Pistachios - properties and applications. The most interesting thing about pistachio

Good afternoon Nuts, like seeds, can be eaten endlessly. The only questions that remain are whether our body can cope with such an abundance of calories, what the consequences will be and when we need to stop. I'm not even talking about the feeling of guilt or shame that accompanies a person with this uncontrollable “gluttony,” for example, of salty pistachios.

The pistachio tree and its fruits have been endowed with numerous magical qualities since ancient times. In the East for its high nutritional value and valuable medicinal properties it is called the “tree of life”, “rejuvenating tree”, and its fruits are called “magic” or “lucky nut”, “fruits of love”. It is believed that it was pistachios that Adam brought from the Garden of Eden. This is probably why these nuts have long been a mandatory gift at weddings.

The beneficial properties of pistachios are inexhaustible and are still being studied. Moreover, in medicinal purposes Not only the fruits are used, but also the leaves and resin of this plant. Dense wood has found successful use in carpentry.

The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of pistachios. This tree also grows in mountainous areas Central Asia, in the Caucasus, Crimea, India, Syria, USA, China, Afghanistan, Iran, etc. Real pistachio (Pistacia vera) is a perennial heat-loving plant from the sumac family. An evergreen multi-stemmed shrub reaches a height of up to 7-10 m and has a dense crown. The bark is covered with deep crevices of a gray-brown hue.

The process of fruit formation involves the flowers of male and female plants that have reached 7 years of age. In fact, the pistachio (just like) is not a nut, but a drupe with an elongated, ovoid shape. Harvest in early autumn. The edible part of it is the greenish oily kernel. It develops under the protection of an outer hard shell, which partially opens when ripe.

Pistachios beneficial properties and contraindications

There have been many discussions around the “rejuvenating tree” regarding the benefits and harms of its fruits. Some believe that they are too high in calories and allergenic, while others attribute to them a lot of beneficial properties.

Pistachios composition

  • Nuts are rich in the following substances:
    Vitamins: group B (B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B7, B9), PP, E, K, etc.
    Macroelements: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, etc.
    Microelements: iron, manganese, selenium, zinc, copper, etc.
    Amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, histidine, threonine, etc.
    Antioxidants: zeaxanthin, lutein.
    Fats in Pistacia vera fruits are presented unsaturated acids Omega-3, Omega-9, as well as palminto and stearic.

Pistachios beneficial properties

  • Doctors recommend consuming these nuts for both adults and children. They strengthen the immune system well, help fight vitamin deficiency, are effective in preventing osteoporosis, tone up the functioning of all body systems, and protect against early graying.
  • The fruit contains substances that act as an antidote for poisoning, protecting the body from harmful effects environment, preventing premature aging. Eating these nuts has a positive effect on sexual function.
  • Scientists have also proven the following beneficial features pistachio:
    Heart and hematopoietic system: improve blood circulation, strengthen the heart muscle, reduce “bad” cholesterol, increase hemoglobin.
    Gastrointestinal tract: stabilize intestinal function, help with constipation.
    Respiratory organs: have expectorant and antitussive properties, reduce the risk of developing lung cancer, and cleanse the lungs of smokers of toxins.
    Eyes: increase visual acuity, prevent the formation of cataracts.
    Liver: improve metabolism, cleanse bile ducts, eliminate hepatic colic.

Pistachios contraindications

Even with all the benefits of these healing nuts, they should not be consumed by people with individual intolerance and prone to allergic reactions. A highly allergenic product can lead to a runny nose, rash, hives, angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

Pistachios are contraindicated for colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer. Excessive use product leads to obesity, digestive disorders, horse races blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, kidney dysfunction.

For pregnant women they can bring more harm than good. The fact is that these nuts stimulate smooth muscles and can cause miscarriage or premature birth.

Pistachios calorie content

100 grams of salted fruits (without shell) contain 45.8 g of fat, 21 g of protein and 27.6 g of carbohydrates (of which 10.3 g of fiber and 7.7 g of sugars). The calorie content is 569 kcal (versus 556 kcal for fried without oil and salt).

How many pistachios can you eat per day?

Without harm to health, as a preventive measure, doctors recommend that adults consume 30 g (or about 50 pieces of refined grains, 167 kcal) per day. Treatment dose is 50-100 g of nuts per day.

Use in folk medicine

  • The usefulness of the pistachio tree has been known since ancient times, which was successfully used by folk healers. The ancient Greeks used pistachio decoction as a tonic, wound-healing and antitoxic agent.
  • Chinese medicine valued pistachio oil which supports feminine beauty and slows down the aging process. Also mined resin from cuts on tree branches, which is used to treat liver, gastritis, rheumatism, stomach ulcers, etc.
  • Decoction or infusion from growths (galls) on leaves pistachio tree helps with gastritis, dysentery, colitis, as they contain tannins. It is brewed like regular tea (1 tbsp per 250 g of water).
  • IN folk medicine from pistachio nuts prepare infusions and decoctions that help with such ailments as:
    ARVI, acute respiratory infections;
    pneumonia, bronchitis;
    tuberculosis, etc.
  • Ointments or applications are made from crushed grains to treat psoriasis or diathesis. Traditional healers they assure that regular use Eating raw fruits as food can relieve cravings for alcohol, normalize blood pressure, and restore the body after surgery or a serious infectious disease.

Pistachio oil

The kernel of pistachio fruits consists of 60-70% oil. In unrefined form, it has a rich green color and thick consistency. After treatment, the color becomes light yellow and the nutty smell disappears.

In medicine, the oil is used externally to treat dermatoses, fungal skin infections, psoriasis, eczema, burns, acne, stomatitis. Doctors prescribe drinking it internally to strengthen the immune system, treat stomach ulcers, and for blockages. bile ducts, atherosclerosis.

The oil is valued in cosmetology because it has tonic, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, softening and wound-healing properties. It is well absorbed without leaving a greasy residue and can be used on irritated and sensitive skin, as well as for whitening freckles and age spots.

Pistachio oil is used to make face and hair masks, scrubs, ballushkas and applications. It is added to balms, shampoos, gels and toothpastes to enrich products useful substances. IN pure form it can be applied to nails and hair to strengthen and repair damaged areas.

Massage therapists all over the world know that pistachio oil, in combination with other essential oils, has a soothing and regenerating effect on the skin. Body scrubs and various aroma compositions are prepared on its basis.

Pistachios in cooking

In modern cooking, nuts are used to give dishes an exquisite, unique taste. Roasted fruits with lemon juice goes well with champagne and dessert white wine.

In the confectionery industry, nuts are added in the production of pastries, cakes, candies, ice cream, and are also used to prepare salads, meat dishes, soups, puddings, etc.

Salad with chicken and pistachios

The recipe is original due to the combination of pistachio flavor with fresh cucumber and cheese.

Ingredients for chicken and pistachio salad:
1 chicken breast;
3 eggs,
2 tomatoes
1 large cucumber;
100 grams of solid,
a packet of mayonnaise,
a bag of prepared salted pistachios.

Cooking method:
The salad is “layered”, so each layer needs to be coated with mayonnaise.

  1. Place finely chopped chicken breast. You can cook it or take it ready-smoked.
  2. Cut the cucumber into small cubes and place in a second layer.
  3. Then you need to peel the pistachios and chop them into pieces. Sprinkle half of the resulting mixture onto the cucumber layer. We don’t apply mayonnaise yet.
  4. Finely chop the hard-boiled eggs and place on the nuts.
  5. It is better to take fleshy tomatoes, from which you need to remove the seeds and then finely chop them. Place them on the eggs and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  6. Coat the last layer of salad with mayonnaise and sprinkle with remaining pistachios.
  7. Place the finished salad in the refrigerator for an hour to soak.

Salad with grapes and pistachios

This recipe has many variations, because you can add ingredients according to your preferences. For example, replace celery with parsley or sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, etc.

Ingredients for salad with grapes and pistachios:
200 grams of seedless grapes;
1/2 part curly cabbage (or Chinese cabbage);
1/4 part red cabbage;
1 Bell pepper;
1 stalk of celery;
100-150 grams of pistachios;
1/4 cup olive oil;
1/4 cup red wine sauce;
1 teaspoon mustard;
Salt and pepper to taste.

Grind all the ingredients, place in a salad bowl and mix well.

Fish with pistachios

Preparing a dish according to this recipe is simple and affordable, because absolutely any fish can be used in the form of a whole carcass or fillet.

Ingredients for fish with pistachios:
2 fish carcasses or fillets;
20 grams of peeled pistachios;
1 medium lemon;
1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
ground black pepper;
red hot peppers;
salt to taste.


  1. Fish or fish fillets must be washed. Then you should salt it, pepper it and dip it a little in vegetable oil.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon, chop it finely and sprinkle the resulting mixture onto the fish. Remove a tablespoon of juice from the pulp and pour it over the fish.
  3. Grind the pistachios in a mortar and dip the fish in them (so that they stick to it).
  4. Grease a baking dish with oil, place fish carcasses in it and bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Energy breakfast

Traditional medicine believes that for breakfast you need to “combine in one dish” pistachios (to relieve fatigue), raisins (to strengthen nervous system and hearts), dried apricots (for vigor).

How to choose pistachios

Pistachio grains are eaten raw, dried or roasted, often with the addition of salt or sugar. Benefits most from raw product, having a juicy green color and a slightly open shell.

High-quality nuts do not have stains on the outer and inner parts of the shell and have pleasant smell and are large in size. Inner surface The shell is usually beige or, in the case of special staining, red. There is also no need to buy nuts if they smell moldy.

When choosing nuts, it is worth knowing their origin. Iranian ones are recognized as the best. It should be taken into account that the UAE, Vietnam, Germany, Turkey, etc. purchase Iranian pistachios for resale to other countries, mainly to China.

How to store pistachios

A large number of fatty acids, which are part of pistachio grains, do not allow them to be stored in their purified form for more than 3 months. In this case, the storage location must be selected away from sources of heat and light, and the container must be hermetically sealed.

Some chefs use blast freezing for peeled fruits. This allows you to extend their shelf life to six months. In the shell, frozen pistachios retain their beneficial properties throughout the year.

The safest way to save nuts is in vacuum packaging, which is placed in a refrigerator with a temperature of 4-6 degrees. They are suitable for consumption for 9 months. Pistachio oil under such conditions does not lose its properties for a whole year.

Thus, pistachios have restorative, tonic, choleretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and other effects; have valuable beneficial properties: increase immunity, eliminate tachycardia, reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels and the heart, regulate carbohydrate metabolism, prevent the development diabetes mellitus, stimulate the functioning of the genital organs and nervous system, help to recover after serious illnesses, improve the condition of teeth, nails and hair, remove toxins from the body. Pistachios also have serious contraindications, described above.

Whether or not to introduce the fruits of the “tree of life” into your diet is up to you. The benefits of pistachios when consumed in moderation are obvious. 30 grams of nuts eaten every day will not increase the size of your waist and guarantee longevity and protection from numerous diseases.

All the best. Good luck!

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Most of what grows on our Planet can be useful for human body. Even some poisonous plants are used in small concentrations in the composition medicines designed to eliminate health problems. People receive sincere pleasure from using individual gifts of Nature. These include, in particular, nuts, of which there are very, very many varieties. In the article we will dwell in more detail on pistachios - their beneficial properties for men and women, as well as possible harm to the body.

Pistachios - what are they?

The nut, perhaps well known to everyone, grows on trees, and in some regions – on shrubs. In some Eastern countries, the pistachio tree is called the “tree of life”; it is known for its longevity; plants live 400–500 years. The Chinese called pistachios the nuts of happiness. The habitats of such trees are the Mediterranean, part of the USA, Africa and Asia.

Externally, a pistachio nut looks like this - a greenish-yellowish kernel of medium strength is hidden under a hard creamy-yellow shell. The time for fruit ripening is autumn. After harvesting, the nuts are dried outdoors in the sun. After this, the shelf life of the nuts is no more than a year. A common option for serving nuts is to pre-soak them in brine and then fry them without using oil.

The nut tastes very pleasant and cannot be confused with any other. Slightly sweet, with a characteristic velvety feel. And if it was previously salted, then the salt adds a special piquancy.

What are the beneficial properties of pistachio nuts?

By consuming pistachios, you will not only get gastronomic pleasure, but also enrich your body with useful substances:

  1. The nut is well balanced, it contains vitamins, amino acids, and the product is not too high in calories. It can even be included in diet menu, but in limited quantities.
  2. It is also rich in phenolic compounds, which act as antioxidants, prevent the destruction of vascular walls, and rejuvenate the body. It will be especially important for women to learn that these compounds accelerate regeneration processes. This means improving the condition of nails, hair and skin, visually reducing existing wrinkles, and delaying the appearance of new ones.
  3. Pistachios contain useful substances such as zeaxanthin and lutein, they strengthen eye muscle, allowing you to save good vision long years. These same components contribute correct formation and the functioning of the dental bone tissue, spine.
  4. Nuts support vitality, feeling of cheerfulness, useful for hypertensive patients (people suffering from chronically high blood pressure), help cope with postoperative period recovery.
  5. The plant helps with severe cough, acting as an expectorant, clearing the respiratory system of accumulated mucus.
  6. What other benefits and harms of pistachios are for women and men? Nuts increase the sexual activity of the stronger half and improve sperm quality.
  7. Many women are concerned about fighting overweight, the product can help with this: the fiber contained in it actively promotes weight loss and normalization of blood sugar.
  8. Nuts are useful for pregnant and lactating women, as they saturate the body with essential vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for both the mother and the baby.
  9. Pistachio oil has whitening properties, it is popular in cosmetology, removes age spots and freckles, smoothes out the first wrinkles, and has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. That is why such oil can often be found in creams, emulsions, serums and masks for the face and body.

Can eating pistachios be harmful to health?

Unfortunately, every cloud has a silver lining, and vice versa. No matter how healthy pistachios are, they can also cause health problems if not used. correct use:

  • Pistachios are considered a potential allergen, and therefore can provoke severe adverse reaction. The product is contraindicated if there is a tendency to do so;
  • Excessive consumption of nuts can cause digestive disorders and kidney problems. Salted pistachios, which are often served with beer, can also be harmful due to the large amount of salt; if you have kidney problems, it is better to avoid such a snack.

How many pistachios can you eat per day without harming your health? Although the product is lower in calories than its “relatives”, nevertheless, an excess of it can lead to excess weight gain. It is enough to eat ten to fifteen fruits a day so as not to think about possible harm. Dried nuts are stored for a long time, at least a year, without losing their beneficial properties. When purchasing a product, pay attention to its color: the kernels should be green, without signs of mold.

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Many of us regard pistachios as a salty snack for foamy drinks. But these nuts were described in the Bible. The ancient Babylonians called them the source of life. Why are pistachios so valuable? The benefits and harms of this variety of nuts will be discussed in detail in our article.

Component composition and nutritional value

To answer the question of how pistachios are useful, you need to study in detail the component composition of this variety of nuts. They are mainly grown in Asian countries, as well as in several regions of the Mediterranean. Several varieties are found in nature. Most often, “trees of life” grow separately. Extremely rare in wildlife You can find small pistachio groves.

Interesting! Pistachios always have a split shell, which appearance resembles a smile. This type of nut comes to store shelves in peeled and dried form.

Pistachio kernels can be classified as low-calorie foods. Approximately 100 g of nucleoli contains 170 kilocalories. Compare: a serving of fat has about 117 calories.

Pistachios are also rich in micro- and macroelements, minerals, tannins, acids and vitamins. These include:

  • retinol;
  • proteins;
  • saturated fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • dietary fiber;
  • sugar;
  • calcium;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • iron.

On a note! There is not an ounce of cholesterol in the kernels of pistachio nuts, but the concentration of manganese, copper and phosphorus is high.

Pistachios also contain a high concentration of phenols, which prevent cellular destruction and promote renewal of the body at the intercellular level.

Interesting! In terms of vitamin content, pistachio nuts can even compete with the vitamin storehouse - beef liver.

Huge role in work digestive tract fiber plays. Pistachio kernels contain much more of it than a serving of healthy oatmeal. You can eat about 30 g of pistachios per day and at the same time replenish your vitamin supply, as well as get the right portion of fiber.

The beneficial properties of pistachio nuts are directly related to their component composition. First of all, you should pay attention to the antioxidant content. With their help, the body is cleansed of debris, which improves overall health and has a rejuvenating effect.

To replenish your vitamin supply and improve the functioning of everyone internal organs, pistachios should be on your table every day. Doctors advise consuming pistachio kernels for people who expose themselves to debilitating physical activity, and also engage in active mental activity every day.

Pistachios provide beneficial effect on the nervous system. The kernels of this variety of nuts contain riboflavin, which is necessary to maintain skin tone, firmness and elasticity.

As already mentioned, pistachios contain vitamin B6, which is necessary for our heart muscle and blood vessels. Supporting normal level pyridoxine, you can insure yourself against the development of ischemic diseases and atherosclerosis.

Eating pistachios also has a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis. This product also helps to better absorb other vitamins, acids, micro- and macroelements.

Attention! Doctors say that pistachios are extremely beneficial for men. Firstly, pistachio kernels are considered a powerful natural aphrodesiac that helps increase potency. Secondly, this product improves spermatogenesis.

Among the most valuable properties of pistachios are:

  • decreased likelihood of developing oncological pathologies in the lungs;
  • normalization of testosterone hormone levels;
  • removal of released radical compounds from the body;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • improvement of visual function;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • getting rid of chronic fatigue and irritability.

Women take note!

Separately, it is worth noting the beneficial properties of pistachios for women. Many girls struggle with excess weight. This difficult task, but everyone can solve it. As you know, a huge role in the process of losing weight and burning subcutaneous fat plays pantothenic acid.

Vitamin B5 is contained in sufficient quantities in pistachio kernels. If you adjust your diet, play sports and eat pistachios, you can soon become the owner of a chiseled and toned figure. It’s not for nothing that the described vitamin is called the “element of harmony.”

Pistachio nuts also contain folic acid, which is responsible for conception and intrauterine development of the fetus. If this component is deficient, developmental defects may occur. To prevent this from happening, specialized doctors advise replenishing vitamin B9 deficiency even during the period of planning conception.

This vitamin also helps strengthen the immune system, which is important for a pregnant woman. By using folic acid The functioning of the nervous system is normalized, liver cells are cleansed.

Unfortunately, we are unable to stop the aging process. Nature cannot be overcome, but it can be outwitted. Tocopherol is considered the main source of youth and beauty of the skin. Pistachios contain this vitamin. If you eat a handful of pistachio kernels every day, you can slow down the aging process, saturate the cells with moisture, and increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

The "dark" side of pistachios

Every product has two sides. At great benefit pistachio nut kernels can also cause harm to the body. Firstly, this variety of nuts is considered one of the strongest allergens. If a person is prone to hay fever, then it is better to refuse such a delicacy or introduce it into the diet extremely carefully and only after consulting a treating specialist.

Secondly, pistachios should be eaten in reasonable quantities. Only if you comply maximum dosage you will benefit from them, in other cases it can lead to weight gain, dizziness and bouts of nausea.

Thirdly, processed pistachios with added salt and spices help increase blood pressure levels. That is why people suffering from hypertension should introduce such foods into their diet only in their pure form.

On a note! Pistachios can be introduced into children's diets from the age of five. This should not be done before due to the high allergenicity of the product. According to doctors, an allergic reaction can be fraught with the development of complicated consequences, including anaphylactic shock.

Pistachios grow on trees whose crowns are close to the ground. The height of the trees can range from three to ten meters. They grow very slowly, but their life expectancy is quite long. The tree bears fruit once every few years.

Nuts – favorite treat many. But not everyone knows how many calories are in pistachios, and how many of them can be eaten per day without causing harm to the body. They can be consumed as an independent product or added to various dishes to give a special taste.

The main difference between this fruit and other nuts is that the calories in pistachios are in optimal ratio with vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Magnesium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, manganese and other elements contained in these fruits are beneficial for the body.

Who is this useful for?

The treat contains a large number of B vitamins, especially B6. Big nutritional value, which nuts have, is indispensable for a depleted body. Therefore, people who have significant physical or mental stress during the day should eat pistachios regularly. By eating about ten pieces a day, you can overcome fatigue, get a boost of energy and feel great.

People who have a rapid heartbeat are advised to consume pistachios, as nuts are useful for diseases of cardio-vascular system. The composition of pistachios also has a beneficial effect on the liver, respiratory system. For jaundice, colic and anemia, it is necessary to consume several pieces of fruit daily - this will speed up the patient’s recovery.

Energy value

You need to know how many calories pistachios have in order to consume them for health benefits. There are 600-650 kcal per 100 g of product. About 60 percent of the total mass of the nut kernel is oil, which is quite a lot.

Initially, it may seem that this oil content is too high, but in fact, not everything is so simple. If you eat pistachios with fruits or berries, then overweight you are not threatened. They contain a lot of fiber and few calories, so you will quickly feel full.

Many people like to eat pistachios with beer. Since the calorie content of pistachios is quite high, and alcohol awakens the appetite, there is a possibility that you will exceed the required number of calories consumed. Therefore, be careful when combining such products.

Pistachios are excellent option For a snack, just follow the measure. If you eat a small amount, you won't consume it. extra calories. At the same time, the benefits that pistachios will bring to the body are undeniable: metabolism will increase and the feeling of hunger will disappear. This way, you will not eat extra food and at the same time remain cheerful and energetic. The fiber and protein contained in pistachios will relieve you of hunger for a long time. This is very convenient and useful if you do not always have the opportunity to eat on time.

The high calorie content and nutritional value of pistachios mean that they must be consumed with caution. Excessive amounts of nuts eaten can cause allergies, nausea and poor health.

Combination with other products

The calorie content of salted pistachios is not much higher, but the benefits from them are much less. People who have excess weight, they are contraindicated. It is also undesirable for hypertensive patients to use them. Those who regularly consume salted pistachios are at risk of getting stomach, gallbladder and liver diseases.

Small oblong nuts with dense scales and green flesh peeking through the slightly opened cracks. This is what pistachios, called happiness nuts in China, look like. And these miracle nuts grow on the tree of life. This is not the beginning of an oriental fairy tale, but reality. Let's try to figure out thanks to what advantages the pistachio has earned such an attitude, what are the benefits and possible harm from using this product.

What beneficial substances are there in pistachios?

Pistachios are unique in composition. In addition to vitamins and microelements, they contain many acids, some of which enter the body exclusively from the outside. Eating pistachios has beneficial influence on the body. They are recommended to be included in the diet of athletes. These nuts help strengthen bones, maintain good vision, and prolong youth. They are useful for men and women. In limited quantities, they can be included in children's diets.

Chemical composition of raw pistachios per 100 g of edible part

Compound Quantity Daily value for an adult
Basic Nutrients
Squirrels20.27 g76 g
Fats45.39 g60 g
Carbohydrates27.51 g211 g
Alimentary fiber10.3 g20 g
Water3.91 g2400 g
Ash2.91 g~
Vitamin A21 mcg900 mcg
Beta carotene0.249 mg5 mg
Carotenoids1405 mcg~
Vitamin B10.87 mg1.5 mg
Vitamin B20.16 mg1.8 mg
Vitamin B50.52 mg5 mg
Vitamin B61.7 mg2 mg
Vitamin B951 mcg400 mcg
Vitamin C5.6 mg90 mg
Vitamin E2.3 mg15 mg
Gamma tocopherol22.6 mg~
Delta tocopherol0.8 mg~
Vitamin PP1.3 mg20 mg
Potassium, K1025 mg2500 mg
Calcium, Ca105 mg1000 mg
Magnesium, Mg121 mg400 mg
Sodium, Na1 mg1300 mg
Phosphorus, Ph490 mg800 mg
Iron, Fe3.92 mg18 mg
Manganese, Mn1.2 mg2 mg
Copper, Cu1300 mcg1000 mcg
Selenium, Se7 mcg55 mcg
Fluorine, F3.4 mcg4000 mcg
Zinc, Zn2.2 mg12 mg
  • Calorie content is 562 kcal.
  • The protein contained in pistachios is a source of a number of amino acids.
  • Thanks to the fats included in the composition, the body is enriched with saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Just 10 nuts a day can provide a person with a quarter of the vitamin B6 requirement.
  • Thanks to phenolic compounds, the body is nourished. They promote cell growth and renewal, and also act as protection against destruction by free radicals. In combination with vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties, they improve health and maintain youth.
  • Thanks to great content Carotenoids strengthen bone tissue. They also help preserve vision.
  • Thanks to high content iron pistachios are useful for anemia.
  • The combination of antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids has positive influence per condition peripheral vessels and stabilizes cholesterol levels.

Türkiye is a leader in the cultivation of pistachios. Half of the world's exports are concentrated here

Medicinal properties and more

The healing properties of pistachios have been known for a very long time.

  • Pistachios are useful for bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. They have an antitussive effect.
  • Pistachios are prophylactic for people prone to diabetes. They help normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Short glycemic index pistachio makes them useful product not only for diabetics, but also for those who want to lose weight.
  • The use of pistachio milk is recommended for tuberculosis.
  • Pistachios are useful for various diseases liver, anemia, hypertension.

Both the nuts themselves and their shells have benefits!

Healthy recipes for pistachio liqueurs

An infusion of pistachios is healing. To prepare it you will need:

  • chop 2 tbsp. l. nut kernels
  • pour 400 ml of boiling water over them
  • let it brew for 30 minutes.
  • Use 4 times a day.
  • Shake before use.

This drug will be effective when pulmonary diseases and tuberculosis, anemia and as tonic after operations and serious illnesses.

There is also a recipe for tincture on pistachio shells. To prepare it you will need:

  • Pistachio shells - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Vodka - 200 ml.

The raw materials filled with vodka are kept for 2 weeks in a cool place.

This tincture will relieve pain from sore throat, inflammation of the oral cavity, and stomatitis. Use it as a rinse as needed.

The best nut for men

Pistachios can return male strength. Their impact on male body complex.

Regular consumption of pistachios promotes:

  • improving blood circulation in the tissues of the penis;
  • increased potency;
  • improving the quality of seminal fluid;
  • increasing the motility and vitality of sperm.

Women: maintaining beauty and youth

These nuts are also useful for women. With quite high calorie content content of vitamins and minerals, which are found in pistachios, is impressive. Very useful for female body are B vitamins, especially in combination with vitamin E and amino acids.

Pistachio oil perfectly softens and moisturizes the skin

Pistachio is also widely used in cosmetology. The oil obtained from nuts is included in many nourishing and medicinal creams. You can use it in its pure form without fear of overdose.

Pistachio oil is used:

  • Contains masks for face, body and hair.
  • As a lotion to cleanse wounds and ulcers, as well as to reduce scars after them.
  • For the care of dry and flaky skin.
  • To restore elasticity of skin and hair.
  • To whiten skin and get rid of age spots and freckles.
  • As a basis for massage.
  • To protect skin from sun rays, wind, frost.
  • To strengthen nail plates.

The oil is so gentle and gentle that it can be used even on sensitive baby skin.

Unrefined pistachio oil has a thick consistency and rich green color.

If desired, you can add oil to nourishing creams and other care products.

Application options in cosmetology

  • to enrich shampoo or conditioner, it is enough to add oil to their composition at the rate of 7–10 drops for every 100 ml;
  • for head massage, pistachio oil should be mixed with jojoba oil in a 1:1 ratio;
  • In its pure form, the oil is applied directly to the skin and lightly rubbed in with light circular movements;
  • An excellent effect can be obtained by applying oil to the surface of the nails; in this case, you should massage the root part of the nails with your fingertips for 5–10 minutes; after several procedures, nails will become stronger and resistant to external factors;
  • To treat gums, a cotton swab moistened with oil is applied to the affected areas.

Consumption rate: how much can you eat per day

In the case of pistachios, it is very important not to overdo it. Depending on the quantity, nuts may or may not be beneficial. You cannot eat them uncontrollably; such nutrition for the body is very doubtful.

The green color of pistachios indicates their ripeness. The greener the pistachios, the tastier and more valuable they are.

An adult can eat no more than 30 grams of nuts per day. This corresponds to 10–15 cores. Excessive consumption of pistachios can cause dizziness and nausea.

Currently, pistachio harvesting is mechanized. Previously, pistachios were collected by hand; this was done exclusively at night, since during the day the tree releases a large amount of essential oils

What to consider during pregnancy

Pistachios are high-calorie product, including them in the diet, this must be taken into account, because from those gained during pregnancy extra pounds very difficult to get rid of. Along with this, eating pistachios in the amount of 10–15 kernels per day:

  • stimulates improved mood and leads to increased resistance to stress;
  • helps normalize blood pressure;
  • enriches the body of mother and child with essential iron and calcium;
  • smoothes out the manifestations of toxicosis,
  • improves liver function;
  • Helps the fetus get what it needs normal development fiber, protein and organic acids.

Benefits for mother and baby during breastfeeding

It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of how appropriate pistachios are in the diet of a nursing mother. On the one hand, any nuts are rough food, which is still imperfect children's body unable to assimilate, and on the other hand, the use of pistachios leads to an increase in the quality component of the constituents breast milk fats, its saturation with vitamins and microelements, as well as increased lactation.

If everything is normal with lactation, then you should start pampering yourself with pistachios no earlier than the baby turns seven months old. By this time digestive system the baby becomes more mature, the child is already familiar with some types of complementary foods and is ready to get acquainted with roughage.

It is recommended to introduce pistachios into the diet of a young mother no earlier than the baby is 7 months old.

In any case, you should start with one nut. The child’s behavior at this time must be observed very carefully. Any undesirable manifestations may begin not only immediately, but also throughout the week. It is very important at this moment not to introduce any new types of complementary foods into the baby’s diet.

If any undesirable symptoms appear, you will have to give up pistachios for a long time. Even in their absence, nuts should be introduced into the diet with extreme caution, increasing the amount gradually.

It is not recommended for nursing mothers to eat more than 10 nuts per day.

Are diet and pistachios compatible?

The glycemic index of pistachios is only 15 units. This allows those who are on a diet to include them in their diet, but this must be done carefully. After all, pistachios are nuts, and there are no low-calorie nuts.

There is no separate mono-diet on pistachios. At the same time, they can be used as a tasty and healthy alternative to seeds, cookies, and chocolate. Thanks to the consumption of pistachios, you quickly feel full and saturate the body with useful substances. These nuts can be included in limited quantities as a healthy addition to any low calorie diet. In this case, you won’t have to worry about hunger pangs that occur in the evening. A few pistachios eaten at night will make it easier to cope with changes in diet and smooth out temporary inconveniences.

Many nuts are high in calories, so daily use recommended in minimal doses, unless, of course, the goal is to gain weight

Due to its high protein content combined with fiber and easily digestible fats, this product is indispensable in the diet of vegetarians and athletes. By eating pistachios, you can not only reduce your appetite, but also get a boost of energy.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the enormous number of beneficial properties, pistachios can also cause harm.

  • Like any other nuts, they can become a source of manifestations allergic reactions. Therefore, when getting acquainted with this delicacy, you should limit yourself to a few nucleoli. This is especially true for those who are prone to allergies.
  • You should not eat pistachios while wearing orthodontic appliances. They should also be consumed in limited quantities if you are prone to caries.
  • Pistachios are also contraindicated during exacerbation of pancreatitis or gastritis. During the period of remission, their use is not prohibited.
  • Pistachios will not be beneficial as an additive to beer, especially considering that their quantity in this case often significantly exceeds permissible norm consumption.

What if they are salty?

Pistachios most often arrive to us already salted. At the same time, I would like to note that the beneficial properties in them do not disappear, and the content of vitamins, minerals and other compounds decreases slightly.

Salted pistachios can cause high blood pressure. In addition, the salt they contain contributes to fluid retention in the body, thereby putting excessive strain on the kidneys. This must be taken into account by those who are prone to hypertension or kidney disease. Excessive consumption of salted pistachios can cause stress on the kidneys during pregnancy.

Pistachios have stood the test of time. They are mentioned in the Bible. Modern Americans have included these nuts in the list of foods that are the main antioxidants. This is not surprising. A small, inconspicuous pistachio, when consumed correctly, can bring enormous benefits to the body, energize it, prolong youth, relieve a lot of problems and become a tasty source of nutrients.

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