How to kill lice at home. The main symptoms of pediculosis are: More about the drugs

When lice appear, the question of how to get rid of them at home becomes very relevant. Nowadays, many medications have been developed that will help against this scourge. In addition, you can always use folk remedies, which are no less effective than pharmacy ones.

Pharmaceutical products for lice

If you are interested in how to get rid of lice and nits at home, it is best to purchase them at a pharmacy. special drugs who have fast action. You just need to apply the product to your hair and skin heads, following the instructions, and then cover with a plastic bag and insulate with a scarf or towel.

After that all that remains is to rinse regular shampoo and water. This will help remove not only adults, but also nits. No lengthy procedures are required. However, after a week the treatment will need to be repeated in order to consolidate the result.

These will help you get rid of lice at home: pharmaceutical drugs.

Here's a short list:

  1. Sumitrin. It is also called Anti-bit. This is a shampoo that is supposed to be applied to the head. After just 5 minutes you can wash it off.
  2. Veda. Basic active ingredient─ permethrin. This is also a shampoo, but it is applied to dried hair and washed off after 10 minutes.
  3. Medifox. The drug is based on permethrin. It is produced in the form of a gel, emulsion, concentrate or lotion. Apply to dry hair, rinse off only after 40-45 minutes.
  4. Knicks. The active ingredient is permethrin. This is a cream that helps against lice. Apply the cream to the dried head, and it is recommended to wash off the substance after 10 minutes.
  5. Nit fries. This preparation is based on yeast. It is produced in the form of a mousse, which is applied to dry hair. The product works without exposure.
  6. Nit fries in butter form. The main ingredient is dimethicone. It should be spread on dry hairline. Just a couple of minutes will be enough. This product is specially designed to make it easier to comb your hair with a fine-tooth comb.
  7. Nit free gel. It is prepared on the basis of mint essential oil. This product should be used to style dry hair.
  8. Nittifor. Prepared on the basis of permethrin. It is produced in the form of lotion and cream. The dry head is treated and left for 40 - 45 minutes.
  9. Nyuda, the active ingredient is dimethicone. It is supposed to be applied to dried curls, and then wait 45 - 50 minutes.
  10. Couple-plus. Its base is malathion and permethrin. At the pharmacy, this remedy for lice and nits can be purchased in the form of a spray. The substance is treated on a dry head and left for half an hour.
  11. Paranit. Also produced on the basis of dimethicone. Dry curls are treated with this aerosol. Exposure time ─ 15 - 20 minutes.
  12. Pediculen-ultra. This drug is based on anise essential oil. You are supposed to spray dry strands with an aerosol and wait half an hour.
  13. Pedilin. Its base is malathion. They are produced both in the form of shampoo and in the form of an emulsion or gel. Apply to damp hair and then wait 5 minutes. If you use the emulsion, then only on dry hair for 5 - 7 minutes.
  14. Reid. The basis of this drug is also permethrin. It can be purchased in the form of shampoo, which is supposed to be rubbed into dried curls. You can wash it off only after 10 - 15 minutes.
  15. Rosh Tov. This product is based on essential oils. It is produced in the form of a spray. The medicine is supposed to be sprayed onto a dry head. Leave for 15 minutes to 8 hours if the lice is severe.
  16. Hygia. This medicine is also produced on the basis of permethrin. Apply the shampoo to damp hair and wait 10 minutes.
  17. Full Marx. The basis of this medication is cyclomethicone. Sold in the form of a solution that needs to be moistened with dry strands. Then wait 10 minutes.
  18. Spregal. The active ingredient of the drug is esdepalletrin. The product can be purchased in aerosol form. The medicine should be applied to the skin on the head. Do not wash off within the next 12 hours.

Mechanical method of fighting

You can also use by mechanical means. There are only 2 options. First, you can shave your head bald. Secondly, comb thoroughly.

Not everyone wants to shave off their hair completely. This option is suitable for men, as well as if a person needs to treat a lice (that is, get rid of pubic lice). This method is considered the most radical.

But combing is a more gentle method, and it gives a good result if you approach this issue thoroughly.

In addition, doctors advise combining combing with the use of pharmaceutical and folk remedies.

They have very small gaps between the teeth ─ no more than 0.2 mm.

Lice removal using this method is carried out in the bathroom.

A vinegar solution must be used, as it makes the process of combing out nits much easier.

This is explained by the fact that they secrete a special adhesive substance to fix themselves on the hair. And vinegar dissolves it. If there is no desire to use vinegar, then it is replaced with natural cranberry juice.

After use, the comb must be washed. You will have to repeat the procedure daily. If the comb is used every day, then washing your hair with a special shampoo beforehand is not necessary. It is enough just to wet your hair in slightly acidified water.

Types of combs

Treatment of head lice at home involves the use of special combs for combing. An ordinary comb will not work for these purposes. Those that have frequent teeth are required. It is best if they are metal. This is required so that the teeth do not bend in different directions and do not bend. In addition, such a comb will be safer.

The advantage of combing with a special comb is that this method is considered the safest for humans. It is perfect if you need to treat a child who is prohibited from using all pesticides against lice.

This option is suitable for women during pregnancy and lactation.

It can also be used by people who cannot tolerate other lice treatments - both chemical-based and plant based. In addition, daily head massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. For more information about the electronic comb, watch this video:

For many centuries, “grandmother’s” recipes have been used for lice. They are completely safe for humans (unless, of course, we are talking about the use of kerosene, alcohol and other strong active ingredients V pure form). As a rule, they come to the rescue when it is not possible to use pharmacy shampoos, gels, sprays and emulsions.

Lice do not like acidic environments

Folk remedies are no less effective, however, the treatment will have to be repeated several times, which is a clear disadvantage of this treatment method. Here are popular home recipes:

To prevent the development of pediculosis, it is best to use products based on essential oils. For example, the most popular pharmaceutical drugs that are used in for preventive purposes, the following:

  1. Nit Free. Can be purchased in spray and shampoo form. The first must be applied to dry hair, and the second to wet hair. The spray can be used to treat clothes. The shampoo works without exposure.
  2. Lice Guard. It is produced on the basis castor oil. Dry strands are treated with an aerosol. The drug works without exposure. Can also be used to process clothing.

For many people, the question of how to get rid of lice at home quickly and permanently becomes relevant. Many remedies have been developed for this scourge and can be purchased at the pharmacy. To learn how to remove lice without any problems, watch this video:

Various folk recipes are also suitable, which are no less effective. But it is best to consult a doctor before starting such therapy.

In nature, there are about two hundred varieties of lice. These feed on the blood of mammals. A certain species feeds exclusively from a certain host, but for others it has no epidemic significance.

For successful therapy should be considered life cycle lice. This is necessary in order to assess when repeated treatments with anti-pediculosis drugs should be carried out.

Basic clinical symptoms presence of lice:

  • itching, which forces a person to constantly comb the damaged areas, is sometimes accompanied by allergies;
  • with long-term pediculosis, the skin changes its color, which occurs due to hemorrhages and inflammatory process, which is caused by substances from the saliva of lice that enter the skin when bitten;
  • tangling and gluing of hair, the so-called tangle;
  • sometimes there are pustules on the skin;
  • small shiny balls white(eggs) on the hair, sometimes they can be confused with dandruff. Their main difference is that they do not fall off the hair, as they are glued to it;
  • roughening of the skin from multiple bites and exposure to their saliva.


For successful relief, treatment must begin as early as possible.

The pharmaceutical market offers a lot of remedies for pediculosis; getting rid of lice and nits at home quickly is quite easy. You can choose for yourself the drug in any convenient form of release (shampoo, lotion, emulsion, cream or spray).

Preparations that do not have a detrimental effect on nits must be applied up to three times. This group includes:

Most anti-pediculosis drugs are permethrin derivatives. This group includes:

  • Avicin;
  • (Biogal);
  • Permethrin;
  • Knock ;
  • Medifox, Medifox-super;
  • Knicks.

There are also complex preparations, such as Para Plus aerosol (contains permethrin, piperonyl butoxide and malathion, with minimal time spent, it has a detrimental effect on both lice and nits). The exposure time is very short - only 10 minutes. It has a very convenient nozzle for processing. With one bottle you can treat two or three people. A drug from the same group. A couple of balm tapes make it easier to peel off nits from the hair. It is recommended to carry out repeated treatment after a week in order to destroy the larvae that could have hatched from eggs that were not destroyed the last time.

After treatment, use a special fine-toothed comb to comb out dead lice and nits. This constitutes the most time-consuming part of the process. To make the eggs easier to separate, it is recommended to dip the comb in hot vinegar; it dissolves the adhesive that holds the nit on the hair.

If there are pustules, you should contact a specialist at a medical facility, as this is a sign of infection.

When treating head lice, it is worth considering the presence of acquired resistance (resistance) in lice populations to almost all methods of therapy and medicines. Therefore, if a course of treatment with one drug is ineffective, it must be changed.

Traditional methods of fighting lice

Methods of combating lice, such as treatment with vinegar, Vaseline, some kind of oil, mayonnaise, isopropyl alcohol, as a rule, do not bring the desired effect. The effectiveness of treatment using the method of combing out nits is statistically no more than 38%.

Kerosene is an effective way to get rid of lice. It must be diluted with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:4 or 1:6 and keep on your head until a burning sensation appears (usually about 40 minutes). This method is quite dangerous as it can cause burns and hair loss. In addition, we should not forget that kerosene is flammable.

Using an infusion of hellebore rhizomes ( hellebore water) enough effective remedy. An additional benefit is that it is good for hair; hair becomes stronger and, with relatively regular use, becomes thick and voluminous. Hellebore water can be bought at a pharmacy. It should be remembered that under no circumstances should hellebore water be allowed to get inside; it is very dangerous when used internally.

Using special combs to combat lice

The advantage of using combs in the fight against lice and nits is their absolute safety for health. This is especially true when treating children, or people prone to allergies. But this treatment method is very labor-intensive and time-consuming.

But the use of such combs in combination with the use of other drugs gives very good and quick results. Majority modern drugs Include a comb for combing out lice and nits. But they are mostly made of plastic. Professional combs made of medical steel are much more effective, since their teeth, unlike plastic ones, do not bend and do not skip small lice and nits.

Today the most popular combs are:

Disinsection rules after treatment

  1. All bed linen (as well as underwear, towels, etc.) must be thoroughly washed in hot water, and ideally boil it. After this, it is ironed on both sides.

  2. A good way to disinfect linen is to soak it in a solution for a day soda ash for disinfection of clothing and bedding (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), after which it must be washed in the usual way.

  3. There is an effective insectosecaricidal agent for disinfecting clothes with bedding French production: A-PAR (based on esdepalletrin and piperanyl butoxide). The aerosol is sprayed over the entire surface of products that cannot be boiled or soaked.

  4. To treat rooms (floors, furniture, door handles), you can use Medifox-super, adding 990 ml of water to 10 ml of concentrate.
  5. For pediculosis pubis, treatment is carried out in all sexual partners at the same time.
  6. Vacuum all carpets, mattresses, upholstered furniture, including car seats.

  7. It is better to dry clean all hats.
  8. Combs, like other hair accessories, should be washed hot water, soak in special means or alcohol for several hours, and then wash thoroughly.
  9. Even if lice are found on only one family member, everyone else is advised to wash their hair using a special shampoo for prevention.

To summarize, it should be noted that there are many modern highly active drugs. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the correct application and disinfestation measures. The most the right choice will be the comprehensive use of currently available means of combating additional preventive actions for the whole family.

Video - How to remove lice and nits quickly

Video - Lice. How to get rid

Generally speaking, you can get rid of lice either in special reception centers operating under the control of the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES) or at home. Considering the availability of a large number of pediculicides on the market, getting rid of lice and nits at home turns out to be much easier than looking for a special detention center in your city and going there for treatment.

Therefore, let's figure out how to remove lice at home quickly, reliably and at the same time safe for health.

On a note

It is also not recommended to remove lice in special detention centers because the main audience of these institutions are homeless people and people living in unsanitary conditions. It is undesirable to visit such places not only because of their negative impact on the psyche in general (especially in children), but also because of the risk of contracting diseases there that are more serious than the lice themselves. Therefore, removing lice, for example, from a child at home is practically the only option for parents who really care about their child.

“It’s hard to describe in words how shocked I was when I discovered lice on my daughter. Immediately thoughts: where to run, what to do. On the nose New Year: Christmas trees, matinees, children everywhere... And why should we sit at home the whole holiday? I was ready to ask for help anywhere! Well, my husband persuaded me to read on the forums how to remove lice at home. I used anti-lice shampoo and a comb at the same time, and managed to cope with the problem in 3 days. True, for prevention I then combed my hair three or four more times.”

Victoria, Lubny

Methods for killing adult lice and larvae

Treatment for lice at home can be done in several ways:

  1. Shaving the infected parts of the body bald is the simplest and most versatile approach. It takes exactly the same amount of time to implement as it takes to shave your head. This method does not require serious expenses, is safe, easy to implement, and allows you to further improve the health of the scalp that tans under the sun in the spring and summer. But it is not suitable for those who are embarrassed to walk with a shaved head, and in the case of lice pubis - with a shaved pubis.

On a note

On a note

The easiest way to rid a child of lice in the warm season is to shave him. If you don’t want to remove your hair and the use of chemical insecticides and folk remedies is categorically unacceptable, in this case you should use special combs for combing out lice. If the baby does not have acute sensitivity to mild allergens, and you want to carry out the procedure for removing lice and nits as quickly as possible, then pediculicidal preparations are used at home.

The same is true for treating pubic lice at home. But removing body lice is much easier - it is enough to soak clothes infected with them for 24 hours in any insecticide or wash them at a temperature above 70°C.

All preparations for getting rid of lice and nits should be used in strict accordance with the instructions for use. This will ensure both the safety of the procedure and its effectiveness.

“You can’t imagine my horror when my daughter started complaining that her head was itching, and I found lice on her. Hair below the waist, he practices oriental dancing, there is no way to cut it. Even the proposal to shorten it a little was met with hostility. And the worst thing is that lice walked around the entire class. And after the first, seemingly successful attempt to eradicate the lice family with a special shampoo, it appeared again after visiting school. Use often chemicals It’s impossible, so they “pulled” our long hair with a comb - painfully, for a long time, but successfully.”

Anna, Rostov

Preparations for getting rid of lice

Products for treating lice at home vary in price, and also differ in effectiveness and safety.

Below are the names of several drugs that adults can use without fear of causing harm to health (it is only important to follow the instructions).


A spray whose active ingredient is dimethicone. This connection is chemical nature its is liquid silicone. The product does not poison lice, but leads to blockage of their respiratory tract.

Nuda allows you to remove lice at home without the risk of allergic reactions.


Medifox is pretty powerful drug, and is not recommended for use in children.

Only adults can get rid of lice and nits at home using Medifox.

Pediculen Ultra

Pediculen Ultra – relatively inexpensive drug domestically produced, it is known for the fact that it allows you to carry out not only nits, but also nits.

However, it may cause side effects.

Para Plus

Pair Plus contains three powerful insecticides at once and allows you to use them quickly at home, often in one go.

Antiv comb

Combs for combing out lice, as well as pediculicidal preparations, have many analogues, so consumers today are practically unlimited in their choice. It is only important to select a product taking into account individual characteristics body and not violate the requirements for its use.

“It took us a long time to choose what to buy at home. My daughter brought them from school twice a year. We started with kerosene and ended with combs. After all, any home remedy Lice are definitely harmful - either it burns your head, or your hair, or it causes an allergy. Kerosene is especially dangerous - it causes natural burns. The child has already begun to be afraid of these procedures. And with a comb it’s convenient, it takes a few days to suffer, but nothing dangerous.”

Maria, Krivoy Rog

Folk remedies for killing lice

Folk remedies for getting rid of lice are always available, but they also have many disadvantages. The most effective of them - kerosene and vinegar - are dangerous because they can cause skin irritation and even serious burns and dry out hair.

Hellebore water and tar soap are less dangerous, but the first is sometimes difficult to buy, and the second has such a persistent odor that after treatment the head will smell like tar for several days. Finally, decoctions of various herbs and essential oils, safe and easy to use, practically do not work against lice: they are designed to repel insects, but it is impossible to scare off lice - they simply have nowhere to go from the head.

“Lice are the nightmare of my childhood. We visited three times: after a pioneer camp, a visit to the swimming pool, and school. Mom smeared kerosene on my head, it burned, my head itched, my eyes watered - it was terrible! Now I had to deal with these cute insects in the heads of children. It’s easier with my son - they cut his hair short, sprayed him with spray, and that’s it! I had to tinker with my daughter after spraying her curls, but it was tolerable. But when I discovered that I had lice, in addition to treating my head, I disinfected the entire apartment (especially the beds) and quartzed it. Until the bugs showed up again.”

Yana, Kaliningrad

We destroy lice and their larvae

Destruction of lice at home using an insecticidal preparation or a poisonous folk remedy is usually carried out according to the following general scheme:

The photo shows how treatment for lice proceeds at home:

If the insecticidal agent used does not have an ovicidal effect (that is, does not kill nits), the treatment must be repeated after a week.

This measure is due to the fact that most pediculicidal agents, generally speaking, do not kill nits. Accordingly, after a few days, young larvae emerge from the nits, capable of giving rise to a new population. Incubation period lice eggs in normal conditions is 6-8 days, and a week after the first treatment, almost all of the deposited and surviving nits will hatch into larvae.

Almost always instead secondary processing Combing your hair with a special lice comb (for example, you can buy an AntiV comb) will be much more effective. This approach allows you to completely get rid of lice and nits, even in advanced cases when other options do not help.

On a note

Products such as kerosene, vinegar, alcohol, cranberry juice, Pediculen Ultra and some others soften the sticky secretion with which nits are attached to the hair. Accordingly, after treatment with these agents, loose nits should be removed using a comb.

“Girls, don’t be lazy and just to be safe, remove the lice again. Once when I was little (9 and 12 years old), I removed lice at home myself. It seems like I poisoned it, the shampoo was good, LysGard, but after a couple of months everything started all over again. It turned out that the lice died, but their eggs survived. I had to repeat everything two more times. Therefore, when you get rid of lice, poison them twice with a break of a week.”

Irina, Semipalatinsk

When using combs, some of the nits are combed out along with the lice. At the same time, newly hatched larvae are removed. Combing your hair for 5-6 days ensures almost complete removal of nits at home.

Prevention of re-infections

For reliable prevention Lice infestation should:

  • Avoid places where there is a high probability of contact with the clothing or hair of another person - public transport, children's groups, rallies.
  • Do not use other people's hair care products.
  • Avoid casual sex.
  • If possible, avoid interacting with homeless people.

Be healthy!

Useful video about effectively getting rid of lice and nits at home

Most the right way destroy lice and nits - cut off the hair and burn it so that the insects do not have a chance to move to a new place of residence. This method is radical, but in some cases - for example, when lice are found on a man or child with short hair - it can be very useful.

Anti-pediculosis drugs offered by the modern pharmaceutical industry can be divided into 4 types:

  1. shampoos;
  2. sprays;
  3. lotions;
  4. creams and ointments.

What is the best product to buy?

It is more common to use shampoos, but the concentration of active ingredients in them is often lower than in sprays and lotions, and several treatments may be required. The use of the spray involves outside help(someone should handle the victim's head while he sits with eyes closed, while protecting the respiratory system from the smallest drops of the drug). In addition, asthmatics and allergy sufferers should not use sprays.

Lotions and ointments are the strongest of the options presented, so children and people with sensitive skin or poor health, their use is not recommended.


Table 1. Popular pharmaceutical products from lice and nits

Shampoos Sprays Lotions, concentrates Creams and ointments

"Pedilin" Parasidose ("Parasidosis") "Hygia" Lice Guard "Nyuda" "Para Plus" "Paranit" "Full Marks" (Russia) "Pedikulen Ultra" (Russia) "Medifox" "Foxilon" "Benzyl benzoate" "Avicin" "Medilis Super" "Nittifor" (cream) "Benzyl benzoate" (ointment) "Nix" (cream)

Special cases

The treatment of head lice in children raises the most questions. The main rule here is caution. If a child is found to have lice, ideally you should consult a doctor (he will prescribe the most suitable remedy) and notify the school nurse.

For the treatment of children, it is advisable to choose drugs that do not contain insecticides, but act “mechanically” - for example, due to viscous dimethicone. When choosing a product, be sure to look at the instructions - they indicate age restrictions and contraindications, composition features.

It is strictly not recommended to use folk remedies, especially toxic and flammable ones, to rid children of head lice!

What to do with lice on long hair

The procedure will cost you a pretty penny, because you will need a much larger volume active remedy than for those with short hair. But, no matter how great the temptation to save money, you should not use dubious cheap products: ruining the hair that you have been growing for several years will be much more offensive than spending additional funds on your own health.

Folk remedies

Medicine has not always been as accessible as it is now, so we have “inherited” many recipes and folk remedies with which you can quickly get rid of lice at home. Some of them are still used today, but almost all of these products are either ineffective or pose a serious health hazard.

Lice and mustard

This method was often used in the post-war period, when other means were not available, and the problem of lice was quite acute. To get rid of insects, you need to prepare a paste of 1 egg, a teaspoon of mustard and 100 ml of table 9% vinegar (for long hair a larger volume will be required, but the proportions of the components must be maintained). The product should be applied to the hair, focusing Special attention scalp, and keep for three hours (preferably under a plastic cap). If your scalp gets very hot, you will have to wash off the composition earlier. Next, you need to carefully comb out the lice and nits with a special comb.

Even if the folk remedy does not help completely remove lice, you will be provided with a “consolation bonus” - from mustard mask Blood circulation in the scalp improves, and hair begins to grow rapidly.

Lice and vinegar

Table vinegar was used in the fight against lice because it is able to dissolve the adhesive substance with which nits are attached to the hair, this makes it possible to comb them out after treatment. It is not possible to completely get rid of lice with vinegar: having “inhaled” its vapors, the lice become lethargic and inactive, but do not die.

Anti-lice vinegar is used only in diluted form, otherwise burns and hair damage cannot be avoided.

The “classic” option for removing lice and nits with vinegar at home: dilute it in water in a ratio of 1:2, soak your hair in the resulting solution (it’s convenient to use a sponge or small towel), wrap your head in plastic wrap and wait about an hour. After this, you need to carefully comb out the lice and nits using a fine-toothed comb and rinse your hair several times under running water. Then wash your hair as usual, using your usual shampoo.

But the work is not finished here: the procedure will have to be repeated, and, most likely, more than once. At least 4 days must pass before the next “session”.

Lice and herbs

Based on Lobel's hellebore, a well-known remedy is produced - hellebore water. It is with its help that it is often recommended to get rid of lice. The algorithm is simple: apply the liquid with a cotton swab along the entire length of cleanly washed hair, wrap your head in polyethylene and wait half an hour. After this, you need to wash your hair again with regular shampoo and carefully comb out dead insects and, if possible, nits.

Many people choose hellebore water because it is quite effective and inexpensive - no more than 70 rubles. However, the disadvantages this tool significantly more. Firstly, it is toxic, so it is strictly contraindicated for young children and people with poor health.

Secondly, the drug has no effect on nits - after a week you will have to put yourself in danger again by repeating the procedure. And thirdly, hellebore water is alcohol tincture, and therefore its effect on the hair and scalp leaves much to be desired.

Previously, other vegetable dishes were also prepared in villages. folk remedies for lice - decoctions based on St. John's wort, larkspur, burdock, tansy, chamomile. These products are all natural, but are not strong enough to get rid of lice quickly.

It also helps in the fight against pediculosis. lavender oil- but only how prophylactic. Lavender is a natural repellent: the essential oils of this plant repel many insects, including lice.

And a combination of several such means can lead to unpredictable consequences. Do not forget that, despite their apparent harmlessness, essential oils are very powerful drugs.

Burdock oil is not an essential oil, and therefore it is not dangerous to use (unless, of course, you are allergic to burdock). It is used like this: in large quantities Apply to hair and scalp, keep under a plastic cap for at least an hour.


“Killer” chemistry, or what you shouldn’t do

  • kerosene;
  • gasoline;
  • turpentine;
  • diesel fuel;
  • acetone;
  • dichlorvos;
  • dust soap;
  • “talkers” based on benzyl benzoate.

It would seem that there is no need to explain why so toxic substances Do not apply to hair or scalp. But with amazing regularity in villages and towns (and even in major cities!) There are news reports about poisoning and spontaneous combustion during a session of “radical therapy” using similar methods.

Why shouldn't you use the above methods?

  • Turpentine, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and acetone are flammable liquids that can instantly ignite right on your head. In addition, none of them can be called safe for health, even when used externally, so don’t even think about removing lice with kerosene.
  • Dichlorvos is an extremely toxic chemical intended exclusively for disinfection of premises. Processing should be carried out only in protective equipment.
  • Dust soap was used to remove fleas and lice at the beginning of the 20th century. Essentially it's normal laundry soap, to which a previous generation insecticide (DDT) is added. Back in the 60s, it was proven that the toxic components of this product accumulate in the body and over time can even lead to fatal outcome. Of particular danger is dust getting on the mucous membranes and into the bloodstream (through scratches and other wounds on the treated area of ​​the skin).
  • Benzyl benzoate, as well as ointments and emulsions based on it, are an acceptable option, but not recommended modern medicine. The substance has a rather aggressive effect on the scalp, but is powerless against nits.

If the danger to health is not a significant argument for you, and you are sure that a “hardened body” will survive the effects of any of the above-mentioned products, think about the fact that they all have a sharp, pungent odor and are generally unpleasant to use - the scalp becomes irritated, itching, in some cases - allergic reactions And chemical burns. All such products are very difficult to completely wash off from the hair.

High tech

If you have darsonval - a physiotherapeutic device whose action is based on the use of currents high frequency, – you can try to overcome lice with its help. Just comb your hair with a special nozzle, trying to work through every centimeter of the scalp.

Another modern, but untested method is cryotherapy, that is, exposure liquid nitrogen. In theory, lice should not be able to withstand such low temperatures(nitrogen cooled to -150 degrees).

The permissible exposure time for each area of ​​the head is only 4 seconds, and this casts doubt on the effectiveness of the procedure. Cryotherapy sessions are available only in special clinics and beauty salons (with the help of such procedures trichological pathologies are treated); freezing cannot be used at home.

How to treat an apartment for lice

All kinds of insecticides that are used in the fight against cockroaches and bedbugs will work well against lice. They can be very toxic and dangerous, so it is better not to buy the first one you come across, but to choose the safest one - for example, based on pyrethrum (aerosols “Pyrethrin”, “Pyrethrum”). You can use them synthetic analogues– “Cypermethrin”, “Tzipi”, “Almetrin”.

If you have a household steam generator for cleaning and disinfecting various surfaces, now is the time to put it to full use. Steam anything that can withstand this type of exposure.

It is recommended to place clothes worn by a person infected with lice for 10 days in a sealed bag and put them away, for example, on a balcony. After this time, you will need to wash the items at maximum temperature and iron them thoroughly.

High temperatures during washing and ironing, as well as steam treatment, are the main methods of combating body lice. It is advisable to treat all personal hygiene items (combs, hair accessories, etc.) with the same product that was used to kill lice on the head.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Symptoms of pediculosis

The first signs of pediculosis are already appearing after three or four days after infection.
Main symptoms:

  • Unbearable itching in places where lice bite (scalp, ears, neck).
  • Appearance of spots – bite marks.
  • The appearance of pustular diseases , due to scratching the wounds and infection getting into them.
  • Nits in hair , similar to dandruff, but difficult to separate from the hair.
  • Enlarged postauricular lymph nodes in severe forms of pediculosis.

Prevention of pediculosis, first of all, involves compliance with simple rules hygiene:

  • Regular bathing (at least twice a week).
  • Regular shift bed and underwear.
  • Laundry at high temperature.
  • Thorough ironing (especially seams).
  • Use only with your personal belongings (comb, etc.).

If lice appear in one of your family members, you should:

  • Lubricate the area of ​​the ears and back of the head oil tea tree or lavender .
  • Process (mandatory) all towels, hats, collars, hoods and especially soft toys at high temperatures.
  • Regularly comb your hair over light fabric.

The child has lice. What to do?

Unfortunately, there are no risk groups for lice - anyone can become infected, regardless of hair length, age and gender. As a rule, infection occurs in groups - work, kindergarten, school. What to do if you find these insects on your child's head? Firstly, don't panic . Today there are many products that effectively fight head lice.

Effective methods and means for removing lice at home

Lice are not a pimple on the nose. They won't go away overnight. Prepare in advance for the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort fighting them. There are many methods for treating head lice. Both pharmaceutical drugs and proven home remedies.

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