Homeopathic remedies in veterinary medicine. History of veterinary homeopathy. Methods of administration and dosage

Homeopathy has long been considered effective means for people and their lesser brothers. This alternative type of medicine was founded 3 centuries ago in Germany. A talented German healer noticed that some diseases can be treated using the “wedge-wedge” principle. Over the course of three centuries, this concept has been constantly improved and today a number of highly effective treatment methods have been developed using effective pharmacological drugs. Initially, all these methods and medicines, like others, were used exclusively for treating humans. A little later, with the growth of comfort and humanity in people’s lives, the veterinary industry began to need homeopathic developments.

Having picked up the fullness and dynamics of development from human medicine, veterinary homeopathy has become no worse. Every day her methods are getting closer and closer to perfection.

Vetnya veterinary clinic widely uses homeopathic medicines for the treatment of small and medium-sized pets. Many of homeopathic remedies often prescribed in a long course (2-4 weeks) for greater effectiveness.

Pharmacology industry for homeopathy

Animal homeopathy today boasts an unprecedentedly large and competitive market for manufacturers of specialized medicines. So, for example, products from the Helvet company have saturated the market veterinary drugs harmless drugs that are prescribed to everyone without exception age categories pets, including the oldest animals. Not only dogs and cats take these medications. They are prescribed to rodents, turtles and birds. Having intestinal diseases, poisoning, disorders of the pancreas, animals need the use of Veracol and Liarsin. Covertal is used to treat liver diseases in pets. This hepatoprotector is effective in eliminating any form of hepatitis, toxic liver damage and even hepatosis.

Animal homeopathy also includes the use of other medicines. Having violations in mineral metabolism, animals will require the use of Caforsen. This drug endowed with a unique ability to distribute calcium in the body. Disturbances in the mineral metabolism of calcium, in which it is not absorbed at all, make any feeding ineffective. In this case, the use of caforsen will only be beneficial. If pets have rickets and for the treatment of fractures with eclampsia, the drug is also useful. In this case, drugs that are recommended for the prevention of dysplasia and sagging of the front paws will also be effective. Discus compositum is rightfully considered such a drug. It is advisable to use them for a small puppy.

Successful homeopathy can be used for obstetrics and gynecology. Representatives of such drugs include Mastomethrin and Ovariovit. These drugs can be prescribed in case of false pregnancy. They are used to treat endometritis with pyometra. They are also needed to normalize sexual cycles.

In the presence of injuries, arthritis and arthrosis, drugs such as Travmatin and Chondartron will be effectively used. They are able to quickly relieve swelling, relieve pain and cure it.

For the treatment of animals that have epilepsy or have neurological symptoms, fospasim is successfully used. It is also useful to relieve stress if necessary. It is prescribed one-time or as a course.

To increase immunity and in case of post-vaccination complications, Evinton and Elvestin are used. These drugs are very convenient because they can be administered orally through eating or by injection.

Human preparations for animal homeopathy
Often the developments of human pharmacology come to the rescue veterinary treatment. A striking example of this is Ovarium compositum. Homeopathy in the veterinary field resorts to its use in practice. It is able to normalize hormonal function. This drug is prescribed for dermatoses, as well as for obesity and the presence of tumors in the mammary glands. It is often used to eliminate inflammation of the uterus and ovaries of a female.

Another medicine for people is Echinacea. It is used in the presence of acute inflammatory process and to increase immunity levels. This is necessary for otitis, dermatitis, pneumonia, metritis, mastitis, etc.

Homeopathy in the veterinary field also resorts to the use of more complex drugs. For the purposes of anti-inflammatory therapy or treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis, as well as various kinds injuries, a drug such as traumeel is used. Another effective pharmaceutical agent is Engistal. It is prescribed in case viral diseases, neoplasms of viral etiology, as well as in chronic processes.
Phosphorus Hamaccord is another useful veterinary drug borrowed from human pharmacology. It is used to treat stress, epilepsy, oncological diseases and bone diseases.

Atropinum compositum is also often used. It is necessary to eliminate spastic pain and to relieve epilepsy.
Berberis Hamaccord – wonderful remedy, treating disorders in genitourinary system. It is useful for cystitis, urethritis, etc.

The above list of veterinary assistants is completed by Gepa, Leptokor and Liarsin. This homeopathy will help with hepatitis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis in your pet.

Homeopathy is a method of prevention and treatment, which refers to regulating types of therapy and can provide quick help, as in acute diseases, and heal or soften already for a long time existing chronic processes.

HOMEOPATHY w. a method of treatment based on the belief that every drug destroys the same disease that it produces, or one similar to it, while alopathy or the generally accepted method states the opposite, and strives to destroy the disease with a counteracting drug. Moreover, homeopathy usually prepares drugs by diluting or grinding them gradually to the highest refinement of the substance, giving small, weightless techniques. Homeopathic, related to homeopathy; similar, or reduced to the extreme. Homeopath is a doctor who adheres to homeopathic teachings; generally a follower of it.

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Veterinary clinic "Bona Mente" is a specialized center for veterinary homeopathy

A little history

The founder of homeopathy (from the Greek words homoion - similar, pathos - disease) is the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). The main principle of homeopathic therapy is the principle of “Similia similibus curentur”, that is, “Like is cured by like.” This principle, better known as the “law of similars,” states that the treatment of a disease will be successful when the effect of the drug is similar to the symptoms of the disease.

About homeopathy in general

treat the patient, not the disease, since homeopathic therapy is aimed at restoring the vital forces of the body by activating self-regulation processes leading to recovery, i.e. helps the body cope with the disease itself. The advantage of homeopathy is that it does not simply suppress the symptoms of the disease (as chemical drugs do), but activates healing and restoration of the functions of the diseased tissue.

Homeopathic therapy means individual approach to every patient. Each patient has a unique set of symptoms, and therefore, for each patient, and not for a group of patients with the same disease name, it is necessary to select an individual drug. The choice of medication is made based on the diagnosis and specific symptoms inherent in a particular patient, taking into account his mental, emotional and physical characteristics.

Homeopathic medicines are made from natural raw materials - plants, animals, minerals, due to which toxic (harmful) effects on the patient’s body are absolutely excluded.

Homeopathy for animals

Many years of practice in homeopathic treatment of animals allowed the veterinarians of our clinic to develop unique techniques. For our patients we offer:

  • treatment of pyometra (accumulation of purulent exudate in the uterine cavity) without surgical intervention;
  • treatment purulent wounds and bites without surgical manipulation;
  • treatment of paresis (weakening of voluntary movements, incomplete paralysis) of the limbs;
  • treatment of herniated discs;
  • prevention of joint dysplasia;
  • recovery motor functions joints with a diagnosis of joint dysplasia without surgical intervention;
  • rehabilitation therapy courses in postoperative period, after severe poisoning, childbirth, caesarean section etc.;
  • courses of rehabilitation therapy after sun and heat strokes, snake bites, piroplasmosis;
  • drug-free stimulation during obstetrics, measures to improve lactation, as well as prevent mastitis and postpartum complications;
  • correction of mental disorders;
  • preparing dogs for competitions (improving working qualities);
  • and many many others…

You can read the rules for visiting a homeopathic veterinarian here.

At the Bona Mente veterinary clinic, consultations on veterinary homeopathy are conducted by Chief physician clinic Zurab Mamedov.

Homeopathic veterinary medicine is a branch of veterinary medicine that previously belonged to alternative medicine. Now this line is erased, veterinary homeopathy is becoming an integral part of the treatment of pets. The very concept of “homeopathy” can be interpreted as follows: “Treatment of an illness similar to it.” Speaking in simple words, the same disease, only in very small quantities can overcome the symptoms and, accordingly, the disease itself.

Currently veterinary homeopathy capable of treating both acute and chronic diseases domestic animals, ruminants and birds. The main thing is to find a good one homeopathic veterinarian.

Help from a homeopathic veterinarian at home

Majority veterinarians, practicing homeopathy, have not been vaccinated for 25 years (except for mandatory rabies vaccinations). Instead of vaccines, they use homeopathic medicines called nosodes, prepared from natural products diseases. Distemperium, for example, is prepared from the secretions of a sick dog. canine distemper. The drug is sterilized, diluted and carefully prepared in officially registered pharmaceutical institutions. At correct use Distemperium protects dogs from distemper more effectively than the vaccine. This method disease prevention was first developed in the twenties of the twentieth century and showed impressive results even before the creation of a vaccine against canine distemper.

Nosodes also used to prevent kennel cough, parvovirus, feline leukemia, feline infectious peritonitis and other common diseases of dogs and cats. These homeopathic medicines, which have long been successfully used by homeopathic veterinarians for the prevention of diseases, do not cause side effects and diseases, as opposed to vaccinations.

Homeopathic medicines for animals

Homeopathic nosodes And vaccines- this is not the same thing. Nosodes are used temporarily or in cases where the animal is most likely to become infected. For example, in one case from the practice of a homeopathic veterinarian, in order to prevent an epidemic of parvovirus in a dog breeding kennel, the veterinarian gave puppies a nosode for (only) a week, when the risks of infection were greatest.

Thanks to preventive treatment with nosode, all puppies did not get sick and were healthy. Knowing how to use homeopathic medicines correctly requires the guidance of an experienced homeopathic veterinarian. You can call a homeopathic veterinarian to your home for inspection and consultation.

Homeopathy for animals in Moscow and Moscow Region

24 hour service veterinary homeopathy for animals in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Ambulance assistance from a homeopathic veterinarian for pets without holidays or weekends. Call a homeopathic veterinarian to your home!

Homeopathy is the so-called alternative medicine. The technique, invented at the end of the 18th century, remains extremely popular today. The essence of homeopathy is difficult to understand. For modern man it looks like complete obscurantism: mysterious postulates about treating like with like, repeated dilution, shaking. Most people associate homeopathic medicines with safe treatment. They are not entirely right: the lack of traditional treatment can cause harm.

Popularity of homeopathy

Although homeopathic treatment is most often discussed in humane medicine, many veterinarians and pet owners try to use human drugs for treating pets. The most popular in Russia are drugs from the German company Heel, and since 1998 - homeopathic medicines produced specifically for veterinary medicine Russian company"Helvet."

Homeopathy is at the height of fashion, as opposed to traditional methods treatment. It is not surprising that veterinary pharmacists have picked up the wave of popularity, because this is a real gold mine. It is not difficult to explain the desire of owners to use homeopathic medicines - too often traditional medicine is at a dead end.

  • Many drugs have unwanted side effects, and some are ineffective.
  • There are times when veterinarian cannot help in any way (advanced cases, congenital pathologies, fatal infections).

Desperate, cat owners can't sit idly by and watch their friend fade away. Homeopathy seems like a way out - after all, the drugs have such an attractive description.

Sometimes homeopathic medicines are used instead of traditional ones, so as not to damage the liver/kidneys. In other cases - simultaneously with traditional ones, on the principle of “anything will help.” Word of mouth among breeders and cat owners contributes to the spread of homeopathy, often in defiance of specialists with veterinary education.

Supporters Not traditional medicine provide compelling arguments:

  • Safety: no side effects, no fear of overdose.
  • Efficiency: animals receive homeopathic treatment and get better.

But doctors of the classical school also have something to say.

Arguments against homeopathy

Although homeopathic medicines are essentially “holy” water, and it is truly impossible to overdose or harm them with their help, they cannot be called safe. Applying the principle “it can’t get any worse” sometimes leads to dire consequences.

The effectiveness of homeopathy has not yet been proven by any research, so such drugs are traditionally considered “dummies”.

Wasting time: the illusion of treatment

Often, a veterinarian, faced with an advanced form of the disease, grabs his head: “Where were you six months ago?” But the owners explain that they were undergoing treatment.

  • Problems with the drugs Ovariovit and Mastometrin have been holding back for a long time. While the doctor sees the following: the cancer has metastasized to the lungs, and the tumor itself is decomposing and is not operable.
  • The lameness of a young Scot was treated with Traumatin or Chondartron, although x-ray clear signs of joint dysplasia, indications for surgery.

There are thousands of such examples. Treatment with homeopathy is tantamount to wasted time. It lulls the vigilance of the pet’s owners, because they are doing something to cure it. Delay turns out to be disastrous, although even in this case people are dissuaded not from homeopathy, but from the ability of traditional medicine to help their animal.

Lack of real help

After a serious injury, most often for cats, the animal needs strong painkillers, not homeopathic ones.

  • If doctors inject Travmatin into a cat hit by a car, this is simply not humane. The animal cannot say whether it is in pain or not, and suffers in silence.
  • The same is true for seizures and other serious illnesses.

Waste of money

Homeopathic medicines, despite their low production costs, are not cheap. But these funds can be used purposefully to pay for services veterinary clinic or traditional medicines.

Stress for the animal

Excessive injections lead to the fact that the cat:

  • becomes nervous;
  • avoids owners;
  • shows aggression.

Sometimes it’s not much simpler - they don’t have an attractive taste, and the cat spits them out and resists. The same is true for traditional medicines. But there is a difference - to give two injections of kitty daily or five.

No placebo effect

The use of homeopathy in humane medicine can be justified by the patient’s faith in this technique, because the placebo effect can exceed the effectiveness regular medications. Such is the power of our thoughts, the commands that the brain subconsciously gives to the body. But when treating cats, we cannot use such a wonderful and powerful tool. It is unlikely that your pet will believe in the benefits of an injection or another pill.

Objections from the point of view of a homeopathic physician

No individual approach

Professional homeopaths prepare medicines individually for each patient, taking into account the medical history, type of constitution and temperament. It would be logical to do the same when treating cats, but this does not happen. Fat and thin, phlegmatic and choleric, old and young - all cats receive the same “medicine”. The difference is made only in dosage, focusing on body weight, and even then not always.

No treatment plan

The drugs are produced in the form of injections and tablets taken orally. But injections are not typical for traditional homeopathy, and most often it is recommended to dissolve peas under the tongue. It is impossible to convince a cat to hold medicine in its mouth.

How often and for how long to use the drug - an annotation with standard recommendations is used - once a day, for so many days. A practicing human homeopath is unlikely to approve of this approach, taken from traditional medicine.

No quality control of drugs

How to evaluate the quality of raw materials and finished products homeopathic medicine- not yet known. After all, it is not possible to detect even a trace of a substance in a homeopathic solution. Therefore, manufacturers of homeopathic medicines can make money out of thin air, or rather out of water, and remain unpunished.

Buyers can only trust pharmacists, however, the entire homeopathic school is based on faith, not evidence.

Does homeopathy cure cats?

Homeopathic medicines are often prescribed by a veterinarian not to treat the animal, but to calm the owner.

As an example, a small kitten had its paw stepped on and its toes were broken. The baby does not require a cast, a bandage, or surgery, but the baby squeaks and limps. The owner demands that at least something be done, reproaching the specialists for heartlessness and incompetence. Then the doctor is faced with a choice - to prescribe a real painkiller anti-inflammatory drug (Ketofen, Meloxicam) and risk getting side effects (,), or prescribe several injections of harmless Travmatin.

Of course, a professional will do neither one nor the other, releasing the kitten without any appointments. But many doctors follow the simple way, just to get rid of the annoying client.

What’s surprising is that some time passes and the problem disappears. Perhaps homeopathic medicines work, it’s just that their mechanism of action is not yet understood and not substantiated by science? In this case, the use would be justified - after all, we use electricity or a computer without delving into the principle of their operation.

But the explanation turns out to be simpler. Main secret all veterinarians - animals recover on their own. Give your strong body a little time, and the diarrhea caused by it will stop. Broken fingers or sprained ligaments will heal and the limp will go away. At good care and feeding, the kitten will get rid of it in a month or two, not thanks to the Caforsen course. You can continue endlessly.

Forewarned is forearmed

Unfortunately, when treating pets, you cannot blindly rely on the qualifications of the veterinarian you contact. If the list of prescribed drugs exceeds five items, it is better to ask to justify the treatment. If you do not believe in the power of homeopathy, feel free to refuse to use homeopathic medicines.

List of drugs from Helvet:

  • Analgivet;
  • Veracol;
  • Cantaren;
  • Caforcin;
  • Covertal;
  • Liarsin;
  • Lobelon;
  • Mastomethrin;
  • Ovariovitis;
  • Pancrealex;
  • Trauma-gel;
  • Traumatin;
  • Phospasim;
  • Hondatron;
  • Evinton;
  • Elvestin.


Whether to use homeopathy when treating your cat is a personal matter for everyone. But the veterinarian, when prescribing such medications, is obliged to warn the owner that the drug is homeopathic.

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