How to put drops in your ears correctly. Correct procedure for instilling drops into the ears

Ear diseases occur in both adults and children. Of course, children are most susceptible to them early age, since their the immune system does not always effectively cope with a variety of colds and infections. Most often, ear lesions include a variety of inflammatory diseases type or formation of sulfur plug. All of them can be treated quite effectively and quickly by instilling special drops.

Slime plays vitally important role in maintaining good health. Glands in the nose and throat produce up to two quarts of mucus every day. Mucus is responsible for moisturizing and cleansing nasal tissue. It also acts as a humectant, traps foreign substances and fights infections. Typically, mucus is swallowed without being noticed, but it becomes a problem when it becomes a postnasal drip. This can happen for several reasons explained below. The main problem is that excessive mucus collects in the throat and nose and then flows into the person's respiratory tract, collects in the lungs, and can also drip into the stomach, causing occasional nausea.

Benefits of treating ear inflammation with drops

Before you learn how to properly put drops into your ear, you need to understand why exactly they can be considered the most effective means for treating various ear diseases.

Drops most quickly and efficiently deliver the essential active substance medication to the lesion, since the liquid simply flows down the ear canal and begins to act immediately after entering the ear. It is very convenient to use the drops - the bottle with the drug usually has a built-in pipette or dropper. The remaining medicine can simply be closed with the included stopper and stored throughout the treatment.

Cold, flu or sinusitis: congested sinuses swell in response to viruses or bacterial infections, which invade healthy tissue, producing an inflammatory response. Thick mucus occurs when a bacterial sinus infection develops. A grunting cough forces more mucus into the upper throat and mouth, thereby causing postnasal drip.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease: This chronic condition can prevent the proper absorption of mucus, thereby causing excessive thickened mucus in the back of the throat. Allergies: seasonal and food allergies, especially dairy products, can cause thick discharge.

Unlike or, drops act locally, and not on the entire body, and cannot harm it.

The main advantage of the drops is that they can be used by all patients, even the smallest who categorically refuse to take tablets, and the elderly who have difficulty swallowing. Local application active substance helps to achieve maximum result in a fairly short time.

Environmental irritants: Vapors from chemicals, perfumes, cleaning products, tobacco or other irritants can aggravate sinuses and lead to postnasal drip. Weather: Winter and dry air can contribute to postnasal drip because the nasal passages do not respond well to heated air.

Swallowing disorders: As people get older, swallowing may be more difficult because the muscles are weaker and coordination is compromised. Health problems that affect swallowing can cause solids or liquids to accumulate in the throat. The nerves and muscles that control the mouth, throat, and esophagus may stop working adequately because overflow discharges can interrupt function. A sore throat can become spasmodic if nerves and stress get into overload levels.

Effective ear drops: types and description

There are many different ear drops with different directions of action:

  • Boric alcohol and - means that disinfect the ear canal and have a local warming effect.
  • – perfectly softens wax plugs and disinfects the ear canal, helps to clean the ear well if there is a lot of hard and dense wax that is difficult to remove.
  • contain carbolic acid and have a powerful disinfectant effect.
  • Sofradex has a pronounced antibacterial effect, which precludes its use for viral or fungal causes of the disease.
  • Otinum, Tsipromed, Otofa also fight bacterial infection. Their prescription can only be made by a doctor who is knowledgeable about the nature of the patient’s ear disease, always taking into account the patient’s age, since some drugs are prohibited for young children.

How to put drops in an adult's ear

Birth control pills or pregnancy: increased level estrogen may increase postpartum drops. Nasal polyps: Sometimes people suffering from chronic sinusitis and continuous postpartum drip have nasal polyps. Otolaryngologist examines inner surface nose using the fiber optic area to detect polyps or any other problems. If treatment does not relieve symptoms, it is often recommended surgical intervention to avoid recurring or more serious problems.

Deviated septum: This occurs when the bones and cartilage dividing the nasal cavity in half are significantly off-center or crooked. General symptoms are nasal congestion and postnasal drip. In some cases, medications can relieve these symptoms, otherwise surgery is required.

When the diagnosis is already known and prescribed necessary remedy, you can start digging. Sometimes there is a need to pre-clean the ear canal. This should be done as delicately as possible, trying to remove dirt only from external areas. If the procedure causes discomfort, refuse it.

Cough: This is one of the most common and uncomfortable symptoms of post-nausea drip. People with post-nasal drip begin with a mild cough, usually attributed to allergies or irritation. The cough may become severe and may be painful. Cough associated with postnasal drip tends to be persistent and is often accompanied by wheezing. These symptoms usually persist until the postpartum drops are treated.

Constant swallowing: Excessive mucus in the nasal passages can lead to an irritated and dry throat, causing the need to swallow more often than usual. It may also cause a feeling of fullness in the stomach and bad breath. Some people snort to clear mucus from the back of their nostrils when nose blowing does not dislodge it.

The most important condition in how to properly instill drops into the ear is pre-heating the product before the procedure. Cold drops are very unpleasant, and they can also increase the inflammatory process. The easiest way is to heat them in a container of warm water. If peroxide is dropped into the ear to dissolve wax and disinfect, it can be left at room temperature. Boric alcohol should be pleasantly warm, so the warming up process will begin faster.

Most people prefer to spit out this mucus rather than swallow it. Clearing the Throat: Overflowing secretions may spill into the voice box and Airways. This results in the throat needing to be cleared frequently, which can cause cracking or hoarse voice. Frequently clearing your throat and coughing can also lead to a burning or sore throat.

Difficulty Breathing: All the mucus buildup in the nose can make it difficult to breathe through the nose. Moreover, cough associated with a postnasal drip makes it difficult to breathe through the mouth. Congestion: Nasal and sinus congestion are classic signs of both allergies and postpartum dripping, with excess mucus clogging the nose and sinuses. Post-nasal drip can also be caused by sinusitis, in which case the sinuses are already congested and have a buildup of mucus and bacteria.

The procedure for instilling drops into the ear:

  • The patient is placed on his side, sore ear should be at the top.
  • The shell of the ear is pulled up and to the side, the required amount of the drug is drawn into the pipette or the built-in dropper is used and the number of drops prescribed by the doctor is instilled.
  • You need to drip so that the medicine flows down the ear canal.
  • You can close the treated ear with a cotton swab, especially if you also need to treat the second ear.
  • You need to roll over to the other side or get up no earlier than after 2–3 minutes, and even better, if possible, lie on your side for 10–15 minutes.

After the patient gets up, he may experience discomfort caused by the presence of fluid in the ear. This may include slight dizziness, loss of balance, a feeling of discomfort and other symptoms. In this case, you should recommend that the patient lie down quietly or sit in a comfortable, relaxed position.

Video: how to properly place drops in a child’s ears

While postnasal drip itself may be odorless, it contributes to oral odor in a predictable and preventable manner. Mucus is a rich food source for anaerobic bacteria that live in the back of the throat. Stagnation of mucus allows bacteria with bad breath to use it as a kind of refuge from the saliva and oxygen existing in the mouth.

Technique for instillation of ears, nose and eyes for adults and children

The microbes turn the food source into pungent waste, which is the source of the resulting oral odor. In addition, the tongue is covered with tiny "tentacles" called papillae, which also contain taste buds. If the tongue is not regularly and thoroughly cleaned or rinsed with water or antiseptic to rinse the mouth, anaerobes nest between these papillae and feed on protein in the form of food particles and mucus. As a result, people with chronic postpartum drip exhaustion experience halitosis, caused by anaerobes and bacteria living on the surface of the tongue at the back of the throat.

How to put drops in a child's ear

Unlike an adult, to whom the importance and painlessness of the instillation procedure can be clearly explained, the baby must first be reassured. You can distract him with a toy, explaining that the bunny (bear, doll) has pain in his ears, and showing him what you will do for them. After the child has calmed down, he needs to be carefully placed on his side, with the sore ear facing upward, and continue to talk about your actions so that they do not come as a surprise to him.

Xerostomia: Swollen nasal passages often accompany chronic postnasal drip, forcing sufferers to breathe through the mouth. This significantly reduces the amount of saliva and causes the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria. Dry mouth is also a common side effect of antihistamines, a commonly used postpartum drip treatment.

Sore Throat: Coughing, snorting and constantly clearing the throat to expel excess mucus often leads to chronic illness. Ear pain: Excess mucus can block the Eustachian tube between the nose and ear. If left untreated, it can lead to serious ear infection and pain.

If necessary, the ear can be cleaned before instillation. In young children, it is better to do this with a cotton swab rather than a stick. If a child accidentally shakes his head, he may damage the ear canal or even. If the baby resists and screams, it hurts, there is no need to insist, the drops will help clean the ear. All ear drops must be well heated. If your baby is nervous, drop a little on his hand, let him understand that the drops do not burn or bite.

Normal mucus is a thin, clear liquid that increases in volume when the body senses a problem. Drinking fluids, humidifying the air, and using a saline nasal spray are ways to maintain healthy mucus levels. A common misconception is that green or yellow liquids for the nose indicate a bacterial infection and antibiotics are needed. It is very common for colds and flu to have clear nasal discharge for several days. The discharge may end up turning creamy yellow or green.

After this, carefully pull the child’s ear down and to the side, carefully drop 3 to 5 drops along the wall of the ear canal (as prescribed by the doctor).

If the drops are warming or the baby is very mobile, it is better to close the ear canal with cotton wool. There is no need to try to push it deep into the ear canal, just cover it. At

Although home care can be effective, it is important to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment if symptoms do not improve. This may include examining the ears, nose and throat. Your medical history can help determine what affects your mucus production. The doctor will check for blood in the mucus and determine if it is related to a sore throat. If the underlying cause is not found, the main goal of treatment is to efficient use mucus.

The following tips will help prevent allergy inflammation and associated nasal drip. Dust thoroughly, vacuum, wet mop and cleaning sheets, dust covers, furniture covers and small rugs. Use a saline nasal spray to keep your nasal passages clear, clean, and moisturized. Replace furnace and air filters frequently, and use air purifiers and humidifiers in the bedroom. Drink more fluids to help retain thin discharge. Avoid dairy products, especially milk and cheese. Eliminate or greatly reduce caffeine and avoid diuretics.

  • Clean up your environment by at least, once a week.
  • Get rid of any allergens such as pet dander and dust.
Carefully review the claims of any postpartum drip prescribed to you.

How to put drops in your ears correctly? Although the procedure of pouring drops into the ear canals seems quite simple to many, not everyone knows how to do it correctly. But young mothers often turn to doctors with a similar question when they are trying to give their children the right medicine in the ears during otitis, but nothing comes of it except for the loss of droplets of the drug, since they do not have the skills to perform this procedure. But if anyone thinks that it is easy to drop the drug into the ears of an adult, then they are deeply mistaken.

Consult your doctor to determine correct type and the amount of any drug used to treat postnasal drip. Mucus-cutting medications can relieve thickened fluids. Over-the-counter saline nasal sprays help moisturize nasal tissues. Although antihistamines can help prevent postnasal drip, they come with the side effects of dry mouth, bad breath, and possible addiction.

These drops provide a feeling of fresh breath that many people have not experienced for years. The spray targets the area where sulfur compounds accumulate as a result of the interaction between excess mucus and bacteria. Nasal irrigation is probably the most effective method for attacking nasal drips and helping control sinus infections. This is a highly concentrated, non-flammable oxygenation serum that can be easily mixed with water or fruit juice to create a powerful antibacterial agent for rinsing the mouth.

What to do first

If you have any problems with your ears, then, first of all, you need to go to a doctor for examination. The specialist will examine the patient and prescribe the appropriate medicine. Usually these are drops that are put into the ear. After purchasing the medicine, you can begin the procedure.

To do this, you must first place the patient on a bed or sofa. After this, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Then the patient needs to clean the canal in each ear from accumulated wax. If this is not done, the substance that has accumulated in the ear canal may become an obstacle to the penetration of the medicine into the affected area. To do this you need to do the following:

It is very effective in eliminating bad breath and dry mouth. Thanks to the patented 9 centimeter nozzle, this spray is able to reach the farthest front areas of the throat. The fire extinguisher spray combats hard-to-reach areas where postnasal drip accumulates.

Postnasal drip treatment quickly helps prevent many problems, including bad breath, dry mouth, sore throat, chronic sinusitis, tonsil stones and more serious problems. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  1. Take a cotton swab in your hands.
  2. Deepen it into the canal of one ear. But not to a great depth, otherwise you can damage the eardrum.
  3. Rotate the stick around its axis and remove it from the auricle.

Usually sulfur is soft, and cotton wool removes it quickly. But in some cases this substance hardens, so it needs to be softened. To do this, you can use hydrogen peroxide. It is collected on a cotton swab and placed in the patient’s ear canals for 5 minutes. Then take it out, and use a cotton swab to carefully pull out the softened sulfur. And only then proceed to the main manipulations.

If there is no wax, you can thoroughly wipe the ear with a soft, damp cloth. This must be done carefully, especially if the patient is a small child.

The next stage of drug use

Usually, the instructions for the drops that the doctor prescribes for instillation into the ears state that the drug must be heated to 37 °C. It is forbidden to pour too cold into the ears. medicinal solution. Also, do not use a very hot mixture, as it can seriously burn inner part ear canal. Therefore, the optimal temperature will be the temperature of the human body, since too cold or hot a medicinal liquid can cause dizziness, pain, and sometimes loss of consciousness in the patient, especially if this drug must be given to a child.

To warm up a cold bottle, simply place it in a cup of water for 10 minutes. hot water. Some types of drugs can be held in your hands for this time - they perceive human warmth. May be, medicinal substance in the bottle has the consistency of a suspension. In this case, you need to shake the container with the medicine for 10 minutes. After all these procedures have been completed, you can begin the main actions.

Treatment plan manipulations

How to instill medicine in your ears? In order for the process to take place in comfortable conditions, the patient must be placed in a horizontal position. He should turn his head so that the affected ear is on top. If the filling is done for an infant or child under 3 years old, then you need to fix his head with your hand in one position, or turn the child on his side.

After this you need to dial medicinal solution into the pipette and then straighten the ear canal. To do this, you need to pull the auricle down and back if this operation is performed on a child under 3 years of age. When treating older children and adults, the ear should be pulled up and back.

If a standard dropper is attached to the lid of the bottle, then you need to check its integrity and make sure that there are no chips, cracks or other damage. After this, the bottle is lowered with the dropper down to make sure that the drops of medicine flow through normally. To properly instill drops into the ear, proceed as follows: the end of the pipette or dropper is brought to the patient’s ear canal, and then the medicine is carefully introduced into the opening of the ear canal.

The number of droplets administered must correspond the right dose prescribed by the doctor.

After this, you need to instill the required amount of medicine. Then you need to gently press the protrusion behind the ear canal from the outside. It's called a tragus. The patient must keep his head in the desired position for at least 10-15 minutes. After this, you can turn it on the other side if you need to drip the medication used into both ears.

If a bottle with a dropper was used, it should be immediately closed with a lid, since usually the period for using medications of this type after the first opening of the bottle is about a month.

After this, you can wash your hands and dry them thoroughly with a towel. A similar procedure carried out as many times as indicated in the annotation for the drug. Sometimes the doctor, after examining the patient, may recommend slightly modified dosage and frequency of the procedure. Therefore, it is always better to consult with your doctor. This is also necessary if side effects appear in the patient after instillation, which cannot be dealt with using traditional medicine methods. Therefore, any self-medication is prohibited, otherwise irreparable damage will be caused to the patient’s health.

Please note: this article is for informational purposes only and is not a guide to action. Only a doctor can diagnose the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, we strongly recommend that you consult a specialist. Treatment should be carried out in a timely manner to avoid complications. Do not self-medicate, be sure to consult your doctor.

How to put drops in your ears correctly? Although the procedure of pouring drops into the ear canals seems quite simple to many, not everyone knows how to do it correctly. But young mothers often turn to doctors with a similar question, who try to drop the necessary medicine into their children’s ears for otitis, but nothing comes of it except for the loss of droplets of the drug, since they do not have the skills to perform this procedure. But if anyone thinks that it is easy to drop the drug into the ears of an adult, then they are deeply mistaken.

What to do first

If you have any problems with your ears, then, first of all, you need to go to a doctor for examination. The specialist will examine the patient and prescribe the appropriate medicine. Usually these are drops that are put into the ear. After purchasing the medicine, you can begin the procedure.

To do this, you must first place the patient on a bed or sofa. After this, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap. Then the patient needs to clean the canal in each ear from accumulated wax. If this is not done, the substance that has accumulated in the ear canal may become an obstacle to the penetration of the medicine into the affected area. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Take a cotton swab in your hands.
  2. Deepen it into the canal of one ear. But not to a great depth, otherwise you can damage the eardrum.
  3. Rotate the stick around its axis and remove it from the auricle.

Usually sulfur is soft, and cotton wool removes it quickly. But in some cases this substance hardens, so it needs to be softened. To do this, you can use hydrogen peroxide. It is collected on a cotton swab and placed in the patient’s ear canals for 5 minutes. Then take it out, and use a cotton swab to carefully pull out the softened sulfur. And only then proceed to the main manipulations.

If there is no wax, you can thoroughly wipe the ear with a soft, damp cloth. This must be done carefully, especially if the patient is a small child.

The next stage of drug use

Usually, the instructions for the drops that the doctor prescribes for instillation into the ears state that the drug must be heated to 37 °C. It is forbidden to pour too cold a medicinal solution into the ears. Also, do not use a very hot mixture, as it can severely burn the inside of the ear canal. Therefore, the optimal temperature will be human body, since too cold or hot a medicinal liquid can cause the patient, especially if this drug is to be given to a child, dizziness, pain, and sometimes loss of consciousness.

To warm up a cold bottle, simply place it in a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Some types of drugs can be held in your hands during this time - they perceive human warmth. Perhaps the medicinal substance in the bottle has the consistency of a suspension. In this case, you need to shake the container with the medicine for 10 minutes. After all these procedures have been completed, you can begin the main actions.

Treatment plan manipulations

How to instill medicine in your ears? In order for the process to take place in comfortable conditions, the patient must be placed in horizontal position. He should turn his head so that the affected ear is on top. If the filling is done for an infant or child under 3 years old, then you need to fix his head with your hand in one position, or turn the child on his side.

After this, you need to draw the medicinal solution into a pipette, and then straighten the ear canal. To do this, you need to pull the auricle down and back if this operation is performed on a child under 3 years of age. When treating older children and adults, the ear should be pulled up and back.

If a standard dropper is attached to the lid of the bottle, then you need to check its integrity and make sure that there are no chips, cracks or other damage. After this, the bottle is lowered with the dropper down to make sure that the drops of medicine flow through normally. To properly instill drops into the ear, proceed as follows: the end of the pipette or dropper is brought to the patient’s ear canal, and then the medicine is carefully introduced into the opening of the ear canal.

The number of drops administered must correspond to the required dose indicated by the doctor.

After this, you need to instill the required amount of medicine. Then you need to gently press the protrusion behind the auricle of the auditory canal from the outside. It's called a tragus. The patient must keep his head in the desired position for at least 10-15 minutes. After this, you can turn it on the other side if you need to drip the medication used into both ears.

If a bottle with a dropper was used, it should be immediately closed with a lid, since the expiration date is usually medicines this type after the first opening of the bottle is about a month.

After this, you can wash your hands and dry them thoroughly with a towel. A similar procedure is carried out as many times as indicated in the annotation for the drug. Sometimes the doctor, after examining the patient, may recommend slightly modified dosage and frequency of the procedure. Therefore, it is always better to consult with your doctor. This is also necessary when the patient appears after instillation side effects, to cope with which methods traditional medicine impossible. Therefore, any self-medication is prohibited, otherwise irreparable damage will be caused to the patient’s health.

When a person encounters an ENT disease, he turns to an otolaryngologist, where he is prescribed treatment medications, among which are . Their use makes it possible to reach the source of inflammation and eliminate it within a short time. Many people think that the process of using such drugs is very simple, but in fact only a few know how to properly bury their ears. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on how well the procedure is performed.

Before you put drops in your ear, you should prepare. To do this, you need to wash your hands well with soap and running water, wipe them dry and clean the ear canal from sulfur accumulations.

For this you should not use cotton swabs, as they help push wax deep into the ear, forming a tight connection that will prevent the penetration of the medicine.

There is a popular opinion that to clean your ears you should use a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil. They say that this way the sulfur will stick to the cotton wool better and the ear will be better cleaned. Yes, it is impossible to refute the fact that sulfur sticks to oil better. But it should be noted that it will still flow into the ear canal, as a result of which the sulfur under its influence will swell, become heavier and sink even lower, which will also create an obstacle to the penetration of the drug to the source of inflammation.

Therefore, you should clean the auricle before instilling drops into your ears using a regular cotton swab dipped in boiled water. Moreover, they should treat the visible parts of the auricle and not try to push it deeper.

After your ears are cleaned, you should take the bottle of drops in your hand and hold them so that they warm up to your body temperature. Cold drops should not be used as they may cause further more inflammation. It is also impossible to heat the drops, as there is a possibility of overheating them.

And when exposed to hot temperatures, most chemical substances evaporates from the drug. Yes, using them hot is also prohibited, as it can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the hearing aid.

Make sure normal period suitability of the medicinal product used. Expired drops should never be used!

What's next?

After you have prepared the ear hole and drops, you should proceed directly to the procedure itself. To do this, you need to shake the bottle of medication, open it and make sure that there are no cracks or uneven surfaces on its tip. If the dropper is attached to the bottle, it should be tilted down, but if it is removable in the form of a pipette, then the medicinal solution should be drawn into it.

After this, you need to lie on your side so that the sore ear is on top. If it is not possible to lie down, you should simply tilt your head to the side. Then you should stretch the ear so that ear canal was completely visible. To do this, take your ear with your fingertips and pull it back and up. If ear drops are used in children, the ear should be pulled back and down.

Inject the required amount of medicine into the auricle, then press on the tragus so that it goes as deep as possible. Then the ear canal should be closed a small piece cotton wool or lie down for a few more minutes after administering the drug. After this, close the bottle and wash your hands again.

Remember, incorrect use of ear drops can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. Therefore, enter medications Right! This will help shorten your path to full recovery.

Video about proper ear drops

Ear diseases occur in both adults and children. The latter encounter them especially often, because their immunity is not always able to quickly cope with the infection that has entered the body. As a rule, the ears are amazing infectious diseases, for example, in addition, wax plugs may form in the ears. Such problems can be eliminated if you use them correctly special drugs in the form of drops.

Types of effective ear drops

Exists a large number of ear drops with different medicinal properties.

Used in the treatment of ear diseases, it normalizes blood circulation in the affected area and accelerates metabolic processes, eliminating excess intercellular fluid in tissues. This helps restore the patency of the ear canal. Camphor oilwonderful remedy for the regeneration of damaged tissues.

The underlying drug is a powerful antiseptic that eliminates harmful microorganisms. Boric alcohol is used in the treatment acute otitis without complications. This medicine warms up the affected area well.

- This disinfectant, widely used to treat ENT diseases. It is used to soften sulfur plugs in the ear and disinfect the ear canal itself. Experts advise cleaning your ears with peroxide in situations where there is a lot of hard and difficult-to-remove wax.

Medicine in the form of drops, which includes:

  • carbolic acid, which has disinfectant properties;
  • phenazone;
  • lidocaine.

The last two components can increase the duration of the anesthetic effect during treatment, completely eliminate the inflammatory process and shorten the recovery time.

An antibacterial drug that cannot be used to treat viral or fungal diseases.

Tsipromed, Otinum, Otofa

All three medications have approximately the same properties - they destroy bacterial infections. Only a specialist who has given the patient a correct diagnosis, taking into account his age, can prescribe such drops, because young children are prohibited from being treated with certain medications.

Antibacterial drops used to treat external inflammation and. Normax has a bactericidal effect, completely killing harmful microorganisms.

As a result, the inflammatory process is suppressed and the patient recovers. Part of the medicine affects only the area of ​​application, and the rest is absorbed into the blood. The drug is excreted through the kidneys.

How to administer ear drops to an adult

If the doctor has already made a diagnosis and prescribed a specific drug, treatment can begin. Sometimes it may be necessary to clean the ear canal. This procedure must be carried out with the utmost care to remove contaminants only from the desired areas. If discomfort occurs during such manipulation, it should be stopped.

The main condition for how to instill drops is to preheat the medicine before instillation. A cold remedy will make the sensation unpleasant and may also increase inflammation. Typically the drops are heated by placing them in a bowl of warm water. If you need to soften or rinse your ear with peroxide, it can be at room temperature. Boric alcohol must be heated, since it itself is a warming agent.


  • the person lies on his side so that the sore ear is on top;
  • the auricle rises and is pulled to the side;
  • the required amount of medicine is drawn into a pipette or dropper, after which as many drops are instilled into the ear as prescribed by the doctor;
  • During the procedure, you need to ensure that the drops flow down the ear canal;
  • the treated organ is closed with a cotton swab (if the other ear needs to be instilled, this condition is mandatory);
  • the patient can turn on the other side or stand up only after 2–3 minutes, the best option– in about 15 minutes.

After rising, the patient may experience discomfort in the ear, dizziness, minor disruptions in the functioning of the respiratory system, and so on. In such a situation, a person needs to lie down or just sit quietly in a position that is comfortable for him.

How to give ear drops to a child

An adult patient should understand how important it is to put ear drops in the presence of any disease, but it is quite difficult to explain this to a child, especially a worried one.

First of all, you should calm him down, for example, take a toy and show by example how much his ears hurt and how they can be cured. After the baby calms down, he is placed on his side with the patient’s ear up and continues to talk about the actions being performed. This way you can avoid stressful situations.

If the sore ear is dirty, it is cleaned before drops are instilled. To a small child You can clean your ear with soft cotton wool pads to avoid dangerous damage ear canal and even the eardrum. If the child resists, screams and twitches, or experiences unpleasant sensations, there is no need to insist on cleansing; the medicine itself will handle this.

Ear drops must be thoroughly warmed. For a child who is too nervous, you can first drop a drop on your hand so that he understands that putting drops in his ears does not hurt. The actions are similar to those carried out for treating adults: the concha of the ear is pulled back, and 3-5 drops of the product are instilled along the ear canal.

If the child is very active, or the medicine is of a warming nature, the ear canal should be covered with cotton wool. No need to push it deep. Eliminating otitis media and others inflammatory diseases, it is recommended to make “bunny ears” from fabric and warming filler, and such actions can be explained by playing. Usually children do not object to such bandages, which serve for good warming and quick fix diseases.

Benefits of treatment with ear drops

Any inflammatory processes in the ears are always accompanied painful sensations, burning, irritation - all this greatly disrupts the patient’s quality of life. It is necessary to apply exactly local drugsear drops, the fastest acting in the treatment of ear diseases.

The main advantages of drugs in the form of drops:

  • reduction of inflammation;
  • direct impact on infection and its elimination;
  • elimination of symptoms of the disease;
  • action exclusively at the site of inflammation;
  • low absorption into the blood;
  • Possibility of use by children and pregnant women;
  • budget price;
  • slow consumption;
  • availability in pharmacies.

Almost all patients with ear inflammation are prescribed ambulatory treatment, so they need to know how to bury it properly. This will help avoid various mistakes and speed up recovery.

Video: How to properly place drops in a child’s ears

How to put drops in your ears correctly? It would seem that nothing could be simpler! And, nevertheless, this question does not arise by chance; it is quite legitimate.
The procedure for introducing various medicines is a skill that not everyone has. But what kind of skill can there be here, the corrosive reader may ask, pressed the pipette aimed at the ear, and the job was done. However, it is not.

A drug that needs to be introduced into the ear canal must be delivered as directed, but, as a rule, it remains in auricle without reaching the destination. This means that the healing process is delayed and delayed. Proper instillation of medicinal drops into the ears should be based on some rules, which we provide to our inquisitive reader.

Correctly placing drops in the ears

  • Preparation. It consists of cleansing the external auditory canal from excess wax (but only in cases where sulfur masses block the auditory lumen). Sami medicinal drops Under no circumstances should they be cold. They should be heated to at least room temperature, but preferably to body temperature - approximately 36-38 degrees. This point is very important, especially when treating otitis media in children - a cold solution can cause further great pain in the ear, as well as dizziness, sometimes even loss of consciousness. To make the solution correspond to body temperature, simply hold the bottle with the solution in your clenched palm for a while or place it on water bath, that is, in a mug with hot water. For children, you can also warm up the pipette by placing it in boiling water for half a minute.
  • Instilling the solution into the ears. The patient should lie on his side and turn his head so that one ear is exposed to the drops. The ear needs to be pulled back upward in an adult and back downward in a child under 2 years of age - such actions allow you to straighten the external auditory canal for rapid penetration of the medicine into the ear. This is due to the fact that the structure of the ear canal in an adult and a child differs - in a child it is located horizontally, and the ear canal is directed upward, while in an adult eardrum is located vertically, and the ear canal is more flat.

The pipette should be inserted into the ear approximately 0.5 cm, no more and without touching the ear. Do not forget to shake the bottle with the solution before instillation. After the drops are instilled, the patient needs to press the tragus of the ear with a finger and lie there for several minutes. Then plug the ear canal with a sterile cotton swab, turn on the other side and do the same procedure.

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