Rose essential oil is a touch of luxury and beauty. Damask rose. Damask rose oil: application

Roses are amazing flowers. They are a delight for any occasion. They will cheer you up and decorate your home. But this is not only their charm. Rose petals make an excellent facial oil. This is a special product in cosmetology, which has been used for many centuries. Rose oil transforms the skin, smoothing it out, giving it a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

It is used to treat some skin diseases, for example, herpes.

How do you get it?

It is called pink not because it has that color, but solely due to its raw materials. Precisely fragrant pink petals various varieties of these plants and become the main ingredient from which the most valuable product - oil - is obtained.

They mistakenly believe that ordinary garden plants. No, to obtain rose oil, special plantations are planted, behind which all year round special care is provided.

“Raw” roses need special feeding; a certain temperature and humidity are maintained for them. The most commonly used varieties are “Damascus”, “Stolistnaya”, “Galskaya”, tea, wild and some others. IN different countries In Europe, certain varieties are grown on such plantations for further production.

The petals of a blooming and fragrant rose are ruthlessly torn off and sent for recycling. This is a complex and multi-stage process, and the result is not a large number of product. One can imagine that from ten kilograms of petals, only about five hundred milliliters of the finished product are obtained. The main production method involves exposing the plant to steam. An equally common method is hydrohistallation.

The oil obtained through production consists of two components, one of which is in solid form, the second is in liquid form. The solid product is completely odorless; it can be separated from the total resulting composition at a temperature of plus 17 degrees. The liquid component is a composition fragrant with roses. It is cooled and in this state resembles fat. Its color ranges from pale green to yellowish.

How to use

Rose oil - favorite remedy cosmetologists all over the world who know how to use this natural gift to restore youth, beauty and beautiful appearance to the skin. It is useful for all women: young and those who are of advanced age. It restores elasticity and youth to the layers of the epidermis, eliminates wrinkles, and regenerates cells.

But most often cosmetologists recommend it to women with signs of skin aging. Regular use of a properly prepared composition returns a clear oval face and tightens it. With its regular use, not only noticeable wrinkles, but also age spots disappear. Elasticity returns to the skin, beautiful colour faces and healthy tone.

Even more about beneficial properties oils can be found in the video below.

Who is it suitable for?

Modern cosmetic companies have developed a lot of drugs and products that include rose oil. And manufacturers took into account all the features of the skin associated with age and type. Essentially, rose petal oil is suitable for all women. A properly selected cosmetic product, as evidenced by reviews from cosmetologists, will have the expected impact and effect.

First of all, it needs dry skin faces. Rose oil nourishes, saturates, softens, in general, works magically. After several uses, the result is obvious, and you no longer want to use an expensive cream, the manufacturer of which promised the result that the oil gave. The roughened layers of the epidermis become soft and velvety. Flaky areas disappear, the face takes on a fresh and healthy appearance.

It is especially useful in autumn and winter, with strong gusts of cold and damp wind.

The oily composition protects against natural influences, protecting the skin from frost, ultraviolet radiation and dry air on windy days.

After applying this cosmetic product he will say “thank you” and sensitive skin. It is for this type that it is extremely difficult to choose care, nutrition and moisturizing products, since the epidermis reacts sharply to components it does not like with redness and rashes.

Rose oil copes with such problems in the best possible way. It soothes irritated areas, relieves inflammation, eliminates small pimples. Its constant use will eventually lead to skin covering V normal condition and will maintain it in this form. It also helps get rid of small capillaries, eliminating “networks” on different areas faces.

Of course, the oil also has some limitations in its use. It is not recommended for pregnant women, doctors explain this due to the smell, which can cause discomfort in expectant mothers.

And in exceptional cases it may cause allergic reactions, therefore, before the very first use, it is necessary to conduct a test on the elbow bend. A few drops are applied for 3-4 hours, and if there is no redness, then there is no allergy.

For eyelids and lips

Yes, it's universal. And one wonderful drug can replace a lot of jars and bottles used as nighttime, daily cream, eye cream or as a lip balm. Rose oil is ideal for eyelid skin. And it is part of many types of cosmetic products designed to care for it. Using it, you can get rid of dark circles under the eyes, it smoothes out both barely noticeable wrinkles and those that have already become obvious.

It is recommended to apply it to chapped, dry lips, use it as a daily lip balm, use it during herpes and for manifestations of allergic dermatitis.


Rose oil is included in such effective means like a mask. Ready-made masks can be purchased at specialized cosmetic stores and pharmacies.

Or you can cook it yourself at home. And for this you will need rose essential oil, tea tree, jasmine and other oils that attract you with their aromas.

If you cook at home useful mask, then only a few drops of the prescription ingredients will be needed for one application. The base can be lotion or tonic - approximately two hundred and fifty milliliters. It is placed in a glass container, always with a lid. Add two drops of rose oil and 1 drop of another fragrant oil that you like to the lotion. The composition is thoroughly shaken and placed in a cool, dark place for about a day.

Achieve beautiful skin and healthy hair different ways, including the use of rose oil.

The rose and its captivating, alluring aroma have attracted and will attract people at all times. Such a delicate and at the same time majestic rose is a godsend for cosmetologists and perfumers.

Application and benefits of rose essential oil in cosmetology

Rose essential oil has been revered by many peoples since ancient times. It was considered very valuable and useful. Its scope of application is so vast that it is easier to describe areas in which it has not been used.

Rose oil has a special place in cosmetology. It is at the top of the list of oils that promote skin rejuvenation and its speedy healing.

Essential rose oil is used for aromatherapy and relaxing baths. It has a positive effect on nervous system, calms her down.

Rose essential oil is an aphrodisiac, so you should be extremely careful when using it.

A great use for rose essential oil is massage.

Rose essential oil

Which rose oil is the healthiest? What kind of rose is oil made from?

There are several varieties of roses that are grown specifically for their oil. They differ in their properties and aroma.

Rose varieties used for oil production:

  • Kazanlak rose
  • White Kazanlak rose
  • Centifolia rose
  • White Rose
  • Red Rose

It is highly valued in cosmetology nutmeg oil and butter wild rose(which consists of several oils). Why these oils? Because they contain greatest number fatty acids, promoting rapid regeneration of epidermal cells.

Kazanlak rose oil, in turn, is very much loved by perfumers due to its magical aroma. By the way, it used to be called “gul” oil.

Damask rose oil is actively used to treat many diseases in the female area and not only. It is also considered extremely useful. In my own way appearance Damask rose is very reminiscent of peony.

Muscat rose oil, benefits

  • Muscat rose oil - unique oil. It has a super-healing, regenerating effect. It is actively used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine.
  • Muscat rose oil contains a large amount of fatty acids necessary for normal functioning skin cells. Therefore, it is actively used in for cosmetic purposes to combat even the deepest wrinkles
  • This oil is the heavy artillery in the fight for feminine beauty and youth. Its regular use can preserve it for a long time fresh look skin, its elasticity and softness
  • Muscat rose oil works great on minor scars and cuts. If your skin has small scars, then muscat rose oil will be a real salvation for you.
  • This oil is extremely beneficial for nails. It makes them strong and white. Smoothes the surface of the nail plate

Benefits of wild rose petal oil

The oil has a second name - “liquid sun”. It was named so for the rich concentration of useful substances in it.

Wild rose (rosehip) gathered everything useful material from the land, water and clean air of wild, untouched nature. It enriches the skin with the vitamins and microelements it needs.

Wild rose oil is suitable for absolutely any skin. But it is best to use it specifically for fading, aging skin. But if your skin is tired from an abundance of cosmetics, an overly cold climate and stress, then wild rose oil will definitely help it recover.

  • The remarkable property of the oil is that, having a fairly light structure, it does not clog skin cells, so it can be used as a night cream with a clear conscience
  • Two or three applications of this lip oil are enough to get rid of stubborn lips.
  • The aroma of wild rose oil is not so strong as to overwhelm other odors, so it is used even by people who cannot stand the smell of roses for some reason

Benefits of Damask rose oil

  • Damask rose oil has a really crazy scent. Not every rose bush smells like this oil.
  • It is used to scent rooms. Quite a strong aphrodisiac
  • Damask rose oil, real, very expensive. More often on sale you can see not essential oil, but cosmetic oil of Damask rose, diluted jojoba oil
  • If you see just such an oil on a store shelf, do not rush to be disappointed and pass by. Jojoba oil itself is very beneficial, and in combination with Damask rose oil it gives excellent results.

Suitable for aging skin and skin prone to dryness, age spots. Perfectly evens out the complexion. Carefully cares for the skin around the eyes. Recommended for the décolleté area.

Interesting fact: Damask rose oil is suitable for oily skin types. It does not leave greasy marks, the skin does not become shiny after it, but looks even more matte than usual.

Damask rose oil, like wild rose or rosehip oil, is used as a night cream. It nourishes the skin and moisturizes it.

How to use rose oil for wrinkles?

Rose oil for wrinkles has been used for a very, very long time.

  • As mentioned above, almost any type of rose oil effectively fights wrinkles. Even the deepest (frontal, nasolabial)
  • There is cosmetic and rose essential oil. The essential oil is very fragrant, but should be used with caution. There is a high risk of getting a skin burn. Essential oil is always mixed with cosmetic oil, so the oil acts much softer
  • Cosmetic oil is absolutely safe. It can be used in pure form. Very often rose cosmetic oil is obtained by mixing essential rose oil and some other cosmetic oil odorless (wheat germ, jojoba, for example)

rose oil

For wrinkles, rose oil is used as follows:

  • They make various masks that include other oils or other components
  • Use in its pure form

In its pure form, rose oil for wrinkles is easy to use:

  • The facial skin is thoroughly cleansed of cosmetics and impurities.
  • Apply oil to face using a cotton pad and distribute evenly
  • Wait until the oil is absorbed, remove the residue with a clean cotton pad.

Rose oil mixed with other components also effectively fights wrinkles. Rose oil can be mixed with:

  • Jojoba oil, wheat germ, cocoa butter, peach oil, olive
  • From products food will do oatmeal, sour cream, egg, clay

As part of any mixture, the oil will show its healing properties. Just a couple of drops of rose oil are enough to see results.

rose oil

How to use rose oil for the skin around the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. She needs special care. The very first signs of aging appear on the skin around the eyes in the form of fine wrinkles. They are also called "crow's feet".

Getting rid of such wrinkles is not difficult if they have just begun to appear. If there are already a lot of wrinkles, and they appeared a long time ago, then only comprehensive care will help to cope with them.

Cosmetic rose oil has just such properties, thanks to which it can eliminate small wrinkles around the eyes, or make large wrinkles less noticeable.

How to use rose oil for the skin around the eyes is an interesting question. You can smear the skin around your eyes several times a day with this oil. You can apply the oil to your skin at night and remove any residue in the morning. The oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin, so both options are possible.

If desired, rose oil can be mixed with other oils that also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin around the eyes:

  • Wheat germ oil
  • Coconut oil (for this it is better to take refined oil, otherwise the smells of rose and coconut will mix and you will get a not very pleasant aroma)
  • Peach oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Kastorov (don’t take too much castor oil and do not leave it on overnight, it is very heavy, your eyelids may swell)
  • Olive
  • Almond
  • Walnut oil

How to use rose oil on the body?

Rose oil can also be used wonderfully in body care.

Where exactly is rose oil used?

  • Massage
  • Scrub
  • Wraps
  • In the fight against stretch marks

Rose oil is used as a massage oil. It not only has a pronounced regenerating effect, but is also a good anti-stress, that is, it relaxes. And relaxation of the body and mind is the key to a quality massage.

It can be used separately from other oils, there or together with them. For massage, rose oil is mixed with jojoba, apricot, olive, and peach oils.

Rose oil works great as an additive to a scrub. homemade. This scrub may include sea moth, sugar, ground coffee, oatmeal, and honey. Rose oil will soften the effect of the scrubbing element, while improving the result of using the scrub.

Rose oil is added to scrubs to give skin firmness and elasticity. It can also be added to anti-cellulite scrubs.

The wrap mixture may also contain rose oil. In addition to oil, they usually use:

  • Mustard
  • Clay
  • Algae (kelp)
  • Sea salt
  • Chocolate
  • Cocoa

If your goal is to give the skin elasticity, then you can use rose oil for wrapping without additional ingredients.

Using rose oil for hair

Rose oil is used primarily to strengthen hair follicle and giving hair shine.

It acts very gently on the hair, envelops it and protects it from harmful external influences.

What are the benefits of a little rose for hair?

  • Makes hair shiny
  • Accelerates hair growth
  • Eliminates dandruff
  • Normalizes sebum secretion, thereby eliminating excess oiliness of the scalp
  • Prevents split ends (if the hair is already split, it prevents further splits)
  • Eliminates hair breakage
  • Leaves hair soft to the touch

From this list we can conclude that rose oil is a real godsend for maintaining healthy and beautiful hair.

Many people are tormented by the question: “How to wash off rose oil from hair? Does it make your hair greasy? . Rose oil is actually quite light. Depending on the structure of the hair and the amount of oil itself, it requires one to two washes maximum. After using it, your hair doesn’t look greasy, but rather stays clean longer.

  • You can use rose oil for hair either as part of other masks or on its own.
  • Before use, the oil is heated to 40 degrees in a water bath, then applied either to the ends or to the entire length.
  • The hair is tucked under a shower cap, and the head is wrapped in a towel on top.
  • Keep this mask on for 30 minutes to several hours (you can even leave it overnight). Wash off with shampoo

Inna, 23 years old, Moscow

Since childhood, my hair has split. The food was good, I didn’t use rubber bands. We had sex and that’s it. Sheared. When she grew up, she began cutting hair with hot scissors, making various procedures on soldering hair, but all to no avail. A friend brought rose oil from a trip and was advised to buy it there. It cost a lot, but she was promised just crazy results. I tried applying this oil to my hair before bed and rinsing it off in the morning. I did 5 procedures. My hair felt better, but I still had quite a lot of split ends, although less than before using the oil. Then I decided to trim the ends for the last time in order to continue using the oil, because it prevents split ends. Surprisingly, it helped and for six months now I have beautiful healthy hair without a single cut hair. Now I recommend this to everyone.

Maria, 28 years old, Kirov

I’ve never used hair oils, this is new to me, but rose oil just captivated me. No balm has ever given such amazing results as this oil. I regret that I spent so much time searching for my remedy and was skeptical about natural products. In addition to rose oil, I also started using coconut oil. I just can’t decide which one is better, but my hair is shiny even in a dark room, it’s stopped breaking, and it’s growing quickly. In general, I'm satisfied and recommend it to everyone.

Video: About the benefits of rose oil

They make oil from roses and the oil is called “rose” -

Help with various diseases, as well as in cases of many;
“On the Properties of Herbs” by Odo of Mena

General information

Rose - queen of flowers and aromas, and in aromatherapy also - essential oils. A flower with a warm, slightly spicy, deep and sweetish smell was one of the first to be used for the production of essential oils.
Rose oil made from rosescentifolia (centifolia), which is grown in Morocco and Grasse (the center of French perfumery). Rosa gallica (Gallic) grown in France, and rose damascene (damask)– in Bulgaria and Turkey. The oil itself best quality obtained from Kazanlak rose RoseDamascene Mill, growing in Bulgaria, in the “Valley of Roses”. Flowers are collected early in the morning with drops of dew and immediately used for production, the oil yield is 0.025-0.04%. To obtain 100 g of oil you need 250-400 kg of petals, so rose oil is very expensive.

Therefore, rose oil is sometimes replaced with cheaper geranium oil. So, if you have fresh rose petals and the desire, you can make rose oil at home.

Oil obtained from different types roses, differs in smell and composition of its components, and therefore in properties. So, cabbage rose, compared to Damascus, has more strong bactericidal and soothing properties, and is also more a powerful aphrodisiac.

History and myths

It is believed that essential rose oil was first produced by Avicenna in the 10th century. From eastern countries the rose was brought to Ancient Greece. Greek doctor Hippocrates and his students used rose oil to treat female diseases, diseases digestive system. Roman and Egyptian medicine highly valued the scent of roses. The floor in the rooms of Nero's palace was covered with rose petals in a 10 cm layer, and there were special holes in the ceiling from which flowers and rose petals fell.

In the Middle Ages, annual holidays were held in honor of the rose. The most ancient remedies made from rose petals were rose water, oil and ointments.

ABOUT medicinal properties Rose oil is written by Odo of Mena in his treatise “On the Properties of Herbs”. He wrote that rose essential oil used back in the Middle Ages for stomach diseases, to relieve headaches and toothaches, eliminate itching and cleanse wounds, and also used for gynecological diseases.

Features of rose oil

Rose is patronized by the planet Venus, so rose is considered a feminine essential oil. Unique properties rose oil, first of all, are to treat diseases reproductive system . Pink

oil regulates and tones the uterine muscles, promotes conception, used attreatment of infertility, frigidity, and impotence and even stimulates the process of sperm formation in the body of a man.

The antiseptic properties of the oil are used in therapy to combat various skin infections(viral, fungal, bacterial) that cannot be treated with antibiotics.

The oil has an intense effect and requires dosages and careful use.

Characteristics and healing properties, dosages, use of rose oil

Latin name Rose Сentifolia (centifolia rose), RoseGallica (Gallic or French rose), RoseDamascene (Damascene rose)
Plant type Flower
Genus Rose hip
Family Rosaceae
Aroma floral sweet
Extraction method Distillation
Part used Flower petals
Chemical composition, main components alcohols (nerol, geraniol, farnesol, citronellol), geranium acid, terpenes (myrcene), phenol (eugenol)
Planet Venus
Element Water
Zodiac sign Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra
Chinese horoscope Rat, Dragon, Pig, Tiger
Combines with essential oils orange, lavender, patchouli, jasmine, rose, palmarosa oil, sandalwood, neroli, pelargonium, chamomile, clary sage


cosmetic Rejuvenates, regenerates, tones, refreshes the skin, smoothes wrinkles, restores facial contours
healing bactericidal, antiseptic, blood purifier, antispasmodic, vasodilator, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, diuretic, laxative, sedative, tonic, antidepressant, aphrodisiac
Improves mood, relieves emotional stress and fatigue, improves relationships with people
bioenergy protects from ill-wishers, envy; restores aura; eliminates inferiority complex; helps to overcome difficulties and achieve success in work; fills the aura with warmth and light, creates a state of love, coziness and comfort in the house; improves communication skills


Aromatherapy Methods of application
calms the nervous system, eliminates irritability, sadness, postpartum stress, insomnia aroma lamps, cold inhalation, bath, massage, indoor application
reduces dependence on weather conditions
regulates cardiac activity, stimulates blood circulation, increases capillary tone aroma lamps, cold inhalation, internal use
relieves vascular spasms, improves coronary circulation aroma lamps, cold inhalation, internal use
lowers blood pressure aroma lamps, internal use
acts as an antiseptic for bronchitis, asthma, cough, sore throat aroma lamps, cold inhalation, massage, internal use
normalizes metabolic processes, helps improve digestion processes, with dysbacteriosis, peptic ulcers Gastrointestinal tract, reduces vomiting, nausea aroma lamps, cold inhalation, bath, internal use, compress, abdominal massage
tones the functioning of the liver, gall bladder, spleen; aroma lamps, cold inhalation, bath, internal use
has an analgesic effect on arthritis, rheumatism aroma lamps, cold inhalation, massage, bath, compress, massage, internal use
for migraines and headaches oil compress on temples, cold inhalation
soothes ear pain warming compress
removes toothache for caries, used in the treatment of pulpitis, periodontal disease applications, rinsing
regulates menstrual cycle, reduces excessive bleeding, increases the ability to conceive, is used in the treatment of infertility, frigidity aroma lamps, cold inhalation, internal use, douching

Cosmetic and dermatological effect

Refreshes, increases firmness and elasticity of any skin, especially dry and sensitive
cleanses pores, relieves puffiness, swelling of the eyelids, blue circles under the eyes
compress, cream enrichment
Effectively treats dermatitis, eczema, herpes, acne, psoriasis, fungal infections skin, cracks in skin compress


aroma burners, aroma lamps 3-5 drops per 15 m2
appliqués 1-2 drops
indoor use* 1 drop with 1 teaspoon of honey 3 times a day
cold inhalation (aroma pendant, scarf) 2-3 drops
baths 6-7 drops
massage 2-3 drops per 10 ml of base oil
douching 3 drops with ½ teaspoon of soda per 300 ml of distilled water
eye baths 1 drop per glass of distilled water
rinsing 1-3 drops per 1 liter of water 3-5 times a day
skin spray 1-2 drops per glass of distilled water, use per day
compress 8-10 drops per 10 ml of base oil
enrichment of cream, base for shampoo, gel 8-10 drops per 10 g of base
Contraindications if used for more than two weeks, take a break*; do not use
during pregnancy the first 5 months
Precautionary measures with caution at low blood pressure

*ATTENTION! Use only natural 100% rose essential oil obtained by distillation. Do not drink specifics and “absolutes”.

Internal use essential oil roses:

  • During menopause: add 2-3 drops of oil to the infusion of mantle grass (pour 1 teaspoon of herb with a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes), take twice a day, course - a month.
  • During angina attacks: add 2-3 drops of rose oil to a teaspoon of honey and dilute warm water up to 1/3 of a glass.
  • For depression: rose oil 1-2 drops diluted in a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, take before lunch once a day.


"Aromatherapy" Denis Vicello Brown
“Treatment with oils” by A. Semenov
“Secrets of Cleopatra” by M. Kedrov
“Oil that heals” M. Kedrov
<“Aromatherapy from A to Z” by Patricia Davis
"Encyclopedia of Essential Oils" by Wanda Sellar
“Deceiving age. Practice of rejuvenation" Dmitrievskaya L.
“Scented pharmacy. Secrets of aromatherapy" Vladislav S. Brud Ivona Konapatskaya.
“Inhaling a wonderful aroma. Aromatherapy is a pleasant and easy way of treatment” Lavrenova Galina

The oil, which is obtained from rose flowers, is known not only for its wonderful smell, but also for its unique properties. Rose oil, water and rose petals were widely used in ancient China, Assyria, and Egypt. During the Middle Ages, noble ladies also took advantage of the benefits of rose oil. This substance was in service with any pharmacist: the oil was used to treat toothaches, headaches, and colds. Today, rose oil also has no equal, despite its high cost.

Properties of rose oil

Without exaggeration, a dark glass bottle with rose oil is necessary for any family, since this substance is used in a variety of fields - from psychotherapy to medicine.

Emotional and sexual sphere

Rose oil has a beneficial effect on emotional well-being:

  • Rose is a strong aphrodisiac that can increase a woman's attractiveness to the opposite sex.
  • The smell of a rose enhances a woman's confidence, sexuality, and sense of her own attractiveness.
  • Rose oil is an excellent and safe antidepressant, which is often recommended for use, for example, during postpartum depression.
  • Essential compounds affect performance, in particular brain activity. They drive away fatigue and prevent burnout.
  • The oil has a wonderful scent and can be used as a very long-lasting perfume.


It is used in many creams, masks, lotions, especially for dry, sensitive and aging skin. The oil has tonic, rejuvenating and soothing properties. Rose apparently improves the contour of the face, eliminates dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles. The ether will also help with some skin diseases.


Rose oil treats herpes, promotes wound healing and scar resorption, regulates hormone balance, and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

How to use rose oil

We offer you several simple recipes for different occasions:

  • Skin care. Add 2-3 drops of oil to the amount of cream you use at a time, apply the composition to the skin. Mix 2-3 drops of rose oil with a tablespoon of carrier oil (olive, almond, peanut, avocado). Use the mixture as a mask or cream.
  • Bath. The most enjoyable way to use rose oil is to add 5-10 drops to a warm bath. The oil has a very quick effect on hair and skin; it is advisable to take such a bath for 10-15 minutes.
  • Bath mixture. Heat 1 liter of milk with 1 tbsp. l. honey Add 10 drops of essential oil. Stir and pour the mixture into the bath. Instead of milk and honey, you can use a glass of kefir or liquid yogurt.
  • Pink water. Mix a glass of boiled water with 2 drops of oil. Wipe your skin with the resulting lotion after washing. Place cotton pads soaked in lotion on closed eyelids, this will help remove puffiness and bags under the eyes. Shake the water before each use.
  • Aromatherapy. Add 2 drops of oil to the aroma medallion.
  • Aromatization of the room. Fill the aroma lamp with clean water (preferably not from the tap). Add five drops of oil and heat.
  • Remedy for toothache. Mix rose oil with base oil in a ratio of 1:3. Apply the mixture to a cotton swab and place it on the sore tooth.
  • Rinse for toothache. One drop of oil and half a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water.
  • Ingestion. One drop of rose oil to half a teaspoon of sugar will help improve your overall health. Take three times daily before meals.

Follow these precautions:

  • Conduct a home sensitivity test: mix one drop of rose oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil and apply to the inner crease of the elbow. If no redness or itching appears after 12 hours, you can apply the skin product. Also, don't use rose oil if you don't like the scent; it's not just your personal taste, it's how your body reacts.
  • Do not use rose oil during pregnancy.
  • Do not use rose oil in its pure form. Mix it with base oils, your favorite face and body cream, add a couple of drops to water.
  • Frozen oil can be easily thawed by holding the bottle in your hands or placing it in warm water (at body temperature). Its properties will not deteriorate.

This variety is an exceptional creation of breeders, which people have enjoyed using in a variety of industries for hundreds of years.

What does this rose variety look like?

Damask rose grows mainly in the southern regions of the CIS countries. She loves warmth, but is quite unpretentious in care. Many who have this ornamental shrub growing in their garden know how useful it is and enjoy using it.

Damask rose has large buds of different shades, from white and soft pink to scarlet. These flowers differ from other species in the large number of petals in the bud and its opening. Roses exude an incredible aroma that delights garden visitors in the first half of summer.

The photo will help you to fully understand how beautiful the Damask rose is.

Oil making process

Damask rose oil has its price. This is an expensive product, but many are willing to purchase it, and all thanks to its irreplaceable properties. Before purchasing oil, please note that it is a completely natural product. Real Damask rose essential oil should not contain any impurities, including alcohols.

There is also an interesting fact: to get just a couple of drops of the elixir, you need to process at least 30 buds of this beautiful flower. The petals are separated by hand, after which the oil itself is obtained using a direct cold pressing process. Then it is simply filled into bottles and goes on sale.

It should be borne in mind that only pure oil, without any additional components in the composition, will have the maximum healing effect.

Damask rose products

Damask rose has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases, as well as for cosmetic purposes. Tea is brewed from its petals, which has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Healing jam is also prepared from them.

In Crimea and the Middle East, a valuable medicinal product, rosanol, is produced from the petals of the Damask rose, which is actively used in the treatment of urolithiasis, inflammation of the kidneys and biliary tract.

Damask rose is used to make valuable cosmetic soap. And of course, healing and soothing baths are taken with its petals.

But the most expensive product is Damask rose essential oil, which replaces almost all possible cosmetic products.

Body Oil

This essential oil in cosmetology is simply an indispensable remedy for problematic and sensitive skin. And this applies not only to facial skin. Damask rose oil is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema, as it has a strong soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. It is enough to take a bath with a few drops of the product, and the condition of the skin will improve significantly.

The effectiveness of the facial skin product

Damask rose oil is also used to improve facial skin health, the use of which can even help smooth out deep wrinkles. It is suitable for any skin type, and especially for hypersensitive, dry and prone to allergic reactions. The elastic properties of facial skin are significantly enhanced, which has a positive effect on its appearance and naturally rejuvenates it.

Damask rose oil effectively combats problems such as acne on the face. It is enough to apply the oil precisely to the rash areas and leave overnight.

The product is characterized by the fact that it moisturizes dry facial skin and at the same time normalizes the secretion of sebum for oily skin. It also maintains the water-lipid balance of the dermis.

Fatigue of the skin around the eyes, dark circles and fine wrinkles are also effectively eliminated using lotions of healing oil.

Damask rose oil for hands and nails

Eliminating problems with the skin of the hands and nails is an area in modern cosmetology, which today actively uses the healing properties of Damask rose oil. Since many argue that hands are a woman’s second face, the product is incredibly popular due to its high effectiveness. Dry and inflamed hand skin is a common problem for many ladies. As with facial skin, rose oil can significantly rejuvenate it, making it more elastic and velvety.

Baths with Damask rose oil strengthen the nail plate, accelerate nail growth and significantly improve their condition. The product is indispensable after chapping and partial oil is also used after using low-quality household detergents, as a result of which allergic reactions often appear on the hands, which is dealt with by the same baths with Damask rose. In addition to oil, you can also add flower petals to them.

How does the product improve hair quality?

If a girl or woman suffers from hair loss, fragility, dullness and fungus leading to dandruff, Damask rose will again come to the rescue. The oil from this flower should be used to make healing hair masks.

For psoriasis, Damask rose oil is added to the scalp balm, which promotes healing of damaged areas of the epidermis and soothes irritation and discomfort.

Do you need to make your hair silky, even out its structure and give it a vibrant shine? It is enough to add a few drops of oil to the finished mask or hair balm. Or you can make a mask with rose oil and chamomile. If you add a little white clay and cucumber juice to the mask. The result is a universal remedy to eliminate all problems with hair and scalp.

Damask rose in neurology

Neurology is the area of ​​medicine where this plant has been used for many centuries. Damask rose essential oil is a sedative that has virtually no analogues in medicine. Baths with a few drops of this elixir don’t just help get rid of moral stress after a hard day at work. They also eliminate the more serious consequences of nervous system disorders. For example, increased irritability, excitability, excessive aggressiveness and depression.

Even in ancient times, the remedy was used as an antidote to increased sentimentality and sensitivity to other people's words and actions. It also helps to put the female nervous system in order.

It’s good not only to take baths, but also to use aroma lamps with Damask rose essential oil. When overtired and lack of sleep, the remedy brings harmony to thoughts and helps to fall asleep if this is not possible.

How else is oil used in medicine?

Various balms are made based on Damask rose oil. It is widely used both in formulations and in pure form for the treatment of wounds, skin diseases, burns and inflammations.

Damask rose is used as a strong antioxidant. Green tea with added oil is recommended as a means of losing weight and removing toxins and cholesterol from the body.

Food use

Rose oil is used in making desserts as a natural flavoring. It is added to tea or coffee to improve the taste of the drink.

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