking. Add glycerin, ether and vitamin E. Transfer to a small jar for storage.

Cream for dry skin

For dry and flaky skin, a cream is suitable, the ingredients of which are:

  • badger fat (0.5-1 tbsp. l);
  • vitamin E (up to 3 drops);
  • oils:
  • St. John's wort (1.5-2 tbsp. l);
  • rose (0.5 tsp).

Beat all ingredients until a creamy mass is obtained. Use the cream before bed.

Nutritious cream

  • beeswax (30 g);
  • oils:
  • avocado and peach (2.5 tbsp each);
  • lemon (up to 12 drops);
  • roses (about 2 drops);
  • grape seeds(0.5 tbsp.);
  • glycerin (10 ml);
  • chamomile decoction (30 ml).

In a suitable container, lightly heat 3 basic cosmetic oils and melt the wax. Add chamomile decoction to the mixture removed from the heat, and then glycerin and ethers. Transfer the prepared storage to a small container.

One of the options for nourishing cream is a mixture:

  • cocoa butter (1-1.5 tbsp.)
  • vitamin E (0.5-1 tsp)
  • rose ether (1 to 3 drops)

Heat the cocoa butter in the microwave (1 minute), add vitamin E, ether, mix and pour into the prepared jar.

Balms using rose ether protect lips from drying out and cracking. Such balms can be used as separate products or additionally on top of lipstick. The most suitable container for prepared balms are tubes from old lipsticks.

To prepare a lip repair product you need the following oils:

  • lemon balm, rose (up to 2 drops);
  • macadamia (1 tbsp).

Lubricate your lips with the resulting mixture 2-4 times a day.

To prepare nourishing lip gloss, you will need:

  • beeswax (crushed, up to 2 tsp);
  • vitamin E (1 drop);
  • hazelnut oil (1-1.5 tsp);
  • liquid paraffin (1 tsp);
  • rose ether (up to 3 drops).

Using a steam bath, melt the crushed wax with paraffin and jojoba. After this, cool the mixture, stirring constantly. Pour in vitamin E, ether and mix everything. Carefully pour the resulting mixture into a tube or jar prepared for storage and put it in the refrigerator until it hardens.

A nourishing balm will help soften and moisturize chapped or cracked lips. To prepare it you need the following ingredients:

  • aloe (2 tsp leaf pulp);
  • mineral water (still, 10 ml);
  • beeswax (5 g);
  • oils:
  • avocado (4 ml);
  • hazelnut (5 tsp);
  • rose, sandalwood (about 2 drops each);
  • macadamia (4 ml);
  • natural lanolin (3 g).

Add hazelnut, jojoba and wheat germ oil to the aloe pulp filled with water and heat over low heat. On steam bath melt anhydrous lanolin and wax. Add a mixture of oils and aloe to the melted mass, mix well. Add esters to the well-cooled mixture and beat until the balm cools completely. Place in prepared storage container. Regular use of this balm heals and restores lips.

As with any essential oil, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary test for skin reaction, applying ether to your wrist or elbow. In case of individual intolerance, use of the product should be discontinued. Rose essential oil should not be applied in its pure form. Regular use of rose essential oil on the face auxiliary component lotions, masks, creams, balms allows you to moisturize the skin, restore elasticity and firmness.

Rose is the noble queen of flowers and the queen of fragrances, which reveals to us the secrets of beauty and gives us amazing rose oil.

A romantic legend says that rose oil appeared thanks to the love of Emperor Diyhangur for Princess Nur Diyhan. The Emperor prepared a surprise for his beloved by ordering rose petals to be sprinkled on the royal gardens and fountains. During one of his walks, his beloved was pleasantly shocked by what she saw. The interest and admiration with which she viewed all this beauty brought an unexpected result: the princess saw an oily sediment on the water in one of the fountains. After lightly touching the water, she noticed oil on her palm, which emitted a pleasant aroma as it was absorbed into the skin. After this, the emperor, like a real man who is ready to do anything for his lady, began producing rose oil in order to please his wife again and again and see a happy smile on her face.

In cosmetology, rose petal oil obtained through hydrodistillation is considered the most valuable, although there are no visible differences: the quality of the original product depends on the manufacturer. The second known method is steam distillation, which received wide application in Bulgaria, where this method can be called traditional.

Moroccan and Damask rose:

  • farnesol is used as a fixative with a persistent lily of the valley aroma;
  • stearopten, like camphor, is used in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking;
  • geraniol lowers blood pressure, repels insects well and kills fungus;
  • neroli has anti-edematous properties and also prevents the appearance of herpes;
  • citronellol is widely used in perfumery and to obtain food components;
  • Phenylethanol imparts fragrant properties to manufactured perfume products.

Rose oil - ideal remedy to smooth out wrinkles, it gives elasticity to the skin, and is also very useful for the eyelids. In order to provide the oil with additional beneficial properties, it can be combined with oils of jasmine, lavender, orange, bergamot, clove, chamomile, sage, neroli, palmarosa, patchouli, geranium and Santal.

By using this product you can get whole line beneficial properties, which will help you not only look good, but also improve the internal functioning of the female body:

  • improves sleep and also relieves anxiety;
  • helps in treating women's reproductive system;
  • stimulates menstruation and normalizes heart rate;
  • relieves premenstrual syndrome, menstrual pain;
  • relieves postpartum stress and eliminates neuroses;
  • restores disturbed hormonal balance;
  • promotes normal operation endocrine glands;
  • eliminates enzymatic insufficiency of the stomach.

Rose oil also reduces absent-mindedness, improves memory, energizes and increases performance. It can heal mucous membranes, helps with coughs, migraines and headaches, can relieve spasms and be used as an antidepressant, as well as for the prevention of flu. This excellent tonic has a positive effect on nausea, dizziness, periodontal disease, asthenia, stomatitis, and problems with the digestive tract.

Cosmetological properties:

  • increases skin elasticity, giving elasticity;
  • eliminates peeling and skin irritation;
  • gives the skin a more beautiful, uniform color;
  • rejuvenates the skin and regenerates its cells;
  • helps eliminate formed scars;
  • improves performance sebaceous glands.

Rose essential oil has antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as an aphrodisiac to stimulate sexual desire. In addition, it is a good astringent and blood cleanser, whose scent will last a long time both in the bottle and on your body.

Rose oil in aromatherapy

Application options:

  1. Oil burner. First, prepare a container for evaporation, preferably medium-sized (water evaporates quickly in small ones). After this, pour warm water into the aroma lamp. Add essential oil in an amount of approximately 2 drops per 5 square meters. meters of room area. Next, you can light a candle, which, when slowly heating the water, will provide a pleasant and long-lasting aroma. In order to get better results from using the aroma lamp, you need to ventilate the room in advance and close all windows and doors.
  2. Aromatic bath. Fill the bathtub with water desired temperature, then mix the desired amount of rose essential oil with one of the emulsifiers. For this purpose, you can use, for example, honey or milk. After this, simply dissolve the resulting mixture in a filled bath and enjoy the relaxation process, after which you will feel as if you were born again.
  3. Inhalation. The aroma of rose essential oil can be inhaled directly from the bottle, although it is much more convenient to apply it to a cloth. If you are just discovering this method, reduce the time of the first inhalations to five minutes. Once you get used to it a little, you can increase the duration to ten minutes. You can experience the beneficial properties of this method by breathing correctly, which should be deep and even.

Maintaining skin beauty

With the help of compresses, you can get tangible benefits for the skin: from the usual support of skin elasticity to smoothing out wrinkles and resolving scars. For 500 ml of warm water, 7-8 drops of rose essential oil are enough. Next, immerse a towel or cotton napkin in the resulting solution, after which you need to squeeze it out a little excess liquid. Now you can start creating a compress: place your towel on the desired area of ​​skin, cover it with compress paper and secure it using a thin, dry cloth. While the compress is warm, lie with it for about 30-40 minutes.

Massage helps aromatic substances penetrate the skin faster and have a complex effect on the body: endocrine and nervous system, the circulatory system, as well as some organs, will thank you if you pamper yourself with their pleasant massage. To start, you need a massage or functional oil. Use the proportions of 50 ml of this oil per 15 drops of rose essential oil and shake well.

You can also easily prepare a cream: 15 drops of essential oil from rose petals is enough for 50 ml of a good cream. It is recommended to use the cream without an excess of its constituent components.

Hair care

A neutral shampoo is an excellent solvent for essential oils, which will help eliminate dandruff, make hair stronger and improve the condition of the scalp. Dilute 10-12 drops of oil in 100 ml of shampoo, and after a shower you will be able to feel a light residue of the delicate aroma of your hair.

The process of rinsing your hair will be no less useful. To prepare a rinse liquid, take 5 ml. alcohol (70%), a liter of warm water and 8-10 drops of rose essential oil. This method is used after washing your hair, which will perfectly complete the wash with shampoo prepared in the manner described above.


As practice shows, rose oil is almost harmless; individual intolerance to this product can become an obstacle to its use. In addition, there is one interesting point: some essential oils should not be used before going out into the sun, but if this happens, rose will help you with this problem. Make a compress using 2 drops of rose oil per 1 tbsp. spoon of kefir. This compress should be applied to the stain for 2-3 weeks, which will help lighten it.

Rose is not only beautiful flower with luxurious petals and a pleasant aroma: there is the same name in the world, whose owners are distinguished by impulsiveness and are considered mysterious personalities. Rose's superficial equanimity hides her strong-willed nature under a veil, like a rose that hides its thorns and hurts only those who dare to disturb its peace. Perhaps this state of affairs is not a coincidence, but another legend of romantic love, as a result of which the flower received the name of a girl... or vice versa.

Facial care


07.10.14 13:15

Rose oil is a valuable and quite expensive product. wide range actions. It is prepared from fresh rose petals of various varieties. At the same time, in different areas they use different ways extracting oil from the petals: steam distillation is the most common; hydrodistillation is often used. Anyway, face masks with rose oil- an excellent skin care product.

The high cost of rose oil is due to the amount of raw materials that go into its preparation. Judge for yourself: to get just 30 g of rose oil, you need to use more than 60 thousand petals.

The composition of rose oil is very complex, multi-component. At room temperature, it is divided into 2 fractions having different densities. The denser fraction is called stearoptene. It is odorless and colored yellowish color. More light fraction called eleopten, it has a distinct rose scent and a transparent color. When the temperature drops, both fractions mix, and a homogeneous, dense, thick, greenish-yellow liquid with a pungent, even unpleasant odor is obtained.

This product is widely used in a variety of areas, from cooking and perfumery to cosmetology, but in this article we will look at the benefits of rose oil for the face. And this benefit is almost limitless. It’s not for nothing that face masks with rose oil are so popular among women.

We can start with the fact that face masks with rose oil promote facial rejuvenation. The components included in its composition help smooth out small facial wrinkles, even out the skin texture, and tighten it. The skin becomes more elastic and learns to resist the effects of external environment. That is, thanks to rose oil, the skin becomes younger, more beautiful, and the aging process slows down.

In addition, face masks with rose oil are very delicate, which allows them to be used in the care of absolutely any skin type, including sensitive ones. Moreover, rose oil is suitable for use on the skin around the eyes, where the skin is very thin and delicate. Usually, choosing products to care for this area is a real problem for a woman.

Face masks with rose oil have a general strengthening effect. They make the skin smoother, more pleasant to the touch, improve its color, more natural and beautiful. Thanks to them, the skin is healed and cleansed.

Moreover, face masks with rose oil for each skin type will have their own advantages and pleasant bonuses. So, oily skin will get rid of oily shine due to intensive cleansing and regulation of the sebaceous glands. In addition, rose oil helps tighten pores.

For dry skin, face masks with rose oil will provide the nutrition and hydration it needs. Abundance of vitamins and nutrients allows rose oil to enrich the skin with the most essential elements.

Sensitive skin will get rid of irritation and peeling. Masks with rose oil soothe the skin, relieve redness and itching.

Thanks to components that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, masks with rose oil help fight many skin problems, such as acne, blackheads, eczema and other skin diseases.

The versatility of such masks is simply amazing. Strictly speaking, the effect largely depends on the accompanying ingredients. Whichever property will manifest itself most clearly in them, this will be the purpose of the mask.

It can be considered a pleasant bonus nice smell diluted rose oil. But the pleasant aroma greatly contributes to the enjoyment of the mask application procedure itself. It is believed that the aroma of roses relieves fatigue, restores strength, and relieves stress. And all this can be combined with a cosmetic procedure.

Precautionary measures

Almost any component of home cosmetics requires compliance with certain precautions. Rose oil is no exception. To begin with, let us remind you that aroma oils are not used in their pure form. Only diluted several times with other oils or components.

This mala has no serious contraindications. Well, maybe it’s better to give it up during pregnancy. It causes allergies extremely rarely, but it is still recommended to do a test on the skin of the wrist.

To do this, just apply diluted rose oil on your wrist and wash it off after a while. If after 30-40 minutes there is no redness in this area, no itching or flaking, then everything is in order and you can safely use it for facial care.

In general, rose oil can be added to absolutely any cosmetic product, be it a mask or lotion. With one small caveat: you must know the exact composition. That is, industrially produced cosmetics in in this case doesn't fit. It contains preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers and other components that may well react with rose oil.

Face masks with rose oil, the recipes for which are located below, are truly universal. It is difficult to imagine other means of similar action. All that remains is to figure out what to mix rose oil with in certain cases. To make it convenient to add oil to masks and other products, measuring the required amount drop by drop, it must be at room temperature.

Oil masks

A large number of rose oil masks are based on a base oil and the addition of various essential oils. For example, a rosehip-based oil mixture is ideal for getting rid of wrinkles. Take a tablespoon of base and add 3 drops of sandalwood, 2 drops each of rose and polysander and 1 drop of rosemary oils.

Another anti-aging mask consists of a mixture of two base oils: jojoba and hazelnut. You need to take 10 ml of each oil. Then add 5 drops of primrose oil, the same amount of sandalwood, and 1 drop of rose into the base.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The resulting mixture is generously lubricated onto the skin of the face, allowed to be absorbed, and the excess is removed with a paper napkin.

For sensitive skin, almond oil is used as a base. Take 100 ml of base and add 4 drops of rose oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil to it. Mix everything and apply to skin.

If your skin is dry, then take 2 tablespoons of avocado oil and add five drops each of geranium and rose oils. This is an excellent cleansing mask that will moisturize and nourish the skin. In addition, this mixture can be used for facial massage.

Owners of combination skin can take 3 tablespoons of jojoba oil as a base, and mix 3 drops of bergamot, rose and lavender oil into it.

A tablespoon of peach kernel oil is mixed with 7 drops of rose oil and 3 drops of myrrh oil.

Another mask suggests using a mixture of grape seed and jojoba oils (10 ml of each) as a base. Add 4 drops to this mixture vanilla oil, and 1 drop of rose oil. This mask perfectly whitens the skin and gives a marbled shine effect.

An excellent anti-inflammatory mask to combat acne and eczema consists of a spoon of olive oil, two drops of rose oil, the same amount of myrrh and chamomile oils. Use this mixture to wipe the problem areas and allow the oil to absorb. If there is any excess left, you should blot it with a napkin.

Other masks with rose oil

However, it is not at all necessary to use oil as a base. It could well be other components.

For example, a cleansing mask with honey and almonds. A teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of chopped almonds, and 2 drops of oil diluted in a glass of water.

Dairy products also go well with essential oils. For example, fermented baked milk or Varenets. Take 50 ml of one of the two products and add 5 drops of rose and juniper oil, 2 drops rosemary oil.

However, you can mix almost all of these ingredients in one mask. For example, if you take 2 tablespoons of rice, chop it and mix it with a tablespoon of avocado oil, 50 ml of fermented baked milk and add 3-4 drops of rose oil, you will get an excellent cleansing mask with a peeling effect for normal skin.

You can mix a tablespoon of sour cream, honey, the same amount, and 2 drops of rose oil, you will get an excellent nourishing mask for dry skin. You can do without honey, and add juniper oil to rose oil.

Often used to make masks cosmetic clay. For example, blue or green clay makes an excellent restorative mask. Take a tablespoon of clay powder, add a spoonful of milk and one drop each of rose, ylang-ylang and lavender oils. The mask is mixed and applied to the skin. Keep the mixture for 15 minutes, regularly sprinkling with water from a spray bottle.

All of these recipes are just examples of how you can use rose oil for skin care. You can add it to any homemade cosmetics. It is enough to know the proportions in which the ingredients are mixed. So, 3 drops are enough for one serving of mask or cream, and about 10 drops are added to a glass of finished lotion.

Now you can create your own effective masks with rose oil, achieving the results you need.

Rose oil, one of the most ancient natural remedies for face and body care, produced in Bulgaria. It is highly valued in cosmetology and medicine. It is added to ready-made cosmetical tools or make homemade mixtures.

Chemical composition

A thick, pale yellow or clear liquid is obtained from the petals different types roses – Damascus, Stolistnaya, Tea, Crimean. Accurate chemical composition depends on the type of flower and has about 300 components, including vitamins A, C, E, PP, group B. In addition to them, there are:

  • alcohols – nerol, geraniol, citronellol, phenylethynol, roseol;
  • terpenes;
  • acids – lauric, palmitic, peanut, geranium.

Properties of rose oil

This remedy is considered a strong aphrodisiac - it causes sexual desire in men, especially together with geranium and neroli or citrus oils. When taken orally, it strengthens the immune system and relieves nausea. The smell of a rose relaxes, improves mood, relieves depression, and gives women self-confidence. Main beneficial properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • choleretic;
  • healing;
  • diuretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • laxative;
  • sedative;
  • vasodilator;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiviral.

In cosmetology

At home, rose oil is used as a component in care products for mature and tired skin to even out the complexion. With regular use, the smoothing properties of rose oil appear - it eliminates fine wrinkles and creases, improves relief. It is important not to overdo it so as not to cause harm. Other beneficial effects:

  • eliminates age spots;
  • refreshes complexion;
  • increases the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • tightens the contours of the face and eyelids;
  • fights rashes;
  • stimulates cellular restoration.

Rose oil for face and body skin is useful for dryness, flaking, and protects against the influence of external factors: frost, sun, wind. An important property is the ability to reduce the severity of rosacea by initial stage. On sensitive skin, the oil relieves inflammation and irritation. In reviews, women note other properties:

  • strengthening hair follicles, improving their nutrition, eliminating dandruff;
  • preventing stretch marks on the body during weight loss and pregnancy;
  • reducing the severity of scars, cicatrices;
  • fight against skin diseasesallergic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  • elimination of edema, dark circles around eyes.

For treatment

According to reviews, rose oil is good medicine from thrush, genital infections, unstable painful menstruation. The aroma relieves postpartum depression, calms nerves, relieves stress. Other important properties:

  • normalizes hormonal background, the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • removes headache, vascular spasms;
  • eliminates skin inflammatory processes;
  • improves performance of cardio-vascular system;
  • reduces arterial pressure;
  • promotes healing of mucous membranes;
  • eliminates toothache, strengthens gums;
  • relieves nausea, improves stomach function, stops diarrhea;
  • helps with diseases of the respiratory system;
  • protects against colds, flu (strengthens the immune system).

Uses of rose oil

The product is used internally and externally; homemade masks and lotions are prepared with it. Important: carefully study the composition - the inscription “100% rose oil” must be present. Discuss oral administration with your doctor and strictly follow indicated dosages. Before external use, perform an allergy test. In its pure form, the product is applied only locally to areas of inflammation. Apply oil wild rose at home like this:

  • Facial care: masks, creams - 1-2 drops per 10 ml of base, for lotions, tonics the same amount per 200 ml of liquid.
  • Medicines: rinse solutions oral cavity, vaginal douching, compresses on sore spots.
  • Hair care: masks, leave-in products, 2-5 drops per composition.
  • Massage: essential oil is diluted with base oil - olive, coconut, jojoba, almond at the rate of 1-2 drops per 10 ml.
  • Baths: for dry body skin 2 tsp. The product is combined with 100 g of honey and 1 liter of milk heated to 50 degrees. The mixture is dissolved in warm bathing water. A bath not only cares for your skin, but also relaxes you.
  • Inhalations: the procedure is carried out for 2-3 minutes due to the high concentration of the product and the strong odor. If headaches occur, the procedure should be stopped.

Heat rose essential oil for the face or body to a maximum of 38 degrees, otherwise it loses its beneficial properties. Do not use if the expiration date has expired, if there is sediment on the bottom, or if the consistency has changed. The mixtures are cooled to room temperature before adding this component. If allergies or other symptoms of discomfort occur, discontinue use.

Rose oil for face

The easiest way is to add a couple of drops of the product to your favorite cream, tonic, lotion. Homemade formulations are more effective: massage mixtures, masks, rose water for washing. In winter, essential oil is combined with base oil (coconut or olive) in a ratio of 1:10 and used before leaving the house to protect the face from frost and wind. Main rules:

  • Apply the prepared compositions only to cleansed skin, do not keep it on it for more than 20 minutes.
  • For prevention, use the mixture once a week, for treatment - every 2-3 days, unless the recipe specifies a different regimen.
  • Complete the course after 10-15 sessions, take a break for a month.
  • Do not exceed the dosage indicated in the recipes.
  • Do not apply the mixture to areas of abrasions or wounds.

Face masks

Cosmetologists advise adding oils to homemade mixtures based on clay, egg yolks, yogurt, sour cream, banana or avocado. These masks are suitable for all skin types, but if you have sensitive skin, be careful during the first procedures. Proven recipes:

  • Anti-aging mask: mix 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey and 30% sour cream, add 4 drops of rose oil. Leave on face for 25 minutes, rinse warm water. Use every other day in the evenings for a month.
  • Cleansing: dilute 2 tbsp. l. black clay with warm water to a paste consistency. Mix 1 tbsp. l. honey, drop by drop lavender oil and pink. Spread evenly over steamed skin, rinse after drying.
  • For the skin around the eyes: combine 10 ml of jojoba oil and 2 drops of rose oil. Rub gently into the lower eyelid every evening after cleansing. After 2 weeks, take a break for a month and repeat.
  • For dryness and flaking: mash half an avocado, add the contents of 2 Aevita capsules and Damask rose oil (3 drops). Apply an even layer to a cleansed face, remove with tissues after 20 minutes. Wash, pat skin lightly with a towel.
  • For sensitive skin: dilute the juice of 1 lemon in 50 ml of natural thick yogurt. Add 1 tsp. avocado oil and 5 drops of roses. Keep on face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. The mask has vasoconstrictor properties and, according to reviews, is effective for rosacea.

Rose oil for cleansing

Women with oily and sensitive skin are recommended to use a homemade toner every morning and evening. It evens out the complexion, tightens pores, removes flaking, strengthens blood vessels, and improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. If you soak cotton pads in pink toner and apply them under your eyes for 10 minutes, the swelling will go away. Prepare the product as follows:

  1. Dilute two drops of oil in 250 ml of warm boiled water.
  2. Allow the liquid to cool. Soak a cotton pad and move along the massage lines. Do not rinse off.

Application for hair

To strengthen and add vibrant shine to your hair, apply the product with a cotton pad to a wooden comb and comb your hair every evening for 2-3 minutes. Hair loss will stop if you rub a mixture of rose and almond oils (1:10) into the roots once a week. Other ways to use it are to add a couple of drops to homemade masks and ready-made shampoos, conditioners, and rinse water. This is done at intervals of 3-4 days, in a course of 8-10 procedures. Proven mask recipes:

  • Take Apple vinegar and honey 2 tbsp. l., add 2 drops orange oil and pink. Rub into the roots, distribute along the length. Wash off after half an hour with shampoo. The mixture regulates the oiliness of the scalp.
  • If your hair is dry, before washing your hair, treat the length with a mixture of olive oil and rose oil in a ratio of 10:1, wrapping it with film for 30-40 minutes.
  • The product will show its restorative properties if you add 2 drops to the mixture egg yolk and 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. The mask is rubbed into the roots for a couple of minutes, left for half an hour and washed off with shampoo. At skin lesions, inflammations do not use it.


Strong tonic and relaxing properties have made rose oil popular in relaxation treatments. It increases concentration, relieves neurosis, improves self-esteem, and gives strength. Procedures are carried out 1-2 times a week. The easiest way: add no more than 1/2 tsp to bathing water. means, take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Other options:

  • Add 3-5 drops to the aroma lamp and place it in the room. Carry out the procedure no longer than 2 hours.
  • Dilute the oil component with warm water (1 drop per 200 ml), breathe over the container, covered with a towel, for 5 minutes.

Treatment with rose essential oil

1 drop of the product on a sugar cube, which is dissolved under the tongue 3 times a day before meals, helps strengthen the immune system and improve well-being. Less commonly, the same volume is added to a cup of tea. Treatment lasts 2-3 weeks, but first consult your doctor. More secure is local therapy with rose oil:

  • Herpes: apply cotton swab on bubbles 3-4 times a day until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
  • Thrush: make a solution of 500 ml warm water, 1 tsp. soda and 3 drops of the oil component. Do vaginal douching every evening until recovery.
  • Psoriasis: mix 5 drops of the product with 1 tbsp. l. honey Pour into the bath (water temperature - 38 degrees), take it 20 minutes before bed. Treatment is carried out for 1-2 weeks.
  • Eczema: mix 12 drops each of lavender and rose oil with 100 ml of almond. Rub a small portion into the affected areas morning and evening until recovery.
  • Toothache: dilute rose oil with base oil in a ratio of 1:3, apply to cotton wool. Apply the tampon to the affected area for 10-15 minutes.
  • Periodontal disease: make a solution of 200 ml of warm water and 3 drops of the oil component, rinse your mouth 5 times a day until recovery. After the procedure, do not eat or drink for half an hour.
  • Conjunctivitis: dilute 1 drop of the product in 100 ml of warm water. Soak cotton pads and apply to eyes closed for 20 minutes 3 times a day.
  • Reproductive system disorders in women: add 1 tsp to bathing water. rose essence – essential oil with wine alcohol (1:50). The procedure should be carried out every 4-5 days for 2 months.

Contraindications for use

The only strict ban is individual intolerance, which is checked by testing on the wrist or elbow. Allergic reaction is expressed skin itching, rash, swelling. Other symptoms: headaches, nausea, increased blood pressure. The product should not be taken internally:

  • during pregnancy (the tonic property is dangerous due to uterine spasms);
  • with acute gastritis.

How to make essential oil at home

Only garden flowers have the full range of beneficial properties - store-bought ones are treated with chemicals, do not use them. You can do it at home rose extract: the product is less concentrated, but also suitable for face and body care and treatment. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Fill a half-liter glass jar with rose petals, pressing down lightly.
  2. Fill olive oil odorless, cover with a lid.
  3. Place in a dark place for a week.
  4. Compact the contents of the jar, add fresh petals. Leave for another 7 days covered.
  5. Filter the rose extract and store in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator.


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