Pea protein benefits and harms. Boiled peas: benefits and harms. The influence of culture on the human body

But the amazing times when green peas were in short supply ended long ago. Peas are available, now also in frozen form, and people's love does not diminish. We add bright, cheerful peas to salads, vegetable soups, stews, or simply use them as a side dish for meat dishes.

New “heroes” have also appeared - chickpeas, for example. Dry peas, from which porridge is cooked and delicious soups with ham ribs, enjoys slightly less success. But we also know about it that it is healthy and simply must be present in the diet. Thus, the sugar content in it is lower, and there is more protein and starch than in green peas. Peas - extremely interesting product, any variety and type. Therefore, I propose to deal with it properly.

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What are peas

Peas are an annual herbaceous plant, belonging to the legume family. Its fruits are pods with spherical seeds - peas. True, many experts consider green peas to be a vegetable, not a bean. Depending on the structure of the bean valves, there are peeling and sugar varieties peas

The shells of peeling varieties are very hard and inedible. These peas are collected, dried, peeled and polished. Sugar snap peas are often sweeter. Its soft pods can be eaten whole. There are also medium or, in other words, “semi-sugar” varieties of peas, the leaves of which in an unripe state are soft and edible, but as they ripen they become unsuitable for consumption.
Dried peas are used to produce cereals: whole polished shelled peas and polished split peas of yellow or green color. Pea chaff is not used for cooking, but flour from this product has found its place in many delicious and unusual dishes different countries.

The benefits of peas. Beneficial and preventive properties

Pea cereal is an easily digestible product. She normalizes metabolic processes in the body, has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of cancer, heart attack, hypertension, and stops aging of the skin and the entire body. In addition, thanks to the carbohydrates in its composition, peas are an excellent supplier of energy.

Calorie content of peas. 100 grams of dry split peas contain 149 kcal; the calorie content of boiled peas is almost half that.

Peas are valued for their content vegetable protein, which is similar to meat. It contains a number essential amino acids. Peas are different high concentration ascorbic acid. It contains sugar different types, PP vitamins, B vitamins, as well as starch, carotene, fiber. Plus, peas are rich in macro- and microelements. Dried peas are an excellent source of molybdenum. It contains enough potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and iron.

Composition of peas. 100 g of product contains 8 g of protein, 20 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of fiber

Medicinal properties of peas

Peas and the digestive system

In terms of fiber content, legumes occupy leading positions among food products. Like other legumes, peas are rich in soluble fiber. Soluble fiber forms gel-like substances in the digestive system that bind bile and remove it from the body. One serving (200 grams) of boiled peas provides 65.1% daily value fiber. Its insoluble fibers are necessary for the prevention of constipation and digestive disorders.

Peas against diabetes

The fiber in peas effectively fights diabetes, preventing fast growth blood sugar levels after eating food. Researchers compared two groups of people with type 2 diabetes who consumed different quantity foods high in fiber. One group ate the Standard American Diabetic Diet containing 24 grams of fiber/day, while the other group ate a diet containing 50 grams of fiber/day. In the group that received more fiber, the researchers noted more low levels both blood sugar and insulin (a hormone that helps lower blood sugar). And also their level of “bad” cholesterol decreased by almost 7%, the level of triglycerides - by 10.2%.

Peas for Heart Health

It contains virtually no fat, but it contains fiber that reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. In a study that examined diet and its associated risk of death from coronary disease hearts, more than 16 thousand middle-aged men from the USA, Finland, the Netherlands, Italy, former Yugoslavia, Greece and Japan for 25 years. Initial data: more high level consumption of dairy products in Northern Europe; higher consumption of meat in the US, higher consumption of vegetables, legumes, fish and wine in Southern Europe, and higher consumption of cereals, soy products, fish in Japan. The study showed that eating legumes can reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 82%!

Potassium in peas reduces the growth and development of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels, and is also necessary to reduce high blood pressure. A serving of cooked peas contains 20.3% daily requirement body in potassium.

Peas contain pyridoxine (vitamin B6), which is involved in the breakdown and production of amino acids. A lack of this vitamin can lead to dermatitis and cramps.

Peas as an anticarcinogenic agent

Most controversial issue. Conclusions need additional research. There is an opinion that magnesium, zinc and selenium, which peas are rich in, actively resist cancer cells. In addition, the product contains phytoestrogens, which reduce the risk of certain diseases, including male prostate cancer and breast cancer in women.

How to select and store

High-quality dry peas are medium-sized, 3-4 mm in diameter. It is distinguished by its bright yellow or green. Larger peas are a sign of the forage variety. When choosing split peas, give preference to a product packaged in durable packaging that protects it from negative influence moisture. Half or whole peas should not be damaged by pests. The presence of debris or a large number of crushed pieces indicates poor quality of the cereal.

Dry peas do not lose unique properties for several months if stored in an airtight container (such as a glass jar) in a dry place. You can place a small cloth bag with a small amount of salt at the bottom of the container to prevent the peas from getting soggy.

New varieties and innovative production technologies of pea cereal can reduce its preparation time to 35-40 minutes. It is recommended to keep washed whole or very dry peas in cold water for 2-4 hours. In addition, to reduce the cooking time of the product, you can add cold water to the boiling water with peas several times.

Peas are one of the main ingredients vegetable soups. It can be used as a side dish, as a filling for pies, or as a snack. It is used to make noodles and pancakes. There are many new recipes and classic dishes different countries using pea cereals and flour.

See also:


Dried peas contain natural substances called purines. In some people, the kidneys are unable to remove the breakdown product of purines, uric acid, which leads to an increase in its levels in the body. With prolonged and excessive accumulation of uric acid, a disease such as gout occurs and kidney stones form. For this reason, such people should limit or eliminate their intake of foods containing purines. However, recent studies show that purines from meat and fish increase the risk of developing gout, and purines plant food have virtually no effect on it.

From the history of peas

Modern varieties of this plant are believed to be descended from peas, which were originally from Central Asia and Europe. This product has been consumed since prehistoric times - its fossilized remains were found by archaeologists during excavations in Switzerland. Peas are mentioned in the Bible and were highly valued by ancient civilizations. And if in Ancient Greece Peas were usually used for food simple people, then several centuries later in Europe it acquired the status of a delicacy and took pride of place in the royal menu.

Peas were brought to Russia in ancient times. In the 6th century, more delicate varieties of these beans appeared, and people began to consume them in fresh. Peas came to the United States shortly after colonists settled in this country. The plant was grown for use in household. Mass cultivation of peas as a field crop began only in the 18th century.

In the 19th century, during early development genetics, peas played a very big role important role. The basic laws of inheritance of traits were discovered by Gregor Mendel as a result of research carried out on this plant.

Today, the largest commercial producers of dried peas are Russia, France, China and Denmark.

The benefit of peas, first of all, lies in its unique composition.

Peas are valuable source protein and thanks to this property it occupies a special place among other vegetable crops. Interestingly, pea proteins are similar in many ways to proteins natural meat by the content of a number of amino acids. In addition, peas contain a sufficient amount of ascorbic acid, healthy sugars, fiber. It contains a whole complex of vitamins (A, PP, H, group B), as well as dietary fiber, carotene and other useful substances. Thus, the healing properties of peas for human body difficult to overestimate.

Nutritional value of this grain legume order of magnitude higher than that of potatoes and other vegetables. In addition, peas contain salts of potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, and also contain many other micro- and macroelements that are undeniably beneficial to health. The ripe pods of this plant contain a lot of chlorophyll and special substances that control the calcium content in the human body.

It should be noted that shelled peas contain much less vitamins And useful microelements than in raw green peas. Therefore, people who are deficient in vitamin A are advised to consume peas in raw form. So that vitamin A contained in peas brings the body maximum benefit, peas cannot be combined with other starchy foods.

Modern scientists claim that vegetable peas are a real medicine. Its healing properties are primarily due to high content beans contain antioxidants and minerals, very important for the human body. Peas are low in fat, so they are essential for maintaining heart muscle health. In addition, beans do not contain cholesterol and sodium, but contain fibers that help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Surprisingly, peas help prevent the development of diabetes, because... its carbohydrates contain the substances glucose and fructose, which penetrate directly into the blood without the help of insulin. The most important vitamin Pyridoxine is also present in peas and is involved in the synthesis and further breakdown of amino acids. Pyridoxine plays an important role in proper metabolism, and its deficiency most often leads to the development of seizures and various dermatitis.

Peas are being examined modern medicine as a product with a pronounced anti-carcinogenic effect, which is achieved due to its high selenium content. The carotene, vitamin C and fiber present in green pea beans also help prevent oncological diseases. Green peas are sometimes called a “vitamin pill” because they are several times higher in calories and rich in amino acids than other vegetables. This leguminous crop is very useful for people who prefer increased activity and performing heavy physical work, because it increases a person’s performance, supplies the body with energy and helps the body endure physical activity.

Natural sugar, which is present in most varieties of peas, helps improve memory, thinking processes, brain activity. Regular introduction of peas into the diet has a beneficial effect on work digestive organs, and also helps to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms, in particular heartburn and bowel dysfunction. In addition, this natural product takes part in stimulating regeneration processes internal organs and tissues, and is also very useful for maintaining healthy skin and hair.

In medicine, vegetable peas are used to get rid of many ailments. For example, pea tops or a decoction of its fruits are used to treat urolithiasis and kidneys. Pea flour is effective means from constipation. To achieve the desired effect, you need to consume one or two teaspoons of pea flour on an empty stomach for a week, and your intestines will work much better. Tea infused with pea roots actively stimulates brain function and significantly improves memory. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in peas, the immune system receives energy support and thereby acquires the ability to more actively resist various kinds infections.

Benefits of boiled peas

Boiled peas are much more nutritious than buckwheat, pasta or rice. On fasting days, pea dishes are quite capable of replacing meat or fish dishes. Freshly frozen peas are more useful, since in which product vitamins are stored in greater quantities. As for dried peas, it is better to buy them not whole, but in split form - this way they will cook faster and will be preserved better nutritional properties. Vegetable peas should not exceed three to four millimeters in diameter of the kernel, but if the diameter of the peas is larger, then this variety is not suitable for culinary use, is a large forage pea variety that can be easily distinguished even by color: its peas have a purple or brownish tint.

The benefit of boiled peas is that they contain a lot nutrients and vitamins, without losing their beneficial properties in this form. For cooking, it is best to choose peas over bright color, because it contains more useful substances. If the variety is of low quality, it takes much longer to cook. The best varieties of peas become softer within 15 minutes after being placed in water.

Boiled peas are most often used in purees and soups. Peas split in half usually take from 45 minutes to 1 hour to cook, but whole peas need to be cooked even longer - about an hour and a half. Before cooking, the housewife must soak the peas in cold water and soak them for 8 hours. During the cooking of peas, you can add cream or sunflower oil, ‒ this way it will cook faster. To determine the time for cooking peas, you need to take into account their type and water hardness.

It is important to know that eating boiled peas has a number of contraindications. For example, pea dishes are not recommended for people who suffer from inflammation of the stomach or intestines, as well as gout and acute nephritis. Elderly people should cook peas thoroughly before eating to prevent excessive gas formation. It is recommended to add carrots to pea dishes, and also eat them with bread.

Harm of peas

Peas are not recommended for frequent consumption by older people and gout patients. This is explained by the fact that, like beans, pea beans contain large quantities of purines - special substances that contribute to an increase in the level of uric acid, as well as the accumulation of “urate” - salts of this acid - in the joints. Pea dishes are not recommended for people who have serious problems with intestinal function, as well as for nursing mothers, since one of the unpleasant features of this product is its ability to provoke flatulence, excessive gas formation and a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen.

The harm of peas for people with gout is associated with increased production of uric acid, which can accumulate not only in joints and tendons, but even in the kidneys and other vital important organs. This further aggravates the course of gout. Peas are contraindicated for people who suffer from cholecystitis, thrombophlebitis, urolithiasis and various diseases kidneys, in particular, nephritis.

Thus, in addition to beneficial properties, peas have some side effects. A significant disadvantage of this product is that it can cause bloating. To avoid this unpleasant symptom Experts recommend adding dill to dishes with peas. Thorough rinsing of peas in water will also help to minimize harm to peas. To avoid problems with work gastrointestinal tract, after eating pea dishes, it is not recommended to drink cold water.

The fact that peas have high nutritional and healing properties, have been known since ancient times. For example, the Chinese still consider it a symbol of wealth, and in medieval France, pea dishes were served at the royal table. Knowing about him medicinal properties, in Tibet, as well as in India, stew from this culture was given to people during illness, as they believed that it could be used to purify the blood and speed up recovery.

The great Hippocrates treated many diseases with peas, since he knew for sure that its grains cleanse the body of stagnant bile and excess fat. And in Rus' this legume crop has always been loved and appreciated. Let's pay a little attention to peas, which are no longer as common as in ancient times, but are still found on our table. Maybe you should include it in your diet more often? Of course it’s worth it, I think you support it, but only if it doesn’t hurt. But first things first, so let’s start talking about what peas can give us, what are the benefits and contraindications of this plant.

What are the benefits of peas?

Firstly, its grains must be included in the diet, since it contains easily digestible proteins. In addition, it contains a lot of carbohydrates and microelements, in particular potassium, manganese, valuable phosphorus and iron. Green peas, in addition, contain vitamins B and PP. The great advantage of this food crop is the presence of lysine. This rare amino acid is essential for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, it contains pyridoxine, which takes part in the synthesis of amino acids. A lack of this substance in the body causes convulsions and provokes the appearance of dermatitis. Due to the selenium content, peas have anti-carcinogenic properties on the body. And green young peas prevent the penetration of radioactive metals into the body. So the benefits of peas for the body are obvious.

This legume also contains vitamin C and iodine. Therefore, it is recommended for use in cases of anemia and obesity. Dishes made from it are useful for atherosclerosis and enlarged thyroid gland.

Medicinal properties

Previously, heartburn was treated with the help of its grains. Everything is very simple: to do this, you just need to soak a few grains in cold water, and then chew them thoroughly and swallow. A paste was made from young fresh green peas, mixed with raw protein chicken egg, and then lubricated abrasions, wounds, bruises on the skin with this mixture, and removed boils.

In addition, it is known that peas help remove excess fluid from the body; it is useful to use it to eliminate constipation, in the treatment of cholelithiasis. Probably, the great scientist and physician Hippocrates knew about this even then, in ancient times. Therefore, I treated certain diseases with peas.

By the way, dried peas ground into flour are also extremely useful. For example, using 1 tsp. such flour per day is recommended for diabetes mellitus. In addition, this product perfectly eliminates headache, and also has a positive effect on brain cells. For example, tea brewed with peas can improve memory.

Uses of peas

To provide therapeutic effect on the body, they consume both fresh green peas and dishes made from them. For example, very tasty and nutritious pea porridge In addition to perfectly satisfying the feeling of hunger, it has a very positive effect on the condition of the heart muscle and calms the stomach, as it reduces its acidity.

In general, when peptic ulcer and for cardiovascular diseases, it is recommended to include dishes from this product in the diet regularly. Peas contain virtually no fat, no cholesterol, no sodium. And the fiber and fiber contained in it help reduce cholesterol in the blood. By the way, you can find recipes for making porridge and pea puree on our website.

It should also be borne in mind that young green peas, consumed fresh, have an effect on body lung diuretic effect. Therefore, you should not eat it, you are going to a business meeting. Well, if you need treatment for urolithiasis, these properties will be very useful. Only then do you need to prepare a diuretic decoction from the tops of young green peas. This remedy also helps dissolve kidney stones.

It is very useful to include it in your diet as prophylactic against dermatitis, to eliminate cramps, since the properties of peas are known to break down and synthesize amino acids.

Chickpeas, also known as chickpeas, are recommended for complex treatment cataracts and for its prevention. Including chickpeas in the diet helps improve metabolism, which, in turn, normalizes the circulation of intraocular fluid.

Chickpeas can be used as a body cleanser. To do this, rinse it, then soak it for 12 hours. When it gets wet and softens, grind the grains using a blender. The resulting gruel should be eaten throughout the day, divided into small portions. You can also add the gruel to other ready meals- salads, soups, sauces, etc.

The same gruel, or pea flour diluted with water, is recommended to be applied to the affected areas of the skin for eczema, erysipelas. This product is used to lubricate purulent wounds, treat acne, boils, boils.


There are restrictions and contraindications for the use of peas. For example, dishes containing this product are contraindicated during exacerbation of nephritis. It is eaten with caution for gout. Its grains are contraindicated during exacerbation gastrointestinal diseases, at poor circulation. Do not eat dishes made from it too often if you suffer from thrombophlebitis and cholecystitis. It is also not recommended to add it too often to the diet of elderly people.

Peas are one of the most popular vegetable fruits in the world. It belongs to the legume family and was eaten by the ancient Greeks and Romans - an established fact. Scientists believe that the birthplace of peas is Ancient China, India and the Mediterranean, and subsequently it spread to Europe.

Although it is not possible to establish this fact with certainty, since petrified parts of peas have been found in excavations around the world and this gives reason to believe that this product has long been considered worthy not only of a poor person’s table, but also of a feast of crowned heads and a treat for distinguished guests. And the Germans, French and Spaniards in the 19th century included dishes from it in the military’s diet, as “giving strength and vitality on the battlefield”

Calorie content of peas per 100 g. product is:

Shelled - 298 kcal,

Boiled - 60 kcal,

Young green peas - 72 kcal.

It is not expensive, but brings many benefits to the body. First and second courses are prepared from peas, fillings are made for baking, and canned.

All varieties of peas are divided into two classes: sugar and shelling.

Sugar varieties they do not have a dense hard layer inside the pod and can be consumed both raw, boiled, and canned at any degree of maturity.

Peeling varieties inside the valves they have an inedible hard coating; when ripe, they are used exclusively boiled and are not suitable for canning. They are most suitable for preparing soups, porridges, fillings, and retain their shape when dried.

It is used both separately - porridge, puree, flour, and as part of dishes - soups, salads. It is advisable to eat it boiled in the first half of the day, and canned green peas can be eaten in the second half, without fear of spoiling your figure and disrupting the digestion process - the calorie content allows it.

The daily intake of peas is considered to be 150 grams. canned and 100 gr. boiled.

In any form, it is a real treasure in terms of benefits for the human body:

1. Contains easily digestible high-quality protein.

2. It contains a huge amount of amino acids.

3. The presence of fiber and dietary fiber, which have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

4. Many vitamins (B, A, C, E, PP), minerals (magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus).

5. When regular use promotes the removal of “bad” cholesterol from the body and cleanses it of toxins.

6. Improves heart function.

7. Speeds up metabolism.

8. Normalizes blood pressure.

9. Has antioxidant properties.

10. Prevents the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

11. Prevention of thyroid diseases.

12. Reducing and normalizing the breakdown of sugar in the body.
In addition to the above, it has other useful properties of an aesthetic and cosmetological nature:

1. Slows down the aging process.

2. Helps to get rid of excess weight.

3. For kidney problems, relieves swelling.

5. Helps in the fight against poor vision.

6. Helps fight constipation.

7. Clears the skin of acne and inflammation in adolescence, eczema.

8. Relieves heartburn.

9. It prevents infection with worms.

Peas are an essential food for people who abstain from eating meat. Due to its availability and high protein content, peas received a second name - “meat for the poor.” Indeed, the amino acids that peas contain are similar in composition to animal protein. This makes it possible for believers for whom meat is forbidden by faith to eat pea dishes during Lent.

If you are a man and want to eat peas. It stimulates muscle function during exercise by force sports, accelerates their growth, strengthens strength and makes bone mass strong, thanks to the high calcium content in the product. So, for you this is very useful product. In addition, it relieves prostatitis and other male diseases.

And for women, the benefit of peas also lies in the fact that it contains a lot folic acid and normalizes the functioning of the genital organs. If you are planning to conceive a child or are in the process of bearing one, consume a little peas every day. in various forms. It will not only allow your reproductive system to function normally, but will also significantly improve your skin, the condition of which worsens during pregnancy and causes grief to many women. And also - the benefits of peas in stimulating the production of the hormone responsible for. But it should be remembered that eating it should be stopped several weeks before giving birth to avoid gas formation.

The child's body also needs pea dishes and canned green peas. If it is a problem for you to feed your child, know that peas awaken the appetite, they quickly fill you up, and charge you with energy for the whole day.

Harm of peas.

Like any food product, peas have contraindications for consumption. Let's take a closer look at them to avoid trouble.

Peas are harmful:

1. People with gastritis in acute form. But if there is no exacerbation at the moment, you can afford to eat a small amount of sprouted or canned peas.

2. Pancreatitis excludes the consumption of pea soups and cereals, due to their long and difficult digestion. However, with this disease it is useful to eat sprouted peas.

3. Contraindications also exist for the following problems: acute nephritis, gout, acute diseases Gastrointestinal tract, cholecystitis and thrombophlebitis.

4. Diet restrictions for older people and younger children preschool age(up to 3 years).

5. It is better not to consume raw peas of industrial (hard) varieties in their raw form - they can damage the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

6. If you are prone to excessive gas formation (flatulence), limit your consumption of pea dishes.

7. When breastfeeding, the mother should refrain from pea dishes - this can cause bloating and colic in the baby.

How peas are used in folk medicine.

1 recipe: For men's health.

Collect green shoots after the plant has flowered and chop. Brew 30 gr. plants in 250 ml. water and take 2 tbsp. spoons before meals. Taking it leads to the removal of sand from the kidneys and improves the functioning of the prostate gland.

Recipe 2: To restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Grind the peas into flour. Take 1 dessert spoon every day. Relieves persistent constipation, improves digestion, and relieves headaches.

What you need to know when choosing quality peas.

When choosing the “right” peas, you should prefer well-dried ones, not large in size, with a rich yellow or green color. The size of the peas for the most part should be 3-4 mm - larger ones will boil less well.

If peas soaked for several hours do not boil after 1.5 hours, do not cook food from them, as this is an old product that has lost most of its beneficial properties.

If you buy canned peas, take a look at the components. The ingredients should be: peas, water, salt and sugar. If any additives are still present, refuse to purchase and choose another manufacturer.

The lid on a jar of canned green peas should be smooth, without a hint of swelling, which indicates that the product is spoiled and can harm the body. Don't forget to also pay attention to the expiration date stamped on the jar - don't buy an expired product, even if it looks great.

Abdominal bloating can be partially relieved by soaking peas and eating regular dill with it, which has the properties of preventing the accumulation and formation of gases;

Do not drink cold water after eating peas in any form;

In order to get rid of hangover syndrome after the party - eat a jar of canned green peas along with the liquid from the jar; . For fatigue and insomnia, pickling green peas from a jar will also help. 100 gr. This “juice” will take away fatigue and insomnia will disappear.

The benefits of peas outweigh their harm, so eat for your health!

Read more:

Peas are often present on our table; they are used to prepare porridges, soups, purees, they are eaten fresh, and canned. Many people have heard about its benefits for the body, but not everyone knows what harm can come from peas. If used incorrectly, this versatile product can disrupt the functioning of some organs.

Peas are grown almost everywhere. He is known in Russia, Europe, India and even in African countries. There are many varieties of this culture, and each of them has unique properties and taste.

Peas are a very healthy product. It is used fresh and boiled for treatment various diseases or improvements general condition. It contains a lot of natural vegetable protein, vitamins and microelements. Despite the high calorie content (300 kcal per 100 g), raw product actively used for weight loss.

However, bean grains must be consumed carefully, preferably fresh. Let's figure out how peas can be harmful and how to avoid its negative effects.

Unfortunately, even the healthiest product must be eaten in moderation, otherwise the body will suffer. To understand whether peas are harmful to humans, it is worth delving into the understanding of some of the chemical processes that occur in our body with its intake.

  • Bean products are strictly prohibited for older people with gout. In peas large quantities There are purines - compounds that increase the level of uric acid in the body. As a result, the accumulation of uretes - salts of this acid - occurs in the joints. Thus, gout can only get worse with frequent consumption of legumes.
  • Peas are not recommended for intestinal diseases. It irritates the walls of the organ, causing flatulence. For the same reason, it should not be eaten by pregnant or lactating women.
  • People suffering from cholecystitis, kidney and liver diseases should not eat peas. The reason is still the same uric acid, forming stones and sand in the kidneys and gall bladder.
  • If people with gastritis or stomach ulcers regularly eat peas, the harm may consist in exacerbation of the disease.

If you love chickpeas, the harm from them may be the same as from other varieties. This variety is also characterized by increased gas formation, so people with intestinal or stomach problems should not consume it.

In order for legumes to give only benefits to the body, they must be prepared correctly.

Peas have the most valuable properties when they are fresh. Quality product characterized by a bright green color and a pleasant, sweetish taste. If you get dried peas, follow the rules for preparing them.

  • Before heat treatment the beans need to be soaked. Optimal time- 12 hours.
  • Cook peas for no more than 1 hour after soaking. If the product has not boiled down during this time, it is better not to consume it at all: in this case, it will cause more harm than good.
  • During the cooking process, if the water has boiled away, add boiling water. Cold water should not be added.
  • Salt the dish when it is ready.
  • To reduce gas formation, add a sprig of dill when cooking the grains.
  • If you buy canned peas, carefully study the ingredients. Canned food should contain nothing but water, sugar, salt and peas. If there are preservatives, it is better not to purchase the product, otherwise it will do more harm than good.

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