What is a photograph of the entire jaw called? Panoramic X-ray of teeth: indications, how they are done and how it differs from a regular X-ray

Teeth are normal Dental treatment Panoramic X-ray of teeth: indications, how they are done and how it differs from a regular X-ray?

To treat most dental diseases, when correcting the bite and before maxillofacial operations, the patient is sent for an orthopantomogram. Its other name is panoramic shot teeth, what is it, how is it done and how does it differ from a regular targeted photograph of the jaws?

A panoramic photograph of the teeth is also called an orthopantomogram - a photograph of both jaws, bone tissue and surrounding soft tissues, what is it, how does it differ from a regular image? A high-quality panoramic image gives the dentist full information about the condition of the patient’s dental system.

A panoramic photograph of the teeth allows the doctor to see full picture condition of the patient's bone tissue.

At visual inspection The dentist can assess the condition of only 50% of the tissues. Everything that is hidden can be seen on an orthopantomogram. Only a complete picture allows the doctor to diagnose correct diagnosis. In the process of studying and analyzing a panoramic image, the following are determined: indicators:

  • presence of granulomas, cystic formations,
  • presence (in most cases these are eights),
  • neoplasms,
  • damage to the roots by caries,
  • hidden foci of dental caries,
  • condition of the maxillary sinuses,
  • state of rudiments permanent teeth in children,
  • condition of periodontal tissues.

A modern type of orthopantomogram is 3D tomography. With the help of a three-dimensional image, the doctor can better assess the condition of the bone and soft fabric, and also rotate the image of the jaws on the monitor at the desired angle.

What are the indications?

Orthopantomogram – informative, quick, painless and safe method diagnostics in dentistry. A panoramic photograph of teeth is indicated in the following cases:

  • on preparatory stage implantation to assess the condition of bone tissue and select the type of implant,
  • to assess the quality of endodontic treatment before prosthetics,
  • to select an orthodontic design for,
  • before any type of dental surgery,
  • before the surgeon needs to see the condition of nearby tissues,
  • to determine the severity of periodontal tissue diseases,
  • for diagnosing neoplasms in the early stages.

A panoramic photograph is important in the treatment of various injuries of the dental system. Even if after the injury there are no visible damage no, the picture will clarify the real picture. Such injuries usually negatively affect the soft tissues and root system of the teeth.

What are the benefits of a panoramic photo?

Within 5 minutes, the dentist receives the finished image.

Advantages panoramic image in dentistry:

  1. The dentist receives an image of the jaws within 5 minutes.
  2. The height of the emitter is adjustable, which makes it possible to perform an orthopantomogram for children and patients in wheelchairs.
  3. The radiation dose is minimal, much less than with conventional targeted images.
  4. High image quality.
  5. When assessing the image on the monitor, you can zoom in on the required area for a more detailed examination.
  6. A panoramic image can be instantly sent to a doctor via the Internet if the specialist is in another city, for example.

How is an orthopantomogram done?

Before the procedure, you must remove all jewelry in the head and neck area. To protect against radiation, the patient is wearing a special protective apron. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the patient clamps a plastic tube in his teeth, while keeping his lips closed,
  • if some teeth are missing in the mouth, cotton swabs are placed in their place,
  • the device is moved tightly to the chest,
  • You must stand still while taking the picture so as not to blur the image,
  • the device moves around the head for 20-30 seconds.

Are there any contraindications?

Expert opinion. Dentist Ilyukhin O.Yu.: “When examining pregnant and breastfeeding women, doctors treat any type of examination with caution. It is important that no studies have been conducted on the harm x-ray radiation for the growing fetus and breast milk. Nevertheless, experts recommend using only modern and safe equipment to examine such patients.”

Is the photo dangerous for health?

Orthopantomograms are safe for your health.

It is believed that X-rays are safe for health only once every six months. Features of the treatment of dental diseases and oral cavity The main problem is that to control the quality of treatment, photographs of the jaws must be taken several times a week. Is it harmful to health?

The permissible amount of radiation exposure that a person receives during the examination is 10 mSv per year. If treatment is carried out chronic pathology, the dose can be increased to 15 msv. In order for a person to receive this dose of radiation (taking into account even the radiation from household electrical appliances, which we inevitably receive every day), it is necessary to do 40 orthopantograms.

Even during treatment of serious dental pathologies so many pictures are not required. So don’t worry, all the talk about the dangers of x-rays for health is greatly exaggerated.

Orthopantomogram in Moscow

Where can I take a panoramic photo of my teeth in Moscow? We offer you an overview of the capital's clinics with prices.

Many dental diseases cannot be diagnosed without an x-ray examination. You can study the skeletal system in detail, see cavities, and check the correct treatment only by taking a photo of the teeth. The price for a panoramic X-ray is much higher than for the other two types of images, and this is not surprising. Only he can provide the most complete and reliable information.

What types of X-rays are there?

In dentistry, three methods of radiation examination are used: intracanal, cephalometric and panoramic images.

Intraoral X-ray gets its name from the fact that it does not take into account the entire jaw, but is concentrated inside the mouth.

Most often it is used after treatment. Using it, the dentist checks the following:

1) Were all tooth fragments removed from the socket after a complex extraction?

2) Has the implant or pin taken root well?

3) Is there an empty cavity left in the soft tissue after treatment of the cyst?

4) How uniformly does the bone heal after implantation or complex removal.

5) Have all tissues damaged by caries been removed?

6) Are there any voids left after filling?

For treatment, such radiation examination is also used, but still less frequently. Basically, the dentist will take an intraoral x-ray before removing teeth. Using the image, he will determine whether there are any complications, whether the root system is formed correctly, whether it will be possible to remove the tooth completely or whether it will have to be divided into parts.

A cephalometric image captures not only the teeth, but also part of the jaw, its right or left side. It, in contrast to the intraoral image, is most often used to diagnose the disease.

The most alarming sign of almost any oral disease is pain. In most cases, people come to a specialist only when it becomes unbearable. No one can say exactly which tooth hurts. Even if the patient pinpoints the source of the pain, this does not mean that it is the cause. The only thing we can say with 100% certainty is which side hurts. The dentist refers the patient for examination of this particular half of the jaw.

Using a cephalometric image, you can see the causes of pain, determine the diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment. Most often, this X-ray diagnoses a cyst or periostitis.

Sometimes a cephalometric photograph is used before orthodontic treatment. Before installing braces, it is very important to remove all complicating factors in advance. One of them is wisdom teeth. If you put brackets between the ages of 18 and 25, i.e. then, when the third molars are just about to erupt, there is a very great danger that such teeth will ruin the system and all the results of treatment. Therefore, unerupted wisdom teeth are removed in advance, and for this it is necessary to determine their exact location and make sure whether they can really cause harm. It is especially important to monitor your wisdom teeth when one of them has erupted before orthodontic treatment begins. It is in these cases that orthodontists take a cephalometric image of the side of the jaw on which the wisdom tooth has not yet grown.

The last type of x-ray used in medicine is the blotted x-ray. We will talk about it separately.

When is it necessary to take a panoramic photo?

Already from the name it is clear that such an x-ray covers a larger area of ​​the jaw. He takes a panorama of her - a full shot that includes all areas of the lower part of her face. Most often this radiation examination used for orthodontic purposes and after jaw injuries.

A panoramic photograph allows a specialist to examine the complete condition of the teeth and determine whether it is possible to install braces, and if so, what load to use.

Such examination is very important at a young age. You can only get braces from the age of 12, but that’s just the number. At approximately this age, a person’s jaw system has already been formed; its development and change slow down significantly, but each person is an individual. Only a photograph of your teeth will help you determine for sure whether braces can be installed. The price of a panoramic x-ray in this case most often already applies to the total cost of orthodontic treatment.

Having carefully studied the image, the orthodontist will determine whether the dental system will change in the future, how well the roots are formed, and whether the teeth are firmly held in each socket. If the result is unsatisfactory, it is recommended to wait a little longer, and during this time you can wear plates to straighten your teeth.

In adulthood, a panoramic photograph for orthodontic treatment is taken to determine the degree of development of the third molars. We have already talked about their danger during the treatment process. Unlike a cephalometric image, a panoramic one is necessary in order to track the condition of all wisdom teeth at once. This is very convenient, especially if none of them have cut through yet. Again, using the image, the dentist will immediately check the condition of the jaw and teeth.

A panoramic photograph is very important after various jaw injuries. Even visible signs There is no damage, this does not mean that the injury went unnoticed. It can affect the root system, but soft tissue hematomas are especially dangerous. In the future they may develop into a cyst.

Using a panoramic photograph, the specialist will carefully examine the dental system. If he doesn't find warning signs, the patient goes home.

How do you take a panoramic dental photograph?

Before being referred for a radiation examination of this nature, the question reasonably arises: “How is it done?” A panoramic X-ray is very different from other types of X-rays. It uses a more bulky and intimidating unit.

The main part of the device moves around the head during the picture. This is the only way to get a more detailed picture of the entire jaw at once.

The procedure itself goes as follows:

1) The patient is asked to remove all jewelry from the neck, ears and face.

2) A protective lead apron is placed on his chest; it minimizes harm from radiation.

3) The patient should place his chin on a stand specially designed for this purpose. This makes it easier for him to maintain a stationary position.

4) Within 10-15 seconds, the X-ray machine will make circular movements and illuminate the jaw.

5) The picture can be obtained in just a few minutes.

Is it dangerous to take a panoramic X-ray?

Only lazy people don’t talk about the dangers of X-rays. It is believed that it can be done no more than once every six months. Problem dental treatment The problem is that he has to have x-rays done several times a week. This is where battles between patients and doctors begin over the competence of the latter. Let's carefully study this issue and finally dispel all doubts.

Correct behavior of various medical procedures, and the degree of their harm is controlled government agencies. Every year, various norms and rules are adopted and reconsidered. For example, in 2003, SanPiN was adopted Hygienic requirements to the construction and operation of X-ray rooms, devices and X-ray studies" It is in this document that complete and detailed information is given about all the rules of x-ray examination. It also contains a maximum permissible limit. radiation exposure person per year. It is this number that all experts focus on.

For the purpose of disease prevention, examination and diagnosis of various diseases and injuries, the maximum permissible amount of radiation per person is 10 mSv (Millisievert) per year. When treating chronic diseases, the radiation dose can be increased to 15 mSv.

In order to receive such an amount of radiation, even taking into account the radiation that we receive almost every day from various radio devices and other examination methods, it is necessary to take approximately 40 (!) panoramic photographs of the teeth, i.e. do them every 10 days. Even when treating the most serious illnesses You don't need that many shots. It's unlikely you'll ever be able to exceed permissible norm irradiation. So the harm of x-rays is greatly exaggerated.

However, such numbers are given only in relation to adult patients with normal condition health. There are several groups of people who are given increased attention, especially if treatment requires x-rays.

In what cases should X-rays be treated with special caution?

I think you yourself understand that when treating teeth in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in small children, all procedures are carried out with extreme caution. Of course, X-rays are no exception.

Typically, when examining these groups of patients, specialists try to use only modern and safest equipment. Even if the clinic does not have one, the person will most likely be referred to another. Even private dentistry practices do this.

No one has conducted practical studies on the dangers of X-rays on fetal development. This is not humane or ethical. So during pregnancy, they still try to avoid x-rays once again. If such an examination is still necessary, it is recommended to take a picture using a radiovisiograph. We will talk about it in detail a little later.

There was no relationship between the quality of breast milk and X-ray radiation. If necessary, women during lactation undergo the same procedure as in normal cases.

Children are given the same panoramic photo as always, but only in such cases does the dentist try to increase the gap between several examination procedures.

Is it possible to do without x-rays?

It’s even surprising that in the age of high technology, it is impossible to examine the inside of the jaw and other parts of the body without harm to the body. In fact, this has long been possible, but, unfortunately, not very developed.

In dentistry, a radiovisiograph apparatus is quite actively used. It gives the same results as an x-ray with absolutely no harm. However, it is not suitable in all cases.

The big difference between this unit is that it cannot independently take pictures of the dental system. He displays all the results on the screen, through which the dentist studies everything he needs.

In many cases, the dentist just needs an image. He must study all the bone tissue in detail, look at every root and hole, and this can take quite a lot of time. This will be inconvenient with a radiovisiograph; you will still have to take a picture.

So if the doctor prescribed you a panoramic x-ray, most likely nothing can replace it.

How much does a panoramic dental photo cost?

The most expensive radiation examination procedure is a panoramic photograph of the teeth. Its cost starts from 1000 rubles, while for other types of images you will only need to pay a couple of hundred.

In one picture, a combined image of the lower and upper jaw is obtained. The circular image shows the condition of the dentition from one temporomandibular joint to the second. On an x-ray, you can clearly trace not only the condition of the soft tissues, but also the structure of the upper and lower jaw.

Panoramic radiography - why is it done?

Panoramic radiography is done to assess the condition of the oral cavity as a whole. The examination does not cause discomfort to the patient and pain. The only trouble is the need to open your mouth wide while standing.

Dental x-rays can be performed on the elderly, disabled, people with disabilities and even children.

Indications for panoramic x-ray:

  • before implantation;
  • for tooth alignment;
  • for the purpose of treating periodontal disease;
  • with inflammation of soft tissues;
  • to assess the dynamics of growth of permanent teeth;
  • before surgery.

Before performing an x-ray examination, it is necessary to remove all metal objects from the neck: earrings, glasses, metal prostheses, jewelry. These objects interfere with the passage x-rays.

When performing this x-ray examination, x-ray technicians provide measures of radiation exposure to patients. For these purposes, a lead apron and a collar are put on a person and a collar around his neck.

How to do an orthopantomogram - description of the procedure

To make an orthopantomogram, you need to stand in a special X-ray machine. The patient must bite the plastic stick with his teeth. At the same time, his chest is pressed against a special platform. This is the only discomfort during the procedure.

During the examination, the person must stand straight. There are special handrails for this. In some cases, the radiologist asks you to change the position of the head: turn, lift or tilt. This is necessary to examine the desired areas of the oral cavity.

During exposure, the patient ensures that the lips are closed and the tongue is pressed close to the soft palate.

Don't worry when the emitter moves along your head and makes noise.

About the safety of panoramic x-rays

Panoramic X-rays are safe as long as radiation protection measures are followed. Of course, any x-ray examination is accompanied by radiation exposure. When taking dental photographs, it averages about 0.02 mSv.

Approximately this dose is formed during long flights on an airplane. Therefore, you should not worry about radiation exposure if your doctor has prescribed orthopantomography (). When performed on digital devices, the patient’s radiation exposure level is reduced.

It is very important that the photo turns out right right away. This prevents re-exposure of a person.

What X-ray equipment is used to perform OPG?

A circular photograph of the teeth is taken using a special device - an orthopantomograph. It comes in film and digital. A digital x-ray produces a higher quality image. It is stored on the hard drive of a personal computer, on a flash drive or CD.

Advantages of panoramic dental photographs:

  • reducing time on digital equipment;
  • the ability to consider the smallest details when using software applications;
  • archiving images allows you to track changes in dynamics;
  • The attending physician receives an orthopantomogram almost immediately after the examination.

The above-described advantages of digital X-ray OPG allow you to take dental X-rays for women in the third trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Why is a circular dental radiograph performed?

A circular dental x-ray is performed to assess the condition of soft tissues and determine changes in the roots of the teeth and jaw. An X-ray study of the dentition using OPG is carried out when about 50% of the bone tissue is damaged.

Circular dental x-ray allows you to identify an accurate diagnosis and choose the optimal treatment for the pathology. Without an examination, it is impossible to identify the following pathologies:

  • periodontal disease;
  • inflammatory changes under fillings and crowns;
  • rattled wisdom teeth.

In conclusion, we note that organized crime groups are qualitative method X-ray diagnostics dentition and jaw condition. It is characterized by minimal radiation exposure and allows optimal organization of dental treatment.

An orthopantomogram, also called a panoramic jaw x-ray, is one option diagnostic radiography, which is part of the diagnosis. In dental treatment, this type of x-ray examination is of key importance, since without it it is impossible to carry out many types of treatment at the proper level.

The technique for conducting such a study is as follows:

  • The source of the beam (more specifically, the X-ray tube), as well as its receiver (it can be a film or a digital sensor) move around the object being examined in directions opposite to each other.
  • Only a certain part of the body being studied falls into the focus of the device, and the rest of it is blurred.
  • Based on the initial settings, you can get as output only the specific layer that interests the specialist, and the rest of the image turns out blurry.

Equipment for panoramic photography

Panoramic shots are taken using orthopantomographs.

There are two options for this equipment:

  • Film;
  • Digital.

Equipment that is used to transfer images to film is much less common today. The fact is that such equipment produces an output image that is less clear than its digital counterpart, which may well create difficulties in subsequent diagnosis and even treatment. So digital devices are becoming increasingly common in modern medicine.

How is the procedure done?

Before starting the procedure, the patient must remove all metal products that are on the head and neck. Such products are earrings and chains, for example. To ensure protection from radiation, a person is also asked to wear a special apron, inside of which a protective membrane made of lead is built.

Let's consider all the stages of this procedure:

  1. The patient must stand inside the orthopantomograph.
  2. A person clamps a special plastic tube between his teeth, while keeping his lips closed. If some teeth are missing, then the specialist performing the procedure puts cotton rolls in their place.
  3. Next, you need to move the device plate as tightly as possible to the surface of the chest, while better fixation position to grab the handles.
  4. You need to stand straight and not move, otherwise the resulting image may be distorted.
  5. If necessary, the specialist may ask you to change the position of the head by tilting it to the other side or turning it.
  6. The device will begin to move around your head. The whole action will take a little time, no more than half a minute.

Indications for a panoramic photograph of the jaw

A panoramic photograph is necessary for all types of dental treatment. Such diagnostics does not require much time and does not cause pain, and, most importantly, has virtually no contraindications.

Indications for this procedure are:

  1. Need for condition assessment skeletal system during implantation. This measure allows you to correctly select the type of implantation, as well as determine the distance to the mandibular canal. If the latter is determined incorrectly, then the sensitivity of the lower half of the face can be impaired.
  2. Assess the quality of the endodontic treatment performed, as well as the current condition of the roots of the teeth before carrying out prosthetics and other types of treatment;
  3. When selecting an orthodontic structure, which is called braces, designed to change the bite and straighten the dentition. With the help of such a photo it is quite possible to determine the amount of space;
  4. The need to determine the current state of the skeletal system and teeth for subsequent surgical intervention;
  5. When difficult surgical intervention if it is necessary to remove a tooth (for example, if the root location is unsuccessful), the dental surgeon needs to see not only the problematic tooth, but also nearby tissues;
  6. To determine the state of the dental system in children of any age, even the smallest, and adolescents at the time of the formation of rudiments and teething;
  7. To determine the degree of development of periodontal disease (current condition and height of the partitions, depth of the pockets);
  8. For early diagnosis of the appearance of malignant and benign neoplasms.

What does a panoramic photo show?

An orthopantomogram (abbreviated as OPTG) is a display on paper or film of two jaws at the same time. The image is very detailed, so you can study the bone structure and the surrounding soft tissue. A good panoramic image allows the dentist to obtain complete information about the current condition of this part of the body.

In the oral cavity, more than half of all tissues can be visually examined. Thus, everything that is hidden from the attentive gaze of the doctor and is located too deep is perfectly displayed on an orthopantomographic x-ray.


The use of such a device in treatment is very convenient for both the patient and the doctor.

There are a great many advantages, among them it is worth noting:

  1. The photo is received very quickly, after five minutes the picture can be viewed;
  2. Thanks to the possibility of adjusting the height of the emitter, this x-ray examination is performed not only on adult patients, but also on children, as well as people in a wheelchair;

  3. Very small dose of radiation received, it does not exceed the load that a person receives when flying on an airplane, so the procedure can be called harmless to the human body;
  4. High quality of the resulting image;
  5. When studying digital image You can zoom in on your monitor, thus making the study area larger in order to become familiar with the area of ​​interest in more detail;
  6. Thanks to the spread world wide web , the panorama can be instantly sent to almost any location. All this is very convenient if the diagnosis is done in one place, and the treatment itself will be carried out in another;
  7. The study, due to its complete safety, can be prescribed to people with developmental disorders, as well as those who have reached old age.

How often can a panoramic photograph of the jaw be taken?

Today, there is a fairly widespread opinion about the harm caused by such research. However, in reality, the amount of radiation received is relatively small. It is quite possible to take such a picture once a month (there is still no need to overuse such diagnostics).


OPTG - what is it? Explanation and description of the procedure

OPTG – orthopantomogram of the jaws. A type of examination that simultaneously covers the upper and lower jaws. It is also called orthopanoramic diagnosis.

A panoramic photograph of the jaws allows you to examine the nasal bones, maxillary sinuses, hard and soft tissues, and both temporomandibular joints. This allows the dentist or ENT specialist to get a complete picture of the patient’s health condition, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Currently, orthopantomograms are performed using digital devices. The image is printed on photographic film, transmitted on any digital medium, sent via the Internet, and also saved in the clinic’s database. In addition, the photo is transferred to the monitor screen, where the doctor can zoom in on the areas of interest and study them in detail.

What will a dental x-ray show?

Digital orthopantomogram is a comprehensive diagnosis. Its correct decoding reveals any pathologies even at the initial stage.

On a panoramic x-ray, the doctor will see:

Indications for an orthopantomogram

OPTG is mandatory before starting prosthetics. The doctor must evaluate the condition of the bone tissue, its width, height, the presence of atrophy, as well as the exact position of all other teeth. Such a study will help you choose the right implant and pin size, which will prevent damage to the nerve endings.

Other indications for dental orthopantomogram:

At long-term treatment For serious or advanced pathologies, dentists prescribe more than one procedure. Pictures must be taken regularly to assess the dynamics of recovery, as well as to avoid mistakes.

How is the procedure performed?

The OPTG procedure is quick, comfortable and completely painless. Sometimes patients are a little intimidated by the massive and complex equipment, but there is nothing scary about it. Performing a digital orthopantomogram takes no more than 30 seconds, and modern digital media produce a finished image in 5-10 minutes.

The picture can be taken at any large clinic in the city. In megacities there are no problems with equipment; high competition and the level of service forces dentistry to purchase all the necessary equipment.

Stages of performing a general dental photograph:

Pros and cons of panoramic photography

Expert opinions agree that plain radiography has many more pros than cons. Its results are as revealing and accurate as possible. This is the only one known method studying a complete image of the upper and lower jaws, as well as nearby organs.



  1. Non-prevalence. In megacities such problems do not arise. For example, in Moscow at the Mendeleevskaya station there are more than 15 clinics offering orthopantomograms. However, in small populated areas or villages, finding a device can be very difficult. Everything is explained by the high cost of equipment.
  2. Pregnancy period. The procedure is undesirable for pregnant women, like any other x-ray examination. It is carried out only in extreme situations.

Limitations and features of shooting

The latest achievements in panoramic diagnostics include 3D tomography. Such an orthopantomogram answers everything international standards. A three-dimensional image of the jaws is displayed on the monitor, and it is rotated in the required projections. The doctor has the ability to make conditional sections for a detailed layer-by-layer examination of tissues. This Newest technologies, which do not harm health and give accurate results.

Due to its safety and functionality, OPTG has few contraindications. The procedure should be taken responsibly in the following cases:

  1. pregnancy, especially the first trimester, when organ systems are developing (orthopantomogram is carried out if urgently necessary, in agreement with the treating gynecologist);
  2. period of breastfeeding (the pros and cons are weighed, consultations are held with a gynecologist and pediatrician);
  3. early childhood (consultation and approval of a pediatrician is required).

Can it be done by pregnant women?

However, X-rays should be abandoned in the first trimester, since the risk congenital pathologies during this period it is highest. Any procedure must be coordinated with an obstetrician-gynecologist.


Orthopantomogram in childhood is often prescribed. It makes it possible to study the process of formation of the roots of permanent teeth and identify problems in time. OPTG allows you to evaluate the child’s bite and the structural features of the jaws. A 360-degree photo is required when preparing to install braces. Despite small dose radiation, in early age You should approach the procedure with caution, after consulting with your pediatrician.


Why is a panoramic photo taken?

An orthopantomogram is performed to assess the position of soft tissues, changes in the tissues of the roots and jaw for complex treatment oral cavity. Possible pathological changes up to 50 percent of bone tissue. OPG makes it possible to detect early stage the following pathological processes:

  1. periodontal disease;
  2. caries;
  3. inflammation, processes occurring under fillings and crowns;
  4. ratified, that is, hidden in jaw bone wisdom teeth.

Panoramic X-ray teeth is also necessary in the following circumstances:

  • correction of bite. It is important for the orthodontist to see the location and inclination of the roots. Orthodontist studying internal structure jaws, where ungrown teeth may be hidden. Specialists have the ability to “pull out” hidden dental rudiments and put them in their place;
  • dental implantation. If you plan to install implants in upper jaw, then an orthopanoramic image will allow you to measure the distance to the maxillary sinuses. The implant should not get into the maxillary sinus. For the lower jaw, it is important that the implant does not touch the nerve. Otherwise, the patient will experience pain and discomfort for several months and even years;
  • X-rays are taken in children to monitor the growth of permanent teeth. Pediatric dentist, looking at a photograph of baby and molar teeth, he can see the condition of both during the period when one teeth is replaced by another. Did the beginnings of the indigenous ones appear under the temporary ones? Is the child’s bite developing correctly, and are there any signs of caries? A panoramic radiograph allows the pediatric dentist to see these and other problems.
  • at surgical intervention. A survey photograph of the teeth makes it possible to observe cystic and tumor neoplasms, the presence of growth dynamics. An orthopantomogram helps make informed decisions regarding the need to remove certain teeth. For example, the growth of a cyst may become an indication for removal.
  • during the treatment of periodontal disease; Periodontitis affects the gums and bones. When treating periodontal disease, seeing the condition of the bones is very important, since the disease can affect a significant part of the soft and bone tissues. X-rays demonstrate the location and depth of periodontal pockets and help plan and monitor the results of treatment.
  • if there is a suspicion of pathology of the jaw tissue.

The price of a panoramic image is significantly lower than several targeted ones, so there is no need to refuse an orthopantomogram if the doctor prescribes it.

Taking X-rays of the oral cavity has no contraindications for the elderly, disabled, people with mental disorders. Children are also recommended to undergo orthopantomography systematically. An image of a child’s teeth allows you to monitor the replacement of baby teeth with molars, promptly identify pathology, curvature, and prescribe treatment.


What types of X-rays are there?

In dentistry, three methods of radiation examination are used: intracanal, cephalometric and panoramic images.

Intraoral X-ray gets its name from the fact that it does not take into account the entire jaw, but is concentrated inside the mouth.

Most often it is used after treatment. Using it, the dentist checks the following:

1) Were all tooth fragments removed from the socket after a complex extraction?

2) Has the implant or pin taken root well?

3) Is there an empty cavity left in the soft tissue after treatment of the cyst?

4) How uniformly does the bone heal after implantation or complex removal.

5) Have all tissues damaged by caries been removed?

6) Are there any voids left after filling?

For treatment, such radiation examination is also used, but still less frequently. Basically, the dentist will take an intraoral x-ray before removing teeth. Using the image, he will determine whether there are any complications, whether the root system is formed correctly, whether it will be possible to remove the tooth completely or whether it will have to be divided into parts.

A cephalometric image captures not only the teeth, but also part of the jaw, its right or left side. It, in contrast to the intraoral image, is most often used to diagnose the disease.

The most alarming sign of almost any oral disease is pain. In most cases, people come to a specialist only when it becomes unbearable. No one can say exactly which tooth hurts. Even if the patient pinpoints the source of the pain, this does not mean that it is the cause. The only thing we can say with 100% certainty is which side hurts. The dentist refers the patient for examination of this particular half of the jaw.

Using a cephalometric image, you can see the causes of pain, determine the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. Most often, this X-ray diagnoses a cyst or periostitis.

Sometimes a cephalometric photograph is used before orthodontic treatment. Before installing braces, it is very important to remove all complicating factors in advance. One of them is wisdom teeth. If you put brackets between the ages of 18 and 25, i.e. then, when the third molars are just about to erupt, there is a very great danger that such teeth will ruin the system and all the results of treatment. Therefore, unerupted wisdom teeth are removed in advance, and for this it is necessary to determine their exact location and make sure whether they can really cause harm. It is especially important to monitor your wisdom teeth when one of them has erupted before orthodontic treatment begins. It is in these cases that orthodontists take a cephalometric image of the side of the jaw on which the wisdom tooth has not yet grown.

The last type of x-ray used in medicine is the blotted x-ray. We will talk about it separately.

When is it necessary to take a panoramic photo?

Already from the name it is clear that such an x-ray covers a larger area of ​​the jaw. He takes a panorama of her - a full shot that includes all areas of the lower part of her face. Most often, such radiation examination is used for orthodontic purposes and after jaw injuries.

A panoramic photograph allows a specialist to examine the complete condition of the teeth and determine whether it is possible to install braces, and if so, what load to use.

Such examination is very important at a young age. You can only get braces from the age of 12, but that’s just the number. At approximately this age, a person’s jaw system has already been formed; its development and change slow down significantly, but each person is an individual. Only a photograph of your teeth will help you determine for sure whether braces can be installed. The price of a panoramic x-ray in this case most often already applies to the total cost of orthodontic treatment.

Having carefully studied the image, the orthodontist will determine whether the dental system will change in the future, how well the roots are formed, and whether the teeth are firmly held in each socket. If the result is unsatisfactory, it is recommended to wait a little longer, and during this time you can wear plates to straighten your teeth.

In adulthood, a panoramic photograph for orthodontic treatment is taken to determine the degree of development of the third molars. We have already talked about their danger during the treatment process. Unlike a cephalometric image, a panoramic one is necessary in order to track the condition of all wisdom teeth at once. This is very convenient, especially if none of them have cut through yet. Again, using the image, the dentist will immediately check the condition of the jaw and teeth.

A panoramic photograph is very important after various jaw injuries. Even if there are no visible signs of damage, this does not mean that the injury went unnoticed. It can affect the root system, but soft tissue hematomas are especially dangerous. In the future they may develop into a cyst.

Using a panoramic photograph, the specialist will carefully examine the dental system. If he finds no alarming signs, the patient is sent home.

How do you take a panoramic dental photograph?

Before being referred for a radiation examination of this nature, the question reasonably arises: “How is it done?” A panoramic X-ray is very different from other types of X-rays. It uses a more bulky and intimidating unit.

The main part of the device moves around the head during the picture. This is the only way to get a more detailed picture of the entire jaw at once.

The procedure itself goes as follows:

1) The patient is asked to remove all jewelry from the neck, ears and face.

2) A protective lead apron is placed on his chest; it minimizes harm from radiation.

3) The patient should place his chin on a stand specially designed for this purpose. This makes it easier for him to maintain a stationary position.

4) Within 10-15 seconds, the X-ray machine will make circular movements and illuminate the jaw.

5) The picture can be obtained in just a few minutes.

Is it dangerous to take a panoramic X-ray?

Only lazy people don’t talk about the dangers of X-rays. It is believed that it can be done no more than once every six months. The problem with dental treatment is that x-rays have to be taken several times a week. This is where battles between patients and doctors begin over the competence of the latter. Let's carefully study this issue and finally dispel all doubts.

The correctness of the conduct of various medical procedures, as well as the degree of their harm, is controlled by government agencies. Every year, various norms and rules are adopted and reconsidered. For example, in 2003, SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the design and operation of X-ray rooms, devices and the conduct of X-ray examinations” was adopted. It is in this document that complete and detailed information is given about all the rules of x-ray examination. It also contains the maximum permissible rate of human radiation exposure per year. It is this number that all experts focus on.

For the purpose of disease prevention, examination and diagnosis of various diseases and injuries, the maximum permissible amount of radiation per person is 10 mSv (Millisievert) per year. When treating chronic diseases, the radiation dose can be increased to 15 mSv.

In order to receive such an amount of radiation, even taking into account the radiation that we receive almost every day from various radio devices and other examination methods, it is necessary to take approximately 40 (!) panoramic photographs of the teeth, i.e. do them every 10 days. Even when treating the most serious diseases, such a number of images is not necessary. It is unlikely that you will ever be able to exceed the permissible radiation exposure limits. So the harm of x-rays is greatly exaggerated.

However, such numbers are given only in relation to adult patients in normal health. There are several groups of people who are given special attention, especially if the treatment requires x-rays.

In what cases should X-rays be treated with special caution?

I think you yourself understand that when treating teeth in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in small children, all procedures are carried out with extreme caution. Of course, X-rays are no exception.

Typically, when examining these groups of patients, specialists try to use only modern and safest equipment. Even if the clinic does not have one, the person will most likely be referred to another. Even private dentistry practices do this.

No one has conducted practical studies on the dangers of X-rays on fetal development. This is not humane or ethical. So during pregnancy, they still try to avoid x-rays once again. If such an examination is still necessary, it is recommended to take a picture using a radiovisiograph. We will talk about it in detail a little later.

There was no relationship between the quality of breast milk and X-ray radiation. If necessary, women during lactation undergo the same procedure as in normal cases.

Children are given the same panoramic photo as always, but only in such cases does the dentist try to increase the gap between several examination procedures.

Is it possible to do without x-rays?

It’s even surprising that in the age of high technology, it is impossible to examine the inside of the jaw and other parts of the body without harm to the body. In fact, this has long been possible, but, unfortunately, not very developed.

In dentistry, a radiovisiograph apparatus is quite actively used. It gives the same results as an x-ray with absolutely no harm. However, it is not suitable in all cases.

The big difference between this unit is that it cannot independently take pictures of the dental system. He displays all the results on the screen, through which the dentist studies everything he needs.

In many cases, the dentist just needs an image. He must study all the bone tissue in detail, look at every root and hole, and this can take quite a lot of time. This will be inconvenient with a radiovisiograph; you will still have to take a picture.

So if the doctor prescribed you a panoramic x-ray, most likely nothing can replace it.


The essence of an orthopantogram

Abbreviated this the procedure is called OPTG. It is a circular x-ray, on which both jaws are clearly visible, turned into a plane. On such an x-ray, the dentist sees not only the teeth, their roots, canals, fillings and crowns. Such an image allows you to assess the condition of the periodontium, maxillary sinuses, and sinuses.

The image is taken using a special device - an orthopantomograph. Despite the use of the same technology as with conventional X-rays, the radiation dose to the patient with panoramic X-rays is several times less. For this reason, plain x-rays can be safely done annually, and the frequency of the procedure can be safely increased if necessary.

There are two types of orthopantogram: traditional using film and digital.

Dentists resort to panoramic x-rays when they need to obtain full review jaw structures. When assessing the overview image, doctors carefully study the dentition and jaw, their position relative to maxillary sinus and mandibular nerve. Using an orthopantomogram, doctors receive information about the condition of fillings and the quality of canal closure, identify hidden pathological changes in the periodontium, and much more. Therefore, we can safely say that panoramic dental X-ray is the most important method diagnostics in the treatment of oral diseases.

Orthopantomograms are very popular among orthodontists because they allow them to determine how much bone tissue is preserved in the area where the implant is installed. Is it enough or will I have to do a sinus lift before implantation? Also, a survey X-ray makes it possible to predict the dynamics of implant healing and accurately select their sizes.

Orthopantomogram is very important to understand the location of the eights– the most problematic teeth. Based on this, a decision is made to treat or remove a wisdom tooth. A targeted X-ray is not very informative here.

A panoramic photograph of the teeth is obtained by rotating it in the plane of the three-dimensional image. This means that the image may contain various distortions that complicate the interpretation of visual data. Because of this in dental practice An orthopantomogram is considered to be the primary diagnostic method using x-rays, on the basis of which the tactics of a more in-depth examination and treatment are subsequently built. After a panoramic dental x-ray, the following are often used to clarify the diagnosis: dental radiography, periodontogram, CT, radiophysiography.

Indications for panoramic dental imaging

Survey images of teeth used in all areas of dentistry:

The dentist may decide to perform a panoramic x-ray based on the patient’s complaints. For example, a patient cannot accurately localize pain in a tooth or jaw; in this case, the localization of the pathology can be determined using a survey image.

Plain X-ray is used to examine children, starting from 5 years of age. Pediatric dentistry uses panoramic images to monitor the growth of dental plates and monitor the level of filling of teeth with minerals.

Even ENT doctors resort to orthopantomograms. Overview photographs give them necessary information about the state maxillary sinuses, nasal septum and nasal passages.

The only contraindication to panoramic dental x-rays is pregnancy. This relative contraindication. After consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist and neonatologist, a panoramic dental photograph can still be taken.

Digital and film panoramic dental imaging

Diaper panoramic X-rays are used less and less today due to the advent of more modern digital equipment. She has a number of advantages:

Method of performing an orthopantomogram

A high-quality panoramic photograph of the teeth can only be obtained if the patient does not move and will take correct position . Before the procedure, the patient must remove dentures, watches and any jewelry.

A chin rest is used to position the patient's head symmetrically relative to the X-ray machine. The patient is seated so that his chin rests on the support, and then the head is aligned along three planes. At the moment when the picture is taken, the patient should sit with his shoulders down and his neck straight. To prevent the head from moving to the sides, it is secured with frontal and parietal clamps. Also, the patient, at the doctor’s request, presses his tongue to the roof of his mouth. If all the requirements are met, then the doctor receives an excellent panoramic image without distortion or shadow layers.

Pulpitis of the tooth

An orthopantomogram, or OPTG, is an overview of a circular photograph of the teeth, in which the entire jaw is visible, unfolded in a plane. In addition to the teeth, their roots, canals, the presence of fillings and crowns, the panoramic image shows the condition of the periodontal tissues, maxillary sinuses, and sinuses.

A panoramic photograph of the teeth, or orthopantomogram, allows you to detect hidden carious cavities, inflammation, cysts, abscesses, the presence of periodontal pockets, identify the exact condition of the roots and periodontal tissues, and assess the condition of the maxillary sinus and temporomandibular joint. It is also necessary to take an orthopantomogram when planning orthodontic treatment with braces or aligners.

In the process of preparing for dental implantation, using an orthopantomogram, a specialist can determine whether there is enough bone tissue for implantation or a sinus lift is needed, how many implants will be needed and what size they should be, and also predict the dynamics of their engraftment.

It is very important to take a panoramic photo to determine the position and condition of your wisdom teeth. Only an orthopantomogram can give an adequate idea of ​​the “eights”; no targeted photograph will help here. Therefore, competent dentists decide whether to treat or remove wisdom teeth only after x-raying the entire jaw.

How do you take a panoramic dental photograph?

You don't need any preparation to take a panoramic dental photo. You just need to remove jewelry: earrings, chains, piercings - so that there are no distortions in the picture, and important details were not covered by so-called “artifacts”. The laboratory assistant will put you in front of the machine and put on a special protective collar and an apron and will ask you to bite down on a plastic holder while the X-ray emitter, along with the film or digital sensor, will rotate around your head.

Orthopantomogram on film or digital: which one to choose?

Today, electronic devices have almost replaced film devices. Their cost is higher, but they do not require large quantity consumables, as for film orthopantomographs. To develop film, you need a darkroom, which is prohibited by law from being placed in residential buildings, which can become a problem for small private clinics. In addition, the irradiation exposure of film devices is several times higher than that of electronic devices. An orthopantomogram of the jaws, made on a digital device, is immediately transferred to the doctor’s computer, who can be located anywhere. It is much easier to store such an image: it will simply remain in the patient’s electronic record and can be viewed at any time. If desired or necessary, you will receive the result of the orthopantomogram on disk or printed on transparent film.

Unlike a panoramic image on film, a digital orthopantomogram will not be lost, which means that the patient will not have to undergo radiation again, which is present during dental x-rays, albeit in very small doses: only 0.002 - 0.003x mSv, whereas, according to Sanitary Regulations , a person can receive up to 1 mSv per year for research purposes, and from environment we get 2 - 3 mSv over the same period. In addition, the image clarity and image resolution on digital cameras is much higher than on film cameras.

Photo of a panoramic photograph of teeth

Orthopantomogram 3D

A three-dimensional panoramic x-ray of the jaw can be performed with a computed tomograph. He takes many sequential photographs in different projections and then completes the image in computer program. The result is a three-dimensional image of the jaw without distortions, which are inevitably present on a conventional otopantomogram, since it conveys a curved object in a flat form. Only with the help of computed tomography does it become possible to look at an object from a different angle or in a different projection without taking new pictures. Also, this method of examination allows the doctor, in the absence of the patient, to see an image of his jaw and examine it from any side and even at any depth.

Where can I take a panoramic photograph of my teeth or an orthopantomogram?

Today, an orthopantomogram is included in the list of services in almost every dentistry. You can use it in the same place where you decided to undergo treatment, or you can take a panoramic photo at a better price in another place. Some clinics offer regular clients a panoramic dental photo at a significant discount, which means it can be quite inexpensive. Prices for an orthopantomogram in Moscow start from 750 rubles and reach 2500 rubles. On average, dentistry in Moscow offers a high-quality panoramic photograph of teeth for 1000 - 1300 rubles.

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