Mud therapy. Electromud is a modern procedure in a sanatorium

As a result of this effect, various ions from the healing mud penetrate into the body.

A distinctive feature of the galvanic mud treatment method is that, due to the combination of the effects of therapeutic mud and direct current This procedure can be prescribed to patients for whom general mud procedures are contraindicated. Galvanic mud therapy in medicine allows you to conduct a mud therapy session locally, and in combination with the use of direct current, the effectiveness of the procedure increases. The healing properties of mud with this technique are the same as with conventional mud therapy. Improving local circulation, mud applications promote the resorption of foci of inflammation, regeneration of damaged tissues, improvement of metabolic processes, and normalization of the activity of the endocrine glands.

Indications and contraindications for galvanic mud therapy

Indications for use are very broad. These are diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, consequences of injuries, diseases of women and male organs, as well as skin diseases.

The use of mud is possible only during the period of remission (disappearance of disease symptoms) or decline of the inflammatory process.

Galvanic mud therapy is contraindicated in medicine during pregnancy, certain types of epilepsy, severe forms of atherosclerosis, blood diseases, the presence of benign and malignant neoplasms, acute inflammatory processes, tuberculosis, and a tendency to bleed.

Since galvanic mud therapy in medicine is a hardware method, it is used only in mud baths or sanatoriums. You should consult your doctor about the possibility of using this treatment method.

Galvanic mud treatment in medicine

To carry out the galvanic mud treatment procedure, the mud is heated to °C in a water bath. This dirt is placed in special cotton bags (15 x 20 cm or 20 x 30 cm). The bags are placed on the affected area, and electrodes are placed on top. The bags act as hydrophilic pads. The electrodes are covered with oilcloth and connected to a galvanizing apparatus. The procedure lasts min. In this case, the current density is 0.04 - 0.06 mA/cm2. At the end of the procedure, the device is turned off, the electrodes and bags of dirt are removed, and the patient’s body is washed with warm water. After a galvanic mud treatment session, the patient should rest for at least min. The procedures are performed every other day or 2 days in a row with a break on the third. Procedures are prescribed for the course of treatment.

Indications and contraindications for mud therapy

Mud therapy is one of the oldest methods of therapy, which is effective for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the digestive system, and excretory system. Similar treatment It was used back in Ancient Egypt; river silt from the Nile was used for mud therapy. Millennia have passed, but even today medicine uses the healing properties of mud. In Soviet times, mud baths were considered one of the most elite health institutions. But in order for the treatment to be effective, as well as to avoid possible complications, you should know the indications and contraindications for mud therapy.

Mud is a product of natural origin, the main advantage over drugs is its naturalness. The mechanism of action of these substances is penetration through the skin and mucous membranes of active substances, as well as thermal and mechanical action. They have pronounced anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antimicrobial properties, and mud is also an excellent immunomodulator. They normalize metabolic processes, help with skin diseases.

Therapeutic effects depend on the specific mineral source, because the muds are very different in their composition, therefore, they have different properties and various therapeutic effects. To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, their composition should be taken into account. It is the composition and content of active substances that form the basis for the classification of medicinal mud. Before talking about the indications and contraindications of mud therapy, you should understand what types of therapeutic mud are.

What is healing mud, its main types

Therapeutic muds (in medicine they are called peloids) are colloidal substances of natural origin that have a rich mineral composition, which has a beneficial effect on human body positive action. The therapeutic effect of mud therapy is achieved due to the following factors:

  • A large number of useful inorganic substances that contain dirt;
  • high heat capacity;
  • great plasticity.

Muds are divided into several groups, depending on their origin. Here are the main ones:

Peat mud. They are swamp deposits, with very high level decomposition of organic residues. This species has good thermal properties and is very rich in organic matter. They have strong bactericidal properties, accelerate tissue regeneration processes, normalize metabolic processes, and have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Sapropel mud. These are freshwater deposits. Sapropel mud has good thermal qualities and is very rich in useful organic and inorganic substances.

Sulfide-silt mud. This type of mud is the bottom sediment of salty bodies of water; it contains little organic matter, but a lot of inorganic substances. The thermal effect is small, but the action of the mineral component is very effective in treating many diseases. There are especially many iron and sulfur compounds in sulfide mud; in addition, a large amount of gases are dissolved in them, as well as substances that are synthesized by bacteria and algae. They are formed in continental salt lakes (the famous Dead Sea), in coastal estuaries and bays.


Mud therapy is an effective way to combat many serious diseases, and it is also excellent for recovery after illness, injury and surgery. Typically, this method of therapy is resorted to after the acute stage of the disease has passed.

The list of diseases for which mud therapy is prescribed is very wide:

  • Skin diseases: chronic eczema, various neurodermatitis, limited psoriasis, scleroderma, ichthyosis, keratoderma. Mud therapy perfectly helps to recover from burns, injuries and frostbite, and helps with hair loss. This one is especially helpful healing method for skin diseases of various etiologies.
  • Diseases genitourinary system.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the heart and vascular system.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system (except tuberculosis).

Mud therapy helps to activate the adrenal glands, which begin to secrete large amounts of glucocorticoids, which are natural anti-inflammatory agents.

Biologically active substances, penetrating inside, increase muscle tone, promote rapid recovery after fractures, and reduce blood cholesterol levels. They increase the protective function of the skin and improve immunity.


However, this method of treatment also has contraindications. For some diseases, mud therapy is not recommended. For example, a large number of active substances can activate the growth of malignant and benign tumors, so mud therapy for cancer is contraindicated. This method of therapy is also contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should not take mud baths if you have the slightest bleeding or with most diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Treatment at elevated temperatures is contraindicated.

Today you can buy various types of mud for use at home. It should be noted that self-medication with mud is not the best idea and is not recommended. Here is a list of contraindications for mud therapy:

  • Inflammatory processes of any nature, especially those occurring in an acute form;
  • during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • with hyperthermia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis, regardless of stage and location;
  • severe hypertension;
  • heart disease;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • blood diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases thyroid gland: thyrotoxicosis and others.

It should be remembered that different types of these substances are used to treat different diseases. Before going to a mud bath, you should consult a doctor. In the sanatoriums where mud therapy is carried out, there are specialists who will help you make effective scheme treatment, taking into account your characteristics.

It is necessary to exercise caution in case of general exhaustion of the body, both physical and nervous exhaustion.

Mud therapy indications and contraindications

Mud therapy or peloidotherapy (from the word “peloids”) is a popular and frequently used method of ball therapy and has long established itself as an effective treatment procedure for various ailments in various branches of medicine. Nature gives us everything we need to feel healthy and full of energy. But is mud therapy really useful and who should beware of this procedure, what indications and contraindications are there for this method of healing, read on.

Mud treatment has been used since ancient times. Mud baths existed even before our era in Egypt, Greece, India and Rome. Guy Pliny the Elder used the mud of the Crimean Peninsula for treatment various diseases. And Claudius Galen, an Italian doctor who lived in the 2nd century AD, described in his writings the mud of Lake Chokrak, located near Kerch, and the silt mud of the Nile.

Types of therapeutic mud

Therapeutic muds are organic and mineral deposits in various bodies of water: lakes, seas, swamps. Such mud, as a rule, has a homogeneous and finely dispersed structure and in most cases has an ointment-like consistency. Thanks to this semi-liquid state, the mud can be heated and used in the form of mud baths and applications.

All therapeutic muds are rich in minerals, enzymes, biologically active components and gases.

The use of mud to treat various diseases goes back hundreds of years. Since the 19th century, mud treatment has become one of the main procedures used at resorts, including here in Russia. In many places where there were sources of healing mud, clinics were opened: in Odessa, Lipetsk, in the Caucasus, Anapa.

Today, mud treatment can be done not only at the resort, but also in many beauty salons and health centers.

Based on their composition, therapeutic muds are divided into the following types:

Peat mud has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, promotes rapid healing.

Silty salty mud contains water-soluble salts, is rich in gases, pigments, etc. The thermal properties of such mud are not high.

Sapropel muds have high thermal properties and contain a rich composition of organic compounds.

Properties of healing mud

Today, mud therapy is one of the main methods of treatment in many world resorts, including our country. Therapeutic muds are widely used in Caucasian health resorts, in Crimea, resorts of Altai and the Urals, Israel, the Czech Republic and many others.

Mud therapy can be obtained in many health centers and at home. The main benefit of this treatment is its naturalness. Mud is a substance of natural origin with a rich mineral composition, which has beneficial influence for the whole body.

The beneficial properties of mud are due to:

Large amounts of magnesium and calcium salts;

Dissolved salts of alkalis and organic acids;

Complex colloids consisting of organic compounds.

Thanks to its composition, mud therapy:

Provides chemical, thermal, mechanical impact on the body of a therapeutic nature, due to which deep penetration and targeted impact on the pathological focus of the disease and a complex effect on the entire body are determined;

When applying mud to the skin, nerve receptors are stimulated, the central nervous system is excited, as a result of which metabolism is normalized;

Blood circulation improves, all cells of the body are saturated with oxygen.

When the skin is exposed to heat, the pores open and the body is cleansed of harmful toxins and waste. This process continues long after the end of the mud procedures.

As a rule, after a course of mud therapy, blood pressure, metabolism, and the functioning of the nervous system are normalized, and the general condition improves.

Indications for mud therapy

Mud therapy helps in many areas of medicine. It is also used in gynecology, neurology, and joint diseases. Indications for the use of mud therapy are:

Skin diseases, including eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and others;

Diseases of the genitourinary system of both men and women;

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

Diseases of the stomach and intestines;

As for the use of therapeutic mud in gynecology, it has proven itself in many aspects. The most popular are treatment inflammatory processes uterus and appendages, used in combination when planning pregnancy. Today they are even creating special drugs based on Dead Sea mud.

Peloid therapy is well used for the following disorders of the nervous system:

Polyneuritis and neuritis;

In a therapeutic complex you can often find mud therapy prescribed for diseases:

Nose, eyes, ear and throat;

Musculoskeletal system: arthritis, polyarthritis, spondylitis, fractures, osteomelitis;

Respiratory organs: bronchitis, asthma, adhesions in chest and other;

Digestive organs: postoperative adhesions, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis;

Diseases of the cardiovascular system: thrombophlebitis, arrhythmia, myocarditis.

Mud therapy techniques

Mud therapy techniques are developed for each specific disease. Most often used for mud therapy:

A mud bath is when the patient is placed in a special bath with heated mud and, depending on the disease, remains in it for a certain time.

Mud applications are carried out when there are certain contraindications to performing mud baths or the source of mud is located far from the sanatorium and the deposit of therapeutic mud. Such applications are often done in health centers and clinics, or at home. An application of mud is placed on a certain area of ​​the body, most often in the place where there is a focus of the disease.

As a variation of this method of treatment, there is a reflex method of treatment. With this method, a mud application is placed on the spine in a certain place on a biologically active point.

Mud tampons are used in treatment genitourinary area, diseases of the oral cavity.

Before taking mud therapy, there are certain rules that must be followed before treatment.

Before starting the procedure, you need to take a shower without using gel or soap.

You cannot conduct a mud therapy session if you have open wounds or cuts.

After completing the procedure, wash off the dirt also without using detergents.

When applying applications, as a rule, it is not recommended to shower for 2 hours after the procedure.

Contraindications for mud therapy

But, like any procedure, peloidotherapy (mud therapy) has its own contraindications:

Experts do not recommend using this procedure for skin prone to allergies.

Under no circumstances should mud therapy be used for vascular diseases.

This procedure is also contraindicated for heart patients.

Mud therapy is prohibited for:

Exacerbation of chronic diseases;

Acute infections and inflammatory processes;

During pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Kidney diseases and liver failure;

Mud therapy in cosmetology

Healing mud is used successfully not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Every woman dreams of this effective procedure. It is, of course, not comparable to chocolate wrapping, but it brings a much greater cosmetic effect.

Peloid therapy is a treasure trove of cosmetology that can make the skin elastic, remove problem areas on the skin, and get rid of cellulite. Muds are used in different directions. Often in beauty salons you can find procedures for rejuvenation and figure correction through baths or mud applications.

Applications are usually applied either to the problem area of ​​the skin or using a mud wrap. Baths should not be used by everyone, as there are a number of contraindications for them. Therefore, despite appearance Although this procedure is not serious, it is still worth consulting a doctor before using it.

You don’t have to go to a SPA center or beauty salon to experience the beauty of mud treatments. Today, pharmacies sell specialized Dead Sea mud for cosmetic procedures. It’s true that it’s not easy to get it, but it’s still possible.

Using beauty recipes, you can transform yourself in a matter of weeks. Moreover, you can use not only face masks at home, but also applications on all problem areas of the skin.

Therapeutic mud promotes facial skin rejuvenation, cleansing and renewal. Peloid therapy is also actively used in the treatment of acne, but it should be approached with caution, since the procedure is contraindicated for people prone to irritation.

Before using any mud mask, it is worth conducting a skin sensitivity test. A small amount of mud should be applied to a small area of ​​skin (it is advisable to take an area similar to the skin of the face, just as delicate) and wait 10 minutes until the mud begins to dry out.

Then rinse with a cotton swab and look at the result. If the skin turns slightly pink, it’s okay, this is possible with this procedure. But if a rash or red spots appear, this is a signal that it is not worth the risk.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing medicinal mud, always buy it in pharmacies.

About treatment with medicinal mud, which mud is better: Dead Sea or Saki mud, watch the video

Mud therapy - indications and contraindications for use

Peloid therapy (mud therapy) is a set of procedures based on the use of mud of mineral and organic origin. This method of treatment is carried out in medical or health resort institutions located in close proximity to sources of healing mud. In addition, some of its varieties are used for the manufacture of pharmaceuticals.

Most often, mud-like substances are used for medical purposes, the source of which is fresh and salt water bodies, peat deposits, and places of hydrothermal activity.

The benefits of healing mud

Mud treatments have many benefits. The main advantages of this method of healing include:

  • Sessions using therapeutic mud are very effective and have a complex effect on the body.
  • Wellness is completely natural and environmentally friendly.
  • Mud sessions are not accompanied by discomfort or pain.
  • This method is absolutely accessible.
  • Has a relaxing effect.
  • The ability to combine mud procedures with other treatment methods.
  • A small number of contraindications and restrictions.

Treatment with mud has many other positive properties, depending on the composition of the substance, its origin, and the individual physiological characteristics of the patients.

Mechanism of action of mud therapy

Procedures using therapeutic mud substances have different effects on the human body. Among the main types of impact are:

  • Mechanical. It consists in the absorption of metabolic products and harmful microorganisms by the dirt-containing substance. Also, this type of effect ensures cleansing of the upper layers of the skin, enhances protective properties skin covering, and stimulates rapid cell renewal, resulting in a rejuvenating effect.
  • Thermal. They respond to changes in the body’s thermoregulation processes and the properties of the cardiovascular system. Under the influence of components that contain mud used in the healing process, blood circulation, lymphatic processes, and skin respiration are significantly improved.
  • Gas-chemical. Due to the content of volatile substances and a large number of inorganic compounds, the entire body is disinfected, decomposition products are removed, and immune properties are strengthened.

Mud therapy techniques

There are many methods of peloidotherapy, depending on the types of disease. The most common treatment methods are:

  • Mud swabs. The method is used to treat organs and restore the functions of the genitourinary system. The mud tampon can be rectal or vaginal. As a rule, this method is combined with applying mud to the pelvic area.
  • Application mud therapy. It is considered the classic way. The application is placed in the required area of ​​the body. In certain cases, the application can be applied to the entire body, except for the area of ​​the heart and head.
  • Compact method. It consists of treatment using compresses with therapeutic mud, in combination with thermal compresses.
  • Reflex method. In this case, applications of therapeutic mud are placed not on the place that needs treatment, but on a certain area of ​​the spine. The mud method affects the spinal cord, thus having a positive effect on almost all functions of the body.
  • Mud bath. With this method, the patient is placed in a special bathroom in which he spends a certain period of time. The mud mass is heated to the required temperature.

After piloidotherapy sessions, it is important to prevent the remaining dirt from being washed away under strong pressure.

Types of therapeutic mud

Not all types of mud are suitable for peloid therapy. IN medical procedures The following types of mud are used:

  • Sulfide - produced in salty reservoirs from bottom sediments. They have a poor organic composition, but contain many minerals and salts.
  • Peat - extracted from peat deposits. They include organic substances that significantly increase activity with temperature changes.
  • Thermal - the result of volcanic activity, in which jets of steam under the pressure of carbon dioxide are combined with deep volcanic rocks. Such mud contains practically no minerals, however, it has elevated temperature and acid properties.
  • Sopochnye differ from other types of mud by the presence of bromine and iodine.
  • Fango - are of volcanic origin, however, they mix with thermal water sources, thus becoming filled with beneficial bacteria.
  • Saprovelaceae - obtained from the bottom of fresh water bodies. It is characterized by a therapeutic effect due to the content of organic components.


A wide range of indications is one of the most important advantages of mud therapy. Most often this procedure is used in the following cases:

  • Inflammation of connective tissues.
  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Treatment of the genitourinary system.
  • Urological and venereological pathologies.
  • Dysfunction of the reproductive system.
  • Dermatological ailments, skin defects, rashes, inflammation, burns, frostbite.
  • Otolaryngological diseases of a chronic and acute nature.
  • Infectious polyarthritis.
  • Post-traumatic rehabilitation.
  • Neurological pathologies; mental disorders.
  • General malaise.

Due to the peculiarities of its composition, mud therapy is used in many clinical cases, thus representing an almost universal remedy.


The use of therapeutic mud has a number of contraindications related to the characteristics of the effects of such substances. Carrying out procedures with therapeutic mud is not recommended in the following cases:

  • Availability infectious diseases.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland.
  • Certain gynecological restrictions.
  • Varicose veins
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Rules for applying mud procedures

It is best to conduct mud treatment sessions every other day. With this method of treatment, temperature is a very important factor. The optimal indicator is degrees. The course of treatment in specialized health institutions is up to 10 repetitions, depending on the purpose and objectives of such recovery. One mud therapy session lasts approximately 40 minutes.

What rules should be followed when performing mud therapy:

  1. The patient's body must be absolutely clean. In view of this, it is best to take a shower or bath before the procedure. Thus, the skin gets rid of dust and other pollutants, improving the effect obtained from the dirt.
  2. If there is any damage to the skin, such as open wounds, bleeding, cuts, scratches, it is necessary to apply protective agent, since the substances contained in the therapeutic mud can have a negative effect on these areas.
  3. Mud treatment should not be combined with sunbathing, as this can lead to heat stroke.
  4. It is not recommended to carry out the process during menstruation.
  5. During therapy, you should listen to the specialist and follow all instructions.
  6. After the peloid therapy session is completed, you need to wash yourself without auxiliary cosmetics(soaps, lotions, gels, and others). The best way to dry your skin is by wiping it with a dry towel.
  7. At the end of the session, each patient is recommended to rest briefly for half an hour. This allows you to enhance the effect of the procedure, ensuring a reduction in stress from any stress.
  8. It is worth remembering that treatment is most often used in combination with other medical procedures, and therefore you should not be lazy about visiting them.
  9. It is important to exclude unhealthy foods and alcoholic beverages from the diet. It is advisable not to smoke several hours before and after the session.

If various side effects occur, each patient is obliged to consult a doctor as soon as possible, since negative reaction the body's response to the procedure can cause illness and other symptoms.


Mud therapy has its effect on the functioning of various organs. First of all, the effectiveness of such treatment is associated with a significant acceleration of metabolic processes, which, in turn, promotes the removal of harmful substances, residual decomposition products, and cleansing of blood and lymphatic vessels.

Bactericidal properties are used to eliminate postoperative scars, as well as during the healing of wounds and traumatic injuries.

This method of treatment has a positive effect on the joints. Due to its properties, mud procedures increase joint mobility, eliminate pain, and restore functionality.

Particularly effective are procedures that combine mud applications and the effects of electrical discharges. Galvanic treatment has a complex effect on human organ systems, and helps even with serious illnesses in later stages.

Mud treatment has a complex effect on the body, and therefore the effect of this method of healing will depend on the origin, composition, frequency of procedures, and many other features. Also, the presented treatment method has a relaxing effect, and can become a worthy alternative to modern spas.


Peloid therapy has many positive feedback, as it is an effective way to improve the health of a large number of diseases and disorders. The quality of treatment largely depends on the specifics of the techniques used, the characteristics of the mud used, the competence of the treating specialists, and the institution in which the treatment is carried out.

Patients who have recovered from disorders of the cardiovascular, genitourinary, endocrine, musculoskeletal systems, and also got rid of skin problems, confirm the effectiveness of the mud therapy technique.

You should choose a medical complex or health center for mud treatment based not only on your financial capabilities, but also on the characteristics of the disease, location, and range of services provided. Most resort towns can offer guests places for conducting peloid therapy sessions, in accordance with the requests and needs of clients.


A large number of health resorts offer their clients a wide range of services related to mud procedures, and therefore almost everyone can take advantage of the benefits of mud therapy. This method has many advantages over most pharmacological and traditional methods medicine, and provides positive health effects.

How effective is the galvanic mud procedure?

Galvanic mud is one of the most common and widely used in spa treatment physiotherapy, which gives excellent results in the fight against a wide range of diseases. The procedure is carried out using healing silt mud, which is extracted from the bottom of brine lakes. At the Tanger sanatorium, galvanic mud treatment is carried out using mud from Lake Saki, which itself has a wide range of healing properties.

Galvanic mud: indications and contraindications.

The range of diseases for which galvanic mud is prescribed is very wide; the physiotherapeutic procedure is actively used in the fight against the most serious diseases. Severe arthritis and polyarthritis, spinal osteochondrosis and deforming osteochondrosis are just a small part of the complex diseases for which a unique physiotherapy procedure - galvanic mud - is effective. Indications for its use are as follows:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • chronic diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system (including plexitis, radiculitis, myelitis and consequences of encephalitis);
  • post-traumatic treatment of the nervous and musculoskeletal system;
  • various types of scar-adhesive processes;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive system;
  • chronic inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • dermatological diseases (some types of lichen, eczema and neurodermatitis).

Effective galvanic mud in the Tangier sanatorium is prescribed to patients with the most various diseases, usually the course of treatment involves 10 to 15 procedures. The duration of the procedure is relatively short and does not exceed 15 minutes, so effective health care will not take much time. Pay attention to how effective treatment of lumbar radiculitis with mud is. Any healing method has some contraindications, and galvanic mud is no exception. Contraindications to this type of physiotherapy are as follows:

Decompensating conditions of the vascular-motor, excretory or respiratory systems;

General contraindications to mud therapy or the use of electrical procedures.

The range of contraindications for undergoing a course of treatment is relatively low, therefore unique physiotherapy is considered one of the universal and incredibly effective methods recovery.

Read more about the procedures of the Targiers sanatorium on the website:

Mud therapy methods: indications and contraindications, features of treatment for diseases of the back and spine

Physiotherapeutic procedures – important element treatment of degenerative-dystrophic processes, rheumatic pathologies, hernias, pain syndrome in the departments musculoskeletal system. Mud therapy for diseases of the back and spine shows good results.

The method is quite simple but effective. When selecting the optimal type of natural raw material, the patient feels positive changes after just one or two procedures. Why is mud therapy so popular? Are there any contraindications for using mineral raw materials? Is it possible to carry out mud applications at home? The answers are in the article.

Composition of therapeutic mud

Therapeutic mud has a complex effect on the affected parts of the spine and joints. It is easy to understand the reason for the pronounced therapeutic effect if you understand the composition of mineral raw materials.

The main components of healing mud:

  • coarse ingredients. This category includes organic compounds with fairly large particles: gypsum, silicates;
  • mud solution consisting of water, organic substances, mineral salts and gases;
  • beneficial microorganisms, substances with antibacterial effects;
  • finely dispersed compounds in the form of small particles. The components are of inorganic and organic origin.

Saki, Tambukan, Krasnodar, Anapa, Yeisk muds have different compositions, but each type has a beneficial effect on the affected spine, back muscles, ligaments, cartilage tissue and the whole body. The choice of mineral raw materials is the task of a vertebrologist or orthopedic traumatologist.

Beneficial features

The rich composition of therapeutic mud has a positive effect on weakened bone and cartilage structures. After a course of procedures, patients note an improvement in the mobility of the problematic part of the spine and a decrease in pain.

Find out what a sequestered hernia of the spine is and the features of treating the pathology.

How to treat lumbago of the lumbar spine at home? Effective treatment options are collected in this article.

The combination of organic and inorganic components explains the beneficial properties of natural mud:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • pain reliever;
  • relaxing;
  • antispastic;
  • warming.

Effect on the body

After application to painful areas, beneficial ingredients are actively absorbed into the pores, penetrate into tissues, and have a complex effect on bone structures, cartilage tissue, and ligaments. The high temperature of the raw material during applications accelerates the penetration of microelements, fine particles, antibacterial compounds and gases. The composition of mud from different sources differs, but all types of mineral raw materials have both local and general effects.

  • accelerate the elimination of toxins;
  • normalize blood supply to the problem area;
  • reduce pain when vertebral structures are damaged;
  • relax muscles constrained by spasm;
  • strengthen local immunity;
  • improve trophism of vertebral structures and adjacent tissues;
  • normalize metabolism in the body;
  • eliminate swelling;
  • reduce sensitization of the body;
  • restore vascular regulation;
  • activate the regeneration of affected tissues.

Features of the procedure

Sessions take place in a physiotherapy room. The doctor selects the optimal type of therapeutic mud, selects the temperature of the raw materials to influence the affected part of the spine. If indicated, electrophoresis is performed with a mud solution to maximize the effective penetration of beneficial substances into the internal structures.

Additionally, the specialist develops a treatment regimen using other physical procedures: hydrokinesotherapy, therapeutic baths, underwater spinal traction. As prescribed by an orthopedic traumatologist or vertebrologist, the patient undergoes a course of massage and exercises in a physical therapy room under the guidance of a physiotherapist.

In case of acute inflammatory process, mineral raw materials are not used. During the period of remission, warming applications with therapeutic mud are useful. The temperature of natural raw materials depends on clinical signs and the severity of the pathology.

Patients suffering from manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis receive a more gentle effect: the temperature of the mud (from 37 to 39 degrees) is lower than in the treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculopathy, and spondylosis in the lumbar region. The physiotherapist reduces the duration of the session (no more than 15 minutes) and the number of procedures (from 8 to 10).

Indications for use

The application of mineral mud to painful areas of the back with damage to the vertebral structures is approved by doctors. Patients also confirm the positive effects of natural raw materials.

The main indications for mud therapy for diseases of the spine and back:


Mud therapy has limitations:

  • thyrotoxicosis due to malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • period of exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • severe obesity (low effectiveness of the procedure, pronounced violation metabolism);
  • liver and/or kidney failure;
  • a focus of inflammation has been identified in the body;
  • exacerbation of diabetes mellitus;
  • tuberculosis (pulmonary and extrapulmonary forms);
  • tumors, especially malignant ones;
  • exacerbation of heart failure;
  • excessive nervous excitement;
  • pregnancy;
  • exacerbation due to osteochondrosis, spondylosis, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis of the spine;
  • the patient is very exhausted;
  • neurological disorders (acute phase);
  • bleeding of various etiologies;
  • acute form of all types of chronic pathologies;
  • damage to the skin in the treatment area: burns, abrasions, ulcers, ulcers, cuts;
  • scabies;
  • the patient is registered with a pulmonologist;
  • chronic form of hypertension;
  • body temperature exceeds normal;
  • diseases of the circulatory system have been identified;
  • the patient suffers from varicose veins.

Rules and features of the event

A patient comes to the physical therapy office. You should not eat before the session; it is not advisable to take a large volume of liquid to ensure comfort during the procedure.

  • the doctor covers the couch with thick glue, then distributes a layer of heated therapeutic mud on the surface. The optimal temperature of mineral raw materials is from 37 to 41 degrees, for the cervical spine - no more than 39 degrees;
  • The patient lies on his back so that the natural mud is under the problem area. The doctor covers the patient with a sheet and blanket to maintain warmth during the procedure. You can lie on your stomach, then the doctor will place a mud cake on your back. Which option is better is up to the physiotherapist to decide, taking into account the patient’s wishes: sometimes the pain on the stomach is weaker than in the “lying on your back” position;
  • session duration – from 20 to 40 minutes, for the cervical region – a third of an hour;
  • during mud therapy useful components are actively absorbed, penetrate into the affected areas, have a beneficial effect on bone structures and soft fabrics. Mineral raw materials warm up problem areas well;
  • when acute pain, increased blood pressure, and other side effects, the patient should immediately inform the physiotherapist about unpleasant sensations. The doctor examines complaints, decides whether to extend the session or whether to urgently stop the procedure, and if there are negative manifestations, provides medical assistance;
  • after treatment, the patient goes into the shower, washes off the remaining natural dirt, rests for half an hour and then lies down or sits in a comfortable chair. After the session, you need to protect the heated area from drafts and do not perform heavy physical work;
  • the procedures follow a certain pattern: two or three days in a row, then a break for a day, then the next sessions. In total, the patient should receive the procedures for 10 days, in advanced cases - within two weeks.

Look at the list of chondroprotective drugs and learn about their use for spinal osteochondrosis.

The rules and features of using the Voltaren medicinal patch for back and spinal pain are described on this page.

Go to to learn what spinal stenosis is and how to treat the condition.

Mud therapy at home

At the pharmacy you can purchase mineral raw materials to warm the affected areas. Doctors recommend undergoing procedures in a physical room: the doctor selects the optimal temperature of the composition and monitors the patient’s condition. At home, the patient is deprived of medical supervision; if adverse reactions occur, it is difficult to figure out how to act.

For diseases of the spine, mud applications at home are performed less frequently: most patients use mineral raw materials to treat small joints on the arms and legs. The procedure is similar to sessions conducted by a physiotherapist in a medical institution.

Before starting mud applications, you need to identify contraindications, measure blood pressure, and do an ECG. It is important to know that during the period of physiotherapy there are no exacerbations of chronic pathologies.

  • a bag of therapeutic mud is heated in hot water, the temperature is checked using a room/window thermometer placed inside the composition;
  • Do not overheat the natural product - after 60 degrees the healing mud “dies” and loses its beneficial properties;
  • the biochemical substance requires careful handling to maintain optimal temperature;
  • procedures with mineral raw materials should be carried out according to the scheme proposed by the attending physician;
  • During therapy, you should not drink alcohol, smoke, exercise intensely, do gardening, or lift weights.

Mud therapy: indications and contraindications

In this article you will find out whether mud therapy is effective, what indications and contraindications there are for it, and whether home treatments give the desired effect.

The main advantage of the method is the naturalness of the active substances used during the procedures. After all, healing muds are created by nature itself, and not made up of complex components by manufacturers of cosmetics. Therefore, giving preference natural remedies, you are using a safe and environmentally friendly method.

The healing properties of mud

The healing substance consists of several components: a base (calcium and magnesium salts combined with clay or sand), a mud solution (organic acids and brine salts are dissolved in it) and a colloidal complex (which includes organic matter and humus).

The type of mud depends on its origin. The healing substance can be extracted from the bottom of a swamp (peat mud), the bottom of a fresh reservoir (saprol mud), or the bottom of a lake or sea with salt water (sulfide-silt). Depending on this, their properties and composition differ. Compared to other varieties, sulfide-silt muds are richer in minerals and gases.

Many people heal themselves with mud. However, it is best to do this in a specialized sanatorium or at least purchase mud at a pharmacy or cosmetic store

In addition, these healing substances have different names depending on the deposit in which they were extracted: continental, from coastal lakes, bays and estuaries, hills, lake-spring, hydrothermal, fango (hydrothermal, mixed with thermal waters).

Depending on the composition, each type of mud has its own healing properties: regenerating, absorbable, bactericidal, trophic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, etc. The main property useful for people with skin diseases is the suppression of fungal growth. Mud perfectly cleanses the skin, increases its tone, improves metabolism and blood circulation.

If the patient takes mud baths, this procedure has a massage effect. In addition, beneficial substances are actively absorbed through the epidermis, having a complex effect on the entire body as a whole.

Mud therapy: indications

Most often, this method is used for patients with skin diseases: chronic eczema, neurodermatitis (excluding the exudative form), keratoderma, alopecia, psoriasis, ichthyosis, and the initial stage of scleroderma. Mud is also used for speedy recovery skin after burns or frostbite, scar resorption.

Another area of ​​application of mud therapy is urology and gynecology: underdevelopment of the uterus, potency disorders, chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, adhesive disease, amenorrhea, menopause, dysmenorrhea, infertility, mastopathy, chronic cervicitis, ovarian dysfunction, hormonal disorders. Active active substance used rectally, topically and vaginally.

In addition, the use of this method helps to identify some hidden infections. In this case, the use of mud causes an aggravation. He is diagnosed and treated.

Mud is also used in the form of applications for chronic diseases of the respiratory system: asthma, bronchitis, inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract.

In beauty salons, mud treatments are often used topically

Galvanic mud therapy and applications are used for diseases of muscles and joints: arthritis of various origins, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, heel spurs, fractures and cracks of bones, bursitis.

Applications to the projections of the gastrointestinal tract organs are used for many chronic diseases: colitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, hepatitis. Mud therapy is also used for cholelithiasis and peptic ulcers, excluding the period of exacerbation, irritable bowel syndrome, biliary dyskinesia, toxic liver damage and cirrhosis.

Local applications are indicated for certain pathologies of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, coronary disease heart disease, arterial hypertension 2 degrees, myocardial dystrophy, chronic venous insufficiency.

Also, do not forget about the use of mud in cosmetology in the form of masks. This procedure increases skin elasticity, improves its color, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and gets rid of acne. When used systematically on the scalp, masks eliminate dandruff and strengthen hair follicles. Mud is also used in the fight against cellulite, acting as an aid during massage.

At the stage of remission, the use of mud is possible for some diseases of the nervous and visual systems, ENT organs, and dental ailments.

Mud treatments - contraindications

It is important to know that this method is usually used after a complete examination of the patient. Therefore, if you decide to use therapeutic mud yourself, you should be aware of all your health problems. Because this technique can provoke the growth of existing tumors or provoke a worsening exacerbation of any chronic illness.

A mud mask can be applied to the face at home

The following diseases are contraindications to mud therapy:

  • tuberculosis;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • stenosis, aortic aneurysm;
  • hyperthermia;
  • inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • polyps and uterine fibroids;
  • oncological;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • decompensated heart defects;
  • endometriosis;
  • hypertension 3 degrees;
  • bleeding caused by diseases of the uterus and its cervix, not associated with menstruation;
  • blood diseases;
  • nephritis and nephrosis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • blood diseases and bleeding tendency.

Also, this method is not used during pregnancy, lactation and menstruation.

Mud therapy

Unlike medicinal treatments using synthesized chemicals that cause side and undesirable effects, mud therapy is a safe, but at the same time highly effective way to treat many diseases. Healing mud is a unique natural product. Mud therapy is one of the oldest ways to gain health. Therapeutic mud, or otherwise known as “peloids,” are silty colloidal sediments of natural origin that have accumulated at the bottom of reservoirs over a long period of time. The composition of colloids includes mineral salts, organic and inorganic substances, gases, microorganisms, and antibacterial substances.

Main properties of medicinal mud:

  • Adsorption of microbes.
  • Antibacterial qualities.
  • High plasticity.
  • High heat-retaining qualities.

Main components of peloids:

  • Salts of magnesium, calcium,
  • Mud solution made from organic acids.
  • Saturated solution sea ​​salts(brine).
  • Solutions of organic, organomineral compounds.

The main genetic (by origin) groups of medicinal mud deposits, according to the classification of V.V. Ivanov and A.M. Malakhov (1963):

  • Peat deposits of medicinal mud;
  • Sapropel deposits of medicinal mud;
  • Deposits of silt sulphide medicinal mud;
    • Mainland;
    • Primorskie;
    • Marine;
    • Lake-spring.
  • Deposits of freshwater clayey medicinal silts;
  • Deposits of hill medicinal mud;
  • Deposits of hydrothermal medicinal mud.

For example, in Crimea the most common mud deposits are silt sulfide mud (type 3) and hill mud (type 4).

The tradition of being treated “on the waters” using mud therapy in Russia is long-standing; one of the well-deserved places for healing is the Saki resort.

Mud of Lake Saki have a number of unique properties, according to healing power superior quality resources of the Dead Sea. Over many millennia, the bottom silt deposits of the Saki salt lake have accumulated valuable organic and mineral substances in the form of natural colloidal organomineral formations, which have a healing effect on the human body due to their plasticity, high heat capacity and slow heat transfer.

The healing properties of Saki mud have been known since the 5th century BC. The historian Herodotus mentions the healing properties of lake mud on the shores of Taurida in his works, in which he recommended treating the wounds of soldiers with the mud of Taurida. The history of the Crimean peninsula as a resort began precisely with the healing mud of Lake Saki. In 1807, the French chemist Felix De Serra analyzed the Saki mud. From this moment the development of Crimean resorts begins. The therapeutic effect of Saki mud has been confirmed by many years of practice and enjoys fair confidence among the largest representatives of the resort industry in both Crimea and Russia as a whole.

One of the richest deposits of natural peloids is located near the city of Saki. The mud of the Saki basin belongs to the sulfide-silt types of sediments. They are characterized by a rich mineral composition, high saturation with gases (methane, hydrogen sulfide), which gives the mud a specific Strong smell. The colloidal solution also includes living microflora (types of bacteria and fungi) that produce acids, pigments, and organic compounds.

Mud of Lake Saki Structurally, it is a complex natural biochemical complex that has a diverse effect on the human body. The mud of Lake Saki contains a balanced complex of mineral salts, microelements and biostimulants, including: silicon, aspartic, humic and a number fatty acids, lipids and phospholipids, carotecoids, amino acids, steroids, hormone-like substances, vitamins (A, B 1, B 6, B 12, C, D, E, F, PP), other vital elements for human health. The silt mud of Lake Saki is oily, has elasticity, has a black color with a gray tint, a creamy consistency, and has the smell of hydrogen sulfide. The composition includes the following elements (main):

  • Brine.
  • Soluble and insoluble mineral, organic, organomineral compounds.
  • Microelements, hormones, penicillin-like and other substances.
  • Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Steroids, a large list of amino acids.
  • Nutrients.

Mud has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, strengthens the body's protective functions and immune system, normalizes metabolism. Unique combination organomineral complex, salt-saturated solution, microelements, biologically active substances and dissolved gases in conjunction with thermal or electrical effects, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, resolving and regenerating effects with increased metabolic processes in the affected areas of the body. Sulfide mud of Lake Saki stimulates restorative vital processes in the body person. A feature of peloids from this region is their ability to increase the body’s energy levels, unlock the full potential of human strength, increase resistance to diseases, and provide anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and restorative effects. The silt mud of Lake Saki has a velvety, pleasant structure, and therefore it is easy to apply it directly to the body; it lies tightly on the skin and retains heat, which enhances the healing effect.

Disposable applications with therapeutic mud in combination with thermal compresses - innovative technology in mud therapy, allowing to obtain a high therapeutic effect in comfortable conditions. The design of the package, one of the sides of which is a non-woven permeable fabric, ensures free transportation of biologically active substances of therapeutic mud through the skin into the patient’s body, and a reusable hot thermal compress, gradually heating the application, transfers heat to a local area of ​​the body and enhances the therapeutic effect.

Exposure levels:

  • Temperature. The peloids slowly cool, gradually releasing heat to the body. The water in the mud mass has a fairly high temperature after forced heating, which is not felt at all by the skin. As a result of thermal action with a prolonged effect, tissues are heated deeper, blood flow improves, lymph and blood circulation is activated, focal inflammations are cleared faster. Painful sensations dull and gradually go away, oxygen exchange in cells improves.
  • Mechanical. Mud applied to an area of ​​skin activates the autonomic nervous system and sweating increases. The sweat secretion removes “toxins” and excess salt from the body, and intercellular drainage occurs. Externally, this is expressed in skin tightness, elasticity, velvety, healthy skin color.
  • Chemical. All mineral components of mud, gases dissolved in it, ions of trace elements freely penetrate into intact skin and subsequent layers (tissues, muscles, organs, blood, etc.). A positive effect appears on the endocrine system (thyroid gland, pituitary gland, ovaries, testes, etc.), provoking normalization of work, delivering microelements and vitamins necessary for functioning. This achieves a rejuvenation effect and increases energy potential.
  • Antimicrobial. The Saki region is rich in mud with a bactericidal effect. Using applications on wounds and lesions skin lesions a cleansing effect is achieved, wounds heal several times faster. Intracavitary application also shows positive lasting results. The presence of iodine, bromine, and zinc ions in the Saki mud causes fast recovery tissue structure, has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora, such as staphylococci, E. coli and others.
  • Adaptive . Mud activates the body's defense mechanisms, the immune system is activated, suppressing foci of the disease. The internal structure of life support comes into a balanced state and works to restore its functions. Saki mud has such a compensatory effect.

Indications for use of lake Saki mud

The healing mud of Lake Saki has a fine, homogeneous structure, viscous and plastic consistency, with a pronounced smell of hydrogen sulfide. Available in three versions:

  1. for general procedures (coarse);
  2. for general and intracavitary procedures (purified);
  3. for microapplications and cavity administration (fine cleaning).

For external use of medicinal silt sulfide mud from the Saki deposit (as prescribed by a doctor):

  1. Nervous system diseases:
    • Diseases and consequences of injuries and operations of the central nervous system.
    • Diseases and consequences of injuries of the peripheral nervous system.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
    • Rheumatic diseases of the joints with minimal activity of the inflammatory process.
    • Degenerative diseases of the joints and spine.
    • Diseases of periarticular soft tissues, osteopathy and chondropathy.
  3. Respiratory diseases:
  4. Digestive diseases:
    • Diseases of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum; intestinal diseases; liver diseases; diseases of the gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas; consequences surgical interventions and inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.
  5. Urological and gynecological diseases:
    • Kidney diseases and urinary tract: chronic pyelonephritis in remission, chronic nonspecific cystitis;
    • Male genital diseases: chronic prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymitis, etc.;
    • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs: salpingoophoritis, infertility.
  6. Skin diseases:
    • Chronic eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, residual effects after burns and frostbite, scar changes, tissue trophic disorders and others.
  7. Ear, nose and throat diseases:
    • Chronic atrophic processes in the nose, chronic sinusitis, laryngitis, mesotympanitis, auditory neuritis, etc.
  8. Dental diseases:
    • Periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.
  9. Surgical diseases:
    • In the early stages after surgery for gastric ulcer and 12.p. intestines, cholecystectomy, after joint surgery, etc.

Mud wraps: indications, contraindications.

Mud wraps have gained incredible popularity due to their unique cosmetological effect; today they are offered not only by health institutions, but also by cosmetology centers. In particular, the mud wrap procedure is considered one of the most effective in the fight against cellulite; it helps to rejuvenate and increase skin elasticity. The procedure also has a pronounced healing effect; in many health centers and sanatoriums, patients are also prescribed mud wraps. Indications for the procedure may be as follows:

  • overweight;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • muscle pain;
  • emotional overstrain.

Mud wrap is also actively used in postpartum rehabilitation; it allows you to restore skin elasticity in the shortest possible time. Numerous reviews of mud wrap indicate that it is not only effective, but also a completely safe health and cosmetic procedure.

Therapeutic mud is of natural origin, which makes body wrapping with mud as safe as possible. What is the main secret of the procedure? It lies in the complex mineral composition of natural balm; upon contact with the skin, the mud replenishes the lack of minerals and trace elements present in the body. However, any treatment and prophylactic procedure has some contraindications.

Mud wrap is no exception; the contraindications to its implementation are as follows:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts;
  • the presence of open wounds on the skin;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Mud wraps can only be performed after prior consultation with a doctor and under the supervision of specialists. The complex mineral composition of mud determines a wide range of effects of the mud wrap procedure. It allows:

  • increase immunity;
  • has a peeling effect;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • increases vascular tone;
  • helps reduce the appearance of cellulite;
  • slows down the aging process.

It is noteworthy that mud wrapping is also used for hair care, as well as for the treatment of baldness.

Mud applications: indications, contraindications

One of the most common spa treatment procedures is mud applications, they are actively used in the treatment of joints, dermatological and vascular diseases. The essence of the procedure is to apply therapeutic mud to a certain area of ​​the body; the mud application can be applied for 10 to 30 minutes.

  • diseases of the nervous system (including neuritis, radiculitis and neuralgia);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including arthritis and arthrosis);
  • diseases of the digestive system (peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis and others);
  • urological and gynecological diseases;
  • respiratory diseases (including asthma and bronchitis);
  • ENT diseases.

The procedure of mud applications is also actively used during the period of post-traumatic rehabilitation; it can serve as a preventive measure for a number of common diseases. Mud applications can only be prescribed after consultation with the attending physician, since there are a number of restrictions for the procedure. Not always in health program Mud applications are appropriate; contraindications to mud therapy include:

  • inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
  • some diseases of the cardiovascular system ( hypertonic disease, heart disease);
  • respiratory failure;
  • the presence of malignant tumors;
  • tendency to bleed.

Women during pregnancy should also undergo mud application procedures with caution. The number of contraindications to mud therapy is relatively small, which, along with the high efficiency of the procedure, allows it to remain a universal method of healing. The multifaceted indications for mud applications are due to a wide range therapeutic properties mud. It has a pronounced antibacterial effect, helps stop inflammatory processes and tissue regeneration, and also regulates the body's metabolic processes.

Mud tampons: indications, contraindications

In sanatorium treatment of gynecological and urological diseases mud tampons remain one of the most common procedures. The effect of this procedure is always multifaceted, mud therapy is also used for infertility, it allows you to fight very serious diseases. Here are the main indications for this method of therapy:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases, including those caused by infection;
  • infertility, including those caused by hormonal disorders;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • colpitis and endocervicitis.

Mud tampons are widely used in gynecology; Mud therapy is also useful for men who suffer from chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. Typically, vaginal tampons are recommended for women during menopause, when hormonal balance is especially important. The effect that healing mud has on the body is multifaceted, it allows you to fight chronic infection and inflammatory processes, and also has a regenerating effect. In addition, mud therapy helps normalize the hormonal balance in the body - it stimulates blood circulation and regulates metabolic processes.

Healing mud promotes the regeneration of affected tissues; it is considered one of the best remedies in the fight against adhesions in the pelvis. Mud therapy allows you to cope with such a common ailment as female and male infertility, often the cause of these ailments is chronic infectious diseases and hormonal disorders. It is important to note that there are two types of mud tampons: vaginal and rectal. The treatment of male urological diseases is based on the use of the latter type of tampons; in some cases, rectal tampons can also be prescribed to women. There are also contraindications to this method of therapy; they should definitely be taken into account by anyone who has never tried mud therapy:

  • venereal diseases;
  • diseases of the circulatory system in the acute stage;
  • serious mental illness;
  • the presence of malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • the presence of purulent inflammation;
  • tuberculosis of the genitals.

Treatment with mud tampons in gynecology and urology. It's important to note that gynecological mud tampons are a very simple and painless procedure; the course of treatment usually involves 12 to 18 procedures. Healing mud is injected using a special syringe; the procedure usually lasts no more than 30 minutes. Afterwards, the tampon is removed by douching; in some cases, rectal and vaginal mud tampons can be used simultaneously.

Well-known sanatoriums in Crimea offer their clients to supplement mud therapy with other effective procedures; balneotherapy has proven itself to be excellent in the fight against gynecological and urological diseases. Various types of therapeutic showers and healing baths will allow you to forget about chronic diseases for a long time. Safe mud tampons in urology used for the treatment of chronic inflammatory and infectious diseases, including prostatitis and cystitis, such treatment has a minimum number of contraindications.

Galvanic mud: indications and contraindications.

G alvanic mud is one of the most common and widely used physiotherapy procedures in spa treatment, which gives excellent results in the fight against a wide range of diseases. The procedure is carried out using healing silt mud, which is extracted from the bottom of brine lakes. Saturated with minerals and rare chemical elements, healing mud helps prevent inflammatory processes and regenerate affected tissues, and also has a regulating effect on the functioning of the metabolic system. As a procedure, galvanic mud is quite simple and resembles ordinary electrophoresis. The only difference is that the electrodes are applied on top of warm mud applications. They make it possible to increase the permeability of skin cell membranes, which causes high efficiency procedures. It can also be said that galvanic mud treatment is a kind of double procedure, since mud applications are an independent and very effective healing procedure. The range of diseases for which galvanic mud is prescribed is very wide; the physiotherapeutic procedure is actively used in the fight against the most serious diseases. Severe arthritis and polyarthritis, spinal osteochondrosis and deforming osteochondrosis are just a small part of the complex diseases for which a unique physiotherapy procedure - galvanic mud - is effective. Indications for its use are as follows:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • chronic diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system (including plexitis, radiculitis, myelitis and consequences of encephalitis);
  • post-traumatic treatment of the nervous and musculoskeletal system;
  • various types of scar-adhesive processes;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive system;
  • chronic inflammation of the respiratory system;
  • dermatological diseases (some types of lichen, eczema and neurodermatitis).

Regardless of which treatment method is most suitable for you, you must follow the basic rules when conducting a mud treatment session:

  • The skin must be clean, so it is recommended to clean it in the shower, without using detergents.
  • If there are open cuts or wounds on the skin, you need to treat them with disinfectant ointment or Vaseline to prevent the skin from becoming inflamed. Such manipulation is necessary before the procedure in order to protect damaged areas of the body from the activity of dirt, which in this case can cause harm.
  • Mud therapy involves maximum relaxation and no tension, as they say, calmness and only calmness. Otherwise, the surface of the skin will become covered with sweat and oil, making it difficult for the dirt to interact deeply with the skin cells. After a session of such treatment, you need to wipe your skin dry again with a towel and take a shower without soap.

The question may arise: why should you avoid detergents during mud therapy sessions, because after such manipulations there is an understandable need to cleanse the skin well? The thing is that after the procedure a thin film of dirt remains on the skin, which continues its therapeutic effect even in between sessions. If you wash it off, you can reduce the effect of the treatment. The same applies to the use of moisturizers - after all, after dirt, the skin will not be so receptive to them and the hydration will not spread to a sufficient depth.

It is strictly forbidden to consume any alcoholic beverages during the mud therapy period. Since the usefulness of medicinal mud is difficult to dispute, it should be said about diseases that can be gotten rid of with their help. Therefore, the basic indications for the use of mud therapy are:

  • gynecological problems in women and urological problems in men;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: polyarthritis, rheumatism;
  • the need for rehabilitation after injuries;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • frequent infectious diseases;
  • nervous system dysfunction;
  • various stages of obesity;
  • indications from a cosmetologist (for the treatment of skin diseases).

It is important to know that this procedure, like any drug treatment, may be individually intolerable, and therefore you need to monitor the body's reactions after therapy. Treatment with medicinal mud is prohibited when:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • availability cancerous tumors any stages;
  • skin and local inflammatory processes;
  • infectious diseases and tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • some neurological diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Galvanic mud therapy is a therapeutic method in which the patient’s tissues are simultaneously exposed to direct (galvanic) current and therapeutic mud. This is one of the most common methods of electromud therapy (see). First proposed in 1913 by A.A. Lozinsky and is still considered an effective way to treat patients. Compared to mud therapy, the combined method not only provides additional exposure to active physical factor, which is a galvanic current, but also contributes to the introduction of ions contained in the mud into the body, thereby increasing the chemical component of its action. In addition, the method is quite economical, since its implementation requires a relatively small amount of therapeutic mud. To carry out the galvanic mud treatment procedure, native therapeutic mud is usually used, most often silt and peat. Non-pharmacopoeial and pharmacopoeial mud preparations obtained from mud are used in methods medicinal electrophoresis(see Electrophoresis of medicinal substances).
Along with the anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect, galvanic mud therapy has a pronounced trophic effect, normalizes metabolic processes, increases the body's defenses, enhancing its immunobiological potential, dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation in deep-lying organs and tissues.
To carry out galvanic mud therapy, therapeutic mud is heated in a thermostat or water bath to 38-40 ° C and placed in gauze or cotton bags of the required size. The area of ​​a mud cake can vary from 100 to 400 cm2, and the thickness of the mud layer in it is 3-4 cm. Bags of mud are placed on the desired area of ​​the body. Current-carrying electrodes of a slightly smaller area than bags of dirt are placed on the bags. The electrodes are covered with oilcloth, on which bags of sand are placed. The patient is covered with a sheet or blanket. The electrodes are connected to the poles of the galvanizing apparatus. For galvanic mud treatment, both two (under both electrodes) and one mud cake are used. IN the latter case a mud cake is placed under an electrode (active), located in the area of ​​the pathological focus. In this case, a conventional hydrophilic gasket is placed under the second electrode. The polarity of the active electrode can be changed in the middle of the procedure or every other day. Changing the polarity of the electrode with a mud cake ensures that both cations and anions are introduced into the body from the mud. The current density during galvanic mud treatment is 0.03-0.06 mA/cm2, the duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment includes 10-15-20 procedures, carried out every other day or two days in a row with a break on the third day. After each procedure, the patient rests for 30-40 minutes. Sometimes, when performing galvanic mud therapy, filter paper moistened with a medicinal substance is placed under the mud cake. The polarity of the electrode in this technique is determined by the polarity of the medication, and the technique itself is called “galvanic mud electrophoresis.”
Indications and contraindications for galvanic mud therapy are almost the same as for electric mud therapy in general.

Galvanization is one of the methods of physiotherapy used in complex therapy many diseases.

By influencing a number of metabolic processes, this technique can significantly improve the patient’s condition during the rehabilitation period of many diseases.

Operating principle

The essence of the therapeutic method of galvanization is the use of the properties of a current that has a constant frequency, low voltage and low force, which affects the body through electrodes applied to the skin. In tissues under the influence of current, the phenomenon of electrolytic dissociation occurs. The redistribution of ions causes a complex set of physicochemical processes, the result of which is a change in the permeability of cell membranes, enzyme activity, and the level of metabolic processes.

The intensity and duration of exposure is determined by a specialist, based on the specifics of the pathological process.

The design of the galvanization apparatus involves the presence of two electrodes - a cathode, which reduces the ability of tissues to excite, and an anode, which increases this ability.

Important: not all tissues of the body are subject to this effect, but only those that are capable of conducting galvanic current.

What to treat?

A number of tissues are immune to the effects of galvanic current, since they contain an insufficient amount of free fluid:

  • skin;
  • ligamentous apparatus;
  • tendons;
  • muscles in a relaxed state;
  • bone.

On the contrary, physiological fluids and abundantly supplied organs and tissues are most readily susceptible to such effects:

  • blood;
  • cerebrospinal fluid;
  • bile;
  • lymph;
  • liver;
  • spleen;
  • lungs;
  • kidneys

It is in these organs that the maximum effect of treatment procedures is recorded.


  • Weakening of the sensitivity of superficially located nerve endings, which are affected. This effect concerns temperature and pain types of sensitivity, and is used when it is necessary to eliminate pain in chronic diseases (for example, osteochondrosis, radiculopathy, spondyloarthritis).
  • Improving the resorption of substances into the bloodstream in the vessels. This effect is used, for example, in anti-inflammatory therapy using drugs from the corresponding group for local application. Another therapeutic technique, electrophoresis, is based on this phenomenon.
  • Activating effect on the sympathoadrenal system and activation of lymph circulation
  • Activation of the activity of the endocrine glands.
  • Activation of reparative processes in tissues, which is necessary for traumatic lesions.


Knowledge of the mechanism of action and effects of galvanic current made it possible to formulate a list of situations that require exposure to galvanic current on the body.

Galvanization is a pathogenetic This makes it possible to use it for a wide range of diseases susceptible to this species influence of organs.

  • Trophic disorders arising due to hemodynamic and microcirculation disorders.
  • Joint damage resulting from infectious and inflammatory processes or traumatic effects (in these cases, galvanization is used at the rehabilitation stage).
  • Infectious-inflammatory or traumatic lesions peripheral nervous system (physiotherapy, in particular, galvanization and electrophoresis, are indicated during the rehabilitation period) - for example, plexitis, neuritis, neuromyositis.
  • Rehabilitation period after various brain lesions (in the absence of contraindications).
  • Changes characteristic of the initial stages of arterial hypertension and the atherosclerotic process.
  • Vegetative dystonia.
  • Migraine.
  • Arterial hypotension.
  • Some changes characteristic of angina pectoris.
  • Complex treatment of neurotic conditions, neurasthenia.
  • Some ophthalmological diseases.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Some diseases of the ENT organs.
  • Complex therapy of chronic inflammatory processes.

The use of the galvanization method in the above situations improves the prognosis of the disease and makes it possible to shorten the rehabilitation period after suffering pathology of the nervous system or musculoskeletal system.


Before starting the treatment procedure, it is necessary to carefully examine the areas of the skin that are supposed to be affected by the electrodes. It should be intact, without rashes or irritation.

Progress of the treatment procedure

Throughout the entire procedure, it is necessary to monitor the readings of the device, avoiding exceeding the set current strength, as well as the patient’s subjective sensations, avoiding the occurrence of pain.

Subjectively, during the galvanization procedure, the patient, with the correct current strength, feels twitching, paresthesia in the form of “crawling goosebumps” and vibration under the electrodes applied to the skin. Moreover, under the cathode the effect, including irritating, is felt more strongly than under the anode. If sensations in the form of burning or pain appear, you should smoothly turn off the device, and to continue the procedure, turn it on again, setting a lower intensity of exposure.

To prevent peeling of the epidermis during the course of treatment, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with Vaseline.

During a course of treatment, after 5-6 procedures, an exacerbation of a chronic disease may occur with some increase in symptoms. The patient should be informed that this effect is not a deterioration in the course of the disease, but indicates a positive effect of the treatment procedure.


Galvanization is a very effective way of influencing the body: direct current affects many metabolic and biochemical processes. Therefore, when prescribing a treatment procedure, one should take into account the presence of a number of contraindications - conditions when such exposure can cause harm:

  • Inflammatory processes in the acute phase, including purulent ones.
  • Individual intolerance to the effects of electric current.
  • Pronounced degree of atherosclerotic process.
  • Diseases of the blood system.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases in the acute phase, characterized by increased body temperature.
  • Mechanical trauma to the skin at the intended location of electrode application.
  • Skin diseases accompanied by skin damage.
  • Pregnancy period.
  • State of cachexia.
  • Feverish conditions of any origin.
  • The presence of malignant neoplasms.
  • Severe arterial hypertension (with episodes of blood pressure rises up to 180/100 millimeters of mercury).
  • Atrial fibrillation.
  • Presence of extrasystoles.
  • Severe circulatory failure (grade 2-3).

Galvanizing apparatus "Potok-1"

This device corresponds to the second and is intended for medical procedures of galvanization and electrophoresis.

Since the Potok-1 therapeutic device is not equipped with a timer, during a medical procedure the staff is required to control the duration of the procedure; For this purpose, special procedure watches are used.

Therapeutic device "Elfor Prof"

This is one of the models of devices widely used to generate direct current for therapeutic purposes.

This apparatus for galvanization and electrophoresis is an improved version of the therapeutic device for electrophoresis “Potok-1”, which has the following features:

  • The presence of a microcontroller in a modified version allows you to expand its functionality.
  • The smoothly rotating intensity control knob, which has no stops or restrictions, allows you to adjust the intensity more smoothly and accurately.
  • When the device is turned on, the current is always automatically set to zero; This is the most important electrical safety measure.
  • The presence of a built-in timer in the Elfor Prof device significantly simplifies the process of carrying out the procedure, in particular, monitoring the duration of the procedure. After the set time has elapsed, the equipment turns off automatically.

  • The current stabilization mode helps maintain a constant value of the specified parameters throughout the manipulation.
  • Another possibility of the Elfor Prof device, in addition to galvanization, is electrophoresis. In this mode, pharmaceutical drugs are introduced locally into the body.

Galvanization in physiotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses continuous direct electric current with low current (less than 50 mA), low voltage (30-80 V). The current is supplied by local exposure to special electrodes. Exposure to current can cause an increase in the biophysical and biochemical reactions of the body, which has a positive effect on the affected area.

The galvanization procedure is used in the treatment of various diseases. The technique can only be used during the recovery period, according to indications. WHO also takes into account the possibility of its use in the complex treatment of pathologies.

The concept of galvanization, the effect on the body

The physiotherapy procedure of galvanization is a therapeutic method that is based on the use of weak direct current, which has a healing effect on tissue. Galvanic current has a very small amperage and voltage, which explains its safety and effectiveness. The procedure does not cause pain, the patient only feels a slight tingling or crawling sensation. During physiotherapy, 2 electrodes are used: the cathode and the anode. They have different charges, which allows the movement of ions in the tissues of the body.

Human tissues and organs have different electrical conductivity, so the current does not pass directly through them, but overcomes resistance. It passes through the spaces between cellular structures, through vessels carrying blood and lymph. The action of current causes the movement of ions with different charges. These ions are found in biological fluids(blood, lymph, intercellular fluid).

Positively charged ions always tend towards the cathode. It has a negative charge. Negatively charged particles always move towards the anode. He has positive charge. This movement of particles is explained by elementary physical mechanisms: plus is attracted to minus and vice versa.

The electrodes are made of metal. When charged particles reach the electrode, they lose their polarity due to oxidative processes (electrolysis). Substances begin to react with water molecules, due to which electrolysis products are formed on the metal electrodes.

Acid begins to form at the anode, and alkali begins to form at the cathode. These chemical compounds can cause damage to the skin or mucous membrane on which the electrode is applied, so the metal plates must be wrapped in gauze or other cloth. This helps prevent burns.

In the tissues located between the electrodes, the polarity of the cell membranes changes. This leads to an increase in the permeability of membrane structures. The transport of substances by osmosis and diffusion increases. Exchange processes accelerate in cells.

In the area of ​​the negative electrode, the concentration of tissue histamine and acetylcholine increases. The function of the enzyme cholinesterase begins to decrease. This provokes excitation in the nerve fibers (mostly innervating the muscles). Hyperemia of the skin increases.

At the anode the effects are reversed. The concentration of biological mediators decreases, the work of cholinesterase increases, and tissue excitation decreases. The permeability of cell membranes decreases. This phenomenon is taken into account when installing electrodes in order to eliminate the occurrence of pain.

The effect of current begins to stimulate the skin's receptor apparatus. The impulses enter the brain and then reflexively return.

Against the background of this reflex action, the blood vessels of the skin dilate. The skin at the site where the electrodes are applied turns red. Redness persists for half an hour or more after completion of the physiotherapy procedure.

Galvanic current can have an effect not only locally, but also systemically. When electrodes are applied to the collar area, the work of the cervical muscles is stimulated. sympathetic nodes. The cardiovascular system is reflexively involved in the process. Blood flow increases in organs that are innervated by the cervical and upper thoracic segments of the sympathetic trunk. Metabolism in tissues increases.

If electrodes are placed on the scalp, the work of various analyzers is stimulated: visual (the appearance of phosphenes), gustatory (the patient feels a metallic taste in the mouth). When electrodes are installed on the temples, vestibular disorders may occur, which are provoked by stimulation of the balance apparatus.

The galvanization technique in physiotherapy is aimed at regulating the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, it improves the secretion of glands, increases motor skills digestive tract, stimulates metabolism, immune defense. At overall impact Galvanic current in the bloodstream increases the concentration of white blood cells, ESR increases, hemodynamic parameters improve, bradycardia occurs, and the metabolism of glucose and proteins accelerates.

Low current intensity can increase coronary blood flow, accelerate the absorption of oxygen molecules, and the accumulation of glycogen in the heart muscle. At high current levels, the opposite effect is observed, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart.

Current dosages during galvanization

In physiotherapy there is the concept of “current density”. Current density (CD) is a measure of current divided by electrode area. The unit of current density is mA/cm2. 1 mA/cm2 refers to the current strength, which is equal to 1 mA. It acts on an electrode area equal to 1 cm2.

Therapeutic current density implies the use of small values ​​of 0.01-0.1-0.2 mA/cm2. When using a PT equal to 0.5 mA/cm2, irreversible consequences may occur.

In medicine, three types of therapeutic current density indicators are used:

  • A small current strength is 0.01-0.04 mA/cm2 (prescribed when acute pathologies, severe pain in children under 4 years of age).
  • Average PT - O.04-O.08 mA/cm2.
  • Large PT - 0.08 to 0.1 (0.2) mA/cm2. It is used topically for protracted or chronic forms of various diseases.

The duration of the physiotherapy procedure can be 10-30 minutes. The most beneficial effect on tissue is observed with a duration of physiotherapy of 10 minutes.

Types of physiotherapy techniques, indications, restrictions on use

Galvanization has 3 main methods of influence.

Physiotherapy methods:

  • General (a small therapeutic dosage of current is used, an example of such treatment is a four-chamber hydrogalvanic bath).
  • Segmental (using low or medium intensity current, endonasal galvanization, physiotherapy on the spinal area).
  • Local (all types of therapeutic dosages).

Galvanization has its indications and limitations. When prescribing a technique, the doctor must take them into account.

Indications and restrictions

Indications Restrictions
Pathologies internal organs and blood vessels, skin (hypertension of 1st and 2nd severity, bronchial asthma, inflammation of the pancreas, gastritis, ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, scleroderma).

Diseases of the nervous system (radiculopathies, neuromyositis, head injuries, damage to peripheral nerve fibers, neurosis-like conditions, migraine headaches, spinal pathologies, neuritis).

Pathologies of the genital organs in women.

Diseases of the visual apparatus.

Skin diseases and others.

Poor tolerance to current of any strength.

Damage to the skin (inflammation, scratches, wounds, increased hair growth at the site of electrode application, eczematous skin damage).

Severe manifestations of autonomic dysfunction.


Hypertension more than 180/100 mm Hg. Art., regular hypertensive crises in the anamnesis.

Atrial fibrillation, extrasystoles.

Blood flow deficiency of 2-3 degrees.



Galvanic current during pregnancy should not be used in the first trimester. In the latter stages, therapy is sometimes prescribed, but only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus.

Equipment for carrying out the technique, places for galvanic procedures

Direct current is produced by special devices. The most common devices are AGN-1, AGN-2, Potok-1, Potok-01M, Potok-Br, Elfor-Prof. A very good device is Elfor-Prof. It allows both galvanization and electrophoresis. This is an improved device created on the basis of the Potok-1 device.

Treatment with galvanic current can be carried out in hospitals with a physical department. Physiotherapeutic departments are available at clinics and sanatorium-resort institutions. If the patient is in a hospital, he does not need any additional documents to undergo treatment. The doctor will write on the prescription sheet the number of physiotherapy procedures, the current strength, and the time of one session. When undergoing therapy at a clinic, the patient will need a referral from the attending physician or physiotherapist, an extract from the card or medical history.

Galvanization can be done in sanatorium-resort institutions. To do this you need to get health resort card. The doctor will indicate the presence of chronic diseases, the results laboratory tests, presence of allergies. Using the map, the sanatorium doctor will determine the course of therapy, current strength, and time of one session.

If it is not possible to undergo treatment for free, then you can come to a paid clinic. To carry out therapy, you need to undergo an examination at the clinic or bring an extract from your outpatient card. Based on the examination data, the doctor will decide on treatment tactics.

The procedure can be carried out at home. To do this, you should purchase a galvanizing device. You can buy the device at any medical equipment store or online store specializing in medical products.

Before galvanization, you must undergo a full examination and consult your doctor or physiotherapist. The doctor will help you decide on the choice of device, treatment tactics, and the number of physical procedures.

Rules for conducting physical therapy

Preparation for the procedure consists of cleansing the skin, examining the skin for scratches and inflammatory changes. If there is minor damage to the integrity of the skin, then apply Vaseline to the scratches and cover them with cotton pads, strips of rubber, or oilcloth. Before the manipulation, the doctor must familiarize himself with the chart or medical history and make sure there are no contraindications. If the patient has a tendency to severe peeling of the skin, then the area where the electrodes are applied is lubricated with Vaseline.

During the physiotherapeutic method, the patient may experience a slight tingling sensation at the site of the electrodes. There shouldn't be any pain. If pain occurs, you need to tell the nurse or doctor about it. The doctor will reduce the intensity of the current or stop treatment.

The treatment procedure usually lasts 10-30 minutes. On initial stage therapy, you can reduce the session time. If no unwanted reactions occur, you can increase the time to 20-30 minutes. You cannot sleep during therapy. During sleep, the patient may not notice the occurrence of a skin burn if the device was not configured correctly.

Electrodes can be applied to the cervical-collar area, upper back, calf muscles, head, lower back, eye sockets and other areas of the body. Before installing the electrodes, they are wrapped in gauze soaked in a medicinal solution. After applying the electrodes, the device is set up and turned on. After the session, the electrodes are removed and the skin is wiped with a napkin if Vaseline was used. Course therapy consists of 10-20 procedures. If necessary, treatment can be repeated after a few months.


Experts recommend using galvanic effects on the body during rehabilitation and therapeutic measures. The therapy has a positive effect on restoration processes in damaged tissues, increases immunity, and helps improve blood flow in tissues. You can be treated at home, in a hospital, clinic, or sanatorium. The purpose of galvanization is: reducing the frequency of exacerbations of chronic diseases, recovery after an acute illness.

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