Getting rid of lice using tea tree oil. The use of burdock, anise, castor and other oils for lice and nits: effectiveness and methods of application

Essential oils are widely used and will rid your children’s heads of lice in just a couple of days.

The only drawback is the presence of allergic reactions in people prone to them. Therefore, before using the oil, you need to apply it to your wrist for 30 minutes. If no adverse reactions did not happen, then the oil can be freely used.

Lavender oil

This ether is rich in various useful substances, which have a positive effect on the human body. Therefore, it is good to use to eliminate lice.

To prepare a lavender-based mixture, use:

  • 50 ml alcohol;
  • 50 ml distilled water;
  • 30 drops lavender oil.

Mix all the ingredients, moisten a cotton swab in it and apply along the entire length of the hair, not forgetting the skin. Then wrap your head in plastic and a towel and wait 20 minutes. After time has passed, wash off with shampoo. The final stage is combing the lice out of the hair, preferably with a metal comb.

Despite all my beneficial features, the oil has a number of disadvantages:

  • 50 ml distilled water;
  • 30 drops of tea tree oil;
  • 50 ml alcohol.

Mix all the ingredients, let it brew for a while and apply to your hair overnight. In the morning, wash your hair and comb out lice.

It is advisable to do such procedures for a week.

The second method, for which you will need:

  • 10 drops of oil;
  • 15 ml shampoo.

Mix the products and lather your hair well, wait a few minutes and rinse with water. Then comb out the lice with a comb.

Before full recovery it is necessary to do 3-4 such procedures.

The third method includes:

  • 50 ml mineral water;
  • 4 drops of clove oil;
  • 20 drops of tea tree oil.

Mix all the ingredients and rub into the scalp until the desired result occurs. After each application of ether, wash your hair and comb it well.

Anise oil in the fight against lice

It can be applied without dilution with other oils. Anise does not have allergic properties. It is able to prevent the growth and development of nits, and also heal wounds from bites.

The aroma of anise oil repels lice, thereby preventing their appearance. Therefore, this ether is an excellent prophylactic agent.

To get rid of lice, you will need several procedures, which consist of applying oil to your hair for 2 hours. Then it must be washed off with plenty of water.

Burdock oil against lice

Olive oil

To do this you need:

  • 5 drops of lavender oil;
  • 50 ml olive oil.

Heat the olive ether and add lavender to it. Then massage movements apply a mask, insulate with polyethylene and a towel and leave for 2-3 hours. After the allotted time, rinse with dishwashing detergent (it will perfectly remove fat from the head), and then wash your hair with shampoo and comb out the lice.

Pediculosis is rightfully considered one of the most unpleasant diseases, which do not have the best effect on the quality indicators of a person’s life, causing not only physical, but also aesthetic discomfort.

When determining the optimal treatment, it is important to be guided by criteria such as effectiveness and safety for the patient. The listed requirements are met by various essential oils, which are recognized as one of the effective natural remedies against lice.

Beneficial features various oils in the fight against pediculosis were known to mankind long before the advent of modern pharmaceutical drugs containing chemicals. Today, their popularity is not decreasing, because it is due to absolute safety, which cannot be guaranteed when treating head lice with traditional methods.

Concerning negative aspects the use of essential oils in the treatment of head lice, then we are talking about in this case goes about hypersensitivity, as well as individual intolerance to the constituent components of the oily substance used.

Essential compositions can cause severe allergic reactions, therefore, immediately before treating the head, it is recommended to conduct a test to exclude an allergy to the composition.

Most high efficiency in the treatment of head lice is attributed to essential oils, which are represented by:

  • burdock;
  • tea tree;
  • anise;
  • castor;
  • lavender.

Burr oil It has been actively used for several millennia in the fight against many hair problems, including lice. The undeniable advantages of using burdock oil are its availability, low cost, and high efficiency.

Characterized by lower efficiency anise maslo , which is recommended for use as an additional component to eucalyptus, lavender and bergamot analogues.

Usage castor oils in the treatment of pediculosis will also have an additional effect, which consists in strengthening fragile hair, preventing severe loss and nutrition of the scalp.

It is recommended to use only in combination with more effective components lavender oil , which has a pronounced healing and antimicrobial effect.

Lavender oil is also great for preventive purposes, so it can be added in small quantities to shampoos and other hair care products. Any of these essential oils will be more effective if you use a complex of several ingredients.

Before using any of the above ethereal compositions Be sure to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. We are talking about:

  • individual intolerance and allergies;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • treatment of children under 3 years of age.

If you ignore these warnings, as well as the penetration of the oil used into the stomach, you risk encountering unpleasant side effects represented by digestive tract upset, diarrhea, vomiting and painful sensations in the abdominal area.

Often, the consequences of using essential oils are various allergic reactions. In this case we are talking about peeling of the scalp, rashes and severe itching or burning.

The use of essential oils in the treatment of head lice is attractive due to the simplicity of the procedure. So, step-by-step instruction for using the most popular burdock oil includes the following steps:

As already noted, sunflower oil It is recommended to use only in close tandem with other oils and more effective components. Otherwise, you risk facing a lack of any positive results procedures. You can prepare an oil mixture from existing essential oils by adding sunflower oil in small quantities.

Anise mixture is used much less frequently in the fight against pediculosis due to its lack of effectiveness and high cost. Use anise oil follows the same as burdock, preheating and distributing on skin head and hair. After keeping the composition under polyethylene for two hours, the hair should be rinsed under running water.

As an independent medicinal substance can also be used Castor oil, heating it in a water bath and generously distributing it on the head. As in previous recipes, the hair is thoroughly washed after 2-3 hours.

As for lavender oil, it should be used as additional ingredient to more effective components medicinal mixture. Oil composition in this case it is used according to the already familiar scheme.

If you are aiming for quick results, it is recommended to choose recipes based on the use of several essential oils at the same time. In this case, you can use the following step-by-step instructions:

An acidic environment is also recommended as an additional ingredient to help separate lice larvae from the hair and make them easier to comb out.

The effectiveness of essential oils is several times lower than modern pharmaceutical preparations, so they will need to be used repeatedly. So, treatment of the head and hair burdock oil It is recommended to perform daily for 3-4 days. If this oil is used in for preventive purposes, 1-2 treatments per month will be enough.

Due to the low effectiveness of natural formulations, treatment of head lice with selected essential oils may take several weeks. Therefore, modern experts recommend using such compositions only as a supplement to traditional methods treatment.

It is also important to consider that without the procedure of combing out lice and nits with a special comb, the use of any oil will not give positive results. Therefore, you should not ignore regular brushing, which is recognized as the key to success in the fight against head lice.

Essential oils for head lice. Treatment of head lice with aromas. Removing lice with essential oil. Essential oils for insects. How Aromatherapy will get rid of lice. How to cure head lice with essential oil.

Lice? I have-me?

They can appear regardless of whether you wash your hair often or not at all. This insect loves clean hair and happily settles in it. People with long hair are especially affected.

Essential oil for lice: anise, bergamot, birch tar (especially!), vetiver, geranium, oregano, lavender, lemon, lemon balm, rosemary, citronella, tea tree, eucalyptus

Essential oil to prevent infection:lavender, geranium, bergamot, eucalyptus, tea tree.

The remedy for “tenants” only eliminates insects, but the larvae that they managed to lay aside are difficult to kill. They have to be selected and combed out by hand. Larvae (nits) tenaciously sit on the hair and vegetable oil is an excellent remedy for eliminating the larvae.

Fatty oil for lice: safflower, mustard, rapeseed, corn, any available vegetable (edible) oil.

Recommendations and recipes.

Treatment of the head with an aromatic mixture: Apply the mixture to the scalp and distribute over the entire length. Cover with a plastic bag or hair cap. Secure with a headscarf. Keep for 2-3 hours. Before washing your hair, comb your hair with a fine-tooth comb. Combing must be very thorough. Then rinse under running water with regular shampoo, and then rinse with tea tree or eucalyptus oil. For 1 liter of water – 5 drops essential oil.

Before using essential oils, be sure to do a personal tolerance test for the essential oil. This especially applies to young children.

For preschool children:

  • Lavender - 3 drops
  • Lemon – 3 drops
  • Rosemary – 3 drops
  • Tea tree – 3 drops
  • Tea tree – 4 drops
  • Geranium – 3 drops
  • Rosemary – 4 drops
  • Fatty oil – 30 ml
  • Lemon balm – 3 drops
  • Tea tree – 3 drops
  • Fatty oil – 15 ml
  • Thyme or thyme – 2 drops
  • Tea tree – 3 drops
  • Lemon balm – 2 drops
  • Fatty oil – 15 ml

Children over 10 years old:

  • For 30 ml base fatty oil
  • Tea tree – 5 drops
  • Thyme – 3 drops
  • Rosemary – 3 drops

For adults:

  • For 30 ml of base fatty oil
  • Geranium – 5 drops
  • Rosemary - 3 drops
  • Tea tree – 4 drops
  • Anise – 3 drops

Keep for 1 hour 30 minutes

  • Tea tree – 4 drops
  • Citronella – 4 drops
  • Thyme or thyme – 4 drops
  • Fatty oil – 30 ml
  • Rosemary – 3 drops
  • Vetiver – 3 drops
  • Oregano – 2 drops
  • Fatty oil – 20 ml

You can take mono oil. For example, only Oregano or only Birch tar or just Anise. These are very effective oils for head lice. For 15 ml of fatty oil you will need 7-8 drops of essential oil.

Anti-lice spray: Place the mixture in a spray bottle. Shake the mixture thoroughly before use. Apply spray to hair, lifting curls of hair. Then, put on a shower cap and leave for 1-2 hours. Wash off warm water. Repeat the procedure several times. Be sure to comb with vegetable oil to remove insects and larvae.

  • 50 ml – melted boiled water
  • 30 ml - 96% alcohol
  • 2 teaspoons mustard or safflower oil (any fatty oil)

During the procedure, the skin may slightly pinch.

This procedure should be repeated every two days so that newly hatched insects do not have time to lay new larvae (nits). Be patient. Eliminating “uninvited guests” sometimes takes about two weeks.

Be sure to sanitize your clothes and bedding. It is important to carefully iron those items that can be ironed or treated with hot steam. Those things that cannot be washed can be wiped with a solution of alcohol with lavender or eucalyptus. For prevention, you should check all household members and warn everyone who visits your home about the threat of infection. There is nothing to be ashamed of, anyone can be “lucky”.

Tea tree oil - natural remedy against lice

Effect of the drug

Tea tree is unique source healing properties. It has been widely used since the discovery of America. According to legend, the first use of tea tree was based on brewing the petals. This drink was considered a drink of health and longevity. With the development of civilization, people found other uses for the myrtle tree. They learned to extract oil from it by cold pressing. Tea tree has a pronounced antiseptic effect, which helps in the fight against lice and nits, as well as against various viruses and bacteria. Today, such a remedy is available in almost every person’s medicine cabinet.

Grove of tea trees

Pros and cons

Tea tree oil is toxic. If it enters the stomach of a person or animal, it can cause poisoning. But on the other hand, such a remedy is widely used not only to combat lice and nits, but also in cosmetology. It works effectively on skin irritations(inflammation, acne), for viral and fungal infections, for various inflammations.

The toxic effect of essential oil is possible only if it enters the body, therefore, simply applying it to the scalp, lice and nits do not die. They feed on blood and are unable to take a dose of the toxin. And a negligible concentration gets through the chitinous cover toxic substance, which is not capable of poisoning an insect.

Lice will not bite on areas coated with tea tree oil.

Anti-lice oil

Tea tree oil is not only effective in the fight against head lice, but also has many contraindications:

  • If the product gets into the mouth, stomach upset, vomiting, headache, and hallucinations may occur.
  • Oil is strong allergen. In case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, a rash, itching, and redness may appear on the skin. Particular care should be taken when using the oil in young children.

The main advantage of tea tree oil in the fight against lice is natural composition free of artificial toxins and substances. Majority pharmaceuticals contain chemical additives, the use of which may adversely affect human health.

Ether substrates have been used for many years to combat head lice. They are relatively harmless to humans, but are toxic to lice and nits, since these are more primitive biological forms. Tea tree oil stands out among these solutions in a special way.

On early stages diseases and as a preventative measure, the product may be the only one necessary drug. In other, more advanced situations, medical intervention will be required.

You can buy it at any pharmacy. Sometimes the aromatic substance is sold in oriental spice and sweet shops, and in cosmetic departments of stores.

When information appears that at school, camp, kindergarten or at playground children with lice were noticed, it is worth doing preventive treatment of linen, clothing and some areas of the head of family members who came into contact with them.

Does it help against lice and nits?

Beneficial features

Liquid with tea tree juice extract is best used to prevent head lice in family members who live in the same apartment with an infected person. It is capable of preventing the development of the disease or destroying individual insects.

After troubleshooting using medical intervention This solution is also suitable to prevent relapses of the disease. Sometimes doctors recommend such a substance as a complementary option to insecticides. It is rich in vitamins, antibacterial and antimicrobial components, and can eliminate the consequences of lice: itching, redness of the skin, and inflammation.

At mild flow disease or in an attempt to prevent it, shampoos with the addition of oil to them will do. Can also be wiped cotton swabs, soaked in this substance, some parts of the head:

  • Whiskey.
  • Top of the head.
  • BTE zones.
  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Infants.
  3. People with allergies to the components of the substance.

It should be used with caution for children under 6 years of age, for asthmatics and people prone to frequent colds.

If oil gets into digestive tract Possible nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Treatment of these symptoms is carried out as in the case of other causes that caused them. However, it is advisable to use the substance for children under the supervision of adults.


Oil with tea tree extract can be used to kill lice and prevent their reproduction, to eliminate nits.

After eliminating the disease and treating things, it is recommended to comb your hair from time to time for several weeks with a comb dipped in alcohol solution tea tree oil. It is permissible to use the same recipe that is suitable for removing nits.

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