Infectious enterovirus in dogs. Parvovirus enteritis in dogs

Enteritis can be contagious or non-infectious. The difference between one and the other is that the first is transmitted from one animal to another, while the second is not. The paths of development and consequences of the disease also differ.

Infectious enteritis occurs as if without visible reasons, that is, without changing the place of walks, food and stress. This disease is accompanied by diarrhea, blood streaks, and food particles. Enteritis is also manifested by vomiting with foam. With this disease, the pet refuses fluids and quickly loses weight.

As a rule, enteritis affects young dogs. Only timely and correct vaccination can save your pet.

Sources from which an animal can become infected with enteritis

Carriers infectious enteritis rodents, dogs - carriers of the virus, insects, infected animals and even humans can become infected. In addition, your pet can become infected with this disease from drinking liquid or eating food.

You can get enteritis contact method. To do this, simply lick or sniff the infected item. Communication with a sick animal can also become a source of enteritis infection. Contents - brush and bedding are no exception.

Among other things, the development of the disease can be facilitated by violated or incorrect norms and composition of nutrition, unscrupulous care, and adverse events. The latter include helminthiasis, previous surgery, predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases, and change of owner.

The latent state of the virus lasts from four to ten days. If the source of infection with enteritis is liquid or food, then the disease manifests itself in the stool within three to five days. These and other animal secretions can be dangerous to other pets.

The acute form of infectious enteritis can lead to the death of the animal. The animal withers before our eyes and may die within 3-6 days. The acute form of enteritis is manifested by dehydration and severe pain. If you do not contact a veterinarian in time, then the likelihood fatal outcome high.

It is very important to carry out a course of treatment, as this disease kills 60 percent of puppies. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease appear, the animal should be taken to veterinary clinic and show it to a specialist.

Enteritis – viral disease, characterized by inflammation of the small intestine and myocarditis. Particularly dangerous for dogs are parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis. Both diseases are highly contagious and can lead to the death of the animal.

In most cases, the enteritis pathogen enters the dog’s body through the mouth or nose during contact with the feces of a sick animal. The virus can be contained in saliva, tear secretions and on the wearer's fur. A person can infect a dog with enteritis by bringing the virus into the house on clothes or shoes.

Viral enteritis leads to severe disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory systems s. Adult dogs rarely suffer from enteritis and, in most cases, can be cured quite easily. Enteritis poses a mortal danger to puppies, especially between the ages of 2 and 6 months. Puppies from unvaccinated bitches, suffering from helminthic infestations and kept in unfavorable conditions, tolerate the disease very hard. Mortality ranges from 30 to 80%. Enteritis in pregnant bitches provokes abortions and leads to fetal abnormalities.

Sometimes you can hear the opinion that dogs of some breeds are more susceptible to enteritis than others. The risk group includes Rottweilers, bulldogs, collies, Labradors and all dogs ornamental breeds. But similar laboratory research was not carried out, and therefore this statement cannot be considered worthy of attention. Any dog ​​can get enteritis, regardless of breed.

Enteritis in dogs is a species-specific disease that is not dangerous to humans. Cats suffer from a similar disease caused by a related virus: feline panleukopenia. However, there are cases where puppies and kittens kept together have become ill with enteritis at the same time, so it is better to isolate the sick puppy.

Parvovirus enteritis in dogs

When it comes to enteritis, they most often mean parvovirus enteritis, since this disease is the most common and poses a serious danger to animals. The causative agent of parvovirus (Canin Parvovirus) is extremely resistant virus: does not die when frozen, withstands heating up to 100 degrees, remains in feces for up to 10 days. To treat the room, use chlorine-containing preparations or a 30% soda ash solution. Regular disinfectants are not able to destroy the virus.

Symptoms of enteritis in dogs

Parvovirus can occur in an acute and fulminant form, affecting the intestines and/or cardiac tissue - hence the differences in symptoms and definitions of the forms of the disease. Most often (in 80% of cases) diagnosed intestinal form enteritis, in other cases – cardiac. Incubation period illness: 4-7 days.

Intestinal enteritis can occur in any dog, regardless of age. The virus is localized in thin section intestines, destroying the mucous membrane, which leads to tissue necrosis and the development of secondary infections. Already in the first days of the disease, leukopenia develops - a decrease general level leukocytes in the blood.

The classic picture: the dog suddenly becomes lethargic, inactive, and refuses to eat. Vomiting appears, most often foamy and yellowish. After 1-2 days, mucous diarrhea begins, sometimes interspersed with blood. Diarrhea can be grayish, yellow, green, brown or almost black, but most importantly, it is incessant, debilitating for the dog, and very smelly. The temperature in the first two to three days is slightly elevated (by no more than 1 degree), then either returns to normal or drops below 37 degrees. IN the latter case The animal will most likely not be saved. Refusal of food is associated with refusal to drink, which makes it possible to diagnose enteritis, and not plague or hepatitis. Because the dog does not drink, the body quickly becomes dehydrated.

On last stage the dog looks like a skeleton, very thin, the skin hangs in folds, the eyes are sunken, the muzzle is swollen, the fur is disheveled and matted. If the disease progresses at lightning speed, the dog dies within 1-2 days, even with quality treatment. As a rule, the fulminant form of enteritis occurs in puppies born from unvaccinated bitches.

The cardiac form of enteritis most often affects puppies between 2 and 9 weeks of age. The virus is localized in the tissues of the heart, which leads to cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency. The puppy suddenly becomes lethargic, constantly lies down, breathes heavily open mouth, the mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint. Cardiac enteritis in puppies often ends in death as a result of acute heart failure, and in surviving animals it is found severe lesions myocardium.

There is a mixed form of enteritis, in which the disease affects both the intestines and the heart. Symptoms include gastrointestinal manifestations and cardiopulmonary failure.


Parvovirus is diagnosed symptomatically and laboratory tests (stool analysis for the presence of the pathogen). You need to contact the clinic immediately at the first symptoms of the disease (repeatedly). The disease develops very quickly, especially in puppies, so it is extremely important to start treatment as early as possible.

Parvo treatment viral enteritis

To combat enteritis, the dog is injected with immunoglobulin and hyperimmune serum containing antibodies, which, once in the blood, immediately begin to destroy the virus. Recovery water balance appoint saline solutions. Food is replaced with nutrient solutions, glucose, ascorbic acid. In addition, the dog is given heart medications and medications that cleanse the body (removing harmful substances), vitamins, and antibiotics to suppress secondary infections. Treatment is complex, individual, symptomatic. Only a doctor should prescribe medications! Amateur activity is destructive!

The owner is required to strictly comply with all instructions, regularly submit biomaterial for testing (according to the scheme recommended by the doctor) and comply with hygiene standards (a sick dog must be kept clean, this is extremely important condition in the treatment of enteritis).

You can't try to feed the dog! Food can only be offered 24 hours after the dog’s appetite returns. A gentle diet prescribed by a doctor is required. As a rule, this is liquid and semi-liquid low-fat food (broths, porridge, cottage cheese, eggs) or industrial feed for convalescent dogs (these foods contain split protein, which is easily absorbed by the body). Because the virus affects the intestines, liver, gallbladderproper feeding extremely important! Food should be given in small portions 3-5 times a day. Food should be slightly above room temperature, never hot or cold.

Adult dogs that have recovered from the disease develop strong immunity, sometimes lifelong. In puppies and young animals, immunity is either not developed at all or is not strong enough.

Coronavirus enteritis in dogs

The causative agent of the coronavirus is Canin coronavirus. Incubation period: 2-5 days. The virus enters the body when an animal comes into contact with the feces of a carrier. It is localized in the intestine, affecting the tips of the villi without destroying crypt cells (which are affected by parvovirus). Symptoms are refusal to feed, vomiting, sometimes diarrhea, including orange, and at the last stage of the disease in puppies - light cream color. Body temperature is normal, there is no discharge from the nose or eyes.

There are acute and light form diseases. The acute form of coronavirus is characterized by the rapid development of the disease and the complication of the overall picture by secondary infections. For adult animals, the prognosis is usually favorable. Puppies can die, especially if they are born from a non-immune bitch. Symptoms are similar to those of parvovirus, but less severe. There may be no vomiting, diarrhea is not as frequent, and the heart is not affected. The dog eats little, does not refuse water, lies down a lot, looks weak and sick. At acute form Treatment is the same as for parvovirus. The doctor prescribes medications based on the symptoms.

A mild form of coronavirus is not dangerous for adults healthy dogs, deaths are very rare. Puppies tolerate the disease quite easily and, with proper care, recover quickly. Sometimes animals recover on their own, without treatment, on the fifth or seventh day.

Dogs that have recovered from the disease can become infected again; immunity is either not developed at all (in puppies up to 6 months old), or is developed, but is not stable (in adult animals).

Because The immune response to vaccination against coronavirus is weak, even vaccinated animals can get sick. In vaccinated animals, the disease occurs in mild form: weakness, lethargy, decreased appetite, vomiting and diarrhea for one to two days. The dog recovers without treatment within 3-5 days.

Consequences of enteritis

Even timely treatment enteritis in dogs, following all doctor’s recommendations and fast recovery do not exclude the possibility of complications after the illness. Young animals often develop lameness, which may last a lifetime or disappear after a few months. Puppies are noticeably delayed in development. Almost all dogs that have had enteritis have neoplasms in their oral cavity(deleted surgically). Severe myocardial damage is not uncommon in puppies between 2 and 9 weeks of age, and even in adult dogs heart failure may persist. Some dogs, having suffered enteritis, suffer from liver and gallbladder disorders all their lives. Bitches can become infertile for a while or for life (while remaining in heat). But in most cases, all complications after an illness can be eliminated within 6-8 months.

Prevention of enteritis

To prevent viral enteritis, polyvalent and monovalent vaccines are used. Well proven the following drugs: Nobivak, Eurikan, Parvovak, Asterion, Multikan, Biovac. Adult dogs must be vaccinated annually.

The first vaccination for puppies is given at the age of 4-6 weeks with a “children’s” vaccine (for example, Nobivak Pappy). Then at 12 weeks the “adult” vaccine is used, with booster vaccination after 3 weeks. Next vaccination done at 6 months and then annually.

All bitches used for breeding are vaccinated a month before the start of estrus (if the vaccination schedule allows).

Dogs cannot be vaccinated during estrus or during pregnancy (such bitches are vaccinated along with the puppies when they are 12 weeks old).

Since enteritis represents mortal danger for puppies, it is important to follow basic precautions:

You can't take puppies outside if they haven't been done;
- unvaccinated puppies must be kept in an isolated room, where they cannot enter in street clothes and shoes;
- before interacting with puppies, you need to wash your hands thoroughly;
- the floors in the room where puppies are kept must be washed daily;
- before letting the bitch go to the puppies, you need to thoroughly wash her paws and belly;
- you cannot invite friends over until the puppies have been vaccinated, since it is often strangers who bring the infection into the house.

Viral enteritis is a formidable enemy that poses a serious danger to the health and life of your four-legged friend. Be reasonable: do not forget about regular vaccinations and try to limit your dog’s contact with stray animals.

Many owners treat their pets as full members of their family and therefore any deterioration in the animal’s well-being does not cause delight.

Among dog breeders, diseases such as or cause particular panic, but there is another disease that, when untimely treatment and with severe symptoms leads to the death of the pet. We are talking about enteritis, which develops when a virus enters the body.

The main source of spread of the virus is considered to be a sick dog, and the pathogen can be released already in the incubation (latent) period of the disease. The virus enters the environment along with feces, vomit, and saliva. The pathogen enters an apartment or area near the house in a variety of ways - the virus can be brought by a person on shoes or clothes, the microorganism can be on the fur and paws of other animals. The enteritis pathogen is released over a period of time by an animal that has already been ill and treated.

It must be said that infectious enteritis in dogs not transmitted to humans and other breeds of animals in the house. That is, only dogs are susceptible to the disease, and most often these are puppies one and a half to six months old. Adult pets tolerate the disease much easier, and vaccinated individuals do not become infected.

Probability fatal outcome when puppies are infected, it increases if their mother is not vaccinated and suffers from.

The enteritis virus is very resistant to environment. The microorganism can live in an apartment for up to six months, and during this period the dog can become infected at any time.

From the moment of infection to the development of clinical signs of the disease, an average of up to 10 days can pass. The disease is insidious in its symptoms - most of the symptoms are characteristic of other animal diseases.

Types of the disease and its signs

Infectious enteritis is divided into parvovirus And coronavirus, the first form is registered more often. Enteritis virus destroys slime layer intestines, this leads to tissue death and extensive inflammation.

Parvovirus species

Parvovirus enteritis in turn, is divided into three types - intestinal, cardiac and mixed.

  • Intestinal form manifested by lethargy of the animal, refusal to eat, the temperature can rise only after two to three days. First, vomiting appears; it is viscous and foamy in nature, repeated. Develops after vomiting loose stool– watery, with putrid smell. After a few days, the diarrhea may become bloody, the animal may have severe abdominal pain, aggravated by touching the abdominal area - the dog tucks its tail and whines. The main problem with constant diarrhea and vomiting becomes dehydration, from which a young puppy can die in 2-3 days.
  • Heart shape It is most often recorded in puppies up to 9 weeks of age. It manifests itself as drowsiness, lethargy, and refusal to feed. Palpation does not reveal severe abdominal pain, and there is usually no diarrhea. Rumbling can be heard from a distance; damage to the heart muscle leads to severe shortness of breath or, conversely, to imperceptible, quiet breathing. In dogs, a weak pulse is recorded, all extremities are cold, and pallor or cyanosis of the mucous membranes is detected.
  • Mixed form characterized by signs of damage to the intestines and heart muscle. Most often, this form develops in weakened dogs suffering from adenoviral and oral viral infections. The danger also increases for those puppies born from unvaccinated bitches.

Coronavirus species

The coronavirus form of enteritis has a more favorable outcome compared to the parvovirus form. The dog may refuse to eat, while drinking regime saved. Abdominal pain is minor, diarrhea and vomiting are rare.

The incubation period for this type of infection lasts up to 5 days. Corono viral infection occurs in acute and chronic forms:

  • Acute form The disease develops quickly, the dog becomes weak and lethargic. When the acute form develops, a secondary infection often occurs. Usually, with such an infection, only weakened puppies die; adult animals survive.
  • Light form coronavirus infection may even go unnoticed, especially if the infection appeared in adult dog. The animal eats poorly, is apathetic, has no temperature, the condition improves after a few days.

Infectious enteritis, which occurs in an acute form in weakened dogs and puppies, often ends in death.

Treatment methods

Important for the treatment of viral enteritis A complex approach, the dog not only needs to choose the right medicine, but it is also necessary to organize competent care for the animal.

What to do if you suspect enteritis?

If a dog develops symptoms characteristic of enteritis, the first thing you need to do is visit a veterinary clinic. Precise definition diagnosis and the choice of treatment regimen is important precisely in the first two days of the disease; if treatment is started during this period, it will almost always be successful.

Also, if you suspect enteritis, you must:

  • Periodically. Temperature data will help the veterinarian get a more complete picture of the disease.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of vomit and feces. The appearance of bloody or white stool is a poor diagnostic sign.
  • A sick dog should be separated from other animals and placed in a room where there are no drafts.
  • All discharge should be removed immediately if possible.
  • Most puppies and adult dogs die from dehydration. Therefore, if you see that the animal does not touch the water at all, then you need to give it something to drink through a syringe. The water must be boiled or mineral without gases.
  • Because of inflamed bowel The pet will not eat at all and there is no need to force it.

In order for the disease to pass quickly and without consequences, the doctor prescribes several drugs at once, their administration is necessary even if the signs of infection are minor.

TO drug treatment enteritis include the following purposes:

  • Immunostimulating drugs.
  • Solutions in droppers. Intravenous administration glucose or saline a solution with vitamins is necessary to maintain water balance and to strengthen the body's resistance. In the first days of illness, glucose often becomes the only source of nutrition.
  • For enteritis, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
  • If the puppy is not vaccinated, then giving the vaccine in some cases helps to cope with the disease.
  • To relieve pain, use no-shpa, Baralgin, Analgin.
  • It is necessary to select drugs to support cardiac activity.

All prescribed medications are administered only intramuscularly or in droppers, since the tablets are not absorbed and further damage the intestinal mucosa.

What to feed a dog with enteritis?

In the first days of illness, puppies and adults almost completely refuse food. You can't force feed them, and if the animal retains its appetite, then the food should be easily digestible and dietary.

After an illness crisis, the dog must be fed with extreme caution. The entire length of the intestine is a continuous, not yet fully healed wound, and rough food will certainly cause pain and will practically not be absorbed.

After enteritis, intestinal functionality takes quite a long time to recover. The dog can continue occasionally vilify, pain may occur. It's important to get it right. For intestinal restoration necessary special drugs, which have a positive effect on microflora.

Experienced dog breeders advise giving dogs the following food in the first days of illness:

  • Chicken or beef broth, and it’s better if it is cooked a second time.
  • Overcooked rice porridge on the water.
  • After a day or two, you can try giving finely chopped lean meat, then kefir and fresh cottage cheese.

All food should be warm and fresh at each feeding. You need to increase the number of servings gradually. After about two weeks, you can carefully return to your usual diet.

Consequences and complications

Even a mild course of enteritis and the entire complex of measures carried out in a timely manner is not a guarantee that the disease will end without complications.

To the most frequent consequences Infectious enteritis in dogs can include:

  • Lameness, it can either disappear after a few months or remain for the rest of your life.
  • Puppies that have recovered from the disease are far behind their litter in development.
  • After two to three weeks, new growths – polyps – are found in dogs’ mouths. They must be removed surgically.
  • Bitches can remain infertile for several months or for life.
  • Puppies who have had enteritis before the age of 9 weeks are often left with heart disease - myocarditis. And even adult dogs can develop heart failure.

With a mild form and complete treatment of enteritis, all complications disappear within a year.


The only way to prevent your pet from becoming infected with the virus is by vaccination. If there are small puppies in the house, then you need to protect them from the street until the vaccine is given.

It is necessary to wash the floors in the room more often; after going outside, the owners should take off their shoes and wash their hands. It is also not recommended to let the mother of the puppies near them without first treating the paws and fur.


The first vaccination is given to puppies at the age of 4-6 months. Adult dogs should be vaccinated annually. Among the vaccines, Nobivak, Parvovac, Multikan, Biovac are popular.

Enteritis in dogs is a relatively new disease, but it has already gained “notoriety.” Back at the end of the 20th century, when the first cases of enteritis in dogs were recorded, most pets died because they had no immunity. And today more pets die from this disease than from. What kind of disease is this and is it possible to protect your beloved pet from it?

Enteritis is contagious disease, in which inflammation of organs develops gastrointestinal tract and is amazed middle layer cardiac muscle - myocardium.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in individuals aged from two months to a year. According to statistics, 12% of sick pets die from this disease; among puppies this figure increases to 30%. If the bitch that gave birth is not vaccinated, then only 20% of puppies have a chance of surviving enteritis. In case of infection, gender, belonging to a particular breed and other indicators do not matter.

IN modern medicine developed. A timely vaccinated animal rarely gets sick, but infection is still possible. In addition, a vaccinated dog tolerates the disease much easier and, in most cases, other than maintenance therapy, no other treatment will be required.

Infection occurs from infected animals, as well as their excrement, saliva and urine, in which pathogenic bacteria can last up to one and a half weeks. The virus is chemical resistant high temperatures(up to 60°C) and acidic environments. At room temperature it may not die for up to six months.

Types of enteritis in dogs

There are two types of disease – parvovirus and coronavirus.

The first type of virus, once in the body, affects parts of the intestines or heart tissue, but damage to both is often observed. The virus begins to multiply intensively in intestinal cells, which leads to their destruction. Getting into the blood supply system, it negatively affects the walls of blood vessels, changing their structure. The composition of the blood also undergoes significant changes, and much more before manifestation primary signs diseases.

Mucous membranes of organs digestive tract turn red and then erode. All these effects are irreversible and cause severe intoxication of the animal’s body and its exhaustion.

Parvovirus develops quickly in a growing body, since cell division has a positive effect on its growth. This is why the risk of death from parvovirus is high in puppies.

Coronavirus, unlike parvovirus enteritis, does not affect crypt cells, so its symptoms are milder and much less likely to end in the death of the animal. But even in this case, everything depends on timely medical care.

Coronavirus is only transmitted through feces, but the risk of infection is still high, since dogs can touch feces, as well as the place where they are located, and bring the virus into the house.

Symptomatic manifestations of enteritis

There are several forms of this disease– intestinal, cardiac and mixed enteritis. In each case, the development of the disease occurs rapidly.

There are a number of signs common to all forms:

  • vomit in the form of white foam;
  • repeated, with an interval of 30-40 minutes;
  • in a dog;
  • the pet lies almost all the time, not paying attention to others;
  • A slight improvement in the condition occurs only during a walk.

One more important symptom enteritis in dogs is. The dog cannot restrain the urge to defecate, the stool becomes watery, and the urge is frequent. Comes from feces putrid smell. In this case, feces can have any color - from yellowish to red. The redness of feces is not associated with blood getting into them; they acquire a similar color from homolyzed red blood cells that have penetrated into the feces from damaged vascular walls. And this is a sign that it will not be possible to save the animal.

Intestinal enteritis can occur in dogs of any age. Once in the body, the virus behaves aggressively, destroys the intestinal mucous membranes, which leads to tissue necrosis and secondary infection.

The intestinal form of the disease is accompanied by weakness and lethargy of the pet, while it does not increase or a slight increase is observed.

In some cases, the dog does not indicate the presence of the disease, eats well and is active, but if you stroke it on the sides, it will tuck its tail between hind legs and arch your back, which signals pain.

Also when intestinal enteritis Due to severe painful symptoms, the pet may become restless and find it difficult to lie in one position.

If a puppy born from an unvaccinated bitch is infected, then, in most cases, the disease develops instantly and the animal dies within one to three days.

With cardiac enteritis, the animal becomes lethargic and drowsy. The dog may not experience severe pain, but often there is rumbling in the stomach. As the disease progresses, symptoms of heart failure appear:

  • inconspicuous breathing, or, conversely, loud, heavy breathing;
  • mucous membranes acquire a pale or bluish tint;
  • the pulse is barely palpable;
  • The pet's limbs become cold.

At this disease most cases end in death due to acute heart failure.

The question arises: “How to treat enteritis in a dog?” Enteritis is dangerous and insidious disease, so any delay is certain death for your beloved pet. The sooner the owner applies for medical care and it will begin complex therapy, the higher the dog’s chance of recovery.

One of important rules is that if a dog shows signs of enteritis, you should under no circumstances feed it. Fasting in in this case is a huge help in the fight of the affected organism against the disease, since the absorption of food requires certain strength and significant energy costs. But you need to give your dog as much water as possible. Perfect for this boiled water, cooled to room temperature.

As for medical therapy, it consists of a whole range of measures:

  • reception antimicrobials sulfonamides;
  • use of drugs to prevent heart failure;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • novocaine blockade;
  • administration of drip medications to prevent dehydration.

As soon as the pet’s condition has stabilized, you can begin to give a small amount of food, these can be the following foods:

  • rice porridge cooked exclusively in water;
  • pasta;
  • boiled lean fish, cleaned of bones;
  • meat and fish broths;
  • dairy products – cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream 10%, Varenets, fermented baked milk.

You can add chopped boiled eggs to your food.

Fatty sour cream is prohibited during illness, raw meat, fish. Whole milk should not be given as a drink. All these products can provoke recurrent viral processes in the body.

IN complex treatment Enteritis in dogs also includes the use of cleansing enemas and gastric lavages. Pet owners should know that at the first, even the most insignificant, signs of this disease, it is necessary to give the animal an enema. Even if fears turn out to be in vain, in the case of enteritis it is better to be safe. A solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is suitable as an enema solution. The amount of liquid is calculated based on the weight of the dog.

The algorithm for this procedure is as follows:

  • For a large pet, use a regular syringe; for a small pet, you can use a large syringe without a needle.
  • The end of the instrument is lubricated with Vaseline or rich baby cream.
  • Inject initially 100 ml, then repeat the administration.
  • The animal will pass feces. It is necessary to administer the solution until the feces are replaced by water.

This procedure will help cleanse the body of toxins and prevent them from being absorbed into the blood.

Often enteritis passes without diarrhea and is often detected on early stages very difficult. You need to monitor your pet's condition more closely. If the puppy becomes lethargic, shows excessive anxiety, does not touch food and lies for a long time (this behavior is unusual for a young individual), it is worth seeking advice from a specialist. And if vomiting with white foam is added to everything, then this sure sign enteritis. And if the pet is dear to the owners, you should not expect the worst, but should immediately take it to a veterinary clinic for treatment.

Parvovirus enteritis(Parvovirus enteritis) - highly contagious viral disease dogs, characterized mainly by acute hemorrhagic enteritis, dehydration, leukopenia and myocarditis. The disease is caused by a DNA virus of the Parvoviridae family. Animals of cultivated and ornamental breeds are most susceptible. From patients to healthy disease transmitted by contact.

The source of infection can be sick dogs, virus-carrying dogs, rodents, insects, as well as humans. Enteritis in dogs natural conditions appears mainly through food and water, as well as through contact - when sniffing and licking directly sick animals or objects infected by them external environment. In addition, the virus can be transmitted through care items and bedding. For the occurrence canine parvovirus enteritis great importance has predisposing factors: poor care, maintenance and feeding, stressful situations- change of owner, operation, helminthic infestation, tendency to gastrointestinal disorders.

Dogs of any age are susceptible to the disease, but puppies between 2 and 16 weeks of age are most susceptible to the disease.

The incubation period for parvovirus enteritis is usually from 4 to 10 days. Isolation of the virus in feces begins after 3-5 days when infected through food and water and lasts approximately 12 days, rarely – 25 days. Other discharge may also be contagious.

Parvovirus enteritis in dogs is accompanied by debilitating, profuse and severe dehydration. Intensive proliferation of bacteria in the blood-enriched intestinal contents leads to intoxication of the body. Because of frequent vomiting V acute period illness, the animal is unable to eat and quickly loses weight.

With a decrease in immunity, a viral infection is complicated by secondary bacterial diseases and helminthic infestations of the gastrointestinal tract.

The death of puppies with parvovirus enteritis usually occurs as a result of the irreversible loss of osmoregulation from the damaged intestinal mucosa, a complication of the disease by bacterial sepsis.

The mortality rate varies between 1 and 10%, in a period of 6 weeks to 6 months, predominantly old dogs die.

In case of irreversible disturbances of homeostasis, animals die 2-4 days after the onset of the disease. With a longer course of the disease (subacute form) and proper treatment the likelihood of recovery increases. In the hyperacute form of the disease, mortality among puppies in group housing can reach 80-95%, in individual (room) housing - 50-60%, and in the acute form, 30-50% and 20-30%, respectively.

Depending on the severity of clinical signs, three main forms of the disease are conventionally divided: cardiac, intestinal and mixed.

Heart shape(myocarditis) is characterized primarily acute lesion myocardium (viral myocarditis) and is usually observed in puppies aged 2 to 8 weeks

Intestinal form(intestinal) - the most typical form of parvovirus enteritis. It usually occurs in acute, sometimes in subacute forms. The main signs of the disease are, repeated many times over several days, complete failure from food and water.

Mixed (combined) form the disease is characterized various lesions cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems of the body. Observed in animals with weakened immune system, in puppies obtained from unvaccinated bitches, as well as in the presence associated infections(adeno-, corona-, rotavirus, etc.). Clinical signs diseases are very diverse.

In the acute course of the infection, enteritis in dogs can lead to death within 1-6 days after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. Mortality is very high - without treatment, 40-60% of sick puppies die. But even intensive therapy does not guarantee recovery. When conducting effective treatment recovery occurs within 1-1.5 weeks, which is largely determined by the dynamics of the development of the sick animal's immunity.

A preliminary diagnosis of parvovirus enteritis in dogs is made on the basis of clinical findings or, in case of death, postmortem examinations, and a final diagnosis is made based on the results laboratory methods diagnostics aimed at detecting the pathogen, its DNA or its antigens.

Adult dogs that have recovered from the disease generally develop long-term immunity. However, in puppies under the age of 3 months who have recovered from the disease, immunodeficiency states may occur due to insufficient immunological maturity of the body. In this regard, it is necessary annual animal vaccination.

Before vaccination is carried out mandatory deworming. Since helminthic infestation reduces the animal’s immune status, which creates the risk of a phenomenon called “vaccine breakthrough,” when a dog may get sick after vaccination. The most popular anthelmintic drugs include: Cestal, SEVA Sante Animal; Drontal and Drontal Junior, Bayer and others.

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