How to avoid prenatal depression during pregnancy. How to Deal with Prenatal Depression

Prenatal depression in women often occurs against the background of fear of childbirth. They are not only scared strong pain, about which they have heard a lot, but also the process itself. Fears are caused by upcoming trials and lack of self-confidence. Pregnant women are afraid of complications during childbirth and their inexperience. Prenatal fears also occur in women who have already given birth several times. A depressed state occurs in pregnant women due to changes hormonal levels before childbirth. Nervousness is aggravated by insomnia and general malaise. By the end of pregnancy, a woman is physically and emotionally exhausted.

How to recognize prenatal depression

Depression before childbirth often develops unnoticed by others and the pregnant woman herself. The expectant mother may mistake symptoms of depression for fatigue or Bad mood.

A pregnant woman does not rejoice in her feelings as before, and is not interested in baby things. She becomes distracted and irritable.

A woman often has tears for no reason. What she used to cope with easily, now she can’t do it. The pregnant woman feels devastated and overwhelmed, everything is falling out of her hands. She doesn’t want to get out of bed in the morning and go to bed in the evening. The expectant mother loses interest in her husband.

A pregnant woman may develop an insatiable appetite or completely lose interest in delicious food. As a result, a woman may suddenly lose weight or gain excess weight. Is her self-esteem falling, does she think she's ugly? tormented by disturbing thoughts and bad premonitions arise. She may say that she sees no point in living or that she will not survive childbirth.

Sometimes depression manifests itself sharply during maternity leave, when a girl has more free time. Left alone at home, she is completely immersed in her dark thoughts.

In the vast majority of cases, prenatal depression occurs against the background of discord in family relationships. Increases the likelihood of developing pathological condition great physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Prenatal depression can last until delivery. It is dangerous to the health of the expectant mother and her child. High levels of the stress hormone cortisol can trigger preterm labor. It is very important for relatives to notice changes in a woman’s behavior in time and take action.

How to save a woman from prenatal depression

Mild depression can be managed on your own without the use of medications.

To improve the condition of the expectant mother, her family needs to surround her with care and attention. It is necessary to relieve the woman of her workload and give her the opportunity to rest more, avoiding conflict situations in every possible way.

The girl should visit more often fresh air and perform regularly physical exercise for pregnant. It is recommended to swim in natural bodies of water or in a pool. Swimming has a calming effect on the nervous system. If depression occurs while on maternity leave, there may be a lack of communication and pleasant experiences. It is advisable to visit more often various events and communicate more with friends.

Depression before childbirth often flares up with renewed vigor after the birth of the child. How to cope with postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression

Childbirth is accompanied by emotional and physical stress, as well as sudden changes in a woman’s hormonal levels. High voltage and a hormonal surge can become an overwhelming challenge for nervous system women in labor. The depressed state of a tired woman can push her away from the baby. There are often cases when, under the influence of gloomy thoughts, a young mother refuses to feed her child and does not want to see him.

Sometimes depressive state develops gradually after childbirth, against the background sleepless nights and the exhausting hassle of caring for a newborn and older children.

The girl withdraws into herself and avoids communication, while feeling lonely. She constantly wants to sleep, but she cannot fall asleep and stay asleep, and often the reason for this is obsessive thoughts that she is a bad mother and housewife. A lot of things irritate her. Due to lack of appetite, a young mother may begin to rapidly lose weight, and attacks of panic and anxiety may occur. Apotheosis in the background nervous exhaustion and malnutrition may lead to loss of milk. This increases her feelings of guilt towards the baby and dissatisfaction with herself. She often experiences rapid heartbeat and excruciating headaches.

The young woman's condition is sometimes passed on to her husband. Postpartum depression in men manifests itself with the same symptoms. The young father begins to avoid communication with the child, tries to spend less time at home and withdraws into himself. He loses interest in life and feels exhausted. He may lose his appetite and have trouble sleeping.

How long does it last postpartum depression? The depressive state often goes away on its own within six months after the birth of the child, when relative hormonal balance is established. In some cases, a woman feels depressed for months. Her condition may gradually develop into psychosis.

When there is a suspicion that a woman in labor is developing postpartum depression, treatment should be started immediately. How to deal with postpartum depression? How to help and not harm?

Treatment of depression after childbirth

If postpartum depression sets in, what should you do? The mother in labor must be provided good sleep and nutrition. A balanced diet will normalize the level of the “happiness hormone” serotonin.

How to get out of postpartum depression? Moderate amounts will help restore peace of mind physical exercise and walks in the fresh air.

How to get rid of postpartum depression faster? A woman needs to be more distracted from household chores. Recommended to visit interesting events, go out into nature and meet with friends. A young mother needs to be distracted from sad thoughts. To awaken her maternal feelings, you need to play with the baby in front of her eyes. The baby's smile will not leave her indifferent.

Prenatal depression in pregnant women is quite common. According to experts, every tenth woman in labor was susceptible to the disorder to one degree or another.

Causes and symptoms

Prenatal depression can accompany pregnancy, darkening the physical and emotional state of the expectant mother. There are many reasons for its development, although they are conventionally divided into 2 groups: physical and psychological.

Physical disorders include disorders and changes in the health status of pregnant women:

  • toxicosis;
  • the appearance of swelling, stretch marks (striae), varicose veins veins;
  • excessive weight gain;
  • changes in the condition of the skin, hair, teeth, nails;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • sleep problems.

Problems in the family, at work, a previous unsuccessful pregnancy - these are just a few that can throw you off balance and more emotionally. sustainable person. If we add to this the fear of responsibility, which often arises in women almost on the eve of childbirth, concern appearance, weight changes and the transformation that occurs in the body, the picture is not the most joyful. The symptoms that characterize depression before childbirth, in this case, are as follows:

  • absent-minded attention, memory impairment;
  • a constant feeling of anxiety, pointless or about the upcoming birth and motherhood;
  • a depressing feeling of loneliness, apathy, fear, guilt, sadness, emotional emptiness;
  • excessive irritability;
  • loss of interest in previously favorite activities and hobbies;
  • insomnia;
  • chronic fatigue, decreased performance;
  • and perhaps the most dangerous symptom- thoughts of death or suicide.

It is important to understand that everyone, especially expectant mothers, experiences irritability and bad mood from time to time, because this is directly related to changes in their hormonal status.

During pregnancy, the body intensively produces progesterone, it is one of those hormones that prepares the uterus for bearing a fetus and does not affect the mood in the best way.

Monitoring the health status of pregnant women allows us to identify physiological disorders that can cause feeling unwell. In the event that there are no special disturbances in the course of pregnancy, but some of the above symptoms are still present, you need to take this seriously.

Who is at risk?

There are several main factors in which the development of depression is most obvious.

The risk zone includes women whose family relationships are far from favorable. In 80% of cases, depression before childbirth is a consequence of a breakdown in relationships with a spouse. After all, love and support are what expectant mothers especially need.

A pregnant woman’s thoughts about her sex life can exacerbate feelings of uselessness and depression. Men, concerned about the well-being of the woman and the unborn baby, often distance themselves to some extent. Such coldness can be interpreted by a woman as alienation and cause anxiety.

Bad habits, which are very difficult to get rid of during pregnancy, can also make a significant “contribution” to the development of depression.

Women who are subject to frequent mood swings, and especially those who have experienced such disorders before, are also at risk.

How to cope?

No one wants to suddenly discover signs of a disorder, much less admit it. Prenatal depression is not just oppression emotional state. The course of pregnancy in associated with the disease conditions can have a negative impact on the baby’s health, for example, lead to premature birth or underweight in a newborn. Having recognized at least the only one of possible signs, you should not isolate yourself.

The first step is to talk about your condition with your loved ones. This will help eliminate the illusion of loneliness and uselessness that pregnant women often experience, as well as receive the necessary support and get rid of far-fetched fears.

Prenatal depression light form It is easy to treat, you don’t even need to resort to the help of a specialist, all you need to do is follow a few basic recommendations:

  1. Refusal bad habits to avoid complications and the risk of developing pathological diseases at the baby's. Of course, giving up habits can be difficult. But on the other hand, there is hardly a better reason to do this.
  2. Competent diet planning. This is necessary and, perhaps, the most important point. Refusal harmful products and choice in favor proper nutrition useful for both the baby and the expectant mother. In addition, this at least eliminates one of the problems - sudden weight gain, which often causes depressive thoughts in pregnant women.
  3. Spend as much free time as possible with your spouse, family and friends, without allowing yourself to become isolated.
  4. Diversify your leisure time. Trips to nature, walks, and shopping will help make everyday life brighter, and will also allow you to be in constant motion and gain new experiences.
  5. In the absence of contraindications, do not forget about mild physical activity. A competent consultation with a doctor will help you decide on the choice of load.

But what to do if depression gets worse every day, and recommendations don’t help? One piece of advice is to seek help from a qualified specialist. Treatment of depression by a psychotherapist can be carried out with medication or using various psychotherapeutic methods.

At a certain period, any pregnant woman becomes whiny, irritable, and sad. Most often this is determined hormonal changes in her body, and not prenatal depression, but in some cases it is worth suspecting something was wrong.

The presence of prenatal depression in a woman may indicate following symptoms:

  • feeling of own uselessness,

  • guilt,

  • severe anxiety about the birth process,

  • excessive irritability,

  • constant fatigue

  • fear of becoming a bad mother for the baby,

  • difficulties in making decisions,

  • difficulty remembering,

  • inability to concentrate,

  • constant depressed mood

  • sleep disorders unrelated to expecting a baby,

  • weight gain or loss not due to pregnancy,

  • loss of interest in sex.

Some of these symptoms can accompany even a very positive expectant mother, but a complex of such manifestations most often indicates serious problems when to contact a specialist - a psychologist or psychotherapist.

What is it caused by?

There are no clear reasons why some women experience antenatal depression, but there are certain risk factors that increase the likelihood of it occurring:

  • problems in family relationships(any difficulties in relationships with a partner can cause fear of loneliness and depression),

  • predisposition to depressive conditions (depression in the past or the presence of a problem in one of your relatives),

  • negative memories associated with pregnancy (loss of a child or difficulties in childbirth),

  • pregnancy pathologies (if expecting a baby is complicated medical problems, may occur severe stress about his “defectiveness”),

  • lack of support from loved ones (when serious changes are coming, the support of others is necessary).

Any painful experience can lead to the development of prenatal depression., but it is important to track exactly what thought or situation is interfering with the baby’s normal expectations.

Why is it dangerous?

There is no objective data on how depression can affect the course of pregnancy and the future development of the child, since very few cases of referrals to specialists with such problems are recorded. However, there is an opinion that a child from a depressed mother may have some deviations in mental development, predisposition to illness, as well as becoming repressed and emotionally closed in the future. Whether this is true or not, it is better not to find out from your own experience.

There is evidence that almost all women who experienced depressive moods during pregnancy, such conditions do not go away after childbirth. Many patients who seek treatment after the birth of a baby psychological help, noted that the first symptoms appeared during pregnancy, i.e. more famous postpartum depression is in some way a continuation of prenatal depression.

How to cope?

To begin to solve a problem, you need to recognize and accept it. Next step You will need to contact a specialist or your doctor. It's better to talk about what's bothering you and try to understand why. Only in the most extreme cases A doctor prescribes antidepressants to a pregnant woman. There are drugs that are quite harmless to the child, but no one will risk the health of expectant mothers and babies again.

For mild depression, you should visit a psychotherapy group or work with a psychologist individually. Sometimes working through past negative experiences helps to completely get rid of problems, in other cases art therapy techniques are used, for still others meditative or trance techniques will be appropriate. As the work progresses, it will become clear whether this or that method is effective or not.

You can even do it yourself help yourself get out of prenatal depression:

You should always try to make sure that a woman’s main thought during pregnancy is awareness of the imminent birth of a beautiful baby. The joy of the fact that soon one of the most important and beloved people in the world will finally fall asleep next to you should drive away prenatal depression and restore the joy of life.

Very often, pregnant women are in a condition called prenatal depression. Let's try to figure out what it is and how to deal with it? Most often, prenatal depression appears in the last weeks of pregnancy. Well, this is understandable, a woman is tensely awaiting the upcoming birth, the load on the spine increases, it is difficult to find a comfortable position while sleeping, fatigue increases and she no longer wants anything other than to quickly get rid of a huge belly in order to feel better. normal person. And your loved ones and acquaintances also add fuel to the fire with questions about who you are expecting, when to give birth, etc. This is how apathy, bad mood and irritability arise, and pregnant women for some reason splash out all the negative emotions on their husbands, because they suddenly began to irritate them. And as a result, family quarrels arise, which only worsen the situation. How to deal with this? Is depression dangerous? Prenatal depression is not particularly dangerous for pregnant women. But it can have a negative impact on the baby, becoming established as his usual condition at an older age. As you know, scientists have not invented a pill that could help cure depression. It’s a shame, but don’t despair, there are many ways to eliminate your depression. Treatment options prenatal depression First of all, people close to you. They need to surround you with care and warmth of communication. Relax, don’t think about problems, about the upcoming birth, distract yourself from other topics. Shopping helps a lot. There is nothing more enjoyable than shopping. Buy the necessary things for yourself and your unborn child. Do this together with your husband, but if you don’t want to go with your husband (the husband can’t), invite your friends, remember how carefree and happy you were before pregnancy. It’s very good if you have a hobby; nothing distracts you better than an exciting activity. If there are no contraindications from a doctor, water aerobics for pregnant women can be an excellent remedy treating your depression. Firstly, it keeps you in great shape, secondly, it brings a lot of joy and pleasure, and thirdly, it prepares you for the upcoming birth. Massage during pregnancy will help you relax, calm your nerves, relieve back and leg pain, and also improve your well-being and simply lift your spirits. Just like a regular massage, it helps to relax tense muscles; prenatal massage makes you forget about fatigue and depression, and also prepares the body for childbirth. Concentrate your attention on yourself, beloved, you are now main character novel. Spend time with your baby, talk to him - he hears you, and in general, try to live your pregnancy brightly and cheerfully. Believe me, when your baby is born, when you hear and then see him, you will forget what depression is and will scold yourself for not trying to overcome it. Do not forget that your condition affects the child, but he is already loved by you, he is a part of you, the most dear and important person in your life.

In the last trimester of pregnancy, many women experience a deterioration in their emotional state. First of all, this is caused by the physical discomfort that the body experiences. The load on the spine increases, causing lower back pain. The kidneys work in a forced mode, for this reason swelling of the feet and face appears.

The pressure that the fetus puts on the pelvic organs leads to constipation, urinary incontinence and exacerbation of hemorrhoids. If additionally horse racing is added to this blood pressure, headaches, dizziness and gestosis - it becomes really difficult for a woman to remain calm and friendly attitude to life.

Pregnant women experience worse sleep before giving birth, general anxiety and an uncomfortable position on their back or side, which makes it difficult to restore strength and rest at night.

Almost all women by the end of pregnancy get tired of their situation and dream of giving birth as soon as possible. has not only physical, but also mental prerequisites.

Mental condition

Fears and apprehensions before such significant events as the birth of a child are completely justified. Even patients giving birth again say that they are not only expecting childbirth, but are also afraid of it. According to statistics, girls giving birth for the first time suffer from prenatal depression more often than mothers with many children.

To reduce your own fears, you should:

  • talk to those who have already had experience of successful childbirth;
  • ask all your concerns to your gynecologist;
  • read professional literature on psychology and obstetrics;
  • watch a video recording of childbirth, both normal and pathological, to look fear in the face and mentally prepare for the upcoming event.

Depressive disorder can negatively affect a woman's cognitive abilities, making it difficult to learn new information.

In order not to struggle with all the difficulties before childbirth alone, you should enlist the support of a professional psychologist. With the help of a specialist, it will be much easier to cope with the difficulties of this period of life.

Changes in the emotional sphere

The maternal instinct, which women rely so much on, may be delayed and not make itself felt for a long time. Before birth, a child may be perceived as an undesirable and even hostile factor that interferes and changes the entire habitual way of life.

What condition is typical in the last trimester of depressive syndrome?

  • chronic fatigue and apathy;
  • decreased ability to concentrate;
  • lack of motivation to perform household and personal affairs;
  • loss of interest in communicating with other people, isolation;
  • reduction or complete absence libido;
  • low self-esteem;
  • deterioration of relationships with a partner;
  • worsening conflicts with relatives.

A woman may not feel joy or desire to prepare for the baby's arrival. Of course, the mother’s depressed state negatively affects the formation of the child’s mental structure.

A common conflict for all pregnant women before childbirth is the desire to see themselves as a good mother, on the one hand, and the reluctance to do anything for this, on the other. You should discuss this dilemma with a psychologist so that together you can choose the best behavior strategy.

Feelings of guilt, duty and rebellion

Actions committed under the influence of strong emotions can cause harm to both mother and child. Before childbirth, anxiety increases, therefore, the need for control increases. Sense of duty and high level Anxiety towards the child pushes expectant mothers into conflicts with loved ones over the slightest reason.

There are two options for behavior with depressive disorder before childbirth:

  1. A mother who is indifferent to her child.
  2. A mother who devotes all her energy only to waiting for her child.

Usually they alternate, that is, the woman always criticizes herself for not acting in the interests of the child, and at the same time does not stop doing anything that indirectly or directly causes harm to him. For example, smoking and pangs of conscience about this. From time to time, women feel like hostages of their situation, which leads to resistance and rejection towards the child.

Therapeutic Alliance

Short-term psychotherapy can be used for support before and after childbirth. A trusting relationship with a professional helps normalize a woman’s well-being. Immediately before the baby is born, all acute problems must be resolved, so you should start early.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the physical signs of depression and normalize the patient’s sleep and appetite. Then go to mental state and help you adapt to new role, take on adequate care of the baby. If a woman can afford it, then full-fledged psychotherapy in the first year of a child’s life will be a real gift and support for her.

Motherhood is absolutely not what advertising promises. In reality, motherhood is a great and interesting adventure in which you can encounter not only joyful, but also painful states. For example, prenatal depression.

Favorable prognosis

Even short-term cooperation with a competent psychologist can alleviate a woman’s condition. IN severe cases depressive disorder can lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts to commit suicide, so you should definitely seek qualified help.

The woman herself may or may not have any motivation, so those close to her should show concern and help her discuss her problems with a psychologist. First of all, this concerns the future father of the child, on whom a lot depends. Pregnant women's anxiety can be reduced without using medicines However, the decision to prescribe medications remains with the attending physician.

To ensure a sense of security, the future father can take the following measures:

  • protect the woman from contacts with all unfriendly and conflict-ridden relatives and friends;
  • provide the opportunity to do any activities that bring her joy;
  • support decisions and show empathy;
  • treat depression with patience;
  • gently convince of the need for psychological help.

Before the baby is born, you need to choose a comfortable maternity hospital in advance, discuss the features of childbirth with the gynecologist and postpartum period. Some women insist on their husband's presence during childbirth, while others refuse such support. You should act according to the wishes of the pregnant woman.

Doctor medical sciences, professor, psychotherapist highest category T. A. Ayvazyan talks about the causes of depression during pregnancy and describes possible methods her treatment.

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